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Kayleigh Hill


Bold Points






Not many nine-year-olds decide their career from a television program. However, after watching a documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was eager to become an environmental scientist, studying the effects of the environment on gene mutations. Understanding the importance of academics for college acceptance, I focused on a rigorous course selection and maintained a 4.8 GPA. I participate in extra-curricular activities, hold leadership positions, and play field hockey. I volunteer throughout the community at the local elementary schools, food banks, and special needs programs. My most meaningful involvement has been as a vocalist for the annual children’s hospital fundraiser and The Ronald McDonald House can tab collection I lead in my community. These two events were important to me because I have a special needs brother with 16p11.2 microdeletion, a chromosome abnormality causing neurological and cognitive delays. I see the stress having a special needs child can place on a family, emotionally and financially. My parents were involved in litigation with the school district over my brother’s education. He was eventually placed in a more appropriate educational environment; however, the financial strain had already become a burden. Besides working two jobs to save money, scholarships would greatly contribute to my ability to achieve my educational goals so I can focus on my studies and participate in research. The long-term benefits would enhance my career prospects and financial independence and allow me to aid with my brother’s care.


Moravian College

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Environmental Geosciences
    • Sustainability Studies
    • Marine Sciences
    • Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management
    • Zoology/Animal Biology
    • Animal Sciences
    • Environmental/Natural Resources Management and Policy
  • Minors:
    • Visual and Performing Arts, General
    • Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft
  • GPA:

Toms River High School South

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Marine Sciences
    • Geography and Environmental Studies
    • Natural Resources and Conservation, Other
    • Physical Sciences, Other
    • Environmental/Natural Resources Management and Policy
    • Sustainability Studies
    • Agricultural Engineering
    • Community Organization and Advocacy
    • Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
    • Forest Engineering
    • Surveying Engineering
    • Zoology/Animal Biology
    • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
    • Environmental Geosciences
    • Physical Sciences, General
    • Education, General
    • Science, Technology and Society
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Environmental Services

    • Dream career goals:

      Environmental consultant and Environmental policy/conservation

    • Receptionist

      The Music Acaedmy
      2022 – Present2 years
    • Summer Camp Lead Counselor

      Toms River Recreation
      2022 – Present2 years
    • Summer Camp Counselor

      2021 – 2021


    Field Hockey

    2020 – Present4 years

    Field Hockey

    2020 – 20244 years


    • Spirit of the Indian award for leadership and teamwork


    • International Thespians Society

      Tarzan, , Tuck Everlasting, , Outsiders, Anything Goes
      2022 – 2024
    • Toms River High School South Chorus

      participated in the chorus events at Hershey Park and Disney, Award: Spirit of the Indian aqard for leadership , Award: National Choral Award , highest honor a high school choral performer can receive
      2020 – 2024
    • The Music Academy

      Stone Pony, Asbury Park NJ
      2014 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Homework Club — Homework buddy and Senior in Charge
      2023 – 2024
    • Volunteering

      JBJ Soul Kitchen — server
      2023 – Present

    Future Interests




    Dr. G. Yvette Pegues Disability Scholarship
    Growing up with a neurodiverse sibling has shaped my understanding of both the challenges and strengths inherent in different ways of thinking and interacting with the world. My brother, who has a 16p11.2 chromosome microdeletion, experiences a range of disabilities that impact his daily life and development. Navigating this unique family dynamic has not only fostered my empathy and resilience but has also ignited a passion to support underserved communities, particularly those affected by similar genetic conditions. From an early age, I learned the importance of advocacy and patience. My family often encountered obstacles in accessing educational resources and medical support for my brother. Schools lacked sufficient understanding of his needs, and we frequently found ourselves advocating for appropriate services. My parents were involved in two years of litigation against the local school district to properly educate my brother. In addition, my mother was forced to testify against the insurance company for failing to provide health coverage for necessary therapies for my brother. These experiences showed me the systemic inequities in healthcare and education, driving my desire to make a difference. I witnessed firsthand how societal structures can marginalize individuals with disabilities, often leading to a lack of support and understanding. In high school, I began volunteering with organizations focused on special education, such as becoming a homework buddy for the local elementary school. I helped organize students at The ARC 5k run to raise awareness about neurodiverse conditions. I created a can tab collection for the local Ronald McDonald House chapter to benefit families needing a place to stay near children’s hospitals. Through this work, I met families like mine, each with their own stories of struggle and triumph. I realized that my education could be a tool to bridge these gaps. My academic pursuits in genetics and environmental science are driven by a desire to understand how external factors can influence genetic conditions, particularly in relation to neurodiversity. The study of environments and their effects on gene mutations fascinates me. Research indicates that environmental factors—ranging from prenatal exposure to toxins to socio-economic conditions—can significantly impact the expression of genetic traits. By delving deeper into this field, I hope to identify strategies that can mitigate some of these adverse effects. As I progress through my education, I plan to integrate my findings with community outreach initiatives. I envision creating programs that not only educate families about genetic conditions but also provide them with resources to navigate the complexities of healthcare systems. By working with underserved communities, I aim to empower families with the knowledge and tools they need to advocate for their loved ones. This might involve organizing workshops that focus on understanding genetic disorders, connecting families with healthcare professionals, and promoting inclusive practices within educational settings. I also want to explore how community environments can be optimized to support neurodiverse individuals. This could include advocating for sensory-friendly spaces in schools and public areas, creating mentorship programs that pair neurodiverse individuals with supportive role models, and promoting inclusive curricula that recognize the strengths of diverse learners. My journey alongside my disabled brother has shaped my commitment to fostering understanding and equity in society. I am determined to use my education not only to advance scientific knowledge but also to drive change for those who are often overlooked. By focusing on both genetic research and community support, I aspire to create a more inclusive future where every individual is valued and given the same opportunities as neurotypical peers.
    Norton Scholarship
    What is “truth”? According to Merriam-Webster, truth is defined as: the body of real events or facts, and agreement with fact or reality. However, “truth” may also be a subjective understanding of experiences, beliefs, and emotions emphasized by personal narratives and feelings. This suggests that “truth” is inherently personal and can vary from person to person. Growing up in the Christian faith, but from two different religions, I had struggled with the concept of truth. Religion provides a more objective understanding of “truth”. From a biblical standpoint, truth is not merely a subjective experience but a reflection of God's nature and His revelation to humanity. In John 14:6, Jesus states, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." This claim positions Jesus as the embodiment of truth, asserting that truth originates from God and is not malleable based on individual perspectives. This is critical to understanding the difference between our personal truths and the truth as defined by God. Scripture offers a broader understanding of truth. In John 17:17, Jesus prays, "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." Here, "your word" refers to the Scriptures, indicating that God’s truth is revealed through His Word, which serves as an objective standard against which all beliefs and experiences should be measured. The cultural context of the early church, where many were grappling with various teachings and philosophies, underscores the necessity of an absolute truth to guide believers. This was particularly relevant in combating heresies and maintaining the integrity of the Gospel. The distinction between personal and divine truth also raises questions about morals. My mother in Roman Catholic. She taught me about church and spiritualism. However, she is also a firm believer in science. As such, her truth follows the understanding of God, but the scientific method of creation. Whereas my father was brought up as a Jehovah Witness. He does not celebrate holidays and believes in the word of Jehovah. He is a firm believer in creationism. The “truth” is not as simple as fact or faith. What may feel right or true to one might lead to spiritual or moral consequences. The concept of sin further complicates the idea of "my truth." In Romans 3:23, we read, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This acknowledgment of universal human fallibility emphasizes that our personal truths may often be flawed, shaped by sin and brokenness. God created man in his image with a brain for free thinking. With the ability to make our own choices, we must also live with the consequences. God's truth, however, provides a path to redemption and healing, aligning our lives with His design. The culture surrounding biblical texts also sheds light on the importance of community and accountability in understanding truth. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages believers to "consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds," highlighting the necessity of community in understanding and living out truth. Church provides a community for pray and acceptance. Being part of a community helps to hold one accountable for their truth. While “truth" emphasizes individual experience and dual religion upbringing, the biblical perspective asserts that truth is rooted in God's nature and His revelation. The distinction is critical, as embracing God’s truth leads to spiritual growth, moral clarity, and a deeper understanding of our identity in Christ. By seeking His truth, we navigate the complexities of life not by our flawed perceptions but through the unwavering lens of God’s Word.
    Environmental Kindness Scholarship
    Not many nine-year-olds find their passion for a career in a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was interested in becoming an environmental scientist. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area affects the other. The environment I grew up in has directly impacted my desire to keep our planet safe and incorporate sustainable measures for future generations. As an aspiring environmental scientist, my focus is the study of the ecosystem and protecting its inhabitants. I see first-hand how building on land removed from preservation status can affect the animals living there. I also see the destruction of our beaches and oceans. Every summer the beach is littered with poorly discarded plastic, paper, and other items that blow into the ocean water. The garbage destroys the ocean and is a potential hazard to its dwellers. I volunteer as part of a beach cleanup crew to save our ocean. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying the land before constructing residential housing or commercial buildings to look for endangered flora or fauna. I will determine if they need relocation or if building on the land is feasible. The work will contribute to protecting the oceans since construction and materials could ultimately affect the environment through air pollutants, ground seepage, and runoff into the waterways. Continuing my education after my bachelor's degree, I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with legislatures to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. As part of my studies, I will conduct research on climate control and carbon footprints and ways to control both. I have already begun exploring opportunities to decrease my carbon footprint and sharing those ideas with friends and family. One of my favorite pastimes is thrifting. Thrifting helps to pass along clothing and accessories instead of the discarded items overflowing in landfills. At home, we replaced all our appliances and light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives. Besides working with my friends on the beach cleanup, we have also attended town meetings and have written letters about ending deforestation and preserving the green space. We worked with local officials in a tree planting event to increase the number of trees in our area which in turn would absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. Another way to reduce our carbon footprint, and a measure our town implemented, is a recycling program. I also worked with the community collecting can tabs, which were delivered to The Ronald McDonald House to help offset the cost of housing for parents while their children were at the local children’s hospital for testing and procedures. My experiences within my community and the environment around me influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    One of my earliest concerts was Taylor Swift at the Prudential Center in Newark NJ. I was five years old when she walked down the stairs, singing, right next to my seat, and waved to me. My passion for performing was ignited and I began singing lessons and performing in musical theater productions. Music became an important part of my life. If my year had a soundtrack, Taylor Swift's 1989 (Taylor’s Version) would play a pivotal role, weaving through my daily experiences with a blend of nostalgia, resilience, and joy. “Blank Space” perfectly captures the unpredictability and excitement of my year. The song’s playful yet introspective lyrics about love’s fleeting nature and new beginnings resonate deeply with the moments of embracing change and uncertainty. Just before high school graduation, my relationship of two years ended. I was devastated, as I thought that would be my future. It took some time, but I realized when that door closed, many more opportunities would become available. Like Swift’s narrative of creating stories in the blank spaces, this year has been about filling in the gaps with new experiences and opportunities, making it a fitting anthem for embracing the unknown. “Out of the Woods” captures the essence of reflecting on past struggles while appreciating the progress made. The song’s theme of remembering a turbulent time yet acknowledging how far one has come resonates with my reflections on overcoming obstacles. My mental health has suffered in the past few years because of criticism and injuries during field hockey. A knee injury resulted in surgery and six months of recovery. I thought about quitting the sport I love because of the criticism. My high school coach became a wonderful mentor and helped me through the difficult time. My chorus director also became an integral part of dealing with my anxiety and depression. He would allow me to decompress in the music room or listen to me talk about the heaviness of my day. As I have pulled myself out of the woods, it is a powerful reminder of how, despite challenges, life is full of possibilities. "Wildest Dreams" reflects the dreams and aspirations I will be chasing, often with a sense of exhilaration and optimism. The song’s themes of ambition capture the spirit of pursuing goals with passion while savoring the journey. I have wanted to study environmental science since elementary school when I became fascinated with herpetology (the study of reptiles and amphibians). I am currently pursuing that dream in college. I am also continuing my field hockey career at a D3 level and performing in musical theater. It’s a reminder to dream big and embrace the adventures life offers. Finally, "Clean" represents a sense of closure and starting anew. It’s about shedding old burdens and embracing a fresh start, which has been a significant theme for me this year. The song’s message of letting go and moving forward aligns with personal growth and the process of finding clarity and renewal in different aspects of life. As I move past high school, I am finding myself, building new friendships, and navigating my way into adulthood. The soundtrack of my life this year, punctuated by Taylor Swift’s 1989 (Taylor’s Version), would be a dynamic mix of emotions and experiences. Each song mirrors different facets of my journey, from navigating uncertainty and reinvention to celebrating relationships and dreams. Through its vibrant beats and poignant lyrics, the album provides a fitting backdrop to the diverse and evolving narrative of my year.
    Bookshelf to Big Screen Scholarship
    One of my favorite book-to-film adaptations is The Summer I Turned Pretty, based on Jenny Han’s beloved young adult novel. This adaptation stands out to me not just for its faithful portrayal of the book’s emotional core but also for its ability to bridge the gap between reading and viewing experiences in a deeply impactful way. The Summer I Turned Pretty is a coming-of-age story that delves into the trials and triumphs of adolescence through the lens of a summer romance. The novel captivated me with its vivid depiction of summer’s transformative power and the emotional turbulence of first love. The story follows Belly Conklin, a teenage girl who navigates her feelings for two brothers, Jeremiah and Conrad Fisher, while spending summers at the beach house where her family and theirs have a longstanding tradition. I was able to relate to the book through my own personal relationships. From the age of fifteen to eighteen, I was in a relationship that I thought was going to last through college. We met in the summer of the year I turned fifteen. It was a world wind romance. A month before high school graduation, he ended our relationship with the excuse of wanting to have the “college experience” without worrying about a girlfriend. I was devastated as I basically planned everything around continuing a long-distance relationship. The summer before I left for college, I used the time to find myself and explore being single again. It was a great summer filled with traveling with family and friends. One of the keyways this adaptation bridges the gap between reading and viewing experiences is through its character development. In the book, much of the emotional depth is conveyed through Belly’s internal monologues and reflections. The film adapts this by using expressive performances and intimate scenes to convey her feelings and growth. The actors bring Belly, Jeremiah, and Conrad to life in a way that feels authentic and relatable. Their portrayals capture the complexities of their relationships, adding layers of nuance that deepen the viewer’s connection to the characters. The film also adds a visual dimension to the story’s themes of change and self-discovery. Scenes that describe the summer house’s transformation from a place of childhood innocence to a backdrop for burgeoning romance are brought to life with careful attention to detail. The movie’s use of lighting, color, and cinematography not only reflects the mood of each scene but also enhances the emotional stakes, making the viewer feel the weight of Belly’s choices and the intensity of her experiences. For me, The Summer I Turned Pretty holds a special place because it beautifully captures the bittersweet nature of growing up and the lasting impact of first loves and friendships. I was able to completely relate to the characters, especially Belly, through my own experiences with love and loss. The adaptation successfully translates the book’s emotional depth into a visual experience that resonates on both a personal and universal level. It serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling, whether through words or images, to evoke profound feelings and connect us to our own experiences. The film doesn’t just bring the book to life—it enriches it, making the summer of Belly’s journey a shared experience that’s both visually stunning, deeply moving, and completely relatable to teenagers.
    Audra Dominguez "Be Brave" Scholarship
    When faced with adversity, whether physical or mental, pursuing a career in environmental science demands a multifaceted approach to overcoming challenges. My journey in this field will be marked by various obstacles, but each will provide valuable lessons and shape my resilience. There are steps I have taken to pursue my degree and continue achieving my career aspirations in environmental science. The first and perhaps most crucial step in navigating adversity has been cultivating a robust support network. This network includes professors, friends, and family members who provide emotional support, practical advice, and encouragement. My professors in the environmental science field have been instrumental in offering guidance on technical and personal challenges. When dealing with setbacks, whether in the classroom or in my personal life, the wisdom and encouragement from experienced professionals have been invaluable in maintaining my motivation and focus. As a female pursuing a degree and career in a STEM field, I know the obstacles I will face. Women remain underrated in the sciences, with less than one-third employed. The lack of female representation in STEM creates fewer role models leading to fewer female students becoming interested in the field. Some of the barriers that women face in STEM work include harassment, salary inequality, and discrimination. Creating an inclusive work environment would eliminate the unconscious biases still prevalent today. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. Promoting women in STEM is fundamental for gender equality in the field. Adversity can take a toll on mental health, and maintaining well-being is essential for sustained success. To manage stress and avoid burnout, I practice self-care techniques such as daily positive affirmations, regular exercise, and a balanced work-life schedule. Engaging in hobbies and activities outside of college, such as field hockey and community volunteering, provides a necessary mental break and keeps me connected to the environmental causes I am passionate about. Recognizing the importance of mental health has allowed me to approach challenges with a clear and focused mindset. As an ambassador for All In Athletes, I promote their mission of positive mental health in sports. I frequently speak with team members about the importance of a positive attitude on and off the field. As a person living with anxiety, I meet with my therapist to work through any issues and come up with positive outlets for stress. In the face of adversity, staying updated with the latest knowledge and skills in environmental science is crucial. I actively work on enhancing my expertise and staying abreast of new advancements in the field. One such technology that I am very interested in studying is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The use of global digital mapping technology assists environmental scientists with making data-driven decisions. It allows for studying areas abroad without leaving the campus. This commitment to lifelong learning not only helps overcome technical challenges but also places me in a position to be a knowledgeable and innovative contributor to the field. Overcoming adversity while pursuing a career in environmental science involves building a supportive network, maintaining flexibility, concurring obstacles, prioritizing mental health, and engaging in continuous learning. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Willie Louis Pegues Science Scholarship
    Not many nine-year-olds decide their career path from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I became interested in environmental science. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate for animals and marine life with a focus on preserving endangered species and combating deforestation. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion. The deletion causes developmental delays and intellectual disability. Growing up with a special needs brother showed me the importance of giving back to the community. I volunteered at the local elementary school as a homework buddy with special needs students. I understand the stress having a special needs child can place on a family, emotionally and financially. My parents were involved in litigation with the school district over my brother’s education. He was eventually placed in a more appropriate educational environment; however, the financial strain had already become a burden. My parents cannot apply for loans to help them pay for college. Besides working two jobs to save money for college over the past few years, I am applying for scholarships to ease the burden. Throughout high school, being involved in the community was extremely important to me. I held multiple leadership positions within organizations and was the captain of the field hockey team. I maintained a 4.8 GPA, performed in theater productions, played sports, and volunteered at many community events. After graduation, I began college and continued to be involved in the community. I currently play college field hockey and will begin volunteering in the local community at my university. As an aspiring environmental scientist, my focus is the study of the ecosystem and protecting its inhabitants. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying the land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings to look for any endangered flora or fauna. I will determine if they need relocation or if building on the land is feasible. The work will contribute to protecting the oceans since construction and materials could ultimately affect waterways. Continuing my education after my bachelor's degree, I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with legislatures to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. The lack of female representation in the STEM field also motivates me to want to pursue this career. Less than 30% of the STEM workforce are women. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young women and share the importance of higher education in STEM. My brother and the environment we grew up in have influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    “That’s what she said” is an inside joke between my father and me. As avid fans of “The Office”, we can recite quotes from the television program and usually at the most inappropriate moments. It is a bond I have with my father, something that just him and I share. It started around age nine, when we watched an episode together. Over the years, and thanks to Netflix, we were able to complete the entire series together. Pam Beesly is a character with whom I resonate deeply, and her journey throughout the series offers meaningful insights into personal and professional life. Pam’s character embodies qualities of authenticity, personal growth, and resilience that I find particularly relatable. I admire her ability to manipulate a situation without it looking like she had anything to do with it. Pam Beesly’s journey from a receptionist to a saleswoman and eventually an office administrator mirrors the experiences of many who navigate their career paths with a mix of ambition and uncertainty. I understand Pam’s initial sense of unfulfilled potential and her quiet yearning for something more meaningful in her professional life. Her eventual decision to pursue her dreams, including taking art classes and exploring new career opportunities, reflects a journey of self-discovery and courage that is both inspiring and relatable. Watching Pam evolve from a passive observer of her life to an active participant who makes decisive changes has been a motivating influence in my own professional and personal growth. Pam’s authenticity and emotional depth are central to why I connect with her character. She often serves as the heart of the office, balancing empathy with her own aspirations and struggles. Her interactions with Jim Halpert, characterized by their genuine friendship and evolving romantic relationship, reveal her capacity for deep emotional connections. Pam’s moments of vulnerability, such as her struggles with self-doubt and her experiences with unrequited love, are portrayed with honesty and relatability. I have had my own moments of self-doubt, specifically during field hockey in high school. There was a time when I did not think I was good enough to continue. However, with practice and reassurance from my coaches, I became varsity captain and now play at a collegiate level. The character’s authenticity is refreshing and reminds me of the importance of staying true to oneself while navigating the complexities of both personal and professional relationships. "The Office" has shaped my sense of humor by emphasizing the value of subtle, situational comedy and the humor found in everyday scenarios. Pam’s understated reactions to the antics of her coworkers, highlight the effectiveness of dry wit and observational humor. Pam’s ability to find humor in the mundane and her role in providing a grounding perspective amidst the chaos of office life have influenced my appreciation for comedy that emerges from genuine, relatable experiences. The show’s humor often stems from the characters' interactions and their responses to common workplace scenarios, which has helped me develop a nuanced understanding of how humor can be used to diffuse tension and build camaraderie in a professional setting. Pam Beesly’s character resonates with me due to her authenticity, personal growth, and relatable experiences in the workplace. "The Office" has shaped my sense of humor by highlighting the value of situational comedy and observational humor, and it has offered a nuanced perspective on managing workplace dynamics. Pam’s journey serves as a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself while pursuing professional and personal aspirations. And, of course, that’s what she said…
    Sabrina Carpenter Superfan Scholarship
    Sabrina Carpenter has carved out a distinctive niche in the entertainment industry, captivating fans with her multifaceted talents and personal authenticity. As a fan of Sabrina Carpenter, I am drawn to her not only for her impressive skills as a singer and actress but also for the way her career reflects a genuine and relatable approach to artistry and personal growth. One of the primary reasons I am a fan of Sabrina Carpenter is her versatility. Her career spans multiple disciplines, including acting, singing, and songwriting, showcasing a range of talents that few in the industry can match. Carpenter’s acting career began with roles in various Disney Channel projects, where she demonstrated a natural charisma and depth that set her apart from her peers. Her transition to music has been equally impressive, with her pop songs blending catchy melodies with introspective lyrics. Songs like “Skin” and “Vicious” highlight her ability to convey complex emotions and personal experiences through her music. This versatility not only showcases her broad skill set but also her dedication to exploring different artistic avenues. Sabrina Carpenter’s authenticity is a significant factor in why her career has impacted me. In an industry often characterized by superficiality, Carpenter stands out for her genuine personality and openness. She has been candid about her struggles and growth, both personally and professionally, which makes her relatable to many fans. Her music often reflects her journey of self-discovery and empowerment, resonating with listeners who see their own experiences reflected in her lyrics. Carpenter’s willingness to address themes of self-acceptance, resilience, and personal growth in her work fosters a sense of connection and encourages fans to embrace their own journeys with confidence. Carpenter’s career has been marked by her positive influence and efforts to empower others. She uses her platform to advocate for self-love and mental well-being, often sharing messages of encouragement and hope through her social media and public appearances. Her song “Skin,” for example, addresses themes of dealing with criticism and staying true to oneself amidst external pressures. This empowering message resonates deeply, especially in a world where many people struggle with self-esteem and identity. Carpenter’s focus on positivity and her advocacy for mental health are both inspiring and impactful, offering support and encouragement to those who may need it. On a personal level, Sabrina Carpenter’s career has served as a source of inspiration. I am a solo vocalist and have performed on stage at local events and The Stone Pony in Asbury Park NJ. I am also a thespian, having leads in many school produced and locally produced theatrical productions. Ms. Carpenter's journey from a young actress to a successful musician illustrates the power of perseverance and dedication, which is something I strive to emulate. Seeing her navigate the challenges of the entertainment industry with grace and authenticity has been motivating. It’s a reminder that success is not just about talent but also about resilience and staying true to one’s values. Carpenter’s approach to her career encourages fans to pursue their passions with confidence and to remain authentic in their personal and professional lives. My admiration for Sabrina Carpenter stems from her remarkable versatility, genuine personality, and positive impact on her audience. Her ability to blend her talents in acting and music with a relatable and empowering message makes her a standout figure in the entertainment industry. Carpenter’s career has not only provided entertainment but also offered valuable lessons in self-acceptance and resilience, making her a significant source of inspiration.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    My journey with mental health has been both transformative and revealing, shaping my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world in profound ways. This experience has not only deepened my empathy and resilience but also refined my ambitions and perspectives on life. Living with mental health challenges has profoundly influenced my personal and professional goals. Initially, my focus was on conventional markers of success: academic achievements, career advancement, and social validation. However, through navigating the complexities of mental health, I have come to realize that true fulfillment lies beyond societal expectations. My struggles have taught me that success is not merely about external accomplishments but internal peace and self-acceptance. At the young age of fourteen, I began therapy for anxiety and depression. My struggle with mental illness stemmed from the pressures that I placed upon myself to accept nothing less than perfection in everything I set out to accomplish. My grades were a priority from elementary school on. I knew the expectation was that I would continue my education in college and the best way to accomplish that was to enroll in a rigorous class selection. Throughout high school, I held numerous leadership positions within different organizations, was the captain of the varsity field hockey team, participated in club field hockey year-round, performed in theatrical productions and as a solo vocalist, and volunteered at the Jon Bon Jovi (JBJ) Soul Kitchen and as a homework buddy at the local elementary school. Finding a balance was difficult and with the help of therapy, I was able to find one. This realization has redirected my goals toward a more holistic and compassionate approach. I am now committed to mental health advocacy, especially in sports. As an ambassador for All In Athlete, I promote the mission of transforming the athletic experience by empowering athletes with essential mental fitness skills, activating community engagement, and advocating for a positive team culture to foster growth and success in life and sports. My personal experiences have given me insight into the nuances of mental health struggles, and I aim to use this understanding to support and guide others. This shift in goals reflects a broader desire to contribute positively to the world and to create spaces where mental health is openly discussed and supported. My experiences with mental health have also significantly impacted my relationships. Initially, my struggles led to isolation and misunderstanding. I found it challenging to communicate my needs and feelings, which sometimes strained my connections with others. However, these difficulties have also been a catalyst for growth in my interpersonal relationships. Through therapy and self-reflection, I have learned the importance of vulnerability and open communication. These lessons have helped me build more authentic and supportive relationships. I now approach friendships and family dynamics with greater empathy and patience, recognizing that everyone has their battles. This deeper understanding has allowed me to forge stronger, more meaningful connections with others, and has fostered a supportive network where mutual care and understanding are prioritized. I have become a stronger person, able to speak up for myself in situations where I would normally be worried about the outcome. In sports, I am no longer worried about asking questions of my coaches to understand the play better. In college, I speak to my professors for clarification in coursework. I have set reasonable expectations for myself. My mental health journey has also reshaped my worldview. Initially, I held a rather idealistic view of life, believing that challenges could be easily overcome with willpower and determination. However, experiencing mental health struggles has given me a more nuanced perspective. I have come to understand that mental health is a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors and that struggles are not always within one's control. This perspective has made me more compassionate and less judgmental. I now approach societal issues with a greater awareness of the diverse factors influencing individual experiences. This expanded understanding has also heightened my sensitivity to social justice issues and the importance of systemic support. I am now more motivated to advocate for policies and practices that promote mental health awareness and equity. My career aspiration is to become an environmental scientist and study the effects of the environment on gene mutations. I will also be involved in environmental policy and law. The strides I have taken through therapy have made me more confident in my own voice. I can speak for those that cannot. I have the confidence to take on legislatures to offer advice on climate change, water acidification, and other means to control carbon footprints. My experience with mental health has been a profound force in shaping my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. It has led me to reevaluate my ambitions, fostering a deeper commitment to helping others and promoting mental health advocacy. It has transformed my approach to relationships, emphasizing empathy and open communication. Most importantly, it has broadened my worldview, making me more compassionate and aware of the complexities of human experiences. While the journey has been challenging, it has ultimately enriched my life, guiding me through school and my future career with purpose.
    LeBron James Fan Scholarship
    LeBron James has captivated basketball fans worldwide with his exceptional skills, remarkable longevity, and influence both on and off the court. As a fan of LeBron James, I find his career and impact on the game compelling for several reasons. While the debate about whether LeBron is the greatest basketball player of all time (GOAT) is ongoing, his contributions to the sport are undeniably significant and deserving of admiration. One of the foremost reasons I admire LeBron James is his versatility. From his early days with the Cleveland Cavaliers to his time with the Miami Heat, and then his return to the Cavaliers before joining the Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron has consistently showcased his ability to play multiple positions effectively. His unique combination of size, strength, and agility allows him to excel as both a forward and a playmaker. LeBron’s basketball IQ is equally impressive; his court vision and passing ability are among the best in NBA history. This combination of skills and intelligence makes him a game-changer, capable of influencing every aspect of a game. LeBron James’s longevity is another reason he stands out. Entering the NBA at just 18 years old, he has maintained an elite level of performance well into his 30s. This durability is a testament to his dedication to conditioning, training, and his overall approach to maintaining peak physical fitness. His ability to remain an MVP-caliber player for so many years is extraordinary, especially given the demanding nature of professional basketball. LeBron’s consistency in delivering high-level performances throughout his career is a significant factor in his argument for the GOAT title. LeBron James’s influence extends beyond the basketball court. His philanthropic efforts, such as the opening of the I PROMISE School for at-risk youth in Akron, Ohio, highlight his commitment to social change and education. His activism on social issues, including his outspoken stance on racial inequality and his efforts to drive societal change, demonstrate a profound sense of responsibility and leadership. LeBron’s role as a cultural icon and his impact on communities further solidify his legacy as a significant figure in sports and society. The question of whether LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time is complex and often subjective. Comparing players across different eras involves numerous variables, including changes in the game’s style, rules, and competition level. LeBron’s resume includes four NBA championships, four MVP awards, and numerous All-Star selections, making him a strong candidate in the GOAT discussion. However, others argue in favor of Michael Jordan, who won six NBA championships and is often celebrated for his scoring ability and competitive spirit. Ultimately, determining the greatest basketball player of all time involves weighing various criteria, including championships, individual accolades, influence on the game, and personal impact. LeBron’s case is compelling due to his versatility, longevity, and off-court contributions. Whether one considers him the greatest or not, his place in basketball history is secure as one of the most extraordinary and influential players to ever grace the court. LeBron James’s greatness is reflected not only in his basketball achievements but also in his broader impact on society. His remarkable skill set, consistent performance, and philanthropic efforts make him a highly admired figure. While the GOAT debate will likely continue, LeBron’s legacy as one of the all-time greats is undeniable.
    Billie Eilish Fan Scholarship
    Billie Eilish has undeniably made a profound impact on the music industry with her unique sound and deeply personal lyrics. Out of her extensive catalog, three songs stand out to me as particularly resonant: "When the Party's Over," "Everything I Wanted," and "Your Power." The song “When the Party’s Over” is a powerful example of Eilish’s ability to capture raw emotion through minimalist production. The haunting melody and the delicate, almost ethereal vocal delivery create a sense of vulnerability that is deeply moving. The lyrics, "Call me friend, but keep me closer / Call me back," evoke a feeling of emotional isolation and the struggle to reconcile with one's own needs for closeness and solitude. What resonates with me about this track is its portrayal of personal struggle and the delicate balance between wanting connection and needing space. It feels like a window into the complexity of human emotions and relationships, making it both relatable and profoundly introspective. "Everything I Wanted" stands out as a testament to the strength of the bond between Billie Eilish and her brother, Finneas O'Connell, who is also her primary collaborator. The song's lyrics explore themes of doubt and reassurance, reflecting Eilish's own experiences with self-worth and the pressures of fame. The refrain, "I had a dream / I got everything I wanted," paired with the acknowledgment of feeling unsupported despite external success, strikes a chord with anyone who has experienced a disconnect between their aspirations and their reality. The song resonates deeply because it captures the often-overlooked struggles that accompany success and the importance of having a supportive figure in one’s life. The soothing, melancholic melody combined with the heartfelt lyrics makes it a poignant reflection on personal and professional struggles. "Your Power" is a poignant commentary on the abuse of power and the impact of manipulation. With its gentle guitar accompaniment and Eilish’s soft, yet emotionally charged vocals, the song addresses themes of victimization and the struggle to reclaim one's voice and autonomy. The lyrics, "Try not to abuse your power / I know we didn't choose to change," bring to light the often-hidden dynamics of control and the profound effect they can have on individuals. This track resonates with me because it confronts uncomfortable truths about power imbalances and personal agency, providing a voice to those who may feel silenced or marginalized. The song’s reflective and somber tone underscores the seriousness of these issues while also offering a sense of empathy and understanding. Each of these songs showcases different facets of Billie Eilish’s artistry and emotional depth. “When the Party’s Over” reveals her ability to convey intricate emotional landscapes with minimalism. “Everything I Wanted” highlights the inner conflicts associated with achievement and self-worth. Finally, “Your Power” addresses the critical issue of power dynamics with empathy and insight. These tracks not only illustrate Eilish’s lyrical and musical talents but also offer profound reflections on personal and social issues, making them deeply resonant on both an individual and collective level.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    My journey with mental health has been both transformative and revealing, shaping my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world in profound ways. This experience has not only deepened my empathy and resilience but also refined my ambitions and perspectives on life. Living with mental health challenges has profoundly influenced my personal and professional goals. Initially, my focus was on conventional markers of success: academic achievements, career advancement, and social validation. However, through navigating the complexities of mental health, I have come to realize that true fulfillment lies beyond societal expectations. My struggles have taught me that success is not merely about external accomplishments but internal peace and self-acceptance. At the young age of fourteen, I began therapy for anxiety and depression. My struggle with mental illness stemmed from the pressures that I placed upon myself to accept nothing less than perfection in everything I set out to accomplish. My grades were a priority from elementary school on. I knew the expectation was that I would continue my education in college and the best way to accomplish that was to enroll in a rigorous class selection. Throughout high school, I held numerous leadership positions within different organizations, was the captain of the varsity field hockey team, participated in club field hockey year-round, performed in theatrical productions and as a solo vocalist, and volunteered at the Jon Bon Jovi (JBJ) Soul Kitchen and as a homework buddy at the local elementary school. Finding a balance was difficult and with the help of therapy, I was able to find one. This realization has redirected my goals toward a more holistic and compassionate approach. I am now committed to mental health advocacy, especially in sports. As an ambassador for All In Athlete, I promote the mission of transforming the athletic experience by empowering athletes with essential mental fitness skills, activating community engagement, and advocating for a positive team culture to foster growth and success in life and sports. My personal experiences have given me insight into the nuances of mental health struggles, and I aim to use this understanding to support and guide others. This shift in goals reflects a broader desire to contribute positively to the world and to create spaces where mental health is openly discussed and supported. My experiences with mental health have also significantly impacted my relationships. Initially, my struggles led to isolation and misunderstanding. I found it challenging to communicate my needs and feelings, which sometimes strained my connections with others. However, these difficulties have also been a catalyst for growth in my interpersonal relationships. Through therapy and self-reflection, I have learned the importance of vulnerability and open communication. These lessons have helped me build more authentic and supportive relationships. I now approach friendships and family dynamics with greater empathy and patience, recognizing that everyone has their battles. This deeper understanding has allowed me to forge stronger, more meaningful connections with others, and has fostered a supportive network where mutual care and understanding are prioritized. I have become a stronger person, able to speak up for myself in situations where I would normally be worried about the outcome. In sports, I am no longer worried about asking questions of my coaches to understand the play better. In college, I speak to my professors for clarification in coursework. I have set reasonable expectations for myself. My mental health journey has also reshaped my worldview. Initially, I held a rather idealistic view of life, believing that challenges could be easily overcome with willpower and determination. However, experiencing mental health struggles has given me a more nuanced perspective. I have come to understand that mental health is a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors and that struggles are not always within one's control. This perspective has made me more compassionate and less judgmental. I now approach societal issues with a greater awareness of the diverse factors influencing individual experiences. This expanded understanding has also heightened my sensitivity to social justice issues and the importance of systemic support. I am now more motivated to advocate for policies and practices that promote mental health awareness and equity. My experience with mental health has been a profound force in shaping my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. It has led me to reevaluate my ambitions, fostering a deeper commitment to helping others and promoting mental health advocacy. It has transformed my approach to relationships, emphasizing empathy and open communication. Most importantly, it has broadened my worldview, making me more compassionate and aware of the complexities of human experiences. While the journey has been challenging, it has ultimately enriched my life, guiding me through school and my future career with purpose.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Ever since I was little, I have admired Zendaya's ability to be a strong, feminine role model. I remember waking up before school to watch Shake It Up. This show began my love for Zendaya's acting career and eventually led me to loving all of the good things she does with her platform, her activism being the most notable. Zendaya has donated not only her time but also the funds she has made to organizations that benefit children. In 2011, Zendaya began donating her finances to Ice Cream for Breakfast, an organization that honors children who are fighting cancer. When recording her music video, Swag It Out, she also donated the funds made to Ice Cream For Breakfast. She began promoting Donate My Dress, an organization that encourages women to donate their old prom dresses to young girls who are without a dress for prom alongside her Shake It Up co-star, Bella Thorne. Speaking out about these organizations represents the positive female role model that Zendaya truly is. Zendaya uses her platform, not only to promote positive organizations but also to bring to light the issues that women all over the world face and the equality that they deserve. Not only does she speak out about women's rights, but she also speaks out about the racism that young African-American women face. After receiving a comment in 2015 that her hairstyle "must smell like weed" after wearing locs to the Oscars at eighteen years old, she began speaking out about the stereotypes and racism that she faced while being a young African American woman in the acting industry. She has stated in an interview for her British Vogue cover story, that if she were to direct a film herself, she would choose African American actors and actresses to star in the films to represent the equality that they deserve in the acting industry. Zendaya is also an activist for LGBTQ+ rights. Zendaya has starred in many films and commercials representing the LGBTQ+ community, with her most known role being Rue from Euphoria. While speaking with British Vogue Magazine, Zendaya also expressed that true feminism is represented in all women "That means black women, that means trans women, that means all women" she indicated in this same interview. As someone with many close friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community, following actresses, actors, and performers who advocate for the community is important to me and helps speak out on protecting my loved ones' preferences. Unlike many other celebrities, Zendaya has used her humongous platform to give a voice to those who feel as though they don't have one or cannot use it. She started as a small actress who was navigating through the acting industry, just like other actresses and actors. Now, she has become one of the most popular celebrities around the world. I admired her when she was a Disney kid starring in Shake It Up and memorized all the words to her songs, now, I admire her as a female role model who speaks out against the injustice that occurs in this world.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    With each step, I venture deeper into the woods and close my eyes to immerse myself in the soothing sounds of the surrounding nature. My peace is quickly interrupted by the jarring noise of the massive machines bulldozing trees and uprooting plants from their natural habitats, destroying the homes of countless creatures. Each falling tree breaks my heart as I imagine the fear and distress the animals must be experiencing as their homes are destroyed. Not many nine-year-olds decide their career path from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I became interested in environmental science. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate for animals and marine life with a focus on preserving endangered species and combating deforestation. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion. The deletion causes developmental delays and intellectual disability. Witnessing the challenges my brother endured inspired my research in this area. As an aspiring environmental scientist, my focus is the study of the ecosystem and protecting its inhabitants. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying the land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings to look for any endangered flora or fauna. I will determine if they need relocation or if building on the land is feasible. The work will contribute to protecting the oceans since construction and materials could ultimately affect waterways. Continuing my education after my bachelor's degree, I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with legislatures to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. The lack of female representation in the STEM field also motivates me to want to pursue this career. Less than 30% of the STEM workforce are women. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young women and share the importance of higher education in STEM. My brother and the environment we grew up in have influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
    Not many nine-year-olds find their passion for a career in a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was interested in becoming an environmental scientist. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate focused on preserving land for community use by combating deforestation. I also see firsthand the destruction of our beaches and oceans. I volunteer as part of a beach cleanup crew to save our ocean. Nature provides a reprieve from the chaos of everyday life. As a person with anxiety which causes significant IBS, I have been embarrassed on more than one occasion due to stomach issues. I have been late to class, required to leave early, and even had to leave events early due to my anxiety and IBS. Besides therapy, I find being outdoors very calming. I decompress on a paddleboard, slowly propelling myself through the water. I enjoy sitting on the beach, soaking up the sun and the sounds of the waves, or lying under a tree, relaxing with a book. Over the past year, I have found methods to combat my anxiety through meditation and gym workouts. I continue to work on improving my health every day. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 microdeletion, which causes neurological and cognitive delays. I see the stress having a special needs child can place on a family, emotionally and financially. My parents were involved in litigation with the school district over my brother’s education. He was eventually placed in a more appropriate educational environment; however, the financial strain had already become a burden. My parents cannot apply for loans to help them pay for college. Besides working two jobs to save money, I am applying for scholarships. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings may begin. I will determine if building on the land is feasible. My work will protect the environment and humans from destruction and contamination. I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. Researching environmental genetic impacts will help to create a healthier society. My dedication to continuing education and staying abreast of scientific advancements ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. My experiences with my brother and the environment around me influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. A degree will improve my career prospects and allow me to give back to the community while inspiring future generations of women in science. With the help of the Powering the Future – Whiddon Memorial Scholarship, I can focus on my education, and the financial burden would be one less obstacle in my path toward achieving my goals.
    Women in STEM Scholarship
    It All Started with the Blue-Footed Booby Bird and My Brother With each step, I venture deeper into the woods and close my eyes to immerse myself in the soothing sounds of the surrounding nature. My peace is quickly interrupted by the jarring noise of the massive machines bulldozing trees and uprooting plants from their natural habitats, destroying the homes of countless creatures. Each falling tree breaks my heart as I imagine the fear and distress the animals must be experiencing as their homes are destroyed. Not many nine-year-olds find their passion for a career in a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was interested in becoming an environmental scientist. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate focused on preserving land for community use by combating deforestation. I also see firsthand the destruction of our beaches and oceans. Every summer the beach is littered with poorly discarded plastic, paper, and other items that blow into the ocean water. The garbage destroys the ocean and is a potential hazard to its dwellers. I volunteer as part of a beach cleanup crew to save our ocean. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion. The deletion causes developmental delays and intellectual disability. My brother’s disability influenced me to volunteer with special needs elementary school students as a homework buddy. Witnessing the challenges my brother and others with disabilities endure inspires me to study the environmental impact on gene mutations. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings may begin. I will determine if building on the land is feasible. My work will contribute to protecting the environment and humans from destruction and contamination. I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. Researching environmental genetic impacts will help to create a healthier society. My dedication to continuing education and staying abreast of scientific advancements ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. Technological advancements will pave the way to protecting everyone’s future. As a female in the STEM field, I am aware of the barriers such as wage gaps and intrinsic biases that women face. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. I want to empower future generations of women scientists by being a mentor and discussing the importance of females in STEM with young girls. My experiences with my brother and the environment around me influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by researching changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Harry B. Anderson Scholarship
    It All Started with the Blue-Footed Booby Bird and My Brother With each step, I venture deeper into the woods and close my eyes to immerse myself in the soothing sounds of the surrounding nature. My peace is quickly interrupted by the jarring noise of the massive machines bulldozing trees and uprooting plants from their natural habitats, destroying the homes of countless creatures. Each falling tree breaks my heart as I imagine the fear and distress the animals must be experiencing as their homes are destroyed. Not many nine-year-olds find their passion for a career in a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was interested in becoming an environmental scientist. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate focused on preserving land for community use by combating deforestation. I also see firsthand the destruction of our beaches and oceans. Every summer the beach is littered with poorly discarded plastic, paper, and other items that blow into the ocean water. The garbage destroys the ocean and is a potential hazard to its dwellers. I volunteer as part of a beach cleanup crew to save our ocean. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion. The deletion causes developmental delays and intellectual disability. My brother’s disability influenced me to volunteer with special needs elementary school students as a homework buddy. Witnessing the challenges my brother and others with disabilities endure inspires me to study the environmental impact on gene mutations. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings may begin. I will determine if building on the land is feasible. My work will contribute to protecting the environment and humans from destruction and contamination. I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. Researching environmental genetic impacts will help to create a healthier society. My dedication to continuing education and staying abreast of scientific advancements ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. Technological advancements will pave the way to protecting everyone’s future. As a female in the STEM field, I am aware of the barriers such as wage gaps and intrinsic biases that women face. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. I want to empower future generations of women scientists by being a mentor and discussing the importance of females in STEM with young girls. My experiences with my brother and the environment around me influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by researching changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Biff McGhee Memorial Scholarship
    From Camping to a Conservation Career It is a balmy ninety-eight degrees after a short rainstorm came through. Trudging through the mud in my rubber boots with the hot sun beating down on me is exactly where I want to be. I am surveying land for builders, looking for wildlife that may need to be transported to a new area. I am an Environmental Consultant, and my work is dedicated to helping preserve the livelihood of endangered species and maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems. That is a picture of my life, ten years into my future, with my office, quite literally, being outdoors with no walls to block the beautiful views of the serene landscape. My love for the outdoors started with the camping trips we would take as a family. Our trips each season would bring us further from our suburban life and closer to nature. It was a lot more like “glamping” to be honest, as a twenty-seven-foot travel trailer was our temporary home. From the beaches of Cape May to the rural areas of Gettysburg, we explored new adventures as a family. My father would take us on hikes or geocaching to pass the time. Geocaching quickly became my favorite pastime. Learning coordinates and solving the clues to feel victorious after finding the geocache was an exciting challenge. We also climbed rocks, swam in lakes, and explored national parks. Snake and frog hunting became my hobby and sparked my interest in herpetology. Even rainy days did not stop me from exploring the outdoors. Nature provides a reprieve from the chaos of everyday life. As a person with anxiety, I find being outdoors very calming. I decompress on a paddleboard, slowly propelling myself through the water. I enjoy sitting on the beach, soaking up the sun and the sounds of the waves, or lying under a tree, relaxing with a book. When I began researching colleges, one of my priorities was the ability for the professor to take the classroom outdoors for a hands-on learning experience. As an aspiring environmental scientist, my focus is the study of the ecosystem and protecting its inhabitants. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned ecological consulting firm. My work will involve surveying the land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings to look for any endangered flora or fauna. I will determine if they need relocation or if building on the land is feasible. The work will contribute to protecting the oceans since construction materials and chemicals could ultimately affect waterways. Continuing my education after my bachelor's degree, I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. I am fortunate to have a father who enjoys exploring the outdoors and shared his excitement with me. I could not imagine a planet where I could not pass that enjoyment down to my children. The outdoor adventures of my childhood have led me to pursue a passionate future career in environmental science. My dedication to continuing education and staying abreast of scientific advancements ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. Community engagement and education advocacy will build support for conservation initiatives and sustainability practices. By implementing these elements into my career as an environmental scientist and conservationist, I can play a vital role in preserving biodiversity and improving the overall health of the planet for current and future generations.
    Schmid Memorial Scholarship
    Not many nine-year-olds decide their career goals from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was determined to become an environmental scientist. Understanding that my academic performance would be crucial in pursuing higher education, I pursued a rigorous curriculum while maintaining a 4.8 GPA. I am a four-time academic letter recipient for my educational achievement. Throughout high school, I held numerous leadership positions including president of the chorus, treasurer of Key Club, and social media manager of the National Honor Society. As an athlete, I led my team to a successful season as the varsity field hockey captain. I earned inclusion on the Ocean County All-Star Team and an honorable mention for the Shore Conference-A All-Division Team. I received the school’s award for mentorship and leadership twice. I also received the National School Choral Award, the highest honor for a high school performer. I volunteered at various events including the ARC of NJ 5k run, homework club buddy at the elementary school, and tutoring. I created a can tab collection for The Ronald McDonald House, collecting approximately 100,000 tabs. Volunteering at the JBJ Soul Kitchen was most rewarding. The organization helps combat food insecurity while providing a place to dine with dignity. This fall, I will begin working towards my bachelor’s degree in environmental science. College will provide me with opportunities to conduct field research. I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion, which causes an intellectual disability. Witnessing the challenges my brother faces inspires me to conduct further research in this area. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings may begin. I will determine if building on the land is feasible. My work will contribute to protecting the environment and humans from destruction and contamination. I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. My dedication to continuing education ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. As a female in the STEM field, I am a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. The Schmid Memorial Scholarship would greatly contribute to my ability to achieve my educational goals. With financial assistance, I could focus on my studies, participate in research, and study abroad opportunities. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
    It All Started with the Blue-Footed Booby Bird and My Brother With each step, I venture deeper into the woods and close my eyes to immerse myself in the soothing sounds of the surrounding nature. My peace is quickly interrupted by the jarring noise of the massive machines bulldozing trees and uprooting plants from their natural habitats, destroying the homes of countless creatures. Each falling tree breaks my heart as I imagine the fear and distress the animals must be experiencing as their homes are destroyed. Not many nine-year-olds find their passion for a career in a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was interested in becoming an environmental scientist. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate focused on preserving land for community use by combating deforestation. I also see firsthand the destruction of our beaches and oceans. Every summer the beach is littered with poorly discarded plastic, paper, and other items that blow into the ocean water. The garbage destroys the ocean and is a potential hazard to its dwellers. I volunteer as part of a beach cleanup crew to save our ocean. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion. The deletion causes developmental delays and intellectual disability. My brother’s disability influenced me to volunteer with special needs elementary school students as a homework buddy. Witnessing the challenges my brother and others with disabilities endure inspires me to study the environmental impact on gene mutations. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings may begin. I will determine if building on the land is feasible. My work will contribute to protecting the environment and humans from destruction and contamination. I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. Researching environmental genetic impacts will help to create a healthier society. My dedication to continuing education and staying abreast of scientific advancements ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. Technological advancements will pave the way to protecting everyone’s future. As a female in the STEAM field, I am aware of the barriers such as wage gaps and intrinsic biases that women face. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEAM programs. I want to empower future generations of women scientists by being a mentor and discussing the importance of females in STEAM with young girls. My experiences with my brother and the environment around me influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    It All Started with the Blue-Footed Booby Bird and My Brother With each step, I venture deeper into the woods and close my eyes to immerse myself in the soothing sounds of the surrounding nature. My peace is quickly interrupted by the jarring noise of the massive machines bulldozing trees and uprooting plants from their natural habitats, destroying the homes of countless creatures. Each falling tree breaks my heart as I imagine the fear and distress the animals must be experiencing as their homes are destroyed. Not many nine-year-olds find their passion for a career in a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was interested in becoming an environmental scientist. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the Atlantic Ocean, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. Allowing development in the Pine Barrens would remove community access to public lands. My degree will help me become an effective advocate focused on preserving land for community use by combating deforestation. I also see firsthand the destruction of our beaches and oceans. Every summer the beach is littered with poorly discarded plastic, paper, and other items that blow into the ocean water. The garbage destroys the ocean and is a potential hazard to its dwellers. I volunteer as part of a beach cleanup crew to save our ocean. In addition to majoring in environmental science, I will also study the effects of the environment on gene mutation. My brother was born with a chromosome abnormality called 16p11.2 Microdeletion. The deletion causes developmental delays and intellectual disability. My brother’s disability influenced me to volunteer with special needs elementary school students as a homework buddy. Witnessing the challenges my brother and others with disabilities endure inspires me to study the environmental impact on gene mutations. After college, I intend to establish a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings may begin. I will determine if building on the land is feasible. My work will contribute to protecting the environment and humans from destruction and contamination. I plan to pursue my master’s degree in environmental policy and law. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create stricter environmental protection laws, focusing on issues such as water acidification, climate-damaging gases, and more sustainable measures. Researching environmental genetic impacts will help to create a healthier society. My dedication to continuing education and staying abreast of scientific advancements ensures my efforts in conservation are informed by the latest research and best practices. Technological advancements will pave the way to protecting everyone’s future. As a female in the STEM field, I am aware of the barriers such as wage gaps and intrinsic biases that women face. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. I want to empower future generations of women scientists by being a mentor and discussing the importance of females in STEM with young girls. My experiences with my brother and the environment around me influenced my passion for environmental science. My future career will allow me to contribute to the planet's well-being by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    St.Hilaire Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    Some decisions bring about lifelong lessons. I was not an athletic youth, but I wanted to be part of a team. I joined field hockey because it had the shortest registration line. I was accustomed to performing on stage, but running around the field after a ball was a new experience. Field hockey became more than a sport, but a way of life that taught me the value of commitment, leadership, and teamwork. My summers used to consist of the beach and boardwalk, but field hockey demanded a significant amount of time. I would wake up at 6 AM to prepare for high school practice and drive two hours in the evenings for the club team. The commitment I learned as an athlete extended to other aspects of my life. Recognizing the importance of academics, I enrolled in a challenging course selection and graduated high school with a 4.8 GPA. I was also committed to my community. Whether I volunteered for Homework Club, the ARC 5k run, or any other event, I arrived on time and ready to work. Volunteering at the JBJ Soul Kitchen was a humble experience that taught me the importance of treating everyone with dignity. I organized and collected over 100,000 can tabs for The Ronald McDonald House. Earlier this year, I was devastated to have to take a hiatus from field hockey due to a knee injury that caused damage to the Plica band. Surgery was necessary and I missed the spring and summer seasons. Determined to return to the field, I completed the physical therapy program. Sports taught me the importance of commitment in all aspects of life. As the varsity field hockey captain, I had the opportunity to demonstrate leadership. I led my team to a winning season and was recognized as one of the top 15 defenders by I also tied for the most defensive saves in the division. I was selected for the Shore Conference All-Star team and received an honorable mention for the Shore Conference All-Division Team 2023. For leadership and mentorship, I received the Spirit of the Indian award. My other leadership roles included president of Chorus, treasurer of Key Club, and social media manager of the National Honor Society. I managed the finances and fundraising efforts for each club. During the summers, I work as a camp counselor, overseeing the children and coordinating with parents. Through these experiences, I learned that leadership is an important skill. Teamwork and communication are crucial in college and a career. Sports taught me the importance of both. As captain, I effectively communicated with my team. As the senior in charge of TEAM (Together We Achieve More), I volunteered with other members at local events and as a homework buddy at the elementary school. In Chorus, we placed third at the Hershey Park Choral Festival and first at the Disney Competitive Music Festival 2023. I was honored with a second Spirit of the Indian Award for leadership and the National School Choral Award, the highest recognition for a high school member. When I chose the shortest registration line, I never imagined it would teach me important lessons about commitment, leadership, teamwork, and my love of field hockey. In addition to being recruited for field hockey, I researched colleges that aligned with my career goal of becoming an environmental scientist. Being a scholar-athlete reinforces the lessons I learned in high school and contributes to my personal growth in college and my career. Field hockey is more than just a sport to me; it has become a way of life.
    College Kick-Start Scholarship
    With each step, I venture deeper into the woods and close my eyes to immerse myself in the soothing sounds of the surrounding nature. My peace is quickly interrupted by the jarring noise of the massive machines bulldozing trees and uprooting plants from their natural habitats, destroying the homes of countless creatures. Each falling tree breaks my heart, as I imagine the fear the animals must be experiencing as their homes are destroyed. Not many nine-year-olds decide their career goals from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was determined to become an environmental scientist and conservationist. My passion lies in protecting our planet, preserving endangered species, and combating the loss of habitats due to deforestation. Understanding that my academic performance would play a crucial role in pursuing higher education, I embarked on a challenging curriculum that included honors, advanced placement, and college dual enrollment classes while maintaining a 4.8 GPA. I am a four-time academic letter recipient for my scholastic achievement. As an aspiring environmental scientist, my focus is on studying the ecosystem and protecting the planet’s inhabitants. After college, I plan on establishing a female-owned environment consulting firm. My work will involve surveying the land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings to assess any impact on endangered flora or fauna. I will determine if they need relocation or if building on the land is feasible. The work will contribute to protecting the oceans as construction and materials would ultimately affect waterways. Besides majoring in environmental science, I will also study marine ecology. After completing my master’s degree in environmental policy, I will collaborate with lawmakers to design legislation to protect green space and the oceans. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the coast, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. The development of the open space in the Pine Barrens allows warehouse chemicals and fertilizer runoff to make their way to the ocean. Safeguards must be in place to prevent that from happening. My degree will help me become an effective advocate for animals and marine life that cannot speak for themselves. The lack of female representation in the STEM field is something I would like to change. Less than 30% of the STEM workforce are women. The low percentage is mostly attributed to the barriers that women face, such as harassment, salary inequality, and discrimination. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. As a woman pursuing a career in environmental science, I am committed to making a positive impact in my community. My future career will allow me to effect change on the planet by implementing measures to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. With financial assistance from scholarships, such as the “College Kick-Start Scholarship”, earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in science.
    Ventana Ocean Conservation Scholarship
    The Sting of the Ocean I have a love/hate relationship with the ocean. Most of my summers are spent at the beach, swimming in the sea, and enjoying the boardwalk carnival games. I did not fear jumping into the cool ocean water on a hot day. That was, until my trip to Daytona. When I went into the water off Daytona Beach, I felt a sharp pain across both legs within seconds of entering the ocean. A jellyfish had stung me, leaving painful red welts on my bare skin. The lifeguards helped by trying to soothe the stinging with vinegar. However, a week later, was when the real danger set in. I had a severe allergic reaction to the jellyfish sting. The result was a trip to the emergency room with shortness of breath and uncontrollable vomiting. I learned I could no longer jump into the ocean without worry, as another jellyfish sting could be my death sentence. I am more careful around the ocean water now, realizing that I was a visitor in their world and should not have taken my invitation for granted. Growing up on the Jersey Shore allowed me to see firsthand the destruction of our beaches and oceans. My home away from home is littered every summer with poorly discarded plastic, paper, and other items that blow into the ocean water. The garbage destroys the ocean and is a potential hazard to its dwellers. About twelve million pounds of plastic are dumped into our oceans each year. In 2022, New Jersey became one of twelve states banning single-use plastic bags. The bags ended up in the water and were mistaken for jellyfish by turtles looking for a meal. My friends and I gather on the beach to create our “cleanup” crew each summer. The amount of garbage we collect is unsettling. As an aspiring environmental scientist, my focus is the study of the ecosystem and protecting the planet’s inhabitants. After college, I plan on establishing a female-owned environmental consulting firm. My work will involve surveying the land before the construction of residential housing or commercial buildings to look for any endangered flora or fauna. I will determine if they need relocation or if building on the land would not be possible. The work will contribute to protecting the oceans since construction and materials could ultimately affect waterways. Besides majoring in environmental science, I will also study marine ecology. After completing my master’s degree in environmental policy, I will collaborate with lawmakers to design legislation to protect green space and the oceans. Having been raised in an area with access to the Pine Barrens and the coast, I understand the importance of protecting the environment and how one area directly impacts the other. The development of the open space in the Pine Barrens allows warehouse chemicals and fertilizer runoff to make their way to the ocean. Safeguards must be in place to prevent that from happening. My degree will help me become an effective advocate for animals and marine life that cannot speak for themselves. The beach will always feel like my second home and my love for the ocean will remain, despite the dangers lurking below the surface. For that reason, I have the inherent need to respect and protect it. Enjoying the beach and ocean is a summer pastime. Educating visitors on the importance of cleaning up their garbage is vital to the survival of marine life. The simple task of replacing plastic with biodegradable materials, or properly discarding trash, is a step towards saving the marine ecosystem and making the planet cleaner.
    Jonas Griffith Scholarship
    When Life Throws You Lemons, Hit Them with a Field Hockey Stick Life can throw crushing blows, some from a field hockey stick, but how athletes react is a testament to their character. I was not a particularly athletic youth, but I wanted to be part of a sport. I joined field hockey because it had the shortest registration line. Participating in a sport was well out of my comfort zone. I was accustomed to performing on stage, but running around the field after a ball was a whole new experience. Field hockey encompassed a range of emotions. It became more than a sport but a way of life that taught me the value of discipline, teamwork, and commitment. My summers used to consist of the beach, boardwalk, or the mall, but as I learned quickly, field hockey required much of my time. Instead of sleeping in when school was out, I was up at 6 AM six days a week preparing for 7 AM practice. No matter how tired or hot I felt, my team deserved 100% of my ability and I expected no less in return. When not on the field, I workout in the gym preparing myself physically and mentally for the next game. The discipline I learned as an athlete carried over into other areas of my life. School was always a priority, but even more so since I needed to maintain my grades to continue playing and for recruitment to college. I enrolled in a rigorous course selection of honors, advanced placement, and dual enrollment classes. My grades reflected my hard work and dedication as I maintained above a 4.0 GPA. Besides academics, sports showed me how to be a disciplined leader since I am the varsity captain. My other leadership roles include president of Chorus, treasurer of Key Club, and social media manager of the National Honor Society. Outside of school, I exhibited discipline at my places of employment. After school, I work part-time as a receptionist. I deal with customers regularly, including irate customers. I understand not to take it personally and to try to solve the issue. In the summers, I am a full-time camp counselor. I manage the six- and seven-year-old age groups and am responsible for preparing lesson plans, problem-solving, accident reporting, and corresponding with parents and guardians. Discipline has taught me maturity, which I carry to my work, especially when dealing with parents and guardians. Whether it is field hockey, clubs, work, or school, discipline is required for balance in life. As a starting defensive player in field hockey, my relationship with my team, and especially my goalie is key. Without communication, we are just a bunch of girls running up and down a field. Communication and teamwork are what led us to a winning season in 2023. I am proud of my team and our ability on the field. Each member had their strengths and skills. As captain, I recognized and used that to make quick decisions on the field since the play changed rapidly. As a mentor, I help the underclassmen understand the importance of working as a single organism on the field rather than eleven individual girls. A win is a team effort, and a loss is on all our shoulders to carry. Teamwork produces impactful results in other areas as well. In school, we are frequently placed in groups to complete projects. We can identify each person’s strengths and use them to complete the project with maximum effort. At the summer camp, I frequently entertain the campers with team-building skill games such as kickball, minefield, scavenger hunts, and group talent shows. It is important to teach teamwork to the younger generations. As the senior in charge of the group TEAM (Together We Achieve More), I volunteer at the local elementary school to assist with the Homework Club. We work together to help the students with homework and allow them time to release their energy. Working as a team in the Chorus, we placed third at the Hershey Park Choral Festival and first place at the Disney Competitive Music Festival 2023. A team, working together, can achieve the goals they set forth. Driving two hours each way in the evenings twice a week for club team practice in addition to 7 AM practices with my high school team in the summers, shows my commitment to field hockey. High school field hockey practice is five afternoons a week and club practice is on the weekends during the school year. One determination of commitment is sport enjoyment. Well, playing field hockey seven days a week, I do enjoy it. Earlier this year, I was devastated to have to take a three-month break. One of the crushing blows I received to the knee left me with about a year of pain before I finally realized I needed to see an orthopedic surgeon. Despite my fear of the unknown, such as the surgery outcome, I knew I had to have surgery to return to 100%. I had to undergo a plica band removal on the right knee and miss the spring season. My commitment and grit pushed me to endure physical therapy and remain vigilant with my exercises and icing my knee so I could return to the field. Field hockey taught me to follow through with my commitments. When I volunteer for Homework Club, the ARC 5k run, Top Soccer Buddy, or any other event, I arrive on time and ready to work. As an International Thespian Society member, I perform on stage. I commit myself to the character to entertain my audience by transporting them to another time or place. I received an award for Best Comedic Performance. The commitment I have toward field hockey is reflected in my academics. Besides striving to be recruited for field hockey, I also wanted a college that aligned with my career decisions. As an aspiring environmental scientist, I will commit myself to making our planet ecologically safe for all inhabitants. After receiving my bachelor’s in environmental science and my master’s in environmental policy, I will work with lawmakers on legislation to protect the biosphere, climate control, and deforestation. As a future owner of an environmental consulting agency, I will work with land developers surveying building sites for endangered flora and fauna for possible relocation. Commitment to my beliefs and goals will drive me to success. I never imagined choosing the short registration line would teach me so many valuable lessons about discipline, teamwork, and commitment and to love the game of field hockey. In high school, I received two awards for my leadership, teamwork, and dedication to my work on and off the field. I am committed to playing field hockey at a D3 collegiate level. Continuing sports in college will reinforce the lessons I learned in high school and contribute further to my personal growth in my career. Field hockey is more than just a sport to me, it has become a way of life.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    The debate between evolution and creationism represents a clash of perspectives regarding the universe's origins and life on Earth. While evolutionary theory is based on scientific theories and research, creationism follows religious beliefs in the Bible. A young universe created by God contradicts an older universe created by the Big Bang theory. Growing up, I was caught in the crossfire between the argument of evolution versus creationism. On one side, my mother believes in the scientific theory of evolution. On the other hand, my father, the product of a strict Christian home, is a firm believer in creationism. My exposure to both teachings helped me understand the universe's nature and the importance of continuing to research and save our planet from human destruction. Not many nine-year-olds decide on their future career from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands and Darwin’s theory, I was eager to become an environmental scientist. I questioned religious rhetoric as it contradicted scientific theory. The creation of the Universe and Earth over six days by a God did not seem logistically possible. As a faith-based study, creationism is not to be questioned. As a young person eager to absorb as much information as possible, I found that science provided a better explanation of how the universe came into existence. Creationism offers a unique viewpoint including the role of a divine creator in shaping life and the universe. According to this perspective, there is only one universe, created by God, and life exists only on Earth. Based on religious texts and doctrines, all living beings were created by God. By that belief, are all genetic mutations God's will? My brother was born with a chromosome mutation. He has 16p11.2 Microdeletion. It causes neurological and cognitive disabilities. Was this caused by science or religion? Since it is impossible to conduct an experiment on God, the biblical statements cannot be proven or disproven. Religion offers profound insights into human experiences, emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct and environmental conservation. Evolution dates back 13.8 billion years to the Big Bang theory when a tiny, dense fireball exploded. As the universe cooled, matter condensed, and gravity drew it together to form stars and galaxies. Since evolution is both a theory and a fact, scientists are researching theories such as how the Earth came to have water. Another example is natural selection, which is a theory based on facts. Darwin proposed the theory of biological evolution by natural selection, also known as the survival of the fittest. In his book, Origin of Species, Darwin discussed how natural selection allowed species to adapt to their environment through genetic mutations over time to survive and reproduce. Would this theory then explain the chromosome abnormality my brother has? Is this a genetic mutation that would be necessary for future survival? At this time, there would be no way to know the answer. The chromosome abnormality is studied, and findings will be applied to future research. As an aspiring environmental scientist, I believe the universe is a dynamic and evolving system. The environment and every species adherently know what is necessary to survive. By researching and tracing the evolutionary history of life on Earth, we can create an understanding of the connections between all living organisms and possible future outcomes. Conservation is vital to the livelihood of all species. We can learn from the past to protect our future. My career goal is to become an environmental consultant, surveying land for endangered flora or fauna before the building of residential or commercial property would be allowed. I will collaborate with lawmakers to create legislation to protect our ecosystem from deforestation, overfishing in the oceans, and natural habitat destruction. Research is my true passion, and I would like to study locally and abroad the past and present to understand mutation and adaptation. Being raised in a family divided by science and religion exposed me to the theories of evolution and creationism. Science provides reason, and faith gives us purpose. Researching habitat protection, preservation, and restoration is vital to protecting biodiversity. Studying the development of galaxies, stars, and planets will lead to a better understanding of our biological evolution and the possibility of life beyond Earth. Creationism provides purpose for life, ethical accountability, and environmental conservation, such as the Bible verse about Noah’s Ark (Genesis 7:2-3). Noah was instructed to bring two of each animal aboard the ark, one male and one female. The purpose was animal conservation and repopulation after the great flood. The need to question gets replaced by blind faith. The debate over evolution and creationism is not beyond human comprehension. We must work together to understand the nature of the universe. Although I cannot entirely agree with my father’s beliefs of creationism, I do understand the need for order in the world, and sometimes that comes with having a little blind faith.
    Shays Scholarship
    It is a muggy afternoon following a rain shower, as I trudge through the construction site in search of the turtles that require relocation. As the sun beats down, my boots grow heavier with each step in the muddy terrain. I am surveying land for builders, looking for any species to move to a new area. The scene takes place ten years into my future, where I work as an environmental consultant. My purpose is to preserve the habitats of endangered species. Not many nine-year-olds decide their career path from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I became obsessed with environmental conservation. I was motivated and began researching colleges even before I entered middle school. From as young as I can remember, I have always been outdoors, whether camping, geocaching, or snake and frog hunting, I loved the smells, the sun on my face, and listening to the sounds of nature. Before I can start digging in the mud, I must first earn my degree. A bachelor’s degree in environmental science will allow me to begin field work and conduct further research. After I receive my master’s degree in environmental policy, I will collaborate with lawmakers to create legislation to protect the environment, combat climate control, and prevent deforestation. I will own an environmental consulting agency working with land developers to survey areas before commercial or residential building may begin. The lack of female representation in the STEM field motivated me also to want to pursue my career. Less than 30% of the STEM workforce are women. The low percentage is mostly attributed to the barriers that women face in STEM work, such as harassment, salary inequality, and discrimination. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. College opens a world of possibilities. I can customize my major by choosing the classes that most inspire me. I am excited about the opportunities to study abroad and the internships available. Besides academics, college allows me to continue my field hockey career and be the first NCAA athlete in my family. As a field hockey player, I promoted myself to be recruited by a college or university. I will be continuing field hockey at a D3 level in September. I will coach at a club team level in the future so I may inspire young girls to love the sport of field hockey as much as I do. As an aspiring environmental scientist, I am motivated to make a positive impact in my community. My future career will allow me to contribute to the well-being of the planet by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. Remaining involved in field hockey will provide me with the opportunity to mentor younger players. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in the sciences.
    Kathryn Graham "Keyport's Mom" Scholarship
    Not many nine-year-olds decide their career goals from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I became obsessed with environmental conservation. A bachelor’s degree in environmental science will allow me to begin field work and conduct further research. After I receive my master’s degree in environmental policy, I will collaborate with lawmakers to create legislation to protect the environment, combat climate control, and prevent deforestation. I will own an environmental consulting agency working with land developers to survey areas before commercial or residential building may begin. The lack of female representation in the STEM field is something I would like to change. Less than 30% of the STEM workforce are women. The low percentage is mostly attributed to the barriers that women face, such as harassment, salary inequality, and discrimination. As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation and gender equality, I will be a mentor to young women. I will speak to local elementary and middle schools to inspire young females about STEM programs. Knowing the crucial role my academic performance would play in pursuing higher education, I embarked on a rigorous curriculum that included honors, advanced placement, and dual enrollment classes while maintaining a 4.2 GPA. I am a four-time academic letter recipient for my scholastic achievement. I am also an athlete, a leader, a thespian, and a volunteer. As varsity captain of the field hockey team, I led my team to a successful season and earned inclusion on the Ocean County All-Star Team and other accolades. I am the president of Chorus, treasurer of Key Club, and social media manager of the National Honor Society. I manage the funding collections, create fundraising and volunteering opportunities, and update the social media accounts. I received two Spirit of the Indian awards for mentorship and leadership. As a member of the International Thespian Society, I participate in theatrical productions throughout the school year. I immerse myself in my character and enjoy entraining my audience. Field hockey and performing are two passions I will continue in the future. Both my parents work within the community. My father is a law enforcement officer, and my mother is a hospital employee. Seeing their commitment influenced me to volunteer. I contribute my time at various local events such as the ARC of NJ 5k run, homework club buddy at the local elementary school, and the Top Soccer buddy program. Volunteering at the JBJ Soul Kitchen was the most humbling experience serving community members with food insecurity. As an ambassador for All-In Athletes, I raise awareness of the organization’s vision for a world where athletes prioritize their commitment to physical and mental health. I created a can tab collection for The Ronald McDonald House, raising over 100,000 tabs. The organization is meaningful to me since I have a special needs brother. He has a chromosome abnormality that causes neurological and cognitive delays. Growing up with my brother has allowed me to experience things differently through his eyes. It taught me the importance of treating everyone with dignity and respect. As an aspiring environmental scientist, athlete, leader, and volunteer, I am committed to making a positive impact in my community. My future career will allow me to make a difference on the planet by implementing changes to keep the ever-growing population environmentally safe. My involvement in field hockey will provide me with the opportunity to mentor younger players. Earning my degree will improve my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in science.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    When I first watched Stranger Things, it provided me with a storyline that made me cry, laugh, and smile all in the span of one episode. Stranger Things allowed me to embrace a new part of myself and even provided me with a group of friends who shared a similar interest. When going into battle with an evil doctor and a supernatural Demogorgon, I would choose the people that I know would be willing to not only help me fight it but also solve the problems that will happen along the way. In my world of Stranger Things, I would choose Eleven, Dustin, and Steve to help me out with the battle against the world of the Upside Down. I believe that with my willingness and creative thinking, along with Elevens powers and confidence, we would be unstoppable against the creatures of the Upside Down. Alongside her and I would also be Dustin. In the show, Dustin worked very hard and was exceptionally smart when it came time to figure out how to communicate and fight the Demogorgon. I believe Dustin would be an asset to the team. And last but not least, I would choose Steve to help alongside us. Steve looked after all the kids as if they were his own, hence the memes circulating social media of Steve being like a mother to the child characters. Steve has the strength and determination to figure out how to stop, not only the evil doctors and scientists but the creatures from the evil underworld as well. Overall, I believe that this trio would be ideal when fighting against the powerful entities that are introduced in the hit Netflix show, Stranger Things.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    It is a muggy afternoon following a rain shower, as I trudge through the construction site in search of the turtles that require relocation. My boots grow heavier with each step on the muddy terrain, but I feel a sense of accomplishment as I push forward. This is my life ten years into my future, and I am exactly where I want to be. Not many nine-year-olds decide their career goals from a television program. However, after watching a three-hour documentary about the Galapagos Islands, I was determined to become an environmental scientist and conservationist. I am passionate about our planet, protecting endangered species, and the loss of habitats due to deforestation. Understanding that my academic performance would play a crucial role in pursuing higher education, I embarked on a rigorous curriculum that included honors, advanced placement, and dual enrollment classes while maintaining a 4.2 GPA. I am a four-time academic letter recipient for my scholastic achievement. Throughout high school, I have held numerous leadership positions including president of chorus, treasurer of Key Club, and social media manager of the National Honor Society. As an athlete, I led my team to a successful season as the varsity field hockey captain. I earned inclusion on the Ocean County All-Star Team, honorable mention for Shore Conference-A All Division Team, and top defenders to watch with four defensive saves. I received a Spirit of the Indian award for mentorship and leadership. I have committed to continue my field hockey career at a D3 college. In addition, I volunteer at various local events including the ARC of NJ 5k run, homework club buddy at the local elementary school, and the Top Soccer buddy program. I created a can tab collection for The Ronald McDonald House. With the help of the community, we were able to collect approximately 100,000 tabs. Volunteering at the JBJ Soul Kitchen was most rewarding. The organization was created to help combat food insecurity while providing a place to dine with dignity. I will continue to actively pursue volunteer opportunities in the future. Before I can start digging in the mud, I must first earn my degree. A bachelor’s degree in environmental science will allow me to begin working in the field. I will also obtain my master’s in environmental policy. I would like to work with local administration to help create laws to protect the environment. I will be on the front lines to bring a voice to the voiceless and empower me to influence legislation to help combat climate change and safeguard the environment. I will own an environmental consulting agency working with land developers to survey areas before commercial or residential building may begin. The lack of female representation in the STEM field is something I would like to proactively change. Young girls need mentors in the sciences. After I have a flourishing career, that is a void I would like to fill. The expense of higher education is daunting. Since the age of fifteen, I have held various positions, from babysitting to part-time and full-time employment. While working is a great way to save for college, it does not cover all the costs. The Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship would greatly contribute to my ability to achieve my educational goals. With financial assistance, I could focus on my studies, participate in research, and study abroad opportunities. The long-term benefits would enhance my career prospects and economic independence and allow me to give back to the community while breaking barriers and inspiring future generations of women in science.
    P&J Homestead "God Walks" Scholarship
    Growing up in a household where two different religious backgrounds coexisted, I was granted the unique opportunity to explore the teachings of Catholicism and Jehovah's Witness theology. The religions have many similarities but some distinct differences. Catholicism worships God, while Witnesses worship Jehovah. Catholics attend Sunday Mass and Witnesses attend weekly Bible study and the Kingdom Hall services. Since both religions are based on Christianity, the underlying similarity was the concept of being a good neighbor. Since I was given the option to choose my religious path, I decided to live at a Bible Camp for a summer called America’s Keswick. As a Christian Camp, I embarked on weekly Bible studies. The parable of the Good Samaritan found in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37) was one of my favorite passages. It is the story of a man left robbed and beaten, as others passed him by and did not offer any assistance. The good Samaritan stopped and showed the man compassion and mercy. It emphasizes the importance of kindness, and selflessness towards others, regardless of their social status, beliefs, color, or background. The Bible chapter and verse embody the importance of being a good neighbor which resonated with me. I always had considered myself a kind person, however, my time at Keswick taught me the true meaning of a good neighbor. As a camp counselor at America’s Keswick, I focused on being a good neighbor to my co-workers, campers, families, and adult ground crew members. I fostered a comradery and unity with my co-workers so we could achieve our goals together. I treated the campers, including those as young as four, with nurturing care and promoting understanding and forgiveness. Part of the weekly assignments included cleaning the family’s rooms and food service. I humbly served others and prioritized their needs above my own. The adult maintenance crew were members of the addiction recovery program. Referring to my Christian ethics, I treated the maintenance crew with the same care and respect that I would desire for myself. Through these interactions, I gained a deeper understanding of the true essence of being a good neighbor – one who demonstrates love, kindness, generosity, humility, and servanthood. Keswick was one of the most fulfilling summers I have ever experienced. My exposure to two different religions, as well as attending Bible camp, provided me with a spiritual enlightenment that I would have otherwise not found. I was able to embody the principles of kindness and generosity that were emphasized in the Good Samaritan parable. I gained a real understanding of how to be a good neighbor. The Christian perspective of a good neighbor is someone who displays love, kindness, generosity, unity, humility, and servanthood—my time at Keswick embodied all those qualities. By being a good Christian, I can strive to be a compassionate and caring neighbor who positively impacts the lives of those around me.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    It is a balmy ninety-eight degrees after a short rainstorm came through. It is the perfect time to search for the turtles that need to be relocated. Trudging through the mud in my rubber boots with the hot sun beating down on me is exactly where I want to be. I am surveying land for builders, looking for any species that may need to be moved to a new area. It is ten years into my future, and I am an Environmental Consultant. I am the voice of the voiceless as my work is dedicated to helping preserve the livelihood of endangered species of any kind. At nine years old, I was captivated by a three-hour special about the Galapagos Islands. The television special discussed the importance of animal conservation and the protection needed for our environment. I began to research the butterfly effect. The impact a change in one condition could have on all conditions piqued my interest. The extinction of the smallest insect could affect an entire ecosystem. It was at that early age that I decided I wanted to be a positive change for our planet. Of course, having the opportunity to conduct research work in the Galapagos Islands is also extremely high on my list. I decided then I wanted to pursue Environmental Science and Conservation. Before I can start digging in the mud, I must first earn my degree. Beginning with my bachelor’s degree in environmental science, I chose Moravian University for my studies. I was impressed with the Science curriculum, the ability to study abroad, and more importantly, the passion the professors showed for the subject matter. After I complete my bachelor’s degree, I will be moving on to my master’s degree in environmental policy and conservation. I am passionate about animal conservation. Allowing building without surveying the land destroys the ecosystem. Animals, flora, and trees all become displaced or depleted. As an Environmental Consultant, I will be in the trenches, surveying the lands and helping to prevent deforestation. I will also have a hand in environmental law by using my research to educate others on the destruction of our planet and helping to draft policies for prevention. Our ecosystem is extremely important and fragile. Just like a butterfly’s wings, a small flutter can lead to a major impact. A passion was ignited in my nine-year-old self by a television special that will lead me to a dream career path. All my decisions since then and going into the future will lead me to that dream job. My goal, as an Environmental Scientist, is to give endangered species a voice. Getting my hands dirty on a sweltering day is a small price to pay to save a living creation from extinction.