Baptist (Independent)
Hobbies and interests
National Honor Society (NHS)
Exploring Nature And Being Outside
Horseback Riding
Literary Fiction
Science Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Young Adult
I read books multiple times per month
Marleigh Bates
Bold Points1x
Marleigh Bates
Bold Points1x
My devotion to the life I have created has landed me in a spot of hope for the future. I have created big plans for myself. I will graduate high school with an associate's in general studies and plan to major in Elementary Education in college.
I have dreamt of becoming a teacher since the age of six and pursuing this is becoming more difficult every day. With some schools shutting the education programs down completely after the mistreatment of teachers and leading to a lack of interest in the field, getting through the program will prove to be difficult. I advocate for the proper payment and treatment that educators deserve and I will not give up on my dream just because the world does not see its importance.
Being passionate about my career also brings along other personal passions. I enjoy being outdoors, planting gardens, cooking, caring for animals, art, and enjoying free time with friends. My passion and joy for life have carried me to a place of happiness that I want to share with the world as much as I can. I will work hard to achieve my best future and to reach each and every one of the goals I have set for myself.
Tioga School
High SchoolGrayson College
Associate's degree programMajors:
- Education, General
Ray Braswell High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Education, General
Dream career field:
Elementary Education
Dream career goals:
Assisting Staff
Tioga Independent School District2021 – Present4 yearsRanch Hand
Abingdon Park and Pony Farms2017 – 20181 yearRanch Hand
Promise Land Ranch2020 – 2020Ranch Hand
Tailwinds2021 – Present4 years
Club2014 – 20184 years
- Champion awards
Beta Club
Visual Arts2021 – Present
Public services
Grace Pointe Church — Childcare2016 – 2019
Future Interests
Robert Wechman Mental Health Scholarship
How has the world reached a point where mental illness is in every spot that we look? In my own life, I see mental illness in acquaintances, close friends, family members, and even myself. Through my eyes, the world was once a terrify-dark place.
Mental illness took a hold of me for the first time when I was just entering middle school. Those years are ones that I could never speak about. Those years damaged my brain in horrible ways that left me scared of life. My first anxiety attack, which occurred in my eighth-grade year, lasted a week. After the news of my mom's upcoming surgery to remove a cancerous tumor came out to the family, I was physically ill for the next week and no doctor could tell me why. This attack would be the first of hundreds that I would endure through the next five years.
I no longer left my house, I never went out with friends, I had an anxiety attack every day before school, and hung my head low as I walked through the crowds of people that I feared. My anxiety soon grew into a depression that held me captive. How could I ever imagine leaving my room, the one place that I didn't have to be around the people that had turned me into a shell of myself? I would soon become numb to those feelings of fear and resentment to those people. The bullying and harassment I endured no longer bothered me because I had no feelings. No happiness, no excitement, and not even sadness.
Some may look at the story that I have laid out and think "there is no way someone so young could do something about that." It truly seemed as if I was destined to lay in bed and never leave. That was until my junior year. This was the year that I would meet my two best friends. The people who could finally relate to the pain I had felt and support me through it all. All three of us had made our individual stories, and finally, we had all made it into each other's stories. Between the three of us, there was a representation of depression, anxiety, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This group may have seemed to the outside as one destined to fail, but we made it. We worked together to find ourselves and become the people we had always wanted to be. Each one of us has been accepted to a four-year college with plans that we may have never imagined. I have been more successful in not only my personal life, but also my social, academic, and career.
The person I have become is determined and successful. I can now go into the world sporting a new hope that I did not have before. Not only have I been accepted to the college that I dreamed of, but I am set on a career path that I had once lost hope in. Every day, I hope that my story can be the one to encourage someone else to keep moving forward.
Bold Great Books Scholarship
Deciding what my favorite book depends mostly on the impact that book had on the way I live my daily life. "Out of my Mind" is a book that is written to expose the thoughts of a young girl who is held back by her physical disabilities. Her life has been at a developmental standstill since a young age because of the stereotypes given to disabled children.
I have read "Out of my Mind" a countless number of times and I am reminded of the talent that the author possesses each time. The idea of living life on the outskirts of society and being rejected for being different is the overarching theme of this story. However, unlike most stories, the main character is not accepted by her peers in the end. Instead, she is left behind because of her disability from an academic competition (which she excelled at) and the team did very poorly without her. The team attempts to apologize to get her back, but she realizes her own worth and rejects the apology.
I have been the type to struggle with self-acceptance. Being a teenage girl is hard and wears down on your self-confidence. This book preaches the idea of acceptance and self-love. This message hit me very strongly and I have lived by these messages ever since.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
When my mental health is struggling, I know that I am in desperate need of a deep clean. While a nice long bath with candles and essential oils certainly doesn't hurt, being able to go through my room and get rid of the clutter that has built up helps me the most.
During the times that my mental health is not at its best, my room, closet, and bathroom begin to show it. Cleaning becomes a much more difficult task and I end up having to take a day to get rid of what has built up. This typically entails donating clothes that I no longer wear, doing laundry, throwing out unused skincare, and cleaning out my desk.
After getting the opportunity to clean up the clutter, I always seem to feel a little more at ease. This is when I can typically lay back, throw on some pajamas, turn on a show to watch, and relax. Getting to fix up my cluttered room typically starts the process of fixing my cluttered mind.
Paige's Promise Scholarship
Substance abuse has surrounded me through peers at school and even some family members for years. After seeing the damage that has taken place in the lives of those taken by substance abuse, I have been an advocate of the support of those who are struggling with these issues and the prevention of future users.
I recently moved to a school that is much smaller than my previous school and, while it lacks a large number of students struggling with substance abuse issues, there is still a very prominent issue in the community. It is reported by the NCDAS that 31.9 million people over the age of 12 are illegal drug users. 12 years old is much too young to become an illegal drug user, but I have seen children that age and younger sadly caught in this problem.
The use of social media is the main way that I have seen those that struggle with substance abuse issues. Children as young as 11 have posted videos that I have personally seen where they were using drugs (the most common is marijuana in my location). The use of substances has become something of a personality trait to those in my area and can make someone believe that they are "cooler" or that they "fit in". The idea of the use of substances is something that I believe grows through the childhood environment.
The issues that we are seeing today are 100% preventable through proper education about drug use and through encouragement to use their lives for a better purpose. I believe that the way I can help with the issue of substance abuse is by preventing future students from finding their place in drug usage. My career goal is to eventually become an elementary school teacher which means building the future lives of children that will go through my classroom. The youngest years are the most important in a person's life when it comes to building character. When children have parents that don't teach them to avoid substances, parents that do substances themselves, and even parents that encourage substance use, they often do not have another role model to look up to in the situation.
As an Elementary school teacher, I would use the place I have in each child's life to become an advocate for their success. It would be amazing if every child had someone to tell them to avoid substances in their home and at school, but that often does not happen. Some parents even avoid the topic altogether because they themselves are uncomfortable with the idea of substance abuse. I would use my place as their teacher to take time to teach about the dangers of substance abuse, alternatives to dealing with stress, how to avoid ending up in situations that would lead to the use of a substance, and how to get help if they do end up in the cycle.
It is of extreme importance that the topic of substance abuse is discussed with children at a young age. Children should not be left on their own to figure out the dangers and what is good for them. If even one child ends up needing the advice I will give, every second will have been worth it to prevent another person from ending up in the vicious cycle of substance abuse.
Graduate Debt-Free Scholarship
Saving every last bit of money is how I plan to avoid college debt. I have gone through every effort and I do not plan on stopping to achieve my goal of avoiding damaging student debt. Every available scholarship; I have applied to. Every bit of change I receive; I store in a change jar. Every chance to work; I take that opportunity and do my absolute best.
My efforts began long before I had even begun applying to colleges and I will continue to work my hardest to provide for myself. I have created a life that is set on a path that I look forward to daily. I am committed to the University of Arkansas and have applied for every available scholarship that I can find. My major will be Elementary education and I plan to become a kindergarten teacher after I complete my education. My aspirations for my life mostly consist of building a family. I dream of one day building a home to house a full family. Without my money habits, I would not be able to get to that point. I will ensure that my goals are met one day and I truly do look forward to the future.
Bold Joy Scholarship
Joy is the motivation in my life that continually pushes me to pursue my goals. Happiness allows me to be the one that lights up the room when I walk in even if I am having a particularly hard day. Even during times of struggle, I still contain the joy that will overpower any bad feeling I am having at the moment.
Life today is hard. Anxiety, depression, and intense pressure have backed me into a place that is so hard to get out of. Eventually, I had to realize that the only way out of the hole I was stuck in was to find joy in myself. Not in the world, not in friends, not in a significant other, not in academic accomplishments, not in a job, and not in money. Joy is found through what is inside you. It is held in the optimism inside, the love for others, the excitement for hobbies, and the fondness of memories. Through the hardest of times, we must be able to bring back the joy we once had and thrive off of it.
Future Female Educators Scholarship
When I was six years old, I realized that I wanted to become an educator. Today, I am a senior in high school, and I am continuing to follow the path of education.
The teachers I have had in the past have left a massive impact on the way I live my life today. My first-grade teacher, Mrs. Anderson, still keeps in touch with me even though she left my school at the end of my first-grade year. Mrs. Anderson had me as a student one time when I was six years old and has still never left my side. She has encouraged me in my career path since the very beginning and I believe she was the main reason I found my passion in teaching at such a young age.
One day, I hope to become another student's Mrs. Anderson. I want to use the degree I obtain in elementary education to become a teacher that the students remember. A teacher that encourages them so much and is so proud of them each day that they never forget the feeling. Children go through so much at such a young age these days. It is extremely important for me as an educator to become their support system. Every child needs someone in their life to rely on and sometimes the only person that can provide it is their teacher.
Education is the most important field to keep alive. Without education being provided to students nationwide, there would be no new doctors, police officers, firefighters, surgeons, and essentially any other career field. Students not only need an outlet for learning but they also need a place to learn communication skills, social cues, and responsibilities. Teachers teach the abilities that are essential to a successful life to the young students that will become something great one day. We are given the responsibility to make the future better.
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
The people surrounding me now will be those that I will look at in a yearbook in twenty years and I will realize I have achieved what they believed I couldn't. I have been put down, rejected, bullied, and harassed by countless peers that I could never see past. When most of your life is abused by those around you, it is hard to see past it and instead focus on what life will be like without it.
One day, I realized I no longer had to take what was happening to me. Instead of letting myself continue as a doormat, I stood up and told those same people that I was done letting them treat me like that. My life will one day be free from you and I will be proud of who I am. It is extremely important to remember that there is a better future for each and every one of us. The life we feel stuck in is not it.
There is a decision that must be made. You have to decide that you do not deserve what is happening to you. You have to know that your life is your own to handle, not another teenager that is dealing with their own self-hatred. Your future is up to you and the people you know now are only a temporary speed bump.
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
A wave of peace rushes over me as I sit up in bed and realize what I have accomplished. Life with people I love unconditionally, a job I look forward to doing, a home that I have decorated myself, and accomplishments that I have made on my own.
The life I dream of is the one I know I can create for myself. I already work as hard as I possibly can to achieve my goals for my life and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. The future is something that I used to fear due to my anxiety, but now I embrace it. I have come to realize that change is essential for growth. Without the impactful changes in my own life, I would still be the same scared kid that couldn't leave my own house. I know I had to grow and change to get out of the cycle of anxiety that I was stuck in and I become closer and closer to the life I dream of having.
I know I will achieve my dream life one day. It is all just a matter of how hard I work to get it.
Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
The most helpful piece of financial advice that I have ever received is to never take one cent for granted. That quarter that fell out of your pocket and you left behind or the few cents you leave after buying a coffee could be built up to become something much bigger.
After hearing this tip, I became the type of person who never passes by change lying on the ground, collects each extra cent in a change jar, and ensures that I leave myself extra cash to add to my savings. I never take any small amount of money for granted. Each bit of money is valuable. In the future, I am sure that I will thank myself for having saved everything that I have and will be able to put each bit into good use.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
Mental illness leads to the diminishment of the lives that once led to a prominent future. The average age of the development of mental illness has rapidly become lower and lower. Along with this is the age of suicide decreasing. The sad fact is that most children will battle a mental illness in their teenage years and only a fraction of these children will receive professional help.
The development of a mental illness is a cry for help from a person's own brain. The overwhelming nature of the world that we live in has become too much to handle for many people. As a 17 year, I know far too many people and someone myself who have struggled with a mental illness. Anxiety and depression rule many of our minds and wreck the view we have on the world.
What can be done to help this issue that has become one of the leading causes of death in teenagers? I believe that providing an adequate and easily accessible system of support would aid in the development of a solution. With schedules full of work, social lives, and school, there may seem as if there is no time to get to a therapist to deal with the issues that are being faced. providing an in-school therapist could be a start to providing help to the children in need. Profesional help is needed and sometimes the only way this can be accessed is in school which I believe is necessary for each and every school in the nation.
Bold Wisdom Scholarship
"Why do you care about how other people think about the life you want to live?" Each and every person on this earth has an aspiration. Whether it is to go to the moon or to just make a liveable wage, this goal is for nobody but ourselves.
My goal to become a teacher has been shut down countless times by those who do not believe in me, those who judge because of the low income, and even those who judge because they claim to "hate" children. What I have come to realize is that what they think should not stop me from doing what I love. I want to be a teacher, I want to change the lives of children, and I do not care how much I make while doing it.
I want to provide as many people as I can with the opportunity to realize this. You do not owe anybody the satisfaction of ruining your dream. The jealousy that many people possess for those who succeed will lead to cruelty, but that is all it is. Jealousy and cruelty. Your life is for you and you alone. It is up to us to take control and follow the path we want for ourselves.
Bold Best Skills Scholarship
My best skill is my ability to care for animals. Many skills such as drawing, painting, photography, and academics are commonly seen in scholarships and applications, but I believe that my ability to care for animals is one that is unique and can be used well in my future.
I have owned cats, dogs, chickens, and horses myself and have done almost everything to raise them. Through the ownership of such animals, I have developed abilities such as animal medical care, knowledge of proper feeding for each species, the needs for each species, and even how to build connections with the animals. I have raised many chicks from brooders up to being egg layers and donated the eggs to those who need food in my community. We also house retired horses that just need land to graze on for the rest of their days.
My confidence in my animal care has grown through my years of owning animals and working in ranches and I still continue to learn more through more experienced owners every day. Asking questions, pointing out things I notice, and being open to talking to other people continue to expand my skills in animal care. I help other people who are wanting to become animal owners and encourage them to pursue it because it has provided me with new knowledge, daily outdoor activity, and even a healthy and homegrown source of food.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
As someone who aspires to become a teacher, my favorite way to help others is to be a support system for young children. Living in a community of low income provides me with many opportunities to help children in need.
Families often cannot afford to provide snacks or lunches and also cannot provide the care that is needed. Emotional support for young children is essential and for some children, the teacher is the only support they can get. While I work at my district's daycare, I make sure to allow students to express their feeling, communicate with others, play outside, and provide them with food when needed.
I believe it is important for children to know the importance of their emotions and of communication. Without this being allowed at school, some children would have no other way to get it. Though they may not know it, the impact we as teachers have on the children will last well into their adulthood and make them better members of society.
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
I have laid in bed for weeks on end. Not showering, not brushing my teeth, not getting dressed, and not even attempting to help my skin. Depression and anxiety have grabbed me by the throat before and held me down till I couldn't breathe, but I got up. I began to care and I began to realize how important I am.
Today, I leave time for myself. I relax, take a hot shower, do a face mask, dress comfortably, and take a nice nap. When I allow myself to take time for myself, I feel like I am a better person. I do better in school and my personal life. I feel happier and more excited about life. I have more friends because I am nicer and I can sleep through the night and feel awake the next morning. For me, self-care is essential to keep myself at my best.
Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
Friendship means devotion and loyalty. Having even one person in your life to show you compassion and care can change the entirety of someone's life. We as humans need to feel important and wanted and without that, there can seem as if there is no point to life.
In this time in our world, life can be very challenging. We need someone there to pick us up when we get shoved down and be willing to do it over and over again. Being a friend is not just a word that is assigned to someone when you are around them a lot, it is a full-time job. Friendships should not just be texting every once in a while, it should be unconditional support for one another. It is essential that we all have a friendship that can support us at our lowest and be proud of us at our highest. Friendship means being there through thick and thin and never backing down when someone is in need of help.
Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
Reminders keep me going. I remind myself daily who I once was and who I want to be. When I stand in front of the mirror I no longer want to be somebody else because I am proud of who I have become. I went through changes I never once thought were possible, I improved myself.
I once feared leaving the house. I hated my body, my voice, my hair, my eyes, my nose, and everything else there was to hate. I was anxious and angry at the world. My mirror today tells me a different story. I am a strong person who has grown. I have friends, I love myself, I enjoy exploring the world, and I would never turn back. Once you go through a transformation as big as that one, you never want to stop. I will always be willing to try new things and help myself develop because I know how well it benefitted me before.
I will never go back to the way I was. I will always continue to move forward and grow. I am only 17 and I know for sure that I have a long way to go until I reach my best potential and I will do nothing to stop that from happening.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
Being patient heals. This world moves so fast and it seems as if there is no time to settle down and just wait, but there is. The stress of having a job, going to school full time, and having a social life all while being a 17-year-old who is just trying to make it through life has left me feeling overwhelmed and uneasy before. What helped me? I went outside. I walked around my neighbor's farm with some horses walking next to me. I breathed and focused on the breeze on my face. I was in a place of comfort that I never wanted to leave. Now, as I walk around a supermarket, or work on classwork in school, or go driving from place to place trying to get everything done in time I think about the farm. I think about how fresh the air was and how that farm is still there. It is still calm. All of the stress and anxiety that I feel out in the world is temporary but the calm I found that day will remain. I will find it again and again. We can not push ourselves to be going at full speed all of the time, we need to just wait every once in a while and let ourselves get ready for the next chapter in our lives.
Bold Independence Scholarship
16 years of dependance, one life changing year of independence. This sentence describes the life I have led. The idea of independence is not just something that you can decide you want to live by, you have to truly believe it.
Anxiety has kept a hold on my life fow years and I never believed that I could live my own life in the way that I want to. It took me over 17 years to finally go on a trip away from home without falling into a full anxiety attack and this moment changed me. It took me realizing that I could do things that I never thought I could to finally get out of my anxious mind and make it my own.
After realizing that life is short and I will have to do things for myself, my life has flipped upside down and I have never lived the same as I once did. I now see the importance in starting a real life, leaving my comfort zone, and building relationships. I have made my closest friends in the time that I began finding my independence and this would not have happened without the confidence I have developed within myself.