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Lavon McGee


Bold Points








Hi, my name is Lavon McGee. I am currently a college sophomore from Miami, Florida, who is working toward his goal of becoming a criminal defense attorney. I truly believe upholding the law is a way our society can thrive and change for the better. I hope that with your help, I can reach my dream of helping others both indirectly and directly. Coming from a low-income neighborhood, I understand the concept of hard work and am willing to put in the effort. I genuinely want to explore different cultures and languages to get a better understanding of the world I live in and even your perspective. I hope that as my skill in language increases, so does my knowledge and understanding of someone else's life. I take great pleasure in helping our environment thrive, along with the future generation that will one day lead us to the next stage of evolution. Thanks for taking the time to read!


University of North Florida

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • History
  • Minors:
    • Law

Law Enforcement Officers Memorial High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Law
    • History
    • International Relations and National Security Studies
    • Philosophy
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Federal defense attorney and then Judge

    • Intern

      3rd division florida circuit court
      2019 – 2019
    • Intern

      Florida state attorney's office
      2021 – Present4 years



    2022 – Present3 years

    Track & Field

    2012 – 20175 years


    2010 – 20155 years


    2015 – 20161 year


    2016 – 20182 years


    • Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other

      Miami-Dade police department — Volunteer
      2020 – 2020
    • Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions

      HIP — Mentor
      2020 – Present


    • Young Men's Prepatory Academy

      2017 – 2018

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Mental Health awareness club — member
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      WarriorsDoSomething — member
      2019 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Key club — member
      2019 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Superhero leadership academy — Supervisor
      2020 – 2021

    Future Interests




    Act Locally Scholarship
    I would like to see a change in how we understand differences. I am from Florida, so all my life I have seen a diverse group of individuals all around me. Sadly, I have also seen some not respect the INDIVIDUAL choices people make on their own behalf. To combat the rise in hate, I do my best to spread messages of acceptance—not agreement in any form, but simply acceptance. Since high school, I have volunteered for multiple clubs and community events to help bring awareness to what people go through. The most vivid of these experiences is working with the Florida State Attorney's Office domestic violence unit. I listened to both women and men tell their stories of small arguments turning into life-threatening situations. What made it worse was knowing that most would try to recant their story in order to remain silent. Seeing people come in bruised and battered because people were not accepting their individuality was shocking and concerning, but it is an experience I would never want taken away. It made me strive harder to work for my community, even if they have trouble working on it themselves.
    Learning Through History Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Lavon McGee, and I am a history major at the University of North Florida. The reason I chose to major in history is because I am passionate about all aspects of different cultures, events, and perspectives that most education systems deem "unnecessary." Though I really do appreciate all historical knowledge, the era I am most fascinated with is the time of the Cold War. The Cold War lasted from 1947 to 1991 and impacted the global balance between the United States and the Soviet Union. Though the Cold War was not the bloodiest battle, its tactics may have had the most impact on the modern world. The Cold War consisted of multiple battles in politics between the U.S. and the USSR, which dragged other nations into the battle (usually through threats and force). The active escalation of nuclear warfare left the United Nations in a perpetual state of vigilance, especially after the ending of World War II with a casualty count of between 40 to 50 million people. Even when I think of the domestic response within the United States, I see sparks of present-day behavior. All in all, I have a deep fascination that goes more into the political and psychological realms but is still history none the less.
    Ryan T. Herich Memorial Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Lavon McGee, and I am currently a history major at the University of North Florida. After gaining my bachelor's, I plan to go to law school to become a lawyer. Even though I am sure there are better schools with pre-law programs around, I chose to be a history major because, at my core, it is my favorite subject. Whether you want to learn about Greek mythology, the Aztecs, African American history, or Asian cultural history, I am willing to take the time and challenge to learn them to the best of my ability. History plays an integral part in all societies because it is the closest gateway into the future (yes, it sounds cliche). As a lawyer, I want to have the opportunity to play a role in the foundation of American history, whether it's in front of a jury or behind the bench as a judge. The United States Supreme Court holds precedent in all cases up to today and possibly tomorrow. If a legal argument has standing over 100 years after its ruling, then I think it's pretty clear how the law and history go hand in hand. In my personal opinion, I believe we as a country don't do enough to pay attention to our history but rather focus on our politics. If politics influences history, then history can influence politics. A basic education system in which each generation is taught proper history rather than a repetition of a set of events would go a long way. I can only speak for myself and my peers who were students beside me, but history has not exactly been an evolving topic in schools. To elaborate, I would say a majority of my middle and high school history classes repeat every year. When I actually started college this August, a few weeks into my history classes, I actually cried. Not because what I was learning was sad (though it was), but because I had to spend THOUSANDS to receive a proper HIGH SCHOOL level class. I learned more in six weeks than I did in my entire high school career. That was both shocking and a wake-up call that I truly needed, if not for my own sake, then for the client I may have to defend. Even though some may dismiss history as a meaningless degree, it can cost lives. I am proud of the education I am now getting and even prouder to say, "I am not completely uninformed." From the way you speak about Ryan, it sounds like we would have gotten along great. I am so sorry for your loss, and I thank you for taking the time to read this.
    BJB Scholarship
    A community is a place where you feel at home despite not being at your house. A community is a place that welcomes you when the world doesn't want to. A community is who YOU allow to enter your space. I could continue to go on about how community means so much that it could hardly be narrowed down but in the end that wouldn't answer the prompt. In my eyes "community" is simply the people who bring you peace of mind. Not many in this world can personally relate to your struggles. The people who can are not to be taken lightly and should be treasured for the hope they can bring and the wounds that can be closed. I am proud to say that I have a community of not just friends who care about me but also a community in the form of the area I grew up in. I was born and raised in Overtown, Miami which happens to be a low-income neighborhood that is currently going through gentrification. Many of the families that once lived there are moving into even worse conditions while businesses that lined up the block during my childhood are gone and replaced with high-end apartments. While its a change that feels difficult to combat I try my best to help by supporting local businesses and entering into programs in my school that respond to how students may feel it impacts them while also giving resources they can go to if they're having financial problems and need help. As I previously mentioned I was raised in Overtown. A poor area of Miami with a high crime rate. Both my parents were in there senior year of high school when they found out they were having me. They each worked hard to be able to support me but for a majority of my life, we were struggling. Sometimes to this day we still do. Being from a area like this I witnessed many crimes ranging from suicide at the age of around 8 and rape around the age of 10. Maybe this had a affect on me subconsciously but since around that time I've dreamed of being a lawyer. I always thought the description of a lawyer fit my personality best because not only do they give back to the community by defending those who can't afford representation but also because they are meant to be calm, intelligent, and hard working. There careers also allow for changing the country in the form of some of the most infamous cases in U.S history, ranging from roe v. Wade to brown v. the board of education. By being a federal criminal defense attorney I hope to inspire a new change that doesn't focus on politics but rather the rights we have as U.S citizens and more importantly, human beings. This vision seems like a far cry from the reality we are currently facing but I know we can some day make it a actuality.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    I am someone who loves to watch YouTube cooking videos. Not only do I learn new recipes but depending on the video there is a chance that I will also get life advice, amazing stories, or just a break from everything happening around me. While it may seem a bit unorthodox I can definitely say that it is a effective for me personally. Listening to others prepare food for there loved ones or even themselves is simply a nice, calming joy that I usually don't get. When watching these videos I am usually in my room where I can have some form of quiet or at work so I can focus and hopefully not get too distracted in the food. While I admit I sometimes fall victim to becoming hungry, I have to say just looking at the amazing (and presumptuously delicious) food makes even the blandest of cereals taste like heaven. While it may just be the hunger speaking it, I stand on my point of food videos providing relaxation and peace. I even can use the recipe I learn to cook with family as a bonding moment like I did yesterday making Shepard's pie with my mom and older sister. Thanks so much for reading and hopefully you'll give the videos a try 😊
    EDucate for Eating Disorder Survivors Scholarship
    Eating disorders have affected the lives of not just me, but also my friends and family. The high standards that society has placed on the body have affected many people in this world. From celebrities in magazines to movie stars in big films, the image of beauty has shifted to near impossible standards that add only heartache to most. Social media plays even more of a role in this than most would expect. With the new narrative that likes equal a rise in trends, peer pressure is circulating in a new variant that younger/future generations will suffer for. John Kenneth Galbraith, an American economist, once said, "There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting." This is a thought process I wish I could say I lived by. During my adolescent years, I coped with trauma stemming from abuse I once faced at the hands of my step-mother and father and pressures I faced because of being in sports, having high academic grades, and simply feeling less than. My primary coping mechanism was by eating during breaks. My choice of snacks was... less than healthy. By the time I was ten, I threw up from eating too much. By the time I was twelve, I had to do extra laps, have my portions cut, and be threatened not to play on the same team as people my age because I weighed too much. By the time I was fourteen, I weighed 200 pounds. After close to four months of training and exercise tips from my coach, I gained the courage to step on a scale again. I weighed 220 pounds and was told by my doctor that I was on the literal brink of both high blood pressure and diabetes. My trauma held me back, and I felt unattractive to where it was hard to list even 1 positive thing about myself. I am very thankful to say that this stage in my life has passed thanks to the support I get from friends. I've lost close to 40 pounds (through exercise and other methods suggested by my doctor) and have limited my eating to correct amount need while cutting back on soda and sometimes indulging myself in wonderful treats. My High school experience has shaped me for the better and I strive to make sure others have the same access to resources that I did. I have joined clubs like mental health awareness club where I give presentations to students on bullying and how to properly cope with what you may be feeling. I have also joined the Health Information Project (HIP) to give students access to professional doctors (both medical and psychiatrists) along with studies on the repercussions of fast food and sugary drinks. Whenever I can, I do my best to uplift others' bodies and let them know that the "conventional" standards of beauty that they feel placed on them by society are not their goal. As long as they're healthy and have a kind spirit, there beautiful on the inside and out. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this essay and have a great day!
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    I usually study by coloring! This was a technique actually advised to me by my teacher. Even though color coding is nothing new, drawing allows you to put more work into the subject your studying by devoting more time to the subject while being engaged and having fun. This has lead to hours passing without me remembering that i'm studying, which results in better improving my grades over the years. I believe that most people simply think that after elementary drawing is too childish to be any help in the field of education, However, I think drawing is usually given to children because it's simple yet effective method just makes the process easier. Stressing while reading a book adds no joy to what your learning and only dissuades you from striving for a higher education. Thank you so much for taking the time to listening and have a have a great day!
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    Nature is beauty that rarely is appreciated. Nature (to me) symbolizes peace, acceptance, and a warm calm. A beach is almost the epitome of what I think of when I hear Nature. The oceans tide is like a melody that pulls you in. Though rarely do people go with the flow. As a member of multiple clubs like key club and environmental/recycling club I have participated in multiple beach clean ups. Even though it's miniscule in dealing with the actual problem, I believe it's a step in the right direction. As time progresses I hope I can be more involved to make a actual difference. For now simply respecting Nature will have to be a new goal I set myself to. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to listen and also for whatever work you put into for the preservation of our beautiful world.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    "Change is the law of life. And those who look to the past or present are certain to miss the future." My name is Lavon McGee and that quote by John F. Kennedy is a perfect example of how I learned to view the world. Growing up in Miami, Florida, I was able to witness and meet multiple individuals who come from different backgrounds. Some of them were similar to my own and some were the complete opposite but throughout my life they each have helped to shape where I go in the future. I was raised in Overtown. A poor area of Miami with a high crime rate. Both my parents were in there senior year of high school when they found out they were having me. They each worked hard to be able to support me but for a majority of my life we were struggling. Sometimes till this day we still do. During times like those my grandfather would always ask "what do you want to be when you grow up?" The answer was usually "I don't know" for at least 2 years. Then he asked "what career fits your personality, what would make you happy?" I briefly thought about it for a moment and the answer I came up with was lawyer. Lawyers are clever, passionate, calm, and well educated (most of the time). In the back of my mind I knew that being lawyer was the best career that could make me happy and more importantly useful to my community. Many of the most infamous cases in U.S history has led to changes that affected the country from roe v. Wade to brown v. the board of education. By being a federal criminal defense attorney I hope to inspire a new change that doesn't focus on politics but rather the rights we have as U.S citizens and more importantly, human beings. Too many times has this generation seen fighting in white house and capital that got nothing done for the American people. In the courtroom I feel I genuinely can make a difference not just for myself, but rather a precedent for the entire country. Hopefully someday, it could be the world. The U.S is a leading force in the world when it comes to quality of life and social purposes, however, we are not even in the top 15 countries of that category. Our country whose core principle is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness can not agree on how to move forward which is holding the nation back from being the leader it could be. I would like the judicial branch not fall to same level and continue being a shining light that hopefully can shape the world. This dream of mine only seems possible now with help from scholarships like yours. With or without It I know I will strive to best of my ability to work hard and reach my goal. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen and getting to know my story. I also want to thank Robert F. Lawson for his time serving
    Lavon McGee Student Profile |