For DonorsFor Applicants
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Lauren Sobolik


Bold Points




My goal in life is to be happy and to make the people around me happy. I find such joy and passion in being social and having deep human connection, which leads to my goal in life: to have a positive impact on other peoples’ lives. I am a Psychology major and aspiring to become a therapist because I truly feel that we all have good hearts, but sometimes we just need some guidance or help to get us to the place where we belong. I value life, love, and the ability to persevere and I appreciate the opportunity to apply to your scholarship. Thank you.


Los Medanos College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Beauty Advisor

      Ulta Beauty
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Lead Barista/Customer Service

      2021 – Present3 years


    Mixed Martial Arts

    2012 – 20164 years


    2014 – 20184 years


    2018 – Present6 years


    • Research and Experimental Psychology

      Los Medanos College — Survey creator, facilitator
      2023 – Present


    • Heritage's Rising Stars

      Freaky Friday
      2022 – 2022

    Future Interests




    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Growing up, my parents had designated subjects in which they could help me in school. If I needed help in my math or science classes, that was my dad's preferred subject of assistance. English or history, though? That was my momma's specialty. They helped me throughout the entirety of my youth education whenever I needed it, and not because they always knew how to, but because when they didn't, they were learning right alongside me. My parents have always taught me to have big ambitions and to work hard for what I want, and that's because it's precisely what they did. Although they did their best in college, it simply wasn't in the cards for them to continue their education, so instead, they took different routes toward success. Being that they never finished college, my parents endured their fair share of vocational hardships, and with that, they've always encouraged us to do what they were not able to and get our degrees in something that we are passionate about. This has always been a supporting motivation for me to get my degree and accomplish my dreams because when I feel proud of myself and know I made it, I also know that my parents will feel such a deep, connecting sense of pride knowing that I made it too. I have worked hard since birth. Not because I have to but because my parents have taught me to do so. I received all 4s in elementary school, all As in middle and high school, and I've continued to do the same and push myself more each and every day to prove to myself that I CAN do whatever I put my mind to, and I WILL. Getting a degree doesn't exemplify your worth or even your work ethic, and that shows with my parents and so many others. But continuing my education: working hard, learning, and growing mentally, emotionally, and physically, THAT is the dream. That is what I've worked so hard my whole life to achieve, and that is precisely how I plan to spend these next few years of my life. I love the phrase "You learn something new every day" because it describes why we live and grow as humans; we never stop learning. I look forward to each new day, knowing there is something in store for me that I have not yet discovered or comprehended. Going to school, being a part of a family, navigating a romantic relationship, traveling the world - these are all scenarios that we learn from and grow more and more into our true selves, and that is my goal in life. I never want to stop making mistakes and learning about what is needed in our lives to be happy, comfortable, and at peace with ourselves and the world. As a child, I always dreamt of studying abroad and fulfilling my academic goals while simultaneously accomplishing my personal ones. This goal of mine has miraculously started to become a reality for me, which is something I never really thought plausible. In the spring of 2024, I plan to continue my college education, but here's the kicker… I'll be doing it in Florence, Italy! I genuinely can not believe that this kind of opportunity is available to me, but being that it is, this is what I would graciously put this scholarship toward if awarded it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering me and, as a woman, for giving all applicants the chance at a helpful hand for us to shine even brighter.
    Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
    It was just another day in my fifth-grade class... doing homework, socializing, and working on projects when out of the corner of my ear I heard the word "retard" for the first time. As a young blossoming child, I had no idea what that meant, so when I went home, I talked to my eldest sister about my day and then, as children do, bluntly asked her what it was. She gasped and asked me how I heard that word because we never say things like that in our household. After telling her I heard some boy in my class say it, she told me that it was a really mean word and that I should never use it because it could really hurt someone's feelings. So from that day on, although it seems silly, I vowed to never say the R-word and to make sure that those around me never say it either. Throughout the years, it has never been an issue for me to chastise people and make it known that using that word is not a joke and that it's not okay, because truly, it is not. So many issues like this are taken so lightly in our modern-day society because some people just don't understand the weight of their words. There can be serious damage caused by a few simple words out of someone's mouth that can simply be prevented by educating them first, so that is what I want to do: educate. I don't necessarily want to become an educator, but instead, I just want to be guidance for children by teaching them the rights and wrongs of life. I aspire to become a therapist/counselor, which will give me the power to help kids who have been negatively affected by bullying, abuse, and other issues, and be able to support their social and emotional well-being. I hope to create deep human connections with the children of our future and teach them the importance of maintaining emotional peace within and being able to create genuine social and intellectual connections with the people around them. I truly hope that attaining my bachelor's and master's degrees in Psychology will give me all the knowledge and wisdom that I will need in order to connect with the people that I meet within my career path so that I can make as big of an impact as I hope to. I also hope to be able to work with kids in large settings, and also one-on-one to be able to teach them at a young age how to treat others and how to treat themselves! I personally was never taught how to cope or how to understand my emotions, and that has set me far back in life because now I'm having to learn these things as an adult, rather than during the prime time of being an impressionable child. I hope to provide the knowledge and care that I lacked growing up to teach the importance of personal well-being, and also the importance of supporting other's well-being by being kind and helpful. Our children are the future of our country and of our planet. Gifted or not, all children should have the opportunity to be taught how to love themselves and those around them so that when they grow up, they have strong foundations and can represent strength and humanity in a society where it lacks. I hope to further Lieba Joran’s mission of nurturing kindness, pursuing justice, and creating harmony in society with my chosen career field, because I feel as though it will make the largest impact on my current generation, and the future generations to come. Thank you for this opportunity, and God bless Lieba Joran and what she stood for.