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Madison Simpson


Bold Points




My name is Madison. I am an undergraduate student. This is all new for me. My goal right now is to prepare myself for new challenges I am about to face after high school. My passion is creating art, such as painting and drawing. I am currently looking for scholarships to support my education and my passion for the arts. I am about to graduate for the class of 2024! I am currently looking for scholarships to help financially support me throughout college. I am applying myself to fine arts and other areas I am interested in before college starts. I have principal list in my academic experience, along with volunteering experiences. I love experience new things. I went zip-lining and climbed rocks on my senior trip.


Christian Brothers University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Fine and Studio Arts
  • Minors:
    • English Language and Literature/Letters, Other

First Assembly Christian Sch

High School
2021 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • English Language and Literature/Letters, Other
    • Music
    • Fine and Studio Arts
    • Education, Other
    • Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Find a suitable career

    • cleaning

      2022 – 2022



    2017 – 20203 years


    • N/A

      2023 – Present
    • N/A

      2021 – 2024

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Chick-Fila Leadership Academy "Finding a Way Out Ministery." — Playing soccer
      2022 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      Neighborhood Christian Center Spring Jam — Help decorate the settings
      2023 – 2023

    Future Interests




    Sunflower Seeds Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. My parents are really amazing at their professions. My dad works as a cleaner. He cleans with his buildings every day. My mom works at home as an Ecomers. She is able to manage her team into helping other people while working at home. Sometimes she has business meetings with them. We are a middle-class family. I do not know any financial situations that my parents had before I was born, but we seem to be doing alright know, for the time being. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. . I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. To me, experiences can help improve or shape a person. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. Right now, I am now getting ready to attend Bethel University. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Russia's war in Ukraine has made an impact on me by showing me that the world isn't perfect or filled with goodness and virtue. I plan on utilizing my educational goals to one day support God, my family, my community and my country. This war has got me thinking about the hardships I have been and being able to conquer them with the support of God and my family.
    BIPOC Scholars in STEM
    My name is Madison Simpson, I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. These past few months have been revolved around finding the right college for me, applying for scholarships nonstop, and handling FAFSA. However, I have been accepted into various colleges so far. Furthermore, I have decided on what college I would attend to. The college that I have chosen to attend to is Bethel University. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. Such as science, earth science to be exact. However, I wanted to see an artistic approach towards my career choice. Furthermore, I have received merit-based scholarships. Right now, for me, developing self-worth and appreciation for life is what I intended to have in order for a better life. I promise my future self that I will develop self-confidence, a healthy physical mindset, and positive social and educational skills. Although I have received various scholarships from Bethel University, this scholarship fits this image by providing me with the materials I'll need to succeed throughout college, and later in life. For my financial circumstances, it is about average; but still scholarship could support me throughout college, by paying for my housing fee, meal-plans, and supplies.
    Amazing Grace Scholarship
    First, I would like to say thank for giving me the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. Next, I would like to clarify that I am not a child of an addict. But I am going to explain how addictions can shape one's life. My name Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Although I am not interested in theatre, I am interested in Fine arts, in general though. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable. Along with hoping to achieve growth and empowerment through my art profession. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I also dreamed of becoming an illustrator for an aspiring author. Becoming an art therapist has recently struck my mind because it involves my passion for arts. It also allows me to work and gain deeper understanding of mental health of those who have been through addictions. Addictions have never affected my life, but they did give me incentive to do some research about the human mind. Our values and perspectives on our world. Addictions have opened my mind to what can or will happen if the cycle of addiction does not stop. Addictions can shape lives in more ways than one. It can cause pain to those around you. It can lead you to making bad choices and leaving you with regret. In addition, having an addiction and putting it above everything else can lead to feeling alone and sick. I previously stated that I am not addicted to anything. But if I were, I would be able to stop it by talking to someone I trust, whether my parents, teacher, or counselor about it. I could break the cycle of addiction by using other coping methods like self-reflection, meditating, and talking to a counselor. Along with cleaning my mind with other activities, so that I won't have to think about the addiction anymore.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson, I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. These past few months have been revolved around finding the right college for me, applying for scholarships nonstop, and handling FAFSA. However, I have been accepted into various colleges so far. Furthermore, I have decided on what college I would attend to. The college that I have chosen to attend to is Bethel University. Now, I will deeply explain about the well-known poetry "If", written by Rudyard Kiplin and published in 1910. "If " by Rudyard Kiplin If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise. If you can dream—and not make dreams your master. If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim. If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two impostors just the same. If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools. If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss. If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt, you. If all men count with you, but none too much. If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run— Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! This poem is about the virtues of a man. A man facing trials and tribulations. As humans, in my opinion, we have always been known to struggle, to strive, and to survive in this world. Along with being able to be resilient despite failure. This poem, overall, explains how a man can overcome adversities in order to achieve something greater than them. For me, Adversity means to challenge oneself every day. And, without adversity, you could never experience life to the fullest. Adversity is a way to test someone's ability or to see them seek their full potential. Adversity is a part of life. And that's what makes life meaningful. My understanding of this poem is that in order to overcome adversities of life, we need to have resilience, strength, and a sense of purpose. When I read this poem in high school, the word "if", from my perspective, symbolizes the possibilities that humans can achieve if they have what it takes to overcome challenges, and resolve their despair with strength against failure.
    New Beginnings Immigrant Scholarship
    First off, I would like to clarify that I am not an immigrant. I was born in the United States. And have lived here my entire live. However, I am going to prove why I am exceptional for this scholarship. My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. To me, experiences can help improve or shape a person. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Having the passion and inspiration to help others has been there with me as long as I can remember. Although it is not my dream to be in public service, I do have passion to help others and to be involve with community services. I plan to apply this skill from my education, by finding a local community to volunteer for one day. Besides that, getting involve with communities show how much I care and support them. Helping others has always made me feel grateful and generous. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. My career aspirations are to be able to put my art degree in good uses. Such as becoming an art therapist or an illustrator. To show that art education is not to be underestimated as it has evolved overtime, while learning to appreciate it.
    Veterans & Family Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I would like to clarify that I do not have any military experiences. However, there is one member of my family that does have military experiences. Before I can explain, I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. These past few months have been revolved around finding the right college for me, applying for scholarships nonstop, and handling FAFSA. However, I have been accepted into various colleges so far. Furthermore, I have decided on what college I would attend to. The college that I have chosen to attend to is Bethel University. Now, for my explanation. I have recently found out from my parents that my grandfather has served in the military. I do not exactly know how long he has served in the military, but I can confirm that he has served his time within the military force. For my educational journey, his year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. My dream career is to become an illustrator. Or an art therapist. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable.
    Stephen LeCornu Routh Memorial Scholarship
    First off, I would humbly clarify that I am not interested in engineering. But I do intend to prove why I am worthy of this scholarship. My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. To me, experiences can help improve or shape a person. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Having the passion and inspiration to help others has been there with me as long as I can remember. Although it is not my dream to be in public service, I do have passion to help others and to be involve with community services. I plan to apply this skill from my education, by finding a local community to volunteer for one day. Besides that, getting involve with communities show how much I care and support them. Helping others has always made me feel grateful and generous. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. Besides helping out at home, I also started helping put at school too. I have participated in school events. Along with volunteering for a church organization. It's called "Finding a way-out ministry" it dedicates itself to helping women escape from prostitution. I volunteered when I was in my junior and senior of high school. I showed my support by signing up for 3v3 soccer tournament.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. To me, experiences can help improve or shape a person. To start off, my mother and father found out that I had an ear infection when I was four years old. I made me progress at a slower pace than other children when I was in pre-school. However, overtime, it got better. I am now able to work and learn at a steadier pace like other students. When I was about in middle school, I started to learn about my family background. Along with learning how to be a proper teenager. Growing up, I grew up in Christian household. I was always shy and timid around people, except my family. Both of my parents were very good at being socially active towards others, especially my father. He is outgoing and good person. He works at a cleaning company, while my mother works for E-commerce. But she works at home. However, they are always diligent and proud of the work that they have done to support our family. They diligence has inspire me to work harder every day. I have been since then. What helped me overcame it was that fact that my parents made me laugh and smile. My parents have supported me throughout my educational journey by giving me emotional support and courage to do my best. They have helped me by advising me how to properly take test without getting stress and how to talk to people. Along with taking notes.
    Shahjahan Begum Memorial Scholarship
    First off, I would humbly clarify that I do not come from a Pakistani background. However, I am aware of its significant cultural joy and ethics. My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I identify myself Christian woman. I identify myself African American. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month in May. I am currently living with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint, especially drawing. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. My dream career is to become an illustrator. Or an art therapist. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable. My ultimate goal, right now, is to attend an affordable 4-year college without getting in debt, or student loans. In order to achieve, I need this scholarship. Although I have been granted multiple scholarships offerings, college, especially 4-year colleges, are expensive. This scholarship will help support me for the next four years as I am attending college. This scholarship can help support me financially and educationally. For instance, it can help pay for materials that I must have for field of interest. Along with covering for my expenses at the institution; including, four-year meal plan, dorm expenses, and tuition. My values, which are faith, diligence, and kindness, can make better world by supporting others in doing the right things. Along with mu vision, I plan to make this world better by helping others to the best of my abilities.
    Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American and Christian woman. I attended First Assembly Christian School (FACS). I went there for the rest of my high school years. I live with my parents and little brother. My parents are really amazing at their professions. My dad works as a cleaner. He cleans with his buildings every day. My mom works at home as an Ecomers. She is able to manage her team into helping other people while working at home. Sometimes she has business meetings with them. We are a middle-class family. I do not know any financial situations that my parents had before I was born, but we seem to be doing alright know, for the time being. As a child, I love to draw, paint, bake, and being myself at the time. However, things went from normal to bizarre. When I was four years old, I had an ear infection. I couldn't hear any words from my parents. In addition, this affected my learning abilities during pre-school. However, the situation was resolve because my parents and I was able to learn efficiently now. When I look back at that time, I always been thankful to them. All throughout my educational journey I have developed my core values: Faith, diligence, and kindness. These are my core values that has helped me and will continue to help me throughout my educational journey. Having faith is important as being diligent to the work I do. As for kindness, I believe that showing or doing a kind act for someone goes a long way. These core values have helped me figure out myself. Since middle school, I have made honor roll. However, I have progress from making honor roll to principal's list. When COVID-19 hit, I have to resolve my educational journey virtually. But that didn't stop me from being diligent when it came to work. During my freshman year, I had to take my pre-ACT, which I did not get till this day. For standardize test, I have struggle with the ACT since my sophomore and junior year. I made a 13 on my ACT test. I got stressed out when I found out that a 13 on the ACT is a horrible score to present to college acceptance. But my senior year was different when my dad got me an ACT book to study on. I study the book all night, every night. Along with doing practice ACT on my computer. Since then, I got an 18 on the ACT. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. along with bringing art into several communities. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. I have received merit-based scholarships. My dream career is to become an illustrator. To draw for an aspiring author. Receiving this school this scholarship can benefit my chance from being indebt while at college. It will be able to help pay for classes, materials, and needed resources. It will also allow me to grow as a person without stress.
    Chappell Roan Superfan Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. My hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels, drawing, baking, and painting. I also like to sing from time to time. Chappell Roan's music is really expressive. Especially this song called "After Midnight". This song has a catchy tune to makes me feel fuzzy and warm inside. Especially when I am about transition to adulthood. Also, this song, in my opinion, taps into the mindset of a teenage girls through the ages of 13-19 years old. This song has impacted me to listen to my feelings sometimes. I support her career because she deserves to write and sing songs about her life and build it as a career.
    Bryent Smothermon PTSD Awareness Scholarship
    an undergraduate. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. However, my final choice on college is Christian Brothers University. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation. I love to draw and paint. his year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I plan use my artistic knowledge to evoke awareness in our community, even if it just small awareness. Along with bringing people together, in hopes of uniting as a community against challenges, trials, and tribulations. My grandfather, Fredick Winston, was a veteran in the military. I am a granddaughter of a military veteran. Having PTSD is terrible, and that's why others have to be aware of it. Although I do not have PTSD, I have learned about myself by taking time to reflect on how a respond to certain things, to the way I felt. I hope to use my opinion to help veterans channel their PTSD through art therapy and reflective counsel.
    Endeavor Public Service Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I identify myself Christian woman. I identify myself African American. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month in May. I am currently living with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Having the passion and inspiration to help others has been there with me as long as I can remember. Although it is not my dream to be in public service, I do have passion to help others and to be involve with community services. I plan to apply this skill from my education, by finding a local community to volunteer for one day. Besides that, getting involve with communities show how much I care and support them. Helping others has always made me feel grateful and generous. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. Besides helping out at home, I also started helping put at school too. I have participated in school events. Along with volunteering for a church organization. It's called "Finding a way-out ministry" it dedicates itself to helping women escape from prostitution. I volunteered when I was in my junior and senior of high school. I showed my support by signing up for 3v3 soccer tournament. Another example was last Tuesday, I volunteered at a food drive for the Excel Leadership Program. By packaging food for the needy and making sure that the carline was going in order. I hope this response is sufficient enough for this scholarship.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    Embodying selflessness is having been an important aspect throughout my life. Serving the community with a selfless heart can change the lives of others. It also means that you're doing something from others' benefit. Helping people has helped me come out of my comfort zone and gain a better understanding for those around me. My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I identify myself Christian woman. I identify myself African American. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month in May. I am currently living with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Besides that, getting involve with communities show how much I care and support them. Helping others has always made me feel grateful and generous. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. Besides helping out at home, I also started helping put at school too. I have participated in school events. Along with volunteering for a church organization. It's called "Finding a way-out ministry" it dedicates itself to helping women escape from prostitution. I volunteered when I was in my junior and senior of high school. I showed my support by signing up for 3v3 soccer tournament. Another example was las Tuesday, I volunteered at a food drive for the Excel Leadership Program. By packaging food for the needy and making sure that the carline was going in order. These examples proves that I embodied selflessness because I was able to give and do my best to help others in need. Giving back means caring for the world around you and understanding the importance of being selfless.
    Linda McCoy-Aitkens Memorial Scholarship
    Living is harder than anyone takes for granted. But living life is the best reward that has ever been given to us. My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am currently looking for scholarships to me help financially for the time being. I am eighteen years old. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. So far, I have been accepted into Mississippi College, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and other various institutions. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. I have received merit-based scholarships. My dream career is to become an illustrator. To draw for an aspiring author. Before I can continue why I have a passion for my dreams and goals, my childhood was normal. I live with my parents in East Memphis. At the time, my older sister was in high school. Everything was peaceful. Then, when I was four years old, I had an ear infection. I was not able to hear out of one of my ears. It made my learning abilities hard when I was in pre-school. Then, my parents helped out and it was resolve. However, they have been protective of me since then. I vaguely remember having any friends when I was in the first to the second grade. However, I was bullied for my weight. But it didn't stop me from being a good person. After finishing the second grade, which was also the time my little brother was born, we move to West Memphis. Now, I am living in Cordova, Tennessee Throughout my school years, from elementary to high school, there were various questions that made me reflect on myself, like, "Why do you smile so much" or "How do you see yourself in life"? These two questions have been glued to me every day. They were never absent from my mind. These questions still made my mind fuzzy because I am still figuring it out. However, these questions have influenced my goals and aspirations today by helping me make several self-discoveries. Along with understanding where I stand as a person in society.
    Middle Eastern Scholarship for Political Science
    Women, in each generation, has struggle to find their identities in a male-superior society. They also struggle how to guide through life while attaining equality and individuality similarity with men. Whether at a working environment, household, and political atmospheres. It's important that equality is set for everyone. No matter what race, gender, sexual orientation, and how economically challenged they are. My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I attend at First Assembly Christian School. I am about to graduate for the class of 2024. Actually, I graduated last month. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian woman. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. At home, I help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Now, I identify myself as an African American woman. Although this scholarship is targeting women who Pakistan, and studying in political science, I will prove to why I am worthy of this scholarship. I have various role models that have broken gender barriers in order to achieve something greater. One of them is Ida B Wells. Ida B.Wells was an African women raised in Holy Springs, Mississippi. She was an investigative journalist, and civil rights leader. She has broken through gender barriers by being determine and absolute in her cause. Along with writing and publishing her book "The Red Record", a document containing the horrors of lynchings in the South. This and her other book "The Southern Horrors of Lynching" struck awareness within other communities. Hence, she demonstrates the embodiment of bravery, resilience, and determination in fighting for what rights. Along with showing how breaking gender barriers for worthy cause can help inspire others, as well inspire us to do the right thing. I hope this response satisfy the sponsors for this scholarship.
    Sabrina Carpenter Superfan Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. My hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels, drawing, baking, and painting. I also like to sing from time to time. I have various of favorite artist. Sabrina Carpenter is a great inspiration to me. Especially with her hit song "Nonsense". I like how she rolls off her lyrics with smooth rhythm. This song is why I am a fan of hers. Her career as a singer has impacted me to creatively write out my daily feelings about life. And maybe one day I can be brave enough to express them.
    Kevin Boblenz Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. Now, to be honest, I do not intend to major in theater. However, I am passionate about performing arts. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking scholarships that will financially support me when I am away at college. So far, I have been accepted into Mississippi College, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and other various institutions. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. I have received merit-based scholarships. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation. I have been helping my parents with chores around the house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. My involvement with agriculture only revolves around me helping out my mom in her garden. Due to extreme heat and humidity. In addition, during my senior year, I took environmental biology/ecology. I helped my teacher with the flower beds, organizing the hiking trail, etc. My involvement with agriculture and farming have impacted my life thus far by showing me that Christ has made something amazing out of life. And farming and agriculture gives me a boost of positive awakening to why they are important in modern culture. Along with what I can learn from them.
    Alexis Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship for the Arts
    The topic for this scholarship is proving my passion for arts. Along with describing how I will use my artistic passion to inspire others. As an undergraduate student and an aspiring creator, I believe that art is an important value in modern culture. It has various purposes in this world, for all generations of aspiring creators. My name is Madison Simpson. I am a high school graduate of 2024. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Now, I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Right now, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. But my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting ever since I was a child. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I plan use my artistic knowledge to evoke awareness in our community, even if it just small awareness. Along with bringing people together, in hopes of uniting as a community against challenges, trials, and tribulations. For instance, visual and performance art is important because it provide everyone with motor skills, helps people develop social skills, critical-thinking skills, decision-making skills, and logical skills. Along with improving collaboration skills. Visual and performing arts included, arts, music, vocal, instruments, and dance. It is important to include visual and performance arts into education because it teaches us how be creative and imaginative. My vision is to pursue art and give back to the world the joy and health provisions that art can provide.
    Brandon M. Greber Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few colleges. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. However, my final choice on college is Christian Brothers University. Now, this scholarship dedicates its favor for the military and its importance to the US. The military is a co-existence, for both male and female, citizens who volunteer to serve the greater good for their nations. The military does their best to help people. Similarly, I have been helping my parents with chores around the house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. However, this is incomparable to what the military does in order to protect our country. The military, for me, is important because they keep all citizens of different nations safe. In addition, protecting our country means having faith and hope during hardships within our country. Along with motivating me to do the same for my environment. What motivates me in life is that fact that I am just starting to experience it. Along with Christ, my family, goals, and dreams.
    Leave A Legacy Always Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. However, my final choice on college is Christian Brothers University. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. I was an indoor child growing up. I mean, I love to go outside every now and then. But I was very shy and timid growing up. I love to draw as a kid. As I got older, I still love drawing. I even got into painting around middle school. I started painting when COVID-19 hit our state. It really was a great way to pass the time, along with the boredom. Again, my dream career is to become an art therapist. My career in arts can make positive impact on others. Different art medias have made a positive impact on my life because they show that I can achieve my goals one step at a time. No matter how hard things get. I create something with diligence and effort. So, how do I plan to use my art career to make a positive impact? To engage in healthy experiences with art. It can help those to cope any difficulties in their lives. I plan to use my art career to educate others about art. Along with using it to understand society and help others understand our culture. Also, I plan to use my art career to positively impact the world by using it to bring us together. To teach those who do not understand about creativity, community, historical context behind it, and create awareness within our community. I chose this career because I believe and know that I can use my artistic skills to promote creativity in others. Also learning how to pursue art helps with developing good skills in beauty, communication, self-expression, and seeking out historical context of the arts. It can help others reach their full potential as newborn artists and gain understanding of various arts. It also helps them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various eras, along with artists. Therefore, I chose to pursue my career in Art Therapy because creating art can help those to express creativity and recovery from mental health problems through pursuing art. Such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and other various media. Consequently, this led to this question "why my career choice excites me?" This career excites me because I get an opportunity to justify how art can be pursued as a career, along with enjoying my passion for it. While using my artistic skills to serve my community for others. I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. And to demonstrate leadership by having motivation to pursue their goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. In addition, I plan to use my artistic skills to promote creativity, cognition, and courage when comes to pursuing your dreams and goals. I hope to use my art to evoke empowerment for everyone, such minorities, gender, races, disabilities, and others. Although this scholarship requires field of studies such as human resources, science, accounting, and finance, choosing Fine arts as my field of study can help achieve my goals as an artist. By helping me express my vision and being to be creative when needed.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I identify myself African American. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month in May. I am currently living with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. However, my final choice on college is Christian Brothers University. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation. I have been helping my parents with chores around the house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I grew up shy and timid when comes to being around people. Along with growing up in a Christian environment. However, overtime, I have gotten over my insecurities and work diligently every day. Now, along with being timid, I was also socially naive. Honestly, the LGBTQIA experiences have somewhat impacted me to learn about them. Although I do not consider myself as a member of the LGBTQIA community, I have always gotten curious about it. Because during my junior and senior year of high school, I attended a Christian school, and we discuss various topics about secular cultural and religious cultural. My teacher, during class, would allow us to research a topic and present it in front of the class. My classmates would discuss about the LGBTQ community, and how it was considered as a secular view on humanity.
    Harvest Achievement Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I identify myself Christian woman. I identify myself African American. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month in May. I am currently living with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation. I have been helping my parents with chores around the house. Such as, occasionally, helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking scholarships that will financially support me when I am away at college. So far, I have been accepted into Mississippi College, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and other various institutions. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I hold myself accountable by reminding myself that I need to stay diligent and focus when it comes to something important. It has led me to succeed at anything I do. Or put mind into schoolwork, chores, and other tasks. I hope this response is acceptable for this scholarship. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.
    Mohamed Magdi Taha Memorial Scholarship
    I do not know Mohamed Magdi Taha personally. But I will say this, after reading the 2023 winners for this scholarship, Mohamed's voice is seen as powerful as well as actions. I will say God bless to his family, friends, and close relatives of his, and may his spirit be with them. My name is Madison Denise. I am eighteen years old. I was born on November 28, 2005. I am an undergraduate. I identify myself Christian woman. I identify myself African American. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month in May. I am currently living with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. I have been applying for several colleges since my senior year in high school. I am planning on coursing in Fine arts and studio during my freshman year of college. I love to draw and paint. Especially drawing. My plans are a bit...unorganized at the moment. But I am doing my best to attain my goal, which is to attend an affordable four-year college. I have been accepted into a few. My best two options are Mississippi College and Christian Brothers University. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation. For me, becoming an 'up-stander' started off as a bit of a challenge. I grew up shy and timid when comes to being around people. Along with being insecure about myself. When I was in elementary school, I was bullied because of my weight, and possibly because of my other quirks. So, becoming an 'up-stander' was hard. However, when I reached middle school, my dad enrolled in karate. It brought my confidence up by a ton. I also gained an understanding of being resilient and will-powered. Moreover, when I enrolled at First Assembly Christian School, I started to understand the importance of having faith in the Lord, along with having a voice. I am an up-stander because I have the power to encourage others to do the right thing. Which is to help others when they have no one to turn to for help. I plan to use my voice to encourage others to help in the community, when I go away to college. Although I do not know what to do in my own community, I can still do my best to bring attention to a fight-worthy cause. As an African American young lady, I may experience trials in this worldly-cultural. However, having faith and resilience comes from working hard in life. This scholarship can help benefit me to succeed in college, like paying for my supplies and needs. I sincerely thank you for considering me for this opportunity.
    Kayla Nicole Monk Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. Now, to be honest, I do not intend to major in theater. However, I am passionate about performing arts. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking scholarships that will financially support me when I am away at college. So far, I have been accepted into Mississippi College, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and other various institutions. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. I have received merit-based scholarships. I plan on becoming an art therapist, so I can help establish creativity and cognition. As well as help counter mental health issues. I also considered culinary arts as form of expression. Especially baking. I chose to further my education in culinary arts is because I can pursue and understand why culinary arts is important. Along with making an impactful discovery about it. This scholarship can help support me financially and cover me while I am at college.
    Advancement of Minorities in Finance Scholarship
    For me, I am not entirely interested in the field of business, or finances. But I will explain why I need this scholarship. My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. During my freshman year of high school, I attended Cordova High School during COVID-19. Then, for the rest of my high school years (sophomore, junior, and senior) I attended at a private school called "First Assembly Christian School." I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Now, I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. This year, I re-took the ACT and earned myself a nineteen this year. Growing up, I have always had a wild imagination. I love watching cartoons and anime. Before that though, When I was four, I had an ear infection that affect my learning abilities. However, overtime I overcame it with the help of my family. Well, my parents. We were not rich nor poor. Just an average African American family. I grew up with my parents and older sister. She went away to college when I was nine or ten years old. Around that time, my little brother was born. So, money needed to be made. That led me to taking finance class during my junior year high school. I needed to learn about finances and how to operate them, since I was about to become a young adult. I plan to make a positive impact in my community by encouraging others to find a career that they're passionate about, and that will earn them some money.
    Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting. I was an indoor child growing up. I mean, I love to go outside every now and then. But I was very shy and timid growing up. I love to draw as a kid. As I got older, I still love drawing. I even got into painting around middle school. I started painting when COVID-19 hit our state. It really was a great way to pass the time, along with overcoming my boredom. I drew mostly people. Because I was very socially awkward around people as long as I can remember. However, I started drawing animals for a change of pace. The everyday world inspires me to learn why people act the way they do. Or to envisions the flaws and differences of every living organism.
    Jeff Stanley Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I was a high school senior, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. Right now, I am going to explain why I am fit for this scholarship and a financial opportunity that has presented to me. Now, to be honest, I do not intend to major in theater. However, I am passionate about performing arts. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking scholarships that will financially support me when I am away at college. So far, I have been accepted into Mississippi College, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and other various institutions. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. I have received merit-based scholarships. I plan on becoming an art therapist, so I can help establish creativity and cognition. As well as help counter mental health issues. Again, I am not in theater, but I am passionate about performing arts is because it can sometimes be underestimated as an educational yet aspirational purpose. For theater, my favorites are musicals. Although I am not interested, musicals have always given me fuzzy yet warm emotions over time. Sometimes, I even catch myself singing or dancing to a song of thar particular musical. My favorite musicals are "The Heathers" and "Mean Girls". Anyway, I am passionate about performing arts because I believe this subject can inspire and impact those who are as passionate as I am.
    Jest Laugh Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. To me, experiences can help improve or shape a person. To start off, my mother and father found out that I had an ear infection when I was four years old. I made me progress at a slower pace than other children when I was in pre-school. However, overtime, it got better. I am now able to work and learn at a steadier pace like other students. When I was about in middle school, I started to learn about my family background. Along with learning how to be a proper teenager. Growing up, I grew up in Christian household. I was always shy and timid around people, except my family. Both of my parents were very good at being socially active towards others, especially my father. He is outgoing and good person. He works at a cleaning company, while my mother works for E-commerce. But she works at home. However, they are always diligent and proud of the work that they have done to support our family. They diligence has inspire me to work harder every day. I have been since then. What helped me overcame it was that fact that my parents made me laugh and smile. Especially my father. To be honest, I am not majoring in theater; however, I do need this scholarship to help support me. This experience has made me realize that comedy has its role in making people feel euphoric. Along with being seen as a coping mechanism. As well as being seen in arts as to make people feel better and relief stress.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a Christian woman. I have made principal's list throughout my high school years. I currently took the ACT and made a 19 on it. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I am a senior in High school, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am unemployed, because I am currently busy looking getting ready for college. During my freshman year of high school, I attended Cordova High School during COVID-19. Then, for the rest of my high school years (sophomore, junior, and senior) I attended at a private school called "First Assembly Christian School." Right now, I am applying for numerous scholarships so that I can be financially supported throughout college. I either plan to go to Mississippi College or Christian Brothers University. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always supported others by do my part at the house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. Helping my family brings me joy because they have always supported me. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Ever since I've started looking for colleges and applied for scholarships, I have faced a couple of challenges. Actually, just one, which is FAFSA (Federal Student Aid). It has been glitching for a long time. But it doesn't stop me from trying. I am an undergraduate student, who has applied for Fine arts as my field of interest. My career goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in art education and go to an affordable college. My dream career is to become an art therapist. I plan to use my career to encourage every generation to see art as a potential career. Along with improving mental health by using expression in creation.
    Lotus Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I attend at First Assembly Christian School. I am about to graduate for the class of 2024. Actually, I graduated last month. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian woman. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. At home, I help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. Moreover, occasionally, my mother, little brother, and I would help our dad clean his buildings. Honestly, I do not know my parent's income. However, I definitely am sure we are not that rich. I do not think we grew up rich; however, we lived a subtle lifestyle. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I have been accepted into various colleges so far. I have even been received merit-based scholarships based on my academic performances. Now, since we're not that rich, coming up with money has been rather challenging. But my parents made it work. As for me, I have been applying for huge amounted- money scholarships that I could find. Honestly, it has been tough finding a way to earn money before I go off to college. However, this small hardship has helped me gained perseverance and diligent mindset. I plan to use my life experience by majoring in fine arts and becoming an art therapist. I have been working on my goals since the start of my senior year in high school. I plan to use my life experience to encourage others in my community to always be diligent, along with being resilient. My ultimate goal is to attend an affordable college. Again, I have been actively applying for various scholarships and applying for more colleges.
    Big Picture Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. Growing up, I liked to watch cartoons and anime. I am eighteen years old now. I live with my parents and little brother, in Cordova, Tennessee. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. I am currently looking scholarships that will financially support me when I am away at college. So far, I have been accepted into Mississippi College, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and other various institutions. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Actually, I want to see if there is a career based on studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have been seeing other field interests as well. I have received merit-based scholarships. However, this scholarship has caught my attention, and it might do me some justice. Hence, I going to explain why I am worthy of this scholarship. Now, again, I liked to watch cartoons and anime when I was little. Movies were another thing I like to watch. I see movies as a work of art. Art that can help viewers visualize the stories movies presents. To evoke emotional yet logical perspectives on films. Along with helping the audience to understand why the film, or films were created. For me, I had several great films that have impacted my life. However, there is a movie that impacted my life up to this point. The film was "Mulan"(1998). Mulan, for me, has impacted my life because I was very timid as a kid growing up. Especially the song "Reflection" has made me do some self-reflections of my own. About me transitioning from girlhood to womanhood, as well as getting ready to experience life outside my comfort-zone. This film was partially one of the reasons why I was interest in karate. When I was a kid, I got bullied because of my weight. When I was in the fifth or sixth grade, my dad signed me up for karate class. I enjoyed it. But this film gave me a confidence boost I needed. Along with this film inspiring me to draw animations or anime. It gave me a euphoric sense of passion about creating my own things. Since then, I have been doing well for myself and for others. I have excelled at school. Along with graduating last month with outstanding grades. This film has helped encourage me to redefine myself, along with accepting myself.
    JT Lampert Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. For instance, I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. In addition, I have made an eighteen on my ACT test in December, last year. This year, I retook the ACT about three weeks ago, and I made a nineteen on it. I have always supported others by do my part at the house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. Helping my family brings me joy because they have always supported me. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. Again, I have applied for Fine arts as my field of interest. My main goal is to find a suitable career in Fine arts. Or at least know that my field of interest can be recognized as a career choice. My dream career is to become an art therapist, and I plan to continue to support others by helping them manage with their mental health.
    Travis Ely Collegiate Angler Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a high school graduate of 2024. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Now, I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. I am eighteen years old. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Moreover, my other hobby that I forgot to mention is swimming. I know this scholarship is for those who are passionate about bass fishing, or fishing in general; however, I am here to apply for this scholarship and explain why I am worthy of it. Having character, for both water and community, is a great way to improve personal development within ourselves. Having character wherever I go means helping myself and making self-discoveries. As I am transitioning to adulthood, how do I exemplify character, sportsmanship, and work ethic, both in water and in my community? For water, I exemplify character by following the rules and being safe when comes to being active in water. Along with showing good behavior towards others. Such as helping someone when they're in need or making sure that the water is clean from any trash or waste. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. Helping my family brings me joy because they have always supported me. I exemplify character through my actions at work, throughout my community. Along with being supportive and diligent when it comes to doing urgent tasks at school. Also, by showing team-spirit at school spirit events. These things prove that I show great character, not just for myself, but for others. By continuing to help people while working diligently to accomplish my personal growth.
    Hester Richardson Powell Memorial Service Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a high school graduate of 2024. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Now, I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Right now, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. But my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. Again, I have applied for Fine arts as my field of interest. My main goal is to find a suitable career in Fine arts. Or at least know that my field of interest can be recognized as a career choice. I am the middle child of my family. We're not rich or poor. Just an average African American family. I grew up with an older sister at the time. When I was four, I had an ear infection that affect my learning abilities. However, overtime I overcame it with the help of my family. Well, my parents. What is resilience? For me, resilience means not losing faith or hope in something or someone. Along with having a positive attitude towards situations that may make you feel out of control, or that suppress you. I show resilience when I came to doing the right things. Such as helping my family out around the house and contributing to school emergencies. Along with continuing to be diligent towards my ambitions. I learned about resilience when I became a big sister to my little brother, for the first time. I demonstrated resilience by not letting negativity get the better of me when I do something wrong. I believe that resilience can help anyone's journey, and it can help improve personal growth. Right now, I am still being resilient in order to attain a goal, which is to get into an affordable college. This is my answer. I hope this response satisfy the question. Madison Simpson
    Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself an African American. A female. And a Christian. During my freshman year of high school, I attended Cordova High School during COVID-19. Then, for the rest of my high school years (sophomore, junior, and senior) I attended at a private school called "First Assembly Christian School." Right now, I am applying for numerous scholarships so that I can be financially supported throughout college. I either plan to go to Mississippi College or Christian Brothers University. My intended field of study is Fine arts. I graduate for the class of 2024.I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Now, I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. My ultimate goal, right now, is to attend an affordable 4-year college without getting in debt, or student loans. In order to achieve, I need this scholarship. Although I have been granted multiple scholarships offerings, college, especially 4-year colleges, are expensive. This scholarship will help support me for the next four years as I am attending college. This scholarship can help support me financially and educationally. As for the obstacles I have faced, I have encountered a few. Such as, my mother and father found out that I had an ear infection when I was four years old. I made me progress at a slower pace than other children when I was in pre-school. However, overtime, it got better. I am now able to work and learn at a steadier pace like other students. When I was about in middle school, I started to learn about my family background. Along with learning how to be a proper teenager. Another obstacle that hit my education was COVID-19 during my freshman year of high school. I overcame it by learning to cope with virtual school. Now, I have been pursuing education throughout high school. Along with graduating last month. I will use my educational experiences to help others overcome their obstacles and support them.
    Mad Grad Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a high school graduate of 2024. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last month. I am currently looking for suitable scholarships and grants to help support me financially when I get to college. Along with applying for Federal Student Aid sources. I hope this scholarship will do me justice in that. Anyway, I am planning on becoming a college freshman. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Now, I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Out of the current hobbies I have just listed, my favorite hobby is to draw because I can easily erase my mistakes when needed, unlike the mistakes in my life. My chapter is just beginning. Another reason why I like to draw is to promote my emotions and my ambitions into fictional characters. Even in my drawings if there is a mistake, I can learn from it. I do not know my story very well, but I have always done my best to tell it through my drawings. I can always draw out what I am feeling, what I want to say, my goals, dreams, or even motivational speeches. What motivates me to keep pursuing my passion is that there is a bible verse in the New Testament that states, "" Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible"(Luke 1:37). Faith is what keeps me going on my passion. Along with inspiring others in having faith in the things they love to do. And share it within the community Since I became a young adult, having anxiety about becoming an adult has made me a nervous wreck. But drawing has helped me cope with it. That's why I have been seeing if there are possible careers for art degrees. I want to become an art therapist. I hope to work on a small project like working in an art program or working for an illustration company. Right now, I am still drawing as a hobby. I hope to make an impact through my drawings one day.
    Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I attended First Assembly Christian School. I am about to graduate for the class of 2024.Actually, I graduated last month. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Right now, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. But my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I have been accepted into five colleges so far. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. Actually, in the studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have had doubts about my future. When I turned eighteen, I became anxious about life. How I can I get through this without a plan, or goals. But I do plan on making effort in order to succeed. My career in arts can make positive impact on others. Different art medias have made a positive impact on my life because they show that I can achieve my goals one step at a time. No matter how hard things get. Since I became a young adult, question have been popping in my head, such as, "How do you identify yourself" or "How will your identity impact your future and your mindset?" These are the questions that have been lingering me during my senior year of high school. Again, I identify myself as an African American young woman. Identity is a controversial topic that people have discuss over the years. My identity came from what I saw myself. Along with fact that God created me to be a part of this minority group known as African Americans (Blacks). From what I've learned about my minority groups' history in USA history class, during my junior year of high school, this has impacted me to research about my minority group. Along with attempting to make several self-discoveries about myself. It will have an impact on my path by showing me that based on my identity as a member of an underrepresented minority population, I can have certain limitations in cultural views. However, I can also do my best to achieve an education for myself.
    Lee Aca Thompson Performing Arts Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I attend at First Assembly Christian School. I am about to graduate for the class of 2024. Actually, I graduated last month. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian woman. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Right now, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. But my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I have been accepted into five colleges so far. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. Actually, in the studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. Right now, I am applying for this scholarship so that I can financially support myself while I am in college. Previously, during my middle school year, I've played the cello. But now, my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle school throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. Especially art scholarships from various websites. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I have been accepted into five colleges so far. Along with earning several merit-based scholarships. Moreover, I am currently taking piano practices every Sunday. I have been in piano class for a year now. However, an area of performance arts that I have always been interested in is Fine arts studio. I am going into Fine arts and Studio this year. I have been studying art for about eight years. Three years of playing the cello in middle school, four years in fine art classes during my high school years, and one year of outside-school piano lesson. My long-term goals for art are, first off, go to an affordable four-year college. Then, get my degree in art. Next, I'll get a professional job as an art therapist.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various style of arts. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I never expected to make it through it and life itself like this. My goal to find an affordable college to attend to. My favorite college right now is Mississippi College. Because of the Christian environment and various options of majors and minors. My aspiring major is fine arts. Right now, I am researching and applying to various, yet available scholarships and grants that I can find. I have principal list in my academic experience, along with volunteering experiences. In addition, I have made an eighteen on my ACT test in December, last year. My goal to find an affordable college to attend to. My favorite college right now is Mississippi College. Because of the Christian environment and various options of majors and minors. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. This is how I give back currently to my loved ones. Right now, my ultimate goal, right now, is to attend an affordable 4-year college without getting in debt, or student loans. In order to achieve, I need this scholarship. Besides helping at home, occasionally, my mother, little brother, and I would help my father clean his buildings. Moreover, I help around at school as well. For instance, I have been participating in school spirit events and a church organization. I have been volunteering to participate in a soccer tournament to raise awareness about women in prostitution. It is called "Finding a way-out Ministry." I have spent about 2-3 hours of volunteering. I plan to further this by convincing others that helping people can make a difference. Along with earning my degree in arts and showcasing community power through my artistic vision.
    Wendy Alders Cartland Visual Arts Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. Visual arts can be seen as an educational requirement and subject matter. It has always been underestimated as a subject when comes to education. However, it can be useful inside and outside of school. It can teach us valuable things that we must learn for future purposes. Such as with inspiring creativity, cognition, and how to embrace simplicity. It can help us learn how to use art for good and resourceful purposes. Not just for myself, but for others around me. Art could spark imagination by helping those who are passionate about it. Whether if it's about something or someone. By expressing our emotions to others that might feel the same sometimes. I plan use my artistic knowledge to evoke awareness in our community, even if it just small awareness. Along with bringing people together, in hopes of uniting as a community against challenges, trials, and tribulations. For instance, visual and performance art is important because it provide everyone with motor skills, helps people develop social skills, critical-thinking skills, decision-making skills, and logical skills. Along with improving collaboration skills. Visual and performing arts included, arts, music, vocal, instruments, and dance. It is important to include visual and performance arts into education because it teaches us how be creative and imaginative. I plan to use to give back to the youth in under-resourced communities through visual arts by earning my degree in arts and becoming an art therapist, so I can help establish creativity and cognition. As well as help counter mental health issues.
    Harry B. Anderson Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a senior in High school, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I never expected to make it through it and life itself like this. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Although I am not interested in theatre, I am interested in Fine arts, in general though. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable. I am currently looking for scholarships to help financially support me throughout college. I am applying myself to fine arts and other areas I am interested in before college starts. I have principal list in my academic experience, along with volunteering experiences. In addition, I have made an eighteen on my ACT test in December, last year. My goal to find an affordable college to attend to. My favorite college right now is Mississippi College. Because of the Christian environment and various options of majors and minors. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. Besides Fine arts, I am also interested in STEM. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The part of STEM that I am most interested in is science. For me, I am passionate about STEM because It is an educational topic with four well-known educational subjects. Science, for the most part, is my favorite because there are various science explorations such as earth science, mechanical science, chemistry, environmental science/ ecology, gemology, oceanology, and etc. I wanted to learn all the types of scientific theories and explorations. Now, my planned field of study will be Fine arts and I will attain my goal of becoming a professional art therapist. I hope this answers the format.
    Hilda Klinger Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. I have always liked art ever since I was kid. Drawing and painting was my favorite form of art. Now, my mother gave me some insight about different types of media that can help sustains my future, along with my well-being. And an artistic profession that can financially support me while I am in college. My reason for choosing fine art as a field is because I believe that I can use art as way to express myself. Though there are other option I have, but fine arts are the one I am most comfortable and familiar with. Now, the question is "Why am I passionate about fine arts?" Passion for fine arts comes from the way I like how fine arts is always underestimated. Fine arts matter too, just as much as any other educational field. I just liked drawing and painting for the sake of being creative. My love for art came from watching cartoons and anime. I like drawing. Later, I discovered painting when I was in the eighth grade. I did not have a particular artist back then. However, after taking art throughout my high school year, my favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. He created the portrait "Starry Night" and it was beautiful. I now realize my favorite type of art style was expressionism. Reason why he is my favorite artist is because of his intense brush strokes and hues. Besides that, I was attempting to do other art styles to increase my chance of seeing if there was a possibility that Fine arts can be seen as a career choice. However, I was able to improve my paintings over time. His painting inspires me not to lose hope in my talents.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Over time, the thoughts "what is the meaning of life" or "What is the nature of our universe" have been explored by numerous philosophers, who wanted to know what the universe was made of. The universe is full of complexity. Philosophers can develop various theories on how the universe works. When I was in high school, I was in Bible class. I took bible class throughout high school, except for my freshman year due to COVID-19. Anyway, while I was in bible class, our teacher discussed various ideas of the universe based on philosophers' knowledge and perspectives. Some philosophers saw the universe to made by God. While other seem to be convince that the universe is made of matter. They believed that the universe is made of particles, atoms, evolution, minerals, and earth materials. Other believe the nature of our universe from a biblical perspective. For instance, modern-day Christians, such as myself, believe that God created the land, sky, and ocean. Actually, God created the entire universe. Along with believing in the Book of Genesis, Old Testament, where the nature of our universe revolves around creation. However, later in time, other theories of our universe came into play. For example, in my bible, we discuss Darwinism. Darwinism is a universal theory that indicated that nature began with evolution. Charles Darwin believe mankind were involved with evolution instead of being created by God. Another example, German scientists, Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden, theorize that all living organisms are made of cells and per-existent cells. This will later be called the Cell Theory. I also learned about fatalism, which means our actions our predetermined. Why do I think it's important that we work to better understand the nature of our universe? I think it is important to work to better understand the nature of our universe is because we gain a better understanding of it. Along with understanding our universe from these two perspectives, biblical and secular. We need to study on the universe and how it progressed over time. Along with seeing how these philosophies worked. Or didn't work during those times. Finally, working on understanding the nature of our universe is important to me because we help those who do not understand or agree with certain philosophies about the universe. I hoped to employ my ideas based of my religion instead of secular views and world culture. Along with using little sections of the previous philosophies made about the universe to sum up my ideas and statements.
    Abbey's Bakery Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself an African American. A female. And a Christian. During my freshman year of high school, I attended Cordova High School during COVID-19. Then, for the rest of my high school years (sophomore, junior, and senior) I attended at a private school called "First Assembly Christian School." Right now, I am applying for numerous scholarships so that I can be financially supported throughout college. I either plan to go to Mississippi College or Christian Brothers University. My intended field of study is Fine arts. I graduate for the class of 2024.I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. What have I learned about mental health during my high school years and how will I apply it in the years to come? For starters, mental health is an important yet delicate topic to discuss around others. It is also a national crisis when it comes to mental health issues. Specifically, a few people have experience mental health issues throughout the years. Mental health is a serious subject that everyone is aware or educated at schools. Mental health issues, including Bi-polar disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, substance-related disorders, and others are known to be quite controversial. During my freshman year of high school, our classes were virtual. I was in my fifth period physical education. My teacher, Mr. Smith, brought up the topic mental health. At first, I wonder why my teacher brought up mental health when were in "physical" education. As the lesson went on, he started to talk about ways with coping with mental health issues. Such as deep breathing routines, doing daily exercises, meditation, having relaxation plans, etc. Moreover, in my sixth period class, AVID-6, my teacher wanted us to read a book called "The 7 Tips of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey in class. We study that book, to learn about developing a positive mindset, being proactive, synergize, and thinking with a win-win attitude. Overtime, I have been applying these lessons throughout the rest of high school at First Assembly Christian School. For me, I can apply my past lessons about mental health to encourage others to be aware that mental health is important. Moreover, since my field of interest is Fine arts, I will use my art degree to become an art therapist, and to encourage those to paint or create projects out from their health. Along with helping them recover from their health issues.
    David Foster Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a senior in High school, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I have been reading the Bible to understanding my religious values, as I am preparing myself to go to college. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Although I am not interested in theatre, I am interested in Fine arts, in general though. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. Since my high year at First Assembly Christian School, my art teacher Ralph Norwood. He was my art teacher from my sophomore to senior year of high school. He taught me various subjects such as using acrylic paint, the color scale, monochromatic, and etc. Along with teaching us various art media. And be able to understand how different art media influenced culture, politics, aesthetics, and historical values. I believe art can help people explore different world views outside our values and ethnics. Mr. Norwood was in a theatre production and was an elementary teacher. During our classes, Mr. Norwood would allow us to do different art projects. He believed in creativity and wanted to us to use our creativity with a Christian-like manner. On some occasions he assigns us with artistic task that he designs, so that we can explore our creativity side. Along with learning new artistic skills and techniques. He influenced me to be creative and be diligent on my projects. He always influenced me that it is okay to make a mistake when it comes to art. This revelation made me realize it is alright to mistake, not intentionally. Mistakes can help a someone learn from them and do better. Whether its big or small, mistakes can shape people and their perspectives. This has shaped my life because I am not afraid of making mistakes anymore. Now I feel confident in myself and can learn from my mistakes.
    Urena Scholarship
    Personal development can lead all possibilities in life. It is a journey. An everlasting journey that everyone in their life takes every day. It can help everyone achieve their goals and dreams. Or something greater than they could imagine. Personal development can happen all sorts of ways. It can impact our minds and bodies if we pursue our goals, not matter how big or small they are, we can help ourselves by learning more about ourselves. Why is personal development important to me? For me, personal development is important because I can learn more about myself through my actions and my words. Personal development, for me, is similar to personal growth. Personal development is important to me because it is a part of life. Because we all have a right to change. Personal development is chance to make the best version of yourself, while making the most of it. Although personal development does not happen in an instant, it is possible. Personal development can help various areas in our lives, such as mental health, emotional stability, physical stability, and even spiritual awakening. Even with smaller counterparts like developing a positive mindset, adjusting attitude, cooperation skills, and etc. The list is endless when it comes to personal development. Again, personal development is important to me because I can help myself become better in certain areas of life. Along with developing in areas of myself, such as self-worth, socialization skills, and self-confidence. It is important to work on the best version of yourselves. As well as mine. Now, how am I working on becoming the best version of myself? That question has always been on my mind every day, since middle school and throughout high school. Even till now when I am about to transition into adulthood, along with looking for numerous scholarships. With my family's support, I was able to see that going to college is an opportunity to become the best version of myself. I work on becoming the best version of myself by setting up short-term goals for myself like spending six hours a day without my phone, or exercise three times a day. Along with telling myself to make self-reflecting statements about improvement, self-interventions, and how to cope with stress. To setting up long-term goals such as lose 34 pounds, affording for tuition, and finding a summer job. There are various ways that personal development can impact our well-being. Personal development can help explore parts of us that need work. It is a struggling journey, but it is worth it if it means developing growth within us. I hope this answer these questions.
    Nyadollie Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am currently a high school senior, who graduated last month. I attended at First Assembly Christian School from my sophomore to senior year. Right now, I am transitioning to college as a freshman. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and little brother. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Although I am not interested in theatre, I am interested in Fine arts, in general though. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable. My ultimate goal, right now, is to attend an affordable 4-year college without getting in debt, or student loans. In order to achieve, I need this scholarship. Although I have been granted multiple scholarships offerings, college, especially 4-year colleges, are expensive. This scholarship will help support me for the next four years as I am attending college. This scholarship can help support me financially and educationally. For instance, it can help pay for materials that I must have for field of interest. Along with covering for my expenses at the institution; including, four-year meal plan, dorm expenses, and tuition. For a while, I always loved art ever since I was child. Although this scholarship is acceptable to those taking up cosmetology, photography, or interested in the beauty industry, I hope someday I can use my artistic skills to help others and accomplish something on a national scale. For now, I chose Fine arts as my field of interest, and why I am passionate about it is because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. And to demonstrate leadership by having motivation to pursue their goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. In addition, I plan to use my artistic skills to promote creativity, cognition, and courage when comes to pursuing your dreams and goals. I hope to use my art to evoke empowerment for everyone, such minorities, gender, races, disabilities, and others. I will use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I hope to use my skills to inspire creativity within the beauty industry.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    What does adversity mean to me? Adversity means to challenge oneself every day. Or overcome a traumatic experience, whether it be big or small. For me, adversity means a challenge into going the next level of life. Without adversity, I could never experience life to the fullest. Adversity is a way to test someone's ability or to see them seek their full potential. Adversity is a part of life. To overcome obstacles that you never thought that you can achieve. For me, I overcome various obstacles as I am now transitioning into adulthood. To start off, my mother and father found out that I had an ear infection when I was four years old. I made me progress at a slower pace than other children when I was in pre-school. However, overtime, it got better. I am now able to work and learn at a steadier pace like other students. When I was about in middle school, I started to learn about my family background. Along with learning how to be a proper teenager. Growing up, I grew up in Christian household. I was always shy and timid around people, except my family. Both of my parents were very good at being socially active towards others, especially my father. He is outgoing and good person. He works at a cleaning company, while my mother works for E-commerce. But she works at home. However, they are always diligent and proud of the work that they have done to support our family. They diligence has inspire me to work harder every day. I have been since then. When COVID-19 came, I felt comfortable at first about doing school online, but then, it didn't feel right. I was still on top of all my schoolwork. However, when I was about to turn sixteen, I started to doubt about myself since college was right around the corner. I got anxious whenever I think about college and the next level of maturity. Sometimes I even feel sadden about it. But my parents reassured me the college is a great experience for me to be an adult. And to experience life outside the house. Their words made me see a positive perspective about college. It made me want to work harder even more. Then, I decided to transfer to Frist Assembly Christian School for the rest of my high school year. Because I wanted to have faith in my religion and to gain more positivity than I had before. Since then, I have been applying to various scholarships that I can find. I have been accepted into numerous institutions so far, such as Mississippi College, Christian Brothers University, and much more. I even graduate last month. Along with getting different scholarships offerings. One day, I hope to bring back to my community is the power of diligence and faith.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    Everyone's journey has their hardships. Along with numerous trials and tribulations, there is always going to be certain choices to make. A journey is a path. For some, they can just instantly figure out how they're going to succeed in life. On the other hand, others might take longer to decide what to do about their future and how they are going to live. I am one of those people who is still attempting to decide my future career and how I am I going to live off it. Every day I wonder how have I got this far in life? And how will I continue to go far in life? Victory can have various meanings, to various people. Victory can come from having a personal value that some may have lived off from their childhoods. Or a certain accomplishment that one has worked diligently for a long time. It has different meanings. Along with having to deal with certain obstacles in life. For me, it was when I was four years old, I had an ear infection in one of my ears. I caused me to learn at a slower pace that other children. But that did not stop me from doing my best at school. Over time, it got better, and I was able to learn at the right pace as others now. Victory can come from making mistakes as well. For a while now, for me, making mistakes means failure. That was my way of thinking about mistakes, especially when I started to become maturely develop. Whenever I made a mistake, I would always get upset or anxious at myself, because I was almost an adult soon, which led me to think I do not have time to make mistakes. However, over time, I have finally come to terms that making mistakes is the first step to attaining success. Because without mistakes, I could not be able to learn anything new. Or accomplish something new. I made plenty of mistakes, whether they were big or small, I still learned from them. Like failing a quiz for the first time, or accidentally leaving my computer at home when I was in my sophomore year of high school. But I have been improving myself since then and I have been continuing to grow as a young adult. My biggest victory was when I was seventeen years old, I received a congratulations letter from Mississippi College for the first time. It made me realize that I can handle any obstacles that came my way with help of my family and myself. It also made me and my family happy that I am becoming a mature young adult. Since then, I have been applying to various institutions and several scholarships. Some scholarships were not a success; however, I have gotten into five institutions with merit-based scholarship offerings. I have applied for fine arts courses. My goal is to become an art-therapist. I was inspired to help others through my artistic skills, and to make an impact on other's mental helped. Along with teaching them how to be creative, have good cognition skills, and to be ready to challenge yourselves. I have been thinking about other possible career choices involving a fine arts degree, even during my graduation. Moreover, I thought about how I got here. Not through my academic achievements, but with dedication and diligence. Therefore, for me, both success and victory have to be attainable when you are willing to make mistakes and do your best in anything you do. No matter how hard it is, it will be worth it if it means it helped you accomplished something. Right now, my goal is to become an art-therapist and to be able to help others with their goals. I hope this explains why I am fit for this scholarship.
    G.H. DePriest Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a senior in High school, class of 2024. I graduate from First Assembly Christian School a month ago. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I have been reading the Bible to understanding my religious values, as I am preparing myself to go to college. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. My favorite foods are ice cream, pizza, quesadillas, nachos, chocolate, and pineapple. My favorites restaurants are "Pacific Fusion", and "Chill's." My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. My passion for arts has always been with me since I was a child. I love to draw and paint. Especially painting because even when make a mess of myself, I still find joy in it. And learn from it as art can teach us various things about life. I am currently looking for various scholarships to support my education in the arts department. Also, I am currently enrolling in fine arts educations. I never thought art could be seen as a career. However, I recently found out art can be seen as a career choice. Based on the various art media. Now, I plan use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I will use my artistic skills to inspire others by never giving up and using their values as motivation. Along with inspiring creativity, cognition, and how to embrace simplicity. Using art good, not just for myself, but for others around me. My art could spark imagination by sharing my story of how I am. Whether if it's about myself or my worldviews. By expressing my emotions to others that might feel the same sometimes. I plan use my artistic knowledge to evoke awareness in our community, even if it just small awareness. Along with bringing people together, in hopes of uniting as a community against challenges, trials, and tribulations. Also, I will plan my artistic skills for good by showing those who thinks that art isn't possible for a career choice. To promote a positive outlook on our minds, bodies, and health. And, to promote awareness of injustice within our society. During my high school year, I have been interested in Art Education for quite some time now. I believe that Art Education can promote us to learn and experience different values and experiences that others had in the past.
    Reginald Kelley Scholarship
    My name Madison Denise Simpson. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Although I am not interested in theatre, I am interested in Fine arts, in general though. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable. Along with hoping to achieve growth and empowerment through my art profession. Why do I have a chosen this field? I have always liked art ever since I was kid. Drawing and painting was my favorite form of art. Now, my mother gave me some insight about different types of media that can help sustains my future, along with my well-being. And an artistic profession that can financially support me while I am in college. My reason for choosing fine art as a field is because I believe that I can use art as way to express myself. Though there are other option I have, but fine arts are the one I am most comfortable and familiar with. Now, the question is "Why am I passionate about fine arts?" Passion for fine arts comes from the way I like how fine arts is always underestimated. Fine art matters too, just as much as any other educational field. I am passionate about my field of interest because learning and experiencing fine arts matters. And because it can help anyone with communication skills, academic skills, critical choice skills, and creativity. Along with having experienced visual insights, collaborations, and accountability. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. And to demonstrate leadership by having motivation to pursue their goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. In addition, I plan to use my artistic skills to promote creativity, cognition, and courage when comes to pursuing your dreams and goals. Moreover, I plan to use my field of interest to communicate to those struggling with life.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I chose to fine arts as my field of interest because I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. And to demonstrate leadership by having motivation to pursue their goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. In addition, I plan to use my artistic skills to promote creativity, cognition, and courage when comes to pursuing your dreams and goals. I hope to use my art to evoke empowerment for everyone, such minorities, gender, races, disabilities, and others. I will use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I will use my artistic skills to inspire others by never giving up and using their values to help them achieve their goals and dreams. My personal reason for choosing fine arts as my field of interest because of a bible verse in the New Testament. It states that " Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible"(Luke 1:37). I have to have faith in the things I do, throughout trials and tribulations.
    B.A.B.Y. L.O.V.E. Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I attended at First Assembly Christian School for three years, and I am a Christian. I am a graduate of the class of 2024. I graduated First Assembly Christian School last month. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I never expected to make it through it and life itself like this. I identify myself as an African American woman. Right now, I am about to continue moving forward toward my new future. Along with preparing myself for college and adulthood. I am really excited for this new chapter in my life; but also nervous about it because this is all new to me. New experiences, challenges, and other possibilities I could encounter. My goal to find an affordable college to attend to. My favorite college right now is Mississippi College. Because of the Christian environment and various options of majors and minors. My aspiring major is fine arts. This year, I have applied to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Mostly, fine arts. I love painting and drawing. Although I am excited to experience new things, my doubts have made me anxious about the next chapter of my life. However, my parents reassure me that there is nothing to be nervous about. College is about change and developing perservance through new challenges. Along with be diligent in everything I can accomplish to the best of my abilities. Especially towards education and helping my loved ones. The B.A.B.Y L.O.V. E has impacted my growth since I have started my senior year of high school. I have always achieved principal's list throughout high school. In addition, I have made an eighteen on my ACT test in December, last year. My family and I were happy about this because I was learning to mature myself and showing personal growth. Moreover, I love to help my parents the best way I could by doing chores around our house. Such as sweeping, cooking, watching my little brother, cleaning our bathroom, and washing dishes. Along with vacuuming our rooms and doing laundry. Helping my family brings me joy because they have always supported me. Now, like myself, the B.A.B.Y L.O.V. E spirit can help women through hardships and challenges, whether there small or big challenges. The B.A.B.Y L.O.V. E spirit helps women of color to experience love and dedication to their goals and dreams. I embody the B.A.B.Y L.O.V. E spirit by continuing to have a positive attitude and enthusiasm towards education. Along with having diligence and passion in my dreams and goals. Moreover, The B.A.B.Y L.O.V. E spirit has helped me embodied self-worth and diligence toward education and personal values as I am entering adulthood.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduated for the class of 2024. Right now, I am planning to become a college freshman This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I am currently looking for scholarships that can support me financially during college. I have volunteer for simple chores such as volunteering to clean up whenever there was a mess in the classroom. I also volunteer to participate in events such as charity work and school spirit events. During my junior and senior year of high school, I decided to volunteer to help a ministry organization called "Finding a way-out Ministry." It dedicates itself to helping women get out of prostitution. Moreover, I have been helping outside my school. I have been helping my parents with chores around the house. Such as helping my dad clean buildings from time to time, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, putting up groceries and washing dishes. Along with sweeping and vacuuming the floors, cleaning the bathroom, and wiping the windows. I have been helping my parents as long as I can remember. I believe helping others is important value in life. It can also be a goal or dream to help someone in need. Or those who are less fortunate than you. I also believe that leadership requires dedications and selfless integrity in anything you in life. Including actions that can help others in need. I have been demonstrating leadership skills along the way by helping others when I can and having a positive attitude every day. Along with encouraging others to do the right thing. What make me a leader is that I can accept my mistakes or failures and move forward. While learning from them. Leadership is not materialistic, but it has value. Leadership is trait that values honor, dedication, integrity, and faith in others. While being a leader is hard at times, It has helped me gain a sense of responsibility and maturity every day.
    John Traxler Theatre Scholarship
    My name Madison Denise Simpson. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. Although I am not interested in theatre, I am interested in Fine arts, in general though. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art skills. I hope that I can help others reach their full potential and promote a deeper understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks and different types of media as well. I also hope to use my art skills to prove that having art as a career choice is possible, or at the very least attainable. Along with hoping to achieve growth and empowerment through my art profession. Why do I have a chosen this field? I have always liked art ever since I was kid. Drawing and painting was my favorite form of art. Now, my mother gave me some insight about different types of media that can help sustains my future, along with my well-being. And an artistic profession that can financially support me while I am in college. My reason for choosing fine art as a field is because I believe that I can use art as way to express myself. Though there are other option I have, but fine arts are the one I am most comfortable and familiar with. Now, the question is "Why am I passionate about fine arts?" Passion for fine arts comes from the way I like how fine arts is always underestimated. Fine arts matter too, just as much as any other educational field. Learning and experiencing Fine arts matter because it can anyone with communication skills, academic skills, critical choice skills, and creativity. Along with having experienced visual insights, collaborations, and accountability. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. And to demonstrate leadership by having motivation to pursue their goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. In addition, I plan to use my artistic skills to promote creativity, cognition, and courage when comes to pursuing your dreams and goals. Another reason why I am passionate about fine arts is that I believe it can help everyone see the world differently; physically, mentally, emotionally, and often times spiritually.
    Black Leaders Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I live with my parents and little brother. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I have been reading the Bible to understanding my religious values, as I am preparing myself to go to college. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I live with my parents and little brother. My hobbies are drawing, painting, creative writing, watching anime, baking, and reading mystery and suspense novels. I like to bake brownies and other pastries. I help my parents with the chores at home. In addition, I helped out my family in honor of Black History Month. Black History Month has given me a new perspective about my identity, along with my purpose as an African American woman. There are various Black leaders that have inspire and motivated me to do my best in anything I do every day. Historical Leaders like Ida B Wells, Martin Luther King Jr, and Sojourner Truth. Especially Ida B Wells. As well as modern day Black leaders like Alma Thomas and my parents. All these Black leaders have and always will inspire to do my best every day. Why? For historical leaders like Ida B Wells, she has shaped the literature, as well as the journalism world during her time. She has also inspired me to be courageous and honest with my work. Consequently, she inspired me to take up creative writing on the weekends. Another African American leader that inspires me are my parents. Because they have also been there for me, even till this day. They have helped me when I feel stress or upset about something. They're hard-workers and they've inspire me to be diligent in my works.
    Cameron Sims Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old, and a high school graduate. I graduated from First Assembly Christian School last Saturday. My hobbies include drawing, baking, painting, a little bit of singing, and reading mystery novels. My love for arts came from a young age. When I was little, I loved to draw pictures of everything or anyone. This was around the time when I discovered my love for music. When I was ten years old, I would make paper dolls. I did not get what paper dolls were at the time, so I just started to draw people from paper and then cut them out. On that note, my love for music was discovered when I was about eight of nine years old. My family and I had a game Wii at our house, and my favorite game was called "Just Dance 3''. It was game where you had to mimic the dance moves on the screen. It was really fun dancing to songs. Along with singing with them. Some of the songs on "Just Dance 3" or "Just Dance 4" really created tons of colorful and expressive imaginations in my mind. I felt bubbly and happy when I just got to dance and sing to those songs. Now, during my middle school years, I started to play cello in the orchestra. I felt that playing an instrument can bring me closer to music than I was before. Then, I started to play it throughout middle school. After middle school ended, I was introduced to painting. This was around the time when COVID-19 hit; moreover, when I was about to start my freshman year of high school. My love for art expanded when I was in my art class, virtually speaking. My teacher discussed on art generalization, such as how art can help you, how many ways art can express emotions, and cultural values. Clearly, I was intrigued by this new discover, and it made me love art even more. So, my parents got me various paint sets and a huge sketch book. I have been drawing various animations while being trapped at home during COVID-19. Honestly, it felt cozy and relaxing to draw every day. Now, after COVID-19 ended, during my sophomore year of high school, I have gotten attached to musicals through animatics from YouTube. It started out from me being bored at home one day, so I decided to go on YouTube to see something interesting. Then I came across an animatic of this musical called "Hamilton." The graphics along with the song itself drew me in. And I have been a fan of musicals ever since. Now, who has inspired me to purse music/arts? First, it was my parents who pursue my love for music/arts.
    Schmid Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I live with my parents and little brother. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I have been reading the Bible to understanding my religious values, as I am preparing myself to go to college. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. My favorite foods are ice cream, pizza, quesadillas, nachos, chocolate, and pineapple. My favorites restaurants are "Pacific Fusion", and "Chill's." My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to after school. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Along with watching mystery, suspense, and thriller movies. Sometimes horror films when I feel like it. Every Sunday, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. Learning about playing the piano came easy to me since I already learned how to read music when I was in orchestra. During my junior and senior year of high school, I have volunteered for a church organization called "Finding a Way Out Ministery" sponsored by Chick-Fila Leadership program. This program is about helping young women get out of prostitution. Right now, I am currently applying for scholarships to financially support me in college. I plan on taking classes in Fine Arts. This scholarship can support my education goals by helping me relieve from financial stress through college. Along with allowing me not to have to rely on student loans.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya is an icon within the generation. She is an actor, singer, fashion icon, and activist. She has been around for younger generations. She appears to be on two Disney shows "Shake it off" and "Undercover K.C.". She also featured in several movies such as "Dune", "Spiderman far from Home", "Spiderman Homecoming", "The Greatest Showman" and "Challengers." Along with an aspiring and well-known series "Euphoria". She has been inspiration to me for a while. She has multifaceted career such as acting, singing, hosting, fashion model, and being an aspiring activist. She has received numerous awards for her talents in movies and series. Since she was invested in her multifaceted career, people have looked up to her due to her being famous in her areas of her career. Which aspect her multifaceted career do I admire the most and why? There are two aspects of her multifaceted career I admire. These two aspects are activism and fashion. These two aspects are the ones that I admire the most because they helped created a statement for women and brings empowerment to them. For her activism career, she has brought awareness to social issues such as LGBTQ+, feminism, and mental health. The topic mental health has mainly appeared in her well-known series "Euphoria" as it revolves around mental health and promote awareness of it those who've experience it. Or to those who are still experiencing it. Now, for her fashion career, I admire her fashion career because her fashion represents her in more ways than one. It doesn't have to represent one thing; it can represent her colorful personality. And it shows that young women can express themselves through clothing.
    Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
    First off, anime has always been my favorite things to watch on the weekends. I even attempted to draw anime characters. Or rather create my own anime characters. I have various favorite anime I love to watch. Whether it be a show or movie. Anyway, my favorite anime series are Demon Slayer, yugioh Five D's, and Yugioh Zexal. There are other anime series I like to watch. But for now, these are the current anime series that I admired the most. For instance, Yugioh Five D's and Yugioh Zexal are a part of the Yugioh Dueling verse. Along with older series such as Yugioh and YugiohGX. And new series such as Yugioh ArcV and Yugioh Varian's. What makes it captivating to me? There are multiple attributes that makes this series so captivating. Like the characters developments throughout these two yugioh series. My favorite character development was of Carly Carmine in Yugioh5D's. She was just a clumsy yet hard working journalist at first. But when she met Jack Atlas in season one, she started to develop a strong sense of confidence in herself. Also, that fact that her two duels with Sayer impacted the fact that she felt confident in her duel abilities. And after she became a dark signer and was defeated by Jack Atlas, she realizes she has made an impact on those around. As well as Shark's character development in Yugioh Zexal. He was a bully at first, but after being defeated by Yuma in the first episode, he had a change of heart throughout the series in general. Now, Demon Slayer is one of the most eye-captivating series on my part. What makes Demon Slayer so captivating to me is not just the characters' development but the exhilarating animations and graphics. Each character has a tragic backstory that somewhat defines them, but also promotes self-growth and development within them. That is what make this series so captivating because each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. Along with character designs. In the Entertainment District Arc of Demon Slayer, the design of Nezuko's demonic transformation was my favorite. I literally symbolize her growth and her powerful resilience.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I like reading books. My favorite book genres are mystery, suspense, thrillers, and crime. Sometimes I prefer reading comic books by my favorite author Raina Telgemeier. This is my first time hearing about "#BookTok community". Right now, I just research what "#BookTok" was and what was it about. As I searched further, I fell in love with it. Being inspired by books and being able review, our favorite books is really wholesome and terrific. Because when we share about what books helps us learn and grow, it feels encouraging to read for yourself. For me, when I share about my favorite book genres, I feel like expressing myself as well as my character traits to others. Anyways, how to describe my ideal bookshelf? Sometimes this question pops into my head whenever I read a book. My ideal bookshelf would base on mystery and thriller novels. Novel recommendations such as "Verity" by Collen Hoover and "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" by Holly Jackson. Both are must-haves for me because they're psychological thrillers. Hence, my ideal bookshelf would be considered of mystery, suspense, and thriller. The novel "Verity" was considered as "compulsively readable suspense" while "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" was considered "adrenaline-rushing, stomach-turning novel that's hard to put down with a modern-day Nancy Drew vibe crossed with the Serial podcast." Hence, my ideal bookshelf revolves around the plot of innocent young teenagers looking for purpose in their lives, until their lives change drastically due to sinister events. Such as murder, abductions, deceit, and other gory topics. However, the character race against time to find the culprit or culprits while finding their own identities. The characters of my ideal bookshelf are teenagers of different races with different values, cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, and social background. The writing style within my ideal bookshelf is descriptive. To evoke intense emotions and imagination to the readers. The themes in my ideal bookshelf are crimes of passion, resilience, identity, and murder. These books, from the recommendation on "#BookTok" have provoke me to learn about suspense and mystery. Along with a deeper meaning in the psychological mindset of our minds. These books have caught my attention to why certain events happen to good people. They provoked puzzlement and enjoyment to me because I get to explore different mindsets of our actions and why we choose to make those choices. These titles have made an impact on "#BookTok Community" by introducing modern-day suspense into literature and the psychological depth of the human mind mix with modern trends.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship
    My name Madison Denise Simpson. I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my art by helping others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. Along with helping them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various artist around different timelines. I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I also plan to use my artistic skills to demonstrate my resilience and diligence by encouraging others to never give up on their work. And to demonstrate leadership by having motivation to pursue their goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. In addition, I plan to use my artistic skills to promote creativity, cognition, and courage when comes to pursuing your dreams and goals. I hope to use my art to evoke empowerment for everyone, such minorities, gender, races, disabilities, and others. I will use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I will use my artistic skills to inspire others by never giving up and using their values to help them achieve their goals and dreams. Along with planning to use my art to help spread awareness to various issues. Such as racism, discrimination against LGBTQ+, sexism, social injustice, equality, and more. Along with supporting those who need it more than ever. Also to promote a positive outlook on our minds, bodies, and health. And, to promote awareness of injustice within our society. I will use my art to help others understand the importance of being a good person. Furthermore, along with using my art skills to promote new perspectives within our cultural and social values. I hope to accomplish this by using my art can help create a better world. By reaching out to those who want to be a part of a community. I can use my artistic vision to promote social and cultural injustice. Along with religious injustice and equality. Mostly importantly, I plan to use my art to make a positive impact on the world by attending an institution that will support and help me achieve my goals. Then, use my artistic skills to get others involve with communities or to promote why getting involve in a community is important.
    Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduate for the class of 2024. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I am eighteen years old. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I have been reading the Bible to understanding my religious values, as I am preparing myself to go to college. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and my little brother. My favorite foods are ice cream, pizza, quesadillas, nachos, chocolate, and pineapple. My favorites restaurants are "Pacific Fusion", and "Chill's." My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to after school. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Along with watching mystery, suspense, and thriller movies. Sometimes horror films when I feel like it. Every Sunday, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. Learning about playing the piano came easy to me since I already learned how to read music when I was in orchestra. During my middle school year, I've played the cello. But now, my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle school throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. Especially art scholarships from various websites. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I have been accepted into five colleges so far. Along with earning several merit-based scholarships. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. Actually, in the studio arts. For now, I am about to graduate high school on May 11, 2024. This school year has helped me come out of my comfort- zone. Along with helping me make an impact on others. I was able to make a positive impact on others by staying positive and encouraging others to engage at school or other activities. I have been able to make a positive impact by doing my best to help those around me. Such as volunteering to clean up whenever there was a mess in the classroom. I have been helping my parents with chores around the house. Such as helping my dad clean buildings, helping my mom with the garden whenever I could. Or whenever she asks me to. And helping my little brother with his homework. Whenever my parents go out, I do most of the chores, such as washing and drying clothes, make up our beds, cooking meals, and washing dishes.
    Lewis Hollins Memorial Art Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduate for the class of 2024.I love to draw and paint, especially painting This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. It can help others reach their full potential and gain understanding of various arts. It also helps them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various eras, along with various artist around those time. I hope to achieve growth and empowerment through my art. I hope to use my art to evoke empowerment for everyone, such minorities, gender, races, disabilities, and others. I will use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I will use my artistic skills to inspire others by never giving up and using their values to help them achieve their goals and dreams. Along with inspiring creativity, cognition, and how to embrace simplicity every day. Using art for good, not just for myself, but for others around me. My art could spark imagination by sharing my story of how I am and where I am from. Whether if it's about myself or my perspectives. By expressing my emotions to others that might feel the same sometimes or something different. I can use my art in evoke awareness in our community, even if it just small or big awareness. Along with bringing us together, in hopes of uniting as a community against challenges that any of us have experienced. Also, I will use my art skills for good by showing those who thinks that art isn't possible for a career choice. To promote a positive outlook on our minds, bodies, and health. And, to promote awareness of injustice within our society. I will use my art to help others understand the importance of being a good person. Furthermore, I will use my art skills to promote new perspectives within our cultural and social values. My vision of my art can help create a better world by reaching out to those who want to be a part of a community. I envision my future relationship with my artwork by using my artwork to become successful. Or at least do my best to support myself when I am at college this year. I also envision my artwork to promote resilience towards life when we face challenges.
    Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
    My name Madison Denise Simpson. I have demonstrated leaderships skills in and out of the school grounds. I have been a part of group projects and participated in activities that require cooperation and social skills. Although I still have to mature with my social skills, I have been progressing into that matter. And demonstrating leadership skills along the way. I have demonstrated my leadership skills at school by encouraging others to never give up on their work. Along with taking part of errand-runs around the school whenever someone ask me, or when I am available. Another way I have demonstrated leadership was by having motivation to pursue my goals and overcome challenges that life has to offer. Along with having the right amount of empathy for other people's feelings and perspectives. I listen to other's opinions and perspectives before making any constructive criticism. Or make any judgement about their opinions and perspectives. I have also helped other voluntarily and out of integrity. Such as helping my parents with the chores around the house, going the extra-mile to help my classmates at school, and promoting good leadership by exceling in my studies. When I was in karate, I demonstrated leadership by having emotional resilience and diligence every day. Along with having effective communication skills. Social skills have help me to improve my leadership every day. It helps me to become a better leader by helping me communicate and cooperate with more sufficient. These are the ways I demonstrate leadership by doing my best every day, whether it's at home or school. I plan to excel my leaderships by getting more involve with my community during my college year. Right now, I have to deal with my personal growth to reach a good standard in being a leader, including having emotional and social maturity. Now, what do I hope to achieve in the future through my leadership skills? There are several I hope to achieve in the future because of my leadership skills. First off, I hope to achieve in the future through my leadership is my personal growth. Mainly my lack of communication around others. Next, I hope to achieve making an impact on my community through my leadership skills. By encouraging others to help out to those who do not know the meaning of community. Along with pushing myself toward my goals, professional or personal ones that mean a lot to me.
    Snap EmpowHER Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am senior at First Assembly Christian School, and I graduate for the class of 2024. This year, I am applying to major in studio arts, art education, and fine arts. I dream of becoming an artist. Actually, an art therapist. I chose this career because I believe and know that I can use my artistic skills to promote creativity in others. Also learning how to pursue art helps with developing good skills in beauty, communication, self-expression, and seeking out historical context of the arts. It can help others reach their full potential as newborn artists and gain understanding of various arts. It also helps them understand how to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various eras, along with artists. Therefore, I chose to pursue my career in Art Therapy because creating art can help those to express creativity and recovery from mental health problems through pursuing art. Such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and other various media. Consequently, this led to this question "why my career choice excites me?" This career excites me because I get an opportunity to justify how art can be pursued as a career, along with enjoying my passion for it. While using my artistic skills to serve my community for others. My career in arts can make a positive impact on others. I hope to inspire others to pursue their goals and dreams. I also hope to impact those to be diligent and hopeful every day when there are challenges in life. Making an impact not just for yourself, but for others who needs someone to empower them. Having the ability to empower someone is special. Especially when someone has never been empowered to doing something meaningful for themselves or others. Empowerment allows people to be confident in what they do every day. It allows them to be confident in who they are. To me, empowerment can be used to help others around you. Everyone deserves to be empowered by something or someone. That includes men, women, children, and elderly. Women do not have unlimited opportunities as men do. That's why women's encouragement is important support this matter. How do I plan to support women's empowerment? I plan to use my diligence in my arts education, while upholding my Christian faith when something goes wrong to one day impact women to never give up on their goals or dreams. Also, I plan to use my career choice to help women with mental health issues by using art to promote stress-relieve. And new creative ways of thinking about their future.
    Servant Ships Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I live with my parents and little brother. In school, in my English and Bible class, on some occasion we have to read books for the semester. There was this book called "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan. And it was joy read in school during my senior year. What I have learned from this book is that no matter how hard or difficult challenges are, I must always be persistent, faithful, and hopeful in order to see it through. Especially to have faith in the Lord, no matter what happens in life. Another book that I have read and learned from was called "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. This book was really inspirational to me. Because it taught also taught me about being faithful to Christ, compassion for those around me, and to be hopeful through the challenges life brings me. Right now, I have been recently applying to different scholarships to help me achieve my artistic. My goal is to get into a respectable university that can encourage and support my dreams. Another reason why I have chosen to pursue art because it allows me to able to experience issues that I have never encountered before. These two books have shaped my goals in more ways than one. By continuing to be diligent at school, to always be faithful to Christ in any situation, and to be persistent towards my goals. I love to draw and paint. Especially painting because even when I make a mess of myself, I enjoy it every day. I am currently looking for various scholarships to support my education in the arts department. Also, I am currently enrolling in fine arts educations. I never thought art could be seen as a career. However, I recently found out art can be seen as a career choice. Based on the various art media. Now, I will use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I plan to make a positive impact in my community by empowering Christian-faith and showcase various empowerment through my artistic skills.
    Natalie Jude Women in the Arts Scholarship
    In 2023, in art class, I created a piece called "A Portrait within a Portrait". It was an idea that my art teacher assigned in class. It consisted of a portrait of our choosing. We had to paint a painting of our choice. As in painting it in exact detail. Then, after we finish painting our pictures, we have to draw ourselves painting the picture, then paint it. Finally, after we finish painting ourselves, we have to paint the artwork we have chosen. This project demonstrates an elusive yet creative perspective that viewers can take a long look at and think about it. The project was about us painting inside of an inside. Again, it brings out an elusive effect. Hence, this is my favorite piece I have created because of portrait I chose to paint. The portrait I chose to paint was a white owl with blue specs because the colors blending together, along tint shading brought out blue specs of the painting. It also made the colors of the owl's feathers pop out, whereas viewers can notice it right away.
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I am a senior and I attend at the First Assembly Christian School. I am a Christian. I have a 4.0 GPA and I made an eighteen on my ACT last year. I always been diligent when it comes to schoolwork and helping my family at home. I live with my parents and little brother. My hobbies are drawing, painting, watching anime, baking, and reading mystery and suspense novels. I like to bake brownies and other pastries. I my favorite foods are quesadilla, pasta rotel, pizza, and ice cream. I also like watching baking tutorials on YouTube whenever I get the chance to. I like watching anime, and my favorite anime is Demon Slayer. My favorite of the series is Neuzko. I help my parents with the chores at home. I love watching cartoons as a kid; consequently, that led to my passion for arts. Before that, when I attended Cordova Middle School, I was in orchestra, and I played the cello. Around this time, my dad enrolled me in karate. I participated in tournaments. Being in karate has helped me learned self-defense skills, and how to get out of my comfort zone. Then, I found passion in painting and other art media. Throughout my high school year, I have been taking art classes, including my current one right now. Moreover, attending FACS has also help me get out of my comfort zone. Because I went on a trip to volunteer to help out a church organization. It has help me reflect on myself and what I can achieve. Right now, I am graduating for the class of 2024. I was accepted into five colleges with opportunities scholarships. However, I am currently looking for more scholarships to achieve my goals and pursue my goals in life. I have been applying to colleges for a degree in arts. Arts such as studio arts, fine arts. Also, I have been researching about art careers that can financially support me. Right now, I have been stressing over being a young adult, and I have been feeling anxious about my future. So, this scholarship would help support my financial need in college. It can help me achieve my goals one step at a time. This could also help me in college when I am in a challenging situation. It can help support myself and my family.
    Alexis Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship for the Arts
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a senior in High school, class of 2024. My passion for arts has always been with me since I was a child. I love to draw and paint. Especially painting because even when make a mess of myself, I still find joy in it. I am currently looking for various scholarships to support my education in the arts department. Also, I am currently enrolling in fine arts educations. I never thought art could be seen as a career. However, I recently found out art can be seen as a career choice. Based on the various art media. Now, I will use my career in art to inspire others to put effort and diligence in everything they do. I will use my artistic skills to inspire others by never giving up and using their values as motivation. Along with inspiring creativity, cognition, and how to embrace simplicity. Using art good, not just for myself, but for others around me. My art could spark imagination by sharing my story of how I am. Whether if it's about myself or my worldviews. By expressing my emotions to others that might feel the same sometimes. I can use my art in evoke awareness in our community, even if it just small awareness. Along with bringing us together, in hopes of uniting as a community against challenges. Also, I will use my art skills for good by showing those who thinks that art isn't possible for a career choice. To promote a positive outlook on our minds, bodies, and health. And, to promote awareness of injustice within our society. I will use my art to help others understand the importance of being a good person. Furthermore, I will use my art skills to promote new perspectives within our cultural and social values. My vision of my art can help create a better world by reaching out to those who want to be a part of a community. I can use my artistic vision to promote social and cultural injustice. In today's modern society, there are various discriminations against minorities such as blacks, Hispanics, women, and disabilities. In addition, the injustice is currently targeting genders of the LGBTQ community. Ergo, my artistic vision can help spark awareness within every community, along with supporting LGBTQ rights. My other artistic vision involves spreading faith to those who do not have any whatsoever. People are surrounding by toxic cultural references and perspectives. Therefore, my artistic vision can create better world by evoking a Christian worldview on various matters of injustice and awareness. Even if anyone is not interested in Christian perspective, I will use my artistic vision to show support of Christianity, in hopes of spreading the Christian word out to everyone.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    My name is Madison Denise Simpson. I am eighteen years old. I attend at First Assembly Christian School. I am about to graduate for the class of 2024. I identify myself as an African American citizen and a Christian. I live in Cordova, Tennessee. I live with my parents and sibling. My hobbies are drawing, painting, baking, and creative writing. I love to watch anime on the weekends. And every day when I get a chance to. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My other hobbies are reading mystery and suspense novels. Right now, I have been taking up piano classes for a year now. But my favorite hobby is painting. Consequently, that led me to purse art during middle throughout high school. I am currently searching for scholarships and colleges that would help achieve my goals and dreams. For instance, I have applied for various scholarships in order to support myself when I go to college. I have been accepted into five colleges so far. I want to pursue a degree in fine arts. Actually, in the studio arts. Over this year, I have discovered various careers that require an art degree. However, I have had doubts about my future. When I turned eighteen, I became anxious about life. How I can I get through this without a plan, or goals. But I do plan on making effort in order to succeed. My career in arts can make positive impact on others. Different art medias have made a positive impact on my life because they show that I can achieve my goals one step at a time. No matter how hard things get. I create something with diligence and effort. So, how do I plan to use my art career to make a positive impact? First off, I am planning to become an art therapist. My art career can make positive impact on the world by helping others communicate. To engage in healthy experiences with art. It can help those to cope any difficulties in their lives. I plan to use my art career to educate others about art. Along with using it to understand society and help others understand our culture. Also, I plan to use my art career to positively impact the world by using it to bring us together. To teach those who do not understand about creativity, community, historical context behind it, and create awareness within our community.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    The book I recommend reading to everyone is the Bible. The Bible contains various stories leading to Jesus Christ. In addition, it explains events leading up to our modern-day belief in Christianity. Stories of the Old Testament and New Testament can reach others who do not know Christ or Christianity in general. The Bible describes the story of Christ through various scriptures such as Law, history, poetry, Prophecy, Gospel, and Letters. The Old Testament of the Bible contains Law, History, Poetry and Prophecy. While the New Testament contains the books of the Gospel and Letters. The Bible is one huge story with thousands of stories in it. Why I recommend that everyone should read the Bible? Well, first off, I'm not rushing or judging anyone who has other religious beliefs. But reading the Bible could imply a new perspective about us. And about our worldviews. The reason why I recommend the everyone should the Bible because the Bible contains stories that relates to real life situations we face today in our modern culture. In the Old Testament, the stories in it can help us reflect on our actions by using the past's actions as a reference of what is right and wrong. In the New Testament, the stories can help us understand the story of Christ, and how his actions can teach us to be better in God's image. Reading Bible can promote new ideas about our worldview and about ourselves as we continue to live on this earth every day.
    Mcristle Ross Minority Painter's Scholarship
    My choice to pursue art has always been to express my emotions through vivid colors. At first, I thought I was going to get into art because it was "easy." However, the reasons why I now chose to pursue in art because I hope to encourage someone to paint something that resembles them. To understand why art exists. I have been recently applying to different scholarships to help me achieve my artistic. My goal is to get into a respectable university that can encourage and support my dreams. Another reason why I have chosen to pursue art because it allows me to able to experience issues that I have never encountered before. It also allows me to enjoy my own creativity, without no one judging me. I took art classes during my freshmen, sophomore, junior, and I am recently taking art class now during my senior of high school. Pursuing art helps me develop good skills in beauty, communication, self-expression, and to seek out historical context of the arts. It can help me reach my full potential as a newborn artist and gain understanding of various arts. I also want to explore the opportunities into learning about artworks from various eras, along with artists. I can allow to experiment on newfound medias that I have never tried before. I can be able to understand how different art media influenced culture, politics, aesthetics, and historical values. I believe art can help people explore different world views outside our values and ethnics. I chose to pursue art because I want to use it to make a change, not just to myself, but for worthy causes such equality, identity crisis, and so much more. Art inspires me every day since I can remember. However, there are various things that inspires me artistically. Such as being able to dive deeper into what I am creating. To push myself to new opportunities. To know that I am creative when it comes to experimenting with different medias. I am inspired by everything around me. I am inspired by colorful, cultural aesthetics, memorable historic figures, and outside the box thinking. Another thing that inspires me artistically is my perspective of the world. It helps me create the beauty that Christ created in all of us, including myself. Lastly, I am inspired to better myself everyday by painting and hopefully inspire someone else who is also interested in art.
    Empower Her Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson, and I am a senior in high school. Throughout my life, I have been driven to do my best at everything I do. So, what does empowerment mean to me? Empowerment to me can change yourself completely, whether it was a small or big change. To me, empowerment means several different things. Empowerment means to be able to achieve something meaningful. To be strong. It is a tool for me to do something greater than what I am expected to do. It gives me a chance to improve myself in some areas. To me, empowerment is way to inspire those who never even heard of it. To me, empowerment is not something that is materialistic, but an ability to strength yourselves. It can help you realize that you are worthy and amazing. No matter what happens to you, whether you did or said something wrong, having the ability to be empower by things you can do. Empowerment allows people to be confident in what they do every day. It allows them to be confident in who they are. To me, empowerment can be used to help others around you. Whether it's at work, at home, at school, or anywhere. Empowerment is about helping others when they do not have help at all. To help empower someone is giving them hope in what they're trying to achieve. Giving love and faith in something they are willing to accomplish. To me, empowerment should be express to those who need it. Who needs someone to be there for them. To strengthen their hearts, minds, and dreams. Empowerment can encourage anyone, men, women, children, and elderly. It can encourage those to work harder, be faithful, and to stay strong when any challenges come their way. What does empowerment mean to me? To me, empowerment means to encourage, not just yourself to do your best, but to encourage others as well. No matter what occurs. Empowerment has drastically changed my life for the better. It helped me gained self- confidence in how I am. Empowerment has affected my life by allowing to work hard, staying focused, and to dream big every day. It also gave me a new perspective of life as well such as to never lose a positive attitude. Not only did it encourage me to do better, not just for myself, but to help others as well.
    God Hearted Girls Scholarship
    My name is Madison Simpson. I am a senior in high school. I attend FACS and I am a Christian. I never expected to make it through life like this. I did not comprehend on who Jesus was when I was little. I did not have faith in Christ started when I was a child. My parents took me to church every Sunday. I didn't have the right grasp of Christianity at the time. Over time, it started to deteriorate when I was in middle school. I was surrounded by an unhealthy environment, which made me believe there was nothing good about people. There was nothing right about me. At the beginning of my freshmen year in high school, my dad bought a girl's devotional book for me. I was curious at the time to see why everyone saw in Jesus. I started to read a little devotional verse, but it didn't satisfy my relationship with Christ. During the end of my freshmen year of high school, my parents suggested that attend FACS or First Assembly Christian School with my little brother. I felt a little hesitant about transferring to another school, in the middle of the school year. However, my mom mention that FACS has more Christ like environment. I also recalled my dad's words on how FACS was a nicer environment than public school. I took some time to think about my parents' suggestion. Eventually, I made my decision in transferring to FACS. Since then, my relationship with Jesus has been improving. Not only has transferring to FACS heighten my faith in Jesus, but I started to believe amazing things Jesus did for us. My relationship with Jesus has made a huge impact on my faith by allowing me to attend church with my family, on special occasion and opening to the Lord during chapel at school. It also made me read and indulge in the Bible every day. I have used my faith in Christ to work hard every day at school. To work hard in order to better myself every day. Not just to work hard for myself, but to work better with people around me. To be obedient in his name, to use the wisdom that I have obtain to do good in his name, and to always put the Lord first in my life. And to always have positive attitude and faith in Jesus when things get rough.