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Lianysha Hardy


Bold Points




I am Lianysha Colette Hardy. I am 17-years-old and I am a high school senior. My birthday is May 2, 2006. As fate would have it, I was placed in the care of my loving relative whom I know best as “my mother”. After years of fighting with my birth mother and countless years of waiting for my birth father to relinquish his parental rights, January 2023 is when I became Lianysha Colette Hardy, daughter of Rodney and Devona Hardy. I am grateful that my two loving parents were with me that day. That was all I needed. I am an honor student at Gordo High School. I am one of the most talented clarinetists in my high school band, The Grenadier Marching Band. I am also one of the section leaders and I am the librarian for the band. I am enrolled in the Health Science Program at the Pickens County College and Career Center. I am also excelling in the Dual Enrollment classes at Bevill State Community College. I am a Mu Alpha Theta member and I have been inducted in The National Honors Society and the National Society of High School Scholars. My current GPA is 3.578. I am even a member of Delta Gems. I love to read, watch anime, and practice my clarinet in my free time. I aspire to become an Occupational Therapist. I am excited to complete high school and to start my college journey.


Gordo High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
    • Music
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other
    • Agricultural Engineering
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Occupational Therapy

    • Dream career goals:

      I am going to stay in school every semester until I earn my Ph.D.

    • Cashier/Bagger/Drive-thru Worker

      2022 – 20231 year



    2016 – Present9 years


    • Medicine

      2020 – Present


    • High School Band

      2019 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Delta GEMS — Volunteer
      2021 – 2021

    Future Interests




    Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
    My family has had there fair share of financial problems, some are still ongoing. I knew years ago that my family would struggle paying my way through college so I've strived to earn scholarships. Unfortunately, scholarship competitions are very competitive and I haven't had much luck. I work a part-time job Friday through Sunday and I make sure to put most of my income into my savings account. This keeps me from getting the urge to spend it too quickly. I've made my parents proud by finally learning restraint and self-control. Just because I like something and it's half-off doesn't mean I should buy it. I've learned to prioritize and save my money for rainy days or nice luxuries rather than small, cheap ones. It's so rewarding to see all my hard work pay off. I will continue to apply for scholarships; never giving up is key. "You miss 100% of the shot you don't take." Whoever said that was very wise and I use as my own little motto whenever the situation suits it. My fierce and determined spirit is what's gotten me this far. I know that sometimes in order to find a rainbow, you have to go head-first into a storm. I don't make a habit of quitting. When things get hard, I find a solution. That could mean a different tactic, or a new plan altogether. I know my family doesn't have the money to pay my way through college and I'm adapting to this. Every day I try again and again to earn scholarships. This is how I fight my battles. The first one of adulthood and pretty intimidating foe. I will continue to save my money because one day I know I'll need it for more than just anime posters. My only regret is that I didn't come to this realization sooner. But since I can't change the past, I'll simply make a more promising future for myself and those around me. One day I hope to open my own scholarship foundation so that children like me won't have to fight so hard for so little. But until then I'll keep working and keep saving. I know that I am stronger than my problems, that includes my financial ones. I know that with hard work and determination, I can overcome anything. I want to encourage others to think and do the same to better themselves as well.
    Solomon Vann Memorial Scholarship
    I believe that each of the four bipartisan Caucus aims are important, there are still other issues that pose a more vital problem to us if allowed to become a problem. I consider enhancing our nation's crisis response services to be a very necessary thing. It defeats the purpose of warning our people of an emergency if the emergency has already reached them. But what does a quick warning do for the millions of homeless men, women, and children that find what little warmth they can in beat up newspapers. How are the Land of the Free and the Land of the Homeless at the same time. Our nation has become lazy, spoiled, and self-serving thanks to all the continuous technological advancements. Rather than using them for real good, we only see these miracles as profit. Increasing access to evidence-based mental health treatment and common-sense solutions is, in my opinion, the second highest priority on the list of four. Too many people are seen as stereotypes or statistics rather than flesh and blood people, just like you and me. Would you give a person suffering from cancer medicine to cure strep throat? No, at least you shouldn't. Everybody knows that life isn't always a walk in the park. Not only is stress a silent killer, but it also affects the way you think after some time. Eventually, you may even seem to be a different person. Too many deaths are mental-health related and it needs to stop. Our people need a place where they can go to relax and be heard. These days the words "mental disorder" seem more like an insult than a proper diagnosis. No one wants to struggle mentally or physically. We need to take care of our own country before we all fall to an improper mindset. Next, we should obviously increase our mental health workforce. It goes hand in hand with evidence-based mental health treatment and common-sense solutions. Not only will the mentally ill get the proper treatment they need, but opening more mental health related jobs will decrease unemployment and give access to those who need their services. Finally, we have to improve prevention and early intervention efforts. Of course, getting between a fight never ends well, you certainly can't let it continue forever. Sometimes another person is needed to stifle the hatred between the feuding individuals. Being ready for action is always a good thing no matter what you're talking about.
    Holli Safley Memorial Music Scholarship
    I moved to Alabama in the middle of seventh grade. In just two weeks I'd went from being a middle-schooler in Tennessee to a high-schooler in Alabama. Being the new kid was hard, especially when everyone else had already none each other for years. I'd joined my intermediate school band in 5th grade, taking up the flute then switching to clarinet shortly after. If clarinet didn't work out, I'd planned on moving to saxophone. But I fell in love with my clarinet, even if it was old and broken. I joined band at my new school in eighth grade and it was the best decision I'd ever made. Being around others that loved music like I do encouraged me to come out of my shell and blossom. At first, I struggled with my own instrument, but now a few years later I have mastered the clarinet, bass clarinet, and alto saxophone. Of course, there are always others who are just as good if not better than I am, the many honor bands have proven that to me. But it's nice to see others who are, in a way, just like me. I have 9 Honor Band medals and will be returning to the District/All-State tryouts this weekend. I made District Honor Band on my clarinet last year and plan to make All-State this year. In many situations, band and music has been my escape. When things get too stressful and I feel overwhelmed by my day, picking up my clarinet has been my peace. It's so amazing how I can use my breath to create so many different sounds. I started off as a quiet, decent 8th-grade clarinet player. Now I'm a first-chair senior, encouraging other younger students to join band and come out of their shells as well. I want others to experience the joy, memories, and friendships you make by being a band kid. Things aren't always easy and every day won't be a good one. That's why it's important to do your best all around. I think of my high school band teacher as a very wise and knowledgeable woman. She's like a second mom. Like I said before, joining band was probably the best decision I'd ever made. I don't know where I'd be now if I hadn't. I changed in so many wonderful ways and gave others the chance to see the real me. And that is what music has done for me.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    I find the powerful activism that Zendaya shows to be the single thing I admire most about her. Of course, my admiration for her is not only limited to her performance off-camera, I also notice the strength she shows onset as well. Zendaya did a spectacular job playing "KC" from "KC Undercover". I found inspiration in the things she did in the show as well. Even if she was merely following a script, I didn't see an actor, instead, I saw a determined young woman saving the world over and over, sometimes even alone. KC took down plenty of opponents twice her size of the opposite gender. She made a point that despite having "disadvantages" you can still get the job done. Being a woman should not and does not limit your abilities. As the law states, "All men should be treated equally". Though Eve was indeed created with a piece of Adam inside her, it must also be considered that their offspring and all of life after them have been created inside of a woman. Ever since her debut, I have always loved and adored Zendaya to the point that I even had matching "Shake It Off" sneakers as a child. Zendaya has been one of my most influential role models for years and I hope that she continues to inspire billions of other girls just like me.
    Abu Omar Halal Scholarship
    My name is Lianysha Hardy and I am 17 years old. I am currently enrolled in my last year of high school. Before I was born my biological parents made it clear that I was unwanted; the many close abortions did not go misunderstood. When I was born my birth mother was eager to get rid of me and my birth father has never been a part of my life. Thankfully, in my darkest hours before birth, God sent an angel to take care of me. The woman I call my mother has been here for me since before my birth and even to this day she tells me she loves me every morning before work. Ever since learning of my biological parents, there has been a gap in my heart where my creators' love should have been. But my mother has worked hard to fill that aching void with her love and care for me. No one can deny, that she has done an amazing job Though I know she has sacrificed a lot to take care of me, she has never made me feel like a burden to her. In fact, to my parents, I am the blessing they have been asking for for years. My mother has had many miscarriages, and it is unsure if she will ever have a successful birth of her own. My father has wanted a daughter all his life and was heartbroken when his ex-girlfriend aborted the baby that he agreed to take care of alone. It's so amazing how God can put so many isolated pieces into place to make the perfect and most fitting masterpiece. In my family, without each other we are nothing. That's why I want a career where I can be a part of other young people's lives and help them kind of like how my mother helped me. My dream is to graduate college with a doctoral degree in OT so I can become a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. I want to help kids who may be struggling with something like I was. No one should have to go through life without feeling loved or cared about. As God sent an angel to protect me, I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. Not only will this allow me a way of giving back kindness to the world; but this will also prove to my "family" that I was not worth giving up on.
    Reach For Your Future Scholarship
    My parents rejected me before I was born. They had plenty of desires, but a child wasn't one of them. As soon as I was born, my mother got rid of me. I am the only child she failed to abort. I often wonder what I did wrong. I want to know why I wasn't good enough for them to keep and love. I was only a baby, but I was despised by the two people that created me. If my father walked in this room right now, I wouldn't recognize them. Despite the many opportunities given to them to do so, my birth parents never attempted to be a part of my life. Thankfully, I have two loving adoptive parents to fill the aching gap that my biological parents tore into my heart. Sometimes I cry thinking about how my birth parents believe I won't be anything in life. They think I'll become nothing, just like them. But I vow to prove them wrong. People are counting on me to be great. I will go to college every semester until earn my Ph.D. in OC. My goal is to become a pediatric occupational therapist. I want to change lives and help others. No one deserves to feel the pain of rejection and abandonment. If I can help just one child to feel loved, cared for, and appreciated, I will. But I want to do way more than that. Harriet Tubman wanted to free all the slaves, just as I want to free all children from whatever may be holding them back. No one deserves to be treated the way I was by my birth parents. Unfortunately, child abandonment happens a lot in this world. There are far too many awful people on this earth. The two people that created me just happen to be examples of them. But I won't let them hold me back. I won't let their heartlessness define me, instead, I will be strong and resilient. This scholarship will help me to help others. In this way, I can be a light to others and prove that I was not worth abandoning all those years ago. Not everyone goes through what I went through and still chooses to use their potential. I want to change that. But to pursue my dreams I must first pursue a higher education, which is why I indeed to spend as much time as possible learning in school. All I want is to help others the way my adoptive parents help me.
    Lianysha Hardy Student Profile |