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Madyson Cromer


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I am very passionate about softball and psychology. I will be attending UNCW on a softball scholarship. My short-term goals are to graduate Salutatorian of my class, to start on my college softball team freshman or sophomore year, to keep all A's in college, push myself outside my comfort zone in college. My long-term goals are: to have a loving family, be happily married, have a job that I love, work with many athletes on the mental side of all things help them in the long run with mental health, and create my own business.


Pleasant Valley High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
    • Education, General
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mental Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      To help students and young athletes with their mental health and to make the world a better place

    • one on one coach/ gave lessons

      2023 – Present1 year



    2017 – 20247 years


    • First Team State Sophmore Year
    • Second Team State Junior Year
    • All Area Team Junior Year
    • All county team since freshman year
    • Athlete of the month from Pleasant Valley
    • All County Tournament Team

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Beta Club — Passing out drinks and Goodies
      2023 – 2023

    Future Interests



    Sandy Jenkins Excellence in Early Childhood Education Scholarship
    Early childhood education is a field that has captured my heart and soul, and my passion for it stems from a deep belief in the transformative power of education during the formative years of a child's life. This period, from birth to around eight years old, is critical for cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. My commitment to early childhood education is driven by several key reasons. The early years lay the groundwork for all future learning. During this time, children develop essential skills such as language, motor abilities, and social interactions. High-quality early education programs can foster a love of learning, curiosity, and resilience. By investing in early childhood education, we are not only preparing children for academic success but also for lifelong personal and professional achievements. Early childhood education is a powerful tool for addressing educational inequalities. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds often start school behind their peers in terms of basic skills and knowledge. Quality early education can help bridge this gap, providing all children with a fair start and equal opportunities to succeed. I am passionate about creating inclusive and equitable learning environments where every child, regardless of their background, can thrive. In addition to academic skills, early childhood education plays a crucial role in social and emotional development. Young children learn to interact with their peers, manage their emotions, and develop empathy and cooperation. These skills are fundamental for building healthy relationships and navigating the complexities of life. I am dedicated to fostering environments where children feel safe, valued, and supported in their emotional growth. Investing in early childhood education has far-reaching benefits for society as a whole. Research shows that children who receive quality early education are more likely to graduate from high school, pursue higher education, and become productive members of society. They are also less likely to engage in criminal activities and require social services. By prioritizing early childhood education, we are investing in a brighter, more prosperous future for our communities. Working in early childhood education is incredibly rewarding on a personal level. The joy of witnessing a child's first words, first steps, and the excitement of discovering the world around them is unparalleled. Each day brings new challenges and triumphs, and the bonds formed with young children are deeply meaningful. Knowing that I play a part in shaping their futures and helping them reach their potential is a source of immense satisfaction and pride In conclusion, my passion for early childhood education is rooted in the profound impact it has on individuals and society. By providing a strong foundation for lifelong learning, addressing educational inequalities, fostering social and emotional development, and contributing to a better society, early childhood education holds the key to unlocking the potential of every child. The personal fulfillment and joy that come from working with young children further fuel my dedication to this vital field. I am committed to making a difference in the lives of young learners and helping them build a bright and successful future.
    Rev. Ethel K. Grinkley Memorial Scholarship
    In a world that often feels fragmented and divided, the principles of love, faith, and community service offer a beacon of hope and a path toward unity and positive change. As an individual deeply committed to these values, I believe that by embodying and promoting these principles, I can make a meaningful impact on the world. Love, in its purest form, is the foundation of human connection. It transcends boundaries and fosters understanding, empathy, and compassion. I strive to live each day with an open heart, treating others with kindness and respect. Whether through small acts of kindness, such as offering a smile to a stranger or lending a helping hand to a neighbor, or through more significant efforts, like volunteering at local shelters, I aim to spread love and create a ripple effect of positivity. Love encourages us to see the humanity in everyone and reminds us that we are all interconnected. Faith provides a sense of purpose and direction. It is the belief in something greater than oneself, whether that be a higher power, the inherent goodness of humanity, or the potential for positive change. My faith guides me to act with integrity, perseverance, and hope. It fuels my commitment to making a difference, even when faced with challenges. By drawing on my faith, I find the strength to continue working toward a better world, knowing that every effort, no matter how small, contributes to a larger tapestry of positive change. Community service is the practical application of love and faith. It is through service that we translate our values into tangible actions that benefit others. I am dedicated to engaging in community service initiatives that address pressing social issues, such as poverty, education, and environmental sustainability. By volunteering my time, skills, and resources, I aim to support those in need and contribute to the well-being of my community. Community service not only helps those who are directly impacted but also fosters a sense of solidarity and shared responsibility among all participants. My vision for the future is one where love, faith, and community service are at the heart of societal interactions. I dream of a world where communities come together to support each other, regardless of differences in background, belief, or circumstance. In this future, love is the universal language that drives our actions and decisions, fostering a culture of empathy and mutual respect. I plan to continue advocating for these principles by leading by example, inspiring others to join in, and creating opportunities for collective action. Whether through organizing community events, participating in faith-based initiatives, or simply living a life rooted in these values, I hope to be a catalyst for positive change. For instance, I envision creating programs that bring together diverse groups of people to work on community projects, such as building homes for the homeless, setting up educational workshops for underprivileged youth, or initiating environmental clean-up drives. These initiatives not only address immediate needs but also build bridges between different segments of society, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Additionally, I aim to leverage technology and social media to raise awareness about the importance of love, faith, and community service. By sharing stories of impact, highlighting unsung heroes, and mobilizing resources, I hope to inspire a global movement that prioritizes these values. Ultimately, my vision for the future is one where every individual feels valued and empowered to contribute to the greater good. Through unwavering commitment to love, faith, and community service, I believe we can create a world that is more just, compassionate, and united.
    Judith A. Vaughn Scholarship
    Growing up with ADHD has presented its own set of challenges, but my involvement in athletics has been a transformative experience that has equipped me with valuable lessons. These lessons have not only helped me manage my ADHD but also shaped my character, resilience, and ability to navigate difficult relationships. As I prepare to enter college and continue playing softball, I plan to carry these lessons with me to ensure success in my academic and athletic pursuits. One of the most important lessons I've learned through athletics is resilience. Managing ADHD often means dealing with distractions and difficulties in maintaining focus, but sports have taught me how to push through these challenges. There were times when I faced setbacks, such as losing a game, dealing with injuries, or struggling to keep up with the rigorous demands of both academics and athletics. These experiences taught me that setbacks are not failures but opportunities to learn and grow. As I enter college, I know that I will encounter new challenges and obstacles. The resilience I've built through athletics will help me stay focused and motivated, even when things get tough. I plan to approach these challenges with a positive attitude, learn from my mistakes, and continue to push myself to achieve my goals both in the classroom and on the softball field. Another crucial lesson I've learned is the importance of pushing through and not letting difficult relationships affect my performance. There were times when I had to work with coaches or teammates with whom I didn't necessarily get along. These situations taught me how to maintain my focus and not let personal feelings interfere with my goals. I learned that it's essential to stay professional, communicate effectively, and not let external factors derail my progress. In college, I will undoubtedly encounter professors, classmates, or teammates with whom I may not see eye to eye. The ability to navigate these relationships without letting them affect my performance will be invaluable. I plan to use the skills I've developed to maintain my focus, stay professional, and ensure that I continue to work towards my goals regardless of personal dynamics. This will be particularly important as I join the college softball team and work with new coaches and teammates. Discipline played a significant role in maintaining this balance. There were times when I had to make sacrifices, such as skipping social events to study or practice. These experiences taught me the importance of setting priorities and staying committed to my goals. The discipline I developed through athletics has become a cornerstone of my success, helping me stay focused and motivated even when faced with distractions or temptations. As I enter college, these time management and discipline skills will be crucial. College life will bring new challenges, including a more demanding academic workload and increased independence. I plan to use the strategies I've developed to stay organized, manage my time effectively, and maintain a healthy balance between academics and athletics. By setting clear goals, creating a structured routine, and staying disciplined, I am confident that I will be able to succeed in both my studies and my college softball career. In conclusion, my involvement in athletics has taught me invaluable lessons in resilience, navigating difficult relationships, time management, and discipline. These lessons have helped me manage my ADHD and shaped me into a stronger, more focused individual. As I prepare to enter college and continue playing softball, I plan to carry these lessons with me, ensuring that I stay committed to my goals and achieve success in this new phase of my life.
    Jonas Griffith Scholarship
    Most little girls’ first heartbreak deals with a boy, but not this little girl. Back in 2013, a little girl named Madyson fell in love with softball, and ever since then I have been working to get a scholarship to play at the college level. At first, it was just what most ADHD kids do; they hyperfocus on things, but once I got over the hyperfocus, I realized that I fell deeply in love with softball. It was not until I joined the Bolts, a travel ball team, did I truly understand putting your blood, sweat and tears into your dream to achieve it. It was my first year with the Bolts and I absolutely loved it. I got to practice with the older girls, who are now playing college softball or just graduated, and since I was on the older 06 team, we went to represent the Bolts in a tournament in California. Nobody really expected us to go far into the tournament as we went. Most of the parents already had vacation spots in mind to go when we lost out of the tournament, but God had different plans. When I think back on this event that has changed the person I am today, these three things are the first to come to mind: The field I played on in the championship game, the trophy I received, and my old suitcase that carried the trophy home. I did not realize until I was back on that field again, how big that field has made an impact on my heart. That day is still so fresh and vivid as if it was yesterday instead of five years ago. The sound of the announcer I have heard so many times on tv. The dirt under my cleats felt so natural as though I was exactly where I belonged. The way the bat felt as the ball crashed into my bat allowing my teammates to score and put them in the lead for the win. Suddenly at the bottom of the ninth inning, the opposing team hit a homerun bringing their score ahead. The game was over and I had come so close to the win as it slipped through my fingers. A rush of emotions overcomes me: sadness, fear of disappointing my family, disappointing my coach and teammates, anger of the mistakes made as well as pride in the distance my team had come in the tournament as each member was awarded a “Runner Up” trophy. That field does not have all bad memories, there is one of my favorite memories with my Dad. It was after we got handed our trophies and took our picture, I was bawling my eyes out. Majority of the time my Dad is a “There's no crying in softball” type of Dad, because he used to be a coach. But not that day, when I came up to my parents crying my Dad just embraced me in a warm hug and said comforting words. Even though I do not live in California, everytime I go to play in that tournament and walk past that field. It feels like I am back to being eleven years old again. High on my softball shelf sits the most important trophy of them all, the trophy I got from my first heartbreak. It is a glass circle that resembles a softball, the paint on the stitching is a faded white, the sky blue writing of the tournament logos paint is starting to chip off. But sadly, right in the middle in big red words reads “Runner Up.” Sometimes when I am cleaning my room or reading a book, that trophy catches my attention. I swear I can feel it sitting there mocking me, and it stirs a feeling inside me to never stop fighting. Every year when I return, no matter how close I get, I have not made it to the destination I would like to be. In the back of my closet sits my old broken suitcase that once carried home my trophy. While that suitcase has many stories to tell, it will always remind me of my first heartbreak. It was a turquoise color that now is very much faded, with a black handle that got broken while me and my family were waiting for our plane to go back home. It had this one wheel that when pushed a certain way would make this awful screeching sound. If I catch a glimpse of that old broken suitcase while digging in the closet to find something to wear, it stirs a fire in me to never give up on my dream. I fell in love with softball at a very young age creating a dream to one day play college softball. My journey has been filled with disappointment as well as successes with hope towards her goal. Her lingering drive is that chipped trophy sitting on my shelf. That old broken suitcase that reminds her of the hard times. That field that had my first heartbreak but also where me and my Dad have my favorite memory together.I will never give up on my dream to play college softball, and I will always encourage others I encounter to never give up on their dream as well.
    Solomon Vann Memorial Scholarship
    Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet it remains a stigmatized topic within many communities, including the Black community. Addressing this stigma and enhancing the accessibility of mental health services requires a multifaceted approach that involves education, community engagement, and systemic changes. One of the primary steps in destigmatizing mental health within the Black community is education. Many misconceptions and myths about mental health persist due to a lack of understanding. By providing accurate information about mental health conditions, their symptoms, and the benefits of seeking help, we can begin to break down these barriers. Educational campaigns that are culturally sensitive and resonate with the Black community can play a significant role in changing perceptions. Schools, churches, and community centers can serve as venues for workshops and seminars that educate individuals about mental health. Another essential strategy is to increase the visibility of Black mental health professionals. Representation matters, and seeing therapists, counselors, and psychologists who share similar cultural backgrounds can make a significant difference. It can help reduce the fear and mistrust that some individuals may have toward mental health services. Additionally, Black mental health professionals can provide culturally competent care, which is crucial in addressing the unique challenges faced by the Black community. Community engagement is also vital. Trusted community leaders, such as pastors, activists, and influencers, can advocate for mental health awareness and encourage individuals to seek help when needed. By normalizing conversations about mental health and sharing personal stories, these leaders can help reduce the stigma. Support groups and peer networks can also provide safe spaces for individuals to discuss their experiences and receive support from others who understand their struggles. Enhancing the accessibility of mental health services is another critical component. Many individuals in the Black community face barriers such as lack of insurance, financial constraints, and limited availability of services. To address these issues, policymakers must work to increase funding for mental health programs and expand insurance coverage. Community-based organizations can also offer low-cost or sliding scale services to ensure that everyone has access to the care they need. Telehealth services have emerged as a valuable tool in making mental health care more accessible. These services can reach individuals who may not have access to traditional in-person therapy due to geographical or logistical barriers. By promoting and expanding Telehealth options, we can ensure that more people can receive the support they need, regardless of their location. In conclusion, destigmatizing mental health within the Black community and enhancing its accessibility requires a comprehensive approach involving education, representation, community engagement, and systemic changes. By providing culturally sensitive education, increasing the visibility of Black mental health professionals, and engaging trusted community leaders, we can begin to break down the barriers of stigma. Additionally, improving access to mental health services through policy changes, community-based support, and telehealth options will ensure that everyone in the Black community can receive the care they need. Together, these efforts can create a more supportive and understanding environment, where mental health is seen as an integral part of overall well-being.
    Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
    Leadership is a multifaceted quality that has significantly influenced my personal and professional development. One of the most impactful ways I have demonstrated leadership is through creating and leading a softball fundraiser aimed at acquiring new equipment for our team. This initiative stemmed from a pressing need for better resources to enhance our performance and safety on the field. The process began with identifying the specific equipment needs and setting a clear fundraising goal. I then took the lead in planning the event, which involved extensive coordination and communication with various stakeholders. I reached out to local businesses and community members for sponsorships and donations, effectively pitching the importance of supporting local youth sports. Additionally, I organized a team of volunteers, delegating tasks such as marketing, logistics, and event-day operations. This experience honed my skills in project management, team coordination, and public speaking. The day of the fundraiser was a testament to the power of community and teamwork. We hosted a series of activities, including a friendly halloween movie night and a haunted trail all of which drew significant participation and enthusiasm from the community. The event not only surpassed our fundraising goals but also fostered a sense of unity and collective achievement. This experience underscored the importance of proactive leadership and the impact of a well-coordinated team effort. Looking ahead, I aspire to leverage my leadership skills to establish a business that supports athletes in managing the mental aspects of their sport and life through psychology. My vision is to create a comprehensive platform that offers counseling, workshops, and resources tailored to the unique psychological challenges faced by athletes. This initiative will address critical issues such as performance anxiety, stress management, and mental resilience, providing athletes with the tools they need to excel both on and off the field. To achieve this, I plan to pursue further education in sports psychology and business management, equipping myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead such an endeavor. I envision my business becoming a well-known and respected entity in the sports community, known for its innovative approach to mental health and its commitment to athlete well-being. By fostering a supportive environment, I hope to help athletes develop not only their physical abilities but also their mental fortitude, ultimately contributing to their overall success and happiness. In conclusion, my leadership journey began with a community-focused initiative and continues with a broader vision of supporting athletes' mental health. Through these experiences, I aspire to make a meaningful impact and inspire others to recognize the importance of mental resilience in sports and life.
    Mattie's Way Memorial Scholarship
    From a very young age, softball has been a central part of my life. I started playing when I was just seven years old, and by the time I turned ten, I was already playing competitively. The thrill of the game, the camaraderie with my teammates, and the sheer joy of improving my skills kept me deeply engaged. When I turned eleven, my passion for softball took me across the world to participate in various tournaments. These experiences not only broadened my horizons but also deepened my love for the sport. One of the most pivotal moments in my life came when I was sixteen. I had the incredible opportunity to meet the psychologist for the Atlanta Braves. This one-on-one conversation was transformative. We discussed the mental challenges athletes face and how crucial the psychological aspect is in sports. This talk opened my eyes to the significant impact that mental health has on athletic performance and overall well-being. It was in that moment I realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life—I wanted to be a psychologist. My passion for psychology stems from a desire to help athletes understand and harness the power of their minds. Many people often overlook the mental side of sports, focusing primarily on physical abilities and skills. However, I have come to understand that mental resilience, focus, and emotional well-being are equally, if not more, important. Through my experiences and the insights gained from my conversation with the Braves' psychologist, I have seen firsthand how mental strength can make a significant difference in an athlete's performance and life. I am driven by the goal of helping athletes realize their full potential by addressing the psychological aspects of their sport. I want to provide support and guidance, helping them navigate the pressures and challenges they face. My vision is to create a supportive environment where athletes can develop mental strategies to enhance their performance, manage stress, and maintain a healthy balance between their sport and personal life. In pursuit of this goal, I plan to further my education in psychology, focusing on sports psychology. I want to gain a deeper understanding of the mental processes and challenges athletes encounter and develop effective methods to support them. My ultimate aim is to work with athletes at all levels, from youth sports to professional leagues, helping them achieve their goals and maintain their mental well-being. In conclusion, my journey in softball and the profound conversation with the Atlanta Braves' psychologist have shaped my passion for psychology. These experiences have shown me the vital role mental health plays in athletic performance and personal well-being. I am excited to pursue a career in psychology, focusing on sports, to help athletes realize their full potential by addressing the mental aspects of their sport. By providing the support and guidance they need, I hope to make a meaningful impact on their lives, both on and off the field.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    One technology that inspires me in the field of psychology is virtual reality (VR) therapy. VR has the potential to revolutionize mental health treatment by creating immersive and controlled environments for therapeutic purposes. It allows individuals to confront and work through their fears, anxieties, and traumas in a safe and controlled setting. With VR therapy, mental health professionals can simulate scenarios that trigger specific phobias or anxieties, such as fear of heights or public speaking. This technology provides a unique opportunity for exposure therapy, where individuals can gradually face their fears and build resilience in a virtual environment. It offers a safe space for individuals to practice coping strategies, develop new skills, and gain confidence. Moreover, VR therapy can be used to treat conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by recreating traumatic events in a controlled manner. This enables therapists to guide patients through the process of desensitization and reprocessing of traumatic memories, helping them to heal and move forward. The potential of VR therapy extends beyond traditional therapy settings. It can reach individuals who may have limited access to mental health services, such as those in remote areas or with mobility challenges. By integrating technology and psychology, VR therapy has the power to make mental health treatment more accessible, effective, and personalized. Overall, the application of virtual reality in psychology is an inspiring example of how technology can positively impact mental health and well-being. It opens up new possibilities for therapeutic interventions, offering hope and support to individuals seeking help.
    Ultimate K-Pop Stan Scholarship
    Seventeen, as a K-pop group, is like a breath of fresh air in the music industry. Their influence stretches far beyond just catchy tunes and sharp dance moves. They've created a safe space where fans, affectionately known as Carats, can find solace and community. Their music often tackles themes of growth, love, and self-reflection, mirroring the journey many of us face in our own lives. The diversity within the group, with three sub-units specializing in vocals, hip-hop, and performance, mirrors the diversity within their fan base. This allows them to explore a range of genres and styles, making their discography incredibly rich and varied. From the energetic "Very Nice" to the introspective "Hug," there's a Seventeen song for every mood and moment. Their impact is also evident in their approach to global culture. They've seamlessly integrated different languages into their music, which has helped them build a bridge between cultures. Their world tours have not only spread K-pop across the globe but also brought diverse groups of people together, united by their love for Seventeen's music. The positive and uplifting messages in their music have resonated with me and countless others. Songs like "Don't Wanna Cry" and "Home" have provided comfort and motivation during challenging times. They've become a source of inspiration, reminding me to stay true to myself and pursue my dreams fearlessly. I fell in love with Seventeen after stumbling upon one of their music videos on YouTube. Their energy, talent, and synchronized dance moves immediately caught my attention. I was blown away by their catchy tunes and the way they effortlessly blended different genres in their music. And let's not forget their incredible stage presence! Each member brings something unique to the group, and their chemistry is just off the charts. It's hard not to fall in love with their music and their personalities. They've become a part of my daily playlist, and I can't help but smile whenever I listen to their songs. They have this ability to make me feel happy and uplifted, no matter what kind of day I'm having. It's like their music has this magical power to brighten up my mood. On a personal level, their commitment to their craft inspires me to pursue excellence in my endeavors. They've shown that with hard work and dedication, it's possible to overcome barriers and achieve success. Their group dynamics, characterized by mutual respect and brotherhood, serve as a model for positive relationships in my own life. Globally, Seventeen's influence can be seen in the increasing popularity of K-pop. They've contributed to a cultural shift where Asian artists are celebrated on a global stage, paving the way for more diversity in the entertainment industry. Their international collaborations and participation in global events have not only promoted cultural exchange but also highlighted the universal language of music. Seventeen has had a significant impact on the way I see cultures. Through their music and performances, they have introduced me to different aspects of Korean culture and language. I've learned about traditional Korean instruments, fashion, and even some Korean phrases. They've also shown me the power of music as a universal language that can transcend cultural barriers. Moreover, Seventeen's global popularity has helped me appreciate the diversity and beauty of various cultures around the world. Their collaborations with international artists and their participation in global events have exposed me to different musical styles and traditions. It has broadened my horizons and made me more open-minded and appreciative of different cultures.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    Ah, "Stranger Things" and forming a dream team to tackle a supernatural threat – what a thrilling scenario! If I had to pick three characters from the show, I'd choose Eleven, Jim Hopper, and Dustin Henderson. Here's why: First off, Eleven is a must-have on the team. Her psychokinetic abilities are unparalleled, and she's proven time and time again that she's a force to be reckoned with. Whether it's flipping a van or battling the Mind Flayer, Eleven brings raw power and a deep understanding of the Upside Down's threats. Eleven's journey has been one of self-discovery and harnessing her abilities for the greater good. Despite her past trauma and the manipulations by various forces, she consistently stands as a beacon of hope and strength for her friends. Her connection to the Upside Down and the creatures within it gives the team an insider's perspective, and her character development throughout the series shows her growing ability to control her powers. This emotional and psychic growth is crucial when facing unknown supernatural threats that require more than just physical strength. Next up, Jim Hopper. As the seasoned police chief of Hawkins, Hopper brings the brawn and the brains. He's a natural leader with a protective instinct and a knack for survival. Plus, his experience dealing with the weird events in Hawkins makes him an invaluable asset. Jim Hopper, on the other hand, is the tactical backbone of the group. His time in Vietnam, coupled with his police training, makes him a seasoned combatant who's no stranger to facing life-threatening situations. Hopper's paternal instincts, especially his bond with Eleven, mean he would go to any lengths to protect his team. He's the guy you want in your corner when things go south, not just for his fighting skills, but for his ability to stay calm under pressure and make the hard decisions that others might shy away from. Lastly, I'd pick Dustin. He's the heart and the comic relief, sure, but he's also incredibly smart and resourceful. His knowledge of science and technology, combined with his quick thinking, could be key in outsmarting any supernatural foe. Dustin brings another layer to the team with his blend of intelligence and heart. He might not have Eleven's powers or Hopper's combat experience, but his ingenuity and tech-savviness have saved the day more than once. Whether it's setting up communication with the otherworldly or decrypting Russian codes, Dustin's unique skills are indispensable. Plus, his undying optimism and ability to see the best in people is a morale booster that would keep the team's spirits up even in the darkest times. Together, this squad balances strength, leadership, and smarts – all essential qualities for facing whatever eerie threat comes out of the Upside Down. This trio is not just about fighting; they represent the emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects needed to face any challenge. They've each had their moments of vulnerability, but it's their resilience and growth that makes them the ultimate squad for any supernatural showdown.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    Taylor Swift's music, especially during the Eras Tour, has been a journey of self-discovery for me. It's like each song is a mirror, reflecting parts of myself I hadn't noticed or fully understood before. Starting with her early country tunes, I found pieces of my younger self—the wide-eyed dreamer who believed in fairy tales and happy endings. Songs like "Love Story" and "Fifteen" took me back to those days, reminding me of my innocence and the first heartaches that seemed to end the world. It was a realization of how much I've grown and learned since then. Then came the transition to pop with albums like "1989" and "Reputation," where Taylor's evolution as an artist paralleled changes in my own life. The upbeat anthems and tales of love and resilience made me appreciate my journey, embracing the highs and lows that shaped who I am today. Swift's ability to reinvent herself inspired me to be fearless in my pursuits and to shake off the critics and self-doubt. The Eras Tour, a celebration of her entire discography, was particularly enlightening. It wasn't just about the music; it was a masterclass in embracing every facet of oneself. As Taylor performed songs from different periods of her career, I saw how each era of her music corresponded with different parts of my life. It was a powerful reminder that we are not defined by a single moment or phase but by the sum of our experiences. Moreover, her newer work, like "Folklore" and "Evermore," with its introspective lyrics and storytelling, encouraged me to look inward. These albums prompted me to explore my own narrative, find beauty in the quiet moments, and accept the complexity of my emotions. Taylor's music became a tool for understanding my inner world, helping me to articulate feelings I couldn't quite express before. In essence, Taylor Swift's music, and the Eras Tour in particular, has been a catalyst for self-reflection. It has helped me to recognize the layers of my identity, to celebrate my growth, and to approach life with a renewed sense of authenticity. Her songs are like chapters of my own story, each one revealing a new truth about who I am and who I aspire to be. I have learned to embrace my true self, shake off negativity, and live authentically. Her songs have become a soundtrack to my personal growth, reminding me to be unapologetic and confident in who I am.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    Oh, I'm so glad you asked about fall-inspired drinks from Starbucks! There is one in particular that holds a unique place in my heart. It's the Salted Caramel Mocha, and let me tell you, it has become quite the character in my fall narrative. The Salted Caramel Mocha is like a warm, indulgent hug in a cup. The combination of rich chocolate, smooth espresso, and that delightful hint of salted caramel creates a flavor profile that is simply irresistible. It's a drink that instantly transports me to cozy evenings by the fireplace, wrapped in a soft blanket, and savoring the flavors of the season. First, let's talk about the flavor. The combination of rich chocolate, velvety espresso, and the perfect balance of salted caramel creates a taste that is both indulgent and comforting. It's like a cozy sweater for my taste buds, wrapping them in layers of sweetness and warmth. Each sip is a delightful dance of flavors that instantly transports me to the autumn season. But it's not just about the taste. The Salted Caramel Mocha has become a symbol of fall traditions and cherished moments. It's the drink I reach for when I want to embrace the season and all its beauty. Whether I'm strolling through a pumpkin patch, exploring a corn maze, or simply enjoying a crisp autumn morning, this drink is by my side, adding an extra touch of magic to every experience. Moreover, the Salted Caramel Mocha has a way of bringing people together. It has become a shared experience, a ritual that I enjoy with friends and loved ones. Whether we're catching up over a cup of coffee or embarking on a fall adventure, this drink catalyzes connection and creates lasting memories. This drink has become a character in my fall narrative because it's more than just a beverage to me. It represents the joy and comfort that comes with the changing leaves and cooler temperatures. It's the perfect companion for long walks through crunchy leaves, pumpkin carving sessions, and lazy weekends spent curled up with a good book. The Salted Caramel Mocha has also become a symbol of connection and shared experiences. It's a drink I love to enjoy with friends and family, creating memories and laughter as we savor each sip together. Whether it's a spontaneous coffee date or a planned gathering, this drink has a way of bringing people closer and adding a touch of sweetness to our fall adventures. The Salted Caramel Mocha is like a beloved character that appears every year, marking the beginning of a new chapter. It signifies the transition from summer to fall, filling my days with warmth, joy, and a sense of anticipation for all the wonderful things the season has in store. So, in my fall narrative, the Salted Caramel Mocha takes on a unique role as a flavorful sidekick, adding warmth, indulgence, and a dash of magic to the season. It's a character that I eagerly look forward to reconnecting with every year, as it brings a little taste of autumnal bliss into my life. So, you see, this drink is much more than just a beverage. It has become a part of my fall story, a character that adds depth and flavor to my autumn adventures. I can't wait to reunite with the Salted Caramel Mocha and continue writing new chapters in my fall narrative.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    When it comes to choosing between Team Conrad and Team Jeremiah from "The Summer I Turned Pretty," it's a tough call, but let's break it down. Team Conrad makes a strong case. Conrad is the brooding, older brother who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He's complex, and often misunderstood, and his silent battle with his own emotions is something that resonates deeply with viewers. One of the most defining moments for Conrad is when he and Belly share a quiet conversation on the beach. It is here we see the layers of his character unfold, revealing a sensitive and thoughtful side. On the other hand, Team Jeremiah represents the carefree, charismatic, and fun-loving brother. His easy-going nature is a breath of fresh air. Jeremiah wears his heart on his sleeve, making him incredibly endearing. A standout moment for him is when he goes out of his way to make Belly laugh during a difficult time, showcasing his kindheartedness and the lengths he'll go to ensure the happiness of those he cares about. Both brothers have their merits, but if I have to choose, I am team Conrad. Despite his initial aloofness, Conrad's journey of opening up and becoming more vulnerable is a powerful transformation. His deep love and protectiveness over Belly, even when he struggles to express it, ultimately sways me towards his side. Alright, let's really get into the nitty-gritty of Team Conrad. Conrad Fisher is the epitome of a character with hidden depths. He's initially presented as the quintessential brooding teen, as the series progresses, we get glimpses of the pressures he faces, like the expectations placed on him and the family issues he grapples with. These pressures shape his interactions and reluctance to let people in, making his moments of vulnerability with Belly all the more poignant. One pivotal moment that truly cements Conrad's character is when he finds Belly at the debutante ball, not just showing up but being fully present for her despite their rocky relationship. It's a testament to his growth and the silent acknowledgment of his feelings for her. Then there's the scene where Conrad is there for Belly after her falling out with Cam. He doesn't have to say much; his presence alone is a source of comfort, demonstrating that beneath his tough exterior, he's incredibly perceptive and caring. Conrad's relationship with his brother Jeremiah also adds layers to his character. While they are often at odds, Conrad's protective instincts kick in when it truly matters, showing that his tough love comes from a place of deep familial bond. Ultimately, what draws me to team Conrad is the realism of his character's evolution. He's flawed, makes mistakes, but he's also growing and learning to express himself. His journey feels genuine, and his moments of connection with Belly are earned, not just given. They share a history that adds depth to their relationship, making their interactions stand out as some of the most meaningful in the series.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    Jim Halpert's character is like a breath of fresh air in the office setting of the show. His humor and laid-back personality are a reminder that even in the most routine or stressful environments, a playful attitude can make all the difference. Just like finding those moments of levity can be a welcome break from your non-stop work as a marketing director. Jim's ability to balance his work life with personal happiness, and even find love in the workplace, is something that's both aspiration and heartening. It's about making the most of where you are, which seems to align with how you've navigated your career and personal sacrifices. "The Office" has shaped my sense of humor and given me a new perspective on workplace dynamics. The show's mockumentary style and witty writing have influenced my humor, making me appreciate the clever and awkward moments that can happen in any office. It's taught me to find humor in everyday situations and to not take things too seriously all the time. As for workplace dynamics, the show has shown me that even in the most mundane or chaotic environments, there's always room for camaraderie, teamwork, and a little bit of fun. It's a reminder that work doesn't have to be all serious business.
    Kerry Kennedy Life Is Good Scholarship
    My passion for psychology and working with athletes to better their game mentally. You see, I've always been fascinated by the human mind and how it affects our behavior and performance. Psychology allows me to explore the inner workings of the mind and understand the unique challenges that athletes face. When it comes to athletes, their mental state plays a crucial role in their success. It's not just about physical strength and skill, but also about having the right mindset. As a sports psychologist, I get to work closely with athletes to help them develop mental resilience, enhance their focus, manage stress and anxiety, and build confidence. I find it incredibly fulfilling to witness the transformation that athletes go through when they learn to harness the power of their minds. Seeing them overcome obstacles, break through mental barriers, and achieve their goals is truely inspiring. It's like being a part of their support system, cheering them on every step of the way. So, that's why I'm passionate about psychology and helping athletes. It's a perfect blend of my interest in the human mind and my desire to make a positive impact in people's lives. Plus, who wouldn't want to be a part of the exciting world of sports? Sacrifices are a big part of chasing personal and educational goals. When it came to playing softball and being involved in extracurriculars, I had to make some tough choices. It meant giving up a lot of time hanging out with friends, but I knew that focusing on my studies and pursuing my passions would pay off in the long run. I had to skip parties, movie nights, and other social events to make time for practice, games, and studying. It wasn't always easy, and there were moments when I felt like I was missing out. But I kept reminding myself of the bigger picture and the future I was working towards. The sacrifices taught me the value of discipline, time management, and dedication. They showed me that success often requires giving up immediate gratification for long-term fulfillment. And you know what? Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. The experiences and lessons I gained from those sacrifices have shaped me into the person I am today. It's all part of the journey! In wrapping up, it's clear that the passion driving our career choices, like my future role in psychology, fuels us to push through the sacrifices required to achieve our goals. The late nights, the extra hours, and the time away from friends and family can be tough, but these are the investments we make in our future success. Our dedication to personal and educational growth is what sets us apart and leads to rewarding careers. Here's to our passion guiding us, the sacrifices shaping us, and the satisfaction that comes from knowing it was all worth it in the end!
    Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
    For me as a student, mental health is crucial because it's the bedrock of my entire learning experience. When my mind is in a good place, I'm like a sponge ready to absorb new information and engage with complex concepts. It's essential for maintaining concentration, motivation, and a genuine love for learning. Plus, it helps me navigate the social aspects of school life, from group projects to making new friends. Good mental health means I can embrace the full spectrum of student life, balancing academics with personal growth and fun. And let's not forget the stress and pressure that come with being a student. With a healthy mental state, I can better manage those late-night study sessions and the anxiety of exams. It's about resilience, too—bouncing back from setbacks and seeing challenges as opportunities to learn. By prioritizing my mental well-being, I am setting myself up for success not just in school, but in life. It's about building a toolkit of coping strategies and support systems that allow me to thrive in the face of any academic or personal challenge. Then there's the social side. If I'm in a good mental space, I'm more likely to join study groups, participate in class discussions, or just hang out with classmates after school. It's all about having the emotional energy to be present and connect with others. Plus, when stress does hit, like during finals, having a healthy mental state means I can keep things in perspective, take breaks when I need them, and not let the pressure take over my life. It's all about balance! Advocating for mental health in my community starts with open conversations. I like to create spaces where friends and peers feel safe to share their feelings without judgment. Whether it's a casual chat over coffee or a more structured group discussion, the goal is to normalize talking about mental health just like we would physical health. I also try to lead by example, practicing self-care and sharing my strategies with others. Whether it's through recommending a good book that offers insight into mental well-being or sharing tips on managing stress, I aim to show that taking care of our mental health is a priority. For the younger ones at home or in the community, I encourage activities that promote mindfulness and emotional expression, like art or journalism, to build a foundation of healthy habits early on.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    The Hating Game would be the book I chose. This book is a fantastic enemies-to-lovers romance that has gained quite a following on #booktok. Sally Thorne's writing style is engaging and filled with witty banter that keeps you hooked from beginning to end. Lucy and Joshua, the main characters, work together in the same office and can not seem to stand each other. Their constant bickering and competitive nature create a tense and entertaining dynamic. But as the story progresses, we see their walls come down and witness the sparks fly between them. One of the things that makes this book so captivating is the chemistry between Lucy and Joshua. Their interactions are filled with intense emotions, and you cannot help but root for them to realize their true feelings. Their journey from enemies to lovers filled with ups and downs, and it is a roller coaster ride of emotions. Well, besides the captivating enemies-to-lovers romance and the witty banter, another reason why people would love "The Hating Game" is the strong and relatable protagonist, Lucy. She's a smart, ambitious, and independent woman who isn't afraid to stand up for herself. Throughout the book, we see her navigate the challenges of the workplace. The Hating Game also delves into the consequences of intense relationships and the vulnerability that comes along with opening up to someone you initially despise. It explores themes of personal growth, self-discovery, and the power of love to change our perspectives. Overall, The Hating Game is a delightful and addictive read that will leave you with a smile on your face. It is a perfect choice if you are looking for a romance that's equal parts funny, heartwarming, and steamy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
    Angelia Zeigler Gibbs Book Scholarship
    Embarking on this new chapter, I'd call it "Swinging for the Fences: The North Carolina Journey." I am not just moving to a new state, immersing myself in a new culture and community. Playing softball at the collegiate level speaks to my dedication and love for the sport, showcasing determination to excel in a highly competitive environment. This chapter is also about the emotional complexities of leaving my family. It's a bittersweet symphony of gaining independence while cherishing the bonds I am temporarily leaving behind. It's about the late-night study sessions, the adrenaline of the game, the camaraderie with your teammates, and the personal introspection during quiet moments alone. I'll encounter triumphs, setbacks, and everything in between. Each experience will teach me resilience, adaptability, and the true meaning of teamwork. This chapter will challenge me to balance academics, athletics, and personal growth, all while laying down roots in a new place that you'll come to call home. The title encapsulates not just the actions of moving and playing but also the internal journey I'll undertake. It's about discovering who I am when pushed to my limits and how I rise to meet each new day with courage, even when it feels like I am a world away from the familiar. This chapter is where I will look back years from now and realize it was the start of something extraordinary.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    We all have that one Netflix show or movie that we can't stop raving about, right? Well, let me spill the beans on my absolute favorite romantic K-drama on Netflix that will have you clearing your weekend for a binge-watch session: "Crash Landing on You." This series is an absolute gem that will sweep you off your feet. Firstly, the storyline is incredibly unique and captivating. The concept of a chance encounter between a South Korean heiress and a North Korean army officer creates a forbidden love that is filled with tension, excitement, and plenty of surprises. The way their relationship develops amidst the backdrop of political tensions and cultural differences adds an extra layer of complexity and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The chemistry between the lead actors, Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin, is off the charts. Their on-screen connection feels so genuine and heartfelt, making it easy to become emotionally invested in their love story. You'll find yourself rooting for them, laughing with them, and shedding tears alongside them as they navigate the challenges that come their way. One of the things that sets "Crash Landing on You" apart is its attention to detail and world-building. The series takes you on a journey through the beautiful landscapes of North and South Korea, showcasing stunning visuals that immerse you in the story. The production quality is top-notch, and you can tell that a lot of care went into creating an authentic and visually appealing experience. Additionally, the supporting characters in "Crash Landing on You" are truly memorable. From the loyal and endearing North Korean soldiers to the quirky and lovable village residents, each character brings something special to the table. Their individual stories and interactions with the main leads add depth and richness to the overall narrative, making it a well-rounded and engaging watch. Lastly, "Crash Landing on You" beautifully explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of human connection. It reminds us that love knows no boundaries and can transcend even the most challenging circumstances. It's a heartwarming and inspiring story that will leave you with a renewed appreciation for the power of love and the importance of empathy and understanding. So, if you're ready for a binge-watch that will take you on an emotional roller coaster, "Crash Landing on You" is the perfect choice. Get ready to laugh, cry, and fall in love with this captivating K-drama. Trust me, you won't be able to resist its charm!
    Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
    Oh, a crossover episode between two Disney Channel classics from the late 2000s would be such a nostalgic trip! Picture this: "The Wizards on Deck with Suite Life!" combining "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody" and "Wizards of Waverly Place." Title: "Spellbound & Shipwrecked!" Plot: The Russo family decides to take a vacation from the Waverly Place Sub Station and their wizarding duties. They book a trip on the S.S. Tipton, not knowing that Zack and Cody Martin are aboard, stirring up their usual mischief. The episode kicks off with Alex Russo's mischievous use of magic leading to an accidental spell that goes awry, teleporting Zack and Cody into the Russo’s lair back in New York. Meanwhile, Max and Justin Russo find themselves trying to cover for Alex's mistake, only to make things worse by accidentally bringing London Tipton and Maddie Fitzpatrick to the wizard world. While Alex is trying to figure out how to reverse the spell, Zack and Cody are having the time of their lives discovering the lair's magical gadgets. Back on the S.S. Tipton, Max and Justin are doing their best to blend in with the ship's crowd, but London's shopping habits and Maddie's down-to-earth nature cause a hilarious culture clash with the wizarding world. The Russos eventually realize they need to work together with Zack, Cody, London, and Maddie to set things right. After a series of comical events and lessons learned, they discover that the key to reversing the spell lies in combining their unique talents and knowledge. Alex and Maddie team up to concoct a potion, while Justin and Cody put their heads together to solve a mystical riddle. Zack's charm and London's unexpected cleverness also prove to be crucial in navigating the wizarding world's challenges. In the end, the spell is reversed, and everyone is returned to their rightful place just in time for the Russo family to enjoy the rest of their vacation. But not without leaving both the Martins and the Tipton crew with a newfound appreciation for magic and some unforgettable memories. As the episode closes, Alex promises to lay off the magic for the rest of the trip, but as the Russo family and their new friends share a laugh, we see her fingers crossed behind her back, teasing the possibility of more magical mishaps to come. This crossover would be an epic blend of magic, mischief, and mayhem, with a heartwarming
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    Oh, imagining the perfect #booktok-inspired bookshelf is like walking into a literary wonderland, especially for a romance enthusiast! It's all about those heart-fluttering stories that have taken #booktok by storm. Starting, "The Hating Game" by Sally Thorne is a non-negotiable on this shelf. It's the quintessential enemies-to-lovers tale that's been a massive hit. The playful banter and the slow-burning tension between Lucy and Joshua have sparked countless TikTok recreations and discussions, making it a beloved favorite. Then there's "It Ends With Us" by Colleen Hoover. This book took #booktok by heart, stirring deep conversations about its raw and realistic portrayal of complicated relationships. It's a rollercoaster that's left readers with book hangovers for days! "These Violent Delights" by Chloe Gong is a retelling of "Romeo and Juliet" set in 1920s Shanghai. The novel follows Juliette Cai, a former flapper and heir to the Scarlet Gang, and Roma Montagov, the heir to the rival White Flowers. As mysterious madness sweeps the city, the star-crossed lovers must work together to save their city. It's a blend of historical fiction, romance, and fantasy that has captured the hearts of readers and sparked lively discussions on #booktok. The "Crave" series by Tracy Wolff is a supernatural young adult romance saga centered around Grace, a human girl who finds herself in a boarding school for paranormal creatures after the tragic death of her parents. There, she meets and falls for Jaxon, a brooding vampire with secrets. The series is known for its blend of fantasy, romance, and drama, with a modern twist on classic monster mythology. It's a hit with readers looking for that next addictive paranormal romance fix! And of course, no romantic bookshelf is complete without Nicholas Sparks. "The Notebook" is the gold standard of tear-jerking love stories. It's the kind of love everyone hopes to find, and it's inspired countless #booktok videos of quotes and scenes that just hit right in the feels. Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is a classic that keeps on giving. Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet's love-hate relationship is the blueprint for so many romances. It's sparked endless #booktok debates on who's the best Darcy and why this story is just timeless. Finally, the "Off-Campus" series by Elle Kennedy is a steamy collection of romance novels set in the world of college hockey. Each book focuses on a different hockey player from Briar University finding love amidst the challenges of college life, sports, and personal growth. The series is known for its mix of humor, heart, and heat, making it a favorite among fans of new adult romance. Each of these titles has shaped the #booktok community in unique ways, sparking joy, tears, and everything in between. With these captivating and diverse books, your #booktok-inspired bookshelf will be a treasure trove of love, passion, and unforgettable stories. It's a literary wonderland that will transport you to different worlds and touch your heart in countless ways.