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Andrew King


Bold Points




As a determined individual with a lifetime goal of becoming an airline pilot, I will be attending Middle Tennessee State University this fall. Undeterred by the challenges ahead, I intended to focus on my studies, while balancing rigorous coursework with relentless hard work to my aviation dream. My main obstacle currently is funding to complete my training. With unwavering perseverance, I seek out scholarships, and explore various funding opportunities to keep my dreams aloft. I immerse myself in aviation-related extracurricular activities, joining aviation clubs, attending programs and talking with pilot’s to broaden my knowledge about the indusrty. Through countless late-night study sessions and flight simulator practice, I hone my skills and knowledge, inching closer to the cockpit of a commercial aircraft. The thrill of the skies beckons, and every challenge I face becomes a stepping stone towards my ultimate goal.


Middle Tennessee State University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering

Jefferson State Community College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Host/Server

      2022 – Present2 years


    Cross-Country Running

    2022 – 20231 year


    • Best perfomer

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      McWane Science Center — To help watch and assist the kids in the camp
      2017 – 2017

    Future Interests


    Jillian Ellis Pathway Scholarship
    Resilience is a quality that is cultivated through life's challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. It's the ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity. My journey towards becoming a professional pilot has not been without its trials, and it is this resilience that has propelled me forward. Numerous hurdles have marked my path to pursuing a Professional Pilot degree, but I have learned to view each as an opportunity to grow. Financial constraints, academic challenges, and the inherent difficulties of mastering aviation have all tested my determination. The countless hours of study, flight training, and sacrifices were not in vain; they were building blocks for my resilience. My ability to remain resilient is a product of several key factors. Firstly, my passion for aviation is an unwavering force that fuels my determination. It is a love that took root in my early years, inspired by the awe-inspiring sight of aircraft soaring across the sky. This passion has never waned, and I have harnessed it to persevere through the most difficult phases of my journey. Secondly, my support system has played a crucial role. Family, mentors, and friends have been pillars of strength, offering guidance, encouragement, and belief in my potential even when I doubted it. Their unwavering support has helped me navigate the turbulent skies of my aspirations. Moreover, I have developed a growth mindset that allows me to view challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. Failures and setbacks are not stumbling blocks; they are stepping stones toward my goals. This mindset has been instrumental in my personal development and resilience. As I work towards my Professional Pilot degree, I am keenly aware of the responsibility that comes with the privilege of pursuing my dream. I am committed to using my position as a pilot to uplift others from underrepresented communities. My journey through aviation has made me acutely aware of the lack of diversity in the field, particularly the underrepresentation of women and minority groups. My plan to uplift others from underrepresented communities involves several strategies. Firstly, I intend to serve as a visible and accessible role model. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire individuals from diverse backgrounds to consider aviation a viable and rewarding career. Visibility can be a powerful catalyst for change. Additionally, I aspire to be involved in mentorship programs and outreach initiatives. I want to actively engage with underrepresented communities, particularly in schools, and provide information and resources that can demystify the path to a career in aviation. I will share insights about the challenges I faced and the strategies that helped me overcome them. Furthermore, I plan to support scholarships and sponsorships aimed at enabling individuals from underrepresented communities to pursue their aviation dreams. Financial barriers should not deter passionate individuals from following their aspirations. In conclusion, resilience is a key characteristic that has propelled me on my journey to becoming a professional pilot. It has been nurtured by my passion for aviation, the unwavering support of my loved ones, and a growth mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth. As I continue on my path toward a Professional Pilot degree, my commitment to uplifting others from underrepresented communities remains steadfast. Through mentorship, visibility, and support, I aim to be a catalyst for positive change and inclusivity in the aviation industry, ensuring that the sky remains open to all who dare to dream, regardless of their background or circumstances.
    Solomon Vann Memorial Scholarship
    The mental health crisis in America is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach at various levels of society. Here are some strategies and existing approaches to address this crisis at different levels. At the national level, we could have: -Mental Health Parity Laws: Enforce and expand existing mental health parity laws to ensure that insurance plans cover mental health services at the same level as physical health services. -Increase Funding: Allocate more federal funding to mental health programs, research, and facilities. - Mental Health Awareness Campaigns: Launch national campaigns to reduce the stigma around mental health and encourage seeking help. On the state level, we could include: -State Mental Health Initiatives: States can develop and fund their own mental health programs and initiatives, tailored to their unique needs. - Telehealth Services: Expand access to mental health care through telehealth, especially in rural and underserved areas. - Early Intervention Programs: Develop programs in schools and communities to identify and support individuals at risk of mental health issues. On a school level: - Mental Health Education: Introduce mental health education into the school curriculum to teach students about emotional well-being, stress management, and how to seek help. -School Counselors: Increase the number of school counselors to provide support and resources to students. - Peer Support Groups: Implement peer support programs to create a supportive school environment. On a community level: - Community Mental Health Centers: Expand the availability of community mental health centers, which offer affordable or free services to residents. - Supportive Housing Programs: Develop housing programs for individuals with mental health issues to reduce homelessness. - Crisis Helplines: Establish local crisis helplines and walk-in crisis centers for immediate assistance. On a family level: - Parenting Support: Offer parenting classes and resources to help families navigate the challenges of raising children with mental health issues. - Family Therapy: Encourage family therapy and support services to strengthen family bonds and communication. - Stigma Reduction: Families can play a crucial role in reducing the stigma around mental health within their own circles. On a personal level: - Self-Care Education: Promote self-care practices, stress management, and coping strategies in schools, workplaces, and communities. - Seeking Help: Encourage individuals to seek professional help when needed and provide information on available resources. - Mental Health Apps: Promote the use of mental health apps and online resources for self-help and tracking one's mental well-being. Existing successful approaches to mental health include the implementation of mental health first aid training, which teaches people how to recognize and respond to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. The Crisis Text Line and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline have also been effective in providing immediate support to individuals in distress. Ultimately, addressing the mental health crisis in America requires a comprehensive, broad approach involving the government, healthcare providers, schools, communities, and individuals. It's crucial to reduce stigma, increase access to care, and prioritize mental health in policy and within the public.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    In a world with individualism and self-interest, the act of helping others stands as a beacon of hope for us. While personal achievements and ambitions are important, the reality of our humanity lies in our position to extend a helping hand to those in need. One of the most important reasons to help others is having empathy and compassion. When we have acts of kindness and support, we step into the shoes of those we assist, allowing us to better understand their struggles and challenges. This strengthened empathy opens the door to more meaningful relationships and helps close gaps that divide us. Furthermore, helping others promotes a sense of shared humanity and a more empathetic and compassionate world. Helping others is a motivation for personal growth. It challenges us to step outside of our comfort circle and develop new skills. Whether volunteering in a community project, mentoring someone in need, or simply lending a listening ear, these acts of service push us to evolve as individuals. Through these experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our values, leading to personal development and self-discovery. Helping others can provide a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. Many find that dedicating their time and energy to a cause greater good than themselves brings a newfound sense of meaning to their lives. This sense of purpose can be a powerful motivator, inspiring individuals to pursue their goals with renewed vigor and passion. A society that values helping others is one characterized by greater social harmony. When people and communities come together to support those in need, it creates a sense of unity and solidarity. This, in turn, reduces social divisions and fosters an environment where cooperation and mutual understanding thrive. In contrast, societies that neglect the importance of helping others often experience heightened tension and discord. Acts of kindness have a ripple effect that extends far beyond the initial act. When we help others, we inspire them to do the same for others, creating a chain reaction of goodness. This ripple effect can transform communities and even societies, as the cumulative impact of small acts of kindness leads to meaningful change. Moreover, it reminds us that our actions matter and that we have the power to shape a more compassionate and caring world. In a world that often emphasizes individualism and self-interest, the importance of helping others cannot be overstated. Acts of kindness, empathy, and compassion not only benefit those in need but also enrich our own lives in profound ways. They provide opportunities for personal growth, instill a sense of purpose, and contribute to greater social harmony. Moreover, helping others sets in motion a ripple effect of goodness that can lead to positive change on a global scale.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    My dream future self is to be an airline pilot who soars through the skies with expertise and uses my position to give back by supporting aviation education and safety initiatives, inspiring the next generation of aviators.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    In a world that often seems plagued by problems and challenges, we have the power to make a positive difference through community service and giving back to others. Acts of kindness, empathy, and service not only benefit those in need but also contribute to a more harmonious society. Anyone regardless of their background or resources, can play a vital role in making a positive impact on the world through community service and giving back to others. I started volunteering as early as elementary school. I was part of a group called the “Green Team”. We planted trees, and flowers and cleaned up the park to help beautify the place. I continued giving back when I was In Cub Scouts. I would collect food cans, and clothes and raise money by selling popcorn to give to charities and the unfortunate who couldn’t provide for themselves. This allowed me to develop skills, gain diverse experiences, and broaden my perspectives. It is essential to start with small commitments and gradually increase involvement over time. This approach allowed me to learn, adapt, and understand community service while managing other personal responsibilities. Beginning with shorter-term projects or volunteering a few hours a week enables the development of good habits. Everyone possesses unique skills and talents that can be harnessed to make a positive impact. Last summer I had the opportunity to volunteer and be of assistance for a summer camp. It was a small aviation camp held by the High School that introduced kids to aviation. I have a passion for aviation and want to become an airline pilot for Delta. During that summer I wanted to share what I love and inspire the youth about having a career in aviation. One person's actions can inspire others to engage in community service and give back. By sharing personal stories, experiences, and the impact witnessed, someone can create a ripple effect that motivates others to join in. Utilizing various platforms, such as social media, public speaking, or writing, can help raise awareness and inspire positive action. During my senior year in high school, I was a part of “Youth Leadership”. We helped not only schedule and plan school events, but we raised money for cancer research through fundraisers and different activities throughout the school year. We encouraged our community to come out and join our fun run, while all the proceeds would go to cancer research centers in our area. I helped put up signs, flyers and even asked friends and family to come out and support. Community service is an ongoing journey that requires adaptability and continuous learning. You should be open to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches. Reflecting on challenges and successes, seeking feedback, and adapting strategies ensure greater effectiveness in making a lasting impact. Community service and giving back to others have the power to transform lives, communities, and ultimately the world. We have the ability to make a positive impact, no matter their background or resources. By embracing the spirit of service, leveraging individual skills, collaborating with others, and inspiring through action, individuals can contribute to a more compassionate, just, and harmonious society. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.
    Kyle Rairdan Memorial Aviation Scholarship
    At age five, after completing my first flight, I was invited up front to speak to the pilot. I marveled at the cockpit of the Delta MD-88. That day the pilot gave me more than plastic wings and a paper certificate. He sparked my interest in aviation which birthed my dream to become an airline pilot. I can remember my dad taking me to my very first airshow. Featured teams from The Blue Angels and The Thunderbirds. Fast forward years later, I sat in the cockpit of a Cessna 172 for my first discovery flight. I knew I had to do whatever it took to become a pilot. I am set to be the first airline pilot in my family. I’d like to inspire the next generation of pilots to pursue their dreams. On weekends my dad and I would spend hours plane-spottingI even did odd jobs to save up enough money for a camera to document my passion. In 2018, I attended a summer aviation camp sponsored by Delta Air Lines. It was an immersive program that allowed participants to gain knowledge and experience of the various available aviation careers. We were introduced to flight attendants, flight dispatchers, and pilots both military and civilian. By the end of the program, I decided to “keep climbing” and become a Delta Air Lines pilot. In the summer of 2022, I completed my second aviation program. The Solo Flight Academy consisted of flight training, ground school, and flight simulators. As a student who is highly motivated to pursue my major in Professional Pilot, I am in need of financial assistance to achieve my education and career goals. I acknowledge the importance of earning a college degree and the opportunities it can bring. However, with the rising tuition, books, and living expenses, it has become increasingly difficult to pay for my education without taking on a heavy load of debt. Receiving this scholarship would be a critical step in helping me achieve my educational and career goals. With the scholarship’s help, I would be able to focus on my studies and complete my flight training. The financial assistance would help me cover the costs of tuition, room and board, flight lab and provide me with the opportunity to gain valuable experiences. This scholarship would not only help me obtain my degree but also assist me in establishing a successful career as a commercial airline pilot.