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marianna regina


Bold Points


I am an alumni of Saint Anthony’s High School in Melville, New York having graduated in June 2024. I am attending St. John's University majoring in Computer Science. I am ranked 90/600 students graduating on the Principal's List at St. Anthony;s High School. I have received academic achievements such as: honor roll every quarter, St. Bonaventure (high honor roll), National Honor Society, English Honor Society, History Honor Society, Science Honor Society, and Foreign Language Honor Society. I take my schoolwork seriously and took part in many honors, APs, and dual-enrollment classes. I have spent hours volunteering and immersing myself in activities that hold special places in my heart. I have always been a hard worker when it comes to my schoolwork and the workforce, having worked officially since Freshman Year. However, I extend beyond my resume. I am the oldest daughter of three children. My younger brothers and I are all close. My entire family is incredibly close-knit and large. I have over fifteen cousins and my whole life has been family oriented. I am proud of the traditions my Italian family has. Some examples are on Sundays, many family members gather together and have 'Sunday Sauce,' on Christmas Eve we eat the seven fishes.


St. John's University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Computer Science

Saint Anthony's High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

    • Tutor

      2019 – 20245 years
    • Employee

      Once Upon a Child
      2024 – Present10 months
    • Babysitter

      No organization
      2019 – Present5 years
    • Cashier

      Island Recreational
      2023 – 20241 year


    • Ethnic Studies

      Saint Anthony's High School — Researcher/member of research group
      2021 – 2022
    • Education, General

      Saint Anthony's High School — Researcher
      2021 – 2023
    • Social Sciences, Other

      Saint Anthony's High School — Researcher
      2022 – 2023


    • Saint Anthony's Select Chorus (Schola)

      United States Military Academy West Point: Parents Weekend Mass, Fall Pep Rally 2022, Winter Pep Rally 2023, Fall Pep Rally 2023, Winter Pep Rally 2024, Open Houses, Course Registration. , School masses, Nursing Home Visits, Admission Events , Graduation Mass 2023, Graduation Mass 2024, Graduation 2024, Black and Gold Gala 2023, Black and Gold Gala 2022, Black and Gold Gala 2024
      2021 – 2024
    • Saint Anthony's Chorus

      Winter Concert 2020, Spring Concert 2021, Winter Concert 2021, Spring Concert 2022 , Winter Concert 2022, Spring Concert 2023, Winter Concert 2023, Spring Concert 2024
      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Friar Faithful/Friar Faithful Leadership Team — Friar Faithful Member/Leadership Team Board Member
      2020 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      Saint Anthony's High School: SALT Friar Faithful — SALT member and Homeroom Ambassador
      2020 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      LSW Baseball Fields — Concession Stand Cashier
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Saint Anthony's High School/self — Tutor
      2019 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      Saint Anthony's High School: (Kolbe Society_ — Council Member
      2023 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      Saint Anthony's High School: (Clare Society-Council) — Member
      2023 – 2024

    Future Interests



    Pro-Life Advocates Scholarship
    I was raised Pro-Life within my family, and I knew and understood the concepts from a young age. My mom was the Center Director for the Life Center of Long Island for numerous years, and during that time, I was a volunteer and assisted with fundraising events. An essential part of being a member of the Pro-Life movement is not only spreading the message but living it out. It is about loving your neighbors and treating each person with the inherent respect they deserve and was given to them by God.  However, my personal experiences in high school truly made me understand what being Pro-Life truly means and the value it holds. I became an avid member of the Respect Life club. I encouraged the student body to attend club meetings and events, spreading the Pro-Life message. Throughout the past four years, I had my experiences: being challenged, inquired, condemned, and even confided. I even witnessed people change their perspectives and become Pro-Life after learning about the horrific realities of abortion.   One occasion that stands beyond everything else I have experienced. At the end of my Junior year, one of my friends confided in me that she had an abortion precisely a year prior. She shared how much she struggled with her decision and what she endured. She told me that (at the time) she was only sixteen, she didn’t know what to do and was scared. She felt that as a high school student, not only was she pregnant something frightening, but she also thought she was “ill-fitted” to be a mother. She regretted her decision and needed to confide in a friend. Knowing my stance on Pro-Life, she wanted to talk to me.  I did not condemn, yell at, or judge her in any way. I spoke to her with the utmost love and respect. It was a vulnerable experience for her to share, and I wanted to ensure that she felt heard and was in a non-judgmental place. After she told me, I thanked her for trusting me to talk to her and said that I still loved her; it was important that she knew that. I told her that nothing she could do would stop God from loving her. God is forgiving; if she seeks forgiveness, she will receive it. When she was ready, I suggested she go to Confession at her local parish and seek professional counseling, as they would be much better suited than me. I gave her the information about the local life center because I knew from the experience of my mother previously working there that they offer counseling for women who had abortions. I also gave her information on local and national hotlines for girls in her position. I wanted to provide her with every possible outlet that she could use. I know that her experience was traumatic (both before and after), so I wanted her to know all the information about professional guidance she could seek out.  She took my advice and began to recover from her experience; she is in a much better place than last year. She became closer to God and understands the value of life on a much deeper level. Most importantly, she knows that she is not only forgiven and loved by God.
    Andre' Burchelle Roach Scholarship
    My name is Marianna Regina, and I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at St. John's University in Queens, New York. In the future, I plan to become a software engineer. I have always been creative, and I love that computer science allows me to see that part of my brain and create almost anything through coding, software design, or app development. Throughout high school, I immersed myself in volunteering and campus ministry. Regarding campus ministry, I participated in the music ministry, becoming a Eucharistic Minister and a retreat leader for first-year students. The opportunity to bring students closer to the faith and embark them on their faith journey is a privilege. I volunteered in organizations that allowed me to become involved with the Freshman class, hoping to make their transition to high school seamless and fun. Knowing that I helped improve their experience is a reward beyond words. My whole life has been family-oriented. I come from a large Italian-American family rooted in long-lasting traditions and customs. I am the oldest daughter, and having two younger brothers taught me the values of kindness, responsibility, and leadership. My parents both came from large families, so I have a lot of cousins, all of whom I love very much. We are all extremely close; we see each other often for dinner and even travel together. One of my cousins I am especially close with is my best friend. If not for her and all the endless advice she has given me, I would not be the person I am today. My parents are the most hardworking individuals I know, especially my father. He pours himself into his physically challenging job as a union electrician. Observing my parents' diligent work ethic and the "value of a dollar" taught me not to pursue desires for worldly things, as they often fail to provide lasting happiness and fulfillment. That said, I have put in immense work, from babysitting and tutoring to working in retail to work towards my college education. Education is critical to me, and I value knowledge immensely and enjoy learning new things across all my classes. The opportunity to receive education is something that I am immensely grateful for, and as I know many women across the world, it is something that they cannot have. This scholarship will help me continue to pursue my goals of achieving my Computer Science degree and becoming a software engineer.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    CREATIVE. INSPIRED. HAPPY Mid-Career Writing Scholarship
    I love to write because I can transcribe my deepest emotions. It is a way to understand myself better and reach my inner child. A free verse poem I wrote for my AP Literature class senior year, "Blank Page," which will be published in The American Library of Poetry book Gifted, encapsulates my love for writing. I've loved writing since I was a little girl My favorite satisfaction is filling up the empty lines For no one listens the way a blank page does The words flow from my heart to my hand Emphasizing my hidden emotions Exposing my deepest secrets Creating new realities of the person I want to become Oh, the fairy tales I've created from a blank page. The wonderful wonders one can make From just starting with a blank page The greatest stories, poems, artwork, and music All share one common trait They all started on the same blank page. When I am writing, I am somewhere else. The rest of the world falls away; it is just me, my pens, and my notebook. Writing has truly made such an immense impact on my life; it has helped me cope with anger, sadness, anxiety, and feelings of hurt and betrayal. The love of writing is truly such a powerful thing. Think: If Shakespeare had never picked up a pen, we would never have iconic works such as Macbeth or Hamlet. If Taylor Swift never started songwriting, she would not be where she is today. Both of these examples, old and new, hold so much power and weight in the world. They both impacted countless people, and it all resulted from one's love of writing. Writing has helped me to know myself better and given me the confidence to step outside my comfort zone. I want to further my education to continue to grow and develop my knowledge. Although my major is computer science, I always planned to choose a career that combines both writing and computer science, possibly even writing on the side. Writing is such a beautiful art form that holds immense power. English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton once said, "The pen is mightier than the sword" (1839). He could not have been more correct. The power of writing often goes unrecognized, but that doesn't mean it's any less powerful. Its power has had a lasting impact for countless years. Writing has truly changed my life for the better. I would not be the person I am today had I never fallen in love with it.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    I embody selflessness through my involvement and devotion to campus ministry. I attended Saint Anthony’s High School in Melville, New York. It is the largest Catholic high school in the United States with approximately 2,500 students; Saint Anthony’s is a very diverse school with people coming from all racial, religious, and economic backgrounds. I wanted to make it my mission that everyone feels welcome and safe. My Freshman year was difficult as it was directly after COVID and everyone had to be separated. However, many upperclassmen welcomed me and supported me; specifically the interactions I had throughout campus ministry. The students made me feel welcomed, supported, and loved. It was where I found my home. I became involved as I wanted to give other Freshmen the same experience I had. I did many things within campus ministry, however, where I had the most impactful experiences was through leading underclassmen retreats. When leading retreats, there are hours of planning, organizing, and practicing that occur prior. All the members truly give it their all to create a fulfilling experience. In my Senior Year, I wrote a speech for my Kolbe Leadership class; it was called a “Witness Talk.” It is a speech (that you are not required to present) about how you came upon your faith journey. The speech showed the innermost parts of myself. It was about my experience with bullying throughout my childhood, and growing up with anxiety. In my speech, I included the quote: “It is not in our power not to feel or forget an offense, but the heart that offers itself to the Holy Spirit turns injury into compassion and purifies the memory in transforming the hurt into intercession.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church: Paragraph 2843) I knew I was speaking to a group of about thirty-five kids who all had different life experiences. Each person carries their cross and all have different burdens; some may of had similar experiences to me and others may have not. It is important to me to tell those Freshman that they are not at fault, they are beautiful humans, and, most importantly, they are loved by God. I wanted them to know that they are more than what others perceive them to be; they can overcome anything and become anything they want to be. I wanted these students to know that by placing their trust in God, anything is possible.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    Imposter syndrome, burnout syndrome, social anxiety disorder, and more. These are only some of the many well-known unfortunate complexities that make up the human race. Each one comes with its struggle that the person bears. I would like to introduce you to a less frequently discussed but equally impactful condition: the oldest daughter syndrome. The oldest daughter syndrome is made up of feeling immense amounts of anxiety, chronic overthinking, being an overachiever, being a “type a” person, struggling with people-pleasing behaviors, being empathetic and overly aware of other people’s emotions, and helping others before you can help yourself. The oldest daughter's anxiety stems from childhood feeling the need to “take care” of things within the household. It then extends throughout her teenage and adult life affecting her every day. The anxiety begins to overtake her life even with simple tasks; everything becomes overthought and over-analyzed. Every day comes with the challenge of the inability to feel “relaxed.” Her brain is going a million miles an hour; thinking about her mental to-do list, what has to get done, being overly concerned with the feelings of others, and also what others are thinking about her. Do people like her? Is she kind enough? Pretty enough? Smart enough? All of these dominate her thoughts. Her overachiever mindset is to keep on impressing others around her (parents, teachers, peers) and sometimes, is placed by herself to prove that she is successful and worthy. In my case, this was my academics. My self-worth was tied to every good grade I earned. I became so overwhelmed by achieving good grades, with hopes of earning a scholarship and attending a good college. While I achieved these goals, I sometimes lost sight of the importance of enjoying the journey along the way. The oldest daughter is a people pleaser. She is always thinking about others around her much more than herself. She is an empath and is always concerned and thinking about the feelings of others. She is hyper-aware of situations, and how she is processing, feeling, and acting. She desperately wants everyone around her to be happy and have an enjoyable time. The oldest daughter wants everyone to like her so she constantly is micro-analyzing everything she does, how she acts, what she says, how she dresses, and more, all with the incredible hope that everyone likes her. The oldest daughter is typically the “therapist friend;” the one people go to for advice. She doesn’t mind this, she’s happy that her friends trust her; it also means they like her enough to confide in her. However, she will never deny a friend counsel, even when she is struggling imminently herself. She will always accept them, be their shoulder to cry on, advisor, and therapist; even when she could use on herself. The oldest daughter may hide her true emotions, her head will always be high, smiling, and displaying a strong deminer. Simply by looking at her, you would never know that deep inside, she is someone sensitive, struggling with chronic anxiety, and always thinking about everyone else well before prioritizing herself.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    What inspires me to get involved in my community is I understand what it's like to be an outsider. I understand the feeling of when anxiety takes over and you lose all your senses. However, I also learned the sense of accomplishment when you grow from that position. I know that I don’t want anyone to have to feel the way I did. By attending Saint Anthony’s High School, in Melville, New York, I had numerous volunteer opportunities that allowed me to interact with people; many of those being underclassmen. The organization that allowed me to make the largest impact was Saint Anthony’s Leadership Team (SALT). Our goal is to make the transition from eighth grade to high school Freshman both seamless and effortless. Students involved in this club are paired up with incoming freshmen, it is our responsibility to contact them over the summer via phone, text, email, and even meet in person. The adjustment from any middle school to Saint Anthony's, with a student population of over 2,500, is undoubtedly difficult. As S.A.L.T members, we walk with them through this process, answering their questions, hosting special Freshman events, and simply being a friend to them. I am so grateful I can make the transition easier for incoming Freshmen. As I became an upperclassman, I was provided opportunities to influence change within SALT and my high school in itself. I noticed that we focus all of our attention towards incoming Freshman, and not enough towards international and transfer students. While a student may be entering Saint Anthony’s later on, just like a Freshman, they don’t understand how Saint Anthony’s functions, where classes are, and clubs, anymore. I suggested that we branch out and make sure we are reaching those students. My suggestion was taken and placed within the adjacent club to SALT; Friar Faithful. The branch was called: Friar Faithful Transfer Team. Together, we made sure we were reaching out to international and transfer students before they entered Saint Anthony’s or as they came in. Just like SALT, we made ourselves available to them, becoming their friend, and helping them navigate their new school. One of the most prominent experiences I had that made me realize I was actually making a difference was during the fall of my Junior Year. I was fulfilling my SALT duties; reaching out to my assigned students, making sure they were comfortable and adjusting to high school. One of my students told me how happy he was to come into Saint Anthony’s knowing someone kind; that it made his transition easier knowing that he had support. That experience truly meant so much to me because that was what I wanted most when I was entering high school. By hearing that, it showed me that I was doing the right thing and making a positive impact on others in my community. In college, I am going to take part in similar opportunities so that I can continue to foster positive experiences in others. My ultimate hope would be that no one experiences what I felt. While yes, a high goal, it can be accomplished, just one kind act to one person can make all the difference.
    Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
    My experience with social anxiety affected me because there was once a time in my life when even “regular activities” such as going to the mall and even attending school became a struggle. I always felt this suffocating feeling within my chest, like my lungs were about to collapse and my heart was going to give out. I did not talk to anyone, never raised my hand, and even walked in the hallways with my head down. All this changed at the beginning of my Sophomore Year when I took AP Seminar. That class truly changed my life and I would not be where I am had I not taken that class. However, it was not an easy journey. The first time I presented in class, I had a panic attack in front of my whole class. I felt helpless and humiliated. However, after class, my teacher told me that I was capable. That stayed with me ever since because no teacher had ever told me that before. Those kind words meant so much to me. In elementary and middle school, I struggled in certain aspects of learning. Most of my teachers just pigeonholed me as “helpless.” The extra-help program I was placed in was ineffective. I wanted to succeed but had been put in a negative environment and had a negative mindset to match; it made everything difficult. I eventually just gave up and decided I was always going to be a student who just got by. However, once high school started I experienced many teachers who believed in me and encouraged me, especially my AP Seminar and AP Research teacher. They helped me realize I am so much smarter and more capable than I believed. My perspective and mindset changed significantly. As time went on, we did more and more presentations in class. I learned various skill sets and my confidence began to grow immensely. The encouragement I received from my teacher sparked that belief in myself that I am capable of much more than I ever imagined. This new confidence and composure extended beyond my AP Seminar class; I was able to speak more without feeling anxious both in and out of the classroom. I began to have more faith in myself, realizing I could do more than I ever believed I was capable of. As a tour leader at my high school, I was asked countless times what my favorite class was. My immediate answer was AP Seminar. Its a decision I will never regret. While it was not always an easy class, it helped me to grow in ways I never saw possible. If you were to tell me at the beginning of Sophomore Year that I accomplished everything I did now (including activities involving public speaking!) she would never believe you. I truly owe it all to my to my AP Seminar teacher, After experiencing this, pursuing a college degree is so important to me not only to simply get a degree and career. I am able to continue on my journey and grow as an individual and within my confidence before I enter the workforce. While I improved immensely, there is always room for growth and improvement; throughout earning my college degree I have opportunities to achieve just that. Social anxiety took so much from me, now it is time to take something back.
    Big Picture Scholarship
    The movie that has had the greatest impact on my life is Barbie (2023).No movie has had such a deep emotional impact on me as that movie did. Hearing Gloria’s (prayed by America Ferrara) speech at the end of the movie had me crying as I sat in my seat at my local AMC theater. I have never heard the experience of a woman and “girlhood” so beautifully written and articulated. I always felt alone with how I felt, but that monologue made me feel united with every other woman. Barbie highlighted the emotions and challenges that many of us have lived with for years but never had acknowledged. This movie showcased those feelings in the most beautiful, funny, creative, and touching way. It truly encapsulates the reality of what being a woman in today’s world truly is. Nobody in my life ever talked about those things; the frustrating aspects of being a woman. I always felt it was swept under the rug. Hearing the quote: “...we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong” really impacted me. I am the oldest child and only daughter in my household. I put this immense pressure on myself to always be extraordinary in everything I do. To make my parents proud and show my younger siblings that they can succeed at anything they put their minds to. However, there were times that I failed or even succeeded but it went unnoticed by the people I was doing it for. I learned that the only person I needed to work hard for was myself. Every achievement I earned was mine because I worked for it; because I believed in myself. Throughout high school I spent hours everyday studying and doing homework. It was never ending, but there were expectations of me. However, I did succeed. I graduated with a 4.1 GPA, I was in 90/600 kids in my classes. Barbie was released during my junior year, the hardest academic year of my high school career. Sitting in the theater showed me that if I believe in myself, I am capable of anything. I can become whatever I want. As a woman entering the STEM field (as a computer science major), I know that I may be one of the only women in the room; however, I am going to take those same ideologies present within the film and know that I am an intelligent, capable woman who can overcome any obstacle and reach any dream.
    Creative Expression Scholarship
    NYT Connections Fan Scholarship
    Grid: Holland Ring Butterfly Spain Pitch Italy Hanks Germany Bat Sunflower Cruise Heartless Hiddleston Airplane Fly Ireland Categories Butterfly, Dragonfly, Airplane, Heartless: Words made up of 2 words *Butter-fly *Dragon-fly *Air-plane *Heart-less Spain, Italy, Ireland, Germany: European Countries Ring, Pitch, Fly, Bat: Words with at least two meanings *Ring: jewelry and sound (i.e. telephone) *Pitch: throw a ball or musical sound *Fly: to be in the air, or an insect *Bat: baseball bat, or an animal Holland, Cruise, Hanks, Hiddleston: Tom _____ Why I chose these specific categories: I chose these categories as they have a balance of both simplicity and complexity. For example, one might make the mistake of assuming butterfly, airplane, fly, and bat go together because they are things that can fly; the assumption of butterfly, dragonfly, fly, and bat could be made as they are all animals that fly, The confusion of Holland and other European countries is also plausible. The New York Times Connections game is a great, stimulating, and exciting daily game that countless people (including myself) play every day. Everyone has experienced the surprise when you occasionally get the purple category (the hardest one) on your first guess. On the other hand, we have all experienced frustration upon finding a “connection” across four words only for it not even to be “one away.” All the daily Connections, including my own, have these tricks, but once you can see past them and get all four categories, you do feel a sense of accomplishment. Then, you start your next, New York Times Daily Game.
    JJ Savaunt's Women In STEM Scholarship
    If the gravitational force was slightly weaker, the universe would expand too rapidly for anything to form. If slightly stronger, the universe would collapse immediately leaving nothing but an empty void. The gravitational force is exactly what it needs to be for the universe to form and survive. How was that possible without a Creator? Every single part of the universe is exactly what it needs to be for life to flourish. It extends beyond a “big bang,” there is a Creator behind it all. I was raised in the Catholic Church; however, it was not until recently I fully came to understand how real God is and truly developed my faith. I could write a hundred pages containing stories about various miracles, stories, and data. However, I am limited to a word count; there are two brief stories I would like to share with you that left me with no doubt in my mind that God exists. The first is the Eucharistic Miracle that took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the 1990s. An Eucharistic Minister found two consecrated Hosts on the altar and the priest placed the Hosts in a bowl of Holy Water in the Tabernacle (the procedure of the Catholic Church). A few days later, the Hosts were still intact and had blood dripping on them. A similar event occurred a couple of years later in 1996. In 1999 the samples were brought to a forensic lab where they were tested. The samples, consecrated hosts, were not originally revealed. The results of the testing were the first sample came from white blood cells that normally die hours after being taken from the body. The second was taken from a human heart while the blood was pumping and alive. The heart would have been under immense stress. When it was revealed it was a consecrated host, the atheist scientist, Castañon, was astounded. He later converted to Catholicism. There is no scientific explanation for an event such as this, it is “technically'' impossible. However, I know that with God, nothing is impossible, making this event utterly possible. The second took place on August 15, 1945, The day of the Hiroshima Bomb in Japan that took the lives of over 140,000 people. Just eight blocks from where the bomb was placed, was a two-story house with no damage, not even a cracked window. In that house, were eight Jesuits who prayed the rosary every day. They continued to live on without ever experiencing any health problems from the radiation; surviving such an attack is unheard of, however, it happened. How can you explain this? Was it just a coincidence? A weird fluke? I argue that it was a Divine Protection, Their faith protected them from the unthinkable. A common argument people have for the existence of God is: “Why do bad things happen to good people?” The answer is a complicated mystery. Scripture reads: “All things work together for the good of those who love and trust the Lord and are called according to his purposes” (Romans 8:28).” Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only perfect man to walk the planet endured the greatest sufferings imaginable; he was crucified on a cross. But, He did that for us, so we can go to Heaven. Our sufferings have value. It helps us grow. As humans, we cannot fully understand the inner workings of God’s plan. However, when looking at the math of the very atoms of the universe, to a sample from a beating heart, the existence of God is clear.
    Live Music Lover Scholarship
    I love concerts. There is something so thrilling about after the Ticketmaster presale wars, the pending months, carefully planning out the perfect outfit, to finally seeing the artists in person and hearing your favorite songs live. I have been lucky enough to see Luke Byran, Zac Brown Band, Mirah Carey’s Christmas Spectacular, Morgan Wallen, and Harry Styles at my first concert. I loved getting all dressed up, my hair and face covered in glitter, spending the night with my friends, and, of course, seeing THE Harry Styles. I saw him on his fifteenth show at Madison Square Garden on September 21st, 2022. When the last period bell rang at 2:30, my friends and I sprinted out the door to get into the car to get ready for the show. We blasted the music from speakers in my friend's bedroom as we all crowded around the mirror doing our hair and makeup. The train ride there was a fantastic experience; practically everyone on the train was going to the concert! Me, being the student that I am, took the hour-and-a-half train ride to study for my exam the next day. Everything leading up to the concert was absolutely worth it because it was an incredible experience; I laughed and danced to “Watermelon Sugar” and “Late Night Talking.” I cried to “Matilda” and “Sign of the Times.” From beginning to end, his show was an incredible experience. He is an incredible performer and his concert displayed that. This gives even more testament to him receiving his banner at Madison Square Garden for fifteen consecutive sold-out shows. I would never have guessed that at my first concert, I would have witnessed such an honorable event. He truly deserves that banner and I am so grateful to have been there to watch him receive it. Concerts are full of incredible memories and unique experiences. I saw Morgan Wallen in May 2024. I was originally supposed to see him in May 2023 before the concert was postponed. In the winter of 2022, I got presale for the concert and was so ecstatic to have gotten the seats I did! Although I was beyond disappointed to learn the concert was postponed a few days before, it was worth the wait. Morgan Wallen put on an incredible show; even through the rain (although I would argue that it made the show even better). It might sound foolish to some, but when he came on the stage, after waiting over a year for this show, I did cry. I was so overwhelmed with excitement. I attended the concert with my dad (a huge country music fan) and we had the best time. When he played my favorite song “98 Braves” I was so overcome with emotion (again.) Morgan Wallen was one of the first artists I listened to with my dad when I began to like country music; attending Morgan Wallen’s concert with my dad is without a doubt one of my favorite memories. It was even more meaningful as I leave for college soon, we made such a beautiful memory. Each time you attend a concert, it is a different experience creating new memories. Knowing you have a concert coming up is a serotonin boost and gives you something to look forward to. I truly hope that I can continue to enjoy more concerts and make memories with the people I love.
    Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
    “Do you ever sleep?” my guidance counselor asked my junior year after looking at my resume. The answer was of course, yes (most of the time). My resume extends from countless hours of volunteering both inside and outside of school, taking part in research opportunities, being a member of the select chorus, working as a tutor, babysitter, and cashier at my local pool supply store, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. This list of things I have accomplished is not what makes me who I am. It is just that, a list. It’s something I submitted to seventeen colleges; many of those being top-ranked schools. Beyond this list is someone who truly cares about each person she comes into contact with; someone who would go to the end of the Earth for her friends and family. It is a girl who worked for every single thing she wanted. Most importantly, it is a girl who never wants anyone to feel invisible as she knows and experienced the feeling. It is that exact feeling that has allowed me to make such a positive impact. My family friend is a middle school girl on the special needs spectrum. When she was in elementary school and the beginning of middle school, I babysat and tutored her on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, she experienced how cruel young girls and adults could be. Since she struggled, her teachers did not have faith in her. Having experienced something similar, I knew how crushing this feeling could be. Feeling worthless and stupid at such a young age was soul-crushing. It is something that still has impacts on my life today. It is something that I do not wish upon anyone. Knowing what a sweet person she was, the fact she felt that way broke my heart. She confided in me and I gave her advice on how to handle the cruel treatment. I taught her everything she was struggling with. I saw her confidence grow over the years and she began to believe in herself and see her full capabilities. Once she began to believe in herself, her confidence grew and she became happier. She was sure of herself and saw that she could accomplish anything she put her mind to. She is now entering seventh grade with a big group of friends, confident, and knows that she is absolutely capable of anything she wishes to do. I took that same compassion within my work at my high school. When mentoring incoming freshmen, I understood how they felt. I made myself available to them as a friend, answering any questions they had, and being a friendly face to them. I attended the largest Catholic high school in the United States, which is intimidating for any fourteen year-old. Simply by becoming their friend, it made them more confident walking through the doors. That confidence allowed those students I mentored to make other friends, succeed in both their academics and extracurriculars. I remember last September when one of the students I was assigned to mentor told me how thankful he was that he knew someone kind coming into school. That alone made me so happy to know that I was able to make a positive impact on someone. I am looking forward to carrying these traits with me not only throughout college but the rest of my adult life. Being kind and compassionate is crucial especially in today’s world. By being kind and compassionate I know, just like the girl I tutored and the students I mentored, that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    I remember when '1989" was first released in 2014. I was eight years old, in second grade; Taylor Swift's music already began to have an impact on my life. I sat at my family’s ancient Dell Desktop computer desperately trying to download the music onto my pink iPod Nano; I was saving my allowance for weeks to download the album. Listening to the album for the first time, I immediately fell in love. "Shake It Off" and "Wildest Dreams" were my favorites. My cousins and I spent hours making up dance routines to the album and performing it for our parents. "1989" has always held a special place in my heart. I was watching the grainy TikTok Eras Tour livestream the night Taylor Swift announced the re-release of 1989; the inner eight-year-old “swiftie” in me was screaming for joy. The album that shaped my childhood was being re-released almost ten years later! I was ecstatic. Listening to "1989 (Taylor’s Version)" now, as a seventeen-year-old, it holds a much bigger impact. Songs such as "Shake It Off (Taylor’s Version)" and "Wildest Dreams (Taylor’s Version)" still have their places on my playlist. The song that truly encapsulated my life this year, would be "Now That We Don’t Talk (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault)." This past year, I found myself trapped in a toxic friendship. My former “friend” tried to make me feel guilty about everything (even going to the mall with someone besides her). I found myself constantly walking on eggshells as I knew the slightest things would end in her screaming at me on the phone or a rude text message. However, I came to realize that this was in no way normal in a friendship. I was supposed to feel happy and safe, not scared. One of the lyrics in "Now That We Don’t Talk" is “Remind myself the more I gave, you’d want me less. I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost. And what it cost, now that we don’t talk.” Those few sentences truly encapsulates the friendship. If you were to ask my friends, they would tell you that I am a giving person; I truly pour myself into the relationship I have. However, nothing was enough for the girl I was formally friends with. The more I gave and tried to make it work, the more she attempted to gaslight me. Our friendship only became the most problematic when I began to stand up for myself. As soon as I began to combat her, that is when she became the most angry with me. When I finally, respectfully, put an end to the friendship, the price is we no longer talk. However, that price was not negative. The price was that I realized my self-worth; I began to immerse myself in friendships with people who truly care about me; people who want the best for me. I realized how much joy a friendship can hold; you are not meant to walk on eggshells. Friendships are supposed to be filled with joy, friends are someone you joke with and most importantly, don’t fear judgment. All this came to be because I no longer talk to my former “friend.”
    Michael Mattera Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    My throat closing, my palms sweating, my legs and hands shaking, tears forming. No, not again. I could barely get any words out. When I looked at my AP Seminar classmates everyone stared back, their sympathetic expressions making everything worse. I hated that - everyone looking at me. At that moment I just wanted to disappear. As soon as the awful presentation concluded, I excused myself from the room to calm down. I felt like I had humiliated myself and wanted my teacher’s advice on ways to improve. He told me after class that day that I was smart and capable; this has stayed with me ever since. I saw that presenting and public speaking were something that I could learn how to do. Those kind words meant so much to me. In elementary/middle school, I struggled in my academic life. Most of my teachers had pigeonholed me as “helpless.” The extra-help program I was placed in was ineffective. I wanted to succeed but had been put in a negative environment with a negative mindset to match; it made everything difficult. I eventually just gave up and decided I was always going to be a student who just got by. However, once high school started I experienced many teachers who believed in me and encouraged me, especially my AP Seminar and AP Research teacher. They helped me realize I am so much smarter and more capable than I believed. My perspective and mindset changed significantly. As the months went on I had to do more and more presentations in my AP Seminar class. I began to get a little better and a little more confident each time. The post-Covid anxiety began to ease. The encouragement I received from my teacher sparked that belief in myself that I am capable of much more than I ever imagined. This new confidence and composure extended beyond my AP Seminar class; I was able to speak more without feeling anxious both in and out of the classroom. I began to have more faith in myself, realizing I could do more than I ever believed I was capable of. The day of my final presentations in the AP Seminar was a great one. Still experiencing some nerves, I reminded myself that I had worked extremely hard and that I needed to trust myself. I completed all aspects of the presentations and gained so much confidence that I decided to enroll in AP Research for the following year! Enrolling in that class is something I will never regret. After a year of working so hard on my research project, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, I continued to grow in ways I never imagined; my anxiety began to become better and more manageable; I am not the same girl who had a panic attack in front of her class that one afternoon. Just like in AP Seminar, the same applied outside of that one class. I became more confident not just in the classroom setting by participating more but also in social settings. I was able to speak up for myself and just be myself. I do not think I would be the person I am today without the experience of that AP class; it had the most perfect ripple effect throughout my life. I am a completely different person than I was two years ago. I have more faith in myself than ever before. My growth within these past two years came as a result of three words my teacher told me one afternoon after class: “You are capable.” I know I am.
    Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
    If I could only watch one movie for the rest of my life it would be Barbie (2023) I have never had a movie truly encapsulate my life as well as that movie did. It had the perfect balance of comedy but that realness of the experience of a woman in the world we all desperately wanted to be known. As a young woman entering the STEM field next year in college, I was fearful of being taken seriously as a woman. Even in my own school setting, I felt I had to prove myself as “smart enough” to be in the engineering program. Listening to America Ferrera’s monologue in theaters left me in tears as I had never felt to see it. These emotions I have felt all my life but everything I brought it up I felt it was disregarded because no one talked about it. She stated: “You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin.” Growing up in the world of social media was incredibly difficult. I remember I first downloaded on my iPad when I was only nine years old. There, I was seeing gorgeous, tall, skinny women; the beauty standard in 2015. No one ever told me that at nine years old I did not have to look like that. No one told me about filters and photoshop. I thought everything was real because I was never told otherwise. It left me at nine years old looking in the mirror crying because my stomach wasn’t flat and I didn’t have a thigh gap. No girl, especially one as young as I was, should have experienced that. As the oldest daughter, my parents “miracle child,” I have always felt the need to make them proud. I struggled in middle school academically and felt that no one believed in me. Once I entered high school, and started succeeding making high honor roll and National Honor Society; I was ecstatic and so proud of myself. However, I was also told not to talk about your high marks and people can think you're “bragging” and no one wants that. When I heard the following in Ferrera’s monologue: “You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It's too hard! It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you!” It truly put everything into perspective for me. I never knew other girls felt this way because it is never talked about. Sitting in a movie theater full of teenagers and young adults all emotional was an experience difficult to describe. It was a unity as we all realized our emotions are valid. Hearing Jo Joys state the following: “Oppenheimer is based on a 721 page full surprise winning book about the Manhattan Project, and Barbie is on a plastic doll with big b***ies.” made me feel so angry. The men we wanted so badly to understand the patriarchal world women have to live in, many completely missed the mark. However, there are also other men who have seen the film and had their perspectives changed. I want to change the quote: “Oppenheimer is based on a 721 page book and Barbie took the story of a plastic doll and encapsulated the experience of womanhood in both emotional and comedic aspects.” x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    I admire a lot about Zendaya’s career. Firstly, she is a powerhouse and triple threat: she can act, sing, and dance. She is an actress that countless kids, including myself, have grown up with. Many grew up watching her on Disney Channel now as teenagers/ young adults watch her on HBO playing Rue on “Euphoria." In her acting career, Zendaya’s versatility is unmatched. She has truly done it all: acting in Disney Channel TV Shows and movies such as: “KC Undercover,” (2015) “Shake it Up,” (2010) “Zapped,” (2014) “Frenemies,” (2012). When stepping into the world of doing voice acting for animated movies, such as: “Space Jam: A New Legacy,” (2021) “Duck Duck Goose,”(2018), and “Smallfoot,” (2018). In 2017, Zendaya ventured into the world of musical theater with “The Greatest Showman,” (2017), In the film, Zendaya portrayed a trapeze artist; she did her stunts in the film which required an immense amount of athleticism and talent. Anyone after watching the “Rewrite the Stars” movie clip cannot deny that she is incredibly talented not only by athleticism with her trapeze skills, but also with her acting; alongside her undeniable vocal talents. Zendaya would later come into the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) where she plays MJ, Peter Parker’s girlfriend. From “Spiderman Homecoming” (2017) to “Spiderman: Far From Home,” (2019) to Spiderman: No Way Home” (2021), you see the character development of MJ that you cannot see in other Spiderman movies. You can see MJ falling in love with Peter Parker and I think it’s incredibly beautiful to see on screen. Especially, with the most recent Spiderman film, you can see how she is filled with love for Peter Parker but is also scared. In the film, the memories of Peter Parker have to be wiped out to save the multiverse. Zendaya’s acting in this scene brought me to tears in theaters. She did not stop there; she continued to grow and surprise the fans when she starred in the HBO original show “Euphoria.” (2019-) It was a role that we had never seen Zendaya play before, nor expected her to. However, it is undeniable that she was terrific., She has starred in “Dune” (2021) In all of her acting jobs, Zendaya has never failed to impress. Zendaya has incredible vocal skills, which are showcased beautifully in the feature film “The Greatest Showman” in songs such as her duet with Zac Effron “Rewrite the Stars” and large cast numbers such as “The Greatest Show.” Her vocal skills continue to be displayed in HBO “Euphoria” with songs such as “All for Us” and “I’m Tired” with Labyrinth. In 2013, Zendaya released her album, full of amazing songs, including the popular 2010s song “Replay.” Everyone knew Zendaya had dance talent and great energy from Disney Channel’s “Shake it Up.” However, her true ability and her immense growth were underestimated until she competed in “Dancing with the Stars” on season sixteen (2013) Zendaya and her partner Val Chmerkovskiy both performed amazingly together and had incredible chemistry that led to them placing second in the competition. Zendaya has achieved so much and is incredibly successful; she worked hard in her career and earned everything she had. With that, she is one of the most humble, kind, and down-to-earth celebrities I know. That is clear in how she presents herself on social media, on red carpets, and in interviews. She always handles herself well and is a class act. She is a perfect example of a celebrity who is an amazing role model, especially for younger children and someone who they, or anyone, can imitate.
    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    My favorite Spider-Man actor is Tom Holland. Spiderman Homecoming was the first Marvel movie I watched. That movie, along with Tom Holland's Spider-man, holds a special place in my heart because it opened up a whole cinematic universe that I fell in love with. He brought a new feel to the classic character that had been different from previous films. After binge-watching all the movies locked in the house, I could not wait to see them on the big screen. The movie theaters began to open again, my best friend and I began to go together to watch all the movies opening nights. He portrayed Peter Parker in such an incredible and relatable way. In my opinion, Tom's Peter Parker is exactly how a teenage superhero would act. His emotions are raw and relatable. He constantly tries to prove himself as a real superhero, especially to his father figure: Tony Stark/Iron Man. As previously stated, I began to watch Marvel movies during the COVID-19 Shutdown. It was a very vulnerable time and my anxiety was at the worst it ever has been. Tom Holland's Peter Parker began to become a comfort character for me. His movies not only wrapped me into a whole cinematic universe that I love, but they also never failed to make me feel better. The Spiderman movies, along with the whole Marvel cinameatic universe, truly changed my life. It changed my outlook on life and gave showed me that no matter what life throws on me, I can am capable of anything I can dream of. It became a huge part of my journey into growing in confidence. Tom's Peter Parker had endured so much in his life, but never failed to persevere. After losing his parents and Uncle Ben, he had to learn how to keep his 'double life' a secret from everyone in his life, he was forced into the middle of an averagers dispute, and had to fight against one of the biggest villains in history, was blipped for five years, and had to have everyone forget who he was to save the multiverse. Peter Parker has always been a great role model, but so has his actor Tom Holland. Tom Holland has undeniable talent, but also has a heart of gold. He, along with his brother's started a charity organization called "The Brother's Trust." They donate to charites such as "Warm Heart" and "Artists for Africa." Tom, as Spiderman, has visited children at the hospital and cares about all his fans. In interviews and on social media he has never been afraid to speak out on topics; such as mental health. In August 2022, he had released an Instagram video stating that he will be taking a break to prioritize his mental health. In a May 2023 interview Holland revealed that he has been sober for the previous sixteen months because it had began causing for him. I admire that he is not afraid to be vulnerable in front of camera and countless fans. That is why Tom Holland is my favorite Spider-Man.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    Taylor Swift's music, particularly during the Eras Tour, has always been there for me regardless of the emotions and challenges I face. For as long as I can remember, I was listening to Taylor Swift. It began with listening to "Shake It Off" (1989) and "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" (Red; Red Taylor's Version), just having fun. And now, listening and relating to songs like "Mirrorball" (Folklore) and "This is Me Trying" (Folklore). Taylor Swift and her music have always been there, my whole life, whenever I am happy, sad, angry, and heartbroken. Now, she is on a sold-out stadium tour and deserves it all. Taylor Swift truly has a gift when it comes to music. Her performances have such an impact on individuals like myself, so much so that although I was not able to obtain tickets to this incredible concert, I felt as though I could experience the same unforgettable experience right from my home. My best friends and I sit on FaceTime, screen sharing the live streams, jamming out to all of our favorite songs. Hearing the music we grew up with provides comfort, because just as we have grown up, so has Taylor. It is such a rewarding and surreal experience to be able to watch her progress in the music industry, no matter the distance. Hearing and seeing Taylor Swift singing her heart out for three hours, telling the story of heartbreak, personal experiences, and how she has overcome them has shown me that I am capable of anything. I can work to overcome anxiety and heartbreak. Her music has shown me that. Or, at the very least the most important thing is to try, try, try. It is so inspiring to see how hard she works, multiple weekends in a row for so long; and she is still going strong! Performing for three hours straight, singing and dancing is undoubtedly extremely difficult but she never fails to impress. Growing up seeing her work hard for everything that she has ended up here. As she wrote in her song, "This is Me Trying" from the album "Folklore", "....fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here." She 'ended up' becoming one of the best woman music artists. Only a few years ago, in middle school, I did fall behind my classmates and was struggling; however, modeling Swift's ideology of hard work, I tried and worked and wound up 'ahead of the curve.' I overcame so many academic struggles and became a well-performing student. Just as Taylor Swift developed into an incredible performer, especially over the last few tours. Continuing to watch Taylor Swift achieve more and more awards and break more barriers helped me understand that I am also capable of anything that I want to do, no matter the challenges.
    Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
    I have demonstrated leadership by taking part in numerous clubs at my high school, Saint Anthony's: Saint Anthony's Leadership Team (SALT) and Friar Faithful; clubs which are designed to help incoming freshman and transfer/international students feel more welcome. We host many events such as movie and game nights dedicated to helping the freshman meet new people and become friends. In the classroom, I am a tutor This past year I tutored Freshman English, Sophmore Theology, US History 11 Regents, and US History 11 Honors. I loved being able to help all those students grow in their understanding. The experience that stuck out to me the most was tutoring a sophomore boy in theology. He was an international student from China and did not speak much English. Despite the language barrier, we worked together and he succeded. He became genuinely interested in the Catholic faith and wanted to truly understand it. I am so happy and grateful that I was able to help him. Outside of school, the past few years, I have been tutoring a girl, on the special needs spectrum, in math when she was in grades 4, 5, and now preparing her for sixth grade. I am so grateful that I have been able to help her not only grow in her math skills but also her confidence. When we first started, she truly struggled and believed she could not be good at math. After working with her, she grew so much in her math skills and confidence. She realized that she is capable of so much and can be amazing at math. Many of the leadership roles, and my favorites are the ones I take on within the church. I am a member of the Saint Anthony's High School Chorus and schola; as of recently, I became a Eucharistic Minister. With that being said, my favorite way to demonstrate leadership at my school is by being a member of Clare Society and council. What Clare Society is a group of students who run the freshman retreats. At my high school, everyone is required to attend one retreat and you go with your theology class. Clare Society is an organization that has a goal to help the freshman develop and strengthen their relationship with God. As a member of the council, I get to take on a crucial role in this. We take hands-on approaches in the retreats by giving speeches, leading small groups, and most importantly working together to write personal letters to every freshman in the grade; in my high school, there are over 600. This is my favorite way that I have demonstrated leadership because I have been able to help the freshman grade develop their relationship with God and develop a stronger bond with him. I was able to personally write to the freshman, telling them about my faith journey and letting them know they always have someone to talk to. I love hearing the feedback back from the freshman after the retreats that they truly feel that they became closer to God. What I am hoping to achieve in the future through my leadership skills is continuing to take part in hosting retreats and taking on roles in the church. I want to continue to help people grow and develop a closer relationship with God. I loved watching those relationships unfold the last year and look forward to it my senior year as well; I was given the privilege to work on sophomore retreats. My goal is to continue to take on opportunities such as these in college and adult life.
    Hilda Klinger Memorial Scholarship
    My love of art began when I was very little. I have always loved all forms of the arts: drawing, theatre, music, ect. My parents did not want me to have a lot of screen time, so I found other ways to keep myself occupied. One of those was 'arts and crafts'; which led to me drawing and creating whatever I want digitally on my iPad. When I was little, my favorite form of the arts was music, and would listen to it all the time. That is something that has carried with me today; music has always found its way to impact my life. With that being said my favorite artist would be Taylor Swift. I truly admire how hard she worked to get where she is. She began performing for very small audiences and now she is selling out huge stadiums. Her current tour, "The Eras Tour", sold out in minutes, breaking the “Ticketmaster” website, and causing it to shut down. The record sales made headlines. Swift is a true hard worker and knows her worth. When she was younger, she was scammed by Scooter Braun who sold her 100% first six albums in their entirety: music, videos, and art. She ended up losing all rights to her own music. She knew that she deserved better and decided to earn her rights back. She began recording her music. Swift began with "Fearless (Taylor's Version)" (2021), "Red (Taylor's Version)" (2021), and "Speak Now (Taylor's Version)" (2023). I am Catholic and I love how Taylor Swift is not ashamed or afraid to talk about her Christian values in interviews, when receiving awards, or even in her music. In her Netflix documentary "Miss Americana" (2020) she was discussing a political issue with her parents and stated: "I live in Tennessee. I am a Christian. That's not what we stand for." Swift references faith and God in numerous of her song. Some examples are: From her "Fearless (Taylor’s Version)", the song “Change” states "It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win, and we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah." Next, on her "Midnight’s" album released in 2022, she makes more references to faith throughout the entire song “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve”. However this time the discussion is about her struggles with faith: “God rest my soul, I missed who I used to be. The tomb won’t close, stained glass window in my mind, I regret you all the time….” She has overcome a lot in her life. One of them is she battled an eating disorder attempting to fit into beauty standards before realizing she is beautiful on her own. In her “Miss Americana” documentary she talks about those struggles and her recovery: “I thought that I was just, like, supposed to feel like I was gonna pass out at the end of a show– or in the middle of it. I thought that was how it was…if you eat food, have energy, get stronger, you can do all these shows and not feel it.” In the same documentary, she talks about the unfair beauty standards presented towards women and how there is no winning, stating: “‘cause if your thin enough then you don’t have that a** that everyone wants; and if you have enough weight on you to have an a**, then your stomach isn’t flat enough. It’s all just f****** impossible.” She shares the message you do not have to be what society wants; be what you want to be. She is my favorite artist because she is someone that you can have as a role model.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    My Barbie Dream House would be located on a beach in the Bahamas. The sun would always shine and the weather would always be gorgeous. The house would be a white and pink house with modern architecture such as high walls and big windows. My three-car pink garage holds all of my cars safely. In my front yard, there would be a flower garden full of all the most beautiful and colorful flowers. In the backyard, I would have a big pool, that is always in the perfect condition and temperature. On the side, there is an area for lunge chairs and a seating area for all my friends to come over for a pool party. Also in my backyard, there would also be an outdoor kitchen so I can host barbeques. On the inside, I would have plenty of space for hosting family and friends. I would have a big kitchen, with marble countertops, pink cabinets, and a pink and white subway tile backsplash. The fridge, cabinets, and pantry would always be stocked with plenty of food, that never runs out, so I can cook whatever I want, especially the recipes that have been passed down from my Italian ancestors. The living room would have a big flat-screen TV, and a cabinet full of all types of movie snacks: popcorn, candies, etc. The couch would be pink and full of white fluffy pillows. Under the pink couch, a pink rug. However, that is not the only place for me and my friends to hang out. The dreamhouse also comes with a movie theatre: the perfect place for me and all my friends to enjoy binge-watching TV shows and movies. My bedroom would have tall pink walls, with a sparkling chandelier. A huge pink rug on the floor, to make the room feel more cozy. There is a huge bed full of fluffy pillows in different colors: pink, white, gray, black, etc. There is a desk where I can complete all schoolwork, or even just enjoy a cup of my morning coffee. There is a door that leads to my balcony where I am able to look over the town and see what all of the other Barbies are doing. However, what completes the room is my huge walk-in closet filled with all different outfits for any occasion. What completes the house, and would be my favorite part of it would be the floor-to-ceiling fish tank. It holds all the most beautiful colored fish in there and I love taking care of them. There would also be extra bedrooms available for any friend that wants to stay over. Each room is a little different, but cohesive with the colors in the rest of the house.
    Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
    ‘1989’ is my favorite Taylor Swift album, and it has been since it first came out in 2014. It is one of the first albums I ever fell in love with. I remember sitting in the backseat and hearing the album when it first came out and falling in love with it. My favorite song from ‘1989’ would be “Style” because I can relate to it on many levels. Throughout the song Taylor Swift sings of her relationship with Harry Styles and how they “will never go out of style.” It is a song any girl with a crush can relate to, including myself. There was a boy at my school I really liked and I thought he liked me. We talked a lot on and off. We talked then he would leave and the cycle repeated. Every time he came back, I let him in; this is where I relate to the lyrics: “It’s been awhile since I have even heard from you….I know exactly where this leads but I watch us go ‘round and ‘round each time.” However, each time “the talking stage” failed and we would not speak for a while, I would get hurt, but then he would come back; hence the lyrics: “And when we go crashing down we come back every time, we never go out of style.” Each time I wondered how it was going to end “….in burning flames or paradise.” I was always wondering if we were out of the woods. The last time was different, he was different, he acted different. He asked me questions about myself and tried to get to know me. He flirted with me and acted as if he liked me, and I believed he did. As Swift sings about her relationship with Harry Styles throughout the song, I really relate to how she conveys the love story between the two. Even the character descriptions of Styles and Swift matched me and him: “You got that long hair slicked back, white tee shirt. And I got that good girl faith…” The song was perfect for us, it was our song. Unfortunately, I was wrong, and he ended up ghosting me. While it definitely hurt, a lot, Taylor Swift’s song “Style” and her music in general helped me. I see how she is an independent woman and doesn’t need a man to make her feel secure. She is her own person. By having that mindset, I was able to truly get over him and become my own person and not just another teenage girl chasing after a boy. I learned that I deserve better than a boy who could not make up his mind or always gave mixed signals. I learned that I can do better; I can confirm ,in the words of Taylor Swift on ‘Red’ that “we are never ever getting back together.”