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Lauren Goward


Bold Points






Hi My name is Lauren! I aspire to fast-track my education by graduating early from high school to pursue my undergraduate studies and attend medical school. I am passionate about becoming an ER doctor and aspire to use my skills to serve communities in need around the world. I want to use my fluency in Spanish to inspire young girls in Spanish-speaking countries to go into the medical field and STEM, because many Latinas are underrepresented in those fields. I aim to advocate for the Hispanic community and inspire young females to pursue their dreams. I have always loved school, and am very involved. I am president of student council, vice president of DECA written events, a member of 4 honors societies. I am also involved in HOSA and WISE (women in science and engineering). I love all of the clubs I participate in and all of the classes I take. I like to challenge myself, which I have done by graduating a year early and taking many AP classes. I cannot wait to go to college to study biochemistry and the Spanish Language. I want to get my education to further serve my community. In my free time, I love to hang out with my cat, bake, and volunteer at church. I am very passionate about life and strive to learn as much as possible to achieve my goals.


Ravenwood High School

High School
2022 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
    • Law
    • Accounting and Related Services
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Cashier

      2023 – 2023



    2022 – 20231 year

    Muay Thai

    2022 – Present2 years

    Track & Field

    Junior Varsity
    2022 – 2022


    Junior Varsity
    2019 – 20223 years


    • None


    • Accounting and Computer Science

      CTE — Student
      2022 – 2023


    • Bellevue Theater and FBAA

      2015 – 2020

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Student Council — Volunteer
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Red Cross — Blood Ambassador
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Nashville Rescue Mission — Volunteer
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Spanish Honors Society — Member/ Volunteer
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      National Science Honors Society — Volunteer
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Church Of The City — Member/ Volunteer
      2024 – Present

    Future Interests





    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    For a long time, I believed success was synonymous with a high-paying job or intellectual superiority. However, this year has taught me that success is not defined by finances or titles but by genuine happiness. Success means pursuing something I am passionate about, irrespective of the salary or being the smartest person in the room. It is about putting my utmost effort into everything and being content with where I am. Although I occasionally find myself measuring success through numbers or positions, my experiences have shown me that this conventional view is not what true success looks like and is one-sided. In the future, my main ambition is to attend medical school and become a trauma surgeon. After I become a surgeon, I would love to travel to Spanish-speaking countries to speak Spanish, and empower young Latinas like myself to be interested and empowered in the field of STEM. Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with many doctors, nurses, scrubs, and techs. Each of these individuals play a crucial role in their jobs and they all exuded a profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in their roles, and it showed me that their success came from the happiness they felt at their jobs. The more passionate and content they were with their jobs, the more successful they appeared. One nurse whom I spoke with in particular stood out to me. She has been a nurse for forty-five years and said she loved it. She said that helping people truly is the highlight of her job. This scholarship is a crucial step in my journey toward achieving my goals. It will provide me with the financial support needed to pursue a higher education without the burden of debt. It will allow me to focus on my studies and my future career as a doctor. I am passionate about learning and committed to making a difference in the lives of others through medicine. Thinking about becoming a doctor in the future excites me and makes me happy. I believe that my excitement will help me be successful in medical school and beyond. It will allow me to keep fighting for my goal. Education has consistently intrigued me. I have always been eager to take on new challenges and opportunities that come my way. I love learning new things and persevering through challenges. This last year I decided to take four AP classes as a sophomore, and now I am taking on another challenge of graduating a year early. This scholarship will ease a financial burden and empower me even more to focus on my goals. My understanding of success was one-sided, but today I see success in so many different ways. I believe success comes from happiness and hard work. My journey towards becoming a trauma surgeon and empowering young Latinas in STEM is driven by my new perspective on success. With the support of this scholarship, I am eager to pursue my dreams, make a meaningful impact in medicine, and contribute positively to other's lives.
    JT Lampert Scholarship
    I always aspired to be president of student council and when I achieved it my main goal was to make all students feel included and represented. During my speech to apply for student council the one thing I really emphasized was listening to the students. Currently I am able to support and listen to others through being a representative of my student body. As I said previously when I applied for student council I made sure the students knew that I would listen to their voices and that is what I have done. I have made sure to always take into account new ideas that other students would like to see in the school. I have been told many times that the bathrooms don't have tampons or they don't have toilet paper. I am currently working with the principal and other fellow student council presidents to implement tampons into the girls bathrooms. I plan to support others by listening to them and their needs. I plan to continue supporting and listening to others in my career as an emergency room doctor. I plan to travel to other Spanish speaking countries and encourage, listen, and support other young Latinas in the field of STEM. I want to be able to empower Latinas so that more Hispanic females feel empowered and supported going into the field of STEM. I used to live in Washington, and there I won a lottery to attend a Spanish emersion. This opportunity shaped my view on different cultures and gave me many opportunities to communicate, and build relationships with people I never would have had the chance to. I've never taken that for granted and I want to support and empowers others in all cultures. I one day strive to be a physician and be able to support people the best way I can. I truly believe having good support can change peoples lives.
    Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
    I have been told no many times in my life, but that has not stop me from moving forward with my goals. When people tell me no I always find a way around. There have been many times when I have been told I shouldn't do something because I am a Latina female. There are many times in school when people tell me I can't do something. For example, I am graduating a year early and many of my peers tell me I can't or shouldn't do it. I have been told you can't take eight classes in a year. I did it. I did it to show other females that they could do anything. This is not the point of my story though. I mainly want to focus on the days when I wrestled. This is truly when I faced adversity in my life. Ever since I was young, I loved Mixed Martial arts. I started boxing when I was five and still pursue it. I started jiujitsu and Muay Thai at ten. When I learned there was a wrestling team at my school, I didn't think twice about joining. Wrestling practice started Monday, and I was ready to go. When Monday finally came, I walked into the gym to the smell of cleaning supplies and leather. I also saw a group of boys. They all stared at me. That's when the panic started to set in. I waited anxiously for one girl to show up; to my surprise, another girl never showed. During the first practice no one wanted to work with me, and it was genuinely awkward. The coaches were shocked I was even there and tried to make the boys feel comfortable. As practices continued, things started to improve. My team began to warm up to me and realized I was only there to wrestle. Then rumors began spreading. There were rumors that I was gay and that I was only doing wrestling to get with other people's girlfriends. During every meet, the coaches of the other teams would tell their competitors to go easy on me because I was a girl. Many boys would drop out of competitions because they did not want to face me. This was an issue I had to deal with repeatedly by being the only girl on the wrestling team. I overcame these challenges by never quitting, even when times got hard. I didn't stop when boys would drop out of tournaments, when rumors spread about me, or when I was told to drop out because I was a girl. One of the big reasons I kept going was to encourage other girls to try things they were afraid of. As a result, I got two girls on the wrestling team the following year. This story leads me to how I will use this in pursuing a medical career. My goal when I become a doctor is to go to a Spanish-speaking country and teach young Latina females about their opportunities in STEM and medicine. I want to empower the next generation of Latinas into the world of medicine so they are not afraid to pursue their dreams and face challenges head-on. Currently my parents cannot afford medical school and college together. This scholarship will greatly help to get my college degree so my parents and I don't have to worry about paying a lot of debt later in life and hopefully I can give my parents everything they have given me. This scholarship will help me achieve my goal of paying it back to my community and my family.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    When I was younger, I remember eagerly switching on Disney Channel to watch my favorite TV show K.C. Undercover. I loved this series because Zendaya played a young female spy who effortlessly balanced her responsibilities between work and school. Even today, Zendaya continues to inspire me profoundly with her contributions to society and her work ethic. Zendaya has undeniably reshaped the landscape for young women, especially those of color. She is empowering and inspirational. Her ability to connect with her audience on a personal level is always effortless. She truly always cares about her community and her empowering influence. She is relatable and stands up for what she believes in. Zendaya always plays her roles flawlessly, which really emphasizes her great work ethic. Zendaya's influence extends beyond her acting career. She gives back to her community by serving underprivileged communities and advocating for younger generations. She serves as a role model for young people by demonstrating integrity, resilience and positive change. Her dedication to her work and community is admirable. In essence, Zendaya's truly has a gift and she uses it to for the best. She is able to entertain audiences with comedy, romance, satire, and so much more. Not only that, she also inspires many around the world and continues to give back to others. She inspires me as a young Latina female and reminds me that anything is possible.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Winston Churchill once said, " Don't take no for an answer, never submit to failure..." This saying has kept me going through all the many no's I have heard and all the failures I have faced. When people tell me no or tell me I can't, I always find a way around it. There have been many times when I have been told I should not do something because I am a Latina female. There are many times in school when people tell me I can't do something. For example, I am graduating a year early and many of my peers tell me I can't or shouldn't do it. I have been told you can't take eight classes in a year. I did it. I did it to show other females that they could do anything. This is not the point of my story though. I mainly want to focus on the days when I wrestled. Ever since I was young, I have loved Mixed Martial arts. I started boxing when I was five and still pursue it. I started jiujitsu and Muay Thai at ten. When I learned there was a wrestling team at my school, I didn't think twice about joining. Wrestling practice started Monday, and I was ready to go. When Monday finally came, I walked into the gym to the smell of cleaning supplies and leather. I also saw a group of boys. They all stared at me. That's when the panic started to set in. I waited anxiously for one girl to show up; to my surprise, another girl never showed. The first practice was scary, to say the least. No one wanted to work with me, and it was genuinely awkward. The coaches were shocked and tried to make the boys feel comfortable. As practices continued, things started to improve. They began to warm up to me and realized I was only there to wrestle. Then rumors began spreading. There were rumors that I was gay and that I was only doing wrestling to get with other people's girlfriends. During every meeting, the coaches of the other teams would tell their competitors to go easy on me because I was a girl. Many boys would drop out of competitions because they did not want to face me. This was an issue I had to deal with repeatedly, being the only girl on the wrestling team. I overcame these challenges by never quitting, even when times got hard. I didn't stop when boys would drop out of tournaments, when rumors spread about me, or when I was told to drop out because I was a girl. One of the big reasons I kept going was to encourage other girls to try things they were afraid of. As a result, I got two girls on the wrestling team the following year. This story leads me to how I will use this in pursuing a medical career. My goal when I become a doctor is to go to a Spanish-speaking country and teach young Latina females about their opportunities in STEM and medicine. I want to empower the next generation of Latinas into the world of medicine so they are not afraid to pursue their dreams and face challenges head-on.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    As Conrad Hawkins wisely said, " If it were easy, everyone would be a doctor." I have chosen to go into the field of Medicine—specifically Emergency Room care. From age five, I would tell my dad about my dream of becoming a doctor. I knew I wanted to help people. This passion has only grown with time and experience, particularly through opportunities to work with those in need. While my primary goal is to help people, I am also deeply committed to empowering young Hispanic females by educating them about the field of medicine. I would love to go to other countries, communicate with communities in Spanish, and inspire young women to embrace the power of science and medicine. In today's society, there are few Latina doctors; I aim to change that by encouraging and educating the younger generation. I want to empower these young women to pursue careers in STEM and find their voices. To achieve this goal, I plan to major in biology or biochemistry and, attend medical school. My ultimate goal is to become either an ER doctor or an ER surgeon. I believe that through a career in medicine and science, I can inspire and empower others creating a future where more young women, especially Latinas are represented in STEM fields.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    According to the Mayo Clinic, trichotillomania is a compulsive desire to pull out one's hair. Most people are unfamiliar with this disorder, but it is one I know far too well. My mother suffers from this rare disorder in which she has the desire to pull out her hair. She was not always like this. She developed TTM over time. It all started when she started college again. She started her classes and felt they were easy at first. Nothing short of an hour or two. As time progressed, her classes got harder, and she got stressed. This is when her hair-pulling started. I noticed she would pull out her hair and then fidget with it; I didn't think anything of it because she was only doing it occasionally. Then I noticed she started buying hair products. It was a black spray for your head. I asked her about it, and she told me she was developing a bald spot. I knew it wasn't happening occasionally. My parents are divorced, so I live with my dad half of the time, and I knew that when I was away, she was consistently doing it. She started to spray her bald spot with black hair spray and brush her hair back to hide the damage she had done. I would come home and find strands of hair all over the floor. They were near her desk, the dining room table, and the bathroom. I started doing research into what the leading cause of trichotillomania is, and I found it could be anything from age, stress, or family history. I knew hers was from stress. My mom never had this disorder until she started getting stressed from school. I would ask her why she does it, and she would tell me it's because it's "soothing". I found that most people say it brings a sense of relief, and some are unaware of their actions. My mom fell into the bucket of people who didn't realize they were doing it. I didn't understand the extremity of this disorder until her hair became frail and damaged. I advised my mom to get a counselor for this disorder because it was all caused due to her stress. She found a counselor who has been helping her as she is still working through it today. She does not do it as frequently, but it is still a part of our lives. My mom is still prone to pull it out when overwhelmed or stressed, even when it is only a small task. Certain things have worked to help her, like fidget toys that take her mind off of pulling her hair. My relationship with my mom grew deeper in this process because I was able to help her get through this obstacle. I always tried to be her cheerleader and still am, as she is still working on getting healed from this disorder. TTM has shaped my understanding of the world a little differently. No one in her life knows she does this besides me. This experience has made me register with the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover". At work, she is very calm and super happy, but she is fighting this battle with TTM when she comes home every night. I feel I have grown through this experience and can empathize with people who suffer from stress or anxiety- related disorders.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    Ever since I was young, I always thought a leader had to be someone with a big title like CEO or president. My dad always told me that good leaders are confident and concise. I never truly knew what that meant until I was able to take on a leadership position in school. When I was ten, I read three books in Jocko's "Way of the Warrior kid" series. These books taught me a lot about leadership, providing insight into qualities a good leader possesses and how to effectively use them. For example, a good leader empowers others, doesn't give up, and is and active part of their community. However, I believe you need to practice what you read to fully understand what makes a good leader. I became student council president Freshman year of high school. I had no Idea what awaited for me by taking on the role and the lessons I would learn. Though this experience, I discovered what makes me a leader. I believe I am a leader through the way I communicate with others. I always want to make people feel included and represented. My goal for the school was to be the voice for the students and make sure all of their needs and concerns were met. I have had the great opportunity to meet with my principle and other student council members on how to make the school better. I firmly believe that having good communication with my peers is what makes me a good leader. I always listen to people and help them whenever needed. Additionally, I believe my ability to work well with others contributes to my leadership. I always try to find a balance between working hard and having fun. During student council, we have to built floats for a parade. Although it got stressful at times, I was always able to communicate what needed to be done without being overbearing. I was able to create a good balance between work and fun. In summary, I believe I am a good leader because of my communication skills and my balance. I am able to work well with others and ensure everyone is taken care of. I want to make sure everyone is comfortable and content. I think a good leader is able to handle anything thrown their way. I feel that I am able to ask for help when needed and grow from others to be the best leader possible.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    As I walked into the gym, all I could see were glaring looks. People started to whisper, and my hands began to shake. Doubt filled my head. I began to go into fight or flight. I wanted to run more than anything. Why did I do this? I kept asking myself. I am getting ahead of myself. Ever since I was young I have loved Mixed Martial arts. I started boxing when I was five and still pursue it. I started jiujitsu and Muay Thai at 10. Although I tried Karate and Krav Maga, I didn't enjoy them as much, so I stuck with boxing and jiujitsu. When I learned there was a wrestling team at my school, I didn't think twice about joining. I knew I had to try it. The first practice was at the end of school starting in September. I was excited and packed my boxing bag the night before with my clothes for Monday. When Monday finally arrived, I was ready to go. I eagerly got through and when the clock hit 3:00 pm I was prepared to wrestle. I changed and walked right into the gym. It smelled like cleaning supplies and leather. When I walked in all I saw was a group of boys. They all stared at me. That's when the panic started to set in. I waited anxiously for one girl to show up; to my surprise, another girl never showed. The first practice was scary, to say the least. No one wanted to work with me, and it was genuinely awkward. The coaches were shocked and tried to make the boys feel more comfortable. As practices continued, things started to improve. They started to warm up to me and realized I was only there to wrestle. Then the rumors began spreading. There were rumors that I was gay and that I was only doing wrestling to get with other people's girlfriends. During every meet, the coaches of the other teams would tell their competitors to go easy on me because I was a girl. Many boys would drop out of competitions because they did not want to face me in a competition. This was something I had to deal with repeatedly, being the only girl on the wrestling team. I overcame these challenges by never quitting, even when times got hard. When boys would drop out of tournaments, when rumors were spread about me, or when I was told I should drop out because I was a girl. One of the big reasons I kept going was to encourage other girls to try things they were afraid of. As a result, I was able to get two girls on the wrestling team the following year. If I could advise someone facing similar circumstances, I would tell them to never give up and never take no for an answer. There will be many times when you want to stop and accept defeat, but don't. Perseverance is the ultimate victory.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could have everyone read just one book, it would be Counting down the days with you. This book encompasses strength, diversity, and of course romance. The main character is the daughter of Indian immigrants who are very harsh about school and dating. This story is about how the main character finds someone to date in high school who is the opposite of what her parents would ever want for her. The book shows how she follows her dreams and pursues her passions. It allows many children of immigrants to relate to how their parenting is different than most. The author also empowers young females to stand up for what they want and to always have a voice in society. The main character is pushed hard into becoming a doctor, but that is not what she wants to do. Near the end, she finds her voice and follows her dream of becoming a baker. She is able to stand up for what she wants and what she believes is right. Of course, there is a romantic aspect. Many high schoolers from immigrant parents are not able to date until much later and if they are it is only for certain people. The protagonist is able to shine a light on breaking cultural norms, and representing a new generation. Everyone should read this book because there are empowering and engaging messages that the author leaves you with. It is a book that you will be thinking about and applying to your own life endeavors.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    From the moment Jeremiah utters those famous words, "I’ll grab your hand, and we’ll dance away from everybody," it's hard not to fall head over heels for him. He's caring, charismatic, and witty basically every girls dream. I mean, who wouldn't want a guy like Jeremiah in their life? Jeremiah has a heart of gold. While Conrad might be all about himself, Jeremiah's shows us what it really means to care for someone. He's willing to put Belly's needs before his own, even if it means letting her go if that's what's best for her. While Conrad needs Belly all to himself. He is not willing to let her go even though he knows he needs to. He is overall a lot more selfish than Jeremiah and shows it all throughout the show. Jeremiah not only looks out for Belly but he looks out for everyone, especially his friends and family. His mom, for example. When she's sick with cancer, he is right there by her side, making sure she's she has someone and making sure she is okay at all times. That kind of compassion and devotion is hard to come by, especially in high school boys these days. And speaking of high school drama, let's talk about Conrad versus Jeremiah. Conrad might have his brooding, mysterious thing going on but he has nothing compare to Jeremiah's emotional maturity. He's like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. He's always got a smile on his face and a joke up his sleeve, ready to lift your spirits when you're feeling down. While Conrad is always moping and ruining everyone's day. He always ends up being the storm for Belly, and she always has to clean up his mess. One example is the time at the dance when Conrad bailed on Belly Guess who swooped in to save the day? You guessed it – Jeremiah. He didn't hesitate for a second to step up and be there for Belly when she needed him most. He has proven time and time again that he is the kind of guy that will always be there for her. That is definitely the type of guy you want in your corner when the going gets tough. Call me biased, but Jeremiah is the better pick in this situation. He's not just the better choice for Belly – he's the better choice, period. With his caring nature, unwavering support, and infectious positivity.
    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    "With great power comes great responsibility"- Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man. These words are said through many generations, resonating with each portrayal of the iconic hero. Among the talented actors who have played Spider Man, Tom Holland stands out as my personal favorite. While I fondly remember watching Tobey Maguire's version with my dad for the first time, and delighting in Andrew Garfield's wit and charm, it's Holland's portrayal of the actor that captivated me. My journey with Holland's Spider-Man began sitting in the theater with my large tub of popcorn accompanied by my friends. All of us were speechless by the film's excellence. Zendaya's portrayal as a strong, intelligent female character added depth to the narrative, elevating the movie experience. It was nice to see the inclusion of such empowered female roles, and Zendaya's portrayal certainly stood out. Furthermore, the exploration of villains in the newer Spider-Man movies adds layers of complexity to the storyline. I like how the latest movie brings together all of the spider men, to display unity against the nasty villains. This movie concluded and brough together all of the movies on a satisfying note. Overall, Tom Holland's Spider-Man embodies the essence of a great superhero. He captivates the audience with his humor and charm. The dynamic characters, engaging narratives, and thrilling action sequences inspire and entertain, leaving a great impact on all viewers.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    As the crisp autumn air fills my lungs, I'm instantly transported to a world of comfort and nostalgia. When I open the door to Starbucks, the unmistakable aroma of pumpkin wafts through the air, teasing my senses with promises of warmth and coziness. It's that time of year again – the season of Pumpkin Spice lattes, and oh, how they fill me with joy! There's something magical about sipping on a Pumpkin Spice latte that gives me a sense of joy like I am a kid again. It's more than just a beverage; it's a cherished tradition, that holds a special place in my heart. My birthday falls in September, and like clockwork, I eagerly anticipate my complimentary birthday treat – a Grande iced Pumpkin Spice latte, the essential definition of autumn. Now, I know what you're thinking – iced? Unconventional, perhaps, but to me, it's perfection. There no way to describe when the iced cold sweetened pumpkin hits my lips. Its like I am living in candy land. One particular birthday stands out vividly in my memory – the day I got my braces. As soon as those metal contraptions were off, my first order of business was indulging in a Pumpkin Spice latte with my mom. We sat in the car, savoring every sip, reminiscing on the flavors that never fail to bring us together. Speaking of my mom, she's the one who introduced me to this glory of a drink. I've learned the art of customization – extra whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon to make the drink even better. Together, we've forged a bond over our shared love for Pumpkin Spice lattes, even if it means splurging a little too often during the fall season. During fall break, our Pumpkin Spice escapades reach new heights. It's become a daily ritual to go on an adventure to Starbucks followed by an adventure to the nearest pumpkin patch. One particular outing stands out when we went to a pumpkin patch picked out pumpkins and sat there for hours talking. It was the beginning of a family tradition with my mom. For us, the Pumpkin Spice latte isn't just a drink; it is a cherished memory. It symbolizes the warmth of family bonds and the joy of shared experiences. As I look forward to future fall breaks, I can't wait to continue this tradition, knowing that with each sip, I'm transported back to a simpler time – a time filled with love, and laughter. And let's not forget about the smooth pumpkin muffin with cream cheese frosting – but that's a story for another day.
    Dynamic Edge Women in STEM Scholarship
    Imagine being in a hospital room, facing the dark reality of losing a limb and the shattered dreams of a promising athletic career. Unfortunately, this is a harsh reality for many individuals, as the loss of mobility not only affects their physical well-being but also their mental and emotional health. Amidst these challenges, a beacon of hope emerges. Something that intrigues me is the revolutionary advancement of 3D-printed prosthetics. This groundbreaking innovation has not only transformed the medical landscape but has also breathed new life into the aspirations of countless individuals. I have witnessed someone in my school who once relied on a wheelchair, now walking confidently through the halls of high school, thanks to a 3D-printed prosthetic. This ultimately is where my interest began. It greatly inspired me to see one of my peers being moved by this medical advancement. For me, this pivotal moment catalyzes my future aspirations in the medical field. The desire to alleviate suffering and empower individuals through innovation motivates me. I envision myself contributing to the realm of emergency medicine, where every second counts and the need for innovative solutions is paramount. One of the pressing challenges in the emergency room (ER) is the overwhelming influx of patients, often outnumbering the available medical staff. I am determined to address this issue by pioneering advancements that optimize patient care and streamline medical processes. My vision encompasses the development of cutting-edge technologies, such as automated diagnostic machines for non-critical cases and surgical assistance systems that augment the capabilities of healthcare professionals. I aim to bridge the gap between patient needs and medical resources. Imagine a future where doctors can devote more time and attention to critical cases, knowing that patients with less severe conditions are receiving prompt and precise care through automated systems. As a Latina woman pursuing a career in the medical and STEM fields, I am driven by a dual commitment – to advance healthcare innovation and to empower underrepresented communities. My journey is not only about personal fulfillment but also about breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of Latina women to pursue their dreams in these fields. Through diligent research, relentless dedication, and inclusivity, I aspire to make tangible contributions that resonate beyond borders and boundaries. Whether it's designing life-changing technologies or advocating for greater diversity in STEM, I am committed to fostering a more equitable and accessible future for all. My overall ambition is to create empowerment, and progress in the medical field. I believe that everyone deserves the highest standard of care, and I strive to leave a lasting impact on the world.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    Buckle up, folks, because if you haven't dived into the whirlwind that is "Jane the Virgin," you're missing out on a rollercoaster ride of drama, family antics, action-packed twists, and love triangles juicier than ever. Picture this: you, a bucket of popcorn the size of a small child, and your feline companion cozied up for the binge-watch of a lifetime. This show isn't just your average Netflix binge; it's a full-blown telenovela extravaganza with a load of situational irony that'll have you laughing, and crying, all at once. At the heart of all the chaos lies our protagonist Jane, in a stroke of outrageous luck (or misfortune, depending on how you see it), finds herself artificially inseminated and pregnant faster than a cheetah. Here's the kicker: the baby daddy isn't just any guy off the street. Nope, he's none other than Jane's former crush, a blast from the past she never quite got over. And just when you thought things couldn't get any messier, Jane has a fiancé waiting for her. Talk about a love triangle with more twists than a pretzel. Although "Jane the Virgin" is full of love and laughter, it isn't just about love triangles and baby drama; oh no, it's a celebration of Latina excellence, showcasing a diverse cast of talented actresses who bring the heat to every scene. This show inspired me as a Latina because of all the strong women seen on the screen, and the way they take charge in their roles. From Gina Rodriguez's stellar performance as Jane to guest appearances by Latina legends like Gloria Estefan, Eva Longoria, and Charo, this show is a cultural fiesta that'll have you cheering "¡Viva la familia!" at the top of your lungs. And let's not forget about the friendships. From Jane's tight-knit bond with her sassy bestie to the quirky antics of her lovable abuela, this show is a love letter to the power of female camaraderie. Because let's face it, nothing brings people together quite like a shared love of telenovelas and a bottomless bowl of popcorn. So, grab your remote, snuggle up with your furry friend, and prepare yourself for a wild ride through the trials and tribulations of love, family, and the occasional case of mistaken insemination. "Jane the Virgin" isn't just a TV show; it's a hilarious, heartwarming, and downright addictive that'll leave you craving more with every episode. Good thing there are 100 episodes. Trust me, you won't want to miss this caliente comedy-drama.