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kehinde wusu


Bold Points




i everyone my name is kehinde wusu and I am From Calumet City, Illinois. I did not grow up all my life in the states I was born in the United States but eventually, my parents took Me to their Homeland in Nigeria and that is where I started my journey. While growing up in Nigeria I had some difficult times there because the way that everything is done in Nigeria is entirely different than in the United States I lived in Nigeria for about 6 years and then I returned to you United States but I transition from Nigeria to the United States wasn't as smooth as it can possibly be I did face some diversity and some struggles because of the difference between the way things are taught in Nigeria than from the United States after adjusting to everything do United States have to offer I started to get interested in sports and clubs I eventually join our track team in high school and cross country team and now I'm part of their varsity group and one of the best runners in the team because of my hard work and dedication and will to not quit and give up too easily when it comes to reaching the goals that I have for myself


Thornton Fractnl No High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      go into cyber security


      Track & Field

      2019 – Present6 years


      • first place in the 4 by 8

      Cross-Country Running

      2019 – Present6 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Veterans of Foreign Wars — vice president
        2019 – Present

      Future Interests



      M.H.M.A Black Excellence Scholarship
      My short-term /long-term goal Regarding my career is to major in either computer science or software engineering and after graduating Purdue University I will commission as a second lieutenant in the airforce or an ensign in the navy. During my time in the Navy or Airforce I will be Expanding my skills when it comes to cyber security and or cyber intelligence and eventually I would want to leave the military in pursue a career in the private sector of Defense regarding cyber security and cyber intelligence. I would also at this time like to either start a small business or start investing in stock and bonds heavily to create some type of generational wealth for my kids or relatives. Education would help me accomplish these goals by giving me the opportunity to increase my knowledge in this field that I would like to Work in. receiving my education in computer science or software engineering would greatly help me not only accomplish my goals in the Navy or Airforce but accomplish my goals with starting a business or investing and other activity. I plan to apply these career goals into help society become more safe when it comes to the internet and online activities. because I want to major in Software engineering or computer science I will have the ability to create new ways to help protect young kids and adults when using the internet. I believe this is my way of helping our society in the long run because now more than ever everything is online and people need to be protected both in real life and online
      Cyrilla Olapeju Sanni Scholarship Fund
      I believe The lessons and experiences a person experiences throughout their life can lead to future success and can shape their character as a person. I believe that I am living proof of that. Not a lot of people can say that they spent three years of their childhood homeless. I am a person who can; let me tell you my story. When my twin brother and I were about several months old our mother: not able to take care of my twin brother and me, sent us to Nigeria, Egebo my mother’s hometown to live with my grandmother. We spent several years of our childhood there, life was good, but when we were six and our mother was back on her feet we were sent back to the United States to live with her. I remember every second of the ride to the airport and the moments before it saying goodbye to my friends in school, and goodbye to all my aunties and cousins that came with us to the airport, and of course my grandmother who took care of us for all those years. My twin brother and I entered the plane not knowing what to expect all we could be was shocked at the size of the machine that we were entering. We arrived at O’Hare airport and were escorted to our mother by a flight attendant. We met up with our mother and started to head to our new home. My twin brother and I spent two happy years with our mother until the unspeakable happened. My mother broke her leg and, she was no longer able to work for several months. My mother is the only breadwinner in our house could no longer work meaning we could no longer eat or live in the apartment we lived in because we could not afford to. So, on the last day of 4th grade, my twin brother and I were walking home and arrived home to see all our clothes scattered in front of the apartment we once knew as home. That night we slept right in front of the apartment stairs and that began our journey into homelessness. For about three years we would jump from house to house, staircase to staircase. But, God works in mysterious ways, and with his help, my mom was able to get a car from one of her friends and that became our new home. The car wasn’t very big, and my twin brother and I being growing and already very tall boys could barely fit in the back seat let alone sleep there bur, we made it work with the little we had. The winters were brutal because the car was a very old car and the heater was barely working. Sometimes it wouldn’t work and Chicago’s south suburban winters are absolutely brutal. The winter was also around the time school started. It is very difficult to go to school and be homeless at the same time. There were days that I would go to school without a shower for weeks but, what could we do after all we were homeless. We made do with what we had thought and would use rage to clean ourselves. This continued for another year or two until my dad was informed about our situation by someone in my family. He took my mother to court to get custody of me and my twin brother, and that put an end to our homeless. Life is very unexpected and what it takes away from you will give back twice full.
      Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
      One of my personal experiences with finance was when I first came to the United States and my mother had a difficult time paying bills. I plan to use this experience to better prepare myself for the financial struggles of tomorrow I plan to learn different methods of earning money like stocks bonds and e-commerce I also plan to have different revenues of income like investing in vending machines and Real estate my plan for the future is to make sure that I am as financially stable as I can possibly be true I can never experiences situations as stated above again in my life time and also to create generational wealth in my family so that my kids and my kids kids can have some thing to pass on to each other rather that’s land that I bought or houses that I own or stocks that I own etc. in conclusion my goal in life when it comes to finance is to make sure that I have something to pass on and to also make sure that I’m putting myself in the most financial stability I can be in
      Cyrilla Olapeju Sanni Scholarship Fund
      The biggest challenge I face when coming to the United States was adjusting to the way of life in the United States because of such a difference in the way things work in Nigeria compared to America and how the education system differs a lot I found it very difficult to adjust at first but after a couple years I started to understand how do United States education system works and I started to use the things that I have learned from Nigeria to help me further in bedroom I education in the United States. This challenge saved me as a person because it gave me a point of view that I have never seen in my life it’s really help me open my eyes to the fact that things aren’t always the same way they are shown To you because of this fact I was able to adjust quicker than I even thought I would be able to and now I am a higher or a student in high school trying to pursue a opportunity in college with the knowledge I have received from both countries
      Black Students in STEM Scholarship
      I am very passionate about entrepreneurship becuse I believe that it gives people the ability to express themself in the way they do business and their creativity And envisioned the way they would want to change the world in their own eyes. I believe that entrepreneurship is very important that in order for us as a human race to grow and experience new things in every way of our lives and Entrepreneurship can help to express dad's believe because it gives people the opportunity to create things that may be needed in the future boy could even change the world. Entrepreneurship can also Help us grow as an individual because he can give us just the passion To want to make and become a bigger person in order to be successful in any industry that you are interested in entrepreneurs in
      kehinde wusu Student Profile |