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Lynndee Baker


Bold Points






Hi, my name is Sage and I’m an aspiring high school art teacher. I spend most days painting, sketching, and using interdisciplinary research so that I can widen my abilities. I dream of going to Reinhardt University, a private faith-based campus, and fulfilling my passion for sharing art with the new generation. The most important thing in my life is sharing the impact of art and seeing its creation around me. During these last years of high school, I have been a part of my school's AP art club, and have been a part of the Empty Bowl and Backpack Buddy foundations. In my astronomy class, I was a part of the NASA Falcon project and my team and I traveled out of state to compete. We won First Place for the Outreach Award. I was top of my senior class as well as the entire school in physics and scored the highest on the EOC exam, earning a medal during seniors' honors awards. During the Awards I received the academic achievement scholarship from Reinhardt University. It was the highest scholarship awarded that night though it only covers half of the tuition. My biggest challenge is being able to pay for my tuition. I never back down from a challenge though and I'll give my all in finding ways to pay for a higher education.


Adairsville High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Fine and Studio Arts
    • Education, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      High school Art Teacher


      • Astronomy and Astrophysics

        Nasa Falcon Project — Design manager, managed the payload design team
        2024 – Present


      • Alliance for young artist and writers

        2023 – 2024
      • Empty bowl

        2023 – 2023
      • Art club

        2022 – Present

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Empty bowl — Creating the ceramic bowls that were distributed at the event as well as helping set up the event and sales while at the event. I also dressed as my art teacher because he was the one who hosts.
        2023 – 2023
      • Volunteering

        Art club — Taught about different art forms and how they have shaped our community.
        2022 – Present

      Future Interests



      WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
      My greatest achievement thus far has been graduating from high school. This accomplishment may seem mundane to some, but for me, it signifies breaking a cycle of poverty and ignorance that has plagued my family for generations. Both of my parents are high school dropouts, and I come from a low-income household where financial struggles were a daily reality. Witnessing my parents work tirelessly to make ends meet, I realized early on that I wanted to change my circumstances and build a better future for myself and those around me. Throughout my high school years, I faced numerous challenges that tested my resilience and determination. I juggled schoolwork and helping out with my younger siblings. Despite these obstacles, I remained focused on my education, knowing that it was the key to unlocking a world of opportunities that had previously seemed out of reach. As I reflect on my journey to graduation, I am filled with a sense of pride and gratitude. I am proud of myself for defying the odds and achieving a milestone that seemed unattainable at times. I am grateful for the unwavering support of my teachers, who believed in me even when I struggled to believe in myself. And I am thankful for the sacrifices my parents made to ensure that I had the resources and encouragement needed to succeed. Looking ahead, I am excited about the possibilities that lie before me. I am determined to pursue a degree in education, as I am passionate about helping the younger generation achieve their educational dreams. I believe that education is a powerful tool for social mobility and empowerment, and I am committed to using my own experiences to inspire and uplift others who may be facing similar challenges. In a world where opportunities are often unequally distributed, I am grateful for the chance to rewrite my narrative and create a better future for myself. Graduating from high school is just the beginning of my journey toward greater success and fulfillment, and I am prepared to face whatever challenges come my way with courage and tenacity. I am proud of how far I have come, and I am excited about the bright future that awaits me. With hard work, dedication, and a clear sense of purpose, I am confident that I can continue to defy expectations and make a positive impact on the world around me. The next achievement I'm working for is winning scholarships to be afford to get a higher education.
      Sacha Curry Warrior Scholarship
      The summer before freshman year I moved 5 states away from my mother and sister. 787 miles. Starting high school without having my mom by my side was harder than I could’ve ever imagined. Creating art was my only peace in such days. My tranquility. I'm thankful that through those dark times, I found a flicker of light. That light was my high school art teacher. In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, the role of the teacher is more crucial than ever. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of their students. They are not just educators, but also mentors, role models, and friends. The impact a teacher has on their students can last a lifetime, influencing choices and guiding students down paths as they grow and develop. I want to become that role model for my future students. Art education goes beyond teaching students how to draw or paint; it encourages them to think critically, solve problems creatively, and express themselves authentically. As an art teacher, I will have the privilege of fostering a safe and supportive environment where students can explore their imaginations, experiment with different mediums, and discover their unique artistic voices. By instilling a love for the arts early on, I can help students develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, and resilience that will benefit them in all areas of their lives.   Art education plays a vital role in promoting cultural awareness and appreciation. By exposing students to a diverse range of artistic styles and traditions, I will help broaden their perspectives and foster empathy and understanding towards others. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, these qualities are more important than ever. Becoming an art teacher is not just about teaching techniques or theories; it is about empowering students to think creatively, communicate effectively, and appreciate the beauty in the world around them. By embracing the role of an art educator, I will have a chance to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people and contribute to a more vibrant and culturally rich society.   My art teacher showed me kindness, acceptance, and support when I needed it most. My teacher helped shape the person I am today. This path I’ve taken to become an educator is possible because my art teacher gave me hope. Art has always been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. Being able to use my passion while guiding our youth, being a mentor, and maybe being the light in a student’s darkness like my teacher was for me, that is my dream and why I want to be an art teacher.
      Marie Humphries Memorial Scholarship
      The summer before freshman year I moved 5 states away from my mother and sister. 787 miles. Starting high school without having my mom by my side was harder than I could’ve ever imagined. Creating art was my only peace in such days. My tranquility. I'm thankful that through those dark times, I found a flicker of light. That light was my high school art teacher. In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, the role of the teacher is more crucial than ever. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of their students. They are not just educators, but also mentors, role models, and friends. The impact a teacher has on their students can last a lifetime, influencing choices and guiding students down paths as they grow and develop. I want to become that role model for my future students. Art education goes beyond teaching students how to draw or paint; it encourages them to think critically, solve problems creatively, and express themselves authentically. As an art teacher, I will have the privilege of fostering a safe and supportive environment where students can explore their imaginations, experiment with different mediums, and discover their unique artistic voices. By instilling a love for the arts early on, I can help students develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, and resilience that will benefit them in all areas of their lives.   Art education plays a vital role in promoting cultural awareness and appreciation. By exposing students to a diverse range of artistic styles and traditions, I will help broaden their perspectives and foster empathy and understanding towards others. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, these qualities are more important than ever. Becoming an art teacher is not just about teaching techniques or theories; it is about empowering students to think creatively, communicate effectively, and appreciate the beauty in the world around them. By embracing the role of an art educator, I will have a chance to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people and contribute to a more vibrant and culturally rich society.   My art teacher showed me kindness, acceptance, and support when I needed it most. My teacher helped shape the person I am today. This path I’ve taken to become an educator is possible because my art teacher gave me hope. Art has always been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. Being able to use my passion while guiding our youth, being a mentor, and maybe being the light in a student’s darkness like my teacher was for me, that is my dream and why I want to be an art teacher.
      New Kids Can Scholarship
      The summer before freshman year began I moved 5 states away from my mother and sister. 787 miles. Starting high school without having my mom by my side was harder than I could’ve ever imagined. With no friends starting high school was terrifying. I would describe myself at that time as shy and silent. Social anxiety had a chokehold on me. After the first few days of quietly sitting alone, my future best friend approached my table at lunch and took a seat. She was a chatty Kathy and I honestly didn't have a chance to shy away like I would've normally. In the blink of an eye, I went from lonely to lively. My life at that time had consisted of school, home, and art. With my bestie running the show it was shopping trips, restaurants, and group hangouts. As much as I needed to be this outgoing person, I slowly started to gravitate back to my shy and quiet self. I started hiding in the library at lunch, would not respond to messages, and slowly I fell into some dark days. I watched good grades become average and most potential friendships slip away. During those dark times though, I found a flicker of light in the form of an art teacher. This teacher pushed me to be the best version of myself, even when I didn’t want to be. Never giving up on me, showcasing my artwork even when I didn’t agree, and believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. The kindness I was given gave me confidence I thought I would never have. By gaining confidence, I learned to communicate better with my peers. My grades came up and friendships began to blossom. Chatty Kathy was at my side as soon as I was ready. We're still besties today and I'm so thankful to have her in my life. All of her craziness is refreshing. We're yin and yang. We fit perfectly together. When I started interacting with others, it became clear that teaching and helping bring out the creativity in others occurred naturally to me. Becoming an art teacher is my Destiny. The feeling of bliss I get seeing someone's face brighten at their completed piece, and knowing I was a tiny part of their delight, is a joy I wish to continue. I want to be an inspiration to our youth. A flicker of light for someone who finds themselves in darkness. Feeling alone is something no one should feel, and I'm grateful for my teacher and bestie who helped me out of my darkest days. With this scholarship, I will be on the path to affording college. If I can be a light for just one person who finds themselves in the dark, well that's a win-win.
      Sandy Jenkins Excellence in Early Childhood Education Scholarship
      Throughout my high school years, my sole aspiration was to pursue a degree in art education at a college level. However, a transformative experience during a school outing with my astronomy class at an elementary school altered the course of my academic journey. The exuberance and inquisitiveness exhibited by the young students resonated deeply with me, instigating a profound realization. The epiphany dawned upon me that my true calling lay in early childhood education, where I could nurture and inspire young minds to cultivate a passion for learning and exploring the world. Engaging in hands-on activities with the children, such as molding moons from clay and crafting rockets from paper, showcased the receptiveness of the youngsters and the gratifying experience of imparting knowledge. Witnessing their sheer excitement and curiosity as I shared our mission to reach the moon left an indelible mark on my heart. One particularly enchanting aspect was the diverse and insightful responses I received when probing about the craters on the moon, revealing the depth of their comprehension and fervor for space exploration. Encouraging them to think outside the box and fostering their creativity was a fulfilling endeavor, as I guided them in designing unique rockets tailored to their individual abilities and interests. Amidst the vibrant energy of the children, a poignant encounter with a distressed young boy amidst the bustle of a crowded courtyard unfolded. His tears and overwhelmed demeanor moved me to seek assistance from his teacher, only to be met with a disheartening dismissal of his emotional distress. The teacher's callous disregard for his emotions and needs left me incensed, as I firmly believe that every child deserves to feel safe, understood, and supported in their learning environment. It was in that defining moment that I resolved to become a beacon of empathy and compassion in the realm of education. Education has always been in my sights for my future career field of study. Art being my passion, it only seemed natural for me to study art education. However, i now truly believe early childhood education has always been my future destination as I start my journey into higher education. With fervor and determination, I am poised to embark on this transformative journey in the domain of early childhood education, armed with the unwavering commitment to nurture and empower the next generation of young minds. Im excited now more than ever to being college in the fall. I cant wait to see my future holds.
      Teaching Like Teri Scholarship
      The summer before freshman year i moved 5 states away from my mother and sister. 787 miles. Starting high school without having my mom by my side was harder than i could’ve ever imagined. Creating art was my only peace. My tranquility. My days were filled with darkness as i floated through the hours. Through those dark times, i found a flicker of light. That light was my art teacher. In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, the role of teacher is more crucial than ever. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of their students. They are not just educators, but also mentors, role models, and friends. The impact a teacher has on their students can last a lifetime, influencing choices and guiding students down paths as they grow and develop. I know this because the sole reason i want become a teacher is from the impact my teacher had on me. Following in his footsteps to become an art teacher. Art education goes beyond teaching students how to draw or paint; it encourages them to think critically, solve problems creatively, and express themselves authentically. As an art teacher, you have the privilege of fostering a safe and supportive environment where students can explore their imaginations, experiment with different mediums, and discover their unique artistic voices. By instilling a love for the arts early on, educators can help students develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, and resilience that will benefit them in all areas of their lives.   Art education plays a vital role in promoting cultural awareness and appreciation. By exposing students to a diverse range of artistic styles and traditions, art teachers can broaden their perspectives and foster empathy and understanding towards others. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, these qualities are more important than ever. Becoming an art teacher is not just about teaching techniques or theories; it is about empowering students to think creatively, communicate effectively, and appreciate the beauty in the world around them. By embracing the role of an art educator, one can make a lasting impact on the lives of young people and contribute to a more vibrant and culturally rich society.   My art teacher showed me kindness, acceptance, and support when i needed it most. Art has always been a passion for as long as i can remember. Being able to use my passion while guiding our youth, being a mentor, maybe being the light in another’s darkness like my teacher was for me, that is my dream and why i want to be an art educator.
      Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
      The most supportive person in my life and the one who supports and encourages my college dreams is my mother. As a single parent, she has made countless sacrifices to ensure that my younger sister and I have had every opportunity to succeed. Despite the challenges of raising two children on her own, my mother's unwavering dedication to our well-being has inspired me to never give up on my dream of going to college. Her ability to do without and prioritize our needs over her own has taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. With her constant encouragement and belief in me, I am motivated to pursue higher education and create a better future for myself and my family. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the sacrifices and determination exhibited by my mother as she consistently put my sister and me first. I’ve seen my mother do her best to hide from us when she would go without food, or even new clothing to ensure that we never had to. Her dedication and selflessness have been a leading source of inspiration for me, especially in pursuing my dream of going to college. Through her actions, she has taught me the importance of hard work. She constantly tells my sister and me to never give up, even when faced with failure. Learn from it, fix the weakness that led to the failure, and find the strength to succeed. Every day, she reminds me that with sacrifice and determination, anything is possible. My mother has been the primary source of emotional support and encouragement in my pursuit of college by constantly reminding me of the importance of obtaining an education and the opportunities it can create. Her sacrifices and determination have guided me in finding the courage to face and overcome any obstacles that come my way. My mother’s emotional support has been crucial in fueling my motivation to succeed and pursue my dreams. I am truly grateful for her unconditional love and steadfast belief in my potential. Without financial support from my mom, I’m faced with yet another obstacle of finding a way to pay the costly price of college. Always by my side, my mother has dedicated her free time to learning to navigate the complicated world of student loans, scholarships, and grants, a world unknown to her, so she could help guide me on a path to success. Her guidance and research have been invaluable in helping me make informed decisions about my education and financial future. I am so grateful to have this incredible woman as my mother. This supportive, loving, selfless, and courageous person, my mom, is my reason to succeed in life. I will not allow obstacles, financial or any other to come my way to derail my success in going to college and getting a degree.
      David Foster Memorial Scholarship
      The moment I could grasp a pencil, I embarked on a journey of artistic expression. Every available surface became my canvas, from walls to doors, and even my toys. However, it was the interior of my parent's car that captivated my imagination the most, much to their dismay. Despite the inconvenience, they embraced and encouraged my early passion for art. This unwavering support allowed my passion to continue to grow. Art class in school not only enhanced my creativity but also equipped me with valuable techniques that elevated my skills to new levels. As the years went by, my love for art continued to flourish, but unfortunately, my self-assurance dwindled. Transitioning to high school was an emotional battle for me on multiple fronts. I had to relocate to a different state, far away from my mother and sister, just before my freshman year. The thought of starting a new school alone, especially in high school, filled me with dread and plunged me into a period of darkness. I witnessed my once stellar grades decline to average, and potential friendships slipped through my fingers. However, amidst those gloomy times, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of an art teacher. In the beginning, I was apprehensive and resistant to their teachings. I was afraid of failure and hesitant to fully embrace my artistic abilities. But my teacher never gave up on me. They saw my potential even when I doubted it and pushed me to overcome my own limitations. Their belief in me became a driving force in my journey towards self-improvement and personal growth. Not only did my teacher challenge me artistically, but they also showed me the value of kindness and empathy. They treated every student with respect and patience, creating an environment where everyone felt valued and encouraged. No matter how small or insignificant our artwork seemed to us, my teacher proudly displayed it, lauding our efforts and accomplishments. Their genuine appreciation for our work fostered a sense of pride and confidence within me. Through their mentorship, I not only honed my artistic skills but also discovered the power of effective communication. As I interacted with my peers, discussing our artistic processes and sharing feedback, I realized how communication could foster deeper connections and enhance our collective learning experience. The friendships that blossomed from these interactions became a source of support and inspiration in my artistic journey. With newfound confidence, my grades began to soar as I poured my heart and soul into each project. Exploring different techniques and pushing my creative boundaries became a thrilling adventure rather than a daunting task. My teacher's belief in me served as the catalyst for my transformation, allowing me to tap into a level of creativity and imagination that I never thought possible. It was during this transformative period that a deep-seated desire to help others and nurture their creativity emerged within me. Witnessing the joy and pride on my friends' faces when they completed their own artistic masterpieces filled me with a sense of fulfillment and purpose. The knowledge that I played a small part in their happiness ignited a fire within me, and I yearned to experience that feeling again and again. Driven by this newfound passion, my ultimate goal is to become an inspiration for the younger generation. I want to be a beacon of hope for those who feel lost in the darkness, just as my art teacher once was for me. As I make my journey into college, I will follow in the footsteps of my incredible teacher, by becoming an art teacher myself.
      Isaac Yunhu Lee Memorial Arts Scholarship
      My favorite art piece is “Toad-ally in Love” because of what drove me to finish it. I became inspired with this idea to paint two frogs being forced to kiss each other because my sisters would play froggy love maker over our summer vacation. Wanting to capture my little sister's imaginative world where she helps these frogs find true love, I began painting this idea immediately. School started soon after and I was so eager to get my art teachers opinion on this new piece. When i came to class I was without the painting but excited to explain how my work was coming to life. With the discussion barely a sentence in, he immediately shut down my ideas. I was told he simply did not believe I would be able to achieve this goal with my art style, explaining to me my art style was too cartoonish and an idea like this wouldn’t work for a major art piece. I showed him a picture of the progress I was making on the painting, and he proceeded to tell me that the art style i was trying to achieve was not me and I should find a new idea. The next day I came with the finished painting and a speech to give him, ready to stand up for my art. However, before I could even voice my thoughts, he reached out a took my painting with a look of surprise washing over his face. Immediately he began apologizing, voicing how he was sorry in not believing i could do it. Staring at him in confusion, knowing I showed him snapshots of my progress yesterday, why was he only now admitting i was capable. Explaining to me how he thought my progress photo was a genuine photo of two frogs, was why he believed I wasn’t capable of this type of work. My art is usually more cartoonist like, and he truly couldn’t imagine that picture it in a cartoon style, but it turns out the two frogs are what i painted. We both laughed about the mix up. The relief I felt from no longer being doubted by the person whose opinion mattered so much to me was truly refreshing. I asked for his word on not doubting another student’s abilities again. Though we did compromise on adding a cartoonish quality to it to pay homage to my main art works. Though it was a misunderstanding, I’m proud of myself for standing up for my artwork even if it was against my favorite teacher.
      Bright Lights Scholarship
      As I enter college, I am driven by a passion to share my love for art with others and motivate them to embrace their creativity. My future plan is to become a high school art teacher, where I can teach and guide young minds to begin their own creative journey. I believe that art education is crucial in understanding not only individual self-expression but also critical thinking skills, empathy, and an appreciation for beauty in all its forms. Through my future career as an art teacher, I hope to instill in my students a lifelong passion for art, encouraging them to express themselves boldly and fearlessly, knowing that creativity knows no bounds. Throughout my own education, I have witnessed the transformative effects that a dedicated and inspiring art teacher can have on students. I believe that by becoming an art teacher, I can play a vital role in guiding and inspiring young minds to discover and nurture their creativity. It is my goal to create a supportive and nurturing environment where students feel confident in their artistic skills and are encouraged to explore their unique artistic visions. Financially, I’m not going to be able to afford to go to college. I will be a first-generation college student coming from a single-parent low-income household. However, with determination and hard work, I’m hopeful to be able to win what I need through scholarships. Winning a scholarship is crucial for my plans to pursue a higher education and become an art teacher by alleviating some of the financial burden of paying for college, allowing me to focus on my studies and extracurricular activities. By receiving this scholarship, I would have the means to invest in art supplies, attend workshops, and participate in community art projects, all of which would enhance my skills and knowledge as an artist and educator. Being able to wake up every day to do something I have such a passion for and inspire others to be the best they can be, is my biggest dream. Going to college is where the first step of my journey to art teaching begins, and the only path to make my dream a reality. Winning this scholarship would set in motion my plans for the future. It would secure my spot financially at college and take me one step closer to my dream of being an art teacher. Thank you for your consideration.
      Good People, Cool Things Scholarship
      Painting, as well as drawing, is my passion in life, serving as an avenue of self-expression, tranquility, and opening a pathway to connect with the world around me. I intend to share my passion by becoming a high school art teacher, where I can guide and mentor young minds to discover their artistic abilities. I believe that art education is crucial in forming not only individual self-expression but also critical thinking skills, empathy, and an appreciation for beauty in all its forms. When I first open my eyes, the blank canvas of life that is a new day, this is when I’m at my most creative. Waking up to sit on my front porch with my sketchbook, and/or paintbrush in my hand, my creativity shines at its brightest. The serenity of nature in the early morning hours, as well as the pure joy I get when I’m creating my masterpiece, is cherished time for me. These cherished moments are limited to a day or two a week with my crammed and chaotic schedule. To be given an extra 24 hours in a day, I would utilize the time to share my process of creating my art. For some time now I’ve been wanting to film the process of painting and drawing from start to finish, then share this online with the world to see. Filming, editing, and uploading videos takes quite a bit of time to complete, however with an extra 24 hours, I could accomplish this and share my passion. In doing so, possibly sparking a new passion, or simply a new hobby, of creativity in others. In my future plans in becoming an art teacher, I hope to instill in my students, a lifelong passion for art, encouraging them to I express themselves boldly and fearlessly, knowing that creativity knows no bounds. I want to provide a nurturing and inspiring environment where students can explore their creative abilities and develop a deeper appreciation for the arts and its many forms. In pursuing my dreams of the future, I will not only fulfill my own artistic aspirations but also help guide our youth toward a future brimming with creativity and limitless possibilities. This is my way of changing the world for the better. Our world is in need of more creative and passionate artists, and I hope to be a guide for some on their path to becoming more creative.
      Adam Montes Pride Scholarship
      Art has always been a passion of mine. Before I could even walk, I had a pencil clutched in my fingers and any surface within reach was to become my work of Art. Walls, doors, toys, though my favorite was the interior of my mother’s car. As irritating as that must have been, she supported my creativity. This early passion for art has led me to my dream of becoming an art teacher, where I can inspire and nurture creativity in our youth. Being a transgender male, I’ve faced my fair share of obstacles and challenges in my short life. Hardships are inevitable and no matter who you are everyone will face obstacles in life. How you overcome these challenges is what matters the most. I’ve been lucky enough to have some much acceptance, love, and support not only from my family but also from my teachers. Starting my freshman year of high school, I found myself in a dark place. Figuring out who I was and being open about it brought feelings of rejection, pain, and fear I never knew existed. Lost and alone during school hours, I let my grades slip and forgot my worth. Through all the darkness shined a light. My high school art teacher. This teacher never gave up on me, even though I’d given up on myself. My courage and confidence were nonexistent and so I never allowed my art to be showcased. Not accepting my cowardice, my teacher submitted a piece of my art to a museum contest. I didn’t win; however, I was published into the museum’s yearly book of art. Ready to face the inevitable rejection, I was astonished to find myself showered with praise and kind words. By not giving up on me, my teacher had me questioning myself. If a total stranger had this much confidence in me, I should have confidence as well, right? Realizing courage was a friend not a foe, I dared to face any obstacle in my path. I would not allow myself to drop into darkness. As time passed, my passion for art continued to blossom. I joined the art club and as a member, I taught people in our community art and its vast forms and techniques. I found that teaching and bringing out creativity in others occurred naturally for me. The feeling of bliss I get seeing someone's face brighten at their completed piece, and knowing I was a tiny part of their delight, is a joy I wish to continue. I want to be an inspiration for our youth. A flicker of light for someone who finds themselves in darkness, just as my art teacher was to me. Transforming this dream into a reality requires a higher education, making college the most important step I take in life. Financially, I can’t afford to go. I’ll be a first-generation college student coming from a single-parent low-income household. This scholarship would take away some of the financial burden I face and solidify my dreams of the future. Being able to wake up every day, doing something I have such a passion for, while helping inspire others to be the best version of themselves, is my biggest dream. Going to college is where the first step in my journey to art teaching begins, and the only path to make my dream a reality. This scholarship could very well be what will pave the way for my success.
      Lewis Hollins Memorial Art Scholarship
      Art has always been a part of my life, serving as a means of self-expression and a way to connect with the world around me. As I enter college, I am driven by a passion to share my love for art with others and inspire them to embrace their creativity. My ultimate goal is to become a high school art teacher, where I can guide and mentor young minds to discover their artistic abilities. I believe that art education is crucial in forming not only individual self-expression but also critical thinking skills, empathy, and an appreciation for beauty in all its forms. Being transgender puts struggles in my life that many others never face. Art has been my savior during these struggles more times than I like to admit. Through my own experiences with art, I have witnessed the power it holds in helping me gain confidence, self-expression, and overall mental well-being. Whether it is through painting or drawing, art has become an outlet for me to communicate and explore who I truly am. It gives me a sense of purpose, courage I never knew I held, and a way to navigate through life's challenges. Painting and drawing, creating art in general, brings me a profound sense of peace that allows me to escape the chaos of life and immerse myself in a world of creativity and self-expression. Art is much more than just a hobby to me, it’s a part of who I am and all I aspire to be. In today's fast-paced and demanding society, we are constantly bombarded with a never-ending stream of responsibilities, deadlines, and stressors that can be overwhelming. However, when I pick up a paintbrush or pencil and let my imagination take flight, all of those worries seem to melt away. Art provides me with an opportunity to step away from the noise and busyness of everyday life and enter into a state of mindfulness and tranquility. Creating art is where my heart is. It’s my light in a world that can be very dark at times. Through my future career as an art teacher, I hope to instill in my students a lifelong passion for art, encouraging them to express themselves boldly and fearlessly, knowing that creativity knows no bounds. I want to provide a nurturing and inspiring environment where students can explore their creative abilities and develop a deeper appreciation for the arts. In pursuing my dreams of the future, I will not only fulfill my own artistic aspirations but also help guide our youth toward a future brimming with creativity and limitless possibilities.
      Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship
      Before I could even stroll on two legs, I had a pencil clutched in my fingers and any surface within reach was to become my work of Art. Walls, doors, toys, though my favorite was the interior of my parent's car. As irritating as that must have been, they supported my creativity. The joy I felt when creating art as a child, the thrill of seeing a black canvas being transformed by my imagination, is a feeling I want to share with others.This early passion for art has led me to my dream of becoming an art teacher, where I can inspire and nurture the creativity in our youth. Art class in school bolstered my creativity and taught me techniques that launched my skills to new heights. Through the years, my passion for art continued to grow, but my confidence had diminished. Starting high school was an emotional struggle for me in more ways than one. I moved states away from my mother and sister the summer before freshman year. Going to a new school is terrifying enough, starting high school being new, and without my mom, led me down a dark path for a while. I watched good grades become average and potential friendships slip away. During those dark times though, I found a flicker of light in the form of an art teacher. This teacher pushed me to be the best version of myself, even when I didn’t want to be. Never giving up on me, showcasing my artwork even when I didn’t agree, and believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. The kindness I was given gave me confidence I thought I would never have. By gaining confidence, I learned to communicate better with my peers. My grades came up and friendships began to blossom. When I started interacting with others, it became clear that teaching and helping bring out creativity in others occurred naturally for me. The feeling of bliss I get seeing someone's face brighten at their completed piece, and knowing I was a tiny part of their delight, is a joy I wish to continue. I want to be an inspiration to our youth. A flicker of light for someone who finds themselves in darkness, just as my art teacher was for me. Being able to wake up every day to do something I am passionate about and inspire others to be the best they can be, that is my biggest dream. Becoming an art teacher will make my dream a reality.
      Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
      The first time I saw Kiki, a young witch from my favorite anime film 'Kiki’s Delivery Service', struggling to find her place in the world, I felt an immediate connection. Her journey, filled with humor and inspiration, mirrored my own struggles and triumphs. It’s a beautiful Studio Ghibli movie about a young new witch trying to find her place in the world. The story alone speaks many volumes because everyone at some point struggles with their purpose. Her journey out in the real world is funny and inspiring as she makes her way through town with her pet cat Jiji. After meeting a kind woman in the forest, Kiki finds her place right where she is delivering goods and enjoying the city. Despite its simplicity and charm, the movie delivers a profoundly inspiring message. That message being that things do not always go as planned, and that is okay. Kiki was supposed to be a stereotypical witch with certain ways things should be done but ended up finding a whole new world and meaning to her life. Each viewing of this movie reaffirms my belief in my unique place in the world, regardless of the challenges I face. I could forever watch this movie on repeat because of its impactful message.
      1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
      If my year had a soundtrack, the song that would perfectly capture my experiences and emotions would absolutely be "Shake It Off" from Taylor Swift's 1989 (Taylor’s edition) album. This infectious and upbeat track resonates with me because it embodies the idea of not letting negativity and criticism bring me down, and instead embracing my true self. I have control over how I react to hard situations and come out on top in life. Throughout the year, there have been countless moments where everything and anything seemed to go wrong. Moments when I have encountered challenges and setbacks. Whether it was facing academic pressures, dealing with personal hardships, or navigating through uncertain times, the song "Shake It Off" should be my anthem. It reminds me to brush off the negativity and keep moving forward. Nothing will get me down unless I allow it to do so. In the face of criticism and judgment, the lyrics of” Shake it off” encourages me to ignore the opinions of others and stay true to myself. The catchy chorus, "Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play / And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate / Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake / I shake it off, I shake it off," would be my mantra during tough times. This song is not only a reminder to not let others define who I am, but also to embrace my individuality and uniqueness. Taylor Swift's unwavering confidence and unapologetic attitude throughout the song inspires me to be proud of who I am, including my strengths and weaknesses. It teaches me to be resilient and reminds me that I can rise above any challenges and come out stronger on the other side. Moreover, "Shake It Off" is an incredibly fun and feel-good track. The upbeat tempo and catchy melody never fail to uplift my spirits and bring a smile to my face. It serves as a reminder to not take life too seriously and to find joy in the little things, even during the toughest of times. In conclusion, if my year had a soundtrack, "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift would undoubtedly be the song that perfectly captures the essence of my experiences and emotions. Its empowering and carefree lyrics remind me to overcome obstacles, embrace my true self, and find joy in every moment. With this song playing in the background, I am motivated to shake off negativity and live my life to the fullest.
      Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
      As an artist I am heavily driven by the world going on around me. I love how everything in the world is connected in some way or another, so that is mostly what I like to paint. My paintings speak in a way I cannot physically put words to, and I find that beautiful. In apart, my theme explains how other living creatures exhibit human like activities. For example, penguins gift pebbles to their mates much like how humans gift rings to those we love. Though we think the cost and value is drastically different, it's the physical form of love being given that matters. I think we as humans commonly overcomplicate things like this, so it's therapeutic to see animals and their simplified ways of living. To say it in simpler terms, the relationships in the world surrounding inspire me.
      Abu Omar Halal Scholarship
      Being creative is who I am. Art is my passion. Teaching and drawing creativity out in our youth is very important to me. My dream is to be an art teacher and leaving a positive impact our future generations. I want to give kids a way to express themselves in a safe and respectful environment. Talk and inform them of where different types of art originated from and help them to express who they are through art of their own. I want to help create a positive world of creative people. 
Before I could even stroll on two legs, I had a pencil clutched in my fingers and any surface within reach was to become my work of Art. Walls, doors, toys, though my favorite was the interior of my parent's car. As irritating as that must have been, they continuously supported my creativity. We struggle with places to live, and so many nights I sat in my room listening to the arguments my parents had over financial matters. No matter how bad times got, my parents still encouraged me to draw and paint. Always bringing home art supplies from yard sales and thrift stores, somehow finding packaging to make them seem brand new. 
When I got into grade school art class bolstered my creativity and taught me techniques that launched my skills to new heights. Through the years, my passion for art continued to grow, and in high school, my art teacher made such a tremendous impact on my life, I decided to follow in his footsteps and get a degree in art education. Experiencing first hand how much a person can leave such an impact, one that shapes your entire goals for the future, has inspired me to do the same. Being able to wake up every day, to do something I have such a passion for, that is my biggest dream. Becoming an art teacher will make my dream a reality. Art has been a part of mankind’s history for as long as mankind has walked the Earth. Art that has stood the test of time, taught us about our past, made predictions of our future, paved the way for future success. Art has brought joy, wonder, pain, and even closure to every single person at one time or another in their lives. I hope to leave a legacy through art like so many before. I plan to change the world one classroom at a time.