Hobbies and interests
Electric Guitar
Cars and Automotive Engineering
Business And Entrepreneurship
Board Games And Puzzles
Drag Racing
Politics and Political Science
Babysitting And Childcare
Pet Care
Young Adult
Adult Fiction
Realistic Fiction
I read books daily
Karli DeMarco
Bold Points6x
Karli DeMarco
Bold Points6x
I am a very compassionate individual. My compassion for others is what drives me to be so giving and caring for others. No matter our differences, I always care about helping others and being there for people in need. I have always been relied on by my community for my volunteer work and dedication. Helping others is a huge part of my life. It has also helped prepare me for other roles in my community and my relationships with others.
I am a very unique individual with very different interests, personality traits, and skills than most of my peers. I love classic cars, classic rock music, art, nature, playing guitar, spending time with my family and so much more. I am involved in Horticulture Club, National Honor Society, and Library Aides at my high school. Outside of school, I volunteer at church and in the classic car club I belong to.
I strive to be the best version of myself all of the time. God leads me to be that person for myself and others.
Lewis University
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Education, General
Lockport Township High Sch East
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
- Education, General
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Elementary Teacher
Deli Clerk
Meijer2022 – Present3 yearsGrounds Crew Member
Lockport Township High School2022 – 2022Babysitter
Julie Calzaretta2017 – 20225 yearsPizza Maker & Dishwasher
Chesdan's Pizzeria & Grille2020 – 20211 year
Varsity2018 – 20224 years
- Most Improved Player
SunnySky Boutique
Designhandmade products using heat press machines, vinyl cutters, and design programs2020 – PresentParkview Christian Church Student Ministry Band
Music2016 – 2018
Public services
Cruisin Tigers Pontiac Club — T-Shirt Designer and Pre-Registration Coordinator2018 – PresentVolunteering
Parkview Christian Church — Large Group/Worship Coach, Room Teacher2014 – Present
Future Interests
Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
I have always felt different than my peers for many reasons, but one of them is the constant faith that I have accepted and lived with for most of my life. I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was baptized at 8 years old. I always knew Jesus was in my heart, but I made it official that year. Ever since then, I have seen God move miraculously through me to help the next generation of kids grow up with Him in their hearts.
I have been volunteering at my church since I was a little girl. I would help my mom teach kids that were only a few years younger than me because the little ones were just too cute. I would dance to worship music to get the children engaged and then help my mom pass out papers every Sunday morning. This continued on all throughout my elementary school years, then middle school, high school, and still is something I participate in to this day.
This experience was/is very important to who I am today because of my career aspirations and goals. Without volunteering in my church for the past 13 years, I may have never realized that I wanted to pursue a career as an educator. I believe that God led me down the path of teaching children from such a young age to help shape my skills and passions for my future.
Now, I have impacted so many children and formed so many strong relationships with them and others I have served with. I helped to create a whole team of young girls who have that same passion to impact the next generation through Jesus.
This is how I believe my faith will impact my future career. God has already been so gracious to me in guiding me from such a young age and giving me the experience that I need to stand out in my field. He has led me to be accepted into a state-wide scholarship program that will guide me to being an even better teacher each summer throughout my four years in college. Without God's guidance and faithfulness, I don't believe I would have the opportunities that I was given. My faith will continue to grow stronger as I witness God working through me as an educator and continued volunteer work at my church. With his blessing, I will be teaching young kids for many years to come as both my passion and career.
Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
My journey with my personal mental health has been one that continues to affect me every single day. As I try to navigate my own mind and interactions with those around me, things seem to always get harder, no matter what. But, I know that I have resources available around me to help me navigate through my struggles and work towards a brighter future.
In the spring of 2020, I was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism. For 2 years prior, I was medicated for ADD, thinking that some of the issues I was having were because of that. But, I knew there was more to what was going on in my head than just ADD. So, I sought out a professional and got the answers that I needed. I was relieved after hearing my diagnosis because I thought this was the end of the misunderstandings, communication issues, and personal relationship struggles. But I was wrong. Just because I had access to counselors and doctors, didn't mean they all would help. After seeking out my first counselor, I was told that she didn't know why I was there. My second counselor was a specialist in Autism, so I felt comfortable with his perspective. But, in the end, that didn't work out either. It wasn't until this spring, 2023, that I found a counselor that I love going to see, and she is right here at my college.
My point in mentioning all of this is that just because we may have access to the resources we need doesn't mean that they will all help us. Sometimes, they even make us feel worse about ourselves. So, these challenges will constantly affect our beliefs, relationships, and futures.
My beliefs have been heavily molded by the way that my brain works and the mental health challenges I have experienced. My strong Christian beliefs are not only rooted in my upbringing but my need to seek the truth and a sense of there being something bigger than me out there. Reading scripture and diving into God's word has helped reassure me that I am not in this alone, even when I feel like everyone around me is failing me. His words have helped my mental health fill with more clarity and love than ever before.
The relationships that I have had over the past few years have also been heavily influenced by my mental health. Commonly, the way that we treat people is based on how we are feeling. And I am the same way. The days that my depression was taking over would affect my entire family. It molded me to be a person who didn't want to leave the house or spend time with any friends. It made me feel that the world was against me. Unfortunately, I still experience many of those thoughts and feelings today as a result.
I believe that my struggles mentally have truly shaped the kind of career that I want to follow. Since I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher, but those aspirations changed as I found other passions. But they all came right back as I realized how I could be an advocate and impact the lives of so many young children.
Overall, I am glad that I had the experiences that I did going to different doctors, specialists, and counselors because it led me to where I am now. Although things will never be perfect, the resources around me will always help guide the way to better my life experiences.
I Can Do Anything Scholarship
My future self is a passionate leader who changes the lives of those around me in everything I say and do.
Selma Luna Memorial Scholarship
As I progress in my journey to becoming an educator, I frequently think about the impact that I will have on my future students. I reflect on the impact that my teachers have had on me and how I can take that and bring it to the table for my students.
First, I believe in the importance of being my students' number one supporter. Some children do not get the academic recognition and appreciation at home that they need to feel worthy and successful. Children must feel as though they are learning and accomplishing goals in order for them to be motivated to succeed. So, I plan to do my best to be my students' number one supporter outside of the home.
Another very important aspect of education that I hope to reinforce in the classroom is communication with parents. Many times, teachers choose to leave parents out of discussions, progress, issues, and more. But teachers often have concerns about the progress or behavior of their students. Also, they often have praises and achievements worth sharing. Without communicating with the parents, students are missing out on the blending of school and home involvement. On top of that, many parents feel disconnected from their child's school life because of the lack of teacher communication, especially at such a young age. It is important that all concerns, praises, achievements, etc be shared with those that care the most.
One of the last and most important ways that I plan to inspire my future students is by helping them to discover the world. I believe that kids should be introduced to what our Earth is composed of way sooner than they typically are. For example, I didn't start learning about different states until 4th grade, let alone other countries. This is a large factor that plays a role in why kids don't always understand that every person is unique and different from the next. By allowing them to explore different climates, traditions, ways of living, nature, and more, I will be able to open their eyes to the beautiful world that they can one day explore in person.
Overall, these inspirations are just the beginning of what I hope to show my future students.
Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
I believe that one's community greatly impacts who they are and how impactful one can be. Personally, without being involved in my community, I would feel as though I wasn't doing enough to share my talents and kind nature with the rest of the world. With that, I stay inspired to help as many people and organizations around me as possible. It's important to stay connected to those around you because everyone needs help in one way or another. Even I need help from my community every once in a while. If I wasn't connected to them, I also would be alone in my struggles.
From a local standpoint, I take pride in my volunteer experience at my church, Parkview Christian Church, in Homer Glen, IL. Beginning when I was 6 years old was my first volunteer experience. I watched my mother lead a classroom of 3's, 4's, and 5-year-olds. Her impact on those children radiated in the room every Sunday morning. I wanted to be just like her in that way. So, I asked her if I could help out in the room with her. With that, I began to make up dance moves to the worship music that was played, so that the kids could dance along. I continued doing so until I was about 16 when I was placed into a new area of teaching. But there was more to my teaching journey than just dancing.
When I was about 11 years old, I was asked to lead all of the early childhood kids not only in worship but through the lesson. I had never done this before, so I was extremely nervous and scared, but I knew my church family had my back. This was the start of my teaching journey. From then on I taught the children all about God's plan, His son, and who we are as Christians. This would ultimately lead to a realization that I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up.
When I was 16, I was asked to volunteer with the elementary-aged kids instead. So, I said goodbye to dancing and teaching early childhood kids. Little did I know, the elementary room would be where I blossomed. Here I discovered the specific age group I would like to teach when I went to college. To this day, I continue to do worship for elementary students and teach small groups within the classroom.
Overall, this volunteer experience has changed my life tremendously. I found a special talent at such a young age that impressed so many mentors around me. I learned to be mature and respectful to those around me. I grew stronger in my faith through teaching. I found my future career and am currently studying elementary education in college. I have a family at church and I play a role in that family. Together, we form such an outstanding community that we have financially funded building water wells in Africa and restoring towns in Mexico and more around the world. We provide meals and financial support for other volunteers when they are in need. We give kids the chance to become one with Christ and change their lives forever.
But, this isn't just about how I have been changed. As I said above, hundreds, if not thousands, of lives have been changed because of our church and I get to be a part of that change. Personally, I know I have helped change hundreds of lives of the children part of our program. I couldn't be more grateful for being apart of my community.
Act Locally Scholarship
There are infinite ways that the world needs to change to make our planet a better place. And I'm not talking about just taking care of our Earth; I mean taking care of the living people within it.
Humans need a lot to survive, but just surviving isn't enough. We need love, care, hospitality, community, and so much more to be happy. Personally, I don't believe that we have ever had enough of those things in the entire history of our existence. That's why there is so much hate, violence, and death.
Beginning with the changes that need to be made in our community, a good place to start would be taking the time to get to know those around you. We all have neighbors or people who live close by. Get to know them! Say "hi" when you walk past them or when you get your mail. Knowing that there is someone close by that could help you in times of need provides people with an astounding amount of reassurance and safety. You are living next to these people for crying out loud. You should feel safe around them.
But, it doesn't stop there. Existing around others close by is one approach, but being present is very different. Being a helping hand can make a worlds difference. You never know what someone is going through or when they just need someone to talk to. I know it isn't your job to be your neighbor's therapist, but. most likely, you would want someone to be a phone call away for you too. For my family, we like to help our neighbors out by taking care of their dogs when their family is out of town. We probably do so 5-6 times a year. And they know, even if the request is last minute, we will be there to help out. That is what community is all about.
When it comes to changes that the country or even the world needs to make, things get a little more complicated. But to make things more simple, I think it's safe to say that people all over the world need to work together. That's a very general statement but it truly can make a difference if implemented. Here are some examples...
If we all worked together to donate our used/worn clothes to homeless shelters, foster homes, adoption places, etc, no one would be cold or unclothed. If we all worked together to be patient, people would get into less automobile accidents and fights. If we all worked together to be kind to others, we would have lower suicide rates and depression. I could keep going.
Overall, working together is the solution to our world's problems. One way that I like to work with others is by volunteering at my church. Ever since I was a little girl I have been helping dance to worship music and teach younger children about God. Every Sunday I spend 2 hours or more dedicating my time to help bring children closer to God and build a relationship with Him. Without myself and the other volunteers I work with, children in my local area wouldn't have the opportunity to experience the Christian community that we put in place every week. This is just one way that I try to make a difference in the world, and I hope to keep finding more ways that I can help.
Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
This might be controversial, but my favorite Disney character is actually a Pixar character. Since Pixar is owned by Disney, I consider them going hand in hand.
Who am I talking about? Nemo!
Finding Nemo came out in the summer of 2003, the year I was born. Now, I don't remember the first time I saw this movie, but I have seen it over 10 times. I make it an annual goal of mine to watch the movie at least once. On top of that, I know most of the words.
Nemo is one of those characters that is impossible to not love. He is seriously the cutest little fish. His lucky fin guides him back home on all of his adventures. The concept of his lucky fin is beautiful, I think. Nemo gets scarred in the event of his mother's death and lives with a physical sign of her. This lucky fin starts out as a "disability" in his father, Marlin's, eyes. But, Nemo overcomes this obstacle later in the movie with the bravery he gained. What a beautiful story.
But there is more to Nemo than just his fin. He is a team player who is willing to make sacrifices for his friends. One day, Gill tells Nemo to stop the filter and swim right out with the hopes of making the tank dirty. They all want to escape back in the ocean. So, Nemo does as he is told, even though he is fearful that something might go wrong. And of course, it does. He swears that he will never try a stunt like that again. But, he eventually grew the courage to try it all again on his own. Alone! Not only did he gain the bravery to return to the filter, he did it all for his friends without any help.
I love how compassionate, understanding, and kind Nemo is. We really need more Nemos in the world!
Learner Higher Education Scholarship
Moving on from high school is a very important milestone for teenagers. I know it was for me. It was finally time to get past the strict schedule and pursuing a career.
This, of course, meant going to college. College is not for the weak! that I can assure you. I'm only three weeks in and I'm already swamped with work from every course. But, this doesn't take away from the fact that I am so grateful to be here, in school, studying to be a teacher.
College is extremely important for those who want to pursue a career in a field that requires a degree of higher education. It determined your future success. But, it isn't just a place for pursuing your career. Many people find out who they want to be; they find their passions here. Hundreds of classes fill the schedules of college students all over the world. You can learn about anything you want! You can find yourself here.
Over these past three weeks, I have hear so many fellow students talk about how they changed their majors after their first year once they realized that they were being called to do something else. They found their passion. This is why exploring your interests and abilities is so important. You can do anything you want, be anyone you want to be. College can help you find the hidden passion inside of you by introducing new ideas and interests to your mind.
Personally, I am very excited for what the next four years has in store for me. Here at my university, I can't wait to meet new people, get involved in a new community, and most importantly, take steps to become a future educator. This is why college is important to me. It is more than just school. It is more than just a schedule and grades and homework. Here, you can be yourself. There are an infinite amount of resources to lend you a guiding hand in every building on campus; professors, councilors, friends. Here, you can be yourself. But you don't have to do it all alone. A new community is formed the second you enter a campus. You belong there. Every staff member is there to help you succeed and be the best version of yourself. Who wouldn't want to be apart of that!
Now, college is not for everyone. I get that. But, it is important for many people, including myself, and this is why.
Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
As someone who only has a few close friends, I am very excited to meet new people and form life-long friendships with them. There are thousands of students at my college waiting to be found and loved by someone else. Finding people who will become family excites me most.
Another aspect of college I am most excited about is the selective learning I get to partake in. By selective learning, I mean being able to choose classes that excite me and prepare me for my future in my Elementary Education major. I finally am able to take classes that interest me and keep me engaged in the life that I want to live.
The last part of college that excites me the most in the sense of community that a university offers. There are so many clubs to join depending on your interests, random activities to play with total strangers that may become your friends, and so much more. I can't wait to be apart of a new community both inside my school and amongst other students. Personally, I plan on joining the intramural badminton team and the badminton club to get myself active and apart of a team again.
As much as staying involved is super important, so is maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. As an active Christian, I take pride in relying on my faith to do those things. I often pray to God for my health, both physically and mentally. I pray for guidance and positivity as well. God helps keep me centered in my healthy self. I do this by putting my trust in Him that he will guide me in the right direction and towards the right people. He has a plan, overall.
Another way I like to keep a healthy mind and soul is to surround myself with people who are going to bring me up and help me be a better version of myself. I don't choose to be around negative people who hold me back from my true potential. I keep involved with friends who help me when I am down, give me opportunities, and always have my back. I then return those things to them, so that they feel loved and like they can count on me for anything. This truly brings out the best in people and will encourage your body to be happy with what you have and who you have.
Lifelong Learning Scholarship
Personally, I am connected to people in my community that do not have the same access to education that I do. They attend low-income schools that produce low test scores and academic success. Although these are kids in elementary and middle school, their success and achievements still mean the world.
Learning is taken for granted by so many people just like me. All of my life I have attended schools ranked high in the state for their academic success, resources, and support. I have never known anything else. All of my teachers have had the resources to give us the lessons and support we need to thrive in our learning. I always had a lunch to take with me or buy at school. I never once had to be worried about food. My school provided after school programs for tutoring and homework help because we had enough staff and volunteers to do so. Some students even got paid extra for tutoring. Never have I doubted having the resources to succeed.
I am so grateful for everything that I listed above, but I do recognize that that isn't the situation for everyone. Many kids are more worried about their safety at school than they are learning. Many kids go hungry at lunch because their parents didn't have enough money to pay for a meal. Many kids feel lost in their studies because there are no extra tutors or even mentors to lead them to success. Many kids feel that school is stupid because they don't feel valued inside of the school. Many kids don't have the confidence that they will succeed because so many others drop out, get expelled, or simply aren't smart enough according to the state's regulations.
This is a serious problem that has driven so many students away from treasuring learning and going to school. But this is why I think learning is so important. When we learn things the right way, we succeed. I have succeeded in many ways and plan on continuing that journey, but I got here largely because I had what I needed. I value learning because of the kids that can't have the experience I did. I know how important it is and I know how much these kids need it.
I plan to continue learning throughout my life by attending college, as I am right now, and becoming a teacher. I want to learn more about kids who grew up differently than me and I want to help them. I want to be the change for those kids. I want them to love learning as much as I do. I plan on being the teacher that every kid needs to succeed and feel valued.
#Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
My best back-to-school tip is to take care of yourself.
So many of my friends and other students focus so much on balancing their academic and social lives that they forget to take care of themselves in the meantime. How are you supposed to perform well in school and be a good friend when you aren't healthy?
Now that I have started college, I have been able to reflect on my daily schedule and find time for me. I make sure to take a shower every day, do skin care, do things that interest me, be creative, and heal myself in any way that I need. Everyone's self care looks different, but just as important!
Instagram: @karli.demarco
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
Personally, the term "mental health" was very unknown to myself and those around me years ago. You hear about people with "poor" mental health and "good" mental health, but what does that mean? I believe that there is no defining factor that puts one in either of these categories; everything is personal.
Over the past few years, I have gone through my fair share of ups and downs. In April of 2020, I was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. This diagnosis was extremely confusing to me and my family. We pictured Autism in a specific way and I didn't fit in that category. I had to learn a lot about myself and this diagnosis to further understand myself and my struggles. More importantly, how Autism is very unique to everyone who has it.
Just like mental health, my diagnosis is personal; it isn't the same for everyone. There is no amount of triggers, stims, or ways of thinking that put me in the autistic category.
Later that year, I lost my best friend, my cat Mandy. She was 22 years young and lived a beautiful life. My parents rescued her when she was just a few weeks old. This means she was by my side my whole life. I never lived a day without Mandy by my side. So, naturally, losing her left a giant scar on my heart.
In the month following her passing, I was at the lowest point mentally than I have ever been. I felt very little except sadness. I wasn't motivated to do much. I would sit on my phone most days during my winter break. I didn't look forward to going back to school, even though I have always loved school. So, I talked to my doctor and was placed on an anti-depressant for the first time. I can't say that this helped me get through my struggles because I simply needed time. I needed to process Mandy's death.
Slowly, I got better. Only weeks after we lost Mandy, we adopted a kitten, Jazz. It feels like she instantly brought me this joy that I had been missing for weeks. Following her adoption, we found Cali, then, months later, Amber. Now, I am loved and supported by three beautiful, loving, and sweet animals.
These experiences truly shaped the way my brain dealt with pain, loss, and confusion. It wasn't easy and I know there is still much to learn, but I feel like I understand so much more. I understand what it is like to overcome a very personal and deep loss. I understand how I can learn more about myself and others based on both personal and external experiences. I know that I am not alone. And this all relates back to mental health. We, as humans, need to experience both the highs and lows in order to understand ourselves and be better for the world around us.
Overall, my ups and downs relating to my mental health changed my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world.
My goals became more helpful and understanding of situations other than myself. I began to want more out of life by wanting to experience as much as possible. My relationships with other began to seem more relatable and hopeful. I could feel more compassion and understanding for feelings that weren't mine. And my understanding of the world as a whole has dramatically changed. People are complex beings; there is so much inside of our brains, our bodies, that change throughout every individual. So, I have come to realize that it is important to learn as much as possible about others and yourself because there is an undefinable amount of different brain functions, emotions, feelings, and more that humans hold.
Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
My dad has been a financial/investment advisor my whole life. I have always looked up to him for his hard work and dedication to the field. Because of that hard work, he has become the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to taking care of personal and business finances. He has helped me start my own business and grow my investments. This is where I found the most important financial lesson.
Invest, invest, invest. It truly isn't hard, especially when you have the right tools and connections. I primarily invest in mutual funds, which is a group of stocks for different companies that are controlled and maintained by professionals. So, while I'm living my life, people are taking care of the buying and trading of my investments professionally, of course. If I continue to invest even just $100 a month, I could be a millionaire when I retire.
My father has shared countless diagrams and charts displaying what my future assets could look like if I just keep on investing whenever I make money. And there have been countless people who share how stupid they feel for not investing sooner. I don't want to regret that, so I took action, just as I was advised.
With this information, I encourage all people, no matter their age, to start investing. This doesn't mean putting money in a savings account or in a piggy bank. I'm talking about real investing. There are people out there, like my father, who are professionals and there to do what is best for you and your finances. Think about your future self and how you could benefit; think about your future family.
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
Although I feel like I do a lot in my community to help others and be a good person, I always strive to do more. But, a few ways I help out is by volunteering at my local church and gardening.
To begin, I would like to elaborate on my church volunteering experience. I have been volunteering at Parkview Christian Church for as long as I can remember. My family and I have been attending there since I was just four years old; it's my second home. Over the past few years, I have led a group of young girls, raising them up to be leaders and mentors for others. We do worship dances/songs and lead small groups of kids. More specifically, I teach elementary-aged kids, but I used to work with early childhood. I am a part of an amazing church that teaches kids about God and impacts their lives greatly. I am proud to say that I belong to Parkview and am serving in its mission.
Another way I like to serve my community is simply by having a garden. Although this may sound too simple to make a real impact, it truly can. In the spring of 2020, I had the idea of making a raised garden for my mom for Mother's Day. I knew this would help us be successful in our crop growing, finally. It didn't take long for our garden to fill up with hundreds of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and herbs. We would bring these freshly picked veggies to our church, community baseball games, and family to share. We would hear about the recipes and meals created with our home-grown food. It was wonderful and still is. For three years now, we will have been providing our community with fresh food and ingredients.
Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
Since the end of April and the beginning of May, I have been a part of putting together the "Seniors Will Grow" community service event that my school and Will County created for Lockport Township High School students.
To get this project rolling, my Vocational Building Trades class was put in charge of making 6 5x4 foot garden beds for seniors in the Fairmont community. These garden beds were two levels to create easy access for those who might not be able to bend down very low. After coming up with a design and cutting all of the pieces, we got to building. It felt great to know that these would be in someone's yard one day full of life and love.
After the building was done, I decided that I wanted to sign up for the community service event on Saturday, May 17th. I was lucky enough to have been involved with the building and horticultural aspects of this project. I am in a trades class and Landscape Plan & Design class. So, I became the communicator to everyone working on the project.
On Saturday, my brother and I were assigned groups and headed out to start planting. My trades class and I had already placed these beds in the homeowner's yards and they were ready to be filled. We put in mulch, dirt, and enough plants to fill the beds. I was able to make great conversation with the elderly homeowners about what I thought was best when taking care of the plants and how to access them. I helped them feel comfortable and in control, but also taken care of.
Afterward, we went to the Fairmont Community Center and decorated/weeded the landscape. I am so grateful for this opportunity and hope to participate in similar future events.
Bold Bucket List Scholarship
Everyone has a bucket list, right? Everyone has at least one thing they want to do that is totally random and out there. I have a few of those, but a lot of my bucket list items are simply goals for my future.
First is simply traveling the world. There is so much to see on our planet. So many different animals, environments, and people. I want to be able to experience it all. There is so much I can experience in the United States too, which is why I have a goal to travel to all 50 states. I'm keeping track on a poster, of course.
Another goal of mine is to transform a small area of my backyard landscape into a Monarch Butterfly Waystation. I learned about how Monarch butterflies are now more endangered than ever. Their numbers continue to decrease. When my landscape teacher told me this, my heart sunk. I began to wonder why I felt so affected; then it hit me. When I was in first grade, my teacher brought in small caterpillars for us to raise and eventually release into the wild. Those caterpillars became Monarch butterflies. I have never forgotten the joy I felt releasing them into the world and giving them a new life. Now, I want to bring that back to my own home. I have already begun planting over 8 species of wildflowers and common milkweed. By the end of the summer, I hope to see my butterfly garden being used by many different pollinators.
Although I couldn't list many different bucket list items, these are just a few that hit close to home. I hope to achieve these goals as soon as possible and live life to the fullest. There is so much the Earth has to offer.
Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
Staying true to yourself and understanding your own thoughts is important to stay committed to speaking your mind. How can you speak to others about your passions if you aren't confident in those beliefs?
I lead every day with the mindset that I am going to live my life with honesty and truth. How can I be happy if I surround myself with people who don't appreciate me for me and instead judge my character by my beliefs and morals? That is why I push myself to be the positive and trusting person I am looking for in others.
Over the past few years, I have become more vocal about my political and spiritual beliefs/morals. Not one minute of it was easy. I lost many friends and had people call me names and slurs because of what I believed in. I still cannot understand how it all happened. Why are people mad at me because we disagree? Am I hurting anyone? The answer is no; I wasn't hurting anyone. I was kind and judgment-free. I respected their views, so why couldn't they give me that back? I still wonder why.
But, I have come to terms with a lot of my history. I now understand that I lost people who were never really my friends in the first place. Those people who hurt me and let me down also did so to themselves because they lost a great and supportive friend. Now I understand what it was all for and that's why I am committed to speaking my mind. I can find my people, my truth.
Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
As a Christian, I try to find value and appreciation for all forms of life. Over the past few years, I have tuned in to nature more than ever. I have found how unique and captivating nature can be, from a little ant to a giant tree. There is so much people can learn from the plants and animals around them.
I believe that God created all living things. Not only that, but He made them uniquely and wonderfully. There is something special about seeing small creatures working together to feed the colony or watching the bees fly from flower to flower spreading pollen. All living things work together to make the world turn. Bees create fruit, fruit feeds people and animals, and so on.
I try to appreciate nature more and more every day. I make sure to take time outside every day to walk around my yard. I look at the new growth, I get rid of the dead and fallen pieces of plants, and I search for new animals running around the brush. I plant new life to promote growth and sustainability in my environment. My family has a garden where we grow countless herbs and vegetables every year. Next to that garden is a place for wildflowers to grow to promote the visitation of bees and other pollinators that will help our plants grow. On my porch, I have placed bird feeders and bird houses to promote closer visitation of the hundreds of birds in my yard. My cats enjoy watching them fly around as well, so I satisfy two beings there.
There is so much I can learn from my environment and the living things around me. I will always push myself to understand what the outdoors has to offer.
Future Teachers of America Scholarship
I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl. I used to bring old textbooks home from my class and teach my brother with my dry-erase board and any other supplies I had at home. He is three years younger than me, but there was something about knowing he was gaining new information directly from me that felt good. I felt like I had a new purpose.
Since I was 6 years old I have been in the classroom setting at my church alongside my mother. I started by leading dance worship songs for early childhood kids. Then, as I got older, I began to teach in the classroom. I would lead kids in activities and lessons pertaining to the Bible story of the week. After doing that for some time, I was asked to lead "Large Group" which is where all of the early childhood kids come together in one room to do worship songs, learn the lesson, and memorize the memory verse together. It was a big step for me to have to teach such a large group of kids, but I approached it head-on. Now, I am currently teaching with elementary school kids at church. I have fallen in love with this age group. I usually work with kids from 1st-3rd grade. They are so unique, thoughtful, and have emerging minds, and it is so amazing to experience.
Those kids are the people who inspire me to teach someday. I know how much I impact their lives and them mine. I want to be the change in the education field. I want to be the change in so many more kids' lives. My teaching journey does not have to stop at church. That's why I want to pursue education as my career. I can take the skills and background that I already have and further those things to become the best teacher I can be. I am so excited for that journey.
People tell me all the time how I should be a teacher. They share how great I am working to build relationships with the children and pushing them to be their best selves. These comments also pushed me to pursue an education major because I want to use my skills and talents in my future career field. If I'm good at something and enjoy doing it I should pursue it.
I am passionate about teaching because I know how hard of a job it is, and how important it is. Every child has to go to school. Their experiences will all be different, but I want to be the determining factor for how great of an experience those children have. I can make learning exciting and impactful for them. So many kids do not value their education because some teachers do not help kids realize how amazing school can be. I will push my kids to be their best selves. I will help them through all of their hard trials. I will give them a helping hand when they fall down. I will be their friend and their mentor because that's what ever child needs.
Bold Great Books Scholarship
My favorite book is "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. This may sounds cliche because so many teen girls are currently reading this book, but this has truly been my favorite read.
I love plot twists and occasionally appreciate suspense, but my favorite characteristic of a good book is character development. This book has all of that and more.
I just started my reading journey in January of this year (2022). I have never been a big reader, but all of a sudden, after reading "It Ends With Us" by Colleen Hoover, I began enjoying reading again. Not a day has gone by when I haven't had a book in my backpack.
"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" was the third book I read this year and after reading it, I was lost at how I could find another book to top it. Nothing has been able to live up to it since. There were countless plot twists and I was never able to predict and single one of them. Every time a relationship of Evelyn's would begin, I thought this was it, but I was never able to expect how the relationship ended. Getting into the mind of a celebrity with an extremely complex life was eye-opening. I have never felt so infused with a character I was so different than. I have nothing in common with her character, yet I felt as though she was real and I was inside her head.
The character development was also amazing. I can't express how much each personality grows with love and understanding through their greatest hardships. Outstanding.
So, without spoiling the book, this is why it is my favorite. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to start reading again.
Bold Future of Education Scholarship
I believe that a connection between a student and their teachers is something many people do not recognize and appreciate. Personally, I try to form a relationship with every teacher I have because I know I will be impacted by them at some point throughout the school year. We see our teachers every day, so why not become a part of their lives?
I have heard many people say that they want to become a teacher simply because it looks fun or aesthetically pleasing. But, what they fail to realize is their importance in a child's life. Every single one of my teachers since my first day of school has left an impact on me. Not only have they helped me learn what was necessary, but they have all gone out of their way to help form my character and personality as well. Teachers are not just there to teach school-related subjects. They teach us life lessons, morals, and right versus wrong. They help us up when we fall down. They push us to do our best even when things seem too hard to follow through with. They are a helping hand, comfort when we need a friend. They mentor us through the good and the bad. They help us becomes successful in our future. They help us understand who we are and who we want to be. They help us form friendships and make connections so we don't feel so alone. They go out of their way to spend extra time helping us understand lessons. They sacrifice their breaks and rests for us. They sacrifice their hard-earned money for quality activities for us. They sacrifice sleep and fun for us. They do it all. But very few see that and that is what it takes to be a teacher.
So, from all of this, I understand who I want to become as a future educator. I know what it takes. This is the change I want to see at school all around the world. I want to see the connections being made because kids need us. They need our love, support, and guidance. Outside of their families, teachers are who they look up to for so much of their lives. So, let's become that change and become one with our students.
Beaming Health Autism Post-Secondary Scholarship
Winner One of my biggest goals at the moment is to become an elementary teacher within the next few years. I will be attending Lewis University in the fall of this year to pursue my major in Elementary Education.
I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl. I used to bring old/used textbooks home from school and "force" my little brother to play school with me. Of course, he was annoyed at my constant nagging when it came to wanting to teach him, but I ignored that. There was something special I felt when I saw him learning things that I was teaching him. He would pick up on material three years ahead of his grade and I felt accomplished. I thought, "I did that". Again, there was something special about that feeling.
I would go on to volunteer for early childhood kids at my church and later move up to elementary. My heart fell in love with that age group. To this day, I still volunteer with these kids and continue to impact their lives just as much as they have impacted mine.
In 2020 I was diagnosed with ASD. Although most people don't know I have ASD, it is still one of the hardest challenges I have ever dealt with. Over the past few years, I have learned more about myself and others; my eyes have opened up to a whole new world. I am able to understand more of how my brain works and how I am uniquely different than most other people. And I am okay with that. I know that I am special, but I also know I have to work hard to be the best person I can be and impact others in a positive way.
Fortunately, I have found new ways to redirect and teach my students at church since my diagnosis. Understanding my own brain functions has helped me to recognize how other kids' brains work too. I find myself at a true advantage when it comes to connecting to my students and being a helping hand.
Going to Lewis University to pursue elementary education is truly the next step in my journey to becoming the teacher I want to be. I will be able to have fun and learn so much about what it takes to become an educator. I will also continue to learn more about myself and how I will uniquely teach.
Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
Seek help.
As someone who has struggled with mental health before and occasionally still does, I understand what it takes to get better. But, no one said it was easy. It's hard to talk to someone about your problems because we assume they think our feelings and thoughts aren't valid. But there are people like therapists and counselors that are here for that specific reason. They can seriously save your life.
I know when people tell you to get help it sounds cliche. Trust me, it isn't. There's a reason people tell you that. Professionals exist to help you through everything you reveal to them. They know the ups and downs of all of your feelings and brain functions. They've studied these things to help people like us who need an outside source for help.
I was in therapy for over a year from 2020-2021. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Every week I had someone to let everything out to. My therapist helped me calm down and recognize my feelings and validate them so I didn't feel so stuck. He related my situation to others he knew so I didn't feel so alone and like I was the only one experiencing these things. He introduced me to exercises that I could use to calm down, become aware of my surroundings, and understand myself. I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity I had to work with him.
Now, I encourage everyone who is having a hard time with their mental health to SEEK HELP no matter how silly you think it is. That is what they are for. Do it.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
I believe that the biggest problem facing the world right now is hatred and anger. People all over the world are filled with this burning flame inside them that wants to tear others down. Differing religious and political beliefs continue to divide every nation in existence. Differing morals and cultures separate those close to each other. Why can't we all live in harmony and respect each others' differences?
I don't think I will ever understand why so much hate is consuming everyone. Is life that bad that we have to take others down with us when we fall? As humans, we rely on those around us to survive. We could not have the advancements, the technology, or the resources that we have available today if we did not all work together to change the world. No one changes the world standing alone, so why do we have the mentality that that's what it takes?
It sickens me to think that people don't seek joy and success in everything that they do. Many are content with doing nothing to help others because of their own selfish reasoning. I will never understand that. How can people watch and promote the failure of others simply because of a disagreement of ideology? I do not know.
We need to change; this world needs to change. We need to be there for one another, help each other, and be the person we want others to be to us. It's that simple.
Bold Creativity Scholarship
I am involved in many different activities and hobbies in my spare time. I do a lot of volunteering too, which channels my creativity. Below I will list examples of how I stay creative...
+ Playing Guitar
Everyone should play an instrument, or at least try one. Music channels your inner soul and can change someone's whole day. Listening to music is great, but playing your own is even better. I have 5 guitars. I play with my family a lot in our basement. My brother plays the drums, my dad plays the bass, and I play guitar. We get to spend quality time together jamming out.
+ Arts and Crafts
I love making gifts for people and trying different arts and crafts. I recently got into crocheting and have already made a stuffed animal, tote bag, and blanket. I also paint gifts for people to make their presents a little more personal.
+ Gardening
Planting flowers is one of the most creative expressions someone can have, in my opinion. Choosing the right flowers and the right bloom time is a creative science. WIth a little over an acre of land, I love to help my mom bring our yard to life. I take pride in making our lawn look presentable and our landscape bright and colorful.
+ T-Shirt Design
I am a part of a car club with my Grandpa and I design the t-shirts every year for our annual car show. I get to work with real designers to bring my image to life. Then, our art will get displayed on every show shirt sold for the year.
**There are many more ways I am creative on a daily basis, but these are just a few of my favorite!**
Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
As a Christian, I believe that everyone has a purpose and everyone's purpose is different. There is no one answer for the "meaning of life" because everyone's individual impact changes their own experience of life. Everyone leads different lives and changes the lives of others. But, I do believe that God has given everyone a purpose to fulfill for the betterment of themselves and others.
There are over 7 billion people on Earth and the world is still turning. Although there is so much violence, hatred, and evil revolving around us, we still experience overwhelming happiness, joy, and simply, good. With every downfall and inequality we experience, there is an uproar and a helping hand waiting on the other side. So often it seems that we humans are against each other, but in reality, there are so many of us just waiting for the opportunity to help someone in need.
Overall, I believe that there is no singular meaning in life. Life is different for everyone and we all have our own unique purpose.
Future Female Educators Scholarship
I fell in love with first graders after many years of volunteer work at my church. Over the past few years, I have moved up to working with elementary-aged kids from early childhood. Every week I get to see kids excited to learn about God and have fun doing it. I know I have left an impact on every child that I teach and that makes me proud to pursue education as a career.
Within the next few years, I plan to be teaching in elementary school. I will earn my degree and do everything in my power to make learning for my students fun and engaging. I value education so much and I want my kids to feel the same way. When I was their age, I began to recognize the importance of a good teacher and education. A good teacher is more than just someone who shows you new things. They care about you and help you push through all of your hard trials. They push you to do your best, even when life is really hard. They help you up when you fall. They help you find yourself and what your purpose is in the world. That is the importance of a good teacher.
Education is important to me because I have grown to see the true value learning has on the minds of old and young. We, as humans, never stop learning, but, it is true that early education is the most important. That is why I value teaching so much. I know the impact my teachers had on me. I know that changing lives is possible. My own life had been dramatically throughout the past 12 years of schooling. My teachers have helped me through some of my hardest trials, pushed me when I felt weak and encouraged me continuously. They helped form me into the person I am today and that is why I value education and teaching so much.
Bold Goals Scholarship
I feel like I make new goals for myself every day. My interests are always expanding and my heart is always reaching out for something new. But, I do still have goals for my future that have stayed consistent.
+ Get a car.
I know this sounds basic, but it's true. I told my parents that I want to buy my own car one day and they are not allowed to buy me one because I need to understand that working hard is what gets you what you want.
+Become a teacher.
This is my career goal. I want to become an Elementary school teacher because I love kids so much!
+Earn as many scholarships for college as possible.
I have been working very hard when it comes to applying for scholarships. I have applied to over 30 already. I want to be able to contribute some of my success to the fact that I had very few financial setbacks because I put in as much effort as I could to provide for my future education.
+Got on a missions trip to Africa.
Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to go to Africa on a missions trip. My church has been supporting children and families in Africa for longer than I've been alive. I want to be a part of the change in the lives of families in need in a place that is less fortunate than where I am from. I believe that is what God put me here to do as well.
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
My favorite study strategy makes me feel like I'm getting too close to becoming a librarian.
I turn on some "morning" jazz music and put a Youtube video on my TV that replicates the ambiance of whatever season we are in at home. This helps me feel like I am in control of my surroundings. Then, I clean up the area around me so I don't feel cluttered or easily distracted. I turn my phone volume on in case someone tries to reach me in an emergency but sit it far away so that I cannot quickly reach it. I light a candle because the smells relax me and keep me in tune with my surroundings. Sometimes, I crack the window to get fresh air and clear my head. I also like to get everything I need ready to go so that I don't have to continuously get up and accidentally get distracted.
Personally, I think it is best to study and do your homework somewhere other than your room or even your own home. There is something special for getting work done that results from being in an environment that keeps you focused.
Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
As a Christian, I believe that being selfless is one of the most important traits someone can have. God tells us to put others before ourselves and care for others in need. I strongly agree with that because I have seen firsthand what selflessness can do to someone. People feel cared for and loved when they see others going out of their way to help them. I want to be that person for as many people as possible. We can't survive stably on our own. We need community and family to keep us going and make us feel loved and appreciated.
Personally, I volunteer as much as I can. Every Sunday I lead little kids in worship songs and teach them lessons in small groups because I know I am impacting their future as upcoming Christians. I also volunteer for a car club I belong to. Lastly, I help the librarians at my school during my lunch and study hall with laminating, shelving books, etc. I very rarely put myself first because I know how much people need a little extra help and I want to be able to provide as much of that help as I can.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity is putting others before you out of the kindness of your heart. To me, it looks like sacrificing or giving up something of your own to benefit someone else in need. In my life, I see a lot of generosity, especially at church on Sundays. When I am feeling tired or sick, my friends at church will step up and take my roll over for me, if it means I can get better soon. When my family is recovering from surgery or an illness, people will cook meals for us and say prayers for our healing. Similarly, we cook for others who need that extra help. That is what generosity means to me.
Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
1. People tell me I am so annoying applying for so many scholarships. I mean, who wants to be a monkey trainer anyway? Me, duh. Is there even a scholarship for that? I'm thinking not, so I need all the money I can get because monkey training school is seriously NOT cheap.
2. I have been obsessed with this monkey named Coco from the local zoo since I was a little girl. I want to be her special trainer one day. By going to monkey trainer school, I will be able to meet this super-celeb primate. Plus, I will be able to do one-on-one with her one day. So exciting!
3. Well, one time I was taking a walk with my pet salamader in the park. All of a sudden this giant hail ball fell out of the sky. It was the middle of June, which was weird. Sally, my salamander, freaked out! It's not every day a meteor sized ice cube comes flying in from of you. So, I grabbed Sally and leaped over it. That was when I overcame an obstacle.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
I participate in many activities in my free time. Many of those activities help out my community. Those activities fall under volunteering. Yes, I would consider volunteering one of my hobbies because I choose to participate in it more than other kids my age. I volunteer during the school day, at my church, and in a classic car club. During my study hall and lunch period at school, I help the librarian shelve books, decorate, or help other teachers. At my church, I teach elementary-aged kids. We sing and dance to worship songs and do fun activities together pertaining to the Bible story of the week. For the Cruisin Tigers Pontiac Club, I keep track of expenses/income and design t-shirts for our annual All-Pontiac car show.
Another hobby of mine is playing guitar. I have played since I was in 6th grade. This began when I chose to take a music class that year that focused on learning guitar. I then proceeded to take another guitar class at my new school in 8th grade. Since then I have played in my church students' band and with my family. My brother plays the drums, my dad plays the bass, and I play the guitar. Together, we jam out together.
One more hobby I enjoy is simply being crafty and creative. I like using the resources I have around my home and yard to create cool pieces or reuse them to make something new!
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
In December of 2020, my family and I lost our cat, Mandy. Many think it is silly to get extremely hung up on losing an animal, but I cannot express enough how much she meant to our family.
Mandy was 22 years old when she passed. My parents had gotten her at just a few weeks old in 1998. She has been around my entire life. I have grown up with her always being there. She was my comfort and shoulder to cry on. Sometimes, she was the only one who would listen, even though, ironically, she was deaf. Mandy always seemed happy and although we had a few scares and prepared ourselves for her time to go, we never really thought it would come. She seemed unbreakable.
On December 30th, we had to let our precious Mandy go. Her kidneys were failing and there was nothing else we could do. I held her as we said our goodbyes and laid her to rest. I have never felt such a heavy burden on my soul as in that moment. I had experienced countless deaths of people in my life but never have I felt so small.
Unfortunately, I declined after losing her. I had to be put on anti-depressants because I wasn't doing well. I had to push through in order to help myself. I began talking to my counselor about how I could get myself back to being happier again. I had to push through the hard days and find activities that made me happy. I would pray every day for help and the guidance that I needed.
Eventually, I was able to accept it all. I had two new kittens at home and it was time for me to love them just as much as I loved Mandy.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
My favorite way to help others is by serving in my community at my church. Every Sunday I volunteer at Parkview Christian Church to serve God and teach kids more about Him.
My journey at Parkview started when I was 5-6 years old. I used to help my mom when she taught in the 3's, 4's, and 5-year-old room. Although I was just a few years older than them, I took every chance I could get to try and learn to teach them too.
As I got older, I became a "legit" volunteer. I began leading dance worship for kids 3-5 and teaching them the Bible lesson of the week and memory verse. Once I was comfortable in that role, I was asked to lead a group of young girls (just a few years younger than me) and teach them how to be leaders too. So, I did just that. To this day I guide those same girls in their learning and volunteering.
Within the past year, I began serving with elementary-aged kids instead when our numbers dropped during covid and we had to accommodate. I quickly fell in love with that age group and there I discovered my true passion, teaching.
I still serve with elementary students every Sunday. I am always forming new relationships with kids and changing their lives with God's divine intervention.
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
In 2020, I learned something about myself I never knew was possible. It changed my life, how I see myself, and how I see the world around me.
I was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. Never in a million years did I think that was a part of who I was. Although that diagnosis doesn't define me, I have been able to grow and learn as an individual in ways I was never able to before because of it.
For years I struggled with anger and frustration because I felt misunderstood and so different from everyone else. It seemed like I was always wrong or upsetting others. I often found myself trapped and alone. That was until I was able to learn more about who I was and how my brain works.
Having that further understanding of how my brain is wired had shown me that there is so much more to me than anger and frustration. And, I can find the root of those feelings and turn them into something positive.
How can you accept others before you accept yourself? The answer is, you can't. I needed to be introduced to my own unique assets, skills, and personality in order to be a better person for others.
Since my diagnosis, I have been happier than in past years. I have grown as a student, family member, friend, and individual. I am so grateful for the amazing doctors that helped me discover more about myself so I could unlock my true potential.
Bold Legacy Scholarship
"What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you will never get to see" (Hamilton).
I often reflect on what my "seeds" are and how my "garden" will be filled one day. I want my legacy to be in the next generation. My goal for my future career is to become a teacher. I want to be my students' number one supporter, their backbone in their education experience. They should advance in their schooling feeling like they have someone to go to for help whether it be personal or school-related. They are my legacy.
I volunteer at my church every Sunday morning. I teach elementary-aged kids the lesson of the week and do fun activities with them. So many kids come into church on Sunday and run up to me to give me a big hug. They are so excited to see me and learn more about Jesus. I know I am leaving an impact on these kids because of this joy they continue to bring into the room every week. They know they can count on me to be there for them, to lead the way to a good life through God's word. They are my legacy.
My number one goal is to leave a lasting impact through the adults of the future, the kids of today.
Bold Wisdom Scholarship
If you are going to be anything, be yourself.
I have been a part of many friendships and friend groups in my 18 years of life. I have only stayed close friends with a few people. Many people have let me down, told me I was too different or didn't like me because I wasn't like them. It wasn't until this past year, 2021, that I realized that being myself was the only way to find my true friends. Those people would like me for me and not expect me to be someone I'm not.
For years I was discouraged by the fact that my friends came and left so quickly. I thought something was wrong with me. That was not true. All I needed was to find people who liked me for me. Freshman year, I met my best friend Mikayla. She has been my best friend ever since I met her. She has never let me down and loves me for me. I couldn't ask for more.
Everyone needs a special person in their life, someone they can rely on. But sometimes, we aren't with the right people. It will take trial and error with friendships and relationships, but don't lose hope. There is a person waiting for you too.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
Happiness is the root of all joy and the secret to living a good life. Personally, what brings me the most happiness is the kids I teach at church and my family.
At Parkview Christian Church I teach kids in 1st grade through 3rd grade. I do worship songs with them then break into small groups for activities and the lesson for the week. I often do one-on-ones as well with kids who need more attention. Every week kids come running in the door and head straight for me. They give me a huge bear hug filled with excitement and joy. I know those kids look forward to seeing me every week. I am leaving an impact on each one of my students every week and I couldn't be more proud. I am so joyful every time I see one of their smiling faces and I thank God that He has blessed me with the opportunity to serve my community.
My second greatest flow of happiness comes from my family. I live with my mom, dad, younger brother, and three cats. My brother, Zac, is my best friend. I connect with him on a different level than I do with anyone else. We make jokes and understand each other in a way no one else can understand. My mother and father are my biggest supporters and push me to be my best every day. My cats are also a huge light in my life. They comfort me and bring so much love and joy into our family. I couldn't be more grateful for the family I was blessed with. They make me happy in ways no one else can.