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kaylyyn myles


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I am an enthusiastic and dedicated management student with a profound passion for the intersection of art, fashion, self-expression, and marketing. Currently involved in the marketing e-boards of two organizations at my school, I am actively honing my skills in strategic promotion and brand management. Beyond my academic pursuits, I have founded my own streetwear clothing business called NEUN, where I blend my artistic vision with my business acumen. This venture not only showcases my entrepreneurial spirit but also reflects my commitment to translating creativity into tangible projects. I am seeking this scholarship not only to advance my studies but to further invest in my passion for combining management principles with artistic expression. Your support will not only contribute to my educational journey but will also empower me to continue making a significant impact in the realms of art, fashion, and marketing.


North Carolina A & T State University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations
  • Minors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Apparel & Fashion

    • Dream career goals:

      My long-term career goal is multifaceted and reflects my diverse interests and entrepreneurial spirit. Firstly, I aim to elevate my streetwear clothing business, NEUN, into a multimillion-dollar enterprise, establishing it as a prominent player in the fashion industry. Additionally, I aspire to venture into the hospitality sector by owning a cafe, creating a space that merges my passion for aesthetics and community. Beyond that, I envision myself becoming an influential figure in the fashion industry, collaborating with and endorsing brands that align with my values. Furthermore, I aspire to start a magazine company that captures and promotes innovative trends in art, fashion, and lifestyle. Through these endeavors, I seek to make a lasting impact by fostering creativity, community, and cultural influence.

      Future Interests


      Hunter Dean Temple Art Scholarship
      Art, is the language of my soul—a profound means of expressing emotions, ideas, and stories. It transcends mere visual representation; it is a conduit for joy and a reflection of my purpose in life. Yet, this artistic journey is not without challenges. One significant hurdle I face is the struggle to consistently believe in my art. In a world where immediate gains often define success, the artistic process can be disheartening. There are moments when it's challenging to see the immediate fruits of my labor or financial returns. However, despite these challenges, art remains my source of joy and purpose. This scholarship holds immense value for me as it would provide crucial support in overcoming financial barriers that hinder my artistic pursuits. Financial constraints often limit my ability to invest in quality materials, attend relevant workshops, or dedicate ample time to my craft. This scholarship would not only alleviate these financial pressures but also validate the significance of my artistic journey. Beyond financial aspects, the scholarship would empower me to overcome mental barriers. It would serve as a vote of confidence in my artistic endeavors, reinforcing the belief that my unique form of expression is meaningful and deserving of recognition. With this support, I aspire to break free from self-doubt, allowing my art to flourish and reach its fullest potential. Art is my sanctuary of innovation, where I can push boundaries, challenge norms, and communicate in ways that words often fall short. It is in the strokes of a brush, the blend of colors, and the shaping of forms that I find my most effective means of communication. This scholarship represents not just financial assistance but an affirmation of the importance of my artistic journey, providing the encouragement and support needed to continue pursuing my passion and purpose in life.
      Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
      The essence of Hyacinth Malcolm's life story mirrors my own journey and resonates deeply within me. A beloved mother and staunch advocate for education, Hyacinth's commitment to transforming lives through learning strikes a chord with the challenges I've faced and the aspirations I hold. Growing up amid adversities, I discovered the pivotal role education played in navigating these challenges and crafting a pathway to a better future. Just like Hyacinth, I've embraced the belief that education is not only a key to opportunities but a catalyst for profound personal transformations. As I reflect on my experiences, this scholarship named in honor of Hyacinth Malcolm becomes more than a financial aid opportunity; it becomes a bridge to realizing my educational aspirations. Overcoming obstacles to pursue higher education has been a defining theme in my life. The financial support from this scholarship would not only ease the burden of tuition and educational expenses but would also signify a recognition of the resilience embedded in individuals who, like myself, have confronted and overcome adversities to pursue knowledge. Receiving the Hyacinth Malcolm scholarship would mark a significant turning point in my academic journey. It would mean more than just financial assistance; it would be an acknowledgment of my potential, instilling a renewed sense of confidence and motivation to excel academically. Hyacinth Malcolm's dedication to education transcends the mere acquisition of degrees; it is about empowering individuals to shape their destinies. This scholarship, in her honor, becomes a torchbearer of that legacy — a legacy I am enthusiastic about contributing to and amplifying. Beyond the financial relief, the Hyacinth Malcolm scholarship holds a deeper significance for me. It symbolizes an affirmation of the transformative power of education in breaking cycles of adversity and creating avenues for personal and communal growth. As a recipient, I see myself not merely as a beneficiary of financial aid but as a custodian of the values that Hyacinth held dear — the conviction that education has the potential to illuminate a brighter future. My educational aspirations extend beyond the walls of a classroom. I envision leveraging my education to contribute meaningfully to my community and beyond. This scholarship becomes a catalyst for me to pursue academic goals without compromise, engaging in research, internships, and community service — experiences that enrich the educational journey and contribute to holistic personal and professional development. Furthermore, I view this scholarship as an opportunity to pay it forward. Much like Hyacinth paved the way for her children, I am committed to being an advocate for education and a source of inspiration for others grappling with similar challenges. The impact of this scholarship isn't confined to an individual; it ripples through communities, breaking down barriers and fostering a culture of learning and empowerment. In essence, the Hyacinth Malcolm scholarship is not just a financial aid avenue; it is a symbol of support embodying the transformative power of education. As a recipient, I envisage utilizing this scholarship to not only fulfill my educational aspirations but also to honor Hyacinth's legacy by becoming a catalyst for positive change within my community. This scholarship isn't just an investment in an individual's education; it is an investment in a legacy of resilience, determination, and the belief that education has the power to transform lives.
      Augustus L. Harper Scholarship
      Education has been essential to my personal and professional growth, providing me with the essential tools to navigate life's challenges and pursue my ambitions. Similar to the passionate belief of Augustus L. Harper, I see education as a transformative force, a guiding light that leads to success and empowerment. My journey has been marked by a keen sense of observation during my formative years, watching others bask in the rewards of success. This observation ignited a fervent desire within me to attain similar accomplishments, recognizing that education was the gateway to financial freedom and a means to make a substantial impact on the lives of those who lacked opportunities. My decision to attend a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) was a pivotal moment, fulfilling a childhood dream and opening doors to unprecedented opportunities. Transitioning from El Camino Community College in Los Angeles, where my academic journey began in journalism, I felt the entrepreneurial spirit within me yearning for more. The decision to pursue my HBCU dream turned out to be a catalyst for a series of transformative experiences. The HBCU experience not only exposed me to a myriad of opportunities but also introduced me to invaluable lessons in financial literacy, faith, and the creation of generational wealth under the guidance of my mentor, Joel Wiggins. Now, my ambition extends beyond personal success; I aspire to become a guiding light for others. Fueled by the lessons learned through my HBCU experience, I am driven to teach individuals of color about the transformative power of education, the importance of financial literacy, the role of faith, and the potential for building generational wealth. At 24, my journey is a testament to the pursuit of dreams on my terms. Shifting from journalism to business, I recognize the significance of education in transcending barriers and creating opportunities. My business major equips me with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in my chosen field, providing a deep understanding of business dynamics, financial principles, and accounting practices. Moreover, education has been a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Beyond expanding my intellectual horizons, it has honed my critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Through the rigors of academic pursuits, I've imbibed resilience, perseverance, and the importance of continuous learning. Beyond the classroom, education has empowered me to be an advocate for positive change. It has provided a platform to engage with diverse perspectives, fostering cultural understanding, and promoting inclusivity. My experiences as a BIPOC student in the realm of business emphasize the importance of diverse voices in shaping innovative solutions and contributing to the richness of our global community. Education has become a vehicle for empowerment, a means to break down barriers, and a source of inspiration for realizing one's full potential. In the spirit of Augustus L. Harper, my commitment is not only to personal success but also to uplifting and inspiring others within my community. Applying for the Augustus L. Harper scholarship is not just a quest for financial support; it's an opportunity to align with the values and legacy of a dedicated advocate for education. By articulating my perspective on the transformative power of education and its profound impact on my life, I aim to convey my dedication to utilizing this force for positive contributions to the fields of accounting, finance, and business—echoing the legacy of Augustus L. Harper throughout his impactful life.
      Boyd J. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
      I am pursuing a business degree with a desire to combine my passion for creativity and entrepreneurship to make a positive impact on both my personal journey and the community around me. The decision to delve into business studies stems from a profound belief in the transformative power of innovative ideas, strategic planning, and ethical leadership. Business, to me, is not just about profit margins and market shares; it is a dynamic avenue for bringing forth positive change. My journey in the world of business is intrinsically tied to my entrepreneurial venture, NEUN, a streetwear clothing brand that I founded. NEUN is more than a business; it's an embodiment of my creative expression and a testament to my commitment to crafting a brand that transcends mere aesthetics. Pursuing a business degree provides me with the comprehensive knowledge and skills needed to navigate the intricacies of the business world, from financial management to effective marketing strategies. As I progress in my academic journey, my goal is to use my education as a tool for community empowerment. The fusion of art, fashion, and business holds immense potential for positive change. Through NEUN, I aim to contribute to the local economy by creating job opportunities, supporting local suppliers, and fostering a sense of community pride. I envision NEUN not just as a clothing brand but as a platform that collaborates with local artists, designers, and manufacturers, thereby stimulating the growth of the creative industries within my community. Furthermore, my involvement in the marketing e-boards of two organizations at my school amplifies my commitment to community engagement. By applying the principles learned in my business studies, I actively participate in initiatives that connect businesses with the community. From organizing local events to promoting sustainable business practices, my education equips me with the tools to spearhead projects that not only benefit businesses but also uplift the community. Owning a cafe is another dimension of my long-term plan to make a positive impact. Beyond being a business venture, the cafe will serve as a communal space where individuals can gather, fostering a sense of connection and unity. I envision it as a hub for local artists, a platform for community discussions, and a catalyst for positive social change. In my pursuit of becoming an influencer for fashion brands, I see an opportunity to amplify the voices of ethical and sustainable practices within the fashion industry. I aim to use my platform to advocate for responsible production, fair labor practices, and eco-friendly initiatives. By influencing the choices of both consumers and industry players, I believe I can contribute to the broader movement toward a more sustainable and socially responsible fashion landscape. Starting a magazine company aligns with my vision of creating a space for diverse perspectives. The magazine will be a platform to showcase emerging talents, highlight community achievements, and spark conversations on issues that matter. It will serve as a unifying force, celebrating the richness and diversity of my community. In conclusion, my pursuit of a business degree is not just a personal aspiration but a commitment to leveraging my education for the betterment of my community. Through NEUN, my involvement in marketing organizations, and my long-term goals in the fashion and hospitality sectors, I envision a holistic approach to community impact. Business, when infused with creativity, responsibility, and community-centric values, has the potential to be a powerful force for positive change. My education is the compass guiding me on this transformative journey, and I am excited about the prospect of using my future endeavors to contribute meaningfully to the well-being and growth of my community.
      Boyd J. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
      Who would have known that riding a passenger in my grandfather's pickup truck would have been one of the biggest influences in my life? I would run errands with him, picking up roofing equipment, observing as he built connections with distributors, seeing how he negotiated, gave estimates, and delegated a team for his very own roofing business. I thought I was his assistant as I scanned through the brochures of the different roof textiles and paint options. I walked around with my hands in my pockets, with an observing look on my face just as he did. He is a mentor to me throughout all my entrepreneurial endeavors. My grandfather made a way out of no way but stresses the importance of knowing he is a “successful roofing contractor that happened to be black. Not successful because I'm black.” I identify with this scholarship not only its appeal to business and entrepreneurship but because my grandfather is a Vietnam veteran whom I honor. He was born and raised in Eudora, Arkansas with 8 brothers and 5 sisters to sharecroppers. They moved to California in 1950 and stayed with an aunt. Sept 19 in 1965 immediately after the Watts riots took place, he was drafted into the army. "To fight overseas in Vietnam for the freedom of others, only to come home and still suffer some of the discrimination that existed here in the United States was a huge disappointment.” Fast forward, he ethically ran his roofing business, stressing the importance of honesty, high quality, and fair prices no matter what zip code or ethnic group his clients fell under. "You run an honest business and give the customers you possibly can no matter who the customer was or where the customer lived whether rich or poor you give the same quality of work." He wanted to be an example to the community for people who wanted to follow in his footsteps and show how opportunities were available if taken advantage of. I was one of the people he inspired. I am pursuing a degree in Business Administration because I saw my grandfather do it and am inspired by him to be my boss and inspire my community. I am strongly considering continuing the family roofing business. I would also like to create and offer a different reality regardless of their environment or circumstances through entrepreneurship. A goal of mine is to own a production studio/work space to be an incubator for aspiring entrepreneurs and artists. I remember being in a place where I did not know where to start, who to reach out to, or who needed to be surrounded by like-minded individuals. I just want to offer that space and service. I currently run a small business called NEUN selling tote bags and streetwear apparel. I sell my products at local pop-up shops.
      Ryder Collections Scholarship
      I'm a self motivating African-American first generation HBCU transfer student from Los Angeles California attending North Carolina A&T. The Ryder collection scholarship really stood out to me because I could relate to Karahn Green. I have a luxury Tote Bag in a streetwear apparel business called NEUN. I participate in pop-up shops across southern California. However, I am taking my first semester off from my business to focus on school. I plan on bringing my business ventures to North Carolina and expanding to hosting pop-up shops and flea markets in the community. When I told my family that I was moving to North Carolina they thought I was crazy and everyone in my family tried to talk me out of it. Why North Carolina when you live in Los Angeles? They all wanted me to go to a university in the States close to home. I’ve been sheltered pretty much all of my life and knew that I needed to take the leap of faith and get out of my comfort zone because there is no growth in it. And so I left! The city girl went off to Greensboro North Carolina. I had no family out here, no one knew me, nothing. Moving to North Carolina was a new start, a blank canvas. I was free to become whoever I wanted to be and find myself with none of my family or friends influencing any of my decisions. I am paying rent for the first time ever, deciding my meals, determining right from wrong, and if those friends I made align with the woman I want to be. I am truly adulting. It has been both liberating and terrifying at the same time and I am so proud of myself for doing it. I believe life is about taking risks and creating memorable experiences. Although it has been a huge adjustment, I am maintaining and finding the beauty of my HBCU everyday slowly but surely. I grew up mainly with my grandparents. My parents would go back and forth, breaking up and making up. Just two young kids raising kids, crazy in love. It was never stable from my brother and I but we could always count on my grandparents. I remember waking up to holes in my door from my parents fighting, to police lights and being interrogated by police on who hit who. I wasn’t in extracurricular activities and just stayed home with my grandparents most of the time. Occasionally I would go spend the summer with my auntie Lisa and her family and see an entirely different way of living. It was filled with love, my cousins were in any sport you could imagine. My aunt and her husband graduated from San Diego State University and worked as probation officers. They always instilled positive affirmations and self love in me. They stressed to me how important it was to get a higher education. My parents on the other hand worked jobs like security or retail. My father actually just recently received his GED. Now that I’ve grown up and understand things more clearly, I do not frown upon my parents. Everything has contributed to the young resilient woman I am today. Who would have thought that shy girl would grow up to be an entrepreneur and get to the number one public hbcu like she always dreamed. Fear no longer consumes me, I welcome it. Everyday I say my affirmations and “show up as her.” Her being who I needed when I was growing up. I would like to give back by creating extracurricular programs for the youth to keep their mind challenged and intrigued. In whatever activity they choose, nothing but positivity will be instilled in them. Everytime they step into the program, they will resight affirmations specific to whatever that child needs. The affirmations will constantly be renewed, just like we are throughout life.