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Madison Wright


Bold Points




One of my life goals is to become a Nuclear Engineer, I hope to obtain a degree and work for a company to gain new skills and develop an idea of how I can contribute to that organization. I am most passionate about encouraging females to pursue a career in STEM. I feel I am a great candidate because I am a hard-working student, I am a member of National Technical Honor Society, Beta Club, National Society of High School Scholars, Student Government Association Representative for the Junior Class, selected to the ALA Palmetto Girls State Summer 2024. Also, provide community service. I will commit myself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity that the scholarships may provide.


Williston Elko High School

High School
2021 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Nuclear Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Nuclear Engineer

    • Dream career goals:



      2023 – 20241 year


      2023 – 20241 year


      2021 – 20221 year


      • Defensive Player


      2022 – 20231 year


      • Most Valuable Player


      2021 – 20221 year


      • Rookie of the Year


      2022 – 20231 year


      • Most Valuable Player


      2021 – 20221 year


      • Rookie of the Year


      2022 – 20231 year


      • Region Player


      2021 – 20221 year


      • Region Player

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Holston Skyland Farm — Sales Person
        2023 – Present
      BIPOC Scholars in STEM
      My name is Madison Catherine Wright, and I’m an African American senior from the small town of Williston, South Carolina, with a population of about 2,800. My journey in STEM began in 2013 when I started attending an afterschool program called DIG (Dream Imagination Gifts) Development Program. Founded by Steven Brown, a native of Williston, DIG opened my eyes to the world of science, technology, engineering, and math. This program sparked my passion for STEM and inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a nuclear engineer. As I reflect on my journey and think about the future, I realize that life is about passing the baton to a new version of yourself every year, with each version of you getting better with age. I’d like to make three promises to my future self that I will commit to, enabling an older me to have a better life. First, I promise to always prioritize education and continuous learning. The world is constantly evolving, and I believe that staying curious and open to new knowledge is key to personal and professional growth. As the top-ranked student in my class, I’ve always strived to excel academically, and I commit to pushing myself further as I pursue a degree in nuclear engineering. Whether it’s through internships, research, or mentorship, I want to ensure that I’m always expanding my understanding and staying at the forefront of my field. The BIPOC Scholars in STEM Scholarship will help me fulfill this promise by alleviating the financial burden of college, allowing me to focus fully on my studies and take advantage of every educational opportunity that comes my way. Second, I promise to remain resilient in the face of challenges. Life is full of obstacles, and I know that the path to becoming a nuclear engineer won’t be easy. However, I commit to embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. My experiences in the DIG program taught me the importance of perseverance, and I promise to carry that lesson with me throughout my life. By staying determined and never giving up, I believe I can overcome any hurdle and achieve my goals. Third, I promise to give back to my community and uplift others as I have been uplifted. Growing up in Williston, I’ve seen firsthand the impact that programs like DIG can have on young people. Steven Brown’s dedication to our community inspired me to dream big, and I want to do the same for the next generation. I commit to using my education and experiences to mentor and support others, particularly those from small towns like mine who may not always have access to resources and opportunities. The BIPOC Scholars in STEM Scholarship will play a crucial role in helping me achieve this goal by allowing me to complete my education and establish myself in a career where I can make a difference. In conclusion, these three promises—to prioritize education, remain resilient, and give back—are commitments I make to my future self. They are the guiding principles that will help me become the best version of myself with each passing year. The BIPOC Scholars in STEM Scholarship is an essential part of that journey. It will not only support my higher education goals but also enable me to contribute positively to my community and beyond. With this scholarship, I’m confident that I can continue to pass the baton to a stronger, wiser, and more accomplished version of myself every year.
      Vegan Teens Are The Future Scholarship
      I made a life-changing decision to become a vegan after watching a documentary called The Dirty Truth About Your Food. This eye-opening film shed light on the ethical, environmental, and health implications of our food choices, and it fundamentally changed the way I view the world. The documentary exposed the harsh realities of factory farming, animal cruelty, and the environmental destruction caused by the meat and dairy industries. After watching it, I knew I couldn’t continue to support these practices, so I chose to align my actions with my values by embracing a vegan lifestyle. Veganism has become important to me for several reasons. First and foremost, it’s a way to live in harmony with my beliefs about animal rights. I’ve always felt a deep connection with animals, and seeing the suffering they endure in the food industry was heartbreaking. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, I’m able to live more authentically and in a way that reflects my respect for all living beings. In addition to the ethical aspect, veganism has allowed me to make a positive impact on the environment. The Dirty Truth About Your Food highlighted the significant role that animal agriculture plays in deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. I realized that by reducing my consumption of animal products, I could help decrease my carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. As someone who cares deeply about the planet, this was a powerful motivator for me. Health was another factor in my decision to go vegan. The documentary presented compelling evidence about the health benefits of a plant-based diet, including lower risks of heart disease and diabetes, improved energy levels, and mental clarity. Since making the switch, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my own health. I feel more energized and focused, both on and off the basketball court. My brothers, who initially joined me in trying out plant-based eating, have also experienced positive changes, making our journey even more rewarding. Looking to the future, I’m passionate about using my education and experiences to grow the vegan movement. As someone who aspires to pursue a career in nuclear engineering, I’m particularly interested in the intersection of technology and sustainability. I believe that advancements in science and engineering can play a crucial role in making plant-based foods more accessible, affordable, and appealing to a wider audience. Whether it’s through research and development of new food technologies or advocating for sustainable practices in the food industry, I want to contribute to a future where plant-based eating is the norm, not the exception. Beyond my professional aspirations, I’m committed to being an advocate for veganism in my daily life. Whether it’s through sharing my experiences with friends and family, volunteering with animal rights organizations, or using social media to raise awareness, I hope to inspire others to consider the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. My dream is to see a world where compassion, health, and sustainability are at the forefront of our food choices, and I’m excited to be a part of this growing movement. In conclusion, veganism is not just a diet for me—it’s a way of life that aligns with my values and aspirations. It’s about making choices that reflect my commitment to animals, the environment, and my own well-being. I’m dedicated to using my education and experiences to advance the vegan movement and contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable world for future generations.
      LeBron James Fan Scholarship
      As an African American female who plays varsity basketball, LeBron James has been a source of inspiration and motivation for me throughout my journey in sports and life. LeBron’s story resonates with me on a personal level, not just because of his incredible athleticism, but because of his unwavering dedication to his craft, his leadership on and off the court, and his commitment to uplifting others. LeBron’s journey from a challenging childhood in Akron, Ohio, to becoming one of the greatest basketball players in history is a testament to his resilience and determination. Watching him overcome obstacles, both on the court and in his personal life, has taught me the importance of perseverance. His ability to rise above adversity and achieve greatness inspires me to push through challenges in my own life, whether they be in basketball or academics. I admire LeBron not only for his skills as a basketball player but also for his leadership and philanthropy. His work in the community, particularly with the LeBron James Family Foundation and the I PROMISE School, demonstrates his commitment to giving back and making a difference. As someone who values education and understands the power it has to change lives, I’m inspired by how LeBron uses his platform to create opportunities for others. While the debate about whether LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time will continue, I believe his impact goes beyond just statistics and championships. His influence on the game, his community, and the world makes him a legend in his own right. For me, LeBron James represents what it means to be a true champion—not just in basketball, but in life. His example motivates me to strive for excellence, be a leader, and make a positive impact in my own community.
      Eric W. Larson Memorial STEM Scholarship
      Eric W. Larson Memorial STEM Scholarship My name is Madison Wright, and I’m an African American high school senior, ranked at the top of my 2025 class. I’m the fourth oldest of five siblings and the only girl in my family. Growing up, my parents always stressed the importance of education and were determined to send all of us to college. However, this commitment has created significant financial challenges, especially after my mother lost her job, which she had held for over 18 years. Despite these difficulties, my family has remained strong, keeping our faith that God will make a way, and I’m determined to continue my education in Nuclear Engineering. The financial hardship my family faced when my mother’s position was discontinued was a difficult experience for all of us. It wasn’t just about losing a job; it was about losing the stability and security that we had always known. My mother’s income was a crucial part of our family’s financial foundation, and without it, things became tough. My parents had to make sacrifices to keep us on track with our education, often putting our needs before their own. They managed to keep us focused on our studies and reminded us constantly that, despite the challenges, education was the key to a better future. During this time, I learned the value of resilience and determination. Watching my parents struggle, yet never give up on their dreams for us, inspired me to work even harder. I took on more responsibilities at home, helping with my younger siblings and finding ways to contribute to the family. I also dedicated myself to my studies, knowing that doing well in school was the best way I could help my family in the long run. It wasn’t always easy, but I kept my faith, just like my parents did, believing that our hard work and perseverance would eventually pay off. My passion for Nuclear Engineering comes from my love for science and my desire to make a positive impact on the world. I’ve always been fascinated by how things work, especially in the realm of energy. As I learned more about different fields of science, I became particularly interested in nuclear energy because of its potential to provide clean, reliable power. In a world where we are constantly searching for sustainable energy solutions, I believe that nuclear energy can play a vital role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and combating climate change. But my interest in Nuclear Engineering goes beyond just the science. I’m also drawn to the idea of being part of a field that requires strong leadership and a deep commitment to safety and ethics. Working with nuclear materials comes with great responsibility, and I’m motivated by the challenge of ensuring that this powerful technology is used safely and for the benefit of society. I want to be a part of the next generation of engineers who push the boundaries of what’s possible while keeping the well-being of people and the environment at the forefront. The financial challenges my family has faced have only strengthened my resolve to pursue this path. I know that getting a degree in Nuclear Engineering will not only allow me to follow my passion but also put me in a position to support my family in the future. My parents’ commitment to our education, even in the face of adversity, has taught me that with hard work, faith, and determination, anything is possible. I’m committed to making the most of the opportunities I have and using my education to make a real difference in the world. Looking ahead, I hope to contribute to the development of safer, more efficient nuclear technologies that can help meet the world’s energy needs without harming the planet. I’m particularly interested in working on advanced reactor designs and finding ways to reduce nuclear waste. I also want to be a role model for other young people, especially those from underrepresented communities, showing them that with dedication and perseverance, they can achieve their goals in STEM fields. The Eric W. Larson Memorial STEM Scholarship would be a tremendous help in making these dreams a reality. With this support, I could focus more on my studies and less on the financial burdens that come with pursuing a college education. It would allow me to continue building on the foundation that my parents have worked so hard to provide and help me take the next steps toward a career in Nuclear Engineering. I’m excited about the future and the impact I hope to make, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story. As I stand on the threshold of this next chapter, I am filled with hope and determination. I am ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, knowing that with the right support, I can turn my aspirations into reality. The future is bright, and I am eager to contribute to a world where science and leadership come together to create lasting positive change.
      Stewart Family Legacy Scholarship
      As an African American high school senior ranked at the top of my 2025 class, with a strong passion for nuclear engineering, I believe that leadership and science are two key factors that will shape our future. These areas work together to drive progress and create new opportunities that can make a real difference in the world. Leadership is about more than just being in charge; it’s about guiding others, making thoughtful decisions, and setting a positive example. In fields like science and engineering, having good leaders is essential because they help manage complex projects, inspire teams, and tackle difficult challenges. Leaders in science don’t just accept things as they are; they question, explore, and lead others toward new discoveries. They also make sure that technology is used responsibly, especially in areas like nuclear engineering, where safety and ethics are so important. In nuclear engineering, leadership plays a huge role. Working with nuclear materials can be dangerous, so strong leaders are needed to ensure safety is always the number one priority. These leaders also need to communicate with the public and government officials to build trust and support for nuclear technology. This is important for shaping policies that allow nuclear energy to develop responsibly, which could be a major part of how we address climate change by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. On the other hand, science is what drives innovation. Through science, we learn more about the world around us, leading to new technologies and solutions. In nuclear engineering, science has given us the ability to harness the power of the atom, providing a powerful source of energy that could meet the growing needs of our world. Nuclear technology also offers the promise of cleaner energy, with fewer emissions than fossil fuels, which is crucial for a sustainable future. As I look ahead to a career in nuclear engineering, I’m excited about the potential that science and leadership have to create a better future. By developing my skills in both areas, I hope to contribute to the safe and innovative use of nuclear technology. The Stewart Family Legacy Scholarship would be a tremendous help in achieving these goals, allowing me to focus on my studies and leadership development. I also want to be a role model, especially as an African American in a field where diversity is still growing. My goal is not only to succeed in nuclear engineering but also to inspire others to pursue careers in STEM fields. With determination and strong leadership, we can all play a role in building a brighter, more sustainable future.
      Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
      As a high school senior, I find myself reflecting on the vast mysteries of our universe and the importance of seeking a deeper understanding of its nature. The quest to comprehend our surroundings isn’t just a scientific endeavor; it’s a profound journey that can shape our lives and the future of humanity. With plans to pursue a degree in Nuclear Engineering, I believe that exploring the universe's complexities will enhance our technological advancements and foster a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. Understanding the universe is crucial for several reasons. First, it drives innovation. Scientific breakthroughs often stem from our desire to unravel cosmic mysteries. For example, advancements in nuclear energy rely heavily on our understanding of atomic interactions and the fundamental forces that govern them. By grasping the principles behind these phenomena, we can develop safer, more efficient energy sources that address our growing energy needs while minimizing environmental impacts. This pursuit is essential as we face pressing challenges like climate change and dwindling resources. Moreover, delving into the nature of the universe expands our intellectual horizons. Engaging with complex concepts like black holes, quantum mechanics, and the nature of time invites us to think critically and creatively. It encourages a mindset that is open to questioning established norms and exploring new ideas. For me, this intellectual curiosity is about fostering a lifelong passion for learning and exploration. In addition to scientific inquiry, philosophy plays a significant role in this journey. Philosophy challenges us to ponder fundamental questions about existence, ethics, and our place in the cosmos. For instance, what does it mean to be conscious in a universe governed by physical laws? How do our ethical frameworks evolve in light of new scientific discoveries? These philosophical inquiries are essential as they help us contextualize our scientific understanding within broader human experiences. By incorporating philosophical thinking into my studies, I aim to approach nuclear engineering not only from a technical perspective but also with thoughtful consideration of its ethical implications. As I embark on this journey, I hope to employ several ideas and concepts that can aid in better understanding the universe. First, I want to embrace interdisciplinary learning. By combining insights from physics, engineering, philosophy, and even art, I believe we can develop a more holistic understanding of the universe. This approach encourages collaboration and innovation, enabling us to tackle complex problems from multiple angles. Additionally, I aspire to engage in research and practical applications that allow me to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts. Working on projects that explore sustainable energy solutions or advancements in nuclear technology will not only deepen my understanding but also contribute positively to society. In conclusion, the importance of striving to understand the nature of our universe cannot be overstated. As I pursue a degree in Nuclear Engineering, I am committed to blending scientific inquiry with philosophical reflection. By doing so, I hope to contribute to a future where our understanding of the universe leads to innovative solutions and profound insights that benefit humanity as a whole. The universe is an incredible tapestry of mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and I am eager to be part of that exploration.
      Bright Lights Scholarship
      As a senior in high school, I am on the verge of a significant transition in my life, and my plans for the future are filled with ambition and determination. Growing up in a low-income household in a rural area, I have faced many obstacles, but these challenges have only strengthened my resolve to achieve my goals. I am passionate about pursuing a career in nuclear engineering, focusing specifically on criticality safety, and the Bright Lights Scholarship would be instrumental in helping me reach my aspirations. My dream is to become a nuclear engineer, with a specialization in criticality safety, ensuring that nuclear materials are handled and stored in ways that prevent accidental nuclear chain reactions. This field is vital for the safe operation of nuclear facilities and the protection of public health and the environment. I have always been fascinated by the potential of technology to solve real-world problems, and nuclear engineering stands out as a field where I can make a significant impact. My goal is to contribute to sustainable energy initiatives while ensuring the highest standards of safety in nuclear operations. Attending a reputable university with a strong nuclear engineering program is crucial for my success. However, the financial burden of college is a significant obstacle for my family. The Bright Lights Scholarship would alleviate this burden, allowing me to focus on my studies and fully engage in the educational opportunities available to me. With this scholarship, I can afford textbooks, lab equipment, and other essential resources that are vital for my academic success. It would also enable me to participate in internships and co-op programs, gaining practical experience that is invaluable in my field. Overcoming financial challenges has been a constant part of my journey. My parents work tirelessly to provide for our family, but there are times when making ends meet is difficult. Despite these hardships, I have remained dedicated to my education, maintaining a strong GPA and participating in extracurricular activities like the Beta Club and volunteering at our local farmer's market. Being a member of the Beta Club has allowed me to develop leadership skills and engage in community service projects, reinforcing my commitment to helping others. Volunteering at the farmer's market has given me a sense of community and the importance of supporting local businesses. These experiences have taught me the importance of perseverance, hard work, and giving back to the community. The Bright Lights Scholarship is not just a financial aid package; it is a beacon of hope for students like me who have had to overcome significant obstacles to pursue a college education. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and achieve a better future. With this scholarship, I will be able to concentrate on my academic and career goals without the constant worry of financial strain. My plans for the future are centered around becoming a nuclear engineer specializing in criticality safety and making a positive impact on the world, particularly in rural and underserved areas. The Bright Lights Scholarship would provide the financial support I need to attend a top university, gain valuable experience, and ultimately achieve my dreams. I am determined to succeed and give back to my community, and this scholarship would be a crucial step in my journey towards a brighter future.
      Redefining Victory Scholarship
      Success is defined in many ways, depending on who you ask. For me, as a senior in high school, success means achieving a balance between personal fulfillment, professional accomplishment, and contributing positively to the world around me. As I stand on the brink of adulthood, looking ahead to the future, my vision of success is clear: it involves pursuing a career that I am passionate about, continuing to learn and grow, and making a meaningful impact on my community, especially in the rural area where I live. When it comes to my career, success looks like finding a job that not only pays well but also aligns with my interests and values. I've always been fascinated by technology and its potential to solve real-world problems. Specifically, I am drawn to the field of nuclear engineering. The idea of working on advanced energy solutions that can provide clean and efficient power to millions of people, including those in rural areas, is incredibly exciting to me. To achieve this, I plan to pursue a degree in nuclear engineering, which will give me the technical skills and knowledge I need. However, it's not just about the degree; it’s about being in an environment where I can thrive, be challenged, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. This opportunity to attend a reputable university with a strong nuclear engineering program is crucial for my success. It will give me access to experienced professors, cutting-edge technology, and a network of peers who share my passion. Additionally, internships and co-op programs offered by the university will provide real-world experience, allowing me to apply what I have learned in the classroom to actual projects. These experiences are invaluable as they will help me build a strong resume and develop the problem-solving and teamwork skills necessary for a successful career in nuclear engineering. Success is not just about professional achievements; it’s also about personal growth and fulfillment. I believe that continuing to learn and expand my horizons is a key aspect of success. In college, I hope to take courses outside of my major that interest me, such as philosophy and economics. These subjects will help me develop critical thinking skills and a broader perspective on the world. Furthermore, being part of clubs and organizations will allow me to pursue my hobbies and interests, such as playing golf and volunteering. These activities will not only make my college experience more enjoyable but also help me develop a well-rounded personality. Living in a rural area has instilled in me a deep appreciation for community and the importance of supporting one another. I have always believed in the importance of giving back and helping others. In high school, I volunteered at a local food bank and participated in community clean-up events. In college, I plan to continue volunteering and also get involved in organizations that promote diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. By doing so, I hope to inspire and support others, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, to pursue careers in technology. Being a nuclear engineer means more than just working on cutting-edge projects; it means contributing to a sustainable future and ensuring that we have reliable and clean energy sources. I am passionate about using my skills and knowledge to make a difference in the world, especially in rural areas where access to clean energy can transform lives. This opportunity to attend a top university will not only equip me with the technical expertise required but also provide me with the platform to network with professionals and mentors who can guide me on my path to success. I am excited about the future and am confident that with hard work and dedication, I will achieve my vision of success. By seizing this opportunity and the Redefining Victory Scholarship, I am taking the first crucial step toward a rewarding career in nuclear engineering, personal growth, and making a positive impact on my community and the world, particularly in the rural area I call home.
      Aaron and Ruby Dicks Scholarship
      Books have always been more than just a pastime for me; they have been portals to new ideas, perspectives, and lessons that have shaped my understanding of the world and my aspirations for the future. One such influential book was "Dear Black Girls: How to be True to You" by Aja Wilson, a thoughtful gift from my basketball team. This empowering book taught me the importance of embracing my identity and heritage as an African American woman. It encouraged me to celebrate my uniqueness and to advocate for representation and empowerment within my community and beyond. In addition to Wilson's impactful work, "Girl Read Your Bible: Guided Bible Reading Plan" has been instrumental in shaping my spiritual journey. This book provided me with a structured approach to studying the Bible, deepening my faith and guiding my personal growth. Its teachings have instilled in me values of compassion, integrity, and service, which are integral to my worldview and the impact I hope to make in the world. Studying the Bible through this guided plan has not only strengthened my faith but also broadened my perspective on life's purpose and the importance of serving others. It has taught me to seek wisdom and understanding in all endeavors, grounding my decisions in principles that prioritize the well-being of others and the betterment of society. Looking ahead, I am excited to pursue a degree in Nuclear Engineering at South Carolina State University. The books I have read have not only broadened my understanding of identity, faith, and technology but have also fueled my passion to make a positive impact. They have equipped me with the knowledge and values necessary to pursue my goals in nuclear engineering and beyond. As I embark on this journey, I am committed to honoring my heritage, advocating for meaningful change, and contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive future for all. Reflecting on my family's history and values, I find a deep connection to the Aaron and Ruby Dicks Scholarship. My great grandmother, Susie Holston, owned over 100 acres of land and was a pillar of strength in our family in Williston, South Carolina. Her legacy of resilience and stewardship has inspired me to appreciate the importance of land ownership and agriculture. Today, my family continues her legacy through Holston Skyland Farm, where we farm on the land she passed down through generations. I actively support my uncle in farming and contribute by selling produce at Aiken's Farmer's Market in Aiken, South Carolina, fostering connections within our community and promoting sustainable practices. It would be an honor to be selected for the Aaron and Ruby Dicks Scholarship, as it aligns perfectly with my values of hard work, community stewardship, and dedication to making a meaningful impact in the world through my studies and future career in nuclear engineering.
      Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
      Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship As a high school senior, my name is Madison Catherine Wright, I have faced significant financial challenges. Coming from a family of five, with one sibling recently graduated, another in college, and one entering high school, finances have always been tight. The situation worsened when my mother's job, after 18 years with a company, was discontinued, placing a heavier burden on my father to manage our finances alone. Despite these hardships, my parents have shown incredible resilience. They have always emphasized the importance of education and perseverance, academically, I have strived for excellence, maintaining a 3.6 grade point average. My parent's also instilled in us the belief that with faith and determination, we can overcome any obstacle. Witnessing their strength in the face of adversity has been a powerful lesson for me. In terms of personal experiences with finances and financial education, I have learned firsthand the importance of budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions. I have seen my parents navigate challenges, prioritize essentials, and make sacrifices to ensure our needs are met. These experiences have taught me the value of financial literacy and planning for the future. Looking ahead, I am committed to using what I have learned to secure a better future for myself and my family. I plan to pursue a deeper understanding of financial management through continued education and practical application. By improving my financial literacy, I aim to make informed decisions about savings, investments, and budgeting that will contribute to financial stability and long-term success. Receiving the ScoreNavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship would be instrumental in achieving my goals. It would not only alleviate the financial burden of college tuition but also validate my dedication to academic excellence and community service. With this scholarship, I am eager to continue my journey of learning and personal growth, knowing that every challenge I face is an opportunity for development and achievement. In conclusion, as I stand on the brink of adulthood, I am grateful for the experiences and lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today. With determination, resilience, and a commitment to lifelong learning, I am confident in my ability to navigate the challenges ahead and make a positive impact on the world around me. The ScoreNavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship would provide me with the crucial support and resources to pursue my academic and personal aspirations, ensuring that I can continue to excel and contribute meaningfully to my community and beyond.
      Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship
      Hilliard L. “Tack” Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship My name is Madison Catherine Wright, and I am a senior from Williston, SC, where my high school journey has been defined by a commitment to academic excellence and active participation in extracurricular activities. Achieving Honor Roll status consistently and being ranked in the top 8 of my class have been significant milestones for me. Additionally, I am proud to have represented Williston-Elko High School at the American Legion Auxiliary Palmetto Girl's State, an honor that further fueled my passion for leadership and civic engagement. Beyond academics, my involvement in extracurricular activities such as Tennis and Varsity Basketball has not only sharpened my leadership and teamwork skills but also nurtured my love for sports and collaboration. The DIG (Dreams, Imagination, and Gifts) after-school program, initiated by Steven Brown, a proud University of South Carolina graduate, has played a pivotal role in shaping my educational journey. From 2016 to 2019, DIG provided me with a supportive environment to explore science projects, receive tutoring, and engage in activities that ignited my curiosity and sense of belonging. Growing up in a rural community has presented its challenges, yet the DIG program has been a beacon of support and encouragement. Under Steven Brown's mentorship, I have not only achieved academic milestones but also cultivated essential skills crucial to my pursuit of a degree in Nuclear Engineering. The Hilliard L. “Tack” Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship holds profound significance for me. It represents more than financial assistance; it validates my commitment to leadership, learning, and community service. With this scholarship, I am eager to continue my academic journey with determination and dedication to excel in the field of Nuclear Engineering. The impact of the DIG program and Steven Brown's mentorship on my high school experience cannot be overstated. They have instilled in me a sense of purpose and responsibility to make a positive impact through education and community engagement. As I look ahead, I am motivated to embrace new challenges and opportunities, knowing that with perseverance, even the smallest community can nurture big dreams. In conclusion, my experiences with the DIG program and the support of Steven Brown have laid a solid foundation for my future endeavors in Nuclear Engineering and beyond. I am grateful for the opportunities that have shaped my journey thus far and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead as I, Madison Catherine Wright, strive to achieve my goals and contribute to a brighter future for my community and beyond.
      David Foster Memorial Scholarship
      David Foster Memorial Scholarship Influence Beyond Numbers: Mr. Bernard Otis Walter As a rising high school senior from Williston-Elko High School with aspirations for continued education, reflecting on the individuals who have profoundly impacted my life inevitably brings me to Mr. Bernard Otis Walter. For over 35 years, Mr. Walter has not only taught mathematics but has also served as a pillar of inspiration and guidance in my academic and personal journey. Mr. Walter's journey as an educator is as impressive as it is inspiring. Armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in Professional Mathematics from South Carolina State University, his dedication to teaching extends far beyond the classroom. His commitment to excellence has been recognized multiple times, having been named Teacher of the Year in Williston District 29 on three separate occasions, including most recently in 2017. My relationship with Mr. Walter began in my freshman year at Williston-Elko High School, where I was introduced to the challenging realms of Algebra Honors. From there, I progressed through Geometry Honors, Algebra 2 Honors, and Probability and Statistics, each step marked by Mr. Walter's unwavering support and expertise. Beyond teaching mathematics, Mr. Walter has been instrumental as the advisor for the Math and Chess Teams, fostering my passion for math competitions and strategic thinking. Additionally, his role as the Boys' and Girls' Tennis Coach has allowed me to not only excel academically but also thrive in athletics, combining my love for mathematics with the discipline and teamwork inherent in sports. What sets Mr. Walter apart is not just his proficiency in mathematics but his ability to instill in his students a deeper understanding of perseverance, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. His classroom is a place where challenges are met with encouragement, mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, and every student is empowered to reach their full potential. His belief in our abilities has often surpassed our own, pushing us to achieve beyond what we thought possible. Personally, Mr. Walter's influence has transcended academic boundaries. His lessons extend into life skills, teaching me the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, the value of meticulous planning in problem-solving, and the significance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving shared goals. These principles have not only shaped my approach to academics and athletics but have also influenced my character development and interactions within my community. Applying for the David Foster Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of Mr. Walter's dedication to education and mentorship, is not just an opportunity to alleviate financial burdens but a chance to acknowledge and express gratitude for his profound impact on my life. With his guidance, I have developed a deep appreciation for the pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to continuous improvement, and a passion for making meaningful contributions to society through education and community involvement. In conclusion, Mr. Bernard Otis Walter exemplifies the transformative power of dedicated teaching. His mentorship has not only equipped me with the academic tools needed for success but has also instilled in me a lifelong commitment to learning, growth, and making a positive difference in the world. I am grateful for the privilege of learning from such an exceptional educator and look forward to honoring his legacy by continuing to pursue excellence in my academic and personal endeavors at Williston-Elko High School and beyond.
      Urena Scholarship
      Urena Scholarship My name is Madison Catherine Wright. As a rising senior from Williston, SC, personal development is not just a goal for me; it's a fundamental philosophy that shapes my approach to life. As a dedicated athlete and scholar, I have learned firsthand the importance of continuous improvement and striving to become the best version of myself. These principles have been ingrained in me through my experiences as a varsity basketball player, where I have had the privilege of serving as team captain and achieving notable accolades such as being named All-Region Player of the Year for three consecutive years. My journey in basketball has taught me invaluable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and leadership. Each season presented new challenges and opportunities for growth. In my freshman year, I was honored to receive the Defensive Player of the Year award, which highlighted my commitment to excellence on the court. Building on this foundation, I was humbled to be recognized as the Most Valuable Player in my sophomore year, a testament to the hard work and dedication I pour into honing my skills and supporting my teammates. By my junior year, I was honored to receive the All-Around Player of the Year award, reflecting my growth and versatility as an athlete. Beyond the basketball court, I am committed to academic excellence and personal growth. Maintaining a rigorous academic schedule while excelling in athletics has taught me time management, discipline, and the importance of setting ambitious yet achievable goals. These skills have not only contributed to my success in sports but also prepared me for future challenges and opportunities in academics and beyond. Personal development, to me, means continually striving to improve oneself in all aspects of life. It involves setting goals, pushing boundaries, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. I am proactive in seeking out experiences that broaden my horizons and deepen my understanding of the world around me. Whether through volunteering in my community, exploring new academic interests, or pursuing leadership roles in school clubs and organizations, I am dedicated to expanding my knowledge, skills, and perspectives. The Urena Scholarship represents more than just financial support for my education; it signifies recognition of my commitment to personal development and academic achievement. With this scholarship, I plan to further my education and pursue my passions with the same drive and determination that have propelled me thus far. I aspire to major in Nuclear Engineering and leverage my academic and athletic experiences to contribute positively to my community and society at large. In conclusion, personal development is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. Through my experiences as a varsity basketball player, scholar, and community member, I have cultivated a deep appreciation for growth and self-improvement. With the support of the Urena Scholarship, I am eager to continue my journey of personal and academic growth, striving to make a meaningful impact in everything I pursue.
      Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
      Connie Konatsotis Scholarship As a rising senior in high school, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my journey and aspirations with the Connie Konatsotis Scholarship committee. My name is Madison Catherine Wright, and I am an African American student dedicated to pursuing excellence in academics and beyond. Throughout my high school years, I have strived to excel both inside and outside the classroom. As one of the top 8 students in my class, I have embraced the challenges of rigorous coursework, while also actively participating in extracurricular activities that have broadened my horizons and enriched my learning experience. From leadership roles in student government to volunteering in my community, I have always sought to make a positive impact wherever I go. One of my greatest passions lies in the field of Nuclear Engineering. The prospect of delving into the intricacies of nuclear energy and its applications fascinates me immensely. I am drawn to the idea of harnessing the power of nuclear reactions to drive technological advancements and address pressing global challenges, such as climate change and energy sustainability. By pursuing a degree in Nuclear Engineering, I aspire to contribute to the development of clean and efficient energy solutions that will shape the future of our world. Beyond my academic pursuits, I am deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. As an African American student, I am acutely aware of the underrepresentation of minorities in STEM disciplines. Through my education and advocacy efforts, I hope to inspire and empower individuals from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue their passions in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). By fostering a more inclusive and diverse STEM community, we can unlock new perspectives, foster innovation, and tackle complex challenges with creativity and ingenuity. What interests me most about STEAM is its interdisciplinary nature and its potential to drive innovation at the intersection of diverse fields. From exploring the connections between art and engineering to leveraging technology for social impact, STEAM offers a platform for collaboration and creativity that transcends traditional boundaries. I am excited to immerse myself in this dynamic and ever-evolving realm, where curiosity knows no bounds and innovation knows no limits. In conclusion, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Connie Konatsotis Scholarship and to share my story with you. With your support, I am confident that I will continue to pursue my passion for Nuclear Engineering and STEAM, striving to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the world around me. Thank you for considering my application.
      Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
      Powering The Future-Whiddon Memorial Scholarship The adversities I've faced have deeply influenced my educational journey, fueling my passion for STEM and nuclear engineering. Despite encountering challenges along the way, I've remained steadfast in my pursuit of excellence and innovation in this field. One of the most significant obstacles I've overcome is navigating the complexities of higher education. Through hard work, determination, and the support of mentors, I've consistently ranked among the top students in my class. Moreover, my journey has been marked by personal setbacks and struggles. These experiences have taught me resilience, empathy, and the power of perseverance. They've instilled in me a deep appreciation for the importance of making a meaningful impact in the world. My passion for pursuing nuclear engineering stems from a desire to address pressing global challenges, such as climate change and energy sustainability. I believe that nuclear energy holds tremendous potential as a clean, reliable source of power, and I'm eager to contribute to its advancement. Moreover, I'm inspired by the legacy of pioneers who revolutionized the field of science through their groundbreaking discoveries and unwavering dedication. In honoring the memories of Richard and Rebecca Whiddon, I'm reminded of the power of light in the darkness—the ability to illuminate minds, spark innovation, and create lasting change. I am committed to carrying on their legacy by pursuing excellence in STEM, advocating for diversity and inclusion, and using my knowledge and skills to make a positive difference in the world.
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship From an early age, I was introduced to the profound impact of mental health on one's life through the experiences of a loved one. Witnessing my cousin's battle with schizophrenia not only stirred empathy within me but also fundamentally reshaped my beliefs, relationships, and aspirations. The tumultuous journey alongside my cousin challenged the simplistic narratives I held about mental health. I learned that it's not merely a matter of "mind over matter" but rather a complex interplay of biology, environment, and societal factors. This understanding shattered stigmas and misconceptions, leading me to embrace a more nuanced perspective. Mental illness is not a sign of weakness but a testament to resilience in the face of adversity. Navigating my cousin's struggles fostered a deeper bond within my family. We became a fortress of unwavering support, standing united against the tide of uncertainty and fear. Through shared tears and heartfelt conversations, we forged a connection built on empathy and understanding. Our relationships evolved from mere kinship to pillars of strength, each one fortified by the trials we endured together. The journey with mental health ignited a flame within me—a burning desire to advocate for those whose voices are often drowned out by the cacophony of stigma and ignorance. I aspire to become a beacon of hope, guiding others through the darkness of mental illness toward the light of acceptance and healing. Whether through education, activism, or clinical practice, I am committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by mental health challenges. Being considered for the Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship holds immense significance for me. It not only validates the journey I've embarked upon but also provides a platform to amplify my advocacy efforts. By investing in individuals like myself who are dedicated to destigmatizing mental health, the scholarship not only supports academic pursuits but also catalyzes meaningful change in communities. With this scholarship, I will have the opportunity to further my education, deepen my impact, and contribute to the collective movement towards a more compassionate and understanding society. In conclusion, my journey with mental health has been a crucible of transformation, molding my beliefs, strengthening my relationships, and igniting my aspirations. It has taught me the power of resilience, empathy, and hope in the face of adversity. And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I embark upon it with unwavering determination, fueled by the belief that together, we can create a world where mental health is not a barrier but a bridge to understanding and compassion.
      Jonas Griffith Scholarship
      Jonas Griffith Scholarship As a young African American woman navigating the corridors of high school, my journey has been one defined by passion, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. From the earliest days of my childhood, I found myself captivated by the complexities and potential of nuclear engineering—a field that promised not only innovation but also the chance to make a tangible impact on society. My pursuit of this path has been shaped by personal experiences, familial support, and an unyielding determination to carve out my unique trajectory in a traditionally male-dominated domain. Growing up as the only female among four siblings, I bore witness to the sacrifices and challenges my parents endured to provide us with opportunities for success. With three brothers—each charting their educational journey, one who graduated in 2021, another currently in college, and my youngest sibling embarking on his high school adventure—the weight of financial responsibility on my family was palpable. Yet, amidst these obstacles, my parents instilled in me an unwavering belief in the transformative power of education as a gateway to a brighter future. In many ways, my story echoes that of Jonas Griffith—a figure whose legacy serves as both an inspiration and a guiding light. Like Griffith, I am driven by a desire to alleviate the financial burden on my family while pursuing my academic passions. The Jonas Griffith Scholarship, therefore, represents not merely a means to ease our financial strain, but a recognition of my potential to excel in the field of nuclear engineering and contribute meaningfully to society. Throughout my academic journey, I have been fortunate to garner numerous accolades and honors, each a testament to my relentless pursuit of excellence. As a Junior Marshall, I proudly ranked among the top 8 students in my class—an achievement that underscored my academic prowess and unwavering dedication to learning. Furthermore, my active involvement in esteemed societies such as the National Honor Society, Beta Club, and National Technical Honor Society reflects my deep-seated commitment to intellectual curiosity and scholastic achievement. However, my pursuits extend far beyond the confines of the classroom. Actively engaging in extracurricular activities has not only enriched my personal and leadership skills but has also reinforced my resilience and determination. Serving as the Junior Student Government Association Representative provided me with a platform to advocate for student interests and enact positive change within my school community. Moreover, my participation in sports—be it tennis, basketball, or golf—has instilled in me the values of teamwork, perseverance, and resilience. As the Team Captain of the Williston Elko High School Varsity Basketball Team, I have honed my leadership skills while earning recognition as both the Offensive and Defensive MVP. My consistent recognition as an All-Region player from my freshman through junior years serves as a testament to my dedication and skill on the court. These experiences have not only shaped me as an athlete but have also equipped me with the fortitude and determination necessary to excel in any endeavor I undertake. Rooted in a foundation of faith, my journey has been guided by principles of compassion, empathy, and a profound sense of responsibility towards others. My family's religious beliefs have served as a wellspring of strength and resilience, instilling in me the importance of perseverance and hard work. These values have not only propelled me towards academic success but have also forged within me a compassionate and empathetic spirit, capable of effecting positive change in the world around me. In conclusion, my journey as a young African American woman pursuing nuclear engineering is defined by a relentless pursuit of excellence, unwavering determination, and a steadfast commitment to embracing diversity. The Jonas Griffith Scholarship represents not merely a financial opportunity but a recognition of my potential to defy expectations and catalyze meaningful change in the field of nuclear engineering. Armed with a proven track record of academic achievement, leadership, and resilience, I stand poised to embark on this transformative journey with unwavering determination and an unyielding commitment to excellence.
      Julia Elizabeth Legacy Scholarship
      Julia Elizabeth Legacy Scholarship "I am a young African American woman in high school, and I am passionate about pursuing a degree in nuclear engineering. Science and technology have always fascinated me, and I believe that nuclear engineering has immense potential to make a positive impact on the world. I am determined to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make a meaningful contribution in this field, and I am committed to promoting diversity in STEM fields. Being an African American woman pursuing a degree in nuclear engineering, I am aware of the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the STEM fields. According to the National Science Foundation, only 24% of women are employed in science and engineering occupations in the United States. Furthermore, African American women represent only 2% of the science and engineering workforce. These statistics are alarming, as they highlight the need for more diversity and inclusivity in the STEM fields. I am committed to breaking down these barriers and inspiring other women and minorities to pursue careers in STEM. I am fascinated by the potential of nuclear energy to revolutionize the way we produce and use energy. Nuclear energy is a clean and efficient source of energy that can be used to power entire cities, but it also carries risks. As a nuclear engineer, I am committed to developing safety measures and protocols that can minimize these risks and ensure that nuclear energy is used responsibly. In addition to contributing to the field of nuclear engineering, I am also committed to giving back to my community. I believe that it is important to use my education and skills to make a positive impact on the world. I plan to mentor other young women and minorities who are interested in pursuing STEM careers and inspire them to pursue their passions. I also hope to work on projects that can benefit marginalized communities and create a more just and equitable society. I feel achieving diverse representation in STEM careers is crucial for the betterment of our society. By having individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences working together in these fields, we can foster innovation, creativity, and new ideas. Diverse perspectives can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, improved technological advancements, and better problem-solving skills. Therefore, it is essential to promote and encourage diversity in STEM careers to ensure a bright and prosperous future for all. The Julia Elizabeth scholarship would be a great financial support for me in pursuing my passion for nuclear engineering. As a young African American woman in high school, I face a lot of financial challenges in attending college and pursuing my dreams. However, with the financial assistance that this scholarship provides, I would be able to cover my tuition fees, books, and other educational expenses. This would relieve my parents of financial burden and allow me to focus on my studies and extracurricular activities. The Julia Elizabeth scholarship would be a great opportunity for me to pursue my passion for nuclear engineering and achieve my academic and career goals.
      Mamie Marie Clay Matthews Memorial Scholarship
      Mamie Marie Clay Matthews Memorial Scholarship As I begin to compose this essay, I cannot help but express my gratitude for the chance to apply for the Mamie Marie Clay Matthews Memorial scholarship. This scholarship holds a significant value for me, not only because it will assist me in accomplishing my academic aspirations, but also because it is named after an extraordinary woman who has made a lasting impact on this world.. Growing up, my family instilled in me the importance of faith, which has been a guiding force in my life. My faith taught me to have compassion, empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards others. It also taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work, which helped me succeed academically. As a high school student, I have always been passionate about science and technology. I am fascinated by the ways in which these fields can help us understand the world around us and make it a better place. However, it wasn't until I discovered my passion for Nuclear Engineering that I realized how I could use my skills to positively impact the world. Nuclear Engineering is a field that has vast potential to contribute to society's energy needs, as well as to advance medical technology and space exploration. As a Nuclear Engineer, I believe that I can make a significant difference in the world and contribute to the betterment of society. However, pursuing a degree in Nuclear Engineering is not an easy task. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and financial resources. I have worked hard to maintain good grades, participated in various extracurricular activities, and volunteered for community service. I believe that these experiences have helped me develop a strong work ethic, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility towards the community. This scholarship would help me alleviate the financial burden on my family, as my parents struggled with sending my two older brothers to college. This will allow me to focus on my studies without worrying about the financial aspect. Moreover, Mamie Marie Matthews was a woman of great faith who believed in the interconnectedness of faith, family, and friends. As someone who values these aspects of life, I find it inspiring to know that this scholarship is intended to honor her legacy. In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Mamie Marie Matthews scholarship. Pursuing a degree in Nuclear Engineering is my passion, and I believe that it is a field that has the potential to impact society positively. Receiving this scholarship would not only help me achieve my academic ambitions but also allow me to honor the legacy of a remarkable woman who believed in the values of faith, family, and friends.