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Khaled Ali


Bold Points




Hi! I'm Khaled and I am a mechanical engineering student with a strong passion for innovation and a desire to make a difference in the field of medicine. Combining my engineering background with medical knowledge, I aspire to become a doctor who can truly revolutionize patient care through cutting-edge advancements in healthcare technology.


Carnegie Mellon University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Mechanical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Mechanical Engineering


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Audit Intern

      2021 – 2021



    2013 – Present11 years


    2009 – Present15 years
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Looking up into the night sky nestled within the dunes of the Egyptian desert far away from the chaos of city life I found myself lying on the sand with my family. The stars above seemed to twinkle and dance as if they were sharing secrets about the mysteries of the universe. At that moment I felt a connection to something much greater. Like a small but essential part of a grand cosmic tapestry. As I got older that experience stayed with me. Sparking an unwavering curiosity about space and beyond. The more I delved into books and articles about space exploration, the Big Bang, black holes and the vastness of our universe the more enthralled I became. It was like embarking on an exhilarating adventure with every page turned. A journey of discovery that had no end. Fast forward to college, where I decided to pursue engineering as my field of study. Little did I realize then that this choice would eventually lead me to one of my fondest hobbies: Cosmology. When I first learned about space missions, telescopes and satellites it felt as if destiny had aligned itself to push me to pursue cosmology. It was clear that merging my passion for engineering with my fascination for the cosmos was meant to be. In my quest, I am aware of the absence of modern Egyptians including myself in the realm of cosmology. Historically, the ancient Egyptians were pioneers in cosmology, and it is essential to rekindle that legacy. Let's consider Imhotep as an example. Not only was he an architect, physician, and engineer, but he also possessed a profound understanding of cosmology. Imhotep's discoveries in cosmology demonstrated an advanced almost modern-day understanding of astronomy contributing to the design of the awe-inspiring pyramids that align with the stars. His work represents the connection between human intelligence and the universe – a connection that continues to resonate with me today. As an Egyptian, I find inspiration in Imhotep's legacy and aspire to build upon his accomplishments. The alignment of pyramids with celestial bodies is a topic I am eager to explore further. I plan to delve into the significance of these alignments and their relationship to ancient Egyptian beliefs and rituals. By conducting on-site visits and detailed astronomical simulations my goal is to gain an understanding of how the ancient Egyptians incorporated cosmic principles into their architecture establishing a profound interplay between the earthly and celestial realms. As my studies in engineering have progressed I have become immersed in the captivating realm of physics. The concepts of relativity and quantum mechanics once intimidating now fill me with excitement. Grasping these principles has allowed me glimpses into the fabric of reality as if peering behind the cosmic veil. In particular, I am fascinated by microwave background (CMB) radiation – a time capsule from the early universe that remains after the Big Bang. I intend to delve into the analysis of data and theoretical models to explore the variations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and unravel their significance regarding the structure and transformation of our universe. Understanding the CMB will shed light on cosmic inflation, the birth of galaxies, and the conditions in the primordial universe. By merging the insights of ancient Egyptian cosmology with the cutting-edge frontiers of modern cosmological research I aim to develop a comprehensive viewpoint that bridges the gap between historical wisdom and contemporary science. This journey undoubtedly presents its share of challenges and uncertainties but the captivating allure of unraveling the enigmatic secrets of our vast universe keeps me invigorated and motivated. As I embark on my transformative expedition into the realm of cosmology through engineering I feel a sense of purpose. I intend to synergize my engineering skills with state-of-the-art concepts much like a solver piecing together cosmic puzzles to unravel the mysteries that surround us. And in my journey, I won't forget my roots, my Egyptian heritage. I want to honor the ancient astronomers who looked up at the same stars I do now, bridging the past with the present.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    In a world where self-centeredness and personal achievement often take precedence it's easy to overlook the value of helping others. However, we must never underestimate the significance of lending a hand, sharing knowledge and showing compassion. Through my experiences of reaching out and supporting those in need, I have come to realize that giving is not about making a difference in someone else's life but also about discovering the profound impact it has on our own journey. Assisting others is an act that allows us to tap into our capacity for empathy. When we make an effort to understand someone's struggles and challenges by putting ourselves in their shoes we develop a connection to the shared human experience. This connection breaks down the barriers that often divide us and nurtures unity and compassion within us. It enables us to treat others with kindness and understanding, fostering a harmonious society. Moreover, offering help to others boosts our self-esteem. Reinforcing our sense of self-worth. It serves as a reminder of the skills and resources we possess reaffirming that we can make an impact. This empowerment strengthens our confidence when facing challenges in our lives while reinforcing our belief that each one of us can contribute towards creating change in the world. By assisting others we come to appreciate the benefits of generosity; the smiles, the heartfelt expressions of gratitude and the understanding that our actions have positively impacted someone's life. These moments of happiness and connection create a cycle of positivity motivating us to keep assisting others and fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Every individual I encountered during my journey of helping others offered me a perspective on life. Their stories of resilience and hope instilled in me a thoughtfulness. I began to appreciate the blessings in my life and the privilege I had to lend a helping hand. Viewing the world through this lens of thoughtfulness allowed me to recognize the struggles that others faced and understand how even small acts of kindness could make an impact. The joy in helping others comes from knowing that one act of kindness can have reaching effects. Like dropping a pebble into a pond our actions send out ripples that extend beyond the initial gesture itself. When we assist others we inspire a sense of community. Motivate others to pay it as well. This ripple effect creates connections that transcend boundaries bringing people from backgrounds together. Furthermore, when we offer help to others we often find ourselves collaborating with individuals and organizations. This fosters camaraderie among us amplifying our efforts and transforming acts into powerful movements, for positive change. The feeling of excitement emerges when we realize that even our smallest contributions can make an impact leading to a transformation and creating a better world for all. As I continue on this journey, I know that the act of giving will continue to empower me, nurturing my soul and filling my life with a profound sense of purpose and joy.
    Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund
    As a Muslim with a diverse upbringing in Brunei, Oman, Algeria, Egypt, and the United States, I have witnessed the cultural practices and healthcare systems that exist within both the Muslim and Western worlds. These experiences have instilled in me a deep appreciation for cultural competency and inclusivity in medicine. My Islamic teachings developed during my years abroad have instilled in me a deep sense of compassion, empathy, and a commitment to serving others, which aligns perfectly with my aspirations in the field of medicine. Throughout my travels, I noted how each country approached healthcare and took particular notice of how integrated traditional remedies were with modern practices. In Brunei, I befriended an elderly herbal healer named Nur, who inherited a wealth of traditional remedies passed down from his ancestors. Brunei's healthcare system, influenced by Islamic principles, still embraces herbal remedies. I envisioned a research center to scientifically validate these remedies scientifically and integrate them into the healthcare system allowing the people of Brunei a more holistic approach to healthcare. In Egypt, I observed a cutting-edge approach to orthopedic surgeries, using 3D models developed by engineers for precise planning and reduced risks. Returning to the United States, I realized the need to bridge the representation of Islamic culture in medicine and decided to combine engineering and medicine to develop innovative medical devices and assistive technologies. This is why I chose mechanical Engineering as my intended major because it has the potential to realize my long-term goal of combining Engineering and Medicine. I strongly believe that these two fields can come together to create the perfect doctor, one who has the technical knowledge and problem-solving skills of an engineer, and the empathy, compassion, and clinical reasoning skills of a physician. As an aspiring physician, I understand the importance of having strong problem-solving skills. In today's rapidly advancing medical landscape, technology is playing an increasingly larger role, and physicians must be able to understand the strengths and limitations of these technologies. Engineering explicitly focuses on application-based, analytical problem-solving, making it an ideal training ground for future physicians. With an engineering background, I can develop the critical thinking skills necessary to diagnose and treat complex medical problems. Moreover, my engineering education will not only improve my problem-solving abilities but also enhance my understanding of medical technology. Receiving this scholarship would be transformative for my academic journey, providing the necessary financial support to focus on my studies, attend research internships, and collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds. I aspire to contribute to global healthcare needs, making medical services more accessible, affordable, and patient-centric for diverse communities. With the scholarship's support, I am determined to build a future where innovation and compassion promote inclusivity and harmony in healthcare worldwide. Combining my academic pursuits in MechE and medicine with the principles of Islam will not only enable me to contribute to the field of medicine but also help me become a better Muslim. Islam emphasizes the importance of knowledge, compassion, and service to others. By integrating these values into my career, I aim to practice medicine in a way that respects and values the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of my patients, thereby embodying the true essence of a compassionate and service-oriented Muslim.