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Kennedy Wescott


Bold Points






I am a great candidate because I have great leadership skills which is apart of what I want in the future, to be in charge. I love to learn from other people and hear what other people have to say, even though I desire to be a leader, I can accept when I am wrong and actively work to better myself. I am most passionate about learning things and being able to master that which I learned with knowledge or application, whether it be how to write a great essay, reading a book about WW2 and telling my family about all the interesting things I learned, learning about origins of slavery in the Americas. I just enjoy learning things, learning other people’s experiences through books, fictional or not, watching movies from different decades, reading about economic and social systems, and learning about the world around me.


Campbell High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

      Creative Director

    • Customer service

      2022 – Present3 years
    • Feature and background

      2010 – Present15 years





    • Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other

      High school
      2019 – 2021


    • Theater

      2019 – 2020

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Word Of Faith — Junior teacher
      2019 – Present

    Future Interests





    Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
    When I first started working I had thoughts of earning hundreds of dollars and being able to buy all the things I desired, go to restaurants with my friends, fill up my gas tank and take drives to have adventures, and go to concerts, but that didn't occur. Instead, I realized that I barely had enough money to have any fun after buying the things I needed and putting gas in my car for school and work, I actually didn't have much money. I needed to make a change. And although I received a raise at my job I still didn't have much. Several of my friends were buying items online so I quickly realized that I could be the seller. I had already set up accounts online to shop so I decided to sell as well. And I did! Over the years because I shop at Thrift stores, I had accumulated quite a lot of vintage clothes so I'm doing quite well for myself. Even my mom gives me some of her items to sale. Now I have several accounts on different websites like Mercari, Offerup, Facebook Marketplace and Esty. I believe that because I have these buying and selling experiences my financial education has had a great start. It has taught me to be more detailed. Also, I never forget to read the fine print, because I was burned a few times before I became a pro at it. I have learned to prioritize what I need versus what I want. I have learned that with buying power comes responsibility and If you sell something you should send it right away as you would want that done for you. I have also learned that if you don't do things the correct way you could lose your money and no one wants that. There may be hiccups in the beginning but if you keep a very detailed account of what's coming in and going out, your bottom line numbers should be exact. In my economics class, my teacher taught me to budget and save. It is definitely something I need especially because I have the tendency to go over budget. I really have to prioritize need versus want because I usually want to spend my money as soon as I got it. I have learned need over want and also to make a priority for the things I really need. I know that because I've had these financial experiences, I can make more informed choices when buying.
    @Carle100 National Scholarship Month Scholarship
    Growing with Gabby Scholarship
    Three traits that I have discovered in the past year help set me apart. I work hard, I am discliplined, I am understanding and open to other’s opinions, and I am mature. I have started working this year and it has helped me to create and develop skills such as being courteous and polite, working hard and helping others. I work in customer service so I try my best to help as many people as I can, helping the elderly or physically challenged persons take their groceries to their car, smiling at all my customers, helping customers find certain things just because I genuinely want to help and be of help to others. I know how nice it feels when people are generous toward you, so I try my best to do that with all the customers I encounter. I go the extra mile, don’t take shortcuts. Also throughout high school, I have realized that when it comes to my work and studies I work very hard. I do my best to make sure that everything I do is thorough and something I can be proud of. I work hard. Whenever I am doing work, I do my best to put lots of thought and effort into it. This could mean researching extensively about topics I may confused about so I can write about it to the best of my ability. Using databases to confirm that I am getting my information from the best sources or simply asking my teachers how I can improve upon my work also asking them individually about things I may be confused about. I have matured a lot in this last year. I of course have lots to learn and experience in life but I believe I have a level of maturity that not every highschooler has. For example, a lot of my friends come to me for advice about obstacles they face in life, where I try my best to remind them that everything in life happens for a reason, most of the time the reason being for them to learn a lesson so they can be successful in life. I practice this by being able to learn from my mistakes but also recognizing a pattern and trying to avoid it. I also believe I am mature for my age because I try my best to not be too disappointed in negative things that happen in my life or get too stressed over things by recognizng that the world is so big that the things I stress over are really inconsequential. This helps me to combat stress by not dwelling on things that stress me out because being stressed doesn’t really help me to accomplish anything. I have learned through working that I am stronger and more dedicated than I thought. I also have learned to be more disciplined because obviously, I can't miss work just because I don't feel like going.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    My father was locked up in a concentration camp at Brickdam prison in Guyana. I know this sounds unbelievable but it's true. Like a version of the television show called "Locked up Abroad". My mom and I were staying in St Martin FWI with my grandmom, my dad's mom. She didn't want the burden of my sister, my mom and I so we had to return to the United States to my mom's parent's home and start over. I watched my mom be so strong and determined, she never gave up. Even when it seems like things weren't going to work out, somehow she made sure it did, so I learned to be strong too. I press through even when things get difficult. I have Advanced Placements classes so often times I have a ton of homework but even with that I also have a job so I have to press through when I have to work to get it all done. I don't make excuses for activities I may have failed at, I just continue to push through because I have seen the results of hard work paying off and I know there is a reward on the other side of my diligence. I want to pursue a Business degree with a minor in Marketing/Advertisement so I can learn all that I can to own my own business one day. I know that learning how to market and advertise for my company will also be helpful hence my minor. I'll be working diligently on my studies at whatever University I attend and with the help of my community and I know I will be a successful business owner. Once that happens I can lead my example and hopefully encourage others that they too can grow and manage a business as well. I'm hoping to inspire people that start with humble beginnings. It doesn't matter how you start, even if you are not privileged you just need to start. Then push and continue to push until you get the results you want. Work hard, stay humble and help others. I don't know when but I'm hoping one day maybe years away that I can go back to St Martin, French West Indies and create some new memories by opening up a business on the island. This may be far off but it will happen and in the meantime, I'll keep pressing toward the mark.
    Kennedy Wescott Student Profile |