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Kaylee Estrada


Bold Points




I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind.


Texas State University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Athletic Trainer

    • Dream career goals:

      Athletic Trainer for an NFL Team

    • Cashier - Line worker

      San Marcos BBQ
      2022 – Present2 years



    2018 – Present6 years


    • Athletic Trainer of the Year 2020, 2021, 2022


    2018 – Present6 years


    • Athletic Trainer of the Year for 2020, 2021, and 2022


    • Seguin High School - Baseball

      2021 – Present
    • The Door Christian Church

      Sunday Church Services
      2016 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Nursing Home — Assist with cleaning patient rooms and activity areas.Working towards earing a Certified Nursing Assistant certification.
      2021 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      San Antino Blood Bank — Get as many peopel to donate blood. We attained over nine hundred pints of blood.Help special needs students at the high school with daily activities outside of the classroom.President of the Health Occupations Studaents of America at Seguin High School
      2021 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Meet in the Middle — Help special needs students at the high school with daily activities outside of the classroom.volunteer
      2018 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      The Door Christian Church — Help with music during services, and kid's church.
      2012 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Seguin High School — Helping with sales at clean up at sports concession stands.Sales, and clean up.
      2020 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Cool to be Kind — Trash pick up in Seguin pick up
      2021 – 2021

    Future Interests





    Charlie Akers Memorial Scholarship
    Some people don’t truly understand the effects and outcomes of service work done around them. I am glad and honored to say that I have completed and achieved many great service acts in my life. I believe that everyone should commit at least one good service act for their community in order to enhance their full experience in life. The most exciting and truly amazing service work that I have done would have to be working blood drives. I was given the great pleasure of setting up and organizing many of our blood drives this year in my school. It takes time and dedication of course to set up something this big. With the right focus and determination I was able to accomplish this. What inspired me to set up so many of these blood drives was because I was receiving many calls from the South Texas Blood Drive organization. They were constantly asking not only me but also my peers to come out and help donate blood. There has been a shortage of blood this year so I wanted to do all I was able. I scheduled as many blood drives as I could. I got together with my advisor and we came up with a plan that would help not only our town but all local hospitals around us. My hopes and dreams for this were to help save as many lives as possible, bring others together, and even set up future goals. We not only collected blood from the students but from administrators, principals, teachers and even people outside of our school. My team as a whole has collected roughly over 900 pints of blood this year. Together we helped about two thousand seven hundred lives in the span of six months. We have accomplished and achieved something that was way over our goal and I could not be any prouder. Whatever happens in your life, no matter if it was a positive experience or a negative one you will learn from it. Everything that happens has a purpose and could be a truly life changing lesson. Being able to take part in something like this has shown me so many different perspectives and takes on life. I have learned to become a leader, a community changer, and a citizen. We all have duties in life and it’s our job to carry them out. There will always be a service work out there that needs to be done and I've learned that no matter how small or big I can do it. I love to help make a difference in my world even if it’s a small one. There are many different things going on in the world right now, many very negative things but we have to look past that and focus on how to make it better. The world isn’t as heartless and brutal as it seems. I just had to get out there and see how to bring out the light. Service work always has been and always will be something great and I am glad to be a part of.
    Small Seed Big Flower Scholarship
    Futures; we all have them and seek to make them great. It’s a human desire to live out our goals and be as successful as we can be. We all face challenges and struggles that may keep us from achieving those goals and making our future what we want. For as long as I can remember, my desire has been to help others. I thrive on seeing people’s lives changed for the better. For the last five years I have been a student athletic trainer and I have decided to pursue this as a career. Being able to help athletes improve their health and any other battles they face gives me great pleasure. My absolute dream would be being able to stand on the field with professional athletes getting all the experience in the world. My ultimate satisfaction is being able to give a helping hand to a person who needs it. I love the feeling from the adrenaline rush, as I run onto the field. Having a stable life and healthy mindset is all I need in this world. But of course it does not come easy. The only thing I know for certain is that doubt will always creep in my mind. Doubt is my biggest competitor and struggle. No matter how well I am doing, or how well I am achieving my goals; I never feel completely settled. My mind is constantly going and I can never seem to fully shut it off. I achieve a goal and for some reason I think about how I could have done better or tried harder. I struggle a lot with mind battles and mental health. I am doing great and next thing you know it is like I am at the bottom of the ditch again feeling mediocre. I doubt everything I do. I make myself believe that I am never as good as someone else. That is when I have to reflect on all of the things I have accomplished in my life. They remind me that I am capable, and that I can do what I set my mind to. I have worked to overcome some of these issues and I believe fully that putting belief in myself and just being me, that doubt will go away. My Grandmother always told me that I was destined to help people in this world. That my future was brighter than anyone she has ever met. I think about this every day and just those two sentences remind me that that little piece of doubt in my mind is nothing compared to the goals I have set, and what I will accomplish in my life. Doubt can be a large hurdle but, if we trust in ourselves and keep pushing towards our goals, we can overcome it.
    Omniwomyn Empowerment Scholarship
    Everyone goes through a journey in their life. We all go down different paths and face different struggles. At some point in our lives we also have to overcome a challenge that not everyone faces. Being a minority is one of those that I have faced. My journey as a minority woman might not be how you think it is. I was not treated poorly or knocked down. Although people do seem to think we get handed everything in our life. It makes it harder to prove that you do all these achievements on your own. I went through life just as normal as any other woman would. I worked hard on the things I got. In fact I believe that as a minority woman I am given more opportunities than someone who is not. Throughout my life I can say that I have always been an overachiever. I want to be on top and strive hard in everything I do. I have dreams and passions just like everybody else. I want to be someone’s superhero; the person who changes someone’s life for the better even if it is a small change. The career I seek is in the medical field. For as long as I can remember my dream has been to help others. I thrive on seeing people’s lives changed for the better. For the last five years I have been a student athletic trainer. I have decided to pursue athletic training as my career. Being able to help athletes improve their health and any battles they face gives me great pleasure. My absolute dream would be being able to stand on the field with professional athletes getting all the experience in the world. My ultimate satisfaction is being able to give a helping hand to a person who needs it. I love the feeling from the adrenaline rush, as I am running onto the field. I appreciate meeting new people who are just like me and have had to overcome the challenge of being a minority woman. My journey as a minority woman is still going and who knows if I will run into problems later in my life because of it. That will never stop me from achieving and becoming the person I was taught to be. Just like any obstacle I have been through, I will keep pushing and represent minority women all around the world. We must not see ourselves as victims and complain our about our struggles. We need to change the way we think and become leaders and champions in the world we live in.
    AHS Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I am continuing with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaining a GPA of at least 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Learner Higher Education Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaining a GPA of at least 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Texas Women Empowerment Scholarship
    Empowerment of Change The equality for women has been a serious topic for decades. Women have seen great strides in what has been made available to them, in pay, positions held, and opportunities. Despite all that has happened, there is still room for far more change. Everyone wants to leave an impact on someone else's life, make a difference, or change the world for the next generation. I can sit here and write about past experiences as a little girl who struggled against always competing against the boys, but that would not be me. I learned from a young age that if I wanted to accomplish something I just needed to learn what to do to make it happen. Everything that I have done in life has been a competition. I have worked to be on top and be better than the others around me no matter what gender I was competing with. I have set the example amongst my peers of what it means to be a leader. I was President of the Health Occupations Students Association, and Captain of the Athletic Trainers my senior year of high school. We live in a world where men are frequently put on top. It is a constant battle between men and women and I believe it needs to be changed. I see the opportunities that men get over women, more freedom, and even praise. We need to help the change happen by challenging ourselves to lead, rather than to follow. Women need to be able to live both socially and financially independent. I want to see fairness and the empowerment of women. I would want my future daughter to live being respected, and see her self-worth through the citizens and people in Texas. Nobody wants to live life feeling as though they are not equal to somebody else just because of their sex. I have lived my last five years dreaming about being in the medical field. I want to help bring change to this world. I want to be a role model to younger girls. Saving lives is not an easy thing to do, but we have tons of wonderful people who do that daily. I will be one of those people. Becoming an athletic trainer is not easy. There is a lot of work, dedication, and time put into it. Without us there would be no athletes. I would even go as far to say that money in the economy would drop without the entertainment industry of sports. I make a difference because I help other people. My future career helps keep America going. My career will keep other careers afloat. It doesn’t matter if I am a guy or not as long as I am making an impact on the world. We as women should stop complaining about how we are not respected because of gender. Get up and go show the world what we can do. Make a change in how the world sees us.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    Some people don’t truly understand the effects and outcomes of service work done around them. I am glad and honored to say that I have completed and achieved many great service acts in my life. I believe that everyone should commit at least one good service act for their community in order to enhance their full experience in life. The most exciting and truly amazing service work that I have done would have to be working blood drives. I was given the great pleasure of setting up and organizing many of our blood drives this year in my school. It takes time and dedication of course to set up something this big. With the right focus and determination I was able to accomplish this. What inspired me to set up so many of these blood drives was because I was receiving many calls from the South Texas Blood Drive organization. They were constantly asking not only me but also my peers to come out and help donate blood. There has been a shortage of blood this year so I wanted to do all I was able. I scheduled as many blood drives as I could. I got together with my advisor and we came up with a plan that would help not only our town but all local hospitals around us. My hopes and dreams for this were to help save as many lives as possible, bring others together, and even set up future goals. We not only collected blood from the students but from administrators, principals, teachers and even people outside of our school. My team as a whole has collected roughly over 900 pints of blood this year. Together we helped about two thousand seven hundred lives in the span of six months. We have accomplished and achieved something that was way over our goal and I could not be any prouder. Whatever happens in your life, no matter if it was a positive experience or a negative one you will learn from it. Everything that happens has a purpose and could be a truly life changing lesson. Being able to take part in something like this has shown me so many different perspectives and takes on life. I have learned to become a leader, a community changer, and a citizen. We all have duties in life and it’s our job to carry them out. There will always be a service work out there that needs to be done and I've learned that no matter how small or big I can do it. I love to help make a difference in my world even if it’s a small one. There are many different things going on in the world right now, many very negative things but we have to look past that and focus on how to make it better. The world isn’t as heartless and brutal as it seems. I just had to get out there and see how to bring out the light. Service work always has been and always will be something great and I am glad to be a part of.
    Women in Sports Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaining a GPA of 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Sports Lover Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaining a GPA of 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Francis “Slip” Madigan Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaining a GPA of 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Abby's First-Generation College Student Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaing a GPA of 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaing a GPA of 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    DejSlays SlayBabe Scholarship
    Since I started at Seguin High School, I have always wanted to participate in the Athletic Training Program. As an athletic Trainer I am able to help with injury prevention and treatment of athletes, both on and off the field. I volunteered after school my freshman year and earned the respect of the coaches. Due to my efforts I was able to earn a varsity position my freshman year. Over the past four years I have found being an Athletic Trainer to be fulfilling when I can help athletes with injuries they have received on the field. Knowing that my immediate efforts on the field can positively effect that athlete’s physical outcome brings me joy. I have been a trainer for the football, basketball, and baseball teams at our school. I have prepared myself for the future by participating in Athletic Training all four years of High School. I was awarded Athletic Trainer of the year in 2020, 2021, and 2022. At the start of my senior year I was selected by the Varsity Coaching Staff to be the Captain of the Athletic Trainers. As the Captain I ensure that all equipment is set up for use at practices and games. I work with other trainers who may have issues to free up coaching staff. To enhance my leadership skills I have participated in extra-curricular clubs such as the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA). My peers selected me to represent them as their President. Our group has hosted four blood drives this year with the San Antonio Blood Bank. Due to our efforts over nine hundred pints of blood were gathered for use in Central Texas area hospitals. I was also selected by the Superintendent of the Seguin School District to participate on his Student Advisory Team, as well as his Five Year Strategic Planning Team. I also serve as the Ambassador of the Student Council, Secretary for No Place for Hate and Secretary for Cool to Be Kind. Thus using my leadership skills and strong responsibility I plan to continue with Athletic Training at Texas State University. They have a new program that allows for earning a Bachelor of Exercise Science in three years. By maintaing a GPA of 3.0 I can be moved directly into a Master of Science – Athletic Training. I look forward to one day being able to be a professional Athletic Trainer for a Professional Team or University.
    Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
    Writing about the topic of God or faith can sometimes be difficult. But I must say I’m very excited to write about this topic considering it is something I’m very passionate about. Many people have different beliefs and aspects of faith. But no matter what you believe or how much faith you have, I believe you need at least a little to get through life. I have always been a believer of God throughout my whole life. During times of struggles I know he is the one person that I can always talk to at night. I know no matter what, my faith in him can help me grow and become stronger. My whole life I have been a Christian. Being Christian can come with hate, and pressure from non- believers, causing struggles for one to have to endure. There are times where my faith has been tested in trials. Where I have been judged and criticized for believing. But as God says in his word, “For you know the testing of your faith produces steadfastness”. Meaning as long as you keep your faith in God you shall get through all problems in his name. I have learned to ignore the hate in this world and keep my head up looking forward to the things God has planned. I know that in the future I will always have some days where I need my faith just a little more than others. Those are the days where I will need to turn to God. I will encounter situations where I may need all my faith and God by my side. I know I can always count on the fact that believing will help me get through it all. I am excited to start my new journey of the college world. I think everyone can agree that college is no easy task. They will be long, hard, and stressful years to get through. I have been given so many opportunities and privileges thanks to my faith. I believe that there is so much more planned for my future. And of course God will be there to lead me and protect me in any of the tough times. I will use my faith to establish an understanding of my journey. You may not be a believer and I’m not here to persuade you to be one. I would say, have a little faith and you can conquer all. Faith doesn’t always have to be religion; you can have faith in yourself and do things you never thought were possible. Use this faith and become the best you can be.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    I was given the great pleasure of setting up and organizing many of our blood drives this year in my school. It takes time and dedication of course to set something this big. With the right focus and determination I was able to accomplish this. What inspired me to set up so many of these blood drives was because I was receiving many calls from the South Texas Blood Drive organization. They were constantly asking not only me but other of my peers to come out and help donate blood. There has been a shortage of blood this year so I wanted to do all I was able. I scheduled as many blood drives as I could. So, I got together with my advisor and we came up with a plan that would help not only our town but all local hospitals around us. My hopes and dreams for this was to help save as many lives as possible, bring others together, and even set up future goals. We not only collected blood from the students but from administrators, principals, teachers and even people outside of our school. My team as a whole has collected roughly over 900 pints of blood this year. Together we helped about two thousand seven hundred lives in the span of six months. We have accomplished and achieved something that was way over our goal and I could not be any prouder. Opportunities like this bring me joy, and a positive outlook for the future. I look forward to finding more opporunities like this to make a difference in the world around me.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    The most exciting and truly amazing service work that I have done would have to be working blood drives. I was given the great pleasure of setting up and organizing many of our blood drives this year in my school. It takes time and dedication of course to set something this big. With the right focus and determination I was able to accomplish this. What inspired me to set up so many of these blood drives was because I was receiving many calls from the South Texas Blood Drive organization. They were constantly asking not only me but other of my peers to come out and help donate blood. There has been a shortage of blood this year so I wanted to do all I was able. I scheduled as many blood drives as I could. So, I got together with my advisor and we came up with a plan that would help not only our town but all local hospitals around us. My hopes and dreams for this was to help save as many lives as possible, bring others together, and even set up future goals. We not only collected blood from the students but from administrators, principals, teachers and even people outside of our school. My team as a whole has collected roughly over 900 pints of blood this year. Together we helped about two thousand seven hundred lives in the span of six months. We have accomplished and achieved something that was way over our goal and I could not be any prouder. Sice I was a freshman I have participated daily with Meet in the Middle. It's a group at our school that has a main goal of daily help for our special needs classmates. Helping them each morning gets my day started right.
    College Showdown Scholarship