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Mariana Shlemoon


Bold Points






I plan on graduating college and studying to become a Physician Assistant in the future. I love to save the lives of others who are in need. I love helping people in health-related or non-health-related situations.


Cactus High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medical Clinical Sciences/Graduate Medical Studies
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Physician Assistant

    • Serving as a waitress at parties and events hosted in my church hall.

      Holy Family Chaldean Catholic Church
      2019 – 20201 year



    2017 – 20181 year


    • Semi Final Game


    2016 – 20171 year


    • Won Championship


    • Sports Medicine

      Cactus High Sports Med Class — Researcher, Writer, and Presenter
      2021 – 2021


    • Cactus Yearbook

      2020 – Present
    • Cactus High School Photo 1/2

      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Cactus HOSA — Taking students backpacks and giving them a face covering to donate blood
      2022 – 2022

    Future Interests



    Cariloop’s Caregiver Scholarship
    Giving to anybody whether it is a family member or a friend is one of the nicest things I can do for people because I love to make people happy with what I am giving to them. I have exchanged gifts on holidays and people's birthday's and I love to see the smile on their faces when they receive it and when I touch their heart. When I am off to college, I continue to give but in a different way. My personal goals are to always make people happy and improve what I am giving people in the future. As I am going to the medical field in the future, I plan on giving people better ways to improve their health and save a life. When I go to Arizona State University at the West Campus to get a bachelor's degree in science with a major in Medical Studies (Pre-Med), I plan on to learn how to provide a health solution for those who are in need of saving a life. Medical Studies is the right path for me because after I get my bachelor's, I will get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies at Northern Arizona University and become a Physician Assistant in the future. I will work in the healthcare environment with other healthcare workers to save lives every day. Saving a life is the best thing to give everyone because it is like you are giving them another chance for people to live a better life in a healthy lifestyle. To conclude this topic, my caregiving experience in the future will be helping people in a healthy way to make sure they are going to live a long and healthy life without no health complications. Helping people in a healthy manner will impact me, my personal goals, my journey, and my identity in the future because I want people to see me as the Physician Assistant who has worked hard to get to where she is now helping people stay healthy. Staying healthy is the most important caregiving experience to me because I love to see everybody happy and healthy. It makes me happy when somebody cares about their health lifestyle because to me, that means that this person wants to stay healthy and care about the rest of their life in the future. I know my knowledge I have learned in high school and college will put in impact on how I will approach people as a Physician Assistant working in the medical field with other medical assistants who are looking for the same passion as I am.
    Christian ‘Myles’ Pratt Foundation Fine Arts Scholarship
    The biggest influence in my life is my mom. My mom has been my biggest influence in my life because she is always there supporting me with everything I have done in the past. I thank her for everything she has done for me because without my mom, I would not be able to do everything I am doing in my life right now. Relating to art, my biggest influence is my high school photo and yearbook teacher Ms. Santangelo because she has pushed me to improve in photography, editing, photoshop, design, and yearbook requirements. My artistic side is gifted because I have learned online and in person with my teacher assisting me to become better and better in photography. Junior year of high school, I was virtual and I learned how to use a camera with my phone, learn the aspects of photograph, and learn how to create the yearbook from scratch. I continued to take photos and edit during the pandemic because it became a hobby that I enjoy. Senior year of high school was back to in person learning and this time I learned how to use a DSLR Nikon Camera to photograph and design the yearbook from scratch when I was in person with everybody in the classroom. I started to photograph from academics during school hours for my yearbook pages. I started to photograph for sports events like Friday Night Football Games. My teacher and I photographed together during the games and we got some amazing shots during the Cactus Cobras Football Victories. To conclude this topic, I continue to photograph to this day because it became a fun hobby that I enjoy during my free time. Outside of school, I have been photographing for my family during our events and one of my friends senior pictures. I have photographed during Christmas and for my baby cousins' baptism in church and the lunch after the baptism. My family loved the work I have put for photographing my baby cousins' baptism because they loved the photos and we all had fun together. A couple months later, I photographed my best friends' senior pictures and not only I photographed, I also made her a photo card announcement, a graduation card, and a yard sign celebrating her high school graduation. This is something I would love to continue because I love to pay with photoshop and photograph for events and people who love the work I do for them.
    Healthy Living Scholarship
    Staying healthy is always important because one of the main things that matter in life are staying healthy and worrying about your physical and mental health. A healthy lifestyle is important to me because staying healthy is all that matters to live a long and healthy life. For example, keeping a good weight, eating the right foods, going to the doctor's when something is happening, and exercise as much as possible. Right now, I am currently going on walks with my aunts for about an hour almost every day getting my steps and cardio in. I always watch what I am eating because I do not want to gain weight and stay unhealthy which will lead me to getting health problems as I am growing up. It is always important to stay on track with food and exercise because if I get out of control, everything will mess up for my healthy lifestyle. Losing weight will be extremely difficult if your lifestyle is not healthy because it will be hard working out and controlling what you eat. I do not regret losing weight in a healthy manner because I limit what I eat and only eat when I am hungry instead of piling up food in my system. To conclude this topic, a healthy lifestyle is important to me because it is always important to take care of yourself no matter what. I have recently been taking care of myself and my body because I want to live a long and healthy life in the future when I get older. I have been eating healthy foods and going on walks during the evening almost every day to work on my cardio and stay in shape. It is important to stay in shape at all times because once somebody gets out of shape, it is hard to go back to the regular you.
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    Any personal finance lesson you learn is important because once you grow up, it is important to learn about money and how you will utilize it in your life. One personal finance lesson I have learned is how to manage my money while going to college. I find the Free Application Federal Student Aid an important personal finance lesson because it helps pay for college and shows how to take care of the free money and the money you have to pay back after college. My first time filing the Free Application Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was during my senior year in the middle of October when it opened. It was my first time dealing with money and tax information. After filing the FAFSA, I was not eligible for the Federal Pell Grant but I got rewarded the University Grant for $1,250, an ASU Merit Scholarship worth $7,000, two loans direct subsidized worth $3,000 and indirect unsubsidized worth $2,000 plus a parent plus loan worth about $14,000 which I did not accept. To conclude this topic, I decided to accept the two student loans because they were a short amount of money and I was wise in accepting them because I would not have to pay much money because in total they are about $5,000. Before I did anything, I asked one of my moms friends who is good with money and she told me to accept two loans and move forward because they were not worth much. When I continue to file the FAFSA, I will have a better understanding of how money works in the government.
    Bold Optimist Scholarship
    It is always important to stay optimistic through tough times no matter what the situation is. A situation where I have stayed optimistic was during my yearbook class and my mom has taught me to stay positive throughout tough obstacles no matter what happens. Although it was difficult staying happy through this tough obstacle, I had my mom, my aunt, and my friends by my side helping me with this situation and staying happy and positive. The situation I was in which was tough was a yearbook assignment. I was working on my Junior Varsity Softball Page which was due before spring break. I struggled because all of the JV Softball games were getting canceled and I did not have anything on my page beside the interview section and design complete. As I eventually found a solution, I went to JV practices to photograph and finish my page during spring break and the week we came back to school. To conclude this topic, staying joyful and optimistic throughout this tough obstacle was worth it because everything on my yearbook page came out good. Finding a solution for an upcoming deadline is stress relieving because then I know that I will get my page done. Photographing for JV practices for three-four days was worth it because I got some good shots of practices and I have faith that my JV Softball Page will look good and they will like it.
    Bold Art Matters Scholarship
    All art is beautiful in every way possible. I would say my favorite piece of art would be new and old paintings. I love new and old paintings because when you look at them, you can tell that they are telling a story of what the art is expressing. Paintings, graffiti, watercolor, and such are my favorite paintings to look at and do because I love color and black and white because you can see the message of what it is trying to incorporate. Many stories behind one picture are not wrong because everyone has a different sense of mind. In my Photo 1 class, we would look at paintings and describe the overall message of what is going on together as a class with all of our different and unique ideas. We would look at and visualize black and white paintings made by creative painters who lived during the times of the Great Depression and the Holocaust. Us students and the teacher would talk together about what we would see in the picture. For example, the scenery, the color, the background, foreground, texture, structure, etc. We would discuss and put the pieces of the puzzle together. To conclude this topic, my favorite paintings are the new and old paintings that include color, black and white, graffiti, watercolor, etc. because you can see the real story of what is made by creative artists. I started to love painting when we would look at images of the Great Depression and the Holocaust in Photo 1 for our final exam. Looking at pieces of art and painting with color and black and white has brought my interest in painting and discussing the aspects of real art. Regular paintings are amazing because those also have color and a meaning behind it.
    Bold Science Matters Scholarship
    Many scientific discoveries are great for this world and have helped us live a better life with these discoveries scientists have discovered. My favorite scientific discovery was the coronavirus vaccine. This was my favorite discovery because right away, we got a cure to end the coronavirus pandemic that made the entire world suffer from living their normal lives. Once this disease came out at the end of 2019, I was afraid because I did not know what this disease was and how it will affect people who were infected terribly. The only thing I did was stay home and safe with my family because it was important to keep cautious. Once I heard that scientists have been working to find a cure, I had high hopes for this pandemic to die down once and for all. I continued to follow the rules of this pandemic just to stay safe and not get infected. As I continued to stay safe, I still got the coronavirus disease. It was weird experiencing it because I did not know what it was about and what was going to happen to me. I still stayed strong and fought the virus no matter what. Once I recovered, I was not scared of the virus anymore because now I know how to experience it. To conclude this topic, the coronavirus vaccine discovery was my favorite scientific discovery because it amazed me how quickly the vaccine came out when we were all looking for a cure at the beginning of this covid pandemic. When I was eligible for the covid vaccine, I got the first two doses and felt comfortable going out again like I used to. After 6-8 months, I got the booster shot and after that, I felt like there was no coronavirus around me.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship
    I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art in photoshop by making people happy with what I make for them. My main hobby is taking photos, editing, and doing some amazing things on photoshop whether it is for me or for anyone who needs me to make something. I started with photography and the yearbook in my junior year of high school and it has become one of my best hobbies of mine. As I started learning, I have been photographing for my family events, and one of my friends' senior photos. With the experience I have got, I even made my friend a graduation card and announcement on photoshop with the skills I have got. During my senior year of high school, I got a chance to photograph more during school hours and school events. During school hours, I have photographed during some academic classes for the yearbook this year. Photographing for academics has helped me learn how to photograph better and catch the perspective from different angles. With this, I have also photographed my high school football games for my yearbook page. I have gotten many great shots of the football boys playing the sport that matters most to them. With the skills that I pursued in photographing at school and school events, I have photographed for my school's Junior Varsity Softball team. To conclude this topic, as I started to photograph more during school, I have gotten the hang of photographing outside of school. Outside of school, I have photographed my friends and family. I extremely enjoy this because I get a chance to continue to do my favorite hobby outside of school as well. I have made a positive impact with the work I have put forth inside and outside of school by making people happy in what I do for them. I plan to carry this and continue in the future whenever I have the time to photograph. I love to make people happy with what I do for them and I plan to continue photographing during family events, for my friends, and of course during vacation.
    Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
    There are many things people do to improve the lives of elderly people in this community such as staying by their side constantly. One thing I do to improve the lives of the elderly seniors in my community is to respect them and be by their side whenever they need anything. I have to respect and take care of the seniors because once they get older, they will need some taking care of when it reaches to that period of time. For example, my grandma had a big surgery removal and all of my aunts and cousins all had to work together to take care of her so she does not do anything while we are not watching. It was difficult for her to sit because she loves to move around and do things around the house. We all had to watch her and make sure she does not hurt herself after a big surgery she went through. It is always best to take care of seniors because they deserve helpful people by their side. To conclude this topic, one thing I do to improve the lives of elderly people in my community is to take care of them no matter what. Even though they are not going through something, it is always important to treat them with love and respect. I love my grandma and other seniors that I know who are in my life so I do as much as I can to take care of them so they live a healthy life. It is always important to me that they take care and we, as well, take care of them.
    RESILIENCE Scholarship
    One of my family members that I have lost years ago was my great grandma. My great grandma was this kind hearted woman who always treated everyone with respect and such. I remember when I was a kid, I was always around her every time I would go see my aunts. One of my favorite moments was when I would wear her extra long dresses with a head covering just to dress up as her. She influenced me in my life by teaching me to become a good girl and raise me like how I am today. I saw her more than I saw my own parents because both of my parents would work and I was always at my moms aunts house where my great grandma lived. She always knew how to put a smile on my face every day I would see her and communicate with her just as if we have known each other for many years. As I was getting older, I still had the same connection with her just like the connection I had with her when I was a little kid. Growing up, I was always by her and having conversations just like before when I was younger. Years passed by and we continued to have the same connection, but there was a period of time when she got sick and it was on my birthday month. When I heard she got sick, I did not know what to do. I was clueless and she has been sick for months in the hospital, rehab, and at home. I stayed positive for those entire couple of months knowing that she will get out of it and feel great. When I heard she got her second stroke, I still had hope and hoped that she will have a recovery after all of this. To conclude this topic, on September the year of 2014, my great grandma passed away. She did not make it and passed with her third stroke. I was devastated to hear this and could not believe it once I heard what really happened. The way I heard this was where my dad told me that I just had to go to his aunts and I did not suspect anything. When my mom came and picked me up, she asked if I knew what happened and I was clueless, when she told me my great grandma passed, I was shocked and had no words in what and why this happened. I was quiet the entire car ride because I was shocked that this happened. I always wish she was still here to see how far I have come through high school, graduation, college, and further more on into my future.
    Juquel K. Young Memorial Scholarship
    Everybody has some type of motivation that strives them on to success. It can be their hero, a celebrity, a family member, a friend, someone from school, and so much more. My motivation that causes me to press on in my daily life are my family on my moms side. My family has always wanted to see the best in me and what I will become in the future. I have always wanted to make them proud in what I have achieved in life. Without my family by my side, I would not have anybody to push me to become successful anywhere I am. When there is nobody by my side, it is difficult to pursue anything because there is no motivation who is always by you 24/7. I am blessed to have my family as my motivators because they have pushed me to become this far in life in many ways that I can think of. Some things I have accomplished in school are getting good grades, maintaining a high grade point average (GPA), getting accepted into my dream college (Arizona State University - West), got the New American University Provost's Award Merit Scholarship which was worth $7,000, fully committed into going to Arizona State University majoring in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science, and graduating high school in about a month. I can say that I am extremely happy and thankful for where I have been throughout high school and preparing myself for college in the upcoming fall of 2022. I am extremely excited to see what the future holds for me as I follow my path to get a master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies to become a Physician Assistant. To conclude this topic, my family has pushed me to become like how I am to prepare me for the real world during and after college. My family have always told me one thing, work hard first and then have fun later. I took this phrase as an inspiring quote from my family and continued along to strive with it. I started to take up most of my time with school and left all the other things out because I wanted to do what was important first and then have fun as much as I want. I want to be the best as I can be when college approaches me in the fall of 2022 because my major is serious with the medical things I will be learning and the amount of obstacles and challenges I will face on when I take down a bachelor's degree in science with a Medical Studies major.
    Taking Up Space Scholarship
    What is the meaning of taking up space? Taking up space has several meanings to it. To me, I believe taking up space means that it is for something important or something fun. For example, some people take up their space by using it for school, sports, extracurricular activities, games, etc. I take up my space by being busy with school and church. I apply taking up a lot of space in my daily life by doing many things here and there no matter how tired I get. Sometimes, I do wish I only focused on school because it is the most important than anything to me. When I take up my space with school, I tend to leave everything else out and focus on one thing because I care for my education more than anything. With school, I want my full attention in it because I care for what I will become in the future. Taking up space for school and studying to work in the medical field as a Physician Assistant is something I do not regret doing because the more I focus on it, the higher the chance is to get what I have been wanting. I take up my space with school because I save all the fun I am going to have after I get all the hard things out of the way. I do not want to slack because the more I slack, the less chances I have of becoming successful. So, in order to apply this to my daily life, I must stay intended to focus on school instead of slack. If I slack constantly, I will forget about everything I have been wanting to do and never focus. To conclude this topic, I believe that the meaning of taking up space is to take it all up with something important that you are intended to do. As you can see, school is my top priority taking up all the space I have right now. I am not upset about this because I would rather be focused on this more than anything right now. I want to have as much fun as I can in the future because when I am free, I will not have to worry about anything I can imagine. Focusing on what is currently taking up my space is the best decision I have made because I can wait on all the fun I soon will have after I am done with six years of school to become my dream job as a Physician Assistant and of course, work with other healthcare workers in the medical field who strive to save lives and be the best they can be.
    Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship
    My name is Mariana Shlemoon and I am a senior at Cactus High School. I will graduate on May 20th and I have fully committed to Arizona State University. For four years, I will be attending Arizona State University to get my bachelor's degree in science with a major in Medical Studies. I plan to make an impact in the medical field; I want to work in an environment that saves lives every day. Northern Arizona. Before I become a Physician Assistant, I want to study more and focus because my major is not easy. After I graduate from Arizona State University with my bachelor's degree, I plan to attend Northern Arizona University for two years to gain my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. I will communicate with my peers, classmates, professors, and my academic advisor to keep me on track with my major requirements. I am interested in the medical field because I love to learn about medicine and the functions of the body. I want to learn how to stay healthy as well as help others stay healthy. Staying healthy and taking care of your health matters the most because, without health, none of us would be alive in this world today. During my high school years, I have taken classes that relate to health and wellness. I have taken biology, chemistry, medical science, human physiology, and sports medicine. From taking these classes, I have learned all the bones and their location and the muscles with their action, origin, and insertion. The bones, muscles, and body functions have helped me learn how to help people who are injured somewhere in their bodies. Using the technique SOAP has helped me communicate with the patient. SOAP stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. By using these techniques I will learn how to communicate with a patient and make sure they heal. To conclude this topic, the terms I have learned in my classes, shaped my goals by helping me understand the qualities of medicine, health, and wellness. Using these terms in the future with communication, body functions, bones, muscles, etc. will help me stay successful in my working environment. To continue to shape my goals in the future, I always plan on learning new things while I work in the future after six years of learning the Physician Assistant Curriculum and all of the hard work I have put forth for six years at Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University. I want to work with any patient whether they are young or old, I want to help people get better by doing what is right to save them from death. When I start working in the healthcare field with other healthcare workers, my goal is to work together as a team to save as many lives every day. Saving lives is a big thing for me because it is like bringing the ill patient back to their normal life from eternity.
    College Showdown Scholarship
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    As a little kid, I had a variety of favorite books because I always used to read. Now, I do not read as much but if I started to read again, I would say my favorite books are The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series was my favorite book to read because it would entertain me and I was engaged in reading it almost every day. Every time a new series came out, I would buy the book and constantly read it. As a kid, I had a bunch of books and whenever I would get bored, you would see me reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series and laughing at what the author wrote in the book. I would love reading books with pictures because then I can visualize what is happening in the book while the author incorporates words and pictures. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is a very understandable book when you constantly read the new series because it talks about the life of Greg and how he lived his life. I was always interested in what would happen next in the next series that would come out because of the life stories that he would share with us in his diary. When I hear about people's lives in a document, book, or diary, I tend to continue reading because the more things that happen, the more I am interested in finishing the book. To conclude this topic, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series are my favorite books to read at any time because hearing about everyday life makes me interested in the book. No matter what, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series will always be my favorite book to ever read in my life.
    Robert Wechman Mental Health Scholarship
    Mental health is not easy for anyone to go through because it leads to severe damage in life. I do not have this but I have friends or people I know who struggle with mental health. Seeing their experience with mental health is a struggle because I always see them depressed, down, and/or stressed about life. I feel like it is always better to talk to them and listen to them because maybe I can do something for them that will change their lives in a certain type of way. Mental health leads to negativity and a lot of people are negative about themselves which is not good because this leads to losing people and career aspirations in the future. These experiences I have been seeing are not good ones. After all, the more I see people depressed bothers me because I do not know what else to tell people anymore. I try to let them rant to me about their problems and try to help them but sometimes it does not work or they just do not take your advice. It does get frustrating but seeing them suffer hurts me more because they are stressed plus I cannot do anything to help. To deal with mental health, I try to stay with those who are dealing with it and not leave their sides no matter what. The more I am by my friends or people I know, the more they will feel better knowing that you are there for them no matter what. To conclude this topic, to de-stigmatize mental health, always think on the bright side of things so you can have faith in yourself to achieve anything no matter what. Just because you have mental health issues, definitely does not mean that you cannot do anything you used to. People must fight mental health because I believe that anyone can do anything no matter what they struggle with. To influence beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations, people must always stay positive throughout anything that happens to them. Mental health does not mean it is the end of the world, mental health is like a challenge people face but people must take on challenges in life. Challenges will help people improve in anything if they fight for what they want. Fighting for what I want is the best thing ever because this has me feeling confident in myself that I can achieve anything I desire.
    Graduate Debt-Free Scholarship
    My name is Mariana Shlemoon and I am a high school senior attending Cactus High School. I will be graduating in two more months on May 20th, 2022. I am fully committed to Arizona State University with a major in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I applied to Arizona State University in the middle of August and got accepted at the beginning of September. Since then I have been keeping up on my college things so I do not fall behind while preparing for my first year as a freshman in college at Arizona State University. I have applied for scholarships and applied for the FAFSA to see what free money I am eligible for. I have been applying for scholarships ever since I got accepted and I did not care about the amount that was offered to me because free money helps in many ways possible. It was difficult not hearing back from many scholarships that I have applied for but I eventually received one scholarship. I received the New American University Provost's Award worth $7,000 for four years at Arizona State University. With the FAFSA, I received the University Grant for $1,250 and accepted two loans, direct subsidized and indirect subsidized. The direct subsidized loan was worth $3,500 and the indirect unsubsidized loan was worth $2,000. For me not living on-campus is better because I would not have to pay for room and board which is the highest cost. To conclude this topic, I plan to avoid college debt by applying for as many scholarships as I can to receive free money for my four years at Arizona State University. I will apply for the Free Application Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) every October 1st when it opens to see what aid or grants I am eligible for. I will be smart in the loans I plan on accepting because eventually, I will have to pay those back after school or during school. It is difficult and frustrating not hearing back from scholarship committees but I will keep on applying no matter what. I will never give up and continue applying for free money so I do not end up in college debt. Going into debt is not a fun experience because this ruins your chances to study what you want to become in the future. I want to study to become a Physician Assistant in the future and I will need a lot of money to study for my future.
    Hasanovic American Dream Scholarship
    What does the "American Dream" mean to me? To me, The American Dream is a life full of so much fun and success. To fulfill the American Dream in my book, I plan on being successful in college and after college when I start working in my dream job. Once I am done with school and have mastered what I truly desire, I will have some fun in my life and live it to the fullest. As of right now, I am a high school senior about to graduate in two more months and I have fully committed to Arizona State University at the West Campus. I am going to major in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science for four years at Arizona State. After I graduate from Arizona State University with a bachelor's degree, I will attend Northern Arizona University for two years to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. As you can see, I want to become a Physician Assistant after I get my master's degree after two years of studying to get my master's degree. I hope to use my college degree to achieve my view of the American Dream by working hard during college and getting ahead in everything so I do not fall behind during college. During college, I plan on getting involved by joining clubs that I am passionate about. For example, I went to meet the College of Health Solutions on March 19th and I learned more about the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University. I found out that they have a Pre-Physician Assistant Club and a HOSA Club. I want to get involved in these clubs so I can gain more knowledge to work in the medical field in the future. Getting involved in clubs, communicating with my peers, professors, and academic advisor will help me stay on top of work and keep me less stressed than falling behind. After I work as a Physician Assistant in the medical field, I plan on having fun in my life. I want to travel more and spend time with my friends and family more and more every day. To conclude this topic, the American Dream to me is all about success and fun. Success is a lot to achieve in the future but I am passionate about becoming successful throughout college and the real world life after college. College is a big step into the real world and success starts from there. Once I am on top of my work, getting involved, and getting good grades with a high GPA, that is the type of success I would love to achieve. Physician Assistant School is competitive in their applicants and I must obtain a high GPA to increase my chances to get into Physician Assistant School at Northern Arizona University in the Downtown Phoenix Campus. I will face many challenges throughout this journey but with my family, friends, peers, club members, professors, and academic advisor by my side, I will meet each requirement provided for me to work in the healthcare field. I plan to be like this after I graduate from Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University as a Physician Assistant
    Bold Future of Education Scholarship
    Throughout the years, education has improved in several ways. Education has offered us many things to help us learn. For example, utensils, hands-on things, computers, laptops, etc. are all tools to help us with our education. Utensils and hands-on things allow us to work with our hands touching things so we get a better understanding of what we are doing. Computers and laptops allow us to do research for ourselves so we can get valid information online without guessing ourselves. A change that I believe would make education better for future generations is to include volunteer work in some courses. Some courses that provide volunteer work will have more hands-on experiments to participate in outside of the classroom than inside the classroom. I feel like students who work better with the hands-on type of work will love volunteering at places here and there because it gives them an idea of what they are learning inside the classroom. Using your hands in volunteer work or experiments will help in the future on what you are destined to become. Future generation students love to work with hands-on volunteer work and experiments so they have a better visual of what they are learning. To conclude this topic, it is always better to provide hands-on work for students instead of sitting down at a desk for 90 minutes taking notes for the whole class period. When a new generation of students deals with this at school, they will not be engaged throughout the entire school year whatsoever. Students love to work with the hands-on type of work instead of a pencil and paper with 10 pages of homework. Future generations love to deal with computers that have fun assignments like designing and graphics because they get to play with what they love. A change that I most certainly believe would make education better for future generations are hands-on work, volunteer work, and fun things to do online.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    Many people have existed in this world throughout history. Some of these people were great and some of them were not so great. I am not a big political person but hearing what people have to say about their rights amaze me because I can see their passion for what they want to fulfill in their century. Someone who I admire from history is the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. I truly admire Former President Abraham Lincoln because of what he has done for this world. When Lincoln abolished slavery from this world, I truly assumed that he made the right choice for America back then. Slavery was a big issue in this world back then and nobody wanted to deal with slavery because it did not lead to great things in the past. People were tired of it and it only seemed like it was for specific races only which did not make it fair for them. Slavery was not a fair game before Abraham Lincoln was president because people getting tired and sick leads slowly to death. To conclude this topic, Abraham Lincoln made a smart choice of abolishing slavery because this has saved many people from getting sick and dying. When something is not fair, it needs to come to an end because this leads to wars and fights between people or other countries. We do not want to deal with wars with other countries because a lot of things get destroyed and several consequences come with it. I truly admire Former President Abraham Lincoln for what he has done throughout history to save his people.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    Any financial need is important for everybody to have and use wisely. Any financial need that is offered to me helps me in many ways. Financial need helps me to pay for college to study something great for four years and continue for two more years at a graduate college. College is extremely expensive because of the number of books, supplies, food, housing, etc. that is provided for students. The most helpful piece of financial advice I have ever received is taking Economics during my first semester of high school. Economics is the best piece of financial advice because I learned about the FAFSA and the costs for college including grants, scholarships, student loans, and parent plus loans. When I applied for ASU, I completed the FAFSA to see what aid I am eligible for. I was not eligible for much aid but in my financial award package, I received the University Grant for $1,250, a New American University Merit Provost's Award for $7,000 for four years, and two student loans direct subsidized and indirect unsubsidized loans. I would say the scholarship for four years worth $7,000 is valuable because I can renew this for four years at ASU. To conclude this topic, taking Economics has helped me gain more knowledge about Financial Aid in college and how to use the money for four years at ASU. The New American University Merit Scholarship was the best award I have ever received because $7,000 is a lot of free money that I can use to help cover some of my college tuition for my first year as a college freshman. Throughout my four years at ASU, I will apply for the FAFSA on October 1st to see which financial aid I will be eligible for to pay off my college tuition.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    In this world, there are many problems and there is somehow no way to fix these problems. Problems like loitering, vehicle collisions, political issues, rights, etc. are all problems in the world right now. For me, the biggest problem that is facing the world right now is vehicle and traffic collisions. This issue matters to me the most because accidents end people's lives, change their lifestyle, and/or be in the hospital severely injured. We must care for the people in this world because big problems like vehicle collisions cause injuries and/or death stages for drivers all around the world. A solution for this big issue is to leave all the distractions to the side and focus on the road to avoid serious accidents. For example, I was driving with my mom yesterday. I am at a red light patiently waiting for the light to turn green so I can turn. When the light turned green, I patiently waited to see if there was anyone who was going to hit red. I carefully turned until my mom saw this white truck coming by fast. She tells me to stop while I was turning, I stop and I see the white truck hit the red light while I was about to turn. This frightened me because I almost got hit and the truck was big. The person in the vehicle was on their phone and was not paying attention. A lesson I learned myself yesterday was to always pay attention no matter what. To conclude this topic, the solution for this situation is to leave everything after you arrive at your destination. Once you are distracted for five or more seconds, then you will cause damage to the other drivers who are also trying to get to their destination just like you.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Mental health is a big deal in this world. In this case, we must find a solution for those who are currently struggling with mental health. There are many solutions out there for people who are struggling with mental health. A practical solution for helping more people who struggle with mental health is to be there with them every step of the way. Whether it is a friend, family member, counselor, doctor, therapist, etc. you must be there for somebody who is struggling with their mental health. When you are there for somebody who struggles through mental health, they will feel better because they know for sure that they have you by their side at all times. Being there for somebody is something a lot of people do almost daily. When somebody knows that you are there for them, they will always thank you and appreciate you for being there helping them through a difficult situation. Mental health is often something people have and it gets extremely serious when not taken care of in the right manner. To help people who struggle with mental health, talking to them about what they are going through helps a lot because when that person gets all of the problems off their chest, they relax and feel a whole weight lifted off their shoulders. Mental health is a difficult stage for teens, especially who go through this. To conclude this topic, being there through difficult times with somebody also pushes them to get out of it. Getting out of stress and negativity leads to positive moments in life because once you are free from all the things that are bringing you down, you start fresh. Starting fresh is the best thing to do because you can fix your life and make it even better.
    Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
    What does the term allyship mean? Allyship sounds like a friendly task to complete for somebody or a small community. The definition of the term allyship is the state or condition of being an ally. In other words, supportive association with another person or group. I have always helped people and it has impacted me because I get happy every time I see the individual happy. When I do something for a community, that makes me even happier because I did something to help the community. Helping the community is like helping the entire world with something that they have been going through. When you do more like helping out the community, you will feel great about yourself because you positively changed the community. A time that I showed up for my community was during school. My HOSA Club volunteered at a Blood Drive hosted at the practice gym at Cactus High School during school. While volunteering, we assisted students to register and have them wait until they are called up by the nurses to get their blood donated. When my club helped out during this event, we led people in the right direction to save a life out there in the community. Donating blood to people saves their lives and people who do this deed are saving a life out there in need. We also gave those who donated blood snacks and water so they do not pass out after they have donated a whole bottle of blood. This has impacted me the most because it is my dream to volunteer and work for health. I have always wanted to be a part of the healthcare world. When I watch those who work in the healthcare world like nurses in the blood drive, I always find it interesting because it is related to health and wellness. To conclude this topic, volunteering in the blood drive hosted at Cactus High School has impacted me the most out of all the things I have done because this was the closest that I have gotten to save a life in the healthcare world. As a kid, I have always loved helping people and always loved seeing them happy. Seeing people happy is amazing because when someone is smiling and laughing all day, it touches me and makes me smile and laugh with them. Helping people medically is also the same thing because when you save somebody's life they will be happy just like that person you helped in a non-medical way. The blood drive has impacted me so much because I got to be in the world of saving the lives of those who need saving out there.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    The quality and characteristic I value the most in myself are how much I love to help people. I have been helping people for almost my entire life and I still help people to this day. Helping people is a passion of mine that I would love to take to the next level which is saving people's lives. In the future, I want to become a Physician Assistant working in the healthcare environment with other healthcare workers who also have a passion for helping others and who are ready to take the next step in the medical world. Having this quality and characteristic will help me in my life journey by pushing me to help others medically. Helping others medically is a passion of mine because I wish for everyone to live their life in good health at all times. Someone needs to care about their health because they will have a longer and healthier life. I am currently a high school student graduating on May 20th and I will be attending Arizona State University in the fall of 2022. I will be attending Arizona State University on the west campus for four years until 2026 to get a bachelor's degree in science with a major in Medical Studies. After I graduate with a bachelor's degree from Arizona State University, I will attend graduate school at Northern Arizona University in the Downtown Phoenix campus for two years to get a master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. After all the schooling, I want to become a Physician Assistant in the future to work with medical assistants to save lives every day in the healthcare field. I plan on helping all of my patients stay healthy with what I have learned in school and with the quality/characteristic I have valued in myself. Having this helpful mindset characteristic helps me communicate with people more because I get to listen and talk to people to help them be better in their lives. To conclude this topic, the quality/characteristic that I value in myself will help me in my life journey because this allows me to volunteer at healthcare jobs to gain experience in helping patients with their medical issues. Helping others is a big main characteristic I have because when I help others, I love to listen to them first and then talk to them. Listening to people first is important because I need to know what the problem is before starting the conversation.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    What does the term creativity mean and how does it apply in somebody's life? To me, creativity defines as something fun in life. The definition of the term creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of artistic work. To apply creativity in life, you must include fun things like hobbies or a creative routine that you stick to daily. In my daily life, I apply creativity by doing new things, focusing more on my hobbies, and changing my routine once in a while. To apply creativity in my life, I always have a change in my routine whether it is focusing on school stuff, preparing for my first year in college, and/or doing my hobbies. My hobbies are photography, editing, and stitching. Stitching has become my new hobby ever since I visit Grand Canyon University's suture lab. Recently, I ordered a suture kit for myself so I can practice stitching when I have time to myself. I get creative while I stitch because I love to work with anything related to medicine so I have experience. Other hobbies I love to do are photography and editing. Photography and editing keep me occupied when I have nothing to do. I photograph during school, school events, or outside of school events. Outside of school, I photograph at family gatherings, and inside of school, I photograph for the yearbook. To conclude this topic, photography, editing, and stitching are some creative hobbies I have that I do in my life. I always love to change my routine because sticking to the same routine is not creative; it is boring. Applying creativity in life makes my life interesting because when I have a lot going on, it seems like my life is packed and busy with so many things.
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the word selfless? To me, selflessness means assisting others independently instead of one whole group assisting others. The definition of the term selfless is concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish. I am committed to being selfless because I love to help people and comfort them in many ways possible. For example, when my friends are going through a rough time, I always manage my time to be there for them no matter what. To help others, I sit down with them and listen to what they are going through and of course try to help them. Being selfless says a lot about me as a person because I love helping people who are going through something serious. I care about myself and others because I want to make time for people who truly mean the most to me in my life. To help others, I plan on not pushing them away because pushing them away makes things worse since this leads me to become selfish. We do not want to be selfish because this just makes us care about ourselves instead of the person we pushed away. To help others, I plan on caring about myself and others so I approach those people as unselfish instead of selfish. To conclude this topic, I am committed to being selfless because I want to help my friends live a good life no matter what. There are obstacles people go through but with some help from a friend or somebody else, this person will feel grateful for the friend because the friend who was there for this person made an impact. Making a good impact on someone is important because this person will also be there for you through everything.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the term gratitude? To me, gratitude defines as something passionate and kind that someone lives with. The term gratitude defines as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Being thankful for others is amazingly important because when others do something for you, it shows how much they care for you in any type of way. I live with gratitude and appreciate everything that I have by showing appreciation to those who care about me and are always there for me at all times. I show appreciation to my loved ones, and I also appreciate the things I receive from the people who care. For example, during the holidays, I always love to spoil my friends and family with stuff because I love to show them how much they truly mean to me. My friends and family also spoil me with stuff because they care so much about me. To live with gratitude and appreciate everything I have, I treat everyone how they want to be treated. Treating everyone with kindness and appreciating the people I have in my life is how I live with gratitude in my life. When I treat people with kindness, I get the feeling that I am living my life with gratitude from the way I treat others in a kindly manner. To conclude this topic, I live with gratitude and appreciate everything I have as being thankful for everything, show appreciation for others, and doing any favor to return kindness to people. Whether it means gift exchange or respecting others in a kindly manner, there will always be a way that I will live with gratitude. Showing people that you care for them makes their day better because they know you are here.
    HSINTELLIGENCE Minority / Indigenous Nurse Leader Scholarship
    My name is Mariana and I am a high school senior attending Cactus High School graduating in two months on May 20th, 2022. I am a hard-working student who strives to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. As of right now, I am a straight-A student this semester because I work on turning my assignments in on time and putting effort inside the classroom. I have applied for college at the beginning of my senior year in August. After a couple of weeks at the beginning of September, I got accepted and committed to Arizona State University at the West Campus with a major in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I chose to major in Medical Studies because my career goal is to become a Physician Assistant. To become a Physician Assistant is my solution to the American Dream because it has always been my dream to work in the healthcare field with other medical assistants who strive to meet the American Dream. To achieve the American Dream, I will work hard during college to get my bachelor's degree after four years of all the hard work just to work in the medical field. After graduating from Arizona State University in the year 2026 with my bachelor's degree in science, I will attend graduate school at Northern Arizona University on the Downtown Phoenix campus for two years to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. After graduating with a master's degree, I plan on making a positive impact on the world through my PA career by saving lives every day and working with medical assistants who feel the same way. To conclude this topic, I will work as a Physician Assistant in the doctor's office to save patients every day. A Physician Assistant works under the doctor to save patients to many groups such as the elderly and minors. It is always important that we recognize all age groups in the healthcare field because focusing on one age group and blocking out the rest of the age groups is the wrong thing to do because all healthcare workers must care about all age groups to fully save lives. In our society, I will work as a Physician Assistant to save everyone's lives in all age groups because saving lives does not mean just focusing on one age group, saving lives means focusing on all age groups in this world.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    Hello. My name is Mariana Shlemoon and I am a high school senior attending Cactus High School for my last year. I will be graduating in two more months of May 20th, 2022. I have applied and got accepted to Arizona State University. I have committed to going to ASU for four years until 2026 to get my bachelor's degree in science in Medical Studies. My educational goals are to get straight-A's, pass all my classes, go to college, graduate college, and get more education to become a Physician Assistant. I have met three of my educational goals because I am currently a straight-A student graduating high school and going to college in the fall of 2022. I will graduate from ASU with my bachelor's and attend Northern Arizona University for two years to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. An obstacle that I have faced in my life was my yearbook deadline for my spring sports page. The problem is that we cannot get much of spring sports due to having the yearbook finished up by the end of March beginning of April. I am working on the Junior Varsity Softball page and almost all of their games have been canceled due to not having enough girls on the other opponent's team. This was a big problem for me because I had nothing but interviews on my page. I tried to find close games to go to but they were far away in distance and far away in the deadline. So, I had a conversation with my teacher and asked if I can go to a practice and photograph so I can have something on my page. I went on Thursday to photograph and it was a success because I got more than half of my page completed with 10 girls attending the practice. I will be attending practice during spring break so I can finish my page up by the end of spring break. To conclude this topic, facing this experience has stressed me out because everything was getting canceled and I had nothing on my page. I learned that finding other ways that will help get anything done is the best solution because anything will count as complete when you work hard. When I attended the JV practice, I still tried my best to take good photos to make the page look good no matter if I did not get a chance to go to a game. This experience has taught me that there are struggles in Yearbook with deadline situations when something has barely started. This taught me that I have to push myself through these obstacles to get anything done no matter what. Attending a JV practice has helped me a lot because my page is almost complete. I will continue attending JV practices during spring break so I can complete my page by the end of this week.
    Uniball's Skilled Trades Scholarship
    I am currently a high school senior graduating in two months on May 20th of the year 2022. I will be attending a four-year university in the fall of 2022. In the fall of 2022, I have been accepted and committed to Arizona State University majoring in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I am very passionate about my major with a bachelor's degree because this will leer me to become a Physician Assistant in the future. As a little girl, I have always been passionate about working in the healthcare field because I have always had a passion to help others in many ways. I have always wanted to take the next step in helping people which was by saving lives in the healthcare field. Working with others who are also passionate about the healthcare field is a big dream of mine because then all of us can work together as a team to save lives. After my trade education, I plan to graduate from Arizona State University with a bachelor's degree in science in the year 2026. With my bachelor's degree, I will attend graduate school at Northern Arizona University in the Downtown Phoenix area to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. Graduate school at Northern Arizona University will take me two years because the first year I will be learning the fundamentals with hands-on work and the second year will be clinical rotations at different healthcare centers with what I need. Yes, this will be an obstacle course but I know never to give up because I know I can do anything with any education I will receive. I have spoken with several Physician Assistants on how their path was with PA School and they said it was difficult but extremely fun because of the things they learn. All PA's have told me to never give up because the end is worth it after all the hard work that you have been through with PA School and college as an undergraduate. I am experiencing the time of my life in adversity as of right now. I am currently taking Yearbook my second time this year because I enjoyed the outcome of it all. Working independently on your pages, deciding as a group on what we need to do for the book, and especially making the book from scratch to sell to our student body. The second semester of the yearbook class is my first time experiencing it because I have taken the yearbook class for one semester before. My senior year, I am taking Yearbook as a yearlong class so I can continue working on fun stuff like designing pages. The time of spring sports has fallen on us and we are on crunch time to getting everything done by April so we can submit the book and sell it to our student body and staff. My spring sport was Junior Varsity Softball and so far all of their games have been canceled due to not having enough girls on the other team opponent. This was an obstacle I had to solve because my page was due the week before spring break and I had nothing. So, I talked to my teacher and asked if I can attend practice so I can photograph something for my page. On Thursday, I attended their practice and got half of my page done and I will be working on it throughout this week of spring break to get it done by the end of the week. I worked through this obstacle by using my own time.
    First-Generation Educators Scholarship
    An educator that has had the most positive impact on my life was my 8th grade English and Social Studies teacher Mrs. Wicks. She has brought the most positive impact on my life because she has pushed me to become successful throughout elementary school and high school. Mrs. Wicks believed in me that I could do anything in the past, present, and future. She has helped me improve in English reading and writing through my elementary school years. I have taken READ180 which was an English class to improve in reading and writing. I took this class in 6th grade and ended in 7th grade. When I started my 8th-grade year, I started to take a regular English Class because I have shown improvement in READ180. I wrote my essays and Mrs. Wicks said to me, "your writing has improved so much and you do not repeat in your writing like you used to." When she said this to me, I felt accomplished because I knew with her help, I improved in my weakness. As I started my freshman year of high school in 2018, I was put in English 1 Yearlong. I passed this class with an A and for my sophomore to senior year of high school, I was put in semester-long English classes. I started to see how I improved in English from taking READ180, Yearlong English, and Semester-Long English. I always thank Mrs. Wicks for helping me to improve in my weaknesses in English. My grades in English have also told me something because, in all of my English classes, I have passed them with A's. From then until now, I have never struggled in an English class because of all the help I have received from my 8th grade English and Social Studies teacher Mrs. Wicks. I am an only child in my family and both of my parents did not go to college because they did not get the chance while they were living in Iraq. So, as a first-generation student, I was interested in going to college so I can study health, wellness, and medicine to become a Physician Assistant in the future. A flashback of me in kindergarten said that my future was to become a doctor. Yes, I know the doctor switched to PA but my work in the medical field did not change one bit. In high school, I have taken health classes that will help me gain knowledge to become a PA. Throughout my four years of high school, I have taken biology, chemistry, medical science, human physiology, and sports medicine which has helped me learn more about my path to becoming a Physician Assistant. My family, friends, and teachers have also driven my interest in going to college by supporting me through the obstacles inside and outside of the classroom. To conclude this topic, I have applied and got accepted to Arizona State University. I have committed to Arizona State University with a major in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. For four years at ASU, I will be studying medicine which will help me leer my path to becoming a PA. I will graduate from Arizona State University in the year 2026 with my bachelor's degree and I will move on to graduate school at Northern Arizona University to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. It is my dream to work in the healthcare field with other healthcare workers who have the same desire as I do to save lives. My supporters will be there every step of the way no matter what.
    Bold Wise Words Scholarship
    The wisest thing I have ever heard was to work hard now and have fun later. This was said by one of my mom's uncles and it touched me. This was the wisest thing I have ever heard so far because working hard is extremely important to do right now especially during high school and college coming up very soon. I will be graduating high school on May 20th, 2022, and I will be attending Arizona State University in the fall of 2022. To this day, I am taking my uncle's advice on working hard now and having fun later in the future. I am working hard now during high school to finish off my senior year at a strong vibe especially coming back from the virtual world. The virtual world was a tough year but I have learned my way through it and managed to get good grades from it. I currently have straight-A's right now and I am keeping it that way so I can end the year off with straight-A's. During the summer, I will work hard and learn some medical terminology for college so I have a better memory of what I will be learning. After I am done, I will have fun during the summer after all the hard work I have done this year. To conclude this topic, working hard now and having fun later is the wisest task I have completed so far during high school because I always push myself to become better and better each day. On the weekends when I have time at home, I work on my college things that need to be taken care of and homework for school that needs to get done. I have learned to always take care of my school work first before anything.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    In the future, it is important to have goals so I know what to do in my future. I will be graduating high school in two more months on May 20th of this year 2022. I will be attending Arizona State University in the fall of 2022 majoring in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. My goals for the future are to be successful in college, manage my time wisely, graduate college, go to graduate school to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies and become a Physician Assistant in the future. To meet these goals, I must stay focused on what I want to do in the future. During the summer, I plan on studying health and medical terminology so before I go into the classroom I will remember instantly what I have learned online. Yes, people say the medical field is a tough path but the people who have studied in the medical field have faced these challenges and never gave up. Another big goal of mine is to never give up and continue to do what I have been looking forward to in the future. I will graduate with a bachelor's degree in science from ASU and attend Northern Arizona University's graduate school and get my master's degree to become a PA. To conclude this topic, to meet these goals, I will never give up, have the right attitude, and continue studying what I love to study. This is my chance to receive the education that I have always wanted ever since I was a little kid. Working in the healthcare field has been a big dream of mine to come true because I have always loved to save people's lives healthily. Achieving these goals is a big goal of mine in the future.
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    Study strategies are amazing to use to achieve academic success. Study strategies are the way of succeeding. After all, when I study something that is for an exam, I easily do well because I have studied many times using the strategies I use. Some study strategies I use to achieve academic success are Quizlet, re-writing what I am studying, and Quizizz. I use these tools because digital and hands-on studying helps me stick to the topic I have learned inside the classroom. After acing the exam, I always thank Quizlet and other strategies I use to help me pass the exam with a good grade. Quizlet is an online flashcard study tool with several features like the learn feature, the matching feature, the writing feature, the testing feature, and the Quizlet live feature. These features help me remember terms that I have studied inside the classroom to ace the test. Re-writing what I need to study also helps me remember for the exam because when I re-write something it sticks in my brain when I am taking an exam inside the classroom. Quizizz is also a helpful study tool because it is a multiple-choice game you play with the terms you are studying. I find this study tool helpful because the more I keep playing it, the more I will remember what I studied. To conclude this topic, Quizlet, re-writing what I studied, and Quizizz is the best studying strategies for me to use when I am studying for a quiz, test, or an exam. Anything that will help me remember study terms in class is the best studying tool for me. Right now, I rely on Quizlet the most because I love to make digital flashcards and study using the other features Quizlet has to offer students to study.
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the word persistence? To me, the word persistence sounds like something serious that someone took to overcome a challenge they faced. The definition of the word persistence is the firm or obstacle continuance in a course of action despite difficulty or opposition. Another definition for the word persistence is the continued or prolonged existence of something. A time I have used persistence to overcome an obstacle was during the yearbook class. This obstacle is a challenge for me right now because I am working with it during my week of spring break. During the yearbook class, we are currently working on spring sports pages and those were due the week before spring break. I am working on the Junior Varsity Softball page and recently all of their games have been canceled due to not having enough players on the other team's opponent. This was hard for me because I had nothing on my page beside the player's interview section. I have been working hard to find a solution to attend a game but the issue was it was either too far of a drive or too far for the deadline. A solution my teacher and I came up with was going to practice this week and during spring break to finish my page by the week of spring break. To conclude this topic, I am overcoming this obstacle by going to a JV Softball practice to photograph them playing their sport. It is a bummer that I cannot attend any of their games to photograph due to the yearbook deadline. Right now, I am doing all that I can to work on my last page of this semester to make it look good even though I missed the opportunity of going to a JV game.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    What does the term generosity mean to me? Well, generosity sounds like something I am generous about having in my life. There are two definitions for the term generosity, these two definitions are the quality of being kind and generous and the quality or fact of being plentiful or large. The definition that goes with what I feel is the quality of being kind and generous. This definition goes with what I feel about this term because I always find it as a nice and kind term when you are around others. For example, I am generous around my friends and family 24/7 because I am always with them every day of my life. My friends and family are always here for me through the good and bad times so I must repay them with generosity to show how much I truly appreciate them in my life. To stay generous around people, I always introduce myself and get to know them so I come out as a good influence in their eyes when they see their first impression of me. I show people that I am a generous person by being welcoming and sharing things I love with other people I love. To conclude this topic, generosity means the quality of being kind and generous to others. This matters to me a lot because it is amazing to be generous to others instead of pulling off a rude vibe when you first see somebody. It is always best to approach someone with generosity and kindness so they can return you the favor of generosity and kindness. Giving somebody the rude vibe often leads to drama and unfriendliness which nobody likes. If there is somebody you may not like, you can not talk to them so there will not be drama.
    Surya Education Assistance Scholarship
    Receiving an education is something I am extremely passionate about because education leads to success in the present and the future. Receiving an education gives me a high chance of being a successful person in the future after finishing up with school. I am going to graduate high school in two more months on May 20th of this year 2022. I am going to Arizona State University for four years majoring in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I chose to go to college because I want to work in the medical field after graduating with a master's degree. I chose to major in Medical Studies because I want to become a Physician Assistant in the future. I plan on studying in the summer over medical terminology because then I will have a better memory of what I studied in the summer before I enter the classroom where the next chapter all begins. Receiving an education prevents me from working at a regular grocery store because with education, I can work as anything I have ever dreamed of. I have dreamed of working in the healthcare field as a little kid because I love to help people get better every day. It has been my passion to help people ever since I was a little kid so in the future I am taking the next big step to continue helping people by saving their lives every day. Saving lives is extremely important to me because I believe that everyone should see medical assistants. After all, they are here for you every day. During college, I plan on getting involved in anything related to my major because I would love to learn much more about it and stay engaged inside the classroom. To conclude this topic, I am extremely passionate about receiving my education because this is the only chance I have to receive an education. My parents were born back in Iraq and they did not have a chance to get their education due to wars and fights that occurred in the past. My family always told me to go to school and get my education because I was born here and I have a chance to work what I love to do. My family is the reason that I am here pushing through the hard obstacles I have faced throughout high school. Right now, I am working my hardest to finish off high school strong and get my things for college prepared.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    Currently, I am a high school senior attending Cactus High School and I will be graduating in two more months on May 20th of this year 2022. I am a full-time student finishing up my last three credits to graduate and a straight-A student. So far, I am finishing up high school and preparing for my first year in college by completing those tasks for my freshman year. My life so far has shaped my hopes for the future because I am successful inside and outside of school. I am successful inside of school because I am getting things done to keep my grades up. Outside of school, I am using my time wisely at home to get things done as well so I do not fall behind. In the future, I hope to stay like this because the next step in my life is going to college. College is serious and a big thing in my life because it is the next step for my education. I have applied to Arizona State University, I got accepted and committed to being a Sun Devil at the beginning of September of 2021. At home, I have been taking care of my ASU Essentials so I am prepared for my freshman year as a Sun Devil. I have been going back and forth with school and college so I am caught up in everything. Falling behind is a tough issue for me because my mind will be focused on that only. To conclude this topic, my life so far has shaped my hopes for the future by getting on top of everything that comes up relating to school and such. My hopes for the future are to graduate college and attend NAU's graduate school to become a Physician Assistant in the future.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    I have four things that fuel my life every day. These four things that fuel my life are my friends, my family, my hobbies, and my goals. My friends, my family, my hobbies, and my goals are the main things that fuel my life together because these people and things keep me on the go every day of my life. It is hard when you do not have things that fuel your life because it is hard to balance your life alone because you will not have the support you need. To fuel my life, I have my friends, my family, the hobbies I do every day, and the goals I have set for myself. My friends always support me and are there for me every day in my life. My friends always push me to do the right thing every day so I do not fall into the trap of making bad choices. My family is my number one in my life because they are here for me 24/7 through the good and bad times. I always rely on my family because they are always watching me in what I do and I always appreciate them for anything they do for me. My hobbies fuel my life because they keep me occupied while I have nothing to do. My hobbies are photography, editing, stitching, and studying. These hobbies keep me occupied to become successful so I am not sitting in my room bored. My goals fuel my life by setting personal, educational, and career goals to help me meet them for future references. To conclude this topic, my friends, family, hobbies, and goals put my life together in one piece because I have the support from my family, friends, and myself especially to give all of what it takes.
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    Speaking your mind is extremely important when you are in a situation requiring you to speak in any manner. It is hard to speak your mind at certain times because you do not know how people will view your thinking. To speak your mind whenever you are in a serious situation, you must stay committed to talking instead of hiding in your shell constantly. To me, speaking my mind can be difficult for me because I am a quiet person and I feel like when it comes to speaking my mind, I start to studder. To stay committed to speaking my mind, I come out of my shell so I can step out of my comfort zone and then I start to talk. For example, I was in a serious situation involving serious drama between my friend, church leaders, and me. We all had a meeting and it got into several arguments trying to fix the situation but it was not any good. We all spoke our minds even though nothing helped at all. Speaking our minds lead to the drama leaving and now everything is good so far. Although speaking your mind can lead to drama that is even worse than before because so much yelling is involved. Speaking your mind leads to getting rid of drama the hard way but it is worth it because nobody in this world wants to deal with any drama involved. To conclude this topic, I stay committed to speaking my mind by stepping out of my comfort zone and doing anything to get rid of drama people do not want. Dealing with any sort of drama is difficult because this urges people not to be friends with those people, not to be involved in any activities, and/or not go where they go.
    Bold Bucket List Scholarship
    What is the definition of a bucket list? To me, a bucket list sounds like something someone makes for their plans to do in the future. The definition of a bucket list is a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. A bucket list is similar to goals that people set to do or achieve. Some things that are on my bucket list are to graduate high school, get a car, travel to Europe over the summer, do a summer program at Arizona State University over the summer, go to college in the fall of 2022, continue traveling, spending time with family, and graduate college to become a Physician Assistant. I have a lot of things in my bucket list to do and will achieve. In my bucket list, I have traveled to Europe, I have enrolled to go to college in the fall of 2022, I have spent quality time with my family, and I will be doing a summer program at Arizona State University in the summer of 2022. I will graduate from high school in two months on May 20th and get my high school diploma. I will travel during the summer to Europe to visit new places and visit my uncle in The Netherlands. So far, I have maintained a high GPA of 3.7 with good grades during my freshman through senior year of high school. This was a goal I was happy to achieve. To conclude this topic, I have achieved some goals that are in my bucket list by working hard to achieve these goals. I do not get these goals for free, I must work hard for them so I know I deserve it. I will know I deserved these goals by working hard.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the word confidence? To me, confidence sounds like something you are passionate about doing and you know that you can complete this mission. Confidence has three several meanings to it. Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. Confidence is the state of feeling certain about the truth or something. Lastly, confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. I am currently working on being more confident in myself by stepping out of my comfort zone and strive to become successful. For example, I am a shy person here and there when it comes to certain things. I need to solve this issue and step out of my comfort zone by talking to my classmates or people outside of school to help me step out of the comfort zone. Talking to new people and making new friends has helped me step out of my shell because when I start to open up to new people, this keeps me engaged in talking to new people, working with others in a group, and continue to keep this momentum going. To start off stepping out my shell, I have gotten involved in my schools HOSA Club and I am the club's secretary. We have worked together in volunteering and going to field trips that will help us learn about health. To conclude this topic, getting involved in school extra curricular activities will help me open up to new people I am working with. It is important for me to open up because I cannot be shy in the future when I go work in the medical field after graduating college. It is my dream to work in the medical field as well.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the word giving? To me, giving sounds like something you love to do to admire someone in your life. The definition of the word giving is providing love or another emotional support; caring. Giving is extremely important to me because when I give people something, it shows them how much I really care for these people I admire. When people give me something, I thank them and tell them that they did not have to do this. To pay the price, I also give them something from my heart that will touch them. For example, every year on Christmas, I love to buy gifts for my friends and family to say thank you for everything they have done. I know it can be a bit much but I love to show people how much they truly mean to me. I try my best to give the people I love nice gifts as possible to show them they are the best thing that has happened in my life. When friends give me something on a special event or a holiday, I try my hardest to pay them back with something amazingly great. To conclude this topic, giving is important to me because this helps me share what I have with other people I truly adore. When you and special people in your life exchange gifts every year, it shows a strong connection of how this person and I are extremely close. It is always better to be unselfish than be selfish because being selfish does not give an opportunity to give others something you would love to share. Being unselfish shows that you would do anything to give people what you love to bring to them; being generous to your friends and family says a lot.
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    Staying true to myself in my daily life is extremely important because I have to know what I want in life. I always think to myself about what I want to do in my life and stay true to it so I do not think I am lying to myself. For example, I try many things and I think to myself if I like it or not. I use this around school when I am either choosing classes, learning new things inside the classroom, and making my future life choices. Inside of school, I stay true to myself in my daily life by making the right choice about going to school and graduating in two more months. I love to go to school because my education matters and this is a true fact about me in my daily life. Staying true to myself leads me to become a successful person during the present and in the future. To continue staying true to myself, I continue doing the things I love to do everyday so I can continue staying true instead of telling people I am doing something I strongly dislike. For example, I have a huge interest in the medical field and this became true when I started to take health and science classes such as biology, chemistry, medical science, human physiology, and sports medicine. To conclude this topic, I stay truthful to myself in my daily life by doing what I truly like instead of listening to others opinions that will change me to become a different person. To continue to stay true to myself, I will continue doing what I love to do in my life instead of following others in what they like. One thing that I have learned about myself is that I love trying things.
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    One experience that has shaped a part of who I am today is spending time with my family during quarantine. When the coronavirus has started, we all were on quarantine to stay safe from getting the coronavirus disease. Staying at home quarantining was a great time to spend with family. I felt like I got to know my family more and more each day I got to spend time with, the more I got to see my family since everything in Arizona was closed. I had a lot of family bonding with my parents, my aunts and uncle, my grandma, and my cousins. For example, during quarantine, my family and I would play cards, talk to other family members over the phone, and spend some quality time with family whether it is on the phone or in person. This gave me the experience to get to know my family more since we had all the time to be together. Quarantine also gave me the experience of knowing who is really there for me and who is not. It did show many true faces for a couple of months in the year 2020. To conclude this topic, one experience that has shaped a part of who I am today is bonding with my family because getting to know my family has shaped me to become a better person. I feel like I have experienced a change in my life while on quarantine because I have changed with the people I talk to and how successful I have become during quarantine. I was studying online my entire junior year of high school and I maintained to keep straight A's the first semester while I had the coronavirus. I kept good grades the second semester with all A's and one B that time.
    Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
    With $1,000, I will use this money to pay off my college tuition. No matter how much scholarship money this is, I will use it to pay off my tuition. Receiving $1,000 will help benefit me to pay off my college tuition instead of having me stress out about how much financial money I need. I have been applying for as many scholarships as I can to receive more free money to pay off college tuition. Right now, I would put the $1,000 on my financial aid so I can pay my first-year college tuition as an incoming first-year student. I do not mind how much scholarship money I will receive because anything helps to pay for college. College is genuinely expensive if you are going to a full-ride university in the state so I will need a lot of money so I can worry about studying instead of money. To conclude this topic, $1,000 will do me so much help because I want to study health and wellness as an undergraduate. My major will be in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I love to study medicine so I can become a Physician Assistant in the future. After graduating from ASU, I plan on attending NAU for two years to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. I will use $1,000 wisely to pay for college because I do not want any free money taken away from me after I have worked extremely hard for it. Algebra Scholarship
    Math. Not a lot of people love the word, what the subject is, or what you learn in math. Math is something useful and important to learn inside the classroom. A lot of students think that learning regular algebra or common sense math is not useful in the real world but it is useful depending on what you want to be in the future. Math is a struggle for me but I love to learn it because it requires solving problems and using real-world scenarios to solve. I believe that math is important because you can use it while measuring, building, health scenarios, baking, cooking, etc. I love to learn math because it has a lot of formulas that go with the problem you are solving. For example, in the medical field, pharmacists use math for medicine, and scientists use math to make medicine and vaccines for everyone in this world. Math is used to create things by hand like building a house, cooking with a measuring cup, using an oven, or using a stove for an amount of time while cooking or baking something. Math is a great learning tool because you can learn how to measure properly while doing something outside of school. For example, scientists making medicine and vaccines use math to measure and know the right formula and how much formula to put in the medicine. Real-world scenarios are shown to students so they know that math is useful anywhere. To conclude this topic, math is something that not everyone knows is around every day. Many people take their math classes and just pass and never use math in their lives. Not a lot of people who like math use math because they just want to get over it. Math is a complete struggle for a lot of people because it challenges you to solve math problems. Math is important because it is used in many jobs that people will work. For example, people who work at construction sites, buildings, chefs, medical healthcare workers, people who work with STEM, people who major in mathematics, etc. These people use math in their everyday lives because when they study something they like and get a degree in it, it will stay in their lives no matter what. In the future, these people will continue to work with math after going to school to get the degree they pursue.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the word passionate? When I hear the word passionate, I hear it and see it as something I love. The meaning of the word passionate is showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief. I am passionate about a couple of things like photography, editing, sports, and health. Something I am extremely passionate about is health and wellness. You might think that is something weird to be passionate about but I truly do care about health and wellness. I am very passionate to learn about health and wellness. When I go to Arizona State University in the fall of 2022 majoring in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. Medicine has been my passion ever since I was a little girl. I have always wanted to work in the health field with other healthcare workers. I have been taking classes in high school that is related to my major such as biology, chemistry, medical science, human physiology, and sports medicine. These classes have assisted me in gaining knowledge in what I want to do in the future. In the future, I want to graduate from Arizona State University after four years to get my bachelor's degree in science. I will attend Northern Arizona University's graduate school for two years to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. To conclude this topic, I want to become a Physician Assistant in the future and work with anybody. My passion is to go into the healthcare environment and save lives every day. Saving lives every day makes my day because I know that I am completing a good deed for people who are in the need of medical help. As a high school senior, I am preparing to learn about anything related to health.
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    What are hobbies and why do people have hobbies in life? The meaning of the word hobby is an activity done frequently in one's leisure time for pleasure. People have hobbies in life because it keeps them occupied from anything. Some hobbies can be related or non-related to school activities. Some of my favorite hobbies are photographing, editing, and designing on photoshop because I enjoy doing these things in my free time because it keeps me occupied in many things. I have taken yearbook and photography because I enjoyed taking pictures and editing them to make them look better. I recently have bought a DSLR camera to photograph during events or vacations over the summer. I have also downloaded Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom to edit the pictures I have taken. Learning new things like photography and editing is a good thing because it keeps you occupied and helps you improve in something you like. Going out and using a school camera plus the apps for editing help you learn how to edit properly with a teacher teaching students how to edit and such. I have photographed at high school football games and an assembly for the yearbook. It is such an amazing experience to photograph at school events to show school pride. To conclude this topic, editing and photographing is my main hobby because I enjoy photographing at school events and events outside of school. Yesterday, I photographed my baby cousin's baptism in the church and the hall while celebrating the baby getting baptized. It is such an amazing experience photographing for the fun of it and doing all that I can for my baby cousin getting baptized in the church. Therefore, photographing and editing pictures is my favorite hobby to do when I have nothing else to do.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    Relaxing and taking care of mental health is extremely important for people to do almost every day. Mental health is important to watch and take care of because it is your health that matters most. Relaxing your body and mindset takes care of your mental health because it is important for everybody to relax their bodies and mindsets every day. I relax every day and take care of my mental health by staying home and doing things that keep me relaxed. For example, watching Netflix, watching movies, taking naps, keeping a good amount of sleep, etc. helps me relax. Watching Netflix and movies keeps me relaxed because I am watching my favorite movies and shows that keep me on a positive mindset every day. I am always relaxed when I take naps and keep a good amount of sleep at night because I get a good amount of rest as I can get. Getting a good amount of rest and relaxing keeps me in a great and positive mood because I am relaxed throughout the entire day. It is always important to have a great and positive attitude so you are not affecting your mental health in many ways possible. To conclude this topic, taking care of mental health and relaxing almost every day reduces the amount of stress people have in their lives. Stress is not good for anybody's mental health because it causes people to struggle and even worse to deal with. It is our job to relax and take care of our mental health to reduce stress and to always stay calm no matter what happens. To stay calm and relaxed, we must do our favorite things to keep ourselves calm and not think about anything that will stress us out. It is important to take care.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    What is the meaning of the word empathy? How do people use it in their everyday lives around people? The meaning of the word empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. People use empathy in their lives by being understandable and kind to others. Treating others with empathy makes others feel like they are being treated with more respect. I make sure to treat others with empathy by being there for them and instead of bringing them down, being there for them to listen makes it better for them to talk. For example, when one of my friends is dealing with something personal, I let them rant and talk about it. They should talk about it so I can understand what their issue is and listen instead of talking about what I believe. Sometimes, talking about what you believe can affect them because not everyone has the same beliefs which can cause some misunderstanding. Once I hear my friend's situation and she is done ranting, then I tell her what I believe so she has time to keep ranting about what is bothering her. To conclude this topic, talking to friends about what they are going through and being there for them is how to treat them with empathy. Treating them with empathy will truly show them that I care so much about them. Treating others with empathy and without empathy shows a huge difference in how you treat others because just treating people right does not do much as you treat others with empathy. Adding empathy to how you treat others says a lot about how much you want to be there for a friend and how much of a good friend you are. It is extremely important to treat others with some empathy.
    Bold Career Goals Scholarship
    After high school or after college, everyone eventually ends up working their dream job or working in any type of job to make more money for themselves and their families. As of right now, my dreams are to graduate high school, attend Arizona State University, and graduate from there after four years with a major in Medical Studies and a bachelor's degree in science, go to Northern Arizona University to graduate with a master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies, and lastly, become a Physician Assistant as my future career. I have loved dealing with medicine and medical things as a little kid because I always thought it was cool how doctors, pharmacists, physician assistants, athletic trainers, and/or therapists do for people to heal and feel better. It has always been my dream to work in the medical field with other healthcare workers together to save the life of a patient in need. To meet these goals to reach for my future career, I have been taking classes in high school that will further help me in my future. I have taken biology, chemistry, human physiology, medical science, and sports medicine to help me gain more knowledge for my future career as a Physician Assistant. I love to take health and science classes because I can get ideas of what I will be learning to become a PA. To conclude this topic, my dreams for my future career are to work with other healthcare workers and save the life of someone who is in need. I love doing this because I can help people in many ways related to health. My passion for helping others matters and I want to help others beyond my practice in healthy ways. I wish I can always help people in many ways no matter what.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    Everybody has goals in life they plan on making to achieve. These goals either can be future-related goals or health-related goals. For people to achieve certain goals, they must change their life paths to be successful. Becoming successful and having a positive attitude are major things to do when achieving the goals you have set for yourself. For example, somebody sets a goal to get straight A's for the entire year, and this person has not been getting good grades in the past. For this person to meet their goal, they must maintain a positive mindset and be successful in the classroom by staying on top of their work. By staying on top of their work and turning in assignments on time, this person has a chance of meeting their goal to receive straight A's. My goals for the future are to go to college and graduate with a major in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I also want to go to NAU's graduate college to get my master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies because I want to become a PA in the future. I plan to achieve these goals by working hard right now as a high school senior and as a college undergraduate at ASU. To start now is the best idea because then I will continue to keep this momentum during college when the real world counts. To conclude this topic, graduating college and starting my future as a PA will be the best future for me because my dream was to always work in the medical field with other assistants learning new medical things every day. Medicine has always been my passion as a kid and I have always wanted to do something with it in the future like working as a PA.
    Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
    What is the meaning of life? Life is what we are living in right now on planet earth with a bunch of people from the same or different countries across the earth. To me, the meaning of life is all about you and what you want to do with it. For example, in life, I could go to school and graduate, spend quality time with friends and family, and live my future life as what I want to become in the future. Some people may not have a meaning of life and will just mess around during their entire life. Life is full of good and bad choices but, we must decide what choice we are going to make in life. The meaning of life to me is being a successful person making good choices here on out. To me, being successful means going to school, gaining college education and graduating to become something amazing in the future. Education is most important to me because I will use it as a smart choice to become a PA in the future. To achieve this goal of being successful inside and outside of school, I plan on making the right choices and focus on what I want to do. I want to focus on graduating high school, going to college to get my bachelor's degree, and going to graduate school to get my master's degree. To conclude this topic, achieving the meaning of life by going in the right footsteps of what I want is the way I will achieve the meaning of life. Following my own footsteps of making my education meaningful to me is to focus on what I want because I must keep my head up and following the right path to have a better future and better life.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Mental health is something many people struggle with in this world. Different people have different cycles on what they go through whether it is easy or tough. It is mainly tough for people who are going through something terrible in their lives. One practical solution for helping more people who struggle with mental health is to just be there for them physically. Not everyone is an expert in health like the doctors or physician assistants who save lives everyday in their life. Those who are not experts in health can always be there for the person who is struggling with their mental health. Some people who have dealt with their mental health have experienced bad stages and not a single person has been there for them. The struggles are difficult when there is no one by your side when you are dealing with something serious. No matter how sad this person is, we must try our best to show them that we are here for them no matter what the cause. When we hear somebody is dealing with their mental health issues, we tend to back away from them because either we do not want to hear their drama or we do not want to be around depressed people. This is not right because when somebody is sad to the point it gets worse, we need to show them that we are here. To conclude this topic, being there for people who are struggling with mental health is the best we can do because they just need someone or more people on their side to help them get through their troubles. When you have someone who is always here for you, that is a sign that they care and will always care no matter what the cause is for them.
    Rita's First-Gen Scholarship
    An adversity I face in the pursuit of education is getting all my things done on time before the deadline approaches me because then I will not have to worry about cramming everything. To navigate this, I plan to start right away instead of holding something off so it does not jump on me right when the deadline is coming closer and closer. What I hope to do is to maintain a positive mindset at all times so that way I can get things done and feel confident at the end of it. To continue to maintain this momentum of getting things done in a quick pace and having a positive mindset on me at all times, I plan on staying focused and confident whether this means it is inside the classroom or outside of the classroom. Sometimes it is difficult getting things in on time whether this means I am dealing with something urgent or the assignment takes a long time after the due date. This is a big struggle for me because I have a feeling it will mess my grade up which I have a big fear of. It is a huge struggle when something is not done for me by the deadline because then I feel behind and rush to get my assignment done. I try my best to do as much as I can to get a late assignment in on time so I can still get the full credit for it. Whether the assignment is late or not, I still want to put in my best work for the assignment I am going to turn in to the teacher. I always say a full or half grade is better than a zero. Getting a college education is extremely different from getting a high school diploma or promoting 8th grade. College education is education you get into going to the real world whether you will go for two years, four years, or maybe more. Receiving college education means so much to me because with my education in college, I can build my future with success and education from what I learned as a college undergraduate. Receiving education in college means that I will have a successful path in what I want to do in the future. I have been admitted and fully committed to Arizona State University majoring in Medical Studies with a bachelor's degree in science. I plan on gaining this education and graduating to go to Northern Arizona University as a graduate to gain a master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies. A typical day in my life outside of school are living with my parents, visiting family, getting school things done right away, and repeat. I am loving this life I am currently living because I can focus on anything and I am not in a stressful environment. Outside of school at home, I can focus on getting my homework done, studying for quizzes and/or tests, and apply for scholarships to pay off my college tuition. Outside of school I try my best to be successful as I am inside of school because it will show people what kind of person I really am. I am always there for my friends and family no matter what the cause is. I feed my curiosity inside of school and outside of school by looking more into my future and what I am going on doing in college with medical studies. I love to look at this stuff ahead of time because then I can get an idea of what I will be learning in the future. Looking ahead in what is planned for me is a brilliant thing to do because then I will know what is going on and I know I will be more interested in what is going to happen with what I am going to study. To conclude this topic, the adversity of turning things in on time and the outcome of not turning things in on time is a big challenge. Nevertheless, passing the deadline for something big is difficult because I just want it to be done as soon as possible. For example, I am in the yearbook class/club and we all work on pages to make the yearbook from scratch. In the second semester, we are working on spring sports and they are due before spring break which is in two weeks. Springs sports barely started and there is a deadline for it. This was hard for me because I had to photograph a home game that is before spring break for Junior Varsity Softball. The rest of the home games are right after spring break which is after the deadline. I told my teacher and she did allow me to go passed the deadline to continue working on my page so I can at least get it done when I can. It is hard when things like this happen because it feels like pressure is above me while attempting to get something done as soon as possible. These couple weeks I have been communicating with the head Junior Varsity Coach about the team and players to get more information. I have been needing information about game days, and players for interviews so I can get something on my page. Getting a head start on designing the idea of my page and putting in some players interviews and rosters is brilliant because then I will know what I want to do with my page from here on out. As much as I do not like passing deadlines for certain things, I try my best to do as much as I can to make my pages look good for the yearbook so people can see the hard work all of us as a team have put in all year. This is my first time passing a deadline for my pages because it is all sudden and without any confidence, I do not think I could have done my work.
    Lisa McGinley Scholarship Fund
    Sports has been a big thing for me ever since I was a kid. As a kid, I would see my dad watching sports like football, basketball, soccer, hockey, etc. I had seen my dad watch the Arizona Cardinals and I would sit and watch without learning a thing. My dad would teach me some things about the sport and the boys at my school would constantly talk about football. As I was growing up, I learned it and started communicating with others who understood the sport. When certain people do not understand the sport, I talk about something different because I do not like to talk about sports like things with somebody who does not understand anything about it. As I started seeing more sports like basketball and softball, I started gaining interest. I started playing basketball knowing a little bit and learning on the way with it. After being on the basketball team and watching basketball, this helped me gain knowledge of the sport. Basketball has positively impacted my life by gaining interest and learning the sport physically. My parents have supported me by letting me play basketball in my school team and have supported me through the great journey of winning the championship. Even though I was not a starter, I was happy to play in some games and learn from mistakes from previous games. A year later, I have tried out for softball and made the team without knowing anything about the sport. Once again, I was not a starter but, I still learned from my mistakes from previous practices and games. After playing and our great season had to come to an end, I have learned and processed so much especially, loved the sport with my whole heart. Softball has become my passion ever since learning and playing the sport. My parents have supported me through all of this by going to my games and being there for me. By being there for me ever since the semi-finals, this showed that I have my supporters on the bleachers cheering on and hoping for the best. This sport, Softball, has positively impacted me by leading me to a great team and learning the game, especially falling in love with the game. Falling in love with softball will never change a thing because this sport has a place in my heart to where it cannot be replaced. To conclude this topic about sports like talks, these sports especially has made a huge dramatic change in my life just by watching, playing, and learning the sport in a physical way. Watching sports gives me a semi complete understanding of what the sport is and what it looks like on television. Playing the sport I truly fell in love with gives me a better understanding of what it is in a physical manner because I am with my real teammates and coaches in which they can help me improve on my mistakes and regular plays I need to improve on. Learning the sport and understanding it physically will lead me into falling in love with the sport because from watching and playing, the last thing to do is learn to accomplish the plays in the sport to win the game. Winning the game is the best feeling any team player and coach could ever feel because all you want to do is just win the game. Practicing everyday and learning new plays increases the chance in winning in a game or tournament. Once the game sticks in, I immediately love the sport and it becomes a passion of mine.
    Mariana Shlemoon Student Profile |