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My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Graduating in 2024, I am a dynamic, versatile, and hardworking, three-sport varsity athlete who stands 6 '2" 155lbs., that plays SF, PF, F, and C, Basketball; MB, OH, Setter, and DS Volleyball; 1st/2nd/3rd Base, Short Stop, and Catcher in Softball maintaining a 3.7 overall GPA! Moreover, I'm a person of strong moral character, integrity, and honesty seeking to further my education by attending college. I am active in my community and school and want to ensure I give back when I successfully graduate from college. When I obtain my BA in Biology, I will pursue a career in healthcare by becoming a Sonographer. I will pay it forward by giving back to my community and those less fortunate! Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard, I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. I describe myself as an adaptable leader who takes pride in everything I do. I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. In addition, I believe in teamwork, hard work, inclusiveness and service. I possess a quiet demeanor, but disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, and disciplined enough to follow when necessary. I pride myself on never being out DONE only out DOING! I plan to positively impact my community through civic engagement and make my mark by enhancing my community through networking and the connections I make.


Gwynn Park High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Devices

    • Dream career goals:

      When I obtain my BA in Biology, I will pursue a career in healthcare by becoming a Sonographer, and I will pay it forward by giving back to my community!!

    • Mentorship, Babysitting, Event Organizer

      Army Community Services
      2010 – Present14 years



    2020 – Present4 years


    • 2023 2A South Regional Champions, 2nd Team County
    • 2023 Most Valuable Player Basketball
    • 2023 Clearwater Tournament Most Valuable Player
    • 2022 2A South Regional Chamipions, Honorable mention


    2020 – Present4 years


    • MVP
    • Most Improved Player
    • 2022 Volleyball Rising Star


    2020 – Present4 years


    • • 2019 Most Valuable Player


    • Chemistry

      Gwynn Park High School — Researcher
      2023 – 2023


    • Gwynn Park High School

      Conceptual Art
      2022 Save The Planet Winner (Art Contest)
      2022 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Apogee — Helper
      2020 – 2020

    Future Interests





    Ken Landry Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Graduating in 2024, I am a dynamic, versatile, and hardworking, three-sport varsity athlete who stands 6 '2" 155lbs., that plays SF, PF, F, and C, Basketball; MB, OH, Setter, and DS Volleyball; 1st/2nd/3rd Base, Short Stop, and Catcher in Softball maintaining a 3.7 overall GPA! Moreover, I'm a person of strong moral character, integrity, and honesty seeking to further my education by attending college. My athletic journey has played a pivotal role in shaping my character and outlook on life. Engaging in sports has taught me valuable lessons that extend far beyond the realm of physical fitness. As I reflect on my experiences, I realize that the discipline, determination, and teamwork instilled in me through sports have had a profound impact on my personal growth. Participating in athletics has taught me the importance of discipline. Waking up early for practice, adhering to a strict training schedule, and pushing myself beyond my limits have all contributed to my development of self-discipline. Through countless hours of practice and unwavering commitment, I have learned that achieving success requires consistent effort and dedication. Furthermore, my athletic journey has cultivated a sense of determination within me. Facing challenges on the field or court has taught me to persevere in the face of adversity. Whether it's a tough opponent, a setback, or a loss, I have learned to bounce back stronger and more determined than before. This resilience has not only helped me succeed in sports but has also translated into other aspects of my life. Team sports have also imparted invaluable lessons in teamwork and collaboration. Working towards a common goal with a group of individuals has taught me the significance of communication, cooperation, and trust. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of my teammates and learning to leverage them for collective success has been a transformative experience. These skills have not only enhanced my performance in sports but have also prepared me to collaborate effectively in various group settings. Looking ahead, I am confident that the lessons learned through my athletic journey will enable me to make a positive impact on others. By sharing my experiences, motivating individuals to pursue their goals, and emphasizing the importance of teamwork and resilience, I aspire to inspire others to strive for excellence. My journey has equipped me with the tools to mentor, lead, and support individuals in their pursuit of personal growth and success. In conclusion, my athletic journey has been instrumental in shaping my character, instilling valuable life lessons, and preparing me to make a meaningful impact on others. Through discipline, determination, teamwork, and resilience, I have grown both as an athlete and as an individual. I am grateful for the lessons learned and the growth experienced through sports, and I am excited about the opportunity to inspire and empower others on their own journeys of self-discovery and personal development.
    Hester Richardson Powell Memorial Service Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Graduating in 2024, I am a dynamic, versatile, and hardworking, three-sport varsity athlete who stands 6 '2" 155lbs., that plays SF, PF, F, and C, Basketball; MB, OH, Setter, and DS Volleyball; 1st/2nd/3rd Base, Short Stop, and Catcher in Softball maintaining a 3.7 overall GPA! Moreover, I'm a person of strong moral character, integrity, and honesty seeking to further my education by attending college. Resilience is a fundamental quality that empowers individuals to overcome challenges and setbacks, inspiring others through their actions. Demonstrating resilience involves showcasing strength, adaptability, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Whether it's navigating personal struggles, facing academic hurdles, or overcoming obstacles in professional settings, resilience serves as a guiding light that illuminates the path forward. Through my experiences, I have exhibited resilience in various ways, each instance serving as a testament to the power of perseverance. In times of hardship, instead of succumbing to despair, I have chosen to confront difficulties head-on, seeking solutions and embracing a positive mindset. By maintaining a steadfast resolve, I have weathered storms of uncertainty and emerged stronger on the other side. One significant way in which I have demonstrated resilience is by turning failures into learning opportunities. Rather than viewing setbacks as insurmountable roadblocks, I have embraced them as chances for growth and development. Each stumble along the way has provided valuable lessons that have shaped my understanding and equipped me with the tools necessary to navigate future challenges. Moreover, my ability to adapt to changing circumstances has been pivotal in demonstrating resilience. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected obstacles often present themselves when we least expect them. In such moments, I have remained flexible and open to new possibilities, adjusting my course when needed while staying true to my core values and goals. Furthermore, I have shown resilience by seeking support from others and building a strong network of relationships. Connection and community play a crucial role in bolstering resilience, providing a source of strength and encouragement during tough times. By fostering meaningful connections and offering support to those around me, I have cultivated a sense of belonging and solidarity that has sustained me through challenges. In conclusion, resilience is not just about weathering the storm but also about emerging from it with newfound strength and wisdom. By demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity, I have inspired others to believe in their own capacity to overcome obstacles and thrive. Through perseverance, adaptability, and a positive outlook, I have shown that resilience is not just a trait but a guiding force that propels us forward on the journey of life.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Graduating in 2024, I am a dynamic, versatile, and hardworking, three-sport varsity athlete who stands 6 '2" 155lbs., that plays SF, PF, F, and C, Basketball; MB, OH, Setter, and DS Volleyball; 1st/2nd/3rd Base, Short Stop, and Catcher in Softball maintaining a 3.7 overall GPA! Moreover, I'm a person of strong moral character, integrity, and honesty seeking to further my education by attending college.Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. Overcoming adversity is a common experience for many individuals, often shaping their perspectives and goals for the future. Adversity can come in various forms, from personal challenges to societal obstacles, but what remains consistent is the resilience and determination required to rise above such circumstances. In my own journey, overcoming adversity has been a transformative process that has fueled my desire to contribute positively to my community. Reflecting on the obstacles I have faced, I realize that each challenge has been an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Whether it was overcoming personal setbacks or navigating through difficult circumstances, I learned the importance of perseverance and adaptation. By embracing these adversities and turning them into opportunities for learning, I have cultivated a sense of resilience that continues to guide me forward. Looking towards the future, I am motivated by a deep-rooted desire to give back to my community. I envision a future where I can actively participate in initiatives that uplift and empower those around me. Whether it is through volunteering, mentorship programs, or advocacy work, I aspire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. By leveraging my experiences and skills to support those in need, I hope to create a more inclusive and compassionate community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In conclusion, overcoming adversity has been a pivotal aspect of my personal growth, shaping my aspirations to contribute to the betterment of my community. Through resilience, empathy, and a commitment to service, I aim to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me, fostering a more supportive and interconnected society for all.
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Graduating in 2024, I am a dynamic, versatile, and hardworking, three-sport varsity athlete who stands 6 '2" 155lbs., that plays SF, PF, F, and C, Basketball; MB, OH, Setter, and DS Volleyball; 1st/2nd/3rd Base, Short Stop, and Catcher in Softball maintaining a 3.7 overall GPA! Moreover, I'm a person of strong moral character, integrity, and honesty seeking to further my education by attending college. Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. This scholarship can make a huge difference for a student like me in my pursuit of higher education because It can provide financial support and help ease the burden of tuition fees and other expenses. With a scholarship, I can focus more on my studies and sports and worry less about the financial aspect. It can open doors to opportunities that I might not have had otherwise. This scholarship can also boost my confidence and motivate me to excel academically. Overall, it's a great way to invest in my future and help me achieve my educational goals. A few years ago, I decided to get involved in a local environmental conservation project. I joined a group of passionate individuals who were dedicated to preserving and restoring our natural surroundings. We organized regular clean-up events, planted trees, and educated the community about sustainable practices. One particular project that stands out in my mind was the restoration of a nearby park. It had fallen into disrepair and was in desperate need of some TLC. We spent countless hours clearing out overgrown vegetation, repairing trails, and creating new recreational areas. It was hard work, but the sense of accomplishment we felt when we saw the transformation was incredible. This experience had a lasting impact on me. It made me more conscious of my own environmental footprint and motivated me to make sustainable choices in my everyday life. It also reinforced the importance of giving back and being an active participant in shaping the community we live in. Overall, contributing to my community through this environmental conservation project was not only fulfilling but also taught me valuable lessons about the power of collective action and the impact that we can have when we come together for a common cause. It's a memory that I cherish and continue to draw inspiration from.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. Overcoming adversity is a common experience for many individuals, often shaping their perspectives and goals for the future. Adversity can come in various forms, from personal challenges to societal obstacles, but what remains consistent is the resilience and determination required to rise above such circumstances. In my own journey, overcoming adversity has been a transformative process that has fueled my desire to contribute positively to my community. Reflecting on the obstacles I have faced, I realize that each challenge has been an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Whether it was overcoming personal setbacks or navigating through difficult circumstances, I learned the importance of perseverance and adaptation. By embracing these adversities and turning them into opportunities for learning, I have cultivated a sense of resilience that continues to guide me forward. Looking towards the future, I am motivated by a deep-rooted desire to give back to my community. I envision a future where I can actively participate in initiatives that uplift and empower those around me. Whether it is through volunteering, mentorship programs, or advocacy work, I aspire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. By leveraging my experiences and skills to support those in need, I hope to create a more inclusive and compassionate community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In conclusion, overcoming adversity has been a pivotal aspect of my personal growth, shaping my aspirations to contribute to the betterment of my community. Through resilience, empathy, and a commitment to service, I aim to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me, fostering a more supportive and interconnected society for every one.
    Sammy Meckley Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. This scholarship can make a huge difference for a student like me in my pursuit of higher education because It can provide financial support and help ease the burden of tuition fees and other expenses. With a scholarship, I can focus more on my studies and sports and worry less about the financial aspect. It can open doors to opportunities that I might not have had otherwise. This scholarship can also boost my confidence and motivate me to excel academically. Overall, it's a great way to invest in my future and help me achieve my educational goals. A few years ago, I decided to get involved in a local environmental conservation project. I joined a group of passionate individuals who were dedicated to preserving and restoring our natural surroundings. We organized regular clean-up events, planted trees, and educated the community about sustainable practices. One particular project that stands out in my mind was the restoration of a nearby park. It had fallen into disrepair and was in desperate need of some TLC. We spent countless hours clearing out overgrown vegetation, repairing trails, and creating new recreational areas. It was hard work, but the sense of accomplishment we felt when we saw the transformation was incredible. This experience had a lasting impact on me. It made me more conscious of my own environmental footprint and motivated me to make sustainable choices in my everyday life. It also reinforced the importance of giving back and being an active participant in shaping the community we live in. Overall, contributing to my community through this environmental conservation project was not only fulfilling but also taught me valuable lessons about the power of collective action and the impact that we can have when we come together for a common cause. It's a memory that I cherish and continue to draw inspiration from.
    Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. Community service holds significant value for many reasons. It fosters a sense of belonging, promotes empathy, and allows individuals to make a positive impact in society. Engaging in community service provides a platform for personal growth and development while benefiting others. Currently, I am involved in various community service activities, including volunteering at local shelters, participating in environmental clean-up initiatives, and tutoring underprivileged children. I have also helped out with a coat drive for the less fortunate. We were able to accumulate around 100 coats for homeless kids, moms, and dads! These experiences have deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by different segments of the community and have reinforced my commitment to giving back. Community service allows me to contribute to causes that resonate with my values and beliefs. It enables me to effect change on a grassroots level, working towards building a more inclusive and compassionate society. Through these activities, I have forged meaningful connections with diverse individuals and gained a broader perspective on the world around me. I plan to use my biology degree to help me become an Ultrasound Technician. Sonography is a vital medical imaging technique and it plays a crucial role in helping others in various ways. Through the use of sound waves, sonography enables healthcare professionals to visualize and diagnose medical conditions affecting internal organs and tissues. Overall, community service has become an integral part of my life, shaping my outlook and instilling a sense of responsibility towards others. The impact of these efforts, however small, has the potential to create ripple effects that benefit not only those directly involved but the community at large.
    Bishop Ron O. Beazer Sr. Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. Community service holds significant value for many reasons. It fosters a sense of belonging, promotes empathy, and allows individuals to make a positive impact in society. Engaging in community service provides a platform for personal growth and development while benefiting others. Currently, I am involved in various community service activities, including volunteering at local shelters, participating in environmental clean-up initiatives, and tutoring underprivileged children. I have also helped out with a coat drive for the less fortunate. We were able to accumulate around 100 coats for homeless kids, moms, and dads! These experiences have deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by different segments of the community and have reinforced my commitment to giving back. Community service allows me to contribute to causes that resonate with my values and beliefs. It enables me to effect change on a grassroots level, working towards building a more inclusive and compassionate society. Through these activities, I have forged meaningful connections with diverse individuals and gained a broader perspective on the world around me. I plan to use my biology degree to help me become an Ultrasound Technician. Sonography is a vital medical imaging technique and it plays a crucial role in helping others in various ways. Through the use of sound waves, sonography enables healthcare professionals to visualize and diagnose medical conditions affecting internal organs and tissues. Overall, community service has become an integral part of my life, shaping my outlook and instilling a sense of responsibility towards others. The impact of these efforts, however small, has the potential to create ripple effects that benefit not only those directly involved but the community at large.
    Judith A. Vaughn Scholarship
    At a young age I always loved being outdoors and being with friends. That translated into me playing my first sport, tackle football. I was the only girl and I only knew 5 other people on the team. But that never stopped me! I was a natural athlete, anywhere the coach wanted me I was there. From that day forward I played any sport that I could, including, football, track, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and softball. Throughout my time playing these sports I grew as a person, not only in height but in knowledge. I was able to listen to my coaches, teammates, and parents, and they have taught me valuable life lessons that I will never forget. I hope once I get older I will be able to pass down the lessons that I have learned from my mentors to the new generation and help them thrive! With the Involvement in athletics it has taught me several valuable lessons. One of the lessons it has taught me is discipline and time management. Balancing training, competitions, and academics requires careful planning and prioritization. Another lesson that playing sports has taught me is teamwork and collaboration. Working with teammates towards a common goal fosters cooperation, communication, and mutual support. Next, playing sports has taught me resilience and perseverance. Overcoming setbacks, injuries, or losses builds mental toughness and a never-give-up attitude. Next playing sports has taught me to have a healthy lifestyle and stress management. Regular physical activity promotes overall well-being and helps manage stress effectively. Lastly, playing sports has taught me goal setting and achievement. Setting and working towards both short-term and long-term goals is crucial for personal and team success. As I enter college, these lessons can be applied in many ways, including academic discipline. I can use discipline and time management skills honed in athletics to balance coursework, extracurricular activities, and social life. Next, I can use resilience to handle academic pressures, homesickness, and other college challenges. Next, I can use teamwork and collaboration skills for group projects, study groups, and campus organizations. I can also continue setting and working towards goals in my academic and personal life. Lastly, I can keep up a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and effective stress management techniques to stay physically and mentally fit that I learned from my past coaches and mentors. By carrying these lessons forward, I will be well-prepared to navigate and thrive in the college environment.
    Reginald Kelley Scholarship
    People might be passionate about studying biology for various reasons. Some are drawn to the intricate complexities of living organisms and ecosystems, fascinated by the processes that govern life. Others are motivated by a desire to understand and address pressing global challenges such as climate change, disease, food security, and biodiversity loss. But I am drawn to biology for a different reason, to become an ultrasound technician. An ultrasound technician, also known as a diagnostic medical sonographer, is a healthcare professional who is proficient in the use of ultrasonography equipment to produce images of internal organs, tissues, and blood flow within the body. These highly qualified professionals operate ultrasound equipment, which creates high-frequency sound waves, and examine the resulting images in order to diagnose medical diseases and monitor patients' health. Ultrasound techs work together with physicians and other healthcare professionals to perform a variety of ultrasound tests, including vascular, cardiac, obstetric, and gynecological scans. Their function is essential in aiding in the diagnosis and management of a range of illnesses, from identifying cancers to evaluating the condition of the heart and blood arteries to finding anomalies during pregnancy. As a ultrasound technician I will make a difference in the world by contributing to the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of medical conditions, promoting better health outcomes, and enhancing the well-being of patients and their families. My expertise and dedication play a vital role in improving healthcare delivery and advancing medical science. I have a strong desire to serve people, which is why I am so excited about being an ultrasound technician. As soon as I could walk, I would approach people and ask if they needed assistance with anything, or if there was anything I could do to help. I have taken that with me throughout my life and continue to do so now. My dad is one person who has motivated me to pursue this career. He is an incredible Prince Georges County police officer. He encouraged me to always assist anyone in need, no matter what the situation, even though I could never become a police officer. If there's anything I can do for him, it would be to make him proud of the endless hours he puts in to support our family by working on the streets every day. Receiving this scholarship will enable me to continue my education and follow my goal of becoming an ultrasound technician and make my father proud. Thank you for your time and consideration!
    Valiyah Young Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard I come equipped with the right mindset and attitude ready to WIN! I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. As an adaptable and cross functional leader, I take pride in everything I'm a part of. In addition, I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. Nevertheless, I believe in teamwork, hard work, and inclusiveness, while possessing a quiet demeanor, disciplined, focused, and hardworking, ready to lead from the front when needed, but disciplined to follow when necessary. This scholarship can make a huge difference for a student like me in my pursuit of higher education because It can provide financial support and help ease the burden of tuition fees and other expenses. With a scholarship, I can focus more on my studies and sports and worry less about the financial aspect. It can open doors to opportunities that I might not have had otherwise. This scholarship can also boost my confidence and motivate me to excel academically. Overall, it's a great way to invest in my future and help me achieve my educational goals. A few years ago, I decided to get involved in a local environmental conservation project. I joined a group of passionate individuals who were dedicated to preserving and restoring our natural surroundings. We organized regular clean-up events, planted trees, and educated the community about sustainable practices. One particular project that stands out in my mind was the restoration of a nearby park. It had fallen into disrepair and was in desperate need of some TLC. We spent countless hours clearing out overgrown vegetation, repairing trails, and creating new recreational areas. It was hard work, but the sense of accomplishment we felt when we saw the transformation was incredible. This experience had a lasting impact on me. It made me more conscious of my own environmental footprint and motivated me to make sustainable choices in my everyday life. It also reinforced the importance of giving back and being an active participant in shaping the community we live in. Overall, contributing to my community through this environmental conservation project was not only fulfilling but also taught me valuable lessons about the power of collective action and the impact that we can have when we come together for a common cause. It's a memory that I cherish and continue to draw inspiration from.
    Frederick J. Salone Memorial Basketball Scholarship
    December 30, 2022, marked a moment in my life that sparked personal growth, changes, improved my understanding of myself, others around me, and ultimately impacted my high school experience and life. Prior to that date, I really only played sports to be with my friends. That day, I walked onto the floor seeing the crowd and hearing them cheer gave me energy. My family was in the stands, I took a deep breath and just played. Basketball was something I did, it wasn’t a sport that I could use to escape from my problems. In fact, the basketball court was one of my biggest problems, I felt nothing but pressure every time I was on the floor. As I run up and down the court, our team was down by four points, and I wanted the ball! We had been playing for two days, and this was the championship game. It was all or nothing, this time was different, I wanted to WIN! Our team came together and played one of our best games!! We shared the ball, played defense, talked, and scored. I had one of my best games. For the first time, I had fun, I enjoyed the game, and I loved how I felt afterwards. Athletically, I have always been talented, I play multiply sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Softball, and ran Track, but I didn’t play because I enjoyed them. I didn’t even want to play them in college, but this tournament changed me, on that day, I realized everything I was always told, and I wanted to play in college. Nevertheless, prior to that day, when asked, if I wanted to play sports in the future, I would always reply I don’t know. To be honest, I liked playing, I just felt a lot of pressure. Playing sports was a way to spend time with my friends and get out the house. The most ironic thing, is, I was great and always stood out amongst my teammates. Even though, I was constantly told how talented I am, I didn’t feel like that and I really did think about it. Sports was not fun, and I did not enjoy playing. After every game, no matter what sport I was playing, I had the dreaded conversation, the after-game feedback. Man, I hated those conversations, especially from my mom. Being the youngest of four, I observed my siblings go through their individual obstacles, but never really understood how their challenges or choices impacted their lives. As I think about it, I never looked at situations from someone else’s perspective, especially my parent’s. Hearing the announcer call my name, my mind set, attitude and outlook on my future changed instantly. My high school career was going into its last quarter and I was ready. My thoughts immediately went to all of the conversations my parents had with me, and at that point, I understood they were always supportive of me, they believed in me, but I needed to put the effort into believing in myself. That moment taught me pressure is what you place on yourself, and it’s okay for me to fail, but not to give up. When I’m unable to teach myself, have doubts, or challenges, I often reflect on that moment, then gather myself and my thoughts then take the necessary steps to reach my goals. I realized failures are only lessons that teaches us lessons in life. Moreover, challenges are an essential part of life, but on December 30, 2022, that moment in time changed me. Playing a sport ended up changing me for the better.
    Michael C. Overholser Memorial Scholarship
    Our spirits can be greatly lifted and inspired by music. It has the power to reach out and touch our souls, arouse feelings in us, and take us to new levels of awareness. Music, whether it be for its beat, melody, or lyrics, has the power to affect us in ways that words alone are unable to. We will look at how we may utilize music to inspire others as well as how it can inspire us in this essay. Resonating with our emotions is one way that music can motivate us. When we listen to a depressing song, we could find comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone in our troubles and that someone else has gone through similar experiences. Conversely, a catchy and lively song can give us a sense of happiness and inspiration, energizing us and empowering us to take on the world. We can establish a deeper connection with ourselves through music's capacity to both mirror and affirm our feelings. Additionally, music has the power to inspire us by narrating tales and delivering messages. Musicians frequently convey their ideas, insights, and viewpoints on a range of topics through their lyrics. These tales have the power to provoke contemplation and empathy, making us consider our own values and experiences. A song on social injustice, for instance, can encourage us to take action to improve society by raising our awareness of the problems there. Through the medium of music, we can extend our perspectives and acquire a more profound comprehension of the world in which we live. Not only can music motivate each of us personally, but it also has the ability to motivate others. We have the chance to foster a sense of cohesion and connection when we listen to music together. Music unites people from all walks of life by bridging linguistic and cultural divides. We may introduce people to different genres, musicians, and viewpoints by playing music live, making playlists, or just making song recommendations. We may inspire people and motivate them to pursue their own passions and interests by playing music that has inspired us. Moreover, music can be an empowerment and motivational tool. A lot of professionals and sportsmen utilize music to focus and improve their performance. The appropriate music can provide you the motivation you need to overcome obstacles and can also help you become more confident and focused. Similar to this, music can be incorporated into classrooms to improve student engagement and learning outcomes. Using music in the classroom can help students relate to and enjoy the topic more, which encourages them to participate actively and retain the knowledge. To sum up, music has a wonderful power to encourage and uplift us. It recounts stories, strikes a chord with our emotions, and delivers lessons that can improve our lives. We may build relationships and encourage others to consider alternative viewpoints by sharing music with them. Additionally, music can be a tool for empowerment and motivation, improving learning and performance. Thus, let's embrace music's power and use it to motivate one another and ourselves as we go through life.
    Liv For The Future Scholarship
    Leadership is having the ability to lead by how you influence. I exemplify leadership in my everyday life, by who I am, what I know, and how I do it. Being from a military family, I constantly heard Be-Know-Do. BE-KNOW-DO clearly and concisely states the characteristics of a leader. Leadership is about acting, but there’s more to being a leader than just what you do. Character and competence, the BE and the KNOW outline everything a leader does. So becoming a leader involves developing all aspects of yourself. This includes adopting and living life with values. It means developing the attributes and learning the necessary skills to make you successful. Only by self-development will you become a confident and competent leader of character. Being a leader is not easy, there are no cookie-cutter solutions to leadership. You will face challenges, and there are no shortcuts to success. However, some tools are available to every leader. It is up to you to master and use them. Secondly, your character describes a person’s inner strength. Your character helps you know what is right; more than that, it links that knowledge to your actions. Character gives you the courage to do what is right regardless of the circumstances or the consequences. You demonstrate character through your behavior. One of the key responsibilities of a leader is to teach others. The old saying that actions speak louder than words has never been truer than here. Leaders who talk about honor, loyalty, and selfless service but do not live these values both personally and professionally send the wrong message, that this“ values stuff” is all just talk. A leader must have a certain level of knowledge to be competent. To me, that knowledge is spread across four skill sets. You must develop interpersonal skills, knowledge of the people you are leading and how to work with them. You must have conceptual skills and the ability to understand how to apply those skills and other ideas required to accomplish a task. In addition, you must teach and apply the technical skills to be successful. Leaders must master the ability to make decisions. Mastery of these different skill sets as a leader is essential for success. Finally, a true leader is not satisfied with knowing only what is needed for today; They must also be concerned about what is needed for tomorrow. In my opinion, leaders must strive to master and prepare to take over their boss's position, but be prepared and demonstrate to others. Thank you
    Youth Civic Engagement Scholarship
    My name is Keira M. Mason, I’m currently a Senior at Gwynn Park High School, located in Brandywine MD. Graduating in 2024, I am a dynamic, versatile, and hardworking, three-sport varsity athlete who stands 6 '2" 155lbs., that plays SF, PF, F, and C, in Basketball; MB, OH, Setter, and DS in Volleyball; 1st/2nd/3rd Base, Short Stop, and Catcher in Softball while maintaining a 3.7 overall GPA! Moreover, I'm a person of strong moral character, integrity, and honesty seeking to further my education by attending college. I am active in my community and school and want to ensure I give back when I successfully graduate from college. When I obtain my BA in Biology, I will pursue a career in healthcare by becoming a Sonographer, and I will pay it forward by giving back to my community!! Being raised in a family where service is unquestioned and the standard, I know what it means to be a part of a team while giving of myself to exceed all expected and unexpected goals. I describe myself as an adaptable leader who takes pride in everything I do. I work continuously to improve in challenging areas to accomplish all my goals. In addition, I believe in teamwork, hard work, inclusiveness and service. I possess a quiet demeanor, but disciplined, focused, and hardworking. I'm ready to lead from the front when needed and disciplined enough to follow when necessary. I pride myself on never being out DONE only out DOING! I plan to positively impact my community through civic engagement and make my mark by enhancing my community through networking and the connections I make. I will then follow my actions and my willingness to collaborate with my fellow students, families, leaders, community leaders, and business owners in my community. When the community, schools, families, and students come together for a common purpose and goal we all learn and grow together for the betterment of our community. To achieve this goal, I will connect with my community leadership, schools, and peers, then expand to other surrounding communities through social media to promote my homelessness awareness initiative. I will provide statics and materials focused on homelessness and how it's affecting my community. In addition, I will ensure my message promotes inclusiveness, collaboration, and respect for all, gaining and building a diverse network of supporters. Fostering an environment where we exchange ideas, and learning from one another. Secondly, I want to attract the right people by asking the right questions and creating a bond that would allow me to reach my target objective. I will share my vision and recommend solutions for minimizing homelessness for an enhanced community and partnership while allowing others to share their ideas. Finally, I believe having and vision and finding out where I can impact while sharing my dreams to build inclusiveness and awareness in my community while delivering an open invitation for others to share their ideas, experiences, skills, and time will make a difference and make a positive impact in my community through civic engagement. Thank you for your time and support.
    Sammy Meckley Memorial Scholarship
    Extracurricular activities are important to me because they allow me to explore my interest and passions in a way that benefits my community. I believe that by engaging in these activities, I'm able to make a positive impact on the world around me while also developing new skills and meeting new people. One of the things I love about extracurricular activities is that they provide me with opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. I've met some of my closest friends through volunteering and other activities, and I'm always excited to connect with others who share my interest. One of the extracurricular activities that I'm involved in is volunteering at a local animal shelter. I love working with animals and I believe that by helping them find forever homes, I'm also helping the community become a better place. Volunteering at the shelter allows me to meet other animal lovers and work towards a common goal of improving animal welfare. Another extracurricular activity that I'm passionate about is mentoring young students. I believe that by providing guidance guidance and support to young people, we're helping to develop the next generation of leaders. Through mentoring, I'm able to share my skills and knowledge with others, which is incredibly rewarding. I love seeing the progress that my mentees make and knowing that I played a role in their success. In addition to these activities, I also enjoy participating in community service projects such as park cleanups and food drives. These activities benefit the community by improving the environment and helping those in need. They also provide me with an opportunity to meet new people and work collaboratively towards a common goal. In addition to the social benefits, extracurricular activities also help me develop new skills and knowledge. For example, through mentoring, I've learned how to be a better communicator and problem-solver. Through volunteering, I've developed a greater understanding of animal welfare and the importance of community service. Overall, I think extracurricular activities are important because they allow us to contribute to the community positively. By engaging in these activities, we not only benefit the community but also grow as individuals and develop new skills that can help us in all areas of our lives. Whether you're interested in volunteering, mentoring, or other activities, there's something out there for everyone. So why not give it a try and see what you can accomplish?