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Lauren Apodaca


Bold Points




I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School student planning to go to college to further my education and become a registered dietician. I graduate May of 2023.


University of New Mexico-Main Campus

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other
  • Minors:
    • East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General

Los Lunas High School

High School
2019 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • English Language and Literature, General
    • Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language
    • Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies
    • Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
    • English Language and Literature/Letters, Other
    • History and Language/Literature
    • Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other
    • East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
    • Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
    • Second Language Learning
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Writing and Editing

    • Dream career goals:




      2008 – 201911 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Nursing Home — Volunteer
        2019 – 2020

      Future Interests





      Bookshelf to Big Screen Scholarship
      The Harry Potter franchise has become one of the most iconic and influential in book to movie history. It started out as an idea which came to J.K. Rowling while waiting in Kings Cross station in London. After spending years scribbling notes on paper and creating the entire wizarding world, the first novel was published. The series came out one book after another. All becoming huge successes. Both the novels and the movies create an immersive experience, taking viewers through a story of found family, love, and perseverance. When reading, you may imagine certain scenes in one way, but you are mostly focused on the story and messages within the text. However, by watching the movie, you do not have to make any effort to imagine what the situation looked like or felt like. The actors' facial expressions, the music which plays, the sound effects, the camera work, the mood of the scene, tells all that you need to know. By turning a novel into a movie, it allows all people to experience the story. Many people simply do not have the mental or physical capability to easily read a full novel. It takes so much time and focus, and can be extremely difficult if you have a learning disability such as dyslexia or eyesight problems. Even with the existence of audiobooks and e-readers, it can feel much more enjoyable to relax and watch a movie. Some movie adaptations do not completely follow the novel, but the overall message is usually the same. For the Harry Potter movies, they did end up removing certain parts of the story, certain characters, or scenes which were deemed unimportant to film. However, many of our favorite scenes and quotes are all the same in both the books and the movie. This way, people who have only read the books, and people who have only seen the movies can still have a conversation about the story, characters, even theories! It is incredibly important for a franchise to reach as many audiences as possible. This is made much easier when you film movie adaptations. When there are so many forms of the story available, so many more people can be affected by the story and message. In this way, the characters begin to have a life of their own. One that all people know and love. You can connect with others who enjoy the same story, and create a community based on something that started out just as an idea. Thank you for reading my short essay for the Bookshelf to Big Screen scholarship, and thank you for making this opportunity possible.
      Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
      Every book has a message. Many times it is shared through telling a story about a fictional character in fantastical situations. Once you finish the book, however, that message becomes implanted in your brain. That is why I love to read. Not only is it enjoyable and entertaining, it also shares lessons and wisdoms which are relevant to our everyday lives. The first novel that I read this year had a message of self-discovery and acceptance, which was told through a unique storyline which takes place during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this book titled 'Wish You Were Here', author Jodi Picoult tells a story about a woman named Diana O'Toole. Diana and her boyfriend were meant to go to the Galapagos together, taking a long-needed break from their work and careers. But, the pandemic causes a stir in the city. Since her boyfriend is a medical professional, he stays home. Diana however, travels to the Galapagos alone. With little to no knowledge of the language, and no cell service, she is forced to find peace on her own, while the rest of the world falls into chaos. This book was especially meaningful to me, because it allowed me to improve my outlook on myself. I learned that our society likes to mold us and shape us into what it needs from us at the time, but we have a choice to resist, and explore what we truly desire. We will never be able to fit into these boxes which society has so kindly laid out for us. So we must learn to be content in our identities. I also enjoyed reading 'Lightlark', which is the first novel in the popular series by Alex Aster. Not only is the novel insightful, but the story of how the novel came to be is incredibly inspiring. The author's hard work shows that perseverance pays off. The novel which has become a #1 New York Times Bestseller was first rejected by 16 publishing companies. Aster truly believed that she had created something which others would enjoy. So, she uploaded a short video to Tiktok, which became a sensation all across the platform. It turned out that many people enjoyed the storyline, the characters and the message. So much so, that it is turning into a three-book series, with a movie deal. There is also so much change occurring around the characters in novels like these. So much can happen in such a short period of time. The world is constantly shifting and progressing and changing, and we will never be happy until we can learn to accept that change, and persevere through it. Even if it means adjusting things which are unhealthy for you, things which you have grown too comfortable in, for the better good. I have learned to adjust things, big and small, so that I can be happier and healthier, regardless of others' opinions.
      Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
      Starbucks has been a place which has always felt very positive to me. Every time we would go, the workers were so kind, and the specialty drinks were so creative and wonderful. I was never allowed to drink coffee as a young girl, so I had to be very particular about the drinks that I had. But, every once in a while, I would convince my mother to go with me. Each time we went, I ordered something different. Since we didn't go very often, I wanted to try everything. I did this in preparation for when I become old enough to go more often. That way, I can have a 'usual' drink. My mother however, got the same drink every single time. She got a pumpkin spice chai latte, and because of this, it has a special place in my heart. My mother and I have always been close, having had many, many years to build our communication skills, and inside joke collection. She has supported me through all of the ups and downs in my life, and has stuck by my side when no one else had. It means so much to me to have her love and guidance. The pumpkin spice chai latte always reminds me of her. And since my university has a Starbucks in the main library (yes it is inside the library), I am reminded of her multiple times a day in the fall. In recent years, I have struggled with intense seasonal depression. All of a sudden, as the temperatures get cooler, and the weather gets harsher, I become overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and fear. Even though I have always found snow, rain, and clouds to be exceptionally beautiful, I still get swallowed up whole by my unfortunate feelings at this time. This past fall and winter, this depression was the worst it has ever been in my entire life, and led to so much grief and pain. But, every time I would walk into that main library, and see my favorite workers putting up a new 'pumpkin spice latte' sign, I would be reminded of my mother, and all the love I have for her. It brought me comfort to see that some things never change with the seasons, such as my mothers love for pumpkin spice, and my love for my mother. Thank you so much for reading this scholarship essay, and for all the care you put into making it possible. I will admit, writing this had me tearing up a little. I never thought I would be able to achieve as much as I have in college, and it would mean the world to me, to get recognition for my hard work.
      Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
      Author Alex Aster started writing at 12 years old. She spent over a decade reaching out to literary agents, publishers. She was rejected each and every time. Until, she uploaded a video to Tiktok describing her book titled 'Lightlark'. The video skyrocketed in views, and the book became a New York Times #1 bestseller. It will be turned into a movie, and we are currently waiting for the third book in the series 'Skyshade' to be released. Clearly, Booktok can have a huge impact on an author, but it can also have a huge impact on a reader as well. Booktok is a community which has shared must-read books and series with a huge audience online. Many which have given me so much joy. For example, the 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' series by Sarah J. Maas shares a story of self-discovery and love, while her most recent 'Crescent City' novels explores politics and corrupt worlds. I personally have a makeshift bookshelf in my closet made with three small square organizers which contain all of the stories which live constantly in my head. Currently, there are many Jodi Picoult novels, Rick Riordon novels, and Ruth Ware novels which I got before I was introduced to the Booktok community, but since exploring the most popular books on the short video app, about ten new books have been added. They include Powerful and Powerless by Lauren Roberts, the 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' series, the full 'Crescent City' series, and the 'Lightlark' series. I also had to get 'Romancing Mister Bridgerton', because I am obsessed with the Netflix series. If I could afford a real bookshelf, and more books to go in it, I would love to add the 'Throne of Glass' series by Sarah J. Maas, as well as 'Foul Lady Fortune' and 'Foul Heart Huntsman' by Chloe Gong, who also has an online presence. As an aspiring author, these are all well written, inspiring stories by amazing authors. I love scrolling through Tiktok to find more and more stories which show heart and emotion in their pages. The amount of care and effort which these authors put into these novels is astounding. But they have also shown that it is possible to succeed in the field, and reach an audience which will be greatly impacted by your story. I hope that one day, I might find an audience of my own through my writing. Thank you for reading my essay for the Once Upon a #Booktok Scholarship.
      Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
      From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. One of these issues I dealt with was a restrictive eating disorder. I restricted my food and water intake and purged and used different medications for six years to try and lose weight and stay in control. It made me miserable and desperate. It took so much from me. Eventually, it felt like all I had left. Behavioral health disorders are usually a result of past trauma but can happen with no prior trauma. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well. I was exhausted and felt so little joy. I put in over 30 hours weekly for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I had been struggling alone for years, so it was hard to as for help, but eventually, I overcame that belief. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. I believed for years that having an eating disorder was a better and healthier lifestyle. However, once the first week passed, I settled down. There were many patients there who knew my struggle. They taught me that health was more important than appearance and control. They inspired me to choose recovery. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. It was so difficult to choose to live, but after getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. I think that prioritizing mental health is vital for all people. Studies have shown that some mental illnesses also cause physical disorders, which can be permanent. An example is emotional eating. Many people struggle with eating smaller portions or above-average quantities of food resulting from mental strain, which could lead to hair loss, weight gain or loss, diabetes, heart disease, and tooth damage. Many people deal with excess stress or pressure, which can alter their eating patterns. Preventative steps exist so that we can spot these issues before they become serious problems. For example, mindfulness and non-judgemental awareness can help people discover these problems when they first appear. Therapy and coping skills can prevent these problems from advancing into more serious problems after they first appear. We can even analyze people's handwriting to help process emotions and subconscious tendencies. The point is there are numerous skills you can use to better your mental and physical well-being, but you can only benefit from them if you are aware of your issues. So stay mindful of your body and mind, and don't wait to ask for help.
      Ruth Hazel Scruggs King Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful creative engineer. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. Posters especially fascinate me and always have. They have survived the time of technology, and I love looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      La Santana Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful creative engineer. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. Posters especially fascinate me and always have. They have survived the time of technology, and I love looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Mental Health Importance Scholarship
      From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. One of these issues I dealt with was a restrictive eating disorder. I restricted my food and water intake and purged and used different medications for six years to try and lose weight and stay in control. It made me miserable and desperate. It took so much from me. Eventually, it felt like all I had left. Behavioral health disorders are usually a result of past trauma but can happen with no prior trauma. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well. I was exhausted and felt so little joy. I put in over 30 hours weekly for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I had been struggling alone for years, so it was hard to as for help, but eventually, I overcame that belief. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. I believed for years that having an eating disorder was a better and healthier lifestyle. However, once the first week passed, I settled down. There were many patients there who knew my struggle. They taught me that health was more important than appearance and control. They inspired me to choose recovery. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. It was so difficult to choose to live, but after getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. I think that prioritizing mental health is vital for all people. Studies have shown that some mental illnesses also cause physical disorders, which can be permanent. An example is emotional eating. Many people struggle with eating smaller portions or above-average quantities of food resulting from mental strain, which could lead to hair loss, weight gain or loss, diabetes, heart disease, and tooth damage. Many people deal with excess stress or pressure, which can alter their eating patterns. Preventative steps exist so that we can spot these issues before they become serious problems. For example, mindfulness and non-judgemental awareness can help people discover these problems when they first appear. Therapy and coping skills can prevent these problems from advancing into more serious problems after they first appear. We can even analyze people's handwriting to help process emotions and subconscious tendencies. The point is there are numerous skills you can use to better your mental and physical well-being, but you can only benefit from them if you are aware of your issues. So stay mindful of your body and mind, and don't wait to ask for help if you need it.
      Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Charles Pulling Sr. Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Eco-Warrior Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. Societal issues push me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. I have participated in multiple robotics competitions at the elementary and middle school levels and participated in Band for 5 years. I also participated in the Marching band for 2 years. I play the clarinet, piano and some percussion instruments. I also have been awarded 3 academic letters so far. I did all of this while being in eating disorder treatment which required 30+ hours a week, of residential care. I have recovered from the eating disorder, and am on my way to living my best life. During my time in public school, I have experienced countless lockdowns and drills. Some of these experiences came from violence from a weapon such as a gun or a knife. We would shelter in place from very young ages, and learn about the tragedies of gun violence. This made a huge impact on me, causing nightmares, and aggravating existing anxieties. I hope that we can prevent these dangers by restricting access to weapons. In the future, I would like to learn more about gun violence and educate others on the dangers of mass destruction weapons.
      Stacy T. Mosley Jr. Educational Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. By continuing my education, I hope to widen the impact of art and games on everyday life.
      Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Julie Madison Memorial Art Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of how he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell and make a scene at any disturbance. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. My mother filed for divorce and had him forcefully removed from the household. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him and used alcohol and my eating disorder to lower my anxiety. I believed that it was working and that I was coping well. However, as trauma started to surface, I realized I did not respect him. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started manipulating those around me to force me into a relationship with him. My mother is a strong presence in my life. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and understanding whenever possible. In this way, I hope to create positivity. Eventually, I stopped seeing my father. In recent years, he has decided not to support my education. My mother and I will fund my education alone. Earning scholarships would help college be more affordable for my family.
      M.R. Brooks Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. My mother is a strong presence in my life. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and understanding whenever possible. In this way, I hope to create positivity. Eventually, I stopped seeing my father. In recent years, he has decided not to support my education. My mother and I will fund my education alone. Earning scholarships would help college be more affordable for my family. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of how he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair, and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. Being an LGBTQ+ woman has helped me understand the true meaning of equality and the value of individuality. My father tried to take this from me, but my mother protected our family. I hope I may be able to learn from this experience and use the knowledge in the future.
      Mad Grad Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. The old masters taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi- player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Caleb G. Banegas Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I want to become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. My mother is a strong presence in my life. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and understanding whenever possible. In this way, I hope to create positivity. Eventually, I stopped seeing my father. In recent years, he has decided not to support my education. My mother and I will fund my education alone. Earning scholarships would help college be more affordable for my family.
      Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. The old masters taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have done six years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to ask for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week passed, I settled down. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building stamina for new social interactions, and my body is strong. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health.
      Headbang For Science
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. Heavy metal music is a big part of my life. Music is a way to express your emotions. Heavy metal music is a very diverse genre of music. It has songs fit for every emotion, from love to betrayal and hopelessness. Listening to this music is a way to process your circumstances and cope healthily. It is a form of art and has a positive impact on listeners.
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Career Search Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Wellness Warriors Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have done six years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to ask for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week passed, I settled down. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building stamina for new social interactions, and my body is strong. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health.
      Joieful Connections Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. I am also interested in computer science, psychology, mental health, and game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Doña Lupita Immigrant Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education at the School of Visual Arts in NY. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of how he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair, and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him and used alcohol and my eating disorder to lower my anxiety. I believed that it was working and that I was coping well. However, as trauma started to surface, I realized I did not respect him. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started manipulating those around me to force me into a relationship with him. My mother is a strong presence in my life. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. Eventually, I stopped seeing my father. In recent years, he has decided not to support my education. My mother and I will fund my education alone. Earning scholarships would help college be more affordable for my family.
      Alicea Sperstad Rural Writer Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I want to pursue creative writing part-time because I see it as a form of art. I am inspired by many of the great storytellers and hope to create something meaningful. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Dan Leahy Scholarship Fund
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of how he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair, and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him and used alcohol and my eating disorder to lower my anxiety. However, as trauma started to surface, I realized I did not respect him. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started manipulating those around me to force me into a relationship with him. My mother is a strong presence in my life. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. Eventually, I stopped seeing my father. In recent years, he has decided not to support my education. My mother and I will fund my education alone. Earning scholarships would help college be more affordable for my family.
      Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education at the School of Visual Arts in NY. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. Recently, my childhood friend died of an overdose. She was kind, outgoing, friendly, and caring. When we were little, we were in girl scouts together. My mother was the group leader. She planned our explorations and lessons. After I quit, however, we grew apart and barely talked again. When I learned about her death, I felt guilty that I hadn't reconnected with her. After her death, I decided to learn more about drug overdoses. It turns out that fentanyl overdoses were much more common in the past year. I wondered how many other people had lost friends and family the same way. How many people in New Mexico were grieving losses related to fentanyl? How could we prevent something that we could barely control? I have learned the importance of drug education and overdose prevention. I think that everyone should know how to protect themselves from an overdose. While nothing can bring her back, we can prevent something like this from happening again. I hope to educate others on the dangers and uncertainty of drugs and addiction. My friend will never have the chance to change and grow. She can never be sober again. I hope she is happy wherever she is and doing what she loves. I hope she is thinking about her family. I hope she is protecting them. I want to live a long, fulfilling life in memory of her.
      Koehler Family Trades and Engineering Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have done six years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to ask for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week passed, I settled down. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building stamina for new social interactions, and my body is strong. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health.
      Deborah Thomas Scholarship Award
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Trudgers Fund
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Recently, my childhood friend died of an overdose. She was kind, outgoing, friendly, and caring. When we were little, we were in girl scouts together. My mother was the group leader. She planned our explorations and lessons. After I quit, however, we grew apart and barely talked again. When I learned about her death, I felt guilty that I hadn't reconnected with her. After her death, I decided to learn more about drug overdoses. It turns out that fentanyl overdoses were much more common in the past year. I wondered how many other people had lost friends and family the same way. How many people in New Mexico were grieving losses related to fentanyl? How could we prevent something that we could barely control? I have learned the importance of drug education and overdose prevention. I think that everyone should know how to protect themselves from an overdose. While nothing can bring her back, we can prevent something like this from happening again. I remember what her parents told us at the celebration of life. She wanted to be a pilot. She was passionate about living life big, breaking the rules, and experiencing freedom. She had big dreams. I hope to educate others on the dangers and uncertainty of drugs and addiction. My friend will never have the chance to change and grow. She can never be sober again. I hope she is happy wherever she is and doing what she loves. I hope she is thinking about her family. I hope she is protecting them. I want to live a long, fulfilling life in memory of her. Please consider me for the Trudgers fund scholarship, and thank you for the opportunity.
      Youth Equine Service Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. I have owned many animals and currently live with five family dogs. Living with these dogs has shown me that life is meaningless without the experiences they give us. Without these feelings, our existence does not make a difference. Without our passion and imagination, we will not affect the world. It is because of these things that the world keeps growing and changing. I want to become an artist. I hope to create those things that capture the attention of an audience. I want to share something that fills a room with love and joy. I hope to share my experiences through art, and I will try my best to continue to learn because I believe that the possibilities are endless when you are creating. Living with dogs has inspired me to create art. It has also shown me responsibility and companionship. I would display these experiences that give life the interest and beauty that makes it meaningful. I want to push my ability to show the beauty of perfect moments in time that our animals give us. By allowing others to relive a moment in time and making pieces that display a universal experience, I hope others will relate to my artwork. By making art my career, I hope to make an impact on my audience that is eternal. I hope to bring out a change in my audience by displaying rich culture and new ideas. If my audience is isolated or has no one to relate to, I hope my art can reach them and spark something powerful in their hearts as it does for me.
      Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      SmartSolar Sustainability Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect of art on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects, like the environment. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Wild Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Donald A. Baker Foundation Scholarship
      After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair, and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him and used alcohol and my eating disorder to lower my anxiety. I would wait until he was asleep and drink tequila and wine in the middle of the night to get to sleep. I believed that it was working and that I was coping well. However, as trauma started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. My mom is the strongest person I know. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and do the honorable thing whenever possible. For example, I would donate to local causes, give money to the homeless, and hold the door for someone who might have trouble. I also demonstrate patience and calm when things don't go well. In this way, I hope to I may make a positive impact on the world.
      Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Big Picture Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. The movie that had an impact on me is Orphan (2009). Orphan documents a family's battle with their newly adopted child after struggles with miscarriage and alcohol. After watching it for the first time, I could not stop thinking about it. I believe that an Orphan is a work of art. The movie poster grabs your attention, while the thrills make it enjoyable to watch. I also loved the twist at the end. The adopted child also loves art and music, which makes her relatable (to some extent). I believe art is a coping skill and is great for self-discovery, which the movie shows. While there are many things shown in the movie that you should not do, there are also many learning points. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Big Heart Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health throughout my artistic career.
      Richard Neumann Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. Recently, my childhood friend died of an overdose. She was kind, outgoing, friendly, and caring. When we were little, we were in girl scouts together. My mother was the group leader. She planned our explorations and lessons. After I quit, however, we grew apart and barely talked again. When I learned about her death, I felt guilty that I hadn't reconnected with her. After her death, I decided to learn more about drug overdoses. It turns out that fentanyl overdoses were much more common in the past year. I wondered how many other people had lost friends and family the same way. How many people in New Mexico were grieving losses related to fentanyl? How could we prevent something that we could barely control? I have learned the importance of drug education and overdose prevention. I think that everyone should know how to protect themselves from an overdose. While nothing can bring her back, we can prevent something like this from happening again. I remember what her parents told us at the celebration of life. She wanted to be a pilot. She was passionate about living life big, breaking the rules, and experiencing freedom. She had big dreams. I hope to educate others on the dangers and uncertainty of drugs and addiction.
      Your Health Journey Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health throughout my artistic career.
      Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health throughout my artistic career.
      Healthy Eating Scholarship
      From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health throughout my artistic career.
      Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I hope to educate others on mental and physical health throughout my artistic career. I relate to Maggie Kwiecien because of these experiences. They have made me more determined and bold, both physically and mentally. I am also very devoted to my education.
      Kiaan Patel Scholarship
      I am an LGBTQ+ New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I have passion, technique, and skill, which I hope to further advance through a master's in Illustration or Fine Arts. I graduate in May of 2023. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Kozakov Foundation Fellowship for Creatives
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Gabriel Martin Memorial Annual Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college.
      Project Pride of NJ Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Jennifer Webb-Cook Gameplan Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. My mom is strong. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. Eventually, I stopped seeing my father. In recent years, he has decided not to support my education. My mother and I are on our own, even after my father greedily spent my college funds. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He put me into a dance class when I was three. I continued to dance for many years, which trained me to act more feminine. However, it soon became unhealthy. He lectured us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, looks, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him and used alcohol and my eating disorder to lower my anxiety. I believed that it was working and that I was coping well. However, as trauma started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. I also started dancing on my own again. I started to enjoy it more, and hope to continue in the future.
      Paige's Promise Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. If I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. Recently, my childhood friend died of an overdose. She was kind, outgoing, friendly, and caring. When we were little, we were in girl scouts together. My mother was the group leader. She planned our explorations and lessons. After I quit, however, we grew apart and barely talked again. When I learned about her death, I felt guilty that I hadn't reconnected with her. After her death, I decided to learn more about drug overdoses. It turns out that fentanyl overdoses were much more common in the past year. I wondered how many other people had lost friends and family the same way. How many people in New Mexico were grieving losses related to fentanyl? How could we prevent something that we could barely control? I have learned the importance of drug education and overdose prevention. I think that everyone should know how to protect themselves from an overdose. While nothing can bring her back, we can prevent something like this from happening again. I remember what her parents told us at the celebration of life. She wanted to be a pilot. She was passionate about living life big, breaking the rules, and experiencing freedom. She had big dreams. I hope to educate others on the dangers and uncertainty of drugs and addiction.
      Francis E. Moore Prime Time Ministries Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I found the importance of my health and well-being and discovered that I never succeed without a healthy body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college.
      Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. Most people who see any form of art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. We should all learn from nature and educate ourselves on how to take care of it. I hope to convey this through my art. I will use my art to show the beauty and power of our natural world so that my audience will think about their effect on it. I would also like to build a following. When I share my views on the environment, others can take action.
      Seherzada Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope to work at a large company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. To do this, I will advance my education and build a good portfolio. I am passionate about the impact I will have on the industry, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals.
      Joey Anderson Dance & Theater Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I see dance and theater as a form of art. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I hope to work at a large company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. To do this, I will advance my education and build a good portfolio. I am passionate about the impact I will have on the industry, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      Drougas Trade Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. I am passionate about art and design and want to become a successful movie poster artist. However, to become a successful artist, you need a good education and many opportunities. Many art schools house events that could allow me to follow my passion but tuition is expensive, which made me consider trade school.
      Amelia Michelle Sanford LGBTQIA+ Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I have changed due to my sexuality. I have been put in harm's way and hurt emotionally. Either they believe lesbians are disgusting and perverted, or they sexualize them. Since expressing my sexuality openly, my mother told me she might not be able to attend my wedding. People have said that I am too young to be ruined or too pretty to be gay. Due to these factors and many more, I have lessened my expression of myself. I have learned that I love to be open about my sexuality, but I am afraid I might be rejected by those I love the most. I want to gush about my crush on my family and ask how to handle romantic situations. It may seem small, but it is critical in a healthy family relationship. I have a very open family. My sister has talked to me freely throughout her experiences with love. I would love to do the same, but she hasn't seemed interested. She seemed disgusted. Since this time, I have not talked about my sexuality or my love life much. I have been lovestruck, confused, exhilarated, and anxious with no family to talk to about it. I need advice and guidance, but I have no one to get it from. I would like to go to art school partially to find a community where I can talk about these things, and have someone to relate to.
      Richard (Dunk) Matthews II Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings.
      SmartAsset High School SmartStart Personal Finance Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. The best financial advice I have heard is to become more educated. Finding information on finances and learning more about managing your finances gives you a much better chance to reach your monetary goals. Too many high school and college students are uneducated on taxes, finances, and savings. Finally, they make decisions on these topics and often make uninformed guesses. I want to make it so that financial education is more common in schools. I want to learn more about finances and share this knowledge with others. Teach other students how to manage savings and do taxes. I would also like them to learn more about saving money in different ways, such as using coupons and informed shopping. They should also learn about banking and stocks, as well as insurance. These things will help many people make more informed financial decisions and reach their monetary goals. They will be in a more suitable standing for the future. Often people never imagine paying expensive medical bills or finding a new job, and when they aren't informed about these possibilities, they will not be financially prepared. I want to avoid these situations in my life and will continue to learn about finances.
      JADED Recovery Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him and used alcohol and my eating disorder to lower my anxiety. I would wait until he was asleep and drink tequila and wine in the middle of the night to get to sleep. I believed that it was working and that I was coping well. However, as trauma started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. My mom is strong. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way.
      Book Lovers Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. My art strives to give the audience new thoughts. I hope that I will make an impact on the environment through my art. I will reuse materials and inspire other artists to do the same. I will bring societal and environmental awareness to my community through my art. By looking at my art, they will learn and think about people's effects on nature. When hired by a company or gallery, I want to bring my knowledge and awareness of societal issues to the front. By doing this, I hope to help the company and the community evolve and become more aware of their surroundings. I would not have everyone read a single book, but instead, I would urge them to read many books so they can educate themselves about real issues.
      Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. My mom is strong. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and do the honorable thing whenever possible. For example, I would donate to local causes, give money to the homeless, and hold the door for someone who might have trouble. I also demonstrate patience and calm when things don't go well. In this way, I hope to I may make a positive impact on the world. Now when thinking back on these events, I recognize my mother's strength. Everyone was against her, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. While I might never be able to create a change in my community, I try to educate those around me. I start conversations that may help others to make good choices as well. I hope to inspire those around me to create a positive community.
      James Gabriel Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I think about new ideas every day. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. While in therapy, I had time to practice art and drawing. I was still able to hone my skill and got better. I also got to discover my passion for art. Others in my treatment were also artistic, and I learned that I love to create art around people who inspire me. I also learned patience and consistency, which I could put towards my art. I thought more about my dreams and concluded that I would like to major in Fine Arts.
      Cazares Family Trade Scholarship
      From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I learned the role art and creativity play in my life. I think about new ideas every day. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. While in therapy, I had time to practice art and drawing. I was still able to hone my skill and got better. I also got to discover my passion for art. Others in my treatment were also artistic, and I learned that I love to create art around people who inspire me. I also learned patience and consistency, which I could put towards my art. I thought more about my dreams and concluded that I would like to major in Fine Arts.
      John Traxler Theatre Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. I am passionate about the impact I will have on the industry, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals.
      Community Pride Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time.
      Glenda W. Brennan "Good Works" Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. I want to travel to see things I would otherwise not be able to see. I want to learn more about the art of the past and the present. Traveling to different areas of the world is a big goal for my life. I want to see many different cultures, people, and art styles that are so different around the world.
      Financial Literacy Importance Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. Art students must know how to manage finances because of the nature of the profession. Art school is expensive, and art jobs are very competitive. It is hard to make it into the art world due to the financial aspect. However, if someone manages their finances effectively, they will have a much better chance of obtaining their goals. To be on track with my monetary goals, I learn about the products I use and how my choices will affect me. I change my habits to save money, such as using less electricity, effectively managing my vehicle usage, and shopping with coupons. By doing this, I have a better chance of thriving as an art student.
      Coleman for Patriots Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. My mom is the strongest person I know. Everyone was against her during my parent's divorce, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and do the honorable thing whenever possible. For example, I would donate to local causes, give money to the homeless, and hold the door for someone who might have trouble. I also demonstrate patience and calm when things don't go well. In this way, I hope to I may make a positive impact on the world. While I might never be able to create a change in my community, I try to educate those around me. I start conversations that may help others to make good choices as well. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope to work as a creative engineer and concept artist at a big gaming company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. To do this, I will advance my education and build a good portfolio. I am passionate about the impact I will have on gaming, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals.
      Law Family Single Parent Scholarship
      After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him, but as these topics started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. I began to recognize my mom's strength. Everyone was against her, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and do the honorable thing whenever possible. For example, I would donate to local causes, give money to the homeless, and hold the door for someone who might have trouble. I also demonstrate patience and calm when things don't go well. In this way, I hope to I may make a positive impact on the world.
      Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I learned how important a role art and creativity play in my life. I think about new ideas every day. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. While in the hospital for malnourishment, I had an NG tube. The NG tube is in the nose. I was starting to get my sense of humor back. After feeding from the tube, my mom jokingly asked me how breakfast was. I told her I didn't taste it. I told her I inhaled it. It became one of many Eating Disorder related jokes.
      Mark Caldwell Memorial STEM/STEAM Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, trust, and passion. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I learned how important a role art and creativity play in my life. I think about new ideas every day. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college.
      Jared Ethan Trueba Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope to work as a creative engineer and concept artist at a big gaming company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. To do this, I will advance my education and build a good portfolio. I am passionate about the impact I will have on gaming, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals.
      Do Good Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Many of the great masters were very passionate about art, science, and technology. They also taught me that the art of others inspires you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. I am also interested in game design. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills.
      Act Locally Scholarship
      I am interested in game design and computer art applications. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope to work as a creative engineer and concept artist at a big gaming company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. To do this, I will advance my education and build a good portfolio. I am passionate about the impact I will have on gaming, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals.
      Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
      I am interested in game design and computer art applications. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that art degrees hold you back from living out your full potential. I think the opposite is true. To build a good game, you need experience and expertise. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope to work as a creative engineer and concept artist at a big gaming company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. To do this, I will advance my education and build a good portfolio. I am passionate about the impact I will have on gaming, and I will continue to increase my skills to impact the gaming industry. I hope to use my education to become skillful and reach my goals.
      Future Is Female Inc. Scholarship
      As Cheris Kramarae said, feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings. Being a woman has changed my views, especially on sexual assault, abortion, human rights, double standards, etc. Many men do not think about how their actions might affect a woman. Simple things like walking alone, giving birth, having sex, and wearing revealing clothing can make horrible things happen to women, and we are aware of the risks. One person who inspires me a lot is my mother. After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime we wouldn't give him what he wanted. In recent years, he has manipulated many of those around him to get approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable. At this point, I was still visiting him, but as these topics started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped seeing him. Therapy gave me the skills to build a healthy mental state and life. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. Now when thinking back on these events, I recognize my mother's strength. Everyone was against her, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. While I might never be able to create a change in my community, I try to educate those around me. I start conversations that may help others to make good choices as well. I hope to inspire those around me to create a community where men and women are equals. I want women to be more than sexual objects. Please consider me for this scholarship, and thank you for the opportunity.
      Norman H. Becker Integrity and Honor Scholarship
      After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. My dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. The word integrity reminds me of my mother. Now when thinking back on these events, I recognize my mom's strength. Everyone was against her, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way. She has taught me to use integrity and honor in my everyday life. I try to be kind and do the honorable thing whenever possible. For example, I would donate to local causes, give money to the homeless, and hold the door for someone who might have trouble. I also demonstrate patience and calm when things don't go well. In this way, I hope to I may make a positive impact on the world.
      Another Way Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college.
      Yvela Michele Memorial Scholarship for Resilient Single Parents
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college.
      Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college.
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. From a young age, I struggled with mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body.
      Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art to become a successful movie poster artist. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. I will become a movie poster artist who will change how people see art. Movie posters fascinate me and always have. They have survived through time, and I loved looking at them. The way that the artist creates a composition based on simple shapes and the way that they glamourize and amplify the qualities of the subject to create a more intriguing piece inspires me. I want to do this. From a young age, I struggled with behavioral and mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. Please consider me for this scholarship, and thank you for the opportunity.
      Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
      Recently, my childhood friend died of an overdose. She was kind, outgoing, friendly, and caring. When we were little, we were in girl scouts together. My mother was the group leader. She planned our explorations and lessons. After I quit, however, we grew apart and barely talked again. When I learned about her death, I felt guilty that I hadn't reconnected with her. After her death, I decided to learn more about drug overdoses. It turns out that fentanyl overdoses were much more common in the past year. I wondered how many other people had lost friends and family the same way. How many people in New Mexico were grieving losses related to fentanyl? How could we prevent something that we could barely control? I have learned the importance of drug education and overdose prevention. I think that everyone should know how to protect themselves from an overdose. While nothing can bring her back, we can prevent something like this from happening again. I remember what her parents told us at the celebration of life. She wanted to be a pilot. She was passionate about living life big, breaking the rules, and experiencing freedom. She had big dreams. While she will never be able to be a pilot here, I hope that she is out there somewhere free to fly.
      Your Dream Music Scholarship
      The song that has the most important message to me is "Follow You" by Bring Me The Horizon. This song represents passion and loyalty. Love without an end. The artist, Oli Sykes, wrote this song while he and his wife were in a rough patch. He claimed that "things didn't look too good. It was an eye–opener because I realized that no matter how bad being together can sometimes get, the alternative is so much worse." This quote is meaningful because I am passionate about love and relationships. I have made many mistakes in the past, and this song makes me want to be kinder and more understanding. I want to understand that others make mistakes and stay loyal to them anyway. This song shows me that there are others out there who understand what it is like to love. To want to stay in love with an imperfect person because to be away from them is unimaginable. Please consider me for the Your Dream Music Scholarship, and thank you for the opportunity.
      Jose Montanez Memorial Scholarship
      I was not in the foster care system. I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in the arts. From a young age, I struggled with behavioral and mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. I believe that life is meaningless without the experiences that make it rich. Without these feelings and these instincts, our existence does not make a difference. Without our passion and imagination, we will not affect the world. It is because of these things that the world keeps growing and changing. I believe we all show courage by living out our passion. I hope to do art. I hope to create those things that capture the attention of an audience. I want to share something that fills a room with love and joy. I hope to share my experiences through art, and I will try my best to continue to learn because I believe that the possibilities are endless when you are creating. I would display the experiences that give life the interest and beauty that makes it meaningful. In my pieces, I hope to entwine new thoughts that might encourage my audience to make something. I intend to give my audience the illusion of rich depth and texture. I want to push the mediums of graphite and charcoal to show the beauty of perfect moments in time. By allowing others to relive a moment in time and making pieces that display a universal experience, I hope others will relate to the artwork. By making art my career, I hope to make an impact on my audience that is eternal. I hope to bring out a change in my audience by displaying rich culture and new ideas. If my audience is isolated or has no one to relate to, I hope my art can reach them and spark something powerful in their hearts. Perhaps this would allow them to look for others with similar interests or try something new. In this way, I hope my artistic career may be a worthwhile endeavor.
      Holistic Health Scholarship
      From a young age, I struggled with behavioral and mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. Please consider me for the Holistic Health scholarship, and thank you for the opportunity.
      Mental Health Importance Scholarship
      From a young age, I struggled with behavioral and mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and an eating disorder. We are currently looking into getting an ADHD diagnosis. Many of these behavioral health disorders are a result of past family trauma, especially relating to domestic and familial abuse. I have gone through 6 years of Family-Based Therapy, Art therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I have done full DBT, IOP, and PHP programs and have gone to two residential treatment programs for eating disorders. While at the height of my eating disorder, my brain could not function well, and I was putting in 30 hours a week for a Partial Hospitalization Program 30 minutes away from my house. I was mentally shut down and had no hope for the future. I knew I needed help, and I dared to speak up and ask my mom for help. About a year ago, I went to the Eating Recovery Center in Chicago for an eating disorder. Once there, I was nervous. I thought I was unsafe and begged my mother to take me home. However, once the first week had passed, I settled down and decided to take a chance and try to get better. At this point, nourishment came through an NG tube to my deprived body. After getting some nutrition, I became more lively and outgoing and was excited about the future. I started to make jokes and became interested in learning new things. I wholeheartedly believe that treatment saved my life. I hope to continue my recovery and education in the future. Through my treatment, I have learned many things, such as the value of friendship, support, and trust. I have also found the importance of my health and well-being. I cannot succeed without the nourishment of my body. I now have a foundation that will help me to prioritize my health. I have learned skills that suit my personality and am maintaining my well-being. I have discovered the beauty of my body and understand more of its internal Interactions relating to diet and nutrition. I am slowly building up my stamina for new social interactions, and my body is getting stronger. I am on a sustainable health and fitness plan and will continue living a healthy lifestyle throughout college. Please consider me for the Mental health Importance scholarship, and thank you for the opportunity.
      Tim Watabe Doing Hard Things Scholarship
      After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self-esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable, such as unsafe driving and inappropriately touching me. At this point, I was still visiting him, but as these topics started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped these visits with him. Therapy for self-esteem issues, eating disorders, and bad attitude, helped me to progress toward a healthy mental state and life. However, my dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. Now when thinking back on these events, I recognize my mom's strength. Everyone was against her, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way.
      Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
      I am interested in game design and computer art applications. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often people are told that video games hold a person back from living out their full potential. I think the opposite is true. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time. I hope to work as a creative engineer and concept artist at a big gaming company where I will share my input. Working at a company like this will allow me to find others with the same passion for their job. My creativity and interpretation of gaming will make me the best person for this scholarship. I am passionate about the impact that I will have on gaming, and I will continue to build my skills to make an impact on the gaming industry.
      Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - High School Award
      I am interested in game design and computer art applications. I am very creative and have always had an instinct for art. I hope to merge the game world into everyday life through concept art and computer game media. By creating a game with real-life situations, I hope to do more than just art and design. I strive to make a lasting impact on my audience. For example, games that use this often have beautiful scenery and realistic scenarios that the characters problem-solve. By allowing the player to relate to the game and find problem-solving tools, they can tend to their problems. They will find better ways to react to stressful situations and learn critical thinking skills. Often many are told that video games hold a person back from living out their full potential. I think the opposite is true. Playing games is shown to increase dopamine and serotonin and improve moods. The player can gain fast reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination skills. In this way, games are high-tech problem-solving tools. I also hope to encourage my audience to learn better communication skills through multi-player gaming. Communicating back and forth during a game will increase the player's ability to do the same in real-life scenarios. I think gaming can effectively create and improve players' skills, and I hope to use these ideas when working full-time.
      Hilda Klinger Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. It is my dream to become the next artist who will change the way that people see art. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. I want to capture those experiences that truly make us human. I will document personal experiences that have shaped my perception of the world, then share those experiences with others. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Art may help the viewer to choose to create. Many of the great masters were very passionate and gave up many things to do art. They also were taught and gained inspiration from a muse. The art of others can inspire you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. I hope my art will make viewers question their ideals and beliefs to shape the world to be kind and tender. I hope that my art will make the world a safer and better place to live.
      Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
      Arts Scholarship Essay by Lauren (Jen) Apodaca Life is meaningless without the experiences that make it rich. Without these feelings and these experiences, our existence does not make a difference. Without our experiences and imagination, we will not affect the world. It is because of these things that the world keeps growing and changing. Days at the beach, staring at a starry night with a loved one, and confidently walking on a sunny day with music blasting in your ears are some rich experiences that artistic ability can show. I would display the experiences that give life the interest and beauty that makes it meaningful. In my pieces, I hope to entwine new thoughts that might encourage my audience to make something. I intend to give my audience the illusion of rich depth and texture. I want to push the mediums of graphite and charcoal to show the beauty of perfect moments in time. By allowing others to relive a moment in time and making pieces that display a universal experience, I hope others will relate to the artwork. By making art my career, I hope to make an impact on my audience that is eternal. I hope to bring out a change in my audience by displaying rich culture and new ideas. If my audience is isolated or has no one to relate to, I hope my art can reach them and spark something powerful in their hearts. Perhaps this would allow them to look for others with similar interests or try something new. In this way, I hope my artistic career may be a worthwhile endeavor.
      Glen E Kaplan Memorial Scholarship
      I am a New Mexico High School Senior who plans to further my education in Illustration and concept art. I have always been inspired by those who can turn inspiration into beautiful art. It is my dream to become the next artist who will change the way that people see art. Most people who see art think it is boring or has no impact on the world. However, if I can continue my education and master my skill, I intend to show people the depth and meaning that can go into art. I want those who see my art to feel something or relate to it. I want to capture those experiences that truly make us human. I will document personal experiences that have shaped my perception of the world, then share those experiences with others. My art will be a window into the soul of all humanity. My passion for art and drawing is nearly indescribable. I am passionate about the process of creation and the effect of art on others. I want my ideas to create a lasting impression. Learning about the progression of art through the ages has shown me, especially in this day and age, the many different forms of art. The effect art has on the world inspires me to choose unusual subjects. Discovering new ideas and concepts helps me to understand my place in the world. Without art, the world is only half of what it could be. In the past, art documented people and events. Had it not existed, we would not know much of our history. Human innovation has roots in creativity and inspiration. Art may help the viewer to choose to create. Many of the great masters were very passionate and gave up many things to do art. They also were taught and gained inspiration from a muse. The art of others can inspire you to do something similar. I hope to gain inspiration from subjects that are important to me and create art that has a deeper meaning. My art will eventually showcase my ideas about the human experience. In this way, I hope to inspire others with my art. My art strives to connect with the audience and give them new thoughts. I hope my art will make viewers question their ideals and beliefs to shape the world to be kind and gentle. I hope that my art will make the world a safer and better place to live.
      Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
      After my parents divorced, I hated my mom, as she kicked my dad out of the house for what I understood as no reason, but later on, I began to understand the significance of the way that he had been treating us. I had always been a daddy's girl who listened to him without a fight. However, he would yell, make a scene at any disturbance and throw tantrums anytime he didn't get his way. In recent years, he tried to manipulate many of those around him to get others' approval. He said that we lived like pigs, that we were a mess, and that he was ashamed to be seen with us in public. All of these comments gradually started to cut away at my self esteem, and I began to lose weight, style my hair and wear makeup even to bed to continue to look presentable. I did my best to do whatever he asked; instead of arguing with him, I listened. He still would lecture us for many hours a week on sexuality, weight, food, look, makeup, religion, and politics to keep us all in line. At first, when my mom decided to get a separation due to abuse, he resisted and would not leave the house. The cops got involved and moved him away from our home. He had to rely on friends for living space. I pitied him, as he had to put down his pride and ask for help, but I didn't understand that he had been manipulating me for years. He had been so controlling that I didn't know what to do once he was gone. After a while, I began to go to therapy and think about how he treated us. He did many things that made me uncomfortable, such as unsafe driving and inappropriately touching me. At this point, I was still visiting him, but as these topics started to surface, I realized I did not respect him anymore. I stopped these visits with him. Therapy for self-esteem issues, eating disorders, and bad attitude, helped me to progress toward a healthy mental state and life. However, my dad did not understand why I suddenly stopped seeing him. He started to manipulate those around me to force me into a relationship with him. Now when thinking back on these events, I recognize my mom's strength. Everyone was against her, but she found her self-worth. She has played a big part in realizing my progress and troubles and has stuck with me every step of the way.