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Marcus Allen


Bold Points




My dream is to pursue a career in "green design" Engineering-- the construction of buildings made with eco-friendly materials which are sustainable, recyclable, and compatible with the planet. As we delve deeper into the 21st century, we have the responsibility to utilize environmentally conscious construction. We owe it to our planet, and it's growing number of inhabitants. This is what I hope to gain through my studies. On a personal level, I have had ADHD since 5 years old, and Type-1 Diabetes since 12 years old. Having TID is a 24/7/365 unrelenting balancing act, filled with 5-6 daily injections, an enormous amount of math, expensive copays, unpredictability, and long-term health hazards. T1D is a life-sentence--and it's overwhelming. Despite my disabilities, I have successfully achieved excellent grades while simultaneously maintaining a 30+ hour workweek as an automotive tech at a local service center. With continued perseverance and diligence, my goal is to achieve ongoing academic excellence while balancing a job throughout my college years. Upon completion of my studies, I hope to secure employment with a company which endeavors to utilize green design, and provides medical insurance so I can successfully manage the cost of my Diabetes and ADHD on my own.


Blue Mountain Community College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Engineering, General
  • Minors:
    • Mathematics

Pendleton High School

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Construction Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Civil Engineering

    • Dream career goals:

      I have been researching engineering opportunities with the Department of Defense Army Core of Engineers. They have quite an array of civil engineering opportunities in the Pacific Northwest as well as nationwide. This type of career will provide me with a stable yet exciting livelihood with great potential for travel and advancement.

    • Technician

      2022 – Present2 years
    • Preparing take-and-bake pizzas, customer service, cashiering, and cleaning

      Papa Murphy's Pizza
      2020 – 20222 years
    • Weekly lawn mowing services for 4 elderly neighbors from April to early November, and leaf raking services every fall

      2017 – Present7 years



    2019 – Present5 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      BMCC — Math tutor
      2022 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Independent — Type-1-Diabetes teen mentor
      2016 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Independent — Volunteer
      2019 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Pendleton Animal Welfare Shelter (PAWS) — Volunteer
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      National Honor Society — Volunteer
      2019 – Present

    Future Interests




    Bold Driven Scholarship
    Successfulness is not something that happens on it's own. It is the result of never giving up. It is the combination of hard work, perseverance, study, sacrifice, and devotion to becoming better than you were yesterday. It is passion for where you want to be tomorrow. Achieving my personal goals for the future evokes several images for me. I see myself getting my transfer degree next year and applying to either Oregon State or Idaho State University. I envision graduating with honors and pursuing a career in civil engineering with a focus on "green design" (eco-friendly construction). I see myself finding employment with an engineering firm that also provides comprehensive health care benefits and a retirement plan. I don't see myself living somewhere in particular, but I do see myself living independently and being able to manage the costs of my Type 1 Diabetes on my own income. And finally, I visualize responsible fiscal management and saving for my future family. This is my hope for my future. Adhering to this path and achieving these goals will require my full commitment to higher education and prioritizing my time and finances. It also means having goals so strong that the little setbacks along the way only serve as greater motivation. Shiv Khera, an author and motivational speaker from India, once wrote: "positive action and positive thinking results in success." Being successful isnt just a destination. It also involves the journey you take along the way.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    Sometimes we follow a path we arent meant to travel. We ignore detour signs. We fear the alternate routes. We want familiarity. I recently got knocked off the path. But when I finally located the right trail, I found a much better destination. I've been making $12/hr at a take-and-bake pizza place for 16 months. I really enjoyed this job. The hours worked with my college class schedule, I made alot of new friends, and the income helped with my college expenses. In recent months, the manager wanted me trained as a shift supervisor--a couple steps up from line crew. This would result in a boost in pay up to $13.50/hr. Then 3 weeks ago, I got a phone call. The store owner fired me, with no explanation. I was shocked. Embarrassed. And frighteningly unemployed. And if that wasn't bad enough, my old Buick LeSabre upped and quit running. When it rains it pours I guess. I got to submitting applications around town and waited for any callbacks. Finally, about 5 days ago, I got a call from an automotive service station. I interviewed, and I was offered a job, starting at $17/hr! They are willing to work around my school schedule and my medical issues (ADHD and insulin-dependent diabetes). I will be able to cover the costs of my car repairs with my first pay check too. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This experience reminded me that God will never leave me or forsake me. It's hard to trust and be patient when bad things happen. But when we are willing to wait for the right directions, we find our best destinations.
    Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
    I am a "picker-upper"--always if it is my garbage, and oftentimes if I see someone else's trash on the ground. Picking up other people's trash can be a profitable business as well. I am fortunate to live in Oregon, where there is a 10 cent deposit on beverage cans and bottles. Last year, between neighborhood walks and short drives in the surrounding countryside, my dad and I made almost $750 in cash from deposit refunds--a.k.a "trash" other people had discarded. It literally pays to be a picker upper. Picking up discarded trash on sidewalks, city streets, and country roads may not seem like much, but I feel it makes a difference in my community and other places I venture. It keeps the area clean appearing and more welcoming to visitors. It also reduces the damaging effects of trash decomposing and releasing even more harmful materials into the ground. It also keeps them out of our lakes, rivers, and oceans. Think of the difference we could make if we cared enough about our planet and its climate to ensure garbage is disposed of properly. We live in a beautiful country, and it is the responsibility of all of us to make an effort to keep it that way.
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    In 2020, my community experienced some of the worst flooding in its history. Due to massive snowfall followed by rapid melt, the Umatilla River, which travels down the center of our town, spilled over levees and into nearby homes. People living in the area literally had an hour to collect belongings, loved ones, and pets. The hardest hit sections of town were the lowest socioeconomic neighborhoods. Mobile homes, knocked off their foundations, literally floated into other homes until they broke apart or became buried in the ice cold muddy waters. People sought safety on their roofs until the National Guard rescued them with helicoptors. The community, with the help of the National Guard, mobilized volunteer groups to begin recovery efforts as the floodwaters receeded. The devastation is still hard to put into words. Homes and their contents were total losses. My family worked alongside residents in recovering what we could find amidst the muddy debris. The family we were "assigned to" was praying that their daughter's cat somehow survived the disaster. I found her beneath their home. She was gone. I spent a couple hours that day with the girl, cleaning the mud off her kitty so she could hold and pet it one last time. We found a spot on the hillside next to their property and I buried her cat while she cried. Thinking about this still makes me teary. This experience forever changed me. It reminded me to be thankful for what I have, because it could be taken away in a matter of minutes. It revealed in me a depth of compassion I had never experienced before. It reiterated the capacity of humans to join together for a cause, and how essential it is to lend a hand, and a heart, to a complete stranger.
    Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
    As a teen struggling with confidence and poor body image, it is easy to pick out all of the features I wish I could change. I truly wish it was easier to focus on all of the qualities that I love and admire about myself. I'm still working on this, I guess! From a physical standpoint, I love the fact that I am tall (about 6'4"). Superficially, it makes me look older than my age, and does make me look a bit intimidating as well. However, there is a much deeper reason why I take pride in my vertical accomplishment. When I was 12, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, an incurable endocrine/autoimmune condition. Because the onset occurred right at the start of adolescence, it interfered with normal endocrine activity (puberty) and stunted my growth and development for about 4 years. This made me appear years younger than my classmates who towered over me throughout middle school and most of high school. The locker room was especially difficult because of the delays in my physical development. My endocrinologist kept reassuring me that these changes would eventually happen. During the COVID lockdown in 2020/2021, my junior and senior year, I quickly went from 5'2" to 6'4." When school finally resumed in-person learning (6 weeks before I graduated), my fellow students and teachers no longer recognized me. Some even thought I was a new student! Becoming tall may seem like an insignificant feature to love about oneself, but in my case, this metamorphosis was monumental. It reminds me I am a work in progress. I am still growing--physically, mentally, intellectually, and spiritually. And finally, patience and perseverance pay off when we are willing to trust the process. I will apply these sentiments to other challenges I may face down the road.
    Bold Science Matters Scholarship
    One of my favorite scientific discoveries is the very reason I am alive today. Insulin. Had I been born 100 years ago, I wouldn't have lived to see my 13th birthday. Prior to 1922, being diagnosed with type-1 diabetes (T1D) was a death sentence and the departure from life was slow, painful, an completely inevitable. T1D usually develops in childhood. It strikes without warning, cannot be prevented, and cannot be cured. But thanks to Canadian scientists Frederick Banting, Charles Best, John Macleod, and James Collip, people with T1D can live a much more normal life. Banting initially extracted insulin from the pancreas of dogs, and successfully treated other dogs who had diabetes. He and his fellow scientists eventually began extracting insulin from cows. After further modification and purification processes, bovine insulin was first injected into a 14 year old boy in January 1922. This boy went from being near death to having normal blood sugar levels within a few hours. Banting and his team sold their patent on insulin to Eli Lilly later that same year for literally $1. Why the incredibly small cost for patent rights? Banting wanted their discovery to be produced on a much larger scale, thus making it available to thousands of desperate patients. In recognition of their life-saving discovery, Banting and Best were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in 1923. Insulin is essential for type-1 diabetics. This disease is lifelong, and survival requires strict and precise dosing based on carbohydrate intake and fluctuating blood glucose levels. Though newer scientific breakthroughs have made T1D more manageable, there is still no cure. Insulin is not a cure. It is simply treatment. But insulin is still one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in history as it saves millions of lives around the world, mine included.
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    There is an old Swedish proverb that says "He who buys what he does not need steals from himself." My dad taught me the importance of "living within your means." Living within your means, simply put, is spending less money than what you make. Repetitively spending beyond your earnings or buying items you don't need is harmful and, like the proverb says, steals from one's self. It results in a dangerous spiral of debt that can be very hard to climb out of, plus it damages your future credit and financial pursuits as well. My dad's teachings on the concept of living within your means also includes budgeting for those unexpected situations in life that can be financially stressful. This is called having an emergency fund--an account you add a particular amount to every month which is only used in the event of an unexpected financial emergency. This may include a broken appliance, chipped tooth, or a car repair. It does NOT include the latest version of Grand Theft Auto, new Beats headphones, or a spree at Zumiez. Having an emergency fund enables you to continue paying your monthly bills in the event of an unanticipated financial challenge. Therefore, you do not become delinquent in your monthly responsibilities which may result in hefty interest fees and a negative credit rating. I am doing my best to live within my means and build up an emergency fund. There isn't much in it right now, but it is growing. I am proud to say that so far I have adhered to my monthly contribution goal. I hope to continue with this goal throughout my college years and into adulthood. I hope I won't face any financial emergencies anytime soon, but when I do, at least I will be better prepared.
    Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
    I entered Kindergarten as the second youngest student in my class. Shortly into my first year of learning, my teacher expressed her concerns to my parents about ADHD at a parent-teacher conference. She pointed out the difficulties I had with making friends, inattentiveness, fidgeting, and that I lacked "a mental pause button." She told my parents I was "bright," but had significant difficulty with the distractions surrounding me. Shortly thereafter, I was evaluated by a school psychologist and Pediatrician, and have been prescribed a stimulant medication ever since. My grades, penmanship, socialization skills, attention to detail, and overall classroom performance improved dramatically. This continued throughout my elementary years and into middle school where I was consistently an honor-roll student, almost always achieving "straight As" during my 6th 7th, and 8th grade years. My freshman year in high school was no different. I achieved another 4.0 my first semester. During my second semester, I chose to discontinue my ADHD medication. My grades went from straight A's to several B's and a D.  I lied to my parents about the teacher's curriculum in the class which I received the D. They filed a complaint with the school, and later that summer, they learned the ugly truth. I did mediocre work, and despite repeated warnings from my teacher, didnt complete my final project in time. Busted. I disappointed my family and caused a substantial scar on my high school transcript.  As devastating as this ordeal was, it helped me realize that having ADHD is not a sign of being a failure. This experience is proof that I have a treatable disability. I learned that my ADHD needs management, and with treatment, I can be successful. I restarted my medication the following year, resumed achieving excellent grades, and graduated with high honors in 2021. Properly managing my ADHD also helps me be more responsible with my other medical condition, Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). I am an Insulin-dependent diabetic, diagnosed at 12 years old.  Managing glucose levels and insulin dosing is a complicated regimen. It is imperative that I calculate and dose correctly, as mistakes can be life-threatening. The condition calls for maximum patience, responsibility, accuracy, and respect. Having Diabetes is a huge stressor. Not only do I face the daily struggle of managing my blood sugar, but I constantly think about my future as well. A large percentage of what would be my college fund goes to keeping me alive. Insulin. How will I afford the cost of my medical care in the future? This is what motivates me to pursue a higher education: the need to achieve a career that provides a stable income and quality medical insurance. Being a civil engineer will provide me with the ability to one day finance the cost of my medical care on my own. This career will also fulfill my passion for construction and building design--a craft that has enticed my ADHD brain for years. Being able to do something I love, and get paid well to do it, would be a dream come true. The Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship will help me on my college path to achieving my career goal of becoming a civil engineer. It is an honorable and respecable scholarship designed to help students, like myself, who live fearlessly 24/7/365 despite the physical and mental challenges of life-long disabilities. Having both ADHD and T1D is a burden. But I've learned how to be successful in managing both. I will continue to manage both through my college years and into adulthood.
    Bold Mentor Scholarship
    I have lived 6 years with Type-1 Diabetes (a.k.a T1D or insulin-dependent diabetes) and understand the burden of being a teen with an incurable life-threatening condition. The teenage years are probably the most difficult. Our friends are always eating fast food, candy, and high carbohydrate items like Dutch Bros., Cheetos, and pizza. We cant always attend sleepovers, parties, or field trips because the other parents or chaperones dont know what to do for a T1D. It's hard for our friends, teachers, and even our family to know how it feels to be T1D. They cannot relate to how miserable it feels to have recurrent high and low blood sugar levels. They dont go to bed fearful of dying in their sleep like we do. Teen burn out with T1D is also very real. We get tired of the isolation and demands this disease generates. We quit testing, quit calculating, and quit dosing for the simple reason that we are tired of being DIFFERENT. I understand these feelings and fears and have "been there and done that." With the help of my endocrinologist's office and social media support groups, I am able connect with and mentor newly diagnosed youth in my community. When we get together, we may do some videogaming and talk about the latest T1D tech and interesting or difficult experiences. Sometimes we vent our frustrations, fears, and fatigue with this disease. Alot of the time we laugh, but sometimes we cry. It's rough having to manage a serious medical condition 24/7/365. Being a T1D mentor for several years has enabled me to provide guidance and encouragement to the newly diagnosed. The impact of this mentorship can be lifechanging for other kids. When diagnosed with a disease such as this one, it helps to not feel so alone.
    Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
    If you drop it, pick it up--A quite simple notion, yet I see people who struggle with this concept every day. Finished with your fast food meal? Sure, just toss it out the window of your car. Let someone else clean that up for you. It's absolutely infuriating, lazy, and illegal in most states. States spend millions of dollars each year to clean up littered roadways, parks, and coastal areas. In addition to the direct cost of litter removal, litter also harms the environment, property values and other economic activity. I am a "picker-upper"--always if it is my garbage, and oftentimes if I see someone else's trash on the ground. Picking up other people's trash can be a profitable business as well. I am fortunate to live in Oregon, where there is a 10 cent deposit on beverage cans and bottles. Last year, between neighborhood walks and short drives in the surrounding countryside, my dad and I made almost $750 in cash from deposit refunds--a.k.a "trash" other people had discarded. It literally pays to be a picker upper. Picking up discarded trash on sidewalks, city streets, and country roads may not seem like much, but I feel it makes a difference in my community and other places I venture. It keeps the area clean appearing and more welcoming to visitors. It also reduces the damaging effects of trash decomposing and releasing even more harmful materials into the ground. It also keeps them out of our lakes, rivers, and oceans. Think of the difference we could make if we cared enough about our planet and its climate to ensure garbage is disposed of properly. We live in a beautiful country, and it is the responsibility of all of us to make an effort to keep it that way.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    Leonardo da Vinci was not just a world renowned Renaissance artist, but also the most intelligent scientists and engineers of this millennium. Famous primarily for his masterpiece paintings "The Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," another of da Vinci's work titled "Salvator Mundi" sold at auction 5 years ago for the astronomical price of 450 million USD. What many people don't realize is that da Vinci should be credited for many of the engineering marvels we enjoy in present day life. His vast knowledge of the sciences encompassed anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, cartography, physics, hydrodynamics, civil engineering, solar energy, 3-dimentional imaging, architecture, and more. As an imagineer, he was deeply passionate about mastering how objects worked when pieced together. He developed the blueprints for such creations as armored vehicles, submarines, and flying machines. Ironically, his designs for these types of machinery were well beyond what was capable of being produced during his lifetime, let alone several hundred years following his death in 1519. His level of genious is simply incomprehensible. Leonardo da Vinci masterfully blended science and artistry, and his brilliant concepts helped initiate a 600+ year pathway for present day engineering technology. He helped create the foundation of STEM academia and essentially paved the way for my career goal of becoming a civil engineer. The world owes a debt of gratitude to this amazing man of history whose intelligence still benefits modern science every day. "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets"--da Vinci.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    The world we live in is a wondrous place filled with possibility and promise. Yet there are many challenges that us, it's inhabitants, need to improve upon in order to make it liveable for ALL who reside here. One of the most crucial improvements needed is access to clean water.  The majority of people with poor access to clean water live in third world regions of the planet, and the ones who suffer the most are children under 5 years old. Surprisingly, the world has enough water to sustain 100% of its inhabitants. However, according to the World Health Organization, about 2 billion people lack access to clean water, and contaminated water is responsible for an estimated 3 million deaths per year. Access to clean water is limited primarily due to poor infrastructure, societal conflicts, and poverty.  Finding simple answers for these large barriers is not feasible. But identifying practical interventions is already happening.               The most inexpensive and effective strategy being implemented is supplying those at greatest risk with water filtration devices that make contaminated water safe to use. The "Lifestraw" is about the size of a TV remote and uses microfiltration to make water drinkable. Another technique uses UV radiation from the sun's rays to destroy pathogens. Products using this strategy include the "Lifesack," "Solarball," and specialized water bottles. All of these systems are compact, light weight, inexpensive to make, and can provide an endless supply of water to the people who possess them. Leading industrial countries such as the US can easily supply manufacturers with funding needed to mass produce these devices for distribution via missionary services, aerial drops, and other humanitarian aide programs. It would be rather effortless for our nation, and yet life- changing for billions of suffering humans. No one can live without water.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    One of the biggest obstacles to mental health service access is the willingness of those suffering to be comfortable admitting they need help. We live in a world where we are compelled to create a facade in which we appear to have it all together. Social media has enforced this need to portray a carefree, happy existence. Most of us would be horrified to have our inadequacies, embarrassments, or self loathing advertised on Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. We try and stuff the negativity into a corner, but all this does is enable it to build and brew until we can no longer manage the weight of it. Then we crash. Hard. Been there, done that. Mental health challenges affect everybody at some point in their lives for the simple reason that life isn't perfect. How we respond to these challenges, and subsequently, how willing we are to ask for help determines the outcome. Recognizing that anxiety and depression are common and treatable helps an individual be more comfortable seeking help. Knowing that their privacy will be respected is also essential. And finding the right counselor and medication may take time, as well as trial and error. Seeking treatment is a game changer. Making mental health issues less "taboo" is paramount for helping people suffering to seek care. So what can we do to help somebody take the first step towards healing? Talk about it. Be a friend. Listen. Share your story. Encourage them to get help. Get them the names and numbers of therapists. Go with them to the visit if they need it. Sometimes it takes a little hand holding in the beginning. It did for me. My friend cared enough to get me the help I needed so I could find my own path to healing from depression.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    Generosity is the willingness to do something exclusively for the benefit of another, without any expectation of reciprocity. It can occur in multiple forms--such as physical gifts, volunteering, or simply extending compassion or encouragement. Generosity is an outward expression of an internal heart for the wellbeing of others. In my own life, I have been both a giver, as well as a recipient of generosity. Both sides of the equation are "feel good opportunities." As a giver, I have donated time and money to situations and circumstances that befall others unexpectedly. For example, I have volunteered during community-wide flood disaster and debilitating snowfall relief efforts over the last 2-3 years. I have also paid for the repairs on a friend's truck when he didn't have the funds. I have provided transportation to family members when the need arose, and helped several elderly neighbors with moving heavy household items. Tutoring struggling college math students is another way I have been able to be generous. Seeing the students succeed is rewarding for all parties involved. Knowing I can alleviate someone's hardship or at least reduce their burden leaves a good feeling in my heart. I have always felt that God puts people and predicaments in our path to see how we respond to the needs of others. When we follow our hearts and give generously, we are following HIS will which is absolute and flawless. Anne Frank, survivor of the Holocaust, once said: "No one has ever become poor by giving." We are made richer in our own lives when we are generous--not in the sense of wealth, but in the priceless treasures of grace and goodwill. Generosity is a depth of kindness that knows no currency and blesses both sides of the exchange.
    Bold Wise Words Scholarship
    Zig Ziglar, an author and motivational speaker, is credited with the quote: "what you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination." This quote is both profound and insightful. These words extend far below the surface into a deeper ideology, but at the same time, are easily understood. That may seem like an oxymoron, so let me explain. We tend to think of a 'destination' in terms of a specific location or a finish line. A geographical place where we will arrive if we drive long enough and trust Google Maps to get us there. In Mr Ziglar's quote above, the term 'destination' isnt a physical location, but rather a goal, or perhaps an emotional state or position along our path of life. When we ponder this quote with that in mind, we understand that our destination, and the act of getting there, is the culmination of the lessons, maturation, challenges, successes, and even the defeats we encounter along the way. How we respond, and consequently what we become, winds up being a stronger version of our former selves. Like the caterpillar, we trustingly pursue the process and subsequently undergo transformation into something much more impressive. We just have to be WILLING to undergo this metamorphosis, knowing that what we will become is far better than what we were previously. If we are obedient to growth, we become extraordinary like the butterfly.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    Successfulness is not something that happens on it's own. It is the result of never giving up. It is the combination of hard work, perseverance, study, sacrifice, and devotion to becoming better than you were yesterday. It is passion for where you want to be tomorrow. Achieving my own personal success evokes several images for me. I see myself getting my transfer degree next year and applying to either Oregon State or Idaho State University. I envision graduating with honors and pursuing a career in civil engineering with a focus on "green design" (eco-friendly construction). I see myself finding employment with an engineering firm that also provides comprehensive health care benefits and a retirement plan. I don't see myself living anywhere in particular, but I do see myself living independently and being able to manage the costs of my Type 1 Diabetes on my own income. And finally, I visualize responsible fiscal management and saving for my future family. This is my pathway to success. Adhering to this path and achieving these goals will require my full commitment to higher education and prioritizing my time and finances. It also means having goals to strong that the little setbacks along the way only serve as greater motivation. Shiv Khera, an author and motivational speaker from India, once wrote: "positive action and positive thinking results in success." Being successful isnt just a destination. It also involves the journey you take along the way.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    Gratitude is the antidote for jealousy and resentfulness. It is simply being thankful for our blessings, whilst ignoring envy and bitterness. Gratitude is also something that is shared. It brings people together. The giver and the recipient are both honored when gratitude is shown. But it's not always easy to choose gratefulness in the midst of life's challenges. So how do I find ways to be grateful and show gratitude? By making a conscious effort to smile more often or extend a hug or pat on the back. By saying or waving "thanks" after the smallest of gestures, like somebody holding a door open, or letting me merge in with traffic. Volunteering at the animal shelter and seeing the lives these animals left behind is a huge reminder to appreciate what I have been given. Helping local families in need during several natural disasters (floods) and witnessing the losses they endured also prompts me to be thankful. And tutoring students struggling in college math is another experience that brings to mind the gift of smarts that was bestowed on me. Gratitude changes mindset. It costs us nothing, but yields a bounty of benefits. Whether it's being given or received, it is a powerful emotion that improves relationships, boosts self-esteem, and shields you from negativity. Zig Ziegler once said "Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for." It's a powerful tool that we all should strive to use more often.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    Confidence means having the guts to try, even if you don't succeed. And if you don't succeed the first time, switch gears, and try again...and again if you must. There is an anonymous quote that states "Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are." When we believe in our ability to be successful, we create a pathway to reaching this achievement. Finding this confidence in myself happens in a variety of ways and the approaches I use depends largly on the type of obstacle I face. Oftentimes simply having a positive "I know I can do this" mindset is all it takes. Other situations I encounter may necessitate a combination of strategies. These include using a support network of friends or family who provide me with encouragement and ideas. Preparing myself physically and emotionally, and recognizing what I can and cannot control are also important elements. Finally, focusing on my strengths, and reminding myself of past accomplishments help in boosting my confidence. Despite these confidence-building strategies, I will inevitably experience some shortfalls. I have to remind myself that this is ok. It is a lesson to build upon--helpful feedback to use when I face similar challenges. Dont give up. Deep breath...get up...and try again. Sometimes it's the smallest of steps in the wake of defeat that wind up being the biggest leaps of faith.
    Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
    Hope is a colossal word that carries alot of weight. It is an optimistic mindset based on the assurance of positive outcomes with respect to happenings in one's life or the world at large. It is having passion for the possible. So what gives me hope for the future? I can think of many things that give me hope, but technology stands out the most with respect to my own life and hopes for the future.     Technology is a term that imparts an impressive footprint into the years ahead. It proudly commands further discovery.   My career path of engineering is an excellent example of technology's potential impact on the future. The promising technology surrounding "green design" is on the horizon, and I am eager to pursue it. It is the utilization of construction materials which are eco-friendly--made from recycled metal, glass, plastics etc.  There is an abundance of potential resources sitting in our landfills. According to "Trash in America," an article written by, the United States produces 30% of the world's waste, despite contributing only 4% to the world's population. Over 25% of America's garbage is recyclable plastic, metal, and glass. Green design would reduce the damaging impact our current existence is having on the world.  This technological approach makes me hopeful that I might build a better tomorrow for future generations.      Another aspect of technology that generates hope for the future is the progress we are making in the management of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).  Being diagnosed with T1D means living on a daily blood sugar roller coaster with potentially life-threatening highs and lows. Insulin, the only treatment, was discovered just 100 years ago. Prior to this medical breakthrough, T1D had a 100% fatality rate, and sufferers usually only had months to live. In this present age, Type 1 Diabetics, like myself, can live a much more normal existence. Thanks to modern technology, us T1Ds have hope that the near future might actually reveal a cure for this disease.      There are quite a few optimistic pathways to a cure, or at least a "functional cure" for T1D.  Most of these concept cures focus on ways to enable the body to resume insulin production, but each has a unique approach. One of these ideas is the repeat dosing of BCG (a tuberculosis vaccine) which has been shown to block the body's immune attack on the pancreas. Another strategy is implanting encapsulated stem cells which are programmed to produce insulin. Encapsulation prevents the body's immune system from attacking these cells. Internal electronic devices that release both insulin and glucose in response to fluctuating blood sugar levels is also being studied. And finally, islet cell transplants using a donor pancreas is a promising concept.      Promising technology! Does it make me hopeful that the future will be better? Absolutely. For my life and career goals, technology has become a source of hope. It illuminates the possibility of a healthier, cleaner world, and a potential cure for a once fatal disease. 
    Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
    I want to live a life that matters--which to me, is the meaning of life. In other words, it is the legacy I will leave behind when I am no longer here. Leaving a legacy means I have conducted myself in such a way that people smile when they hear my name spoken. It also means doing acts of kindness, even when no one is watching or keeping score. I have been fortunate enough to play the role of friend, mentor, and aide in the lives of others on several occasions. These include my work in socializing abandoned pets at a local animal shelter, providing encouragement to newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic youth, tutoring math students in college, and by volunteering during and after devastating natural disasters in my community. Acts of kindness also means loving your neighbor, and treating them the way you would hope to be treated, regardless of whether or not it is reciprocated. Living a life that matters, or leaving a legacy, as I like to say, is so much more than an inheritance passed down to your successors. Its about the moments, memories, lessons, trials and triumphs you share with those whose lives connect with your own. It's about showcasing your heart, your passion, your faith, and your journey. It's the story of why you mattered, and how you will be remembered by those who knew you. Pablo Picasso once said "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." I am still learning how to use my gifts, and in doing so, continue to discover the meaning of life.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    When I was 12, I was lifeflighted to a hospital 250 miles from home, having been newly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). I was blindsided by this life-changing disease and the enormous amount of responsibility it placed on my shoulders. To make matters worse, my friends and extended family were intimidated by the amount of care needed to simply keep me alive. It also became an immediate financial hardship for my parents when the first trip to the pharmacy cost $1200 out of pocket! Then the lifeflight and hospital bills started arriving in the mail. I felt guilty for being the source of this stress, and this, combined with the teasing and ostracism I encountered at school, resulted in some serious self disgust as well. The impact of a T1D diagnosis on a family is truly indescribable. That was over 6 years ago, and we are now living "our new normal." Learning to manage the physical, social, and financial challenges of living 24/7 with an incurable disease definitely has it's ups and downs. Thankfully, the fear has lessened, and I don't feel ostracized by friends, teachers, and family anymore. In fact, I proudly say I am thriving and living each day fully. Having T1D has changed my perspective about life and my future. 18 year olds don't typically think about insurance premiums, deductibles, and coverage, but it's something I often ponder. In the next 6-8 years, the cost of managing this disease will be my responsibility. With the amazing advancements in technology, the daily management of my T1D has become easier, though technology comes at a price. So finding a career I can enjoy that provides good medical insurance and a stable income is a huge goal for me. A goal that I am determined to make a reality.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    Zig Ziegler, a renouned motivational speaker, once said "Motivation is the fuel necessary to keep the human engine running." Pretty powerful words; and an additional reminder that in order to keep the motor alive, you have to maintain the fuel in the tank. So what is my Chevron premium? I have several passions which keep me going; the strongest ones being relationships with friends, a future engineering career, and financial security. Good friends are like four-leaf clovers--hard to find, and lucky to have. I am blessed with having a small group of buddies for several years now. I am pretty shy by nature, so approaching others has always been challenging. But I have become close to several of my coworkers and have developed some new friendships since college began this past fall. My friends help me with the stressors of COVID restrictions and fatigue, my Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), and the challenges of balancing a full time college schedule with work and social life. I am also fueled by my drive to attain a graduate degree in engineering. Ever since I was a little kid, I have been fascinated by building design. Hello Minecraft! This has continued to be an obsession for me, now in the form of design courses in high school and college, and hopefully, a career in the near future. An engineering degree will also help fulfill another goal in my life--to live independently, and to find employment that provides quality medical insurance plus a stable income so I can cover the cost of my T1D care on my own. My T1D treatment is very expensive and has significantly affected my family's ability to help with my college expenses. To someday get paid to do what I love would be an amazing dream come true.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    Mental health has been an issue for me for several years. I have Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), which requires 24/7 management and 4-6 daily insulin shots. It is a commonly misunderstood disease that is a lifelong sentence. It makes me different than my friends. And because of its physical and emotional challenges, has affected my mental health on a recurrent basis. I came very close to attempting suicide a few years ago as a result of the isolation I felt at being a T1D. I had planned to overdose on my insulin. What kept me from ending my life was my best friend. He called me just minutes before I completed the act of suicide. He saved my life. Since then, I have found a variety of interventions to help when I get stressed or depressed. Socializing with friends is always helpful. I attend Diabetes camp annually to connect with other T1D youth who "get it." I have sought counseling. I enjoy exercise--primarily power lifting and walking, and listen to 80's tunes to help lift my mood. With my mental health, I have come to recognize many of my triggers (poor sleep, weight gain, high blood sugar, etc) and how to counter these triggers with a healthy lifestyle. In addition to recognizing triggers, I have learned that the best intervention at the time can fluctuate. Sometimes I need my friends, sometimes solitude and music. Other times I may just need to bench and squat a couple hundred pounds. And finally, I have hope which is a huge weapon against depression. With the advancements in technology surrounding T1D management, I am hopeful that my T1D will someday be cured so I can live a normal and productive life. Until that day comes, I will continue to live T1-strong 24/7/365.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    Empathy, quite simply, is the concept of putting yourself in somebody else's shoes. It is the mindset of feeling what another person feels--their joys, anticipations, fears, and even their sorrows. My strongest skills for showing empathy involve two talents, neither of which are particularily common amongst the male species. Yes, I'll admit--I'm a bit of a rarity. These two skills are asking questions and listening. The ability to communicate and connect with others is dependent on these qualities. By asking open-ended questions (questions which encourage elaboration versus a yes/no response), I learn more about a person. It gives them a chance to express thoughts into words. And it gives me an opportunity to connect, have a dialogue, and see something from another person's standpoint that I might not necessarily agree with; but can accept nonetheless. The concept of listening is very similar to asking questions, however, one essential component is missing: me talking. True listening involves patience, undivided attention, and remaining silent when the other person is talking. If I spend the time between my questions or comments pondering my next questions or comments, then I am not really listening. And if I am not listening, I am not connecting. And if I am not connecting, then I cannot be truly emphathetic to another person because I failed to HEAR them. Empathy is a remarkable aspect of being a human. We are designed with the capacity to be compassionate and recognize the value of human connection. In order to have empathy for another person, I find what works best for me is to get to know them through asking open-ended questions and listening, without interruption, to their response. This is how I treat others with empathy.
    Bold Technology Matters Scholarship
    As a Type 1 Diabetic, I am always excited about technology advancements which improve blood sugar management and quality of life for those, like me, who battle this disease 24/7/365. Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an auto-immune disorder. The body essentially attacks itself and destroys the islet cells in the pancreas where insulin is produced. Insulin is essential in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Without insulin, blood glucose levels skyrocket, eventually resulting in death due to ketoacidosis, organ failure, seizures, or coma (to name a few). Prior to the discovery of insulin roughly 100 years ago, someone diagnosed with T1D had ZERO chance of survival. Since then, insulin, once derived from cattle, is created synthetically and is injected whenever carbohydrates are consumed. Insulin pumps, which became available about 60 years ago, are programmed to administer specified amounts of insulin at mealtimes, on an hourly basis, and for high glucose corrections. The first pumps were the size of backpacks. Nowadays they are about the size of a deck of cards. Pumps are attached to the skin and use a cannula (tube) inserted beneath the skin to administer insulin. The science and advancements in managing T1D have been great, but curing the disease has not been conceivable...until now. The latest, and probably most promising technology currently being studied in clinical trials is the transformation of stem cells into islet cells capable of producing insulin. Dr Doug Melton, a biologist at Harvard, began studying the use of stem cells about 20 years ago following his son's diagnosis of T1D when he was just 6 months old. His daughter also developed this disease several years later at the age of 14. After many years of expensive research, Dr Melton and his team successfully created insulin producing islet cells from stem cells and subsequently implanted them into rodents. What resulted was these rodents being cured of diabetes. They no longer needed synthetic insulin! After 5 more years of experimentation and with approval from the F.D.A, the researchers implanted these insulin producing cells into a man named Brian, who had lived with severe diabetes for most of his life. It has been almost 6 months since the procedure, and Brian has not needed to inject any insulin. His blood sugar levels are completely normal. Following Brian's success, 16 additional adults have entered the clinical trials, which are projected to take another 5 years. What does this mean for people like me? It means that one day, I could live a much more normal life without fear of dangerous high blood sugars, or death in my sleep from an unanticipated low blood sugar. It means I can enjoy a trip without having to properly store my insulin or ensure I brought enough of it. It means my family will no longer have to worry about me living on my own. Most of all, it means I could someday say "I used to have T1D." And that would be the best gift of all--to have my life back.
    Caring Chemist Scholarship
    Ever since I was a little boy, I've had a passion for building and construction design. I would create complex cities using Legos, train tracks, cardboard, and any other potential building materials I could find around the house. In high school, this translated into taking advanced classes in digital design and multi-media arts--courses which taught me how to construct 3-dimensional buildings using computer software.   As I approach adulthood, my passion for designing and building has transitioned into a career pathway. I strongly feel that Civil Engineering will provide me with the foundation and skill set I need in order to feel successful and fulfilled in a career.   In researching this field of study,  I have discovered an affinity for "green design"--using materials which are sustainable, recyclable, and compatible with the planet. The United States produces an enormous amount of waste per year. A large percentage of what we toss out is recyclable--primarily plastics and metals. First world countries as a whole are not doing nearly enough to combat this travesty, let alone recognize what a profound resource we have at our...disposal (pun intended). Science and engineering programs could easily develop new contruction materials through responsible recycling and other waste salvage efforts. This would greatly reduce the amount of refuse overfilling our landfills, decrease damage to the planet, and potentially save money in the grande scheme of things. The concept of "green design" is a novel approach and rather unique. It requires a different mindset--one that welcomes creativity, stretches the limits, and throws in a dash of quirkiness. You have to be a tad eccentric to visualize a house made out of recycled milk jugs! With an engineering career using green design technology, I hope to make the world a bit healthier, decrease the impact of new construction on the eco-system, and make a difference for earth's future inhabitants. This is my vision and hope for the future of engineering: to see a stronger collaboration between civil engineering and eco-friendly construction material companies. Achieving this goals will be challenging, but also very exciting, inspiring, and powerful. I hope my college and career pursuits will reflect my dedication to discovering newer and more creative ways of thinking in the ever-changing field of engineering.  
    JuJu Foundation Scholarship
    What is my driving force? I would say survival--plain and simple. I have a medical condition that could end my life, so every day is a gift to me. What is my greatest inspiration? Being cured of type-1-diabetes (T1D). Prior to the discovery of insulin in the 1920s, people like me had a 0% survival rate. Thanks to insulin, I might live a full life. During one of my hospital stays, my endocrinologist told me he was hopeful that a cure for T1D would be found either by the time I graduated high school; and if not by then, surely by the time I graduated college. Well, I just received my high school diploma on 5/29, and there is still no cure. We have made huge advancements in the treatment for T1D, but these all come with a price tag too. What would have been my college fund now goes to paying for insulin to keep me alive. In a country such as the mighty United States, young adults are dying simply because they cannot afford insulin. Big Pharma does not want to see diabetes (of any kind) be cured because it is a massive money market. In fact, the same insulin that cost $21 just 20 years ago now costs $300 despite very little change in the manufacturing process. Legislation abounds arguing for better access to medical care. If opiod addicts can get FREE life-saving Narcan for their condition, why must my parents pay $600/month for my life-saving Insulin? It's an American travesty, really. So my driving force is to live and to do it fully. It is to fight and win against this cruel disease. To finally sleep peacefully without the fear of dying in the night, and to celebrate a colossal victory with my fellow T1D friends. I hope to graduate college in 5-6 years and actually be able to say "I used to have type-1-diabetes." Until then, I remain strong and steadfast--determined to never let T1D disrupt my hopes and dreams for my future. I know I can do it because I am T1strong 24/7/365. Hebrews 10:23 "and let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we confess, that God can be trusted to keep his promise."
    Art of Giving Scholarship
    Every little bit counts, especially when it comes to financially managing my type-1-diabetes. $500 is the out-of-pocket cost of one month of insulin, test strips, needles, and other supplies--and this is after medical insurance's contribution. It's frustrating because the money my family spends to keep me alive could have easily gone to help fund my college education. $500/month x 12 months x 5 years of living with this disease equals $30,000. That's at least half, if not more, of my anticipated college expenses. FASFA EFC scores, PELL grants, financial aid, and financial-need based scholarships do not take into account extenuating circumstances such as an expensive medical condition. My family is working hard to budget for the addition of college for the next 4-6 years. One of the ways we are reducing college expenses is by having me attend a local community college the first 2 years versus going to a university for all 4 years. Other strategies include purchasing insulin from Canada and Mexico, where the cost is about 1/5 of what it is in the United States. Additionally, we utilize insulin manufacturer coupons and buy test strips and needles from as it is cheaper than going through the pharmacy. I have even restricted my eating on many occasions and underdosed on insulin when monthly expenses are tight. Underdosing insulin unfortunately results in higher blood sugars and increases the risk of long term damage to my body. This predicament has been in the news lately due to the astronomically inflated costs of insulin. There has been very little change in the manufacturing of insulin, however, the cost of a 1oz vial (2 weeks worth, in my case) has gone from $20 to $300 in the last 20 years. That is a 1400% increase! Insulin is essential to somebody with type 1 diabetes. Prior to the discovery of insulin in the early 1920s, a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic had a 0% survival rate. Despite the availability of insulin, young people--especially those in their 20's--are dying, simply because they cannot afford the cost of the medication they need in order to survive. Diabetes is expensive. College is expensive. Any scholarships I am awarded will have a massive impact on in my ability to cover the costs of my college experience. This scholarship would be an incredible blessing to me, my family, and my future.
    "What Moves You" Scholarship
    "Why is the windshield so much bigger than the rearview mirror? Because what's in front of you is so much greater than what you leave behind." I don't know who coined this phrase, but it has been an invaluable mindset for me since the first time I heard it. What does it mean exactly? I think it means to let go of the past--there is no point in trying to re-live yesterday. Yesterday is already written. It cannot be erased. I recently lost my best friend, Carlos. He didn't pass away, but his absence hurts just as bad. After months of desperately trying to restore our friendship, I finally accepted the fact that I had done all I could possibly do. I needed to establish new friendships, partly to fill the void that Carlos had left, but also for the purpose of moving forward in my life and letting go of things I could not change. I developed new friendships, which would not have been possible had I continued to dwell on the loss of Carlos. Moving forward also applies to my education. After achieving a 4.0 my first semester, I made the fateful decision to stop my ADHD medication during the second half of my freshman year of high school. It decimated my grades--I actually got a 'D' in one of my classes. I was devastated, and there was no way to erase this scar on my transcript. I resumed my medication, and resumed a 4.0 GPA the 3 subsequent years of high school. I learned a lot with that experience as well--that I had to focus on my education, doing my best to achieve academic excellence in the hopes of raising my GPA and improving my future options for scholarships and college pursuits. By focusing on the present and near future, I have been successful in reaching this goal. Finally, living with an incurable life-threatening medical condition has its challenges. I was dignosed with Type-1-Diabetes (T1D) when I was 12. I do find myself reminiscing about life before my diagnosis--it's easy to remember how nice it was just to be a kid and eat a bucket of popcorn and a box of Mike & Ike candies at the movie theater. Life is different nowadays. But T1D has not been all bad. It has made me more conscientious of my nutrition and exercise. It has made me more responsible with driving and working, and has enabled me to mentor others who have been recently diagnosed. It has strengthened my family. Having T1D has also made me aware of the value in achieving a career that provides a stable income and medical insurance--things most 17 year olds don't think about. What is in front of you is so much greater than what you leave behind. The rearview mirror is filled with memories and lessons. Glance at it on occasion, but its not gonna help get you where you want to go. Face forward, proceed with hope, and pursue your dreams.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    "Be the change you want to see in the world." We see and hear this phrase all the time--on T-shirts, social media, posters in school hallways, in speeches and essays, etc. This famous quote is thought to have been coined by Mahatma Ghandi about 30-40 years ago. What did Ghandi actually mean when he proclaimed this sentiments? These words could mean something completely different to those who ponder them, but I believe his words were meant precisely for this generation. Speaking for myself, I believe it means the following: if we don't like what we are witnessing in this world, we need to first look to ourselves. And if we want action, we need to take the first step rather than standing in a line waiting for the people in front of you to move. It's past time I look at my inner self and ask, "am I contributing? Am I giving more than I am taking?" Volunteering is a perfect way to "be the change..." to take action, and make a difference in your local community. Simply put, we need to step out of our comfort zone and help our fellow people. I have experienced this several times now with recent natural disasters in my hometown. In 2019, my neighborhood was flooded due to an excessive amount of water being released from a nearby reservoir. My youth group friends and I jumped into action and began helping homeowners along the outflow creek with sandbagging, trench digging, and relocating pets and possessions to a safer place. When the creek overtook the barriers and trenches, it saturated the ground, causing floodwaters to pour through basement windows and seep through little cracks in the foundations of the homes. Volunteers switched gears and started carrying buckets of muddy water out of basements. These efforts continued around the clock for several days, and homeowners and city maintenance workers are still working on repairing the damages. Just 10 months later in 2020, rapid snowmelt caused widespread flash flooding across our entire county, with some of the hardest hit areas being in the lowest income zones, including a nearby indian reservation. My family jumped in to help with disaster relief aide, this time helping homeowners in a trailer park. We assisted with recovery and removal of belongings, moving vehicles, and locating deceased pets. I buried a little girl's cat for her that day. It was heartbreaking. These community members lost almost everything they owned. Clean up and recovery this time around took months, an the aftermath of the damage is still visible. With both of these flooding disasters, the regions affected were without power and water for days, some even for weeks, due to electrocution risks and contamination of the waterlines. Despite the devastation, it was humbling to see what a difference it made when the community stepped up and helped its neighbors during a time of great need. Its been 1-2 years since these events decimated this community. Through the help of compassionate and empathetic citizens and businesses, my community is on the road to recovery. I could have just remained in the comforts of my home on these occasions. But I chose not to. I chose to make a difference--to help families in my community who were in frightening and devastating predicaments and in desperate need of assistance. There were no prizes or awards for these efforts, but the honorarium was simply in knowing our actions mattered. Volunteering at my local animal shelter is another way of "being the change I want to see in the world." Kindness towards one another is often learned in the caring of animals. Arthur Schopenhauer, a philosopher in the 1700s, once said "compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man." Most of the animals at the shelter have been previously unwanted, abused, and/or surrendered because their prior owners couldnt provide basic care for them. Socializing the animals--getting them to trust humans, is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding aspects of my work at the shelter. Helping to prepare an animal for its "furever home" is so rewarding, especially when an adoption occurs. Animals are much more than "pets", they are family. When we change the life of an animal, we change the life of the family they just joined. Another quote, this time by Trisha McCagh, a renowned animal advocate, proclaims it perfectly: "They [animals] show us what's missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we're here." There is alot of awesomeness happening in the world right now, yet there are also things we, as humans, need to improve upon. We could do a much better job of caring more about eachother. In the world today, the change I hope to see is simple. It's the golden rule: to treat others, whether they be human or animal, the way we wish to be treated. A sizeable percentage of us arent doing a very good job of this, and I admit I should include myself in this claim as well. It's time to be better humans. Its time to search or inner selves and reevaluate what is most important. Ghandi said "we but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change....we need not wait to see what others do." Change is oftentimes necessary to move forward in the betterment of the world, the community you reside in, and in the hearts of humankind. Take the the change.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    Living 24/7/365 with an incurable condition is BOLD! I have learned that if I put my mind to it, I can do just about anything--except make insulin. I can climb one of the highest peaks in Oregon (Mt Howard), I can graduate with honors from high school--with perfect attendance. I can be featured on Nick Jonas's "Beyond Type 1" Diabetes Organization page, and I can stand up in front of a crowd of other Diabetics and tell them my story of survival and perseverance. I can live life to the fullest, accomplishing my goals, and living Type 1 strong 24/7/365.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    Leonardo da Vincci was not just a world renowned Renaissance artist, but also one of the most intelligent engineers of his era. Though famous primarily for his masterpiece paintings, da Vinci also initiated such engineering concepts as solar power, modes of transport, and was also iconic in the creation of 3-dimensional imagery. As an imaginer and scientist, he was deeply passionate about mastering how objects worked when pieced together. He blended science and artistry, and his brilliant concepts helped initiate a 600+ year pathway for present day engineering technology.