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Luis Mogollan


Bold Points




As an undergraduate student at Central Washington University, I find myself on an extraordinary journey, I am projected to graduate in 2027, majoring in construction management. Hailing from a low-income, first-generation family, my journey is colored by resilience, determination, and a desire to break through socioeconomic barriers. The choice to pursue construction management is not merely an academic decision but a testament to a lifelong passion that took root when I was just 14 years old. Working alongside my father in the general contractor industry, I became immersed in the dynamic world of construction, gaining hands-on experience that ignited my enthusiasm for the field. My decision to pursue construction management is not only a reflection of my passion but also a commitment to building a better future for myself and my family. The construction industry, with its intricate blend of technical skills, project management, and teamwork, aligns seamlessly with my strengths and interests. This realization, nurtured over years of practical exposure, has fueled my determination to translate passion into a meaningful career. Being a first-generation college student, I am aware of the responsibility and opportunity that comes with pursuing higher education. My journey is a tribute to the sacrifices made by my family and a testament to the transformative power of education. It serves as a beacon of hope for future generations, illustrating that perseverance can overcome socio-economic challenges and carve a path toward professional success.


Central Washington University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Construction Management
  • Minors:
    • Business/Commerce, General
  • GPA:

Auburn Riverside High School

High School
2021 - 2023
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Construction Management
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I want to start my own construction company

    • Laborer

      L & L Flooring
      2019 – 20212 years
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    Growing up in a low-income, first-generation household, I found my path interwoven with the dynamic world of construction. From the age of 14, I stepped into the construction industry, working alongside my father in a general contractor company. This early exposure ignited a passion that has become the driving force behind my pursuit of a degree in construction management at Central Washington University. As a construction management major, my journey unfolds against the backdrop of diverse experiences, shaped by the challenges of my background and the resilience instilled by my family. The decision to pursue construction management was not merely a career choice but a culmination of years spent immersed in the industry, witnessing the intricacy of planning, execution, and problem-solving that defines construction projects. My dreams are anchored in establishing a successful career in construction management. I envision myself contributing to transformative projects that shape communities and infrastructure, leaving a lasting impact on the built environment. Beyond the immediate future, my aspirations extend to becoming a leader in the construction industry, advocating for inclusivity, diversity, and sustainable practices. The passion fueling my dreams is deeply rooted in the challenges I have faced and overcome. Hailing from a low-income, first-generation background, pursuing higher education has been a journey marked by resilience, determination, and a commitment to breaking socio-economic barriers. Construction management represents more than a career choice; it symbolizes an opportunity to transcend limitations, leveraging my experiences to contribute meaningfully to an industry I am deeply passionate about. Being a first-generation student, I am acutely aware of the transformative power of education. My dreams extend beyond personal success; they encompass a broader mission of breaking down barriers for future generations. I aspire to be a role model, demonstrating that with perseverance, individuals from similar backgrounds can thrive in academia and make meaningful contributions to their chosen fields. My passion for construction management is fueled not only by personal experience but also by the desire to challenge stereotypes and diversify the industry. Construction needs a more inclusive representation. As a person of color in construction management, I am committed to being a trailblazer, demonstrating that diversity is an asset, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the industry. The dreams I hold for myself are inseparable from the dreams I have for those who come after me. I am passionate about fulfilling these dreams not only for personal success but to pave the way for others facing similar challenges. The construction industry, with its dynamic challenges and opportunities for innovation, is the canvas on which I aim to paint a narrative of resilience, diversity, and success. In conclusion, my journey in construction management is a testament to the transformative power of passion, resilience, and commitment to breaking barriers. The dreams I harbor for myself are intertwined with a broader vision of diversifying and enriching the construction industry. As I navigate through my academic pursuits, I am driven by the belief that my journey will serve as an inspiration for others, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic future in construction management.
    Innovators of Color in STEM Scholarship
    Embarking on the academic path toward a degree in STEM was a deliberate choice rooted in my passion for innovation, problem-solving, and a deep-seated commitment to breaking barriers for underrepresented communities. As a person of color, I recognize the transformative power of diversity in STEM and the potential for positive change in both the field and society at large. The decision to pursue a degree in STEM emerged from a lifelong fascination with the wonders of science and technology. From an early age, I found myself captivated by the intricate workings of the natural world and the boundless possibilities presented by advancements in technology. This fascination naturally evolved into a desire to delve deeper, understand the underlying principles, and ultimately contribute to the evolving landscape of STEM. However, the journey into STEM as a person of color has not been without its challenges. Historically, representation in STEM has been limited for individuals from diverse backgrounds. This lack of diversity not only perpetuates stereotypes but also hinders the full spectrum of talent and creativity that a diverse workforce can bring to the field. Choosing STEM as a person of color is, therefore, a conscious effort to challenge these preconceptions, shatter stereotypes, and pave the way for future generations. As I navigate through my STEM studies, I hope to have a multifaceted impact on the field. Firstly, I aspire to excel academically, proving that individuals from underrepresented backgrounds can not only succeed but thrive in STEM disciplines. By achieving excellence in my studies, I aim to challenge preconceived notions about who belongs in STEM and showcase the capabilities of individuals irrespective of their racial or ethnic background. Furthermore, I am committed to actively contributing to initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion in STEM. Whether through mentorship programs, outreach efforts, or community engagement, I aim to be a catalyst for change. Representation matters, and by serving as a visible role model, I hope to inspire and encourage other individuals of color to pursue their passions in STEM, fostering a pipeline of diverse talent. In the professional realm, my goal is to contribute meaningfully to research and innovation that addresses real-world challenges, particularly those that disproportionately affect marginalized communities. By leveraging my unique perspective as a person of color, I aim to bring fresh insights and solutions to the table, contributing to the advancement of STEM fields while addressing issues of equity and inclusion. In conclusion, my decision to pursue a degree in STEM is rooted in a passion for knowledge, innovation, and a commitment to breaking down barriers for underrepresented individuals. As I navigate this academic journey, I hope to leave an indelible mark on the STEM field as a person of color, challenging stereotypes, inspiring future generations, and actively contributing to a more inclusive and diverse scientific community. Through academic excellence, community engagement, and a dedication to addressing societal challenges, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive change in the ever-evolving landscape of STEM.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    In the expansive realm of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), calculus stands as an essential linchpin, offering a profound framework for understanding dynamic systems and solving intricate problems. As a construction management major at Central Washington University, I find myself at the intersection of these mathematical principles and practical applications, where calculus plays a pivotal role in shaping the built environment and fostering efficient project management. Calculus, derived from the Latin word "calculus," meaning 'small stone' or 'pebble,' resonates deeply with the incremental steps taken to analyze change and motion. For a construction management major like myself, immersed in the dynamic world of project planning, calculus serves as an indispensable tool for precise estimation and optimization. In the realm of construction project scheduling, calculus facilitates an understanding of rates of change. It allows construction managers to forecast project timelines, allocate resources efficiently, and identify potential bottlenecks. As I navigate the intricacies of construction management, the application of calculus becomes evident in the meticulous planning required to ensure that every aspect of a project aligns seamlessly—from material costs to labor requirements. Structural engineering, a field intrinsic to construction management, further exemplifies the calculus connection. Differential equations and integral calculus become paramount when analyzing loads, stresses, and deformations within a structure. As a construction management major, the ability to comprehend and apply these mathematical concepts is crucial in ensuring the safety, integrity, and cost-effectiveness of a construction project. Moreover, calculus fosters a mindset of analytical thinking and problem-solving, which are indispensable skills in construction management. As a construction management major, I am equipped not only with practical knowledge but also with a broader perspective that enables me to navigate the multifaceted challenges inherent in the industry. The real-world implications of calculus in construction management are vast and extend beyond the academic setting. Efficient project management relies on the ability to analyze and optimize processes continually. Calculus provides the language to express these dynamic changes mathematically, allowing construction managers to make informed decisions that impact the timeline, budget, and overall success of a project. In conclusion, the importance of calculus in the STEM field resonates profoundly in my journey as a construction management major. By embracing the calculus connection, I navigate the intricate landscape of project management, structural analysis, and problem-solving with a heightened understanding of the dynamic systems that underpin the built environment. As I progress in my academic and professional pursuits, calculus remains an invaluable companion, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of construction management.
    SigaLa Education Scholarship
    Embarking on the journey of higher education at Central Washington University, I chose to major in construction management. Stemming from a background marked by both low-income constraints and the distinction of being a first-generation student, my journey in construction management is more than a career choice; it is a pathway toward breaking socio-economic barriers. From the age of 14, I stepped into the construction world, working alongside my father in the general contractor industry. The intricate dance of planning, execution, and problem-solving captivated me, igniting a passion that has since guided my educational pursuits. The decision to study construction management is not only a reflection of my love for the field but also a commitment to overcoming economic challenges through skill acquisition and professional growth. My long-term goal is to establish a successful career in the construction industry, contributing to transformative projects that shape communities and infrastructure. In the short term, I aim to secure internships and gain hands-on experience to complement my academic knowledge, fostering a seamless transition into the workforce upon graduation. Being an underrepresented minority in the field of construction management brings a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The lack of diversity can present hurdles in terms of access to resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship. However, I view this underrepresentation as an opportunity to bring fresh perspectives and contribute to the diversification of the industry. My goal is not only personal success but also to pave the way for others who may face similar challenges, proving that diversity is an asset in the construction sector. The significance of financial support through scholarships cannot be overstated in my journey. As a first-generation student from a low-income background, managing the costs of education can be daunting. This scholarship would alleviate financial burdens, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and extracurricular activities. It would provide the necessary resources for attending conferences, workshops, and networking events—crucial components for a successful career in construction management. Moreover, the scholarship would ease the strain on my family, affirming that higher education is attainable, regardless of economic constraints. In conclusion, my journey in construction management is a testament to resilience, passion, and the pursuit of transformative opportunities. As a first-generation, underrepresented minority student, my goals extend beyond personal success; they encompass the broader mission of diversifying and enriching the construction industry. This scholarship would be a catalyst, propelling me toward my long-term goals while simultaneously contributing to the larger narrative of inclusivity and representation in the field.
    Ratan Lal Mundada Memorial Scholarship
    The university is not easy. We all know this right? although willingly knowing how difficult achieving a higher education is we all still risk the money and time trying to pursue a better future. After attending university I realized how difficult it was, having to survive my first quarters financially due to not having enough scholarships and trying to avoid going too much into debt I realized I needed to do something different for my second year. In my first year, I struggled a lot due to high school not applying for scholarships, before school started I had to find last-minute scholarships and grants. Luckily I was able to find enough aid to almost cover my entire first year, i did have to get a student loan to cover the full year but I was okay with the amount needed. Living through my first two quarters was rough, I did not have any money saved over for college due to the fact I needed to purchase a car for school since I wanted to drive to and from home. Due to not having a lot of finances I had to get creative on what I would due to buy necessary things, things such as hygiene products, textbooks, notebooks, pencils, clothes for the climate to where I would move to, etc. Unfortunately, my parents weren't in a position to help me financially as well so I was on my own. to be able to afford all these things I turned to DoorDash, I dashed whenever I had free time and was able to get through my first two quarters. Unfortunately having to do doordash whenever I had free time and having to do classes and homework as well took a toll on my grades. Coming into school I had a goal of trying to achieve a 4.0 GPA unfortunately I ended my first quarter with a 3.433 GPA, but having to work and balance school made it hard to achieve the grades I wanted. The dream I have pursuing in Construction Management is to be able to work in the industry for which I have a strong passion. I wish to work at a company and eventually start my own company and build it from the ground up. being able to achieve my dream will be able to affect my community positively by creating jobs, improving the infrastructure in Washington State, and improving the economy.