Hobbies and interests
Bible Study
I read books daily
Maiia Veremchuk
Bold Points1x
Maiia Veremchuk
Bold Points1x
My name is Maia Veremchuk and I am Ukrainian. I enjoy mathematics, Arts and languages. I am a math major at Randolph Macon College. I plan to continue my education as Data Scientist.
This year I make a sequence of researches about the connection between Riemann Zeta function and primes, the Fast Fourier transform and Brachistochrone property of cycloid.
I am interested in data analysis, machine learning and statistics, especially in the accuracy of prediction models and algorithms, defining the data sample and the conditions for applying certain models. In my last project this year I was looking for the best-fit model for a small set of data. And discovered that my hypothesis and intuition was so close to the actual results.
At the end, I like music and languages. This year I played on the concert for my advisors and professors Grieg Suite from Holberg's time. English my third language and I would like to know Latin and Spanish. Former, to read the research literature in original. Later, to built relationships with the students at school who do not know a language different than Spanish.
Randolph-Macon College
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Education, General
- Mathematics
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
- Mathematics and Statistics, Other
- Data Science
- Accounting and Computer Science
- Law
- Theological and Ministerial Studies
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Secondary Mathematics Teacher
Church worsip group2017 – 20225 yearsMath tutor
AxiomEducators2023 – Present2 years
Table Tennis
Junior Varsity2015 – 20172 years
Randolph Macon College — Author2023 – 2023
worship band
Music2017 – 2023
Future Interests
Dreamers Scholarship
My name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am a daughter in a family with 9 children. My parents are people who discipline and care about us, therefore we have our family music band and each of us has a field of interest. My own are education, science, gospel and music.
When the time came to choose the profession first I thought I would be a music teacher, but God turn my life in such a way, that I became a math teacher and I have no regret about it.
2019 is the year of graduation from my high school. I studied in Dubno lyceum #1, in class with a focus on mathematics and physics. I took 1 place in physics in my town and was 4th in the region. Therefore received mail from Tarasa Shevchenko about enrollment. While the physics faculty had no program with teacher preparation, I chose math education.
In the middle of my 3rd year, while I took practice in the Schevchenko lyceum, the war started. It was the worst moment I ever had. I remember the morning 24th when the rocket explosion woke me up before the alarm clock at 5:00 am.
That evening my uncle drove me back home, to Dubno. My family can not hide in our small underground. 1 March 2022 we went at night to Europe. We left rapidly because did not plan to move.
Through the border, we came to Europe when the local Baptist church let us live in its dormitory. After 2 months we get to the US through Mexico. It was a very exhausting journey.
In the US we started a new life. I spent a year studying English, passing exams, and applying for colleges. Due to my big family, I knew that my parents cannot finance my education. I trusted God`s faithfulness and He showed His goodness to me. When the college looked at my transcript, they gave me a scholarship that covered a third of my tuition. FAFSA covered a part and there was a debt in the amount of 8, 473 $ which scholarships I applied cover.
I was given the most fruitful year ever. I did 6 research in mathematics, improved my GPA to 3.68, and managed a workload of 31 credits per year. For my efforts, I was invited to the Honors Program and started participating after my first semester. Now, in my second year, I am looking forward for the difference of 8, 473$ to be covered by God`s mercy by the scholarships. I plan to reorganize the Math Club at campus and after graduating spend 2-3 years teaching in a private school while I will work on the master’s degree in applied data science. As you can see, I depend on the goodness of God and other people, for how can I study and do all this work if my tuition is not covered? Your gift will build my life and bring in my life the joy of education and I hope that your life will be filled with more love and light because of it.
Marie Humphries Memorial Scholarship
My first motivation toward the teacher's career was the enjoyment of education. Who as not the people that delight in learning should be the teachers for the others? It is impossible to be a good teacher if one is not a good learner. By my parents' encouragements, my love toward education grows within every grade. My favorite subjects were music, physics, mathematics and reading. I was full of curiosity when the teachers talked about cells or atoms, intrigued by finding solution to the problem and enjoyed in listening sounds. And I still find same foster inside of me that moves me toward constant learning.
Secondly, moved with pity on my classmates during my mathematics class, I dreamed to make distinction to the student's life. Many of learners was broken by believe in their own inability to learn mathematics. It is not amazing that school attendants do not enjoy mathematics. How can you enjoy thing you never understand? I dream to make high mathematics as simple to the students to understand and as hard to enjoy and motivate to learn more.
Lastly, I was motivated by my own learning experience. There were teachers that makes me love their subject because they so loved it. I remember my crisis at university. After honors program at high school, I thought I was well prepared for university. But Covid and mother`s car accident let me to be easier on myself. I allow myself to skip the couple of homework and was not so involved on the lecture. In addition, I as a student was separate from teachers and fill myself very lonely in my educational journey. Spins of material I did not understand diminish my confidence as a learner and broke my hope to ever understand university mathematics. I bless God for the opportunity for me shown in our refuge replacement to the USA and for my professors at RMC. I had my second mathematical analysis task. Dr. Sutton was constantly checking our homework, providing his feedback and allowing resubmission within the week. I had academic support during the office hours and was wisely lead by questions for the final answer. So, I was discovering the proof myself with the under the guidance of my teacher. Dr. Sutton was very knowledgeable professor which student can see from the content of the subject and the answers to our questions. He was able to find immediately the mistakes in my proof and to show the counterexample breaking my logic which helps me to recognize my wrong thinking. At the same time, his corrections were never offending but always go aside the acknowledgements of my work and admiring every good thing he could find. Such high quality of teaching material, constant communication and feedback on our works and careful relationships let me obtain my wings again and bring hope for restoration in mathematics again.
I could add the story about other professors by whose teaching I was encouraged and built up. All these blessings I obtain through studying at RMC. And I can never afford it if not your care and assistance in my financial need. Therefore, I am writing this essay to ask you for support in my way to achieve the bachelor's degree in mathematics and education, in hope that I will have enough to cover my tuition for the next term.
Selma Luna Memorial Scholarship
I was persuasive in my studying due to parents' encouragement. Early music education helps me to stay organized with my schedule. The last years in high school I was advancing in mathematics and science. I had heart for helping struggling students in the classroom. Thinking about my profession I was convinced that my calling is to be a teacher.
When I graduated from high school I apply as teacher of mathematics in Kiev National University of Tarasa Shevchenko. The studying was intensive and required all the time and efforts. Starting in 2019, I soon get an obstacle through my mother's auto catastrophe and then coming pandemic. I worked hard helping at home, volunteering in church and studying in university and therefore had 3.66 GPA.
In my third year I meet the next hardship - Russian intervention and war which made me and my family refuges. We made a long journey to get to USA. And yet, it was only the beginning of new life; Life where we need to build all from the new start. New system and our status make adaption in new place even harder. Behing learning language I had great financial need because my parents and we as older need to supply 12 members of my family including ourselves. I lost my hope to get to the university when receive an decline due to my financial status.
By God`s mercy and charity of people offering scholarships I was able to enroll in Randolph Macon college and pay for semester. The studying in university brings me a lot of blessings especially in building relationships with students and professors. But I am still in need to cover my debt and my graduating is possible only because of the goodness of people and their desires to support me in the journey, given from God.
I am developing as teacher of Mathematics considering an opportunity to obtain minor in IT or Physics. My current GPA is 3.57 and working to up it to 3.77 for the next. My desire is to grow in my students love to the mathematics and let them understand what happens behind formulas they memorized.
Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
My name is Maiia Veremchuk and I want to be a teacher of mathematics. I was born in a big family (which I didn`t know because was the oldest daughter). I have 9 siblings and we all talented and like mathematics. Our parents grow us in good discipline which helped me a lot during my life. At the age of 13, I finished music school and my teacher works with me 3 years to prepare for college. However, this plan was not embodied because of our moving.
When the times went close to completing high school, I went to Kyiv National University to receive an education as a teacher of mathematics. I want to become a teacher for several reasons. First, I like studying and helping others, which I did in my math class. Second, I saw how much children struggle with math and I decided to make the change for my students. To make them love math, not fear math.
Studying at the university was halted by war in my third year. I decided to complete my education here, but there were many obstacles on the way. First, I should pass the exam from English. Second, the constant issue with documents, translations, status examination and limitations; third - tuition covering. All of these make the process stressful and long.
While the application was processed, I start to work in a public school as a tutor. How many kids have I found straggling not only with mathematics but also with their self-esteem? I remember how one of my students say to classmates, "Look guys! I am smart!", getting solving the inequalities. It is truly a joy for the teacher to see the success of the student. However, the work of a teacher is not only sweet but also very exhaustive. There are a lot of students who despise teachers, though I saw that a good teacher every time makes a good impact on the class.
Therefore, I have a big desire to continue my education, to become a competent and purposeful teacher. I am already enrolled in the university but did not choose the courses yet, because of my financial issue. I collect money for covering the tuition and all in all, received my bachelor`s degree. Choosing the university I also look for opportunities for spiritual education. I understand that growing people includes not only scientific knowledge but also soul nursing, or, saying the truth, soul transformation. This scholarship is an opportunity for me to achieve success in persuading bachelor`s degree.
Dreamer's Midpoint Scholarship
My name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am Ukranian that escaped from the war in 2021 and came to the USA in April 2015. At that moment I had been finishing my third year at the Kyiv National University as a teacher of mathematics (secondary education). Such moving brings profound changes in my life and born many challenges.
First, my knowledge of English required deep polishing and diligent work. Because paying for a tutor was not affordable for me, I sat with TOEFL preparation books, day and night training, learning vocabulary, and listening. I first probe in August this year I fail. I have 65 points, which was not enough to pass. After 3 months of continuous work, I get 85, which satisfied the requirement. But I did not know that system in the USA was different from my previous experience and missed the application dates. It was the second time, I try to get to the university and I was discouraged. Through tears, I make up the application for the coming Fall of 2023 – my third one.
I am very thankful for the people that help me with transcript translation and evaluation - documents without which I can not transfer to any university.
The two struggle has come, and the third is coming. One of the significant questions was financing. In Ukraine, if you are an honor student, the government pays for your tuition. The system in the USA is different. My parents have 9 children on their shoulders, among whom I was the first and we just came from Ukraine. There was no speech about saving for college. I registered for a scholarship at the University, FAFSA and get a scholarship for the Ukranian students in the amount of $ 3, 000. My tuition cost forty-eight thousand per year and it is still an obstacle I can not overcome. While I work as a tutor in a public school to make some money the family expenses and my own are a lot to cover the tuition. I believe, that I may be at university, not because of my struggle, knowledge or strength, but because there is a God who sees me and carries about my life. Therefore I am applying for scholarships, making me close to achieving the goal of completing my education. Thank you for getting the opportunity for the students like me and making our education possible!
Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
I can not share the admiration of math before studying at the University. Problems at school make me enthusiastic, but only to be the first among others and receive my bonus points. The real love of the subject starts with the growth in knowledge about its beauty. The same happens to me. The more I learn about real-world mathematics, the more I become to love it.
I am a curious person. I like to have subject knowledge and understand the main cause-reason relationships in the statements. Therefore mathematical proofs stand as the most important thing for me. (And to be fair, not the easiest.) I always try to understand the logic of each step. Sometimes I spend 2 hours to comprehend the conclusion, that the author uses in the proof. Geometry was my favorite subject at school because I first find the beauty of logic in proof theorem and taste the won in problem-solving. (Algebra in school exemplifies more techniques than logic.)
The first problem that impacted me was the prime numbers problem. The simplicity of prime numbers definition and the complexity of its solving at one time make this problem attractive. What is the pattern of primes? Is there an infinite number of primes or not? But diving deeper shows that inside simply forms lies hard theory. My music teacher once told me, the plain is the notes, the harder it`s played. But more than prime numbers I like the infinity in mathematics.
Have you ever tried to understand how something countable can be uncountable? I am always amazed by countable numbers that are impossible to write, like the number pi. If you make a circle and then cut the circumference you will get a countable number- not the infinity. But you really can not find this number, because the length of its digits is infinite, which makes the number uncountable. Or let`s say that you have a rope 1-meter length. If you cut it in 3 equal parts, you again will have the uncountable countable in your hands. This illustrates for me the eternity of the soul and at the same time the mortality of life. Though I know my soul is infinite, my life still is countless.
Or let`s talk about zeros and infinities. In school, my I and my classmates were taught that we can not be divided by zero. And I accept it like the fact, while in the university I heard that you can divide by zero unless you have the rule that doesn`t break all other algebra rules. The ban on zero-devisor was born as a protection to save the previous rules, and that proves to be true and was accepted among the scholars by default. Does not it teach us that the new truth that we learn about this world should fit with previous rules? And that every new rule should be tested with the previous one.
Or what about mathematics theory? The countless tries to build a fully independent system show that there is no one logic theory system, that can be full (independent) by itself. Always, there will be some axioms, on which the theory builds and that lays outside of the theory. So, you can not prove these and need only accept them by faith. Like in our life, we are dependent on Someone Another, Who exists beyond our world and there all times some part of value truth, that we should take by faith.
Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
My heart is open to help and serve people through my work, the same as Lieba`s, since I desire to be a teacher. This is the perfect place to both foster social-emotional well-being and meet the intellectual needs of gifted children. Let me explain how I see those pull out in my life.
My name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am the oldest daughter in a Baptist pastor-missionary family with 9 children. My parents grow in me love to study therefore I always try to be the best in the class, and I put all my effort to become the honor. My knowledge I used to help the weak students, with whom I like to make a friendship. There starts my way to be a math teacher. Looking at how hard is math for my friends, in I was born with the desire to become I teacher that teaches children to love math. Though, math was not my first interest. I like to study the bible and was preeminent in music and physics. But God`s will was to make me the teacher of math.
When I was in University I helped my friends tutoring them. I remember one time, while I explained to the girl the trigonometry one young man said "You do not understand that?" The girl can not bear this, because she had I low self-esteem and truly think that she is stupid to know math. She ran away. First, I said to the boy that for her this phrase means that she is stupid and that he hurt her by his words. (Because I know him I understand that he doesn`t want to make my friend sad.) Then I find my friend and start to talk with her, approving her that her unawareness does not mean stupidness. And the gifts that she has prooves that she is very intellectual. And that math hard for her only because she does not understand it and there is the reason why I want to study with her. She listened to me and came out of her closed room. I saw many kids like her, who found themself behind the normal, because them do not know something. The more tutoring I have the more I find those, who struggle with their identity esteem because of the obstacles in understanding the subject.
Becoming a certified teacher will provide me with a way to help students in their struggling. I am working now in a public school as a tutor and also teach two homeschooled children (6-8 grade). This gives me little opportunity to earn the money to cover the tuition at the university I accepted. Therefore I appeal to you asking for your help in completing my undergraduate studying. If I recieve this scholarship, I will use this money to cover the tuition.
Thank you for giving scholarships to students and supporting their desire to serve others.
Eitel Scholarship
My name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am a daughter of a Baptist pastor-missionary. My parents are Ukranian, who served 16 years in Russia. In 2017 we came back to Ukraine, where I finished high school and went to university. I was praying about my future profession, having a desire to become a missionary like my parents. I was enrolled in Kyiv National University in the faculty of Mathematics and mechanics as a secondary math teacher.
In the middle of my 3rd year, while I took practice in the Schevchenko lyceum, the war started. Because of a big family (my parents had 9 children at that moment, among whom I was the oldest) and permanent hazards from both sides, Russia and Belarus, we went away. By God`s grace, He lead us and in April 2022 we came into the US through the Mexican border.
The next year was the year of new life and settlement. I work hard on my TOEFL preparation, which I pass after the second probe in January 2022. I dream to study at Christian University. My parents see me in the TMU, The Master`s University and Seminary, where I applied and was consequently accepted. But because of my financial status, I can not take courses yet, because haven`t money to cover my tuition. This scholarship is the chance for me to complete my Bachelor's degree in TMU as Mathematics Secondary Education and obtain a teacher certification.
After that, I plan to finish the one-year bible program . I believe God will show me His will and provide all needed for me because He is my Heavenly Father.
Therefore I applied for a Baptist scholarship to receive financial aid and complete the studies I`ve started.
Ruebenna Greenfield Flack Scholarship
My name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am a daughter in a family with 9 children right now. My parents are people who discipline and care about us, therefore we have our family music band and each of us has a field of interest. My own are education, science, gospel, and music. When the time came to choose the profession first I thought I would be a music teacher, but God turn my life in such a way, that I become a math teacher and I have no regret about it.
2019 was the year of graduation from my high school. I studied in Dubno lyceum #1, in class with a focus on mathematics and physics. We had 9 math in a week and 6 physics. I took 1 place in physics in my town and was 4th in the region. Therefore received mail from Tarasa Schevchenka about enrollment. While the physics faculty had no program with teacher preparation, I chose math education.
My years at Trasa Shevchenko University were unique by the enhancement of my mathematical knowledge and my growth in all, as a person. I was one of the best students in the group, because give all my efforts and time to studying.
In the middle of my 3rd year, while I took practice in the Schevchenko lyceum, the war started. It was the throated moment I ever had. I remember the morning 24th when the rocket explosion woke me up before the alarm clock at 5:00 am. My heart start to pain for a moment and I was paralyzed, I understand that I should move quickly but my body was put into shock. I was in my grandma's house, in Fastive, but the explosion was very strong. I understand, the war started.
That evening my uncle drove me back home, to Dubno. My family can not hide in our small underground. 1 March 2022 we went at night to Europe. We left rapidly because did not plan to move. Our friends told us about force collected near the Belarussian border, therefore in 2 hours we make a decision and left.
Through the border, we came to Europe when the local Baptist church let us live in its dormitory. We stay there for 2 months, actively helping for coming Ukrainians mainly with food preparation and also with spiritual encouragement and moral support. After this period we took 5 flights to get to the US through Mexico. It was a very exhausting journey. We haven`t slept enough and have small children. The last was 9 months. By the grace of God, we have reached the Mexico border and on the night of April 14th walked through it.
Now starts our new life. I have a desire to complete my education as a math teacher. studying at the National University of Tarasa Shevchenka changed my life once and for all time. The more I know about math, the more I love it. And I want to become a certified teacher to be a blessing to those, who will be given to me as a student.
I already enrolled in the university, but my tuition is not covered, therefore I did not choose my courses. This Scholarship is a chance for me to get my goal and become a certified teacher of math.
William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
My name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am a daughter in a family with 9 children right now. My parents are people who discipline and care about us, therefore we have our family music band and each of us has a field of interest. My own are education, science, gospel, and music. When the time came to choose the profession first I thought I would be a music teacher, but God turn my life in such a way, that I become a math teacher and I have no regret about it.
2019 was the year of graduation from my high school. I studied in Dubno lyceum #1, in class with a focus on mathematics and physics. We had 9 math in a week and 6 physics. I took 1 place in physics in my town and was 4th in the region. Therefore received mail from Tarasa Schevchenka about enrollment. While the physics faculty had no program with teacher preparation, I chose math education.
My years at Trasa Shevchenko University were unique by the enhancement of my mathematical knowledge and my growth in all, as a person. I was one of the best students in the group, because give all my efforts and time to studying.
In the middle of my 3rd year, while I took practice in the Schevchenko lyceum, the war started. It was the throated moment I ever had. I remember the morning 24th when the rocket explosion woke me up before the alarm clock at 5:00 am. My heart start to pain for a moment and I was paralyzed, I understand that I should move quickly but my body was put into shock. I was in my grandma's house, in Fastive, but the explosion was very strong. I understand, the war started.
That evening my uncle drove me back home, to Dubno. My family can not hide in our small underground. 1 March 2022 we went at night to Europe. We left rapidly because did not plan to move. Our friends told us about force collected near the Belarussian border, therefore in 2 hours we make a decision and left.
Through the border, we came to Europe when the local Baptist church let us live in its dormitory. We stay there for 2 months, actively helping for coming Ukrainians mainly with food preparation and also with spiritual encouragement and moral support. After this period we took 5 flights to get to the US through Mexico. It was a very exhausting journey. We haven`t slept enough and have small children. The last was 9 months. By the grace of God, we have reached the Mexico border and on the night of April 14th walked through it.
Now starts our new life. I have a desire to complete my education as a math teacher. studying at the National University of Tarasa Shevchenka changed my life once and for all time. The more I know about math, the more I love it. And I want to become a certified teacher to be a blessing to those, who will be given to me as a student.
I already enrolled in the university, but my tuition is not covered, therefore I did not choose my courses. This Scholarship is a chance for me to get my goal and become a certified teacher of math.
Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
My name is Maiia Veremchuk and my story has many intersepts with the life of Malgorzata Kwiecien. As Maggie, I behold to Slavs, East Slavs. I am Ukranian. My career path leads through STEM because my major is secondary mathematics education. I have the desire and calling to be a teacher. I want to make math definitions understandable for young adults and therefore open a wide door to science.
In April 2022, my family came to the USA through Mexico, because the war started in Ukraine. Each of us had a small luggage case. My family is not small. Our parents rising 9 children, among whom I am the oldest. All of us have our gifts, and our parents gave us music education, therefore we have a family music band. To support our family two of my siblings work. One finished her st year in a Music college in Ukraine and wants to continue studying here. My brother works with Richweb, he studied with the advisor programming for 5 years, but he only finished high school. I am working as a tutor in Richmond public schools and my dad is a carpenter. Though we all together work, living without snaps would be hard for us. Much harder for as is paying for an education in college.
I like to have physical activities. For me, it helps to reload after hard brain work. I like camping and climbing and jumping rope. We make camping every year with family on the seashore. My favorite climbing remembrance tide with the Cathpasian mountains, when I with the group walk up for 3 hours on the steep rocky pick of the Shpytsi.
I am the kind of person, who likes to know the reason for things, to comprehend them deeply. Studying at Kyiv National University in the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics gives me a great opportunity to examine facts, to find the logic of proofs and to think analytically. The war find me in the third year of studying, when I took practice in the lyceum. Because of moving, continuing to study was hard, therefore, after the end of the year I took the voucher for one year. I worked hard, day and night spending with books and training by tests. The goal was to be prepared for the university and pass the TOEFL test. On the first probe, I failed, but 3 months later my efforts were awarded 85 points. The long process of school admission was hardened by documents and parolee status. Finally, I succeed in school enrollment, but I can not register for classes, because of financial disability to pay for it. My way isn`t plain, but I believe, that I will succeed because I believe in the hand of God that leads me and when I see the obstacles I stand bold, knowing that He who leads me here shows me my way and provide me all that I need. I am bold because God is with me.
Therefore, I fill up this application to collect the money to cover my tuition and this scholarship I will use to finish my bachelor's Degree at the Master's University with Math secondary education major.
Learner Geometry Scholarship
I liked math from my school years. Being one of the best students, I helped my colleagues, solving several variants during testing and explaining homework. I have three strong faces, music, physics and math. In Ukraine, I have financial problems applying for a music teacher, therefore, I went for math.
The years at Kyiv National University of Tarasa Shevchenka were hard for me, but I put all my efforts into success. The more I study, the more I love math and want to gain more and more knowledge from different subjects.
Geometry is my favored one. I am glad, that I studied it in school, both planimetry and stereometry. I was sad that at the university I have few courses, including it, such as analytic geometry and differential geometry.
During my college years, I tutored one student to exams like SAT. My life, tutoring experience, and school practice show how much teens struggled with math. Starting with fractions, and finishing trigonometry and calculus they drop into a misunderstanding of mathematical concepts and didn`t know how to work with objects, they know by name. This makes me more profound in completing my degree.
Though in the first place I consider being a teacher of math is my calling. Because when I didn`t know whom I want to be, I pray to God to open the door for me, where I should be, and close all other ways. That was exactly what happened. My music and physics educations were closed, while Math was opened for me. And also I remember the words of my math teacher, as she said I was called to be a teacher. Sometimes other people see us more clearly than we can see ourselves.
Finally, my education path makes me more steadfast in the profession I choose. I believe that God leads my way as I see His provided hand in my life. I will use this scholarship to cover my tuition at Matsters University to finish my bachelor's degree.
Ukrainian Women in STEM
WinnerMy name is Maiia Veremchuk. I am a daughter in a family with 9 children right now. My parents are people who discipline and care about us, therefore we have our family music band and each of us has a field of interest. My own are education, science, gospel and music. When the time came to choose the profession first I thought I would be a music teacher, but God turn my life in such a way, that I become a math teacher and I have no regret about it.
2019 is the year of graduation from my high school. I studied in Dubno lyceum #1, in class with a focus on mathematics and physics. We had 9 math in a week and 6 physics. I took 1 place in physics in my town and was 4th in the region. Therefore received mail from Tarasa Schevchenka about enrollment. While the physics faculty had no program with teacher preparation, I chose math education.
My years at Trasa Shevchenko University were unique by the enhancement of my mathematical knowledge and my growth in all, as a person. I was one of the best students in the group, because give all my efforts and time to studying.
In the middle of my 3rd year, while I took practice in the Schevchenko lyceum, the war started. It was the throated moment I ever had. I remember the morning 24th when the rocket explosion woke me up before the alarm clock at 5:00 am. My heart start to pain for a moment and I was paralyzed, I understand that I should move quickly but my body was put into shock. I was in my grandma's house, in Fastive, but the explosion was very strong. I understand, the war started.
That evening my uncle drove me back home, to Dubno. My family can not hide in our small underground. 1 March 2022 we went at night to Europe. We left rapidly because did not plan to move. Our friends told us about force collected near the Belarussian border, therefore in 2 hours we make a decision and left.
Through the border, we came to Europe when the local Baptist church let us live in its dormitory. We stay there for 2 months, actively helping for coming Ukrainians mainly with food preparation and also with spiritual encouragement and moral support. After this period we took 5 flights to get to the US through Mexico. It was a very exhausting journey. We haven`t slept enough and have small children. The last was 9 months. By the grace of God, we have reached the Mexico border and on night April 14th walked through it.
Now starts our new life. We have a minimum staff because left Ukraine rapidly. Many people give us help with food. For 2 months we lived in Church. By the mercy of God, we have shelter and food. 3 oldest siblings work, and others - a study in schools. And I have a desire to complete my education as a math teacher. studying at the National University of Tarasa Shevchenka changed my life once and for all time. The more I know about math, the more I love it. And I want to become a certified teacher to be a blessing to those, who will be given to me as a student.
I already enrolled in the university, but my tuition is not covered, therefore I did not choose my courses. This Scholarship is a chance for me to get my goal and become a certified teacher of math.