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katie thorpe


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My name is Katie, I am working towards my social work major with a passion for social advocacy, specifically in mental health and assisting vulnerable populations. I aim to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) to positively impact lives and contribute to community betterment.From a young age, I felt a strong desire to serve others, leading me to choose social work as my field of study. I have gained the necessary knowledge and skills to create meaningful change in the lives of those who need it most. I am eager to use my education and personal experiences to make a tangible difference.My interest in mental health and empathy-driven nature have motivated me to explore various aspects of this field, including addressing challenges and stigmas. I am enthusiastic about learning and contributing to innovative approaches in mental health care, particularly for under-served populations.I have a unwavering commitment to the well-being of others. I believe social work goes beyond a profession; it requires genuine care, empathy, and addressing complex issues. I am dedicated to making a positive impact through advocacy, support, and mobilizing resources. I am committed to maximizing this opportunity and one day paying it forward by assisting others in their journey to overcome barriers.


Rhode Island College

Bachelor's degree program
2019 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Social Work


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Public Policy

    • Dream career goals:

    • SFL

      2018 – Present6 years



    2012 – 20175 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Brookdale Senior Living — volunteer
      2013 – Present
    • Volunteering

      House of Hope — Outreach worker
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      L4L — Navigator
      2023 – Present
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    The experiences of my life have been intricately woven with the threads of mental health challenges, a journey that has profoundly shaped my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. Struggling with anxiety and depression has been an ongoing battle, intensified by the isolating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, these experiences have not defined me; instead, they have fueled my passion for mental health advocacy and solidified my commitment to pursuing a career in social work, where I aspire to help others facing similar struggles. My personal encounter with mental health challenges has transformed my beliefs, fostering empathy and understanding for the invisible battles many individuals face. Through the fog of anxiety and the weight of depression, I have emerged with a deep appreciation for the power of compassion and the impact of a supportive community. This firsthand experience has cultivated my belief in the transformative potential of genuine connections and the importance of creating spaces where individuals feel heard, validated, and understood. I carry these convictions with me as I embark on my journey into social work, viewing my own mental health journey as a reservoir of strength and insight that equips me to connect with others in a meaningful and authentic way. In the context of relationships, my mental health journey has been both a test and a testament to the resilience of those around me. Friends and family have stood as pillars of support, demonstrating the profound impact that understanding and compassion can have on an individual's well-being. Simultaneously, these experiences have prompted open conversations about mental health, breaking down stigmas and fostering a culture of acceptance within my inner circle. These relationships have become a source of strength, reinforcing my belief in the transformative power of community support. As I delve into a career in social work, I carry with me the understanding that forging genuine connections is not only a professional duty but a moral imperative in creating a more compassionate and inclusive society. The seismic shift brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has added a layer of complexity to the already challenging landscape of mental health. The isolation, uncertainty, and loss that have defined this period underscore the urgent need for mental health advocacy and support. It is within this context that my career aspirations have crystalized into a commitment to social work. The pandemic has illuminated the pervasive nature of mental health challenges, transcending age, gender, and socioeconomic status. Through my studies and volunteer work, I aim to contribute to a collective effort to bridge the gaps in mental health care, advocating for accessible and culturally sensitive resources that address the diverse needs of individuals navigating these tumultuous times. My vision for a career in social work extends beyond clinical interventions; it encompasses a dedication to systemic change and destigmatization. I aspire to be a voice for those who may feel silenced by their mental health struggles, working towards a future where seeking support is met with understanding rather than judgment. By leveraging my own experiences with anxiety and depression, I aim to be a catalyst for change, breaking down barriers and fostering a society where mental health is prioritized and integrated into the fabric of our collective well-being. In conclusion, my journey with mental health has been a crucible that has shaped my beliefs, strengthened my relationships, and propelled me towards a career in social work. As I navigate the complexities of anxiety and depression, I am armed with the conviction that these experiences are not liabilities but assets, guiding me towards a path of empathy, advocacy, and resilience. Through my future work in social work, I aspire to be a beacon of hope for others, contributing to a world where mental health is destigmatized, and support is readily available for all.
    Harriett Russell Carr Memorial Scholarship
    In the tapestry of my everyday life, the threads of excellence and compassion weave seamlessly, guided by a profound commitment to both personal and community growth. As a mixed race girl pursuing a social work major, I embrace the diverse hues of my identity, understanding the significance of empathy, understanding, and action in creating positive change. The spirit of excellence manifests in the meticulous care I bring to my academic pursuits and personal endeavors. As a social work major, I recognize the transformative potential of education in equipping me with the knowledge and skills necessary to effect meaningful change. I approach my studies with dedication and focus, seeking not only to understand the complexities of societal issues but also to develop innovative and sustainable solutions. Beyond the academic realm, I channel this spirit of excellence into my volunteer work at a local nursing home. Engaging with residents goes beyond mere routine; it involves a commitment to creating moments of joy, companionship, and understanding. Whether organizing activities, sharing stories, or simply offering a listening ear, I strive to bring excellence to the lives of those I interact with, recognizing the importance of these connections in fostering a sense of belonging and well-being. In addition to my work at the nursing home, my commitment to community service extends to my involvement with House of Hope in Rhode Island. The organization's mission to end homelessness resonates deeply with me, compelling me to participate in outreach events that go beyond immediate assistance. I view each interaction as an opportunity to not only provide essential resources but also to advocate for systemic change. By consistently giving my time and energy to these events, I aim to contribute to a community where homelessness is not only alleviated but also eradicated through comprehensive and sustainable solutions. My personal experiences have instilled in me a profound understanding of the importance of inclusivity and representation. I recognize the significance of diverse perspectives in creating well-rounded solutions to societal challenges. In my social work career, I aspire to amplify the voices of underrepresented communities, advocating for policies and programs that address the unique needs and experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, my commitment to excellence and community service extends beyond the immediate present. I envision a future where my social work career serves as a platform for positive change. Through collaborative initiatives, education, and advocacy, I aim to dismantle systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality and injustice. In conclusion, my everyday life is a canvas painted with the hues of excellence and compassion. Through academic dedication, volunteer work at the nursing home, and community outreach with House of Hope, I strive to embody a spirit of excellence in all that I do. As I embark on my social work journey, I am driven by a commitment to building a more equitable and compassionate society, where the unique contributions of individuals from all backgrounds are not only acknowledged but celebrated.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    In a world that constantly demands our attention, I find purpose in the art of giving back to my community. Currently, I dedicate my time to two impactful causes that resonate deeply with my values and aspirations: volunteering at a local nursing home and participating in outreach events for House of Hope in Rhode Island, an organization committed to ending homelessness. At the nursing home, I engage with residents on a personal level, fostering connections that transcend the routine caregiving tasks. Through shared stories, laughter, and moments of genuine companionship, I aim to alleviate the sense of isolation that can often accompany life in a long-term care facility. Activities such as reading sessions, game nights, and group exercises not only provide entertainment but also contribute to the residents' cognitive and emotional well-being. In this microcosm of life, I witness the profound impact that human connection can have, reinforcing my belief in the transformative power of simple acts of kindness. My involvement with House of Hope further extends my commitment to making a positive impact on the community. Through outreach events, I actively contribute to the organization's mission of ending homelessness by raising awareness, distributing essential resources, and fostering a sense of solidarity among community members. Homelessness is a complex issue, and through these experiences, I've gained a deeper understanding of the systemic challenges that perpetuate homelessness. This awareness fuels my determination to not only address immediate needs but also advocate for systemic change that addresses the root causes of homelessness. Looking ahead, my vision for positively impacting the world encompasses a multifaceted approach that integrates my passion for human connection, advocacy, and community empowerment. One key aspect of my future plans involves pursuing a degree in social work, equipping myself with the knowledge and skills needed to effect meaningful change. I aspire to work with marginalized communities, leveraging my education to create tailored interventions that address the unique challenges individuals face. Additionally, I plan to establish community-driven initiatives that promote self-sufficiency and resilience. Whether through mentorship programs, skill-building workshops, or collaborative projects, my goal is to empower individuals to break the cycle of adversity and forge their paths towards a brighter future. By fostering a sense of agency and providing the necessary tools, I aim to create sustainable change that extends beyond immediate assistance. In conclusion, my current endeavors at the nursing home and House of Hope reflect my commitment to fostering connections and addressing systemic issues within my community. As I embark on my journey into the field of social work, I am driven by a vision of creating lasting, positive change. Through continuous learning, empathy, and collaboration, I aspire to be a catalyst for transformation, working towards a world where every individual is empowered to lead a life of dignity and purpose.
    Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Katie, and I am a senior majoring in social work. I am writing this essay to express my interest in this scholarship and how it will significantly contribute to achieving my educational and career goals. I am passionate about social advocacy, particularly in the areas of mental health, and helping vulnerable populations overcome personal and systemic barriers. My ultimate goal is to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) so that I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it the most. Throughout my academic journey, I have dedicated myself to understanding the complexities of social issues, mental health challenges, and the systemic barriers that impede individuals and communities from reaching their full potential. I firmly believe that my purpose in life is to be a voice for the voiceless and a source of support for those in need. Becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker is my ultimate aspiration. This career path will allow me to provide crucial mental health services to individuals, couples, and families, and advocate for the marginalized and underserved populations in our society. To achieve this, I must complete my education, which currently stands at the senior level of my bachelor's program. I am just one semester away from graduating, and I have already been accepted into Rhode lsland College's Masters of Social Work program. However, several financial constraints and barriers threaten to hinder my progress. As a student, I have faced numerous financial challenges that have put a strain on my educational journey. The cost of tuition, books, and other educational expenses has become increasingly burdensome. Despite working a full-time job and receiving some financial aid, I still find it difficult to make ends meet, which has made it challenging to focus on my studies and pursue my passion for social advocacy effectively. Scholarships like the one I am applying for would significantly alleviate these financial burdens and allow me to dedicate more of my time and energy to my academic pursuits. Receiving this scholarship would be a game-changer in my pursuit of higher education and achieving my career goals. The financial support provided by this scholarship will enable me to complete my bachelor's degree with a clear mind, without constantly worrying about the financial aspects. It will also make the transition into the Master's program at Rhode Island College smoother, allowing me to fully focus on gaining the knowledge and experience necessary to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. In addition, the scholarship will provide me with the financial stability needed to engage in internships and fieldwork experiences, which are crucial for acquiring practical skills and networking opportunities in the field of social work. These experiences will better prepare me to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the people I hope to serve.In conclusion, I am dedicated to my educational and career path as a social worker, specifically aiming to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I am a strong candidate for this scholarship because of my unwavering passion for social advocacy and my genuine desire to make a positive impact on society. The financial assistance this scholarship offers will be instrumental in overcoming the financial constraints and barriers that I currently face. With your support, I can continue my education, gain valuable experience, and eventually contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities who need it most. I am committed to utilizing this scholarship to its fullest potential and will always remember the generosity that helped me pursue my dreams of creating a better world through social work.
    Arnetha V. Bishop Memorial Scholarship
    My strong advocacy for mental and emotional well-being has been strongly shaped by my personal experiences with mental health. I firmly believe that mental health is of utmost importance throughout all stages of life, from infancy to old age. Society is increasingly recognizing the importance of mental health as equivalent to physical health. I continuously advocate for mental and emotional well-being, which is evident not only in my professional work but also in various aspects of my personal life. My choice to pursue a career in social work is heavily influenced by my surroundings, work background, and personal diversity. During my upbringing, my family served as a placement residence for children in the foster care system. From the age of five until eighteen, we provided a home for numerous children, fostering deep and meaningful bonds as a family. This experience granted me a broader perspective on the world, exposing me to different cultures, races, and family values from a young age. It made me conscious of the privileges I possessed and opened my eyes to the inequities present in the world. Through my interactions with foster siblings, I developed effective communication skills to navigate their behavioral issues, which I now recognize as stemming from their trauma. This enabled me to develop a wide emotional range and an understanding of emotions, ultimately leading to healthy emotional regulation. These skills have become fundamental aspects of my social work practice. Moreover, this experience taught me the value of empathy. As a child, I may not have fully comprehended the depth of their trauma, but I learned the significance of having someone who listens, supports, and demonstrates that you are not alone. I firmly believe in the significance of acknowledging individuals' feelings and making them be heard and valued. In my current position as an intern, I am engaged in assisting college students who are confronting various mental health challenges. I actively listen to their concerns and provide appropriate support by directing them toward professional resources, such as therapists and mental health counselors. Given the numerous additional pressures students encounter, many are currently grappling with mental health obstacles. My experience at this agency has fostered a desire within me to narrow my practice and focus on collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds who are navigating mental health challenges. Support systems play a crucial role in our society by providing much-needed assistance to individuals seeking help. Experienced professionals such as therapists, social workers, and counselors have the ability to profoundly transform and uplift individuals, families, and communities. By offering guidance and support, these professionals can help individuals gain new perspectives, modify behavior patterns, break cycles, understand and reflect on emotions, set goals, and develop plans to navigate through life's challenges. Their expertise in the human psyche equips them to guide individuals through even the darkest traumas, personal challenges, and internal struggles. It is my aspiration to become a part of this transformative process and assist individuals in living long and fulfilling lives. Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in social work with a minor in psychology, I am also enrolled in a dual master's program for social work, with a specific focus on mental health through a clinical track. I am eager to be the support person that aids individuals on their journey toward personal growth and positive change.