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Malonda McNair


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My goals in life is to become a Nurse and be the best care taker I can be. Growing up as a little girl and watching my grandmother and mother take care of sick people and seeing how the care they gave to others made a huge impacted is my main reason for wanting to become a nurse. I have a heart of gold and I know sometimes life can be difficult but I am determined to finish whether it kills me or not. Challenges in my for instance my health has cause me to allow so many years to go by and give up but I am more then determined now that both of my kids are grown and close to finish college. I will make sure to give back to the community by hosting health fairs for those who do not have the resources to good health as well as do community service in my community and my church family.


Wake Technical Community College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Minors:
    • Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Nurse Practionier


      Track & Field

      Junior Varsity
      1996 – 19993 years


      • MVP, 4 Time State Champion

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        CCH — CNA
        1996 – 1998
      Debra S. Jackson New Horizons Scholarship
      Becoming a mom at such a young age was not a decision I can say I wanted to do but it was the best decision every made in my life. Being a mom to my daughters meant me being put on the back burner and their needs being before mine. I raised 2 daughters by myself with the help of my family. Their dads were present when they wanted to be so that meant me putting on a smile every day regardless how I felt, sick, hurt or whatever, I had to be brave for them. Coming home doing homework, cooking and balancing after school sports with them and making sure all bills was paid. Both my daughters have completed high school with all A's and both are still completing college. I think me being a mom and preparing them for life and making sure they did their best is even if that meant me being put on the back burner but I would not change a thing. My youngest daughter ran track and field for 6 years and ranked 2nd in the state and my oldest daughter scored the highest in her reading class for the SAT's. Watching them succeed was more important than myself and now that I know both of them are able to care for themselves and they have been equipped with the morals and values I raised them with I can now focused more on myself. What made me to make the decision to go back to school is my determination in becoming a nurse to fulfill my dream. I have dreamed of being a nurse for more than 30 years and I am finally in a place where I can focus on my studies and still be the best mom I can be. My obtaining my nursing degree is setting a high bar for my youngest daughter who is a freshman at NCCU but also became a mom this year in February. My goal and purpose is to show her that being a single mom does not mean that life is over and you can't complete school or get a degree but life will not always be easy but continue to strive and be the best and with God on your side nothing is impossible. With my degree as a single mom and grandma is to give back to the community and assist in any way to make sure the low income families or anyone facing a health despair can have it all with determination and a strong support system.
      Linda Hicks Memorial Scholarship
      I was in an abusive relationship for almost 8 years with my youngest daughter father from 2000 until 2008. In the beginning, he was so loving and so caring. He treated me like a queen with no signs of abuse or anything. About 2 years into the relationship I begin to notice him drink more and more each day along with doing drugs like smoking weed and crack cocaine. First started with him telling me how to dress, then I couldn't wear makeup, I couldn't go to my family houses or any family functions because he wanted to control my every move. I had to asked if I can go to the store or even take a shower. I would say in the few years of our relationship it was bad. That was him abusing me emotionally and mentally and then year 4 that's when the physical abuse started. In 8 years I suffered 2 black eyes, numerous fractured ribs, busted lips, hair loss, being chocked to the point of passing out and so much more. I filed numerous restraining orders but nothing changed, the cops was no help. I was threaten many times with him saying he was gonna kill me and my kids. I found out in 2005, I was pregnant with our daughter and I cried because I did not want to have his child but I realize my daughter was a blessing and not curse. The year 2008 I was done being abuse and being taken control of, he had asked me 5 times to marry him and each time I had said no, not until I know you are the guy God wants me to marry. In this year, my prayer to God was if he is the one, give me a sign or something. It was a summer breezy day and me and the girls had just got back from church and he was cooking us lunch and one minute I was looking at him but the next minute I was looking at his flesh, which was a terrible sight to see. In that moment I knew he was not the guy for me and I had to get myself and my girls out safely without him harming me or them. The very next day after I took my girls to school and daycare, I sat him down and I looked him in his eyes and told him I was leaving him and taking my daughters with me. He looked at me for about a good 5 minutes before responding and his response was he cried like a baby. I prayed with and wished him the best a packed all of my things and left. That was when our daughter was 1 years old and she turned 19 this year. Him and I have had some very powerful conversations and he has apologize numerous times for all the hurt he caused but we are human and I have forgiven him and actually led him to Christ. We have a good friendship and his relationship with his daughter is still being repaired. I plan to use the resources and experience I have gone through to help anyone who feel that they have no help or they don't know what to do. I know what's its like feeling alone and no where to turn but if I can do it with 2 kids anyone can. Hosting seminars, getting into the community, spreading the word using social media and just reaching out to make sure females are aware that help is here and please don't be afraid.
      Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
      Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to be in the healthcare field. It's something about helping sick people heal that does something to my heart. As a young girl, I watched my grandmother and mother, who both were nurses, care for sick people as well as take the time to make sure they was ok. My grandma and mother cared for the sick like they was family and in return it taught me a great deal about helping those who couldn't help themselves. Every since then I have had my mind on pursuing becoming a nurse to be the examples my grandmother and mother not just taught me but also showed me. With my nursing degree the plan is to give back to the community by making sure those that are sick are being cared for by people like myself who has that heart of gold to help the sick and shut in. I plan to work in a local hospital and churches to see if there is any needs that I can do like doing health checks, making sure resources are known and available to those that need them, making basic needs bags for the homeless and working with charities to make sure people needs are being met in whatever way. Once I have obtained my nursing degree, I plan to continue to further my career by getting my Bachelors in Nursing then Masters in Nursing as well as finish with getting my Nurse Practitioner license. Maybe afterward I could see myself opening up my own clinic to help those who can not afford health insurance or being turned away due to some fault in our system. I have been at Duke for almost 14 years as a NCA/HUC and everyday I see the daily struggles of those who are in so much need for support whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual. My nursing degree will be definitely be put to good use and an example of what helping others out mean to me and making not only my mother proud but my grandmother as well who has passed on. I have been in the nursing field for almost 24 years and I love ever day that I get to wake up and go to work and help those who are in need of a hug or a listening ear or someone who wants to be told that they are loved and not alone or just being that support when family is not around or have given up hope on their loved one. Becoming a nurse has been my dream for almost 30+ years and now that I'm actually getting that chance, I couldn't be more excited. And I'm ready to take whatever steps to achieve my dream.