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Khayla Mack


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Hi my name is Khayla Mack I am a singer that loves to sing. I have been singing basically my whole life. Singing has definitely been a blessing from God and it has given me the opportunity to travel the world with this amazing choir called the Singing Sensations Youth Choir. I plan on pursuing my dream of making and preforming music by going to college for music performance and music production! I hope that you can bless me towards my goals.


Baltimore School For The Arts

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Music
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      producing and preforming music

    • Dream career goals:

    • Camp counselor

      Miracles camp of preforming arts
      2023 – 2023


    • Singing sensations youth choir

      2015 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      John Hopkins hospitals — To spend time doing a sip and paint with them
      2020 – 2020
    Reginald Kelley Scholarship
    My passion for music is deeply rooted in my personal experiences and the profound impact it has had on my life. Music has been a source of solace, expression, and connection for me, especially during times of personal turmoil. Growing up in an environment marked by challenges, including my parents' divorce and the separation from my twin sister, I found refuge in music. It was through the emotional and inspirational power of music that I discovered my own voice and learned to navigate the complexities of my emotions and experiences. A pivotal moment that solidified my passion for music was watching a video of my deceased grandmother singing. Her performance was not only a revelation but also a catalyst that sparked my deep-seated love for music. This experience led me to join a traveling choir, where I had the privilege of performing in countries like Spain, Africa, and the Bahamas. These international experiences broadened my horizons, teaching me independence, self-reliance, and the universal language of music. At the Baltimore School for the Arts, I have nurtured my musical talents and developed a strong foundation in the arts. Having specialized during Highschool allowed me not only an improvement on all levels but also the development of various aspects besides general technique such as responsibility and organizational skills etc. Founding the Chess Club and serving as the Black History Month Representative for the Black Student Union are just a few examples of how I have used my passion and talents to contribute to my school community. Looking forward, my goals extend beyond personal success. I plan to use my music to make a meaningful difference in the world. Music has the unique ability to transcend barriers, connect people from diverse backgrounds, and evoke powerful emotions. Through my career, I aspire to use this transformative power of music to promote understanding, empathy, and positive change. One of my main interests has always been in supporting and mentoring younger musicians, particularly if they come from ethnic minorities. I believe that providing opportunities and guidance to aspiring musicians can help them navigate their own challenges and realize their potential. Additionally, I plan to engage in community projects and initiatives that use music as a tool for social change. Whether through organising charity concerts, leading workshop courses or working together with organisations engaged in social causes like overcoming fears (all kinds), fighting against stigmatisation or opposing hatred wherever possible, I would like to put my musical skills at their disposal. I intend to continue my education at Berklee College of Music, where I will immerse myself in the community, join clubs, and engage in various activities to maximize my educational experience. Berklee's extensive network will allow me to forge connections within the music industry, setting a strong foundation for a successful career. By combining my passion for music with a commitment to social change, I am confident that I can make a lasting impact on the world. In conclusion, my passion for music is not just about personal fulfillment but about making a difference. Through it all I hope to employ myself as a medium in bringing peoples together, stimulating mutual comprehension, promoting goodwill, inspiring betterment. I am dedicated to supporting young artists, engaging in community initiatives, and using my platform to address social issues. My goal has always been to support new talents, work for charity, and use what influence I have to promote social causes.
    Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up as a twin has shaped much of who I am, though in ways not always understood by others. My sister Taylor and I were often described as "conjoined at the hip" when we were young, sharing everything from toys to thoughts. However, our journey diverged dramatically after our parents' divorce just before middle school, when we stopped attending the same school and eventually stopped living together. But this divorce obliged me to become more independent in myself and find my way. One pivotal moment in my life was watching a video of my deceased grandmother singing for the first time. But this first experience opened up for me the whole wide world of music, which has fascinated me from then on. I joined a traveling choir, which provided opportunities to sing in places like Spain, Africa, and the Bahamas. These experiences were challenging, particularly being away from family, but they taught me to be self-reliant and mature in professional settings. Attending Baltimore School for the Arts further nurtured my love for music. I specialized in music, joined various clubs, and even founded the school's Chess Club. My role as the Black History Month Representative for the Black Student Union in 2024 is a testament to my commitment to leadership and community involvement. Each of these experiences has helped me become more confident and independent, qualities that were initially hard to develop without my twin by my side. Despite the physical distance, Taylor and I maintain a unique and strong bond. But we all are friends in spite of everything: we laugh together, weep together, wrangle with one another; and this friendship makes us strong. She inspires me to show myself in all my glory; she helps herself by giving me good counsel. Our relationship is sacred, and having her in my life continues to enrich my personal growth and development. I will go to Berklee College of Music in the fall. I intend to fully integrate into this Berklee environment through participation in various groups. In this way I would also establish contacts in the world of business through Berklee wide range of relationships. But my engagement in social work won't stop at university. Post-graduation, I intend to use my platform and skills to give back to my community. In this way I hope in future to be able to help those who are ill with AIDS or affected by HIV infection as well as their relatives. However it may happen - through music, instruction, community work - I want to stay in contact with life. My life as a twin, the struggle toward individuality that followed, and above all my love for music—these three things are what make up my character. My experiences have taught me resilience, leadership, and the importance of community. I am committed to using these lessons to contribute positively to my family, community, and beyond.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    One of my greatest accomplishments is ending high school at Baltimore School for the Arts with a 3.7 GPA. I suffered from student burnout and seasonal depression, to name but a few, which further compromised my grades and added to my mental stress and status. There were days where I wanted to crawl up in my room and sleep the stress away. Somedays in reality I did even that. I would not eat, not talk, just sleep. I didn't realize it then but I had a problem that only I could fix. You may think why would switching schools be so taxing? but it was the fact that I had never experienced high school and then going to a school where it was crash course 101 college was even harder. Spending time in a building from 8-4 every day—half of the day requiring academics and the second half requiring my arts—with only a 45 minute break in between. Due to the habit which I had grown of stressing and depressing, I had to make a change—I had to find time for myself in the midst of all I had to do educationally. You ever self relax too much to where you forget everything you have to do. Ignore the hard work and focus on the pleasure. That was where I was at. I just would watch tv and eat and ignore my educational obligations when it comes to coming and getting the work done. But reality hit me, and I wasn't at ease with what I'd become. And so I then started to build my calendar. I'd put the rough work first and smooth work last, and every little bit of daily time I had, I would do work. I had it done perfectly that even once at home, I could relax. It is because of this self taught outcome that shaped me learning by myself throughout life. I learned that I am one to slack off even worse than most if I give myself too much space to relax. I learned that sometimes I have to take it easy and I cannot be on the go all the time because that's when I will start neglecting myself. I also learned life lessons like not to dwell on the problems of now, but to look bright and focus on the future ahead, and because of that and figuring out what I can do, I know I am limitless. If I put the work in and try with the best that I have, then I can achieve whatever it is that I want to achieve. Just like my next accomplishment will be earning Summa Cuma Laude at Berklee College of Music. I will set my mind to the task, and I will be successful, for I can do it. And the tenacity and toughness I got from high school have just readied me for anything that college might throw at me. I am confident in the fact that with hard work, a positive attitude, and the lessons learned from my past, I will be able to make this academic honor. Graduating summa cum laude would be a reflection of all the growth, perseverance, and tenacity that my dreams demand of me.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    Education is a journey that shapes our minds and our aspirations and contributions to the world. As a senior in high school with a passion for music, my education is firmly rooted in the pursuit of excellence in music theory and performance. A comprehensive understanding of music theory is the cornerstone of musical proficiency and innovation, allowing musicians to express themselves with depth and precision. My journey with music began at a young age as I was drawn to the emotive power and creative freedom it offers. Over the years, I have dedicated countless hours to honing my skills as a musician. I am currently graduating from Baltimore School for the Arts as a Vocal Major. For the duration of my high school time, I have been studying theory and studying what it is to be a musician. Singing works from Mozart to Sondheim. I have truly started the progression as a musician and I will further develop the skills that I learned from BSA. My Education and career aspirations revolve around pursuing a degree in composition, production, and performance. This degree option is being given to me at Berklee College of Music, where I will earn a bachelor's in Music Profession. Through rigorous studying and hands-on learning, I will have a great understanding of music theory that will help with my compositions, It will also help develop me as a musician and give me many great opportunities. This scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it is a catalyst for realizing my dreams and aspirations in the field of music. With the support of this scholarship, I will be able to pursue my education with unwavering focus and dedication, without having to worry about the burden of my financial constraints. I envision using this scholarship to immerse myself in a vibrant community of musicians and scholars, where I can engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration. Whether through ensemble performances, workshops, or seminars. I am committed to embracing every opportunity to expand my musical horizon and refine my craft. Furthermore, I intend to leverage this scholarship to access resources and mentorship opportunities that will help further me towards my career goals. Whether it be through internships, masterclasses, or networking events, I am eager to gain valuable insight and experiences that will prepare me for a successful and fulfilling career in music. In conclusion, my education and career goals are centered around a steadfast commitment to excellence in music theory and performance. With the support of this scholarship, I am confident that I will be able to embark on a transformative educational journey that will empower me to make meaningful contributions to the world of music and beyond.