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Lorenz Anderson


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I am a resilient and determined independent student self-sufficient individual who has overcome numerous challenges. Losing both my parents forced me to become accountable for my future. Growing up in a challenging environment, I have developed a deep appreciation for humanity. I am a hardworking and practical individual who is pursuing academic excellence. My passion for creating positive change in the world has led me to pursue a degree in construction management with the hope of starting a business that provides fair rates and job opportunities to my community. Despite facing adversity, I remain committed to achieving my goals and making a meaningful impact on the world.


Santa Fe College

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection
    • Construction Trades, Other
    • Construction Management
  • Minors:
    • Construction Trades, Other
    • Construction Management

Santa Fe College

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Construction Trades, Other
    • Construction Management

Santa Fe College

Trade School
2022 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)
  • Minors:
    • Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)

Santa Fe College

Associate's degree program
2020 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)

Santa Fe College

Trade School
2020 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services
    • Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)


  • Desired degree level:

    Trade School

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Construction Management
    • Health and Medical Administrative Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Helper

      Habitat for Humanity
      2021 – 20221 year



    2018 – 20213 years


    • 3


    2015 – 20216 years


    • Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services

      Alachua Conservation Trust — Intern
      2021 – 2022


    • Capoeira Dance

      2016 – 2018

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Sweet Water — Helper
      2017 – 2020

    Future Interests


    Jim Maxwell Memorial Scholarship
    Human beings are innately God's resilient creatures, and this resilience has been the cornerstone of my existence. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. The cruel fate of cancer snatched my parents from me, leaving a void that no child should have to endure. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemical treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation. Still, in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence left leaving only behind memories etched in pain and perseverance. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later, unlike most peers who can rely on their parents for support. I am my only support system emotionally, physically, and financially. In the depths of despair, my faith was the lighthouse guiding me through the storm. It was my faith that whispered words of hope when I watched my mother bravely battle her illness, and it was faith that held me together when my father departed. My faith has been an unwavering companion, a source of strength when I had none left. The trials of my youth extended beyond personal loss. I endured life's harshness in public housing, where daily survival was tough. Gun violence, drug abuse, and mental health crises were common, creating a bleak future outlook. Yet, I saw hope and resilience in mothers working tirelessly for their children and communities, uniting in strength. These were the moments that showcased the indomitable human spirit. These experiences shaped my goals and aspirations. I am currently studying Construction Management at Santa Fe College to receive a degree; I am driven to revitalize communities. My aim is not only to construct cost-effective homes for individuals in my community; it's about foundational change. I plan to empower people with transformative skills by establishing a trade apprenticeship school, sparking hope and economic progress in overlooked areas. My journey has been one of overcoming obstacles with faith as my shield. I have learned that resilience is not just about surviving; it is about thriving despite the odds. My faith has been a pivotal force in this journey, teaching me that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. It has shown me that true success lies in using our struggles to light the way for others. Faith remains my compass, helping me view adversity as a catalyst for achievement. My apprenticeship school will embody faith principles, hope, perseverance, and service to inspire widespread positive impact. I cling to the story of Job, a story of faith, suffering, and God's divine plan. For as long as he had faith in a mustard seed, although, as humans, our understanding has limitations, faith and trust in God are important even amid trials and tribulations. This scholarship is not just a financial aid for me; it affirms my journey. It is a recognition of the battles fought, and the victories won, with faith as my constant ally. Your support will enable me to transform my vision into reality, turning survival nightmares into stories of thriving.
    Healing Self and Community Scholarship
    Mental health care accessibility in my experience is of personal adversities and communal hardships. Growing up in a low-income housing area, I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of mental health issues exacerbated by a lack of resources. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. In the end, the cancer overpowered. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later. Mental hardships wrapped around a little boy left alone to learn to become a man in a world of wolves. I have been diagnosed with Manic Depression and Bipolar II. I have days that are good and others that are dark, numbing, isolated away from the world, cloaked in blackout curtains, and not wanting to eat, speak, or move. My unique contribution lies in leveraging community-focused entrepreneurial endeavors to make mental health care affordable and accessible. By enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program, I aim to establish a local business dedicated to funding community mental health initiatives. A mentorship program where individuals can learn trade skills, fostering economic growth and stability. A stable financial situation alleviates mental health stressors, making mental well-being less burdensome. A local network of mental health allies, we can ensure that individuals facing mental health challenges have accessible and affordable support.
    Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. Mental hardships wrapped around a little boy left alone to learn to become a man in a world of wolves. I have been diagnosed with Manic Depression and Bipolar II. I have days that are good and others that are dark numbing isolated away from the world cloaked in blackout curtains not wanting to eat speak or move. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day a survival test community shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets from violence. Some overdosed, hunched over against brick buildings. Yet, not owning a street or brick; passing no generational wealth only trauma vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of mental bondage and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living and afford counseling services. This goal is for my childhood friend who lost his ability to dream of a brighter future and was left in darkness turning to the barrel of a gun. The depressed single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Antonie Bernard Thomas Memorial Scholarship
    Every stride of life requires the essence of strong leadership, communication skills, resilience, unselfishness, focus, determination, and an indomitable work ethic play pivotal roles. My life is a testament to these attributes, honed through the crucible of adversities. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later. I am my support system emotionally, physically, and financially 24/7.       Many take housing for granted, the ability to come home to cook a warm meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe College to be able to start a construction business. However, my long-term goal is to create a trade apprenticeship school. Skills and trades are essential for our success in today's society, but many need access to the education and training we need to thrive. Previous generations were allowed to attend high schools that offered apprenticeship courses in various trades, such as Woodshop, electrical, plumbing, and auto mechanics. These skills provided them with employment or entrepreneurship opportunities that allowed them to support their families and communities. I believe that it is essential to have transferable job skills to succeed. We must create opportunities for education and training in skilled trades that can lead to employment and entrepreneurship. I am determined to establish a trade apprenticeship school, providing access to the skills and knowledge to empower communities and create substantial economic change. Leadership, to me, is not merely about guiding others but about enduring hardships, learning, and growing from them to pave a path for others. Every day, I strive to embody these traits in my routine. Strong leadership and communication skills are demonstrated in my intent to bridge the gap between education and skilled trades. My ambition to establish a trade apprenticeship school to uplift communities demands that I work daily to achieve this goal.      I am a product of public housing; the harsh realities of living in low-income developments every day were survival of the fittest. I survived shootouts, domestic violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community, bearing witness to drugs that destroyed families, forcing children to turn to gun violence, and leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Passing no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. However, I witness fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children. A strong work ethic is reflected in my relentless efforts to turn adversities into opportunities. The challenges faced during my upbringing in public housing were not merely hurdles but lessons that honed my work ethic. I aim to create real economic change in communities, transforming the narrative from survival to thriving.
    Michael Valdivia Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. Mental hardships wrapped around a little boy left alone to learn to become a man in a world of wolves. I have been diagnosed with Manic Depression and Bipolar II. I have days that are good and others that are dark numbing isolated away from the world cloaked in blackout curtains not wanting to eat speak or move. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day a survival test community shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets from violence. Some overdosed, hunched over against brick buildings. Yet, not owning a street or brick; passing no generational wealth only trauma vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of mental bondage and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living and afford counseling services. This goal is for my childhood friend who lost his ability to dream of a brighter future and was left in darkness turning to the barrel of a gun. The depressed single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Trades Make the World Go 'Round
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. I have many financial hardships, including just being able to cover my housing expenses. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
    I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father suffered the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer, unlike most of my peers who can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have had many financial hardships, but despite these obstacles, I have always been passionate about education and its power to change lives. My teachers became my role models and inspired me to pursue my dreams. They showed me that education could open up opportunities and lead to a better life, no matter where you come from.       Growing up in low-income housing, I witnessed the beauty of humanity and the worst attributes of society. Every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, surrounded by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued and diminished community of low economic standings. This experience has only fueled my passion for education even more. I have seen the power of education in lifting people out of poverty and creating economic change in communities like mine.      The covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life, for many of the virus's effects have dramatically impacted society. HVAC is an essential profession in society. Air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of the war against the future invisible viruses that come. Being able to control temperatures allows the elimination of the spread of germs, thanks to HVAC workers. Studying HVAC at Santa Fe is a step towards achieving my goals. I plan to start my own business and start a trade school. If successful, I want to give back to my Community and provide jobs for those who have lost their ability to dream. I want to help struggling single mothers provide a safe environment for their children to thrive academically, just as my teachers did for me. Skills and trades are essential for our success in today's society, but many of us lack access to the education and training we need to thrive. Previous generations were lucky enough to attend high schools that provided apprenticeship courses in various trades, such as electrical, plumbing, and auto mechanics. These skills provided them with employment or entrepreneurship opportunities that allowed them to support their families and communities. I believe that we need to focus on providing our brothers with the essential transferable job skills they need to succeed. We must create opportunities for education and training in skilled trades that can lead to employment and entrepreneurship. That's why I'm determined to establish my trade training school, providing access to the skills and knowledge to empower our Community and create substantial economic change.       I plan to leave a lasting impact on the students I teach by sharing my personal experiences and showing them that anything is possible. I want to inspire them to pursue their dreams and not let their circumstances define them. As a black man, I know the importance of representation in the classroom and want to be a positive role model for my students.
    Johnnie M. Parris Public Service Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. I have many financial hardships, including just being able to cover my housing expenses. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Jillian Ellis Pathway Scholarship
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was only ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later, unlike most peers who can rely on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially.       Many take housing for granted, the ability to come home to cook a warm meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe College to be able to start a construction business; However, my long-term goal is to create a trade apprenticeship school.             Skills and trades are essential for our success in today's society, but many lack access to the education and training we need to thrive. Previous generations were lucky enough to attend high schools that provided apprenticeship courses in various trades, such as Woodshop, electrical, plumbing, and auto mechanics. These skills provided them with employment or entrepreneurship opportunities that allowed them to support their families and communities. I believe that it is essential to have transferable job skills to succeed. We must create opportunities for education and training in skilled trades that can lead to employment and entrepreneurship. I'm determined to establish a trade apprenticeship school, providing access to the skills and knowledge to empower communities and create substantial economic change.      I am a product of public housing; the harsh realities of living in low-income developments every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, domestic violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community, bearing witness to drugs that destroyed families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. Others overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only section 8 vouchers of misery.       However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. My community's survival boot camp environment molded the individual I am today. My adversities and real-life experiences in low-income public housing allow me to witness society's worst attributes and, yet, the true beauty of the resilience of humanity.       For me, it's not merely about offering individuals the opportunity of homeownership at an affordable rate but also providing employment opportunities for individuals like myself, who are often left with few options. I would like to be able to help those who might have lost their way on the path to their dreams. I aim to create real economic change in communities, transforming the narrative from survival to thriving.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. I have many financial hardships, including just being able to cover my housing expenses. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Russell Koci Skilled Trade Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. I have many financial hardships, including just being able to cover my housing expenses. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Ben Bonner Memorial Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness and housing shortages. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away, a victim of the insidious disease. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the chemo and radiation treatments. I did what I could, lending a hand as she braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was but a memory. My father passed the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer two years later. Due to the lack of parental support, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. I have many financial hardships, including just being able to cover my housing expenses. Resilience has pushed me, leaving me to provide for myself. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Providing jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later, unlike most peers who can rely on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. Many take housing for granted the ability to come home to a warm cook meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe College to be able to start a construction business; However, my long-term goal is to create a trade apprenticeship school. I am a product of public housing; the harsh realities of living in low-income developments every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, domestic violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community, bearing witness to drugs that destroyed families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only section 8 vouchers of misery. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. When I lost my mother this community of mothers came together to feed and provide love for me a motherless child. My community was the village that raised me each one passing down jewels of knowledge to me. My community's survival boot camp environment molded the individual I am today. These women were there for me every first day of class standing in for the parents I lost. I am forever in their debt I do not even think they know the value they gave me as a human being. My teachers became my role models and inspired me to pursue my dreams. They showed me that education could open up opportunities and lead to a better life, no matter where you come from. They all inspired me to seek refuge in my educational academics to reach my goals. It was many hands that supported me, picked me up from the ground, wiped my tears, and pushed me forward. For me, it's not merely about offering individuals the opportunity of homeownership at an affordable rate but also providing employment opportunities for individuals like myself, who are often left with few options. I would like to be able to help those who might have lost their way on the path to their dreams. I aim to create real economic change in communities, transforming the narrative from survival to thriving.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later, unlike most peers who can rely on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. Many take housing for granted the ability to come home to a warm cook meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe College to be able to start a construction business; However, my long-term goal is to create a trade apprenticeship school. I am a product of public housing; the harsh realities of living in low-income developments every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, domestic violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community, bearing witness to drugs that destroyed families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only section 8 vouchers of misery. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. When I lost my mother this community of mothers came together to feed and provide love for me a motherless child. My community was the village that raised me each one passing down jewels of knowledge to me. My community's survival boot camp environment molded the individual I am today. These women were there for me every first day of class standing in for the parents I lost. I am forever in their debt I do not even think they know the value they gave me as a human being. My teachers became my role models and inspired me to pursue my dreams. They showed me that education could open up opportunities and lead to a better life, no matter where you come from. They all inspired me to seek refuge in my educational academics to reach my goals. It was many hands that supported me, picked me up from the ground, wiped my tears, and pushed me forward. For me, it's not merely about offering individuals the opportunity of homeownership at an affordable rate but also providing employment opportunities for individuals like myself, who are often left with few options. I would like to be able to help those who might have lost their way on the path to their dreams. I aim to create real economic change in communities, transforming the narrative from survival to thriving.
    Slater Miller Memorial Fund
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer.       Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later, unlike most peers who can rely on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially.       Many take housing for granted the ability to come home to a warm cook meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe College to be able to start a construction business; However, my long-term goal is to create a trade apprenticeship school.             Skills and trades are essential for our success in today's society, but many lack access to the education and training we need to thrive. Previous generations were lucky enough to attend high schools that provided apprenticeship courses in various trades, such as Woodshop, electrical, plumbing, and auto mechanics. These skills provided them with employment or entrepreneurship opportunities that allowed them to support their families and communities. I believe that it is essential to have transferable job skills to succeed. We must create opportunities for education and training in skilled trades that can lead to employment and entrepreneurship. I'm determined to establish a trade apprenticeship school, providing access to the skills and knowledge to empower communities and create substantial economic change.      I am a product of public housing; the harsh realities of living in low-income developments every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, domestic violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community, bearing witness to drugs that destroyed families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only section 8 vouchers of misery.       However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. My community's survival boot camp environment molded the individual I am today. My adversities and real-life experiences in low-income public housing allow me to witness society's worst attributes and, yet, the true beauty of the resilience of humanity.       For me, it's not merely about offering individuals the opportunity of homeownership at an affordable rate but also providing employment opportunities for individuals like myself, who are often left with few options. I would like to be able to help those who might have lost their way on the path to their dreams. I aim to create real economic change in communities, transforming the narrative from survival to thriving.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father passed from prostate cancer two years later, unlike most peers who can rely on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. Many take housing for granted the ability to come home to a warm cook meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe College to be able to start a construction business; However, my long-term goal is to create a trade apprenticeship school. Skills and trades are essential for our success in today's society, but many lack access to the education and training we need to thrive. Previous generations were lucky enough to attend high schools that provided apprenticeship courses in various trades, such as Woodshop, electrical, plumbing, and auto mechanics. These skills provided them with employment or entrepreneurship opportunities that allowed them to support their families and communities. I believe that it is essential to have transferable job skills to succeed. We must create opportunities for education and training in skilled trades that can lead to employment and entrepreneurship. I'm determined to establish a trade apprenticeship school, providing access to the skills and knowledge to empower communities and create substantial economic change. I am a product of public housing; the harsh realities of living in low-income developments every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, domestic violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community, bearing witness to drugs that destroyed families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only section 8 vouchers of misery. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. My community's survival boot camp environment molded the individual I am today. My adversities and real-life experiences in low-income public housing allow me to witness society's worst attributes and, yet, the true beauty of the resilience of humanity. For me, it's not merely about offering individuals the opportunity of homeownership at an affordable rate but also providing employment opportunities for individuals like myself, who are often left with few options. I would like to be able to help those who might have lost their way on the path to their dreams. I aim to create real economic change in communities, transforming the narrative from survival to thriving.
    Mike Wazocha Memorial Scholarship
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, overcoming obstacles and evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father suffered the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer, unlike most of my peers who can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have had many financial hardships, but despite these obstacles, I have always been passionate about education and its power to change lives. This scholarship could alleviate my burdens and enable me to concentrate fully on my academic pursuits. Being a product of low-income housing the environment was like a survival boot camp allowing me to witness society's harshest attributes and, yet, the resilience of humanity. Every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Many take housing for granted few have been homeless. The ability to come home to a warmed cook meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. We Floridians understand the destruction of mother nature and how your home holding treasured moments can be swept away just from a storm. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Acquiring construction management skills at Santa Fe College will enable me to start a business, provide jobs, and disrupt the cycle of gang and drug activities, fostering hope and safety for community members striving for a brighter future.
    Uniball's Skilled Trades Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness, housing shortages, and a dearth of skilled workers. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. The pandemic reshaped society transcending demographics and transforming life views. The tragic passing of both my parents due to cancer has profoundly influenced my perspective on life and fueled my determination to improve my community. Losing both parents at a young age forced me to navigate the world independently. I witnessed my mother's battle with breast cancer, from the grueling radiation treatments to the severe deterioration of her health. My father faced a similar fate with prostate cancer. The loss of my parents only intensified my need to be resilient and self-reliant. As I lacked the support of my parents, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride; it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Joshua’s Home Remodeling Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness, housing shortages, and a dearth of skilled workers. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. The pandemic reshaped society transcending demographics transformating life views. The tragic passing of both my parents due to cancer has profoundly influenced my perspective on life and fueled my determination to improve my community. Losing both parents at a young age forced me to navigate the world independently. I witnessed my mother's battle with breast cancer, from the grueling radiation treatments to the severe deterioration of her health. My father faced a similar fate with prostate cancer. The loss of my parents only intensified my need to be resilient and self-reliant. As I lacked the support of my parents, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride; it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    David Hinsdale Memorial Scholarship
    My generation must pragmatically reconsider career paths without job prospects. Amidst a global recession, we must adapt like our predecessors, resiliently forging ahead. America grapples with homelessness, housing shortages, and a dearth of skilled workers. Skill and trade are essential it's time to pull our boots strings up and get busy. Human beings are innately resilient creatures. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. The pandemic reshaped society transcending demographics transformating life views. The tragic passing of both my parents due to cancer has profoundly influenced my perspective on life and fueled my determination to improve my community. Losing both parents at a young age forced me to navigate the world independently. I witnessed my mother's battle with breast cancer, from the grueling radiation treatments to the severe deterioration of her health. My father faced a similar fate with prostate cancer. The loss of my parents only intensified my need to be resilient and self-reliant. As I lacked the support of my parents, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. Growing up in low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride; it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing. I was left to witness domestic violence beating down the idealogy of the family unit. Drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets by a bullet from a gun. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Access to skills and trades is crucial for the success of the next generation of Americans. Yet, many in our community lack such opportunities, unlike previous generations who benefited from trade apprenticeships in various skill areas in high schools, such as woodshop, auto mechanic, plumbing, electrical, and even home economics leading to viable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. My dream is to revive this focus on practical skills training which has been stripped from many high Schools across America, providing access to skilled trades that can lead to meaningful employment and economic growth in communities like mine. Enrolling in Santa Fe College's construction management program is crucial to starting my own business and providing valuable services to our community. By succeeding, I hope to break the cycle of drug-related activities and offer employment opportunities. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell the drug to one another. This goal will be for my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future and are only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother who wants to provide a safe environment for her children academically thrives without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily lives.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    Human beings are innately resilient creatures. We fight from conception, racing against millions of competing sperm to create life. I have faced numerous battles throughout my life, evolving as new challenges arise. Resilience empowers me to fight; adaptability allows me to adjust to ever-changing circumstances; furthermore, accountability anchors my drive to take responsibility for my choices. Life enveloped my childhood, dealing me a harsh hand, unloving, cruel in fate, with the bitter blood of cancer coursing through its veins, thieving away the souls that had woven the tender threads of my beginning, thus robbing me of both my parents. My mother, a fierce storm of a woman, did wage a valiant battle; her breasts weighed with silent wars. I now reflect on my perspective of age ten at the time. I imagined she was a superhero fighting against one of those Saturday early morning television cartoon villain characters. I stood on my little toes, peering through cracked shades of hospital curtains as my mama soldiered through every needle and ache, her spirit as fierce as a lioness. I was a child watching my sole refuge in this world, succumbing to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. But cancer was a thief in the night that stole her away, leaving echoes in the hallways. The same dark shadow came to claim my daddy too. I experienced a heart-wrenching devastating loss, helplessly left for the wolves of this world. Bravely abandoned to endure life only left behind with cherished memories. I found myself a little soul adrift in a hurricane, with no compass, no anchor. While family enfolded my peers, shadows were my only kin. Stripped of guardians, I had to sew my patchwork cloak of strength. My path was of stone and grit, carved by bloodied hands and scuffed knees. The absence of my folks was like a mirror; it reflected all that was not, but in it, I saw an aching hunger, an unyielding thirst for me to survive. As I lacked the support of my parents, I became my own emotional, physical, and financial anchor. I have become my support system, carrying the weight of my emotional, physical, and financial needs. I clawed at the chains of my adversity, the muse of survival; the currency of my soul is resilience. Growing up in the harsh realities of low-income housing, also referred to as the ghetto, felt like survival boot camp. However, the environment exposed me to humanity's struggles and beauty. Each day felt like a survival test amidst our community's shootings, violence, drugs, and mental health challenges. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride; it is my scarlet letter. My community, riddled with adversity, shaped me. Experiences in low-income housing revealed the impact of domestic violence and drugs on families, neglected children often lead to gang involvement for a false sense of security. Despite this, I witnessed resilient mothers persevering to support their children making daily sacrifices to place food on the table. Tragically, I saw community members lose their lives to gun violence and overdoses, leaving no legacy but suffering. My ultimate professional ambition is to become a construction developer, establishing a fair-priced construction company that creates employment opportunities. By giving back to my community and assisting those who've lost their dreams, particularly struggling mothers, in creating safe environments for their children, I strive to make a tangible economic impact.
    Cariloop’s Caregiver Scholarship
    I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My absent father suffered the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer. I received the news in my senior year of high school, unlike most peers who can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. Being a caregiver is a calling that demands many sacrifices, and yet it is often overlooked and underappreciated. When one serves in this capacity, one must be patient, dedicated, and compassionate. Every day the caretaker wishes, hopes, and prays that their loved one will win the fight against what the individual is suffering from. The journey you go on with them receiving a window seat to observe their strength and faith that they can muster up and will inside themselves to defeat their battle. As a young adult, I took on this role after both my parents were taken by cancer. Watching them suffer and feeling powerless to help was a traumatic experience that will always be with me. Through caregiving, I have gained valuable insights that have shaped my worldview. It has taught me to empathize and to have compassion for others, which will serve me well in the future. Moreover, it has given me a new perspective on life's priorities, such as the importance of family, health, and relationships. This experience has inspired me to make a difference in the world, which led me to the Health Care profession. The healthcare industry is essential for our communities, especially during pandemics and health crises. Most of my peers can rely on their parents for support; unfortunately, I will not have that privilege. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I will have many financial hardships, including just being able to cover my housing expenses, books, course materials, and the essentials of food. The luxury of dreaming of being a scientist, artist, or liberal art majors is not an option for me. Taking on substantial loan debt for a degree with uncertain job prospects isn't my option. Instead, I'm pursuing a degree in medical health at Santa Fe College, with plans to start a healthcare training school. This venture will provide the community with essential job skills and employment services, addressing the critical shortage of skilled trade workers highlighted by the pandemic. I aim to stimulate economic change and empowerment in my community by creating academic and professional opportunities. This scholarship will be instrumental in reaching my goals, helping cover fundamental expenses like food and books. Caregiving is a service that requires selflessness and personal sacrifice. Despite being overlooked, its impact on people's lives is invaluable. My experience as a caregiver has taught me important lessons which have influenced my long-term goals. As I pursue my career in the Healthcare industry, this new perspective will prepare me for a bright future of service to my community.
    Integrity within Construction Scholarship
    Many take housing for granted few have been homeless. The ability to come home to a warmed cook meal or simply turn the key to unlock your personalized sanctuary. We Floridians understand the destruction of mother nature and how your home can treasured moments can be swept away just from a storm. In America, we are facing a homelessness crisis with limited housing supply. As an independent student due to both my parents' loss to cancer, I've become my support system, carrying the weight of my emotional, physical, and financial needs. The financial burdens and housing expenses have left me little room for dreaming or exploring various career options like my peers. This scholarship could alleviate my burdens and enable me to concentrate fully on my academic pursuits. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. I was born into the harsh realities of low-income housing. This survival boot camp environment has shaped me, allowing me to witness society's harshest attributes and, yet, the resilience of humanity. Every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders that plagued my community. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride. It is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing, allowing me to bear witness to society's worst attributes and the true beauty of humanity. Instead, it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. The covid19 pandemic ushered in a new way of life for many. The virus impacted society regardless of demographic background, social class, or political beliefs. Most of my college peers have the luxury of pursuing degrees in Philosophy, Performing arts, or even Liberal Arts as majors. Resulting in accumulating a lot of loan debt with no job placement; this is not an option for me. I have guided myself toward a more practical and community-centered path. I feel that my fellow peers will also need to rethink their futures in a more practical way, different from their carefree ability, just to waste time exploring their dream job or career. With the world shifting into a recession, my generation will have to do as our predecessors and pull up our bootstrings. I am pursuing a Construction Management degree at Santa Fe and intend to start my own business. This is not merely about offering services at a fair rate but also about providing employment opportunities for individuals like me, who are often left with few choices. It's about giving back to my community, helping those who've lost their dreams to circumstances, and aiding struggling mothers in creating a safe environment for their children. I aim to create real economic change in my community, transforming the narrative from survival to growth. Life may have dealt me a challenging hand, but I'm determined to play it to the best of my ability. This scholarship will be a crucial resource in my journey to reach my goals.
    Alma J. Grubbs Education Scholarship
    I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father suffered the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer, unlike most of my peers who can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have had many financial hardships, but despite these obstacles, I have always been passionate about education and its power to change lives. My teachers became my role models and inspired me to pursue my dreams. They showed me that education could open up opportunities and lead to a better life, no matter where you come from. Growing up in low-income housing, I witnessed the beauty of humanity and the worst attributes of society. Every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, surrounded by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued and diminished community of low economic standings. This experience has only fueled my passion for education even more. I have seen the power of education in lifting people out of poverty and creating economic change in communities like mine. The covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life, for many of the virus's effects have dramatically impacted society. HVAC is an essential profession in society. Air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of the war against the future invisible viruses that come. Being able to control temperatures allows the elimination of the spread of germs, thanks to HVAC workers. Studying HVAC at Santa Fe is a step towards achieving my goals. I plan to start my own business and start a trade school. If successful, I want to give back to my Community and provide jobs for those who have lost their ability to dream. I want to help struggling single mothers provide a safe environment for their children to thrive academically, just as my teachers did for me. Skills and trades are essential for our success in today's society, but many of us lack access to the education and training we need to thrive. Previous generations were lucky enough to attend high schools that provided apprenticeship courses in various trades, such as electrical, plumbing, and auto mechanics. These skills provided them with employment or entrepreneurship opportunities that allowed them to support their families and communities. I believe that we need to focus on providing our brothers with the essential transferable job skills they need to succeed. We must create opportunities for education and training in skilled trades that can lead to employment and entrepreneurship. That's why I'm determined to establish my trade training school, providing access to the skills and knowledge to empower our Community and create substantial economic change. I plan to leave a lasting impact on the students I teach by sharing my personal experiences and showing them that anything is possible. I want to inspire them to pursue their dreams and not let their circumstances define them. As a black man, I know the importance of representation in the classroom and want to be a positive role model for my students.
    Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship
    I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father suffered the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer. Unlike most of my peers who can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships this scholarship could ease the burden for me to focus entirely on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life, for many of the virus's effects have dramatically impacted society. HVAC is an essential profession in society. Air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of the war against the future invisible viruses that come. Being able to control temperatures allows the elimination of the spread of germs, thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America, growing up in low-income housing, or as some refer to as the ghetto, was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, surrounded by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued and diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride. It is my scarlet letter. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing, allowing me to bear witness to society's worst attributes and the true beauty of humanity. Instead, it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my Community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientists, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors; accumulating a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade-in HVAC program to start my own business, offering a service to the Community at a fair rate to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully, if I'm successful in my business, I can help my Community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drugs to one another. Like my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future that is only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother would just like to provide a safe environment for her children to thrive academically without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community, there is a need for more trade workers.
    Calvin C. Donelson Memorial Scholarship
    I was left to survive independently in my youth; the cruel fate of cancer robbed me of both parents, leaving me to navigate this world on my own. I was ten when my mother, my sole refuge in this world, succumbed to the ravages of breast cancer. Helpless, I watched as she withered away before my eyes. I was there when she was clinging to the toilet, puking her guts from the radiation treatments. She braved the trials of chemotherapy and radiation, but in the end, the cancer virus overpowered her, eroding her essence until she was a memory. My father suffered the same fate, leaving this world to prostate cancer. Unlike most of my peers who can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships this scholarship could ease the burden for me to focus entirely on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life, for many of the virus's effects have dramatically impacted society. HVAC is an essential profession in society. Air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of the war against the future invisible viruses that come. Being able to control temperatures allows the elimination of the spread of germs, thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America, growing up in low-income housing, or as some refer to as the ghetto, was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival of the fittest I survived shootouts, surrounded by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued and diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride. It is my scarlet letter. Through my adversities, I gained real-life experiences in low-income public housing, allowing me to bear witness to society's worst attributes and the true beauty of humanity. Instead, it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence, leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin, I saw fierce mothers protecting and providing for their children, making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my Community bleed out on the concrete streets. While some overdosed, hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick. They left no generational wealth, only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientists, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors; accumulating a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade-in HVAC program to start my own business, offering a service to the Community at a fair rate to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully, if I'm successful in my business, I can help my Community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drugs to one another. Like my childhood friends who have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future that is only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother would just like to provide a safe environment for her children to thrive academically without the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community, there is a need for more trade workers.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Loan Lawyers 2021 Annual Scholarship Competition
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in low-income housing was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate.
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Growing up in low-income housing every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. As a business owner I can provide jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    AptAmigo Innovation Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand. This scholarship as you know can help purchase food and buy books.
    Bold Community Activist Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Uniball's Skilled Trades Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    McCutcheon | Nikitin First-Generation Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Bold Independence Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Growing up in low-income housing every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate. Owning my business will allow for me to jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers.
    Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand. This scholarship as you know can help purchase food and buy books.
    Bryent Smothermon PTSD Awareness Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Jae'Sean Tate BUILT Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand. This scholarship as you know can help purchase food and buy books.
    Matthews Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Grandmaster Nam K Hyong Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe College to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Owning my business I allow for me to provide jobs in my community. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. For the struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Giving Back to the Future Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    First Generation POH Scholarship Fund
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Pelipost Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand. This scholarship as you know can help purchase food and buy books.
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    The Final Push Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    Bold Equality Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. With my one business I can offer jobs. Creating real economic change in my community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most students have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers.
    Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. Especially after my mother and father died leaving me to provide for myself resilience has pushed me. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing or as some refer to as the ghetto was my survival boot camp training. Every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Being a product of public housing, I have always worn the fact of where I come from with pride it is my scarlet letter. My community shaped and molded the individual I am today. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. This will be for my childhood friends whom have lost their ability to dream of a brighter future only left with the darkness of the barrel of a gun. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic Change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand. This scholarship as you know can help purchase food and buy books.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. The pandemic shined a light on the shortage in all professional fields which are essential pillars to society. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.
    JoLynn Blanton Memorial Scholarship
    As an independent student due to both of my parents dying from cancer leaving me to survive on my own. Unlike most of my peers whom can fall back on their parents for support. I am the support system emotionally, physically, and financially. I have many financial hardships including just being able to cover my housing expense. This scholarship could ease the burden for me to fully focus on my academic studies. The current covid19 pandemic has ushered in a new way of life for many the effects of the virus has had a dramatic impact on society. HVAC is an essential profession in society air filtration will help aid in upcoming battles of war against future invisible virus that come. Being able to control temperatures allow the elimination of the spread of germs thanks to HVAC workers. Many of my fellow peers are also thinking of the futures in a more practical way different from their carefree ability to just waste time exploring for their dream job or career. However, for myself personally I have never had the luxury of dreaming of a fairytale career or wasting valuable resources to only accumulate debt while in college exploring various majors. My life has had various obstacles of adversity I have had to overcome. Being a black minority in America was my birth right it was cast upon my rich chocolate skin the moment I was delivered. Growing up in Gainesville in low-income housing every day was survival for the fittest Darwin would be proud the way I survived shoot outs being surround by guns, violence, drugs, and mental health disorders from a plagued diminished community of low economic standings. Through my adversities I gained real life experiences low-income public housing allowed for myself to bear witness to societies worst attributes as well as the true beauty of humanity. Rather it was watching drugs cripple families forcing children to turn to gun violence leaving them to turn to gangs for a false sense of family security. However, on the other side of that coin I got to view fierce mothers protect and provide for their children making sacrifices every day to place food on the table. I watched many in my community bleed out on the concrete streets. While, some overdosed hunched over against the brick buildings. Yet, they did not own a street or brick they left no generational wealth only vouchers of misery. Most children have the luxury of dreaming of being scientist, doctors, engineers, or liberal art majors to accumulate a mass of loan debt is not an option for me. I do not have that option I am attending Santa Fe to receive a trade in HVAC program to start my own business offering a service to the community at a fair rate in order to sustain the life I would like to live. Hopefully if I'm successful in my business I can help my community and reach back. Giving the men like me jobs to make a living instead of having them sell drug to one another. The struggling single mother whom just would like to provide a safe environment for her children to academically thrive in with out the worrisome thought of violence plaguing their daily life. Creating real economic change in my Community there is a need for more trade workers. I will achieve my goals due to the fact in this game of life you have to play the cards dealt to you even if it is a bad hand.