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Brianna Stewart


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Hi ! My name is Brianna Stewart and I am entering my 3rd year at John Jay College in NYC. I am a Computer Science and Information Security major with the goal of using my abilities to better my community from the ground up!I am empathetic and a multitasker that appreciated a good challenge. I am very active in my school community as I was elected on our Black Student Union Diversity and Equity Inclusion board and host monthly discussions on how we can better the black community. I have leadership qualities in which I use to I spend time helping my community whether it be signing petitions or attending protests. I am a reader at heart who enjoys fictional drama especially the enemies to lover trope :)


CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Computational Science


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer & Network Security

    • Dream career goals:

      Inspiring societal changes to give back to my community


      • Cardozo High School Step Team

        2018 – 2022

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        New York Urban League — Registration committee member
        2022 – 2022

      Future Interests





      BIPOC Scholars in STEM
      Life is a journey of continuous growth, where each year we strive to become a better version of ourselves. For me, that journey began with a love for riddles, a passion that eventually led me to discover the world of coding. As I look ahead, I make three promises to my future self: to tackle challenges with determination, to relentlessly pursue knowledge, and to uplift others in my community. I vividly remember the first time I successfully coded a complex program during my freshman year of high school. It was a small win, but it felt monumental. That moment wasn’t just about solving a problem, it was about discovering a passion for technology and numbers that I hadn’t known I had. From then on, I promised myself that no matter what obstacles came my way, I would keep pushing forward in this field. The road hasn’t been without its challenges. Growing up with separated parents in a Caribbean household, I’ve had to navigate financial hurdles that many students from underserved communities face. Balancing my passion for technology with the reality of student loans and financial pressures has sometimes made my goals feel out of reach. This scholarship would be transformative for me. It’s not just about the financial support; it’s about being able to fully focus on my studies and chase my ambitions without the constant worry about finances. To my future self, I make three promises: First, I promise to persevere, no matter how many obstacles I encounter. I’ve overcome challenges before, and each one has strengthened me. I will carry that resilience forward. Second, I promise to remain curious and committed to learning. The world of STEM is diverse, and I’m dedicated to exploring it, asking questions, and pushing my boundaries. Finally, I promise to give back. I want to use my knowledge and experiences to help others in my community, creating opportunities for those who face similar challenges. As a Black woman who faced impostor syndrome early in my college journey, I deeply value the mentorship I received and the impact it had on my confidence and growth. I want to offer the same support to others, helping students from underrepresented backgrounds navigate their own challenges and find their place in STEM. By doing so, I hope to help them find their confidence and thrive in the field, just as my mentor helped me find my way. This scholarship means more to me than just financial support, it’s an investment in my future. It will help me achieve my goals, build a career I’m passionate about, and become someone who can inspire and guide others. With this scholarship, I can ensure that each step I take is toward a future where I’m not only succeeding but also making a meaningful difference.
      Straive Accessibility Scholarship
      Pursuing a career in cybersecurity has been tough, both with the technical side and personal challenges. I remember a moment during an online school project when I couldn’t access an important platform because it required audio verification. Being hard of hearing, this wasn’t just an inconvenience, it showed me how technology can overlook people like me. This experience made me realize how crucial it is to design systems that include everyone. This seems like a small inconvenience but to me, it was a barrier that isolated me from participating in a digital space where I should have felt included. This moment was frustrating, but sparked even more passion within me. I want to make sure that the world is not just secure, but also accessible. The experience gave me a unique perspective, one that drives my commitment to creating a safer and more inclusive digital environment for everyone, especially those who are too often overlooked like me. My time at S&P Global as a Technology Enablement Intern this summer has been both rewarding and eye opening. It’s where I first understood the real stakes of cybersecurity, not just in terms of data protection, but in safeguarding the trust that people place in digital systems. However, it’s also been a reminder of how much further we need to go in making technology inclusive. The financial sector moves fast, and accessibility sometimes feels like an afterthought. But I’ve seen firsthand how critical it is to ensure that everyone can navigate and trust the systems we build. Growing up in New York City, with roots in Jamaica, I’ve always felt the tension between two worlds. Both are vibrant and full of potential yet are filled with obstacles. As a child, I learned to read lips and navigate conversations in a world that didn’t quite understand or accommodate my needs. It is lonely at times, feeling different in ways that weren’t always visible but were deeply felt. But those experiences also taught me resilience and gave me a deep sense of empathy, which I carry into everything I do, including my love for cyber. In ten years, I see myself working in cybersecurity, ideally within the fin-tech cyber division, leading efforts to protect critical data while also pushing for greater inclusivity in how we approach security. I want to ensure that our digital environments are not just secure, but also accessible, particularly for those who face additional barriers like I have. My experiences have shown me that security and accessibility are not mutually exclusive, they must go hand in hand. The road hasn’t been easy. There have been moments of doubt, times when it felt like the world was moving too fast for someone like me to keep up. But those moments have only strengthened my resolve to create change. I don’t just want to succeed in cybersecurity, I want to make sure that others who come after me, especially those from marginalized communities, find a path that’s a little bit easier because of the work I’ve done. My journey has been marked by challenges that have shaped me into someone who is determined to make a real impact. This scholarship will help me take the next step toward a future where I can return to the Fin-Tech industry with the skills and knowledge to not only lead in cybersecurity but to advocate for a digital world that’s safe and accessible for everyone. The obstacles I’ve faced have taught me that the most meaningful change often comes from the hardest journeys, and I’m ready to continue that journey with even more determination and purpose.
      LGBTQIA+ in Cybersecurity Scholarship
      Pursuing a career in cybersecurity has been tough, both with the technical side and personal challenges. I remember a moment during an online school project when I couldn’t access an important platform because it required audio verification. Being hard of hearing, this wasn’t just an inconvenience, it showed me how technology can overlook people like me. This experience made me realize how crucial it is to design systems that include everyone. This seems like a small inconvenience but to me, it was a barrier that isolated me from participating in a digital space where I should have felt included. This moment was frustrating, but sparked even more passion within me. I want to make sure that the world is not just secure, but also accessible. The experience gave me a unique perspective, one that drives my commitment to creating a safer and more inclusive digital environment for everyone, especially those who are too often overlooked like me. My time at S&P Global as a Technology Enablement Intern this summer has been both rewarding and eye opening. It’s where I first understood the real stakes of cybersecurity, not just in terms of data protection, but in protecting the trust that people place in digital systems. However, it’s also been a reminder of how much further we need to go in making technology inclusive. The financial sector moves fast, and accessibility sometimes feels like an afterthought. But I’ve seen firsthand how critical it is to ensure that everyone can navigate and trust the systems we build. Growing up in New York City, with roots in Jamaica, I’ve always felt the tension between two worlds. Both are vibrant and full of potential yet are filled with obstacles. As a child, I learned to read lips and navigate conversations in a world that didn’t quite understand or accommodate my needs. It is lonely at times, feeling different in ways that weren’t always visible but were deeply felt. But those experiences also taught me resilience and gave me a deep sense of empathy, which I carry into everything I do, including my love for cyber. In ten years, I see myself working in cybersecurity, ideally within the fin-tech cyber division, leading efforts to protect critical data while also pushing for greater inclusivity in how we approach security. I want to ensure that our digital environments are not just secure, but also accessible, particularly for those who face additional barriers like I have. My experiences have shown me that security and accessibility are not mutually exclusive, they must go hand in hand. The road hasn’t been easy. There have been moments of doubt, times when it felt like the world was moving too fast for someone like me to keep up. Yet those moments have only strengthened my resolve to create change. I don’t just want to succeed in cybersecurity, I want to make sure that others who come after me, especially those from marginalized communities, find a path that’s a little bit easier because of the work I’ve done. My journey has been marked by challenges that have shaped me into someone who is determined to make a real impact. This scholarship will help me take the next step toward a future where I can return to the Fin-Tech industry with the skills and knowledge to not only lead in cybersecurity but to advocate for a digital world that’s safe and accessible for everyone. The obstacles I’ve faced have taught me that the most meaningful change often comes from the hardest journeys, and I’m ready to continue that journey with even more determination and purpose.
      Abhi Khune Underrepresented Minorities Scholarship
      From a young age, I loved riddles. My fascination with riddles made me realize why I wanted to pursue opportunities in the computer science field. Both computer science and riddles require problem-solving skills. In computer science, the problems may involve coding challenges or debugging code, while in riddles, the problem may be figuring out the answer to a cleverly worded puzzle. Logic is a necessity to create algorithms and write efficient code, whereas, in riddles, the answer often requires a logical thought process to arrive at the correct solution. Computer science and riddles also require creativity. Programmers use their creativity to design new applications and solve problems in unique ways, while in riddles, the creators come up with clever ways to challenge the solver. As much as error codes may be frustrating (especially in c++), it is all worth it with the sense of satisfaction when a code runs successfully. As a programmer, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I solve a particularly difficult problem or create a successful application, while in riddles, I feel a sense of satisfaction when I finally figure out the answer. As much as I love computer science, there are challenging obstacles I will constantly have to face when expanding in the field. Some of the most controversial topics relating to women of color in computer science often center around the idea that we are not fit for this type of degree. I believe the reasoning behind this assumption includes misogyny, intellectual stereotypes, lack of resources, and discrimination. Women in computer science are constantly questioned and doubted in the technology field despite the skill set we obtain. I am currently working on creating an app that will serve as a safe space specifically for women to share job offers within the technology field, provide reviews on how a company treated them while underemployment, advocate for pay transparency, and help guide graduates in expanding within their desired field. With this scholarship, I can continue aiming for my goals to create safe spaces and opportunities for women in computer science. Accessibility is also one of my top priorities when it comes to my interest in computer science. I have been particularly interested in the cybersecurity field due to how essential it is in today's society with how dependent we are on technology. With several friends and family members whose capabilities are limited, I advocate for efficient technological ways to help individuals with disabilities function in the world. People with disabilities may rely on the use of technology to manage their daily lives, such as using assistive technology devices and apps. Protecting their personal information from cyber-attacks and data breaches is important for maintaining their privacy and security. Cybersecurity measures that are properly implemented and designed can help ensure that technology is accessible. For example, websites and apps that have proper security features can be more accessible to users who rely on assistive technology to access and navigate the web. Many people with disabilities may also need to work remotely due to accessibility concerns, and cybersecurity measures can help make this a secure option. Remote work options can also help to provide more job opportunities. Online harassment and bullying is also a major problem targeted towards those within the community. Cybersecurity measures that protect against these threats can help create a safer online environment. Cybersecurity helps protect personal information, ensures accessibility, and provides more opportunities for employment and participation in society. My goal for the current year is to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to technology and can use it safely and securely.
      Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
      "The Power of No: Embracing the Right to Refuse" Growing up, I never wanted to depend on my parents. I have been working since I was 12 (which is illegal in NYC), and the age gap between myself and coworkers/higher management has led to me getting completely taken advantage of for my time and effort. In such a fast-paced society, I often felt like saying "yes" is the only way to succeed. Whether it's at work, school, or in our personal lives, I was bombarded with expectations to constantly be productive, to take on more responsibilities, and to prioritize the needs of others above our own. As a woman pursuing a degree in computer science, setting my expectations as well as limitations is important for both parties. I am always pushed to be more than I can be. Whether it's by myself or by others, the expectation is always there: you can do better, you can try harder, and you can make it happen. But what if those expectations are too high? What if I don't have the ability to reach them? How will that make me feel? Will I let other people down? Will they think less of me? Will they expect less from me next time? I've found that setting my own limitations is a way to manage my own expectations, but also ensure that others are satisfied with their relationship regarding me and my work. If I set a limitation for myself and achieve it, then everyone wins. It took me years to realize that as important as it is to be a team player and to take on challenges, it is also equally important to recognize the value and power of saying "no."After having my boundaries crossed and manipulated multiple times, I have realized that saying "no" is not a sign of weakness or selfishness, but rather a manifestation of self-care and self-respect. When we constantly say "yes" to everything and everyone, we are putting our own well-being at risk. We may become overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out, which can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. On the other hand, when we learn to say "no," we are taking control of our lives and setting healthy boundaries. Now that I'm older and have experienced many things in life, one of my most valued characteristics is my ability to establish boundaries respectfully. Becoming an adult who could confidently say “no” when needed has helped me in all aspects of my life: from working with coworkers and employers to establishing healthy relationships with friends, family members, and myself.
      She Rose in STEAM Scholarship
      The Strongest Woman I Know Age eight At age eight, my sister was diagnosed with cancer of the blood, Leukemia. As a recent immigrant living in America, my mother went through the deepest stages of depression. Facing the fact that when she woke up every day she had to watch her child, that hadn’t even hit double digits yet, struggle for her life. Although I was only five at the time, I vividly remember my mother “going to sleep early” with the door locked, and hearing her choked back tears every night when she came home from the hospital. Although I was young and naive, I now understand why she couldn’t chaperone on school trips, why she didn’t have the time to join the PTA board with the other cool moms, why I would go days without seeing her at home, and why she always seemed aggravated. She was depressed and angry. Angry at the fact that her number one priority could be taken away at any minute because of a variety of cells. Depressed over constantly thinking about how small her child’s coffin may be. My mother is an immigrant from Jamaica, a culture that disregards mental health. She did not feel comfortable talking about her struggles to others outside her family due to fear of judgment and mental health professionals because of the stigma around depression as a whole. I am proud to say that my sister fought cancer within three years and that my mother is doing so much better, yet many families are not. As a parent, the worst thing one could imagine is watching their child suffer. Too many immigrant parents have a child who is suffering and feel they do not have the resources to seek help regarding their mental state for several reasons that include social stigmas, generational trauma, co-dependent ness, low self-esteem, trust issues, finite beliefs, and especially serving as the strong front others go to for help rather it being the other way around. After understanding what my mom and many other parents go through, my priority goal is to create an app that allows parents to be able to anonymously speak with other parents who have had to watch their child struggle. My mom has been through some of the darkest stages of depression, and she willingly reaches out to other parents with sick children as a sense of familiarity and validity. Sometimes assuring a depressed individual that their feelings are valid and it is okay to let those emotions out rather than holding them in is the most anyone could ask for. My mom may not be a therapist with a Ph.D., but she has been through constant years of torture watching her child lying in a hospital bed wondering why she couldn’t see her friends at school. Parents struggling with depression, experiencing mental deterioration, and simply seeking help yet not knowing where to start, are the exact parents that other parents who have been through similar circumstances can help guide. This app would be the first step in providing immigrant families the confidence and reassurance they need to ask for professional help. My mom once told me that the strongest thing anyone could do is to “lower their walls and reach out for help”. As a black dark skin woman majoring in computer science, my goal for the current year is to break down the social stigmas around BIPOC families surrounding mental health.