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Macey Vanover


Bold Points




My nickname is Alex, I attend Miami University. I am majoring in biology, nutrition and Pre-medical studies. I am dedicated to become a surgeon despite any setbacks. With a long background in Leadership positions and self dedications I aspire to become a head surgeon at a busy hospital. I have had my own struggles with mental health, poverty, and Being the first in my family to go to college but that is not what defines me. I have worked one to three jobs at a time since I was 14, and accepted my first management position at 16. I've attended my local STEM high school with the goal of working in healthcare. I am now a state tested nurses aide, but I know the world has more people I can help so I am exited to embark on the journey of following my dreams. For some scholarships don't mean there able to pay for college or not, but for me this is the case. I would be thrilled to win any scholarships as it would put me one step closer to my dreams. I would like to thank each scholarship for supporting so many students and making our dreams into reality


Miami University-Oxford

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Nutrition Sciences
    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services
    • Health/Medical Preparatory Programs
    • Biology, General

Marysville Stem Early College High School

High School
2017 - 2021
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Health/Medical Preparatory Programs
    • Medicine
    • Medical Clinical Sciences/Graduate Medical Studies
    • Biology, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Seasonal Housekeeper

      Mad river mountain
      2018 – 20213 years
    • Service

      Rollies ice cream and boba inc.
      2018 – 20191 year
    • STNA

      Memorial gables
      2020 – Present5 years
    • Manager

      2017 – 20203 years



    Junior Varsity
    2015 – 20183 years


    • N/a



    • N/A

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      4-H — Cloverbud counselor
      2014 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      4-H — Junior fairboard member
      2018 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      4-H — President of club
      2010 – 2020

    Future Interests


    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Being diagnosed with a lifelong invisible disability like Anxiety has impacted everything, not just my undergraduate Miami university experience. Until late spring semester of my first year at Miami, I was unable to obtain the courage to ask for help. Doing so has been a smooth and accessible process thanks to everyone at student disability services. While being registered with student disability services has not always been a pleasure due to certain people, you cannot win all the battles. The battles I win are those within myself with the help of my accommodations. Having an invisible disability is hard because getting the equity you deserve sometimes feels like taking advantage of the system. I say it like this because I do not use a wheelchair or need physical assistance. Rather on the days where I am unable to leave my bed to brush my teeth, keep my eyes dry from tears, or keep myself alive I do not question my disability. It is when I have to share about my disability to get equal opportunities I subconsciously downplay the bad days in my head. Thus feeling like on a good day I am taking away from someone. In reality the system has taken away from myself and many others. Miami has done an amazing job advocating for us with disabilities while being equitable to everyone My life goals have not changed much, what has changed is how I am prepared to tackle my goals. I have wanted to become a surgeon for years. To do so you have about eight years of schooling, have to take many standardized tests, and match to training programs. My first standardized test will be the MCAT. The MCAT is an examination to apply to medical school. It’s about eight hours long and very rigorous. Having registered with the student disability center I understand I am able to get accommodations for even standardized tests. So yes I am still planning to go to medical school and do all the necessary things to get there but in a different way. My experiences with having this invisible disability has allowed to to see the different ways to do things. I am not broken but just seen in the wrong light. I simply have been looking through the wrong lense, I have found my lense and plan to share with the world even if it only helps one person that is success. As a first generation college student coming from a middle class family scholarships, grants, and loans are the way I pay for college. I do not have a college fund because my family had to put dinner on the table and clothes on our back. My parents have worked so hard in factories to just put food on the table. I strive for the opportunity to give back to them and everyone. Being the recipient of this scholarship may mean less loans to pay off, but it’s also bigger than that. It's putting me closer to my goals and helping me give back to the community that provided to me.
    Matthew J. Kauffman Memorial Scholarship
    Being diagnosed with a lifelong invisible disability has impacted everything, not just my Miami experience. Until late spring semester of my first year at Miami, I was unable to obtain the courage to ask for help. Doing so has been a smooth and accessible process thanks to everyone at student disability services. While being registered with student disability services has not always been a pleasure due to certain people, you cannot win all the battles. The battles I win are those within myself with the help of my accommodations. Having an invisible disability is hard because getting the equity you deserve sometimes feels like taking advantage of the system. I say it like this because I do not use a wheelchair or need physical assistance. Rather on the days where I am unable to leave my bed to brush my teeth, keep my eyes dry from tears, or keep myself alive I do not question my disability. It is when I have to share about my disability to get equal opportunities I subconsciously downplay the bad days in my head. Thus feeling like on a good day I am taking away from someone. In reality the system has taken away from myself and many others. Miami has done an amazing job advocating for us with disabilities while being equitable to everyone My life goals have not changed much, what has changed is how I am prepared to tackle my goals. I have wanted to become a surgeon for years. To do so you have about eight years of schooling, have to take many standardized tests, and match to training programs. My first standardized test will be the MCAT. The MCAT is an examination to apply to medical school. It’s about eight hours long and very rigorous. Having registered with the student disability center I understand I am able to get accommodations for even standardized tests. So yes I am still planning to go to medical school and do all the necessary things to get there but in a different way. As a first generation college student coming from a middle class family scholarships, grants, and loans are the way I pay for college. I do not have a college fund because my family had to put dinner on the table and clothes on our back. My parents have worked so hard in factories to just put food on the table. I strive for the opportunity to give back to them and everyone. Being the recipient of this scholarship may mean less loans to pay off, but it’s also bigger than that. It's putting me closer to my goals and helping me give back to the community that provided to me.
    Will Johnson Scholarship
    Being diagnosed with a lifelong invisible disability has impacted everything, not just my Undergrad experience. Until late spring semester of my first year at Miami University, I was unable to obtain the courage to ask for help. Doing so has been a smooth and accessible process thanks to everyone at student disability services. While being registered with student disability services has not always been a pleasure due to certain people, you cannot win all the battles. The battles I win are those within myself with the help of my accommodations. Having an invisible disability is hard because getting the equity you deserve sometimes feels like taking advantage of the system. I say it like this because I do not use a wheelchair or need physical assistance. Rather on the days where I am unable to leave my bed to brush my teeth, keep my eyes dry from tears, or keep myself alive I do not question my disability. It is when I have to share about my disability to get equal opportunities I subconsciously downplay the bad days in my head. Thus feeling like on a good day I am taking away from someone. In reality the system has taken away from myself and many others. Miami University has done an amazing job advocating for us with disabilities while being equitable to everyone. My life goals have not changed much, what has changed is how I am prepared to tackle my goals. I have wanted to become a surgeon for years. To do so you have about eight years of schooling, have to take many standardized tests, and match to training programs. My first standardized test will be the MCAT. The MCAT is an examination to apply to medical school. It’s about eight hours long and very rigorous. Having registered with the student disability center I understand I am able to get accommodations for even standardized tests. So yes I am still planning to go to medical school and do all the necessary things to get there but in a different way. As a first generation college student coming from a middle class family scholarships, grants, and loans are the way I pay for college. I do not have a college fund because my family had to put dinner on the table and clothes on our back. My parents have worked so hard in factories to just put food on the table. I strive for the opportunity to give back to them and everyone. Being the recipient of this scholarship may mean less loans to pay off, but it’s also bigger than that. It's putting me closer to my goals and helping me give back to the community that provided to me.
    Pet Lover Scholarship
    Ive always grown up with at least one pet in the household. I never understood my attachment and the importance of having animals around until I lived at college with no pet. I have anxiety and my cats and dogs at home are the loves of my life. I had a horrible time adjusting, my routine was so out of wack when had no dogs to walk during my morning podcast listen or cats to pet while trying to do my homework. I felt like something was missing. When I saw a dog on campus I had to pet it and whenever Miami University had dog days in the library you would know where to find me. For me having pets is a luxury that I cannot survive without.
    Superfood Lover Scholarship
    I love superfoods because most of them really beef up any meal or snack and I just feel better after eating them. My favorite superfood has to be spinach. I know a green veggie isn't everyones choice, but it is mine. I love spinach because it is so versatile it can go in smoothies, egg scrambles, on sandwiches, salads, or even just sautéed by itself. I really like to maximize my vegetables everyday because it adds volume to my meals and doesn't leave me bloated or feeling greasy. I guess I might just be a heath nut but I don't think I could ever trade my green smoothies and eggs for McDonalds
    Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
    I wouldn't save I have overcame mental illness but I have definitely learned to manage and live happier than I was when I struggled silently. I wish to become a doctor to advocate, educate and help those with mental illnesses and/or addictions. in order to help those like me I am pursuing a degree in biology and pre-med. I know the journey to becoming a doctor is long and rigid but I am determined to help with the major mental health and addiction crisis my generation faces.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    I suffered in silence for too long and when I finally got help I knew I had to do the same for others. I now have more respect for myself and others around me wether that be in school, extracurricular activities, work or at the grocery store. aside from my own struggles I aspire to become a doctor and advocate for those I treat and those I work with. Seeing and experiencing the pain of mental disorders all I want to do is help, educate, and advocate.
    Mental Health Matters Scholarship
    I participated in 4-H for 11 years, throughout that time I learned to be a leader and helped younger 4-H'ers find there voice in the community. Now I work as an STNA and everyday I strive to learn and lead those I work alongside. Another leader once took me in and taught me, I am determined to do the same despite my own mental health set backs and insecurities.
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference The start to helping more people is kindness. You never know what those around you are thinking or what is there last straw. The only practical solution that you don't need money, a college degree, or a fancy job to get done is just to be kind.
    Shawn’s Mental Health Resources Scholarship
    One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference The start to helping more people is kindness. You never know what those around you are thinking or what is there last straw. The only practical solution that you don't need money, a college degree, or a fancy job to get done is just to be kind. My best way to clear my mind from the persistent intrusive thoughts is to be kind, to make others feel good and impact there day positively. I practice this everyday, anytime I am feeling bad I try to instill some good karma.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference The start to helping more people is kindness. You never know what those around you are thinking or what is there last straw. The only practical solution that you don't need money, a college degree, or a fancy job to get done is just to be kind.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Young adults under 18 need free and accessible mental health help, there are countless young adults that take their life and I was almost one of them. By making mental health services available in schools and free this will eliminate the intimidating process of a young adult having to ask their parent or guardian to get them the help they need. From first hand experience I suffered in silence for years before ever confessing to my parents about my mental health. I know many others like myself would have utilized any sort of free and available mental health resources before telling anyone at home. You cannot force people to use these resources but having them accessible in the first place is very important. This is life or death or suffering.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference The start to helping more people is kindness. You never know what those around you are thinking or what is there last straw. The only practical solution that you don't need money, a college degree, or a fancy job to get done is just to be kind.
    Bold Community Activist Scholarship
    One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    "it is okay to not be okay". Plastered all over my classmates shirts and the walls of my now sorrow middle school I cried myself to sleep like many of us did May 19th 2017. The last week of school, the car ride to the mall went silent as we read the words on the screen. our classmate had died by suicide. A simple beat playing in my head over an over, forever fourteen, I will never forget. Puzzled by this quote my brain ran circles around it. At such a young age I never understood why, I had just talked to him, it was like he was still here. The realization happened many years later, no one is perfect or okay so embrace it. Hard talks with my parents were had and little blue pills I swallow. I defined myself as anything but perfect, little did I know I didn't need to be, I am me.
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    "it is okay to not be okay". Plastered all over my classmates shirts and the walls of my now sorrow middle school I cried myself to sleep like many of us did May 19th 2017. The last week of school, the car ride to the mall went silent as we read the words on the screen. our classmate had died by suicide. A simple beat playing in my head over an over, forever fourteen, I will never forget. Puzzled by this quote my brain ran circles around it. At such a young age I never understood why, I had just talked to him, it was like he was still here. The realization happened many years later, no one is perfect or okay so embrace it. Hard talks with my parents were had and little blue pills I swallow. I defined myself as anything but perfect, little did I know I didn't need to be, I am me.
    3LAU "Everything" Scholarship
    Surgeons are typically taller and better looking than most doctors. While I am only five foot three inches maybe I’ll have to invest in some platform crocs. All jokes aside surgery is my everything. Yes, I have watched every episode of Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs and probably every other medical show out. That will not get me prepared to cut, therefore I will be attending Miami university in the fall to get a bachelors and masters of science in biology then off to medical school. I knew from a young age I was not meant to be an artist, a musician, or even a factory worker like most of my family. The medical field is my place to shine, spread my wings and give me purpose.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference. Struggling with anxiety is a challenge of its own, going into a male dominated field of work is another. As a woman going into a STEM field I aspire to become the best surgeon I can be and train those below me to be better than myself. Attending Miami University this fall is just the beginning of my story, with this scholarship I will be one step closer to reaching my goal and receiving my education.
    Maida Brkanovic Memorial Scholarship
    Women are powerful. Why is that so hard to see? Men are in control 90% of the time. Most fields of study beyond a bachelors degree are male dominated, why? Women for far to long have been suppressed into only having children and being housewives, even staying back in their home country to care for the family. Women's education stops for many reasons but I believe the first is because of having children. When a woman gets pregnant the father never thinks about quitting his job or Education to care for the child. Partly because he probably gets paid more and the woman doesn't get proper time to allow for pregnancy, birth, and recovery. In that situation the mother quits her job or stops er education entirely. The stereotype with women is they are meant to be in the kitchen, do everything for the husband ect. I know everyone has heard the jokes about women being dishwashers or only good for sex. It infuriates me to even hear those jokes and for others to be laughing at them. Women and men need proper medical prevention from kids so they can stop these stereotypes entirely. This is one simple solution to one of woman's biggest problems. A lot of women do not want kids until later in life or not at all. I do not see why it is so expensive for these women to get procedures to prevent these kids. Birth control is not enough, for many it is not even available, surgeons could easily remove all of a woman's eggs with a non invasive surgery. Those eggs could be saved for a time when the woman is financially stable, mentally ready, and physically ready to give birth. This is how you empower women, you give them their body back. It is a mans world and they should no longer control our bodies. We can stand together and take back what is ours. If this one problem gets fixed women could live in a world with no setbacks. To ensure these women rid themselves of those setbacks the procedure should be accurately base the cost off of what there insurance & out of pocket can pay. For example a homeless woman should not have to go without this procedure because she cannot afford it. Healthcare should not be a choice between breaking the bank and dying. As a future surgeon and first generation college student I can proudly say I am willing to make these changes. I am determined to give women back there life. As a strong believer of my body my choice I would be the first to sign up for an affordable procedure like this. These changes will not go over lightly but with power comes great responsibility and I am willing to take it on.
    Caring Chemist Scholarship
    Women are powerful. Why is that so hard to see? Men are in control 90% of the time. Most fields of study beyond a bachelors degree are male dominated, why? Women for far to long have been suppressed into only having children and being housewives. Women's education stops for many reasons but I believe the first is because of having children. When a woman gets pregnant the father never thinks about quitting his job or Education to care for the child. Partly because he probably gets paid more and the woman doesn't get proper time to allow for pregnancy, birth, and recovery. In that situation the mother quits her job or stops er education entirely. The stereotype with women is they are meant to be in the kitchen, do everything for the husband ect. I know everyone has heard the jokes about women being dishwashers or only good for sex. It infuriates me to even hear those jokes and for others to be laughing at them. Women and men need proper medical prevention from kids so they can stop these stereotypes entirely. This is one simple solution to one of woman's biggest problems. A lot of women do not want kids until later in life or not at all. I do not see why it is so expensive for these women to get procedures to prevent these kids. Birth control is not enough, surgeons could easily remove all of a woman's eggs with a non invasive surgery. Those eggs could be saved for a time when the woman is financially stable, mentally ready, and physically ready to give birth. This is how you empower women, you give them their body back. It is a mans world and they should no longer control our bodies. If this one problem gets fixed women could live in a world with no setbacks. To ensure these women rid themselves of those setbacks the procedure should be accurately base the cost off of what there insurance & out of pocket can pay. For example a homeless woman should not have to go without this procedure because she cannot afford it. Healthcare should not be a choice between breaking the bank and dying. As a future surgeon I can proudly say I am willing to make these changes. I want to give women back there life. As a strong believer of my body my choice I would be the first to sign up for an affordable procedure like this. These changes will not go over lightly but with power comes great responsibility and I am willing to take it on.
    "Wise Words" Scholarship
    "it is okay to not be okay". Plastered all over my classmates shirts and the walls of my now sorrow middle school I cried myself to sleep like many of us did May 19th 2017. A simple beat playing in my head over an over, forever fourteen, I will never forget. Puzzled by this quote my brain ran circles around it. The realization happened many years later, no one is perfect or okay so embrace it. Hard talks with my parents were had and little blue pills I swallow. I defined myself as anything but perfect, little did I know I didn't need to be, I am me.
    "Your Success" Youssef Scholarship
    Women are powerful. Why is that so hard to see? Men are in control 90% of the time. Most fields of study beyond a bachelors degree are male dominated, why? Women for far to long have been suppressed into only having children and being housewives. Women's education stops for many reasons but I believe the first is because of having children. When a woman gets pregnant the father never thinks about quitting his job or Education to care for the child. Partly because he probably gets paid more and the woman doesn't get proper time to allow for pregnancy, birth, and recovery. In that situation the mother quits her job or stops er education entirely. The stereotype with women is they are meant to be in the kitchen, do everything for the husband ect. I know everyone has heard the jokes about women being dishwashers or only good for sex. It infuriates me to even hear those jokes and for others to be laughing at them. Women and men need proper medical prevention from kids so they can stop these stereotypes entirely. This is one simple solution to one of woman's biggest problems. A lot of women do not want kids until later in life or not at all. I do not see why it is so expensive for these women to get procedures to prevent these kids. Birth control is not enough, surgeons could easily remove all of a woman's eggs with a non invasive surgery. Those eggs could be saved for a time when the woman is financially stable, mentally ready, and physically ready to give birth. This is how you empower women, you give them their body back. It is a mans world and they should no longer control our bodies. If this one problem gets fixed women could live in a world with no setbacks. To ensure these women rid themselves of those setbacks the procedure should be accurately base the cost off of what there insurance & out of pocket can pay. For example a homeless woman should not have to go without this procedure because she cannot afford it. Healthcare should not be a choice between breaking the bank and dying. As a future surgeon I can proudly say I am willing to make these changes. I want to give women back there life. As a strong believer of my body my choice I would be the first to sign up for an affordable procedure like this. These changes will not go over lightly but with power comes great responsibility and I am willing to take it on.
    Art of Giving Scholarship
    Women are powerful. Why is that so hard to see? Men are in control 90% of the time. Most fields of study beyond a bachelors degree are male dominated, why? Women for far to long have been suppressed into only having children and being housewives. Women's education stops for many reasons but I believe the first is because of having children. When a woman gets pregnant the father never thinks about quitting his job or Education to care for the child. Partly because he probably gets paid more and the woman doesn't get proper time to allow for pregnancy, birth, and recovery. In that situation the mother quits her job or stops er education entirely. The stereotype with women is they are meant to be in the kitchen, do everything for the husband ect. I know everyone has heard the jokes about women being dishwashers or only good for sex. It infuriates me to even hear those jokes and for others to be laughing at them. Women and men need proper medical prevention from kids so they can stop these stereotypes entirely. This is one simple solution to one of woman's biggest problems. A lot of women do not want kids until later in life or not at all. I do not see why it is so expensive for these women to get procedures to prevent these kids. Birth control is not enough, surgeons could easily remove all of a woman's eggs with a non invasive surgery. Those eggs could be saved for a time when the woman is financially stable, mentally ready, and physically ready to give birth. This is how you empower women, you give them their body back. It is a mans world and they should no longer control our bodies. If this one problem gets fixed women could live in a world with no setbacks. To ensure these women rid themselves of those setbacks the procedure should be accurately base the cost off of what there insurance & out of pocket can pay. For example a homeless woman should not have to go without this procedure because she cannot afford it. Healthcare should not be a choice between breaking the bank and dying. As a future surgeon I can proudly say I am willing to make these changes. I want to give women back there life. As a strong believer of my body my choice I would be the first to sign up for an affordable procedure like this. These changes will not go over lightly but with power comes great responsibility and I am willing to take it on. With the help of this Scholarship I can change the lives of everyone.
    Nervo "Revolution" Scholarship
    Women are powerful. Why is that so hard to see? Men are in control 90% of the time. Most fields of study beyond a bachelors degree are male dominated, why? Women for far to long have been suppressed into only having children and being housewives. Women's education stops for many reasons but I believe the first is because of having children. When a woman gets pregnant the father never thinks about quitting his job or Education to care for the child. Partly because he probably gets paid more and the woman doesn't get proper time to allow for pregnancy, birth, and recovery. In that situation the mother quits her job or stops er education entirely. The stereotype with women is they are meant to be in the kitchen, do everything for the husband ect. I know everyone has heard the jokes about women being dishwashers or only good for sex. It infuriates me to even hear those jokes and for others to be laughing at them. Women and men need proper medical prevention from kids so they can stop these stereotypes entirely. This is one simple solution to one of woman's biggest problems. A lot of women do not want kids until later in life or not at all. I do not see why it is so expensive for these women to get procedures to prevent these kids. Birth control is not enough, surgeons could easily remove all of a woman's eggs with a non invasive surgery. Those eggs could be saved for a time when the woman is financially stable, mentally ready, and physically ready to give birth. This is how you empower women, you give them their body back. It is a mans world and they should no longer control our bodies. If this one problem gets fixed women could live in a world with no setbacks. To ensure these women rid themselves of those setbacks the procedure should be accurately base the cost off of what there insurance & out of pocket can pay. For example a homeless woman should not have to go without this procedure because she cannot afford it. Healthcare should not be a choice between breaking the bank and dying. As a future surgeon I can proudly say I am willing to make these changes. I want to give women back there life. As a strong believer of my body my choice I would be the first to sign up for an affordable procedure like this. These changes will not go over lightly but with power comes great responsibility and I am willing to take it on.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    Women are powerful. Why is that so hard to see? Men are in control 90% of the time. Most fields of study beyond a bachelors degree are male dominated, why? Women for far to long have been suppressed into only having children and being housewives. Women's education stops for many reasons but I believe the first is because of having children. When a woman gets pregnant the father never thinks about quitting his job or Education to care for the child. Partly because he probably gets paid more and the woman doesn't get proper time to allow for pregnancy, birth, and recovery. In that situation the mother quits her job or stops er education entirely. The stereotype with women is they are meant to be in the kitchen, do everything for the husband ect. I know everyone has heard the jokes about women being dishwashers or only good for sex. It infuriates me to even hear those jokes and for others to be laughing at them. Women and men need proper medical prevention from kids so they can stop these stereotypes entirely. This is one simple solution to one of woman's biggest problems. A lot of women do not want kids until later in life or not at all. I do not see why it is so expensive for these women to get procedures to prevent these kids. Birth control is not enough, surgeons could easily remove all of a woman's eggs with a non invasive surgery. Those eggs could be saved for a time when the woman is financially stable, mentally ready, and physically ready to give birth. This is how you empower women, you give them their body back. It is a mans world and they should no longer control our bodies. If this one problem gets fixed women could live in a world with no setbacks. To ensure these women rid themselves of those setbacks the procedure should be accurately base the cost off of what there insurance & out of pocket can pay. For example a homeless woman should not have to go without this procedure because she cannot afford it. Healthcare should not be a choice between breaking the bank and dying. As a future surgeon I can proudly say I am willing to make these changes. I want to give women back there life. As a strong believer of my body my choice I would be the first to sign up for an affordable procedure like this. These changes will not go over lightly but with power comes great responsibility and I am willing to take it on.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    Bikers are one way to describe my family. It was only fit I started riding at 15. But as the only young female biker on the roads in my city I am bold.
    Harold Reighn Moxie Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference
    A Sani Life Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference. 2020 was very hard but I feel 2021 is my fresh start with this job and going to college.
    John J. DiPietro COME OUT STRONG Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference
    Bubba Wallace Live to Be Different Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference
    Liz's Bee Kind Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    New jobs are always tough, unknowing a global pandemic was about to start I quit my job. I became an STNA late 2019 and found a job may 2020. I always knew I wanted to become a doctor and as a high schooler the best way to get your foot in the door is to already have healthcare experience. As school in person vanished right before my eyes I worked and did school. Eat, drink, work, school. That was and still is my life today. For most the pandemic meant staying inside, and quarantining for themselves and family members. For me the pandemic meant working to provide the best care for my residents and for their family members sake. Also it meant always taking extra precautions so I wouldn't infect my residents, and family. The pandemic has made me dive right into my future career and I couldn't be more grateful to have these experiences.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference. Struggling with anxiety is a challenge of its own, going into a male dominated field of work is another. I aspire to become the best surgeon I can be and train those below me to be better than myself. Attending Miami University this fall is just the beginning of my story, with this scholarship I will be one step closer to reaching my goal and receiving my education.
    First-Gen in Health & Medicine Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference. Struggling with anxiety is a challenge of its own, going into a male dominated field of work is another. I aspire to become the best surgeon I can be and train those below me to be better than myself. Attending Miami University this fall is just the beginning of my story, with this scholarship I will be one step closer to reaching my goal and receiving my education.
    Mark Caldwell Memorial STEM/STEAM Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference. Struggling with anxiety is a challenge of its own, going into a male dominated field of work is another. I aspire to become the best surgeon I can be and train those below me to be better than myself. Attending Miami University this fall is just the beginning of my story, with this scholarship I will be one step closer to reaching my goal and receiving my education.
    Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship
    Fast-moving cars and people going elsewhere, however I’m being shipped off to get repaired like a broken toy. “Why else would they send me to a hospital if I’m normal?” I ask myself. I feel like an exotic zoo animal.On the spur of a moment I hold a cup underneath me just trying to aim. The nurse recites, “If you were not born with it take it off, and place it in this bag”. There is no clock in my room or I might say the minutes flew by. There are chips in the walls where I like to think somebody attempted to escape, or got enraged and maybe striked the wall. I eye all of the exits. The nurse made it clear if I try to escape the bright blue hospital gown, and yellow footies with those white grips on the bottom will show security I’m a suicide watch patient, and a high risk of escaping. I stay in the lifeless room and converse with copious amounts of strangers. One doctor in particular was the light at the end of my tunnel. A kind soul that listened with pure intent to help shape this traumatizing situation into something worth remembering. I am telling her what seemed like my whole life's story. All her attention is on me, Not the call lights in the hallway, or even the security officer fidgeting with his phone. I always said to myself “I won’t make it to eighteen, i’ll probably kill myself before then”. Experiencing that doctors care was like her telling me this is what I am meant to do. I distinctly remember sitting in my parents newly purchased truck weaving in and out of traffic to go home thinking “I want to become a doctor. I want to turn someone's life around like she has mine”. I became a State Tested Nursing Aide, helping the elderly in a local skilled nursing facility. While it is just a start, I feel at home in a hospital setting and one day at a time making my difference. Struggling with anxiety is a challenge of its own, going into a male dominated field of work is another. I aspire to become the best surgeon I can be and train those below me to be better than myself. Attending Miami University this fall is just the beginning to my story, with this scholarship I will be one step closer to reaching my goal and receiving my education.
    Macey Vanover Student Profile |