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Kyle Lussier


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Hello, my name is Kyle. I currently attend school at San Joaquin Valley College. My goal is to finish my current electrician program and become a successful electrician. As for more about me personally, I love to read, write, play Magic the Gathering, and video games. I am very passionate about writing and hope to one day publish a book or book series. I am also a big history nerd and am always looking to learn new things and grow as a person. I am also a referee for jr. high and high school wrestling. I wrestled all through middle school and high school, and wrestling is a big deal in my family.


San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia

Trade School
2024 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technologies/Technicians


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • History
    • Anthropology
    • Zoology/Animal Biology
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

    • Dream career goals:

    • Cashier

      2021 – Present4 years
    • Referee

      Inland Wrestling
      2012 – Present13 years
    • Instructional Assistant

      Victor Elementary School District
      2021 – Present4 years



    2007 – 20114 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Victorville Little League — Baseball team equipment manager
      2007 – 2011
    • Volunteering

      Universal Grappling Academy — Assistant Coach
      2011 – 2015
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    In today's society, taking care of our own mental health is important now more than ever. Our mental health affects us every day more than we think. How we feel, think, and act is dependent on our mental state each day. The Center for Disease Control states that it can also affect how we deal with various things, such as making healthy choices, stress, and how we relate to other people. Additionally, also according to the CDC, not taking care of ourselves mentally can lead to much higher chances of many physical health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Mental health issues are the most common form of illness in the United States of America, with more than one in five adults living with it according to the CDC. However, it is important to remember that, with work, our mental health can improve. The National Institute of Mental Health states that something as simple as exercising for thirty minutes per day can be beneficial, as well as eating healthier. A consistent sleep schedule will also help to improve your mental health. If you work in a high-stress environment, doing a relaxing activity will help as well. Reading books, listening to music, and spending time outdoors will all help to reduce your stress levels. I maintain my mental wellness by taking walks every evening and listening to my favorite podcast. It helps me to ground myself and process the events of the day before I head to bed. When I am placed in high-stress situations, I make sure to always practice my breathing exercises. Additionally, I have several hobbies that I partake in to help me relax. I enjoy reading and writing, and I do both of those several times per week. I write both fiction and nonfiction, and I have a journal to document my own personal thoughts and feelings. I also go to a local gaming store every Saturday to play a trading card game called Magic the Gathering with my friends. It serves as a small distraction and allows me to partake in a fun activity without having to worry for a few hours each weekend. Finally, I have a strong support system in my life that I utilize as often as I can. My girlfriend, family members, and friends are all aware of my struggles with mental health and are always fully supportive and willing to listen when I need them. In conclusion, it is not an overstatement to say that mental health is one of the most important aspects of our day-to-day lives, and to neglect it is a disservice both to ourselves, and the people who care about us.
    Joshua’s Home Remodeling Scholarship
    I believe that the strongest trait that I possess that will help me in the electrician trade is the fact that I am a quick learner. I am also a very eager person, who will always go out of my way to learn about things that interest me or are necessary for me to know, even if it is on my own time. Years of experience as a retail associate at PetSmart have shown that I have great customer service skills, which will help me to understand and navigate customers of all ages when I am sent out into the field as an electrician. As for what interests me about becoming an electrician, electricians are one of the most important jobs in society today. Much, if not all, of society would not be able to function if electricians did not exist. It is because of electricians that we have the luxury of being able to turn on a light and have a room completely illuminated. Many people would not be able to work without electricity, due to the number of jobs that rely on having access to a fully charged and properly functioning computer or smartphone. Additionally, much of our modern-day entertainment relies on electricity, from televisions to tablets to video game consoles. According to, there are 125 million homes in the United States of America that have televisions. Without electricians, that would be more than 125 million people without access to news, movies, and other forms of entertainment. Electricians are also vital to maintaining the infrastructure of our communities. They can help to improve our energy efficiency by installing energy-efficient fixtures, programmable thermostats, or bulbs in our homes. Communities that depend heavily on fossil fuels can reduce their carbon footprint by having electricians install solar panels and other sources of renewable energy, which contributes to a healthier environment, and the advancement of more sustainable lifestyles. They also play a big role in places like schools, hospitals, and government buildings. Electricians make those places more reliable by ensuring that they have the capability to continue to operate with no electrical issues. Public parks, athletic fields, and other facilities used for leisure also rely on electricians to help make them enjoyable places to be. In conclusion, I want to become an electrician because learning about something so vital to our world is a good thing, and I want to become a more productive member of my local community.
    Track to the Trades
    Many people may not want to admit it, but the trades are essentially the backbone to modern society. People rely on the trades to keep things moving along. The average American uses 82 gallons of water at home each day. Without plumbers, we would not have access to hot showers, flushing toilets, and clean water. Additionally, plumbers can install appliances and fixtures that are more efficient, thus saving us more money, and helping out the environment. Electricians play another incredibly important role in modern society. Most people's lives would not be able to function without electricity. It is because of electricians that we can conveniently turn on a switch and illuminate a room. Additionally, much of our entertainment relies on electricity. There are currently over 125 million televisions in homes in the United States of America, according to the website Many people rely completely on having a working or fully charged phone or computer to do their jobs every day. Beyond that, many people store many cherished memories on these devices. There are also many different people who build the buildings that we rely on to keep us safe from the elements every day. HVAC tradesmen and tradeswomen are responsible for keeping all of those buildings cool or warm year round. There are also the glaziers, who cut and install our windows. According to, there are 131.43 million houses in the United States of America. Without construction workers, HVAC, and glaziers, we would not be able to build, renovate, or warm and cool those houses. People who work in the trades are also important for maintaining our infrastructure. When you drove to work, it is a pretty safe bet that you crossed over a bridge, or passed a large building. Most people do not think twice about using that infrastructure, despite the fact that a lot of times it plays such a large part in their day to day lives. Building things like bridges and skyscrapers is no easy feat, and it requires the cooperation of many different, highly skilled tradespeople. There are more than 617,000 bridges in the United States of America according to Without the people who build and maintain our roads, bridges, and buildings, our travels would be much longer, and much more dangerous than they already are. The work that all of these tradespeople do will have an incredible impact on the world of tomorrow, by providing a more sustainable future. Solar installers are responsible for installing the solar panels that provide energy to many people. The Solar Industries Industries Association states that in the year 2020, a new solar energy system was installed every seventy five seconds. Their goal is for solar energy to provide 30 percent of the United States' energy by the year 2030. According to, the US solar industry has 279,447 employees across the country, as of 2023. In short, it is not an understatement to say that people who work trade jobs are essentially the lifeblood of modern society, and we would not be able to operate without them.