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Kelsey King


Bold Points




From an early age I’ve been incredibly passionate about learning. I loved school and devoured books. I honestly don’t know that there has ever been a time where experiencing a new place, culture, or story didn't fascinate me and make me feel wonder. It’s something I have tried my hardest to hold onto as I grow older. When I finished my B.S for Community Health Education in 2017 I decided to take a break from the grind of being a full-time student and full-time worker. Instead of going straight back to school I started traveling around the United States on solo road trips.I believe that traveling by oneself is an incredibly rewarding experience that pushes you out of your comfort zone and increases confidence. I’ve met so many interesting and kind people on my travels, I’ve shared meals and stories and it's one of my favorite experiences thus far. I also realized I had a passion for running and hiking. I started running half marathons and would incorporate them and plenty of hiking into my trips. The decision to go back to school to earn my Masters Degree in Public Health wasn’t a hard one. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Cost was the only thing ever holding me back as I want very much to be debt free. At the end of the day I’m simply excited to be learning and be in an environment with fellow learners. I’m excited to be another step closer to doing something I am passionate about; helping others. I’m simply ready for it and appreciate any help in achieving my goals.


University of New England

Master's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Public Health

Portland State University

Bachelor's degree program
2012 - 2017
  • Majors:
    • Public Health

Portland Community College

Associate's degree program
2009 - 2010
  • Majors:
    • Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Public Health
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Public Health

    • Dream career goals:

      Non-Profit Leader

    • Customer Service Assistant Manager

      USAMM, LLC
      2011 – Present14 years



    • LendKey

      Borrowed: January 1, 2010
      • N/A

        Principal borrowed
      • 8,500

        Principal remaining
      • Interest rate:

    • Nelnet

      Borrowed: January 1, 2009
      • N/A

        Principal borrowed
      • 52,000

        Principal remaining


      Cross-Country Running

      2006 – 20082 years


      • Most Improved

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        American Heart Association — Event Coordinating/Planning Intern
        2015 – 2016
      • Volunteering

        Big Brother Big Sister — Mentor
        2018 – Present

      Future Interests





      @Carle100 National Scholarship Month Scholarship
      Bold Longevity Scholarship
      Eat your vegetables. Workout regularly. Drink plenty of water. It seems that every day I see a new headline telling me all the most recent ways to live longer and look younger. While eating a healthy balanced diet, getting in regular exercise, and drinking water are very important; I do believe that there is a bit more to it. If that was all it took I think there would be a lot more people living into their hundreds. Personally I think knowledge is power and the more we know about our own genetics and what works specifically for us, the better. I also believe that taking care of ourselves mentally plays a huge part of how we age. I believe companionship, both romantic and platonic, are important building blocks in combating stress and the unavoidable grief that comes with living a long life. I believe that finding enjoyment in life whether it's through travel, books, art, the outdoors, etc all maintain an active mind. Ultimately, yes, we should all take care of ourselves. We should get that sleep, move our bodies, and fuel it well. But, let's also enjoy a carb loaded dinner with our friends and drink a glass of wine here and there. Let’s stay up late enjoying the company of another person and spend time learning more about something that we are passionate about. I think all of these things keep us healthy in body and mind.
      Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
      Right before COVID started I was training for my first marathon as well as a 60 mile stage race through the Rocky Mountains. I was moving constantly and loved how I felt. While some people felt more motivated through the pandemic I was the opposite. I felt heavier and uncertain. It's only been in the last few months where I’ve worked to shed some of that emotional weight. I’ve started working out again and in doing so I’m remembering how much I love the feeling of sleepy limbs after a good workout. That simple feeling where my body lets me know I've worked hard. With the world slowly opening back up I've gone on road trips exploring mostly empty national parks in the middle of last January. Crisp air and sunshine as I wind around trails and feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere, deer and other creatures unexpectedly crossing my path. It cost little to nothing to be there yet it was better than an expensive vacation. Simple pleasures are what I've noted above and more. They are the way cream creates clouds in my coffee when it's slowly poured. The excitement of trying a new restaurant and exploring the menu. The smell of a new book the first time I open it. The way a good story can suck you in and you can’t seem to put the book down until you finish. Drinking a glass of wine with a friend and simply enjoying each other's company. There are so many seemingly insignificant things
      Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
      As a child I spent nearly all my free time at my friend Erin’s house. We would do anything or nothing. Sometimes we wouldn’t even be hanging out together, we would just be reading in the same room. I was there so often that it felt like family. Her mother was like a second mom and her home a home away from my own. As an adult my friend group has shifted as people change, grow, move away or on in life. My friend Sara, however, is the person whose home feels like my home too. There is an open door policy between us where we always welcome whether to share a meal, have a place for the holidays, or stay the night. We have always extended this to each other. These two friends that I've had at different times in my life display what friendship means to me. It means support when needed, an open door through life's joys or struggles, comfort, advice, laughter, and family. Friendship to me is family. People who love you in all your states, accepts who you are and vice versa. I’m not someone who has a ton of friends but I feel thankful that the ones I have I've always considered family.
      Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
      When I first read this prompt I thought about things. That really didn't feel right however, it felt like a very thin layer to a thicker answer. To me, it means that when someone is overwhelmed I lend a hand to ease that burden. That could be by watching my friends' kids so they have time to recoup, getting groceries for my parents or friends who are ill, making meals for those who have experienced a loss or a birth or any turbulence in their life. I think of volunteering time, the most important currency we have. Volunteering time to mentor those younger than me who need guidance. Volunteering time clearing garbage from a beach or a highway. Volunteering my time to do little things for my friends or family or even to those I do now know. It's so many small things that can create ease, joy, or comfort in an individual's world. It could simply mean when someone is hungry I share what I have. It means kind words or a smile to strangers. It means making my partner dinner after they've had a long day. To me, generosity is less about giving all but about giving what you can out of love.
      Kelsey King Student Profile |