Hobbies and interests
Exercise And Fitness
Combat Sports
Martial Arts
True Story
I read books daily
Keith Pierce
Bold Points1x
Keith Pierce
Bold Points1x
My future goal I pursue to accomplish involves becoming a skilled Carpenter that is able to perform everything that is within the field of Carpentry (perhaps a Master Carpenter) and/ or A Construction Manager while being able manage my own schedule. I am passionate about this field and very much desire to obtain whatever I may need to become a Skilled Carpenter, or a successful Construction Manager.
If I do receive any scholarship money to help toward this goal of mine, surely I won't let it go to waste, nor take this kind of assistance as a light thing, but I will be thankful and will use this solely to continue to pursue my goal.
Parkville High School and Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Construction Trades, Other
- Construction Management
- Carpenters
- Architectural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Woodworking
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
A Carpenter skilled in every aspect (Master Carpenter) with my own schedule
Club2021 – 2021
- N/A
Martial Arts
Club2011 – 20121 year
- N/A
Bible/Biblical Studies
N/A — To Remain focused and carefully study; Read Every Day; Find Chapters that line up with Things that have happened in the past; Understand Biblical vocabulary2014 – Present
Future Interests
Michael Valdivia Scholarship
Anxiety used to be a very drastic issue in my life, I wouldn't want anyone to have this kind of anxiety that I had to endure in the past. Although the Anxiety I had was very bad, the experience has ultimately made me stronger. In the midst of this Anxiety I had, I felt hopeless, and that sorrow eventually led to Depression, but I didn't sit down and let it overtake me in a snare, I wanted to fight it, I wanted to overcome it.
This Anxiety came upon me very suddenly, but the main influence of the intense worry was the fear of death. It was uncontrollable, I had no power over it. The feeling was like sharp, piercing beams upon my chest, and it was present regardless of whether or not I was ill, such a feeling made it difficult to breathe at times, and the thoughts clouded my mind enough where I felt like I wasn't actually in the world, even though I could see with my eyes. Insomnia was also something that came right along with it. Every day and every night was a burden and I had no comfort or anything to relieve me from that grievous, tedious pain.
It became very bad, to the point where I would shed tears uncontrollably, although I tried to stop myself from crying, I had no might within myself to do so. I was very mentally weak, and my broken and drained spirit weakened my bones, therefore I was also physically weak. Even small words or certain phrases caused my Anxiousness to rise, and I avoided every situation to avoid a spark of worry. It was uncomfortable and unbearable, the feeling upon my chest was not at all pleasant. This is what I now perceive as a low estate in my life, where I would either get up stronger or sit in the dust just to be covered with more dust.
I was met with an adversary named Anxiety, and it wanted to take me down and make me a prisoner, but I did not give in to it, I wanted to overcome this adversary and prevail. The adversary set up a large wall that I couldn't pass by, but I desired to break it to pieces. I eventually began to read The Bible, and the words within the books contained in this Book brought joyfulness to my soul and revived my mind as I started to seek to understand it and apply what was written in it to my life. This adversary began to depart from me as I did this, as I changed the way I conducted myself; the way I viewed the world, and the way I thought of myself. Over the course of time, I developed more care for myself and others, became more focused, ambitious and persistent; I became stronger, enough to cause that adversary to flee, for the snares and weapons of Anxiety didn't have that hold on my mind anymore.
I now understand that this experience was like a trial for me to be shaped into who I must be, and I give all praises to The Most High God, who created all things, in the name of his Only Begotten Son, who is called Christ, for putting me through this to reform my mind, amend my ways and overcome my fear.
Now I won't be Anxious about the future, I will instead move obstacles out of my pathway, for I understand that I must sustain myself to be undefeated, and pursuing my chosen career will indeed help me with that.
Ben Bonner Memorial Scholarship
The trade I am passionate about is Carpentry. I am passionate about this field of work because I like the idea of being able to use tools to put things together to make something new, taking down decaying objects and/or structures, and reinforcing worn out buildings and other objects. I have gained an interest in Carpentry by watching a Carpenter perform work in this field, seeing how you can make a suitable structure to dwell in, or perhaps an important component that your home needed. I also became interested through certain video games. I enjoy Physical Exercise; since I know Carpentry requires some physical effort, I believe that my interest in exercise of the body with benefit me in this pursuit. I also enjoy being innovative by making use out of things that people may usually throw away, such as broken parts to an item, parts of clothes that may have torn off, or extra pieces of something left over from putting something else together; with things like this, I would make something that could be of great use, for example, I took pieces of leftover cardboard and durable tape to make my own container for holding pencils and pens. Although this creation may not look so appealing, it's sturdy and operates very well for what I made it for. I tend to avoid tossing things away that could potentially come to good use for a different purpose, for I do not enjoy wasting anything. These other habits of mine further increased my interest in Carpentry, for with such career path I can strengthen these habits.
Becoming a Skilled Carpenter, able to function in every aspect of the field, will allow me to help my community by offering my service to reconstruct, repair, improve and reinforce the homes of others through exchange. With this skill, I can help make homes more suitable to dwell in, especially with the installment of extra or much needed components that can boost moral and/ or increase the sustainability of the home through weather and other possible hazards. I have had some experience in making improvements to a home when I volunteered to assist another Carpenter in the month of October in 2021. I assisted in breaking down old and undesired areas of a kitchen to make it more spacious and setting up better durable parts of a kitchen like cabinets and flooring. I really enjoyed this experience and hope to obtain all that I need to become a Skilled Carpenter in all aspects of the career.