Hobbies and interests
Biomedical Sciences
Color Guard
Girl Scouts
Water Skiing
I read books multiple times per month
Layla Pfaff
Bold Points1x
Layla Pfaff
Bold Points1x
Hello my name is Layla Pfaff, I'm a senior at St. Charles High School located in St. Charles Missouri. My passion is marching band and color guard. I plan to go to SEMO in the fall semester of 2023 to pursue my goal and passion of being an ER nurse. I played softball for 8 years and joined marching band my junior year. I was also color guard captain my senior year! My biggest goal in life is to make it through nursing school as well as march through college and become a nurse to not only help people but to save lives as well.
St. Charles High
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Marching band
Varsity2021 – 20232 years
- Best percussion, 3rd place overall, 2nd place overall and 8th place overall
Junior Varsity2015 – 20238 years
Future Is Female Inc. Scholarship
Feminism to me is women supporting women, women standing up for one another and showing that we are just as equal to if not more equal to men. Feminism is a huge part of our society that tends to get swept under the rug more often than not. Women are constantly fighting for equal rights and justice, we have fought such a hard battle and continue to fight over and over again, we get back up and keep fighting. No matter how many times we are pushed down by men, pushed back and fought against we will NOT give up.
The amazing and powerful woman that is very inspirational in my life is first and foremost my Mother who not only inspires me but has shown me why women need to be heard. My Mom is a strong feminist who made me understand that I am not less than any man. I am more than that, I am powerful, strong, beautiful and a fighter who continues to advocate for women's rights. My Mom has shown me that we women are strong and will not stand down to any man for absolutely no reason. She has inspired my views in so many ways and has shown me more times than I can count how badly women need advocacy. Women need to stand up for each other and help each other, regardless of whether you're white, Asian, African American, Hispanic, Latino or any type of race or ethnic background. We are all women and we all need to stand together to win this fight because we WILL win this fight. I've learned so much from her, why women need to stand up for one another and why we need to continue our fight to be heard, seen, and just as equal to men. We not only deserve this but this is a fact. Women are not less than men and never will be, we can do absolutely everything and anything a man can do if not better than a man can do. The career pathway is changing as well, we finally are having acceptance of women being in more male-orientated jobs and this is FINALLY being accepted. We will not stop here however, we will continue to fight over and over again.
One major thing that I am doing does contribute to the feminist movement around my community and school is buying from more feminist-based shops and women-owned businesses. I constantly advocate around my school that women need to be heard and we have voices too, I pushed for women to be able to join our wrestling team and gave my voice and opinion on that matter until we were finally allowed to wrestle alongside men(And the girls from my high school went to state the first year!!). I constantly talk about feminism to my classmates and explain why it is so important in our society and our school as a whole. We will not be pushed down and we will not be stepped over, ever.
JADED Recovery Scholarship
Throughout my life, I've had to grow up around alcohol. My father was an alcoholic since the day I was born and he currently is serving 6 years in the bowling green state prison in Missouri. From what I've had to witness growing up I want to go on to further my education in nursing to provide help and care for people. Growing up with a parental figure as an alcoholic can seriously have a huge mental toll, affect learning, and even take part in a huge mental health crisis.
I want to help people, I want to save lives, I want to give people second chances and help them continue with their lives and grow to be better people. The relationship I have with my Father is very strained, I haven't seen him or spoken to him in a long time and the mental toll that alcoholism can have on a person secondhand is a very big problem in our society that tends to get swept under the rug and not so often noticed. Addiction is a terrible disease that is 100% curable, the biggest issue is self-discipline when it comes to addicts. A little under 90,000 people die a year in the united states from alcoholism. The amount of families, children, parents, brothers, sisters and so many more that have lost a loved one to such a horrible disease is heart-wrenching.
I want to provide help to people and show people that there IS a cure and they can come out of their addiction stronger than ever. They can rebuild their lives, relationships and friendships again with loved ones. It's not all over because they made a mistake. Growing up dealing with alcoholism around me from such a young age has truly opened my eyes to how badly it can affect others, not only just the addict. I've had to become financially independent, struggle to buy a car work two jobs and go to high school, watch my father's parents cry and hold them while they sobbed in my arms, comfort my little brother while his father is a drug addict, watch my little brother cry and sob in my arms from what his father's actions have done to him. Addiction is truly one of the hardest and saddest problems in our nation in my opinion and I truly believe that addicts can change their life around and become better people.
When I go into nursing school to pursue my education of becoming an ER nurse, I know I'm going to have to come into contact with many addicts and help save their lives. I will not only be saving their lives just to save them, but for their mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son, husband or wife, aunts and uncles, friends, and cousins, I will not only be saving their life for themselves but their loved ones as well. Everybody has a story, everybody has someone who cares about them and I want to be there to not only listen but to provide life-changing advice and show that they can turn their life around for the better.
I have faith in my Father turning himself around and I'll be here to support him time and time again, it may take a few times but there's hope and I'll be here for him not only as a doctor but a soon-to-be ER nurse as well.