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Makayla Pickering


Bold Points




I am about to start my second year at the University of Utah where I plan to get a bachelor's degree. I have thought about majoring in accounting since I've always been a math person. I took an accounting class in high school and really loved it. I love helping and talking to new people. I also love to try new things, snowboard, and different foods.


University of Utah

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Accounting and Computer Science

utah academy of sciences

High School
2019 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Accounting and Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Financial Services

    • Dream career goals:

      company founder


      Cross-Country Running

      2018 – 20191 year

      Track & Field

      2017 – 20192 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        red cross — getting people checked in and cleaning up
        2020 – Present
      • Volunteering

        library — maintaining the books
        2018 – 2019

      Future Interests




      Learner Math Lover Scholarship
      Math has always been a rock to me. While being dyslexic made reading and writing a challenge, math was like a breath of fresh air. It just clicked for me. What I love most about math is its simplicity and certainty. There's always a right answer, which gives me a sense of clarity and confidence. I'm drawn to the patterns and logic behind numbers, finding beauty in their predictability. As I've grown, I've realized the practical applications of math, particularly in accounting. Math is the backbone of accounting, guiding everything from budgeting to financial analysis. It's like solving a puzzle but with real-world consequences. That's why I'm passionate about pursuing a career in accounting. I want to use my math skills to help businesses manage their finances and make smart decisions. In accounting, I see an opportunity to combine my love for math with my desire to make a positive impact. Whether it's balancing budgets, preparing taxes, or analyzing financial data, I'm excited to use math as a tool to drive success and growth. Math has always been my strength, and now I want to use that strength to help others and make a difference in the world of finance.
      Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
      Growing up with dyslexia was a journey filled with both triumphs and challenges. However, one of the biggest hurdles I faced was the lack of understanding and support from those closest to me, particularly my mother, who was born and raised in Argentina and had never encountered dyslexia before. My struggles with reading and writing were baffling to her, and she couldn't comprehend why I found these tasks so difficult. Instead of offering encouragement and support, my mother offen criticism me, leaving me feeling misunderstood and alone. She couldn't grasp why I couldn't keep up with my classmates or why I struggled to comprehend simple instructions. Her words cut deep, and I began to internalize the belief that I was somehow less intelligent than my peers, that there was something inherently wrong with me. For years, I carried this burden in silence, feeling ashamed of my perceived shortcomings and desperately trying to hide my struggles from others. It wasn't until much later that I learned the truth: I wasn't stupid; I was just different. My brain didn't process information in the same way as everyone else's, and that was okay. Discovering that I had dyslexia was a revelation—a turning point in my journey of self-discovery and acceptance. It wasn't a flaw or a weakness; it was simply a difference in the way my brain was wired. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I began to see myself in a new light. I was no longer defined by my struggles; I was empowered by them. Slowly but surely, I started to embrace my dyslexia as a unique aspect of my identity, rather than a source of shame. I sought out resources and support networks to help me navigate the challenges of living with a learning disability. And with each small victory, my confidence grew stronger, until I no longer felt alone in my struggles. Through it all, I've come to realize that my dyslexia doesn't define me; it's just one piece of the puzzle that makes me who I am. And while the journey hasn't always been easy, I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's made me resilient, resourceful, and empathetic towards others who may be facing similar challenges. Looking back, I can't help but feel grateful for the journey that brought me to where I am today. It's shaped me into the person I am—a person who isn't afraid to embrace their differences and defy expectations. And while my mother may have struggled to understand my dyslexia, her love and support have always been unwavering, reminding me that I am worthy of acceptance and belonging, just as I am.
      Debra Victoria Scholarship
      Growing up with just my mom, who’s from Argentina, has really made me think about what I want to do with my life. She’s been there, asking me since I was little, “What do you want to do?” and helping me figure things out. This has had a big impact on where I see myself going and how I plan to get there during and after college. Living in a single-parent home, especially with my mom, has taught me a lot. She’s a strong person, and even though things have been tough, she always pushed me to think about what I love. When she asked me about my life plans, it wasn’t just a question; it was like an invitation to look into myself and discover what I’m passionate about. This encouragement became the starting point for my career dreams. Seeing my mom work hard to provide for us has influenced what I want in my own career. Her determination made me adopt a strong work ethic and a mindset that sees problems as chances to learn and grow. The challenges she faced became lessons for me, making me believe that difficulties are not roadblocks but opportunities to get better. My career goals have this two-part idea: doing something I love and making life better for my family. This comes directly from the values my mom passed down to me. I’m aiming for a career that not only fulfills my personal dreams but also lets me contribute to a brighter future for my loved ones. This sense of purpose keeps me moving forward toward my goals. College, for me, is more than just classes; it’s a place where I can learn the skills needed for my career dreams. My mom’s support has been crucial in making college happen for me. Her sacrifices and encouragement pushed me to pursue higher education, giving me the tools to turn my dreams into real plans. While in college, I plan to soak up all the learning experiences possible. This means diving into internships, clubs, and events that can teach me more about what I love. I also want to connect with professionals who can share their experiences and guide me along the way. These steps will help me not only gain knowledge but also build a network in my chosen field. After college, my goal is to jump into a job that fits my passions and future plans. Whether it’s gaining more experience, going for advanced degrees, or joining industry projects, I’m all about continuous learning and growth. I also hope that my success will open doors for others, just like my mom’s support did for me. In a nutshell, growing up in a single-parent home, especially with my mom, has guided my career goals. Her constant encouragement and the lessons I’ve learned from her struggles have shaped my dreams. From her, I’ve inherited a strong work ethic and a mindset that turns challenges into opportunities. My college journey is about learning and preparing for the career I want, and after that, I aim to make a positive impact while helping others along the way.
      Marcello Rosino Memorial Scholarship
      Growing up, my family's Italian American heritage was like a treasure chest of stories and traditions. It wasn't just about being Italian; it was about embodying values that felt like a roadmap in life. I want to share how this heritage, along with the values of Marcello Rosino – determination, resilience, and dedication – has shaped who I am and how I plan to use my education to make a positive impact. Being connected to my Italian American roots is more than just enjoying delicious pasta and lively family gatherings. It's about understanding where I come from and the values that run deep in our heritage. My mom, hailing from Argentina, brought with her a rich tapestry of Italian influence, making our family a blend of cultures and traditions. My grandma, born and raised in Italy, added an extra layer of authenticity to our connection with the Italian way of life. Determination is a cornerstone of my Italian American heritage. Growing up, I witnessed the tenacity of my family, facing challenges with a "never give up" attitude. This spirit of determination wasn't just a saying; it was a way of life. It taught me that setbacks are just detours on the road to success. Whether it's in school or facing personal hurdles, I carry this determination with me, knowing that every challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger. Resilience, another pillar of our heritage, is the ability to bounce back from tough times. It's like a secret superpower passed down through generations. My family's stories of overcoming adversity, whether in the old country or adapting to a new one, echo in my ears. I've learned that setbacks are not the end; they are the setup for a comeback. This resilience fuels my journey, reminding me to stand tall even in the face of storms. Dedication is the third value that flows through my veins. It's the commitment to giving your best in everything you do. From the meticulous preparation of a family recipe to the dedication my mom puts into her work, it's about pouring your heart into what matters. This dedication echoes in my education, where I strive to give my best, not just for myself but as a tribute to the values etched in my Italian American heritage. As I navigate the realm of education, I see it as a vessel to make a positive impact. I believe in the transformative power of knowledge, and my Italian American heritage is the wind beneath my wings. I plan to use my education to bridge cultures, to celebrate diversity, and to bring people together. It's a way of honoring the richness of my heritage while fostering understanding and unity. My connection to Argentina, through my mom, adds another layer to this journey. Argentina, with its strong Italian influence, becomes a bridge between two worlds. It's a reminder that heritage is a tapestry woven with threads from various places, creating a unique and beautiful mosaic. In essence, my personal connection to my Italian American heritage is not just a matter of ancestry; it's a guiding force in my life. The values of determination, resilience, and dedication are not just words; they are principles that light my path. As I pursue education, I see it as a torch to illuminate the way for others, breaking down barriers and building bridges. In doing so, I honor the legacy of my Italian American heritage, embracing the richness it brings to my journey and the positive impact it allows me to make in the world.
      Mental Health Scholarship for Women
      Embarking on the journey through school while keeping your mental well-being in check is like walking a tightrope, and it doesn’t just affect your grades; it touches every part of your life. Imagine a rollercoaster of stress and worry about grades, creating a whirlwind that shakes your focus and motivation. It’s tough. But here’s the real deal – how you feel inside, mentally, plays a huge role in how you rock it academically and live your daily life. Let’s dive into the school scene. Picture this: you’ve got a mountain of things stressing you out, making it feel like juggling flaming torches. Your study groove falters, productivity takes a nosedive, and that motivation? It’s on a vacation far, far away. The pressure to ace everything can crank up your anxiety, creating a loop that messes up your school game. The link between your mind’s well-being and how you roll academically is like a secret code. Crack it, and you’ve got the key to success. Now, let’s talk about life outside textbooks. This stress party doesn’t stop at the school gate; it gate-crashes your personal life too. Think strained friendships, moments of feeling like a lone wolf, and a general vibe of life not being as awesome as it could be. Balancing school craziness with personal connections becomes Mission Impossible when your mental health is doing a vanishing act. It’s like trying to ride a unicycle on a tightrope. You need to notice this and do something about it – it’s not just school; it’s your whole world. So, what’s the game plan? Making your mental health a VIP. Imagine this VIP as a rockstar, with self-care practices stealing the stage. Simple stuff like hitting pause for mindfulness, dancing it out for some exercise, and catching those Zs for enough sleep. It’s not just about feeling good; it’s about laying the groundwork for school success and a life that’s a full-blown fireworks show. When the fog of stress and anxiety clears, the magic happens. Your focus sharpens, productivity takes off like a rocket, and motivation becomes your ride-or-die buddy. But when that stress cloud hovers, studying feels like wrestling an alligator, leading to a dip in grades and a general academic nose-dive. So, here’s the heart of it: realizing that your mental game, school vibes, and life soundtrack are all playing in the same concert. Taking charge by making mental health your superhero. Simple stuff like superhero routines – taking breaks, talking it out with friends, and maybe even a counseling session. Break the loop of stress and anxiety; it’s your personal revolution. In a nutshell, feeling good in your head isn’t just a cool add-on; it’s the secret sauce for success and a life that feels like a blockbuster movie. Prioritize your mental health, and you’re not just acing school; you’re winning at life. It’s not a luxury; it’s your ticket to a more epic and joy-filled journey. So, rock on, mental health rockstar!
      Hampton Roads Unity "Be a Pillar" Scholarship
      In my professional journey, I had the chance to work closely with a colleague who openly identified as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. This experience became a significant influence, shaping my understanding of their challenges and sparking a deep commitment to future activism. Working side by side, I saw the various biases and obstacles my colleague faced due to their LGBTQIA+ identity. Despite their dedication and skills, they encountered subtle microaggressions and overt discrimination rooted in societal biases. This stirred a profound sense of empathy within me and a realization that I needed to actively address these disparities. In response, I embarked on a journey of self-education about LGBTQIA+ history, rights, and ongoing struggles for equality. The more I delved into this knowledge, the clearer it became that my understanding was incomplete, and there was a pressing need for change. This wasn’t just an intellectual pursuit; it transformed into a heartfelt commitment to being an ally in both words and deeds. This commitment laid the foundation for my plans for future activism. I recognized the importance of not just opposing discrimination passively but actively challenging biased behaviors and advocating for inclusivity. The goal was not just sympathy but to actively contribute to dismantling stereotypes and promoting a broader and more accurate understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community. The impact of this experience reached beyond the workplace. I found myself deeply involved in community initiatives supporting LGBTQIA+ rights, attending events, and actively participating in awareness campaigns. What began as a personal connection with my colleague grew into a broader commitment to fostering a world where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, could exist without constant discrimination. Furthermore, this journey influenced my professional trajectory. I actively sought opportunities with organizations that prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion. Within team dynamics, I took on the responsibility of cultivating an environment where every individual felt not only accepted but genuinely valued for their unique contributions. In conclusion, the time spent collaborating with a member of the LGBTQIA+ community was a transformative chapter in my life. It not only shaped my perspective but instilled in me a passion for activism. This wasn’t just about one person’s experience; it evolved into a collective recognition of the urgent need for societal change. This encounter became the driving force behind my commitment to challenging biases, advocating for inclusivity, and actively contributing to a future where equality is not just an ideal but a tangible reality for all.
      FAR Impact Scholarship
      Helping people with their taxes has been important to me. It might seem small, but giving free assistance to those who struggle financially can make a big difference. I’ve seen how it eases their worries and ensures they get the money they’re owed. This kind of help is what I want to keep doing, and it’s why I’m interested in working in public service. I believe in making things fairer for everyone, especially for those who don’t have much. That’s why I want to be part of creating better rules and programs that benefit everyone. Whether it’s improving education, making healthcare more accessible, or making sure everyone has an equal chance to succeed, these are the changes I want to help bring about. When I volunteer to assist low-income individuals with their taxes, I see the direct impact it has on their lives. It’s about more than just numbers; it’s about making sure they have what they need to live a little easier. It’s about showing that someone cares and is willing to help without expecting anything in return. This experience has inspired me to pursue a career where I can continue to make these kinds of positive changes in people’s lives. Working in public service means being part of efforts that help everyone, especially those who face challenges. It’s about making sure no one is left behind. I want to be involved in creating and changing policies that will make life better for people who are struggling. It’s not just about short-term fixes; it’s about making lasting changes that improve society as a whole. For me, public service means fighting for fairness and equality. It’s about standing up for what’s right and making sure everyone has an equal shot at success. I want to be a part of making sure that people’s backgrounds or financial situations don’t hold them back. I want to contribute to building a society where everyone has a fair chance to thrive. Volunteering has taught me the importance of lending a hand to those in need. It’s taught me that even small actions can have a big impact. And that’s what I want to continue doing in my career—making a meaningful impact by working towards a fairer and more equitable society. In conclusion, my experience in helping low-income individuals with their taxes has motivated me to pursue a career in public service. I want to use my skills and passion to advocate for fairness and equality, especially for those facing challenges. By working in this field, I hope to be part of creating long-lasting changes that benefit everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
      Sustainable Business Scholarship
      In today's increasingly interconnected world, the role of businesses extends far beyond mere profit-making. Embracing sustainability has become an imperative for companies looking to make a positive impact on the environment while securing long-term success. The integration of sustainable practices within businesses not only benefits the planet but also presents a host of advantages, from cost savings to enhanced brand reputation and innovation. Implementing sustainable practices is crucial as it significantly reduces the environmental harm caused by business operations. These practices directly contribute to mitigating climate change and environmental degradation, vital issues faced globally. By adopting eco-friendly initiatives, companies can effectively minimize their carbon footprint, leading to a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, preservation of natural resources, and a commendable contribution to global efforts in combating climate change. There are several eco-friendly practices that businesses can adopt to reduce their carbon footprint. One such practice is transitioning to renewable energy sources. By shifting from conventional fossil fuel-based energy to renewable alternatives like solar, wind, or hydroelectric power, companies can significantly lower their carbon emissions. The installation of solar panels, investment in wind turbines, or sourcing energy from green suppliers not only reduces environmental impact but also sets a strong example for sustainable energy consumption. Additionally, businesses can implement waste reduction and recycling programs. Through comprehensive recycling initiatives, encouraging the use of biodegradable or reusable materials, and exploring innovative packaging designs, companies can significantly minimize the amount of waste generated and sent to landfills. This proactive approach to waste management not only reduces the environmental impact but also reflects positively on the company's commitment to sustainability. Furthermore, adopting sustainable supply chain practices plays a pivotal role in reducing a business's carbon footprint. Collaborating with suppliers committed to sustainable sourcing and ethical production methods can substantially lower the overall environmental impact of a business's operations. Encouraging suppliers to utilize eco-friendly materials, minimize transportation emissions, and prioritize ethical labor practices contributes to a more sustainable supply chain, reducing the company's environmental impact. The adoption of sustainable practices by businesses offers multifaceted benefits. Beyond environmental impact reduction, these practices often result in cost savings through reduced energy consumption, waste management expenses, and increased operational efficiency. Moreover, companies that prioritize sustainability tend to attract environmentally conscious consumers and investors, enhancing brand reputation and fostering customer loyalty. Embracing sustainability also fosters a culture of innovation within businesses. Encouraging employees to engage in environmentally friendly initiatives, investing in research and development of sustainable technologies, and collaborating with stakeholders to develop greener practices can lead to groundbreaking innovations that drive both environmental and economic progress. In conclusion, the integration of sustainable practices within businesses is essential for addressing pressing environmental challenges while securing long-term success. By adopting eco-friendly initiatives such as transitioning to renewable energy, implementing waste reduction programs, and prioritizing sustainable supply chain practices, businesses can significantly contribute to environmental preservation while reaping various operational, financial, and reputational benefits.
      Good People, Cool Things Scholarship
      Storytelling, in its myriad forms, is a timeless art that transcends the boundaries of time, culture, and language. Whether it’s conveyed through the intricate dance of words on a page, the captivating visuals of cinema, or the oral traditions passed down through generations, stories have an inherent ability to captivate, engage, and resonate across diverse audiences. The essence of storytelling lies in its capacity to evoke emotions, provoke contemplation, and forge connections. It serves as a vessel carrying the collective wisdom, experiences, and aspirations of humanity, enabling individuals to step into the shoes of others and gain insights into worlds beyond their own. By immersing oneself in a well-crafted narrative, one can experience the joys, sorrows, and struggles of characters, fostering empathy and understanding. The transformative potential of storytelling in shaping a more compassionate and inclusive world cannot be understated. Through narratives that challenge stereotypes, confront societal prejudices, and amplify marginalized voices, storytellers become agents of change. Stories can serve as catalysts for dialogue, breaking down barriers and fostering environments where differences are embraced and celebrated. Given an extra 24 hours in a day, I envision dedicating myself wholly to the art and craft of storytelling. This additional time would be a canvas for exploration, allowing for deeper dives into various storytelling mediums. It could involve researching diverse cultures to infuse authenticity into narratives, collaborating with artists from different disciplines to create multifaceted tales, or engaging in educational pursuits to further refine the nuances of storytelling techniques. Creativity, for me, finds its fertile ground in moments of tranquility and contemplation. It blossoms amidst the symphony of nature, where the rustling leaves or the serene landscapes serve as muses for inspiration. Immersing myself in art, music, diverse cultural experiences, and meaningful conversations with individuals from varied walks of life serves as a wellspring of ideas and perspectives that enrich my storytelling endeavors. In essence, storytelling transcends mere entertainment; it is a conduit for change, understanding, and unity. It has the power to reshape narratives, challenge perceptions, and foster a more empathetic and interconnected global community. As a storyteller, my goal is to contribute narratives that inspire, provoke thought, and foster a deeper sense of connection and empathy among humanity. At the heart of it all, storytelling stands as a beacon of hope—a vessel that carries the collective experiences, dreams, and aspirations of humanity, guiding us toward a future where empathy, diversity, and understanding prevail.
      Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
      Recovery mean to me something I didn’t know I wanted and would be such a relief. I started drinking in high school because it was “cool” and helped me feel better. I’m always anxious about well everything but after a drink the world felt better, lighter. I didn’t think it was a problem but I was young and everyone did it. I didn’t think it was a problem till I felt like I needed it just to get through my day. My body craved it just to get out of bed. That was a difficult realization for me. What actually helped me was covid I had to be in the house not around people and with no access to it. At first it was hard but after some time it made it wonder why I ever felt like I needed it to live.
      Susy Ruiz Superhero Scholarship
      I had one teacher in third grade who had a huge impact on me. Her name was señorita Ordaz. Señorita Ordaz was everything I wanted to be when I grow up. She left her country of Spain to come her and teach Spanish to kids and follow her dreams. I want to do that, I want to be able to move around the world if I want to do what I want to do with my life. She always helped me when I’d be having a bad day. I want to be that for someone an inspiration. She still inspires today. With the internet I still talk to her and she still helps me with my future. She has no reason too I haven’t been her student in years but we have a good relationship. She has helped me still I wanted to be a ballerina, a doctor, a surgeon, a manager, a CFO and more. She has helped me dream big. I owe her more than one does to a third grade teacher to who I am today.
      Empower Latin Youth Scholarship
      I didn't know that I was different until people told me. I thought the way my family worked, what we eat, and the language we spoke was normal. That has helped me want to do achieve something with my life. I have always wanted to help people but the doctor route isn't for me. I do want to help with what lots of people have problems with, money. I think the finance world is fascinating and I want to learn all about it. People say knowledge is power right? And I want to go to school get that "power" and help people who don't have that knowledge themselves. Money can cause many problems for people it's said that couples that argue about finances once a week are 30% more likely to get divorced. In fact, my family included. Lots of the problems people have with saving and spending their money is the fact of how they don't know how to do it any better. And I want to help because math makes sense to me, that world makes sense to me, and I want to help the people who it doesn't. Especially people from maybe lower incomes and or immigrants who think they can't get help.