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Kaitlyn Powell


Bold Points


My passion for becoming an early childhood special education teacher stems from my deep desire to make a lasting and positive impact on the lives of children who need extra support. I am committed to creating a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive. My unwavering dedication to this cause is fueled by my strong work ethic and determination to contribute to the improvement of the education system for future generations. I am motivated not only by the desire to help others but also by the goal of creating stability and a brighter future for my own family.


University of Phoenix

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Special Education and Teaching
    • Education, Other
  • Minors:
    • Education, General
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I aspire to pursue a career as an elementary special education teacher, with a focus on providing support and guidance to students with diverse learning needs. In addition, I am determined to create an after-school center that caters specifically to students from low-income families, offering them a safe and enriching environment where they can further their academic pursuits and personal development.

    • Server

      Buffalo Wild Wings
      2020 – 20222 years
    • Nurse assistant

      Montgomery General Hospital
      2015 – 20183 years
    • Server

      Glen Ferris inn
      2013 – 20185 years
    • Customer Service Advocate

      Ibex Global
      2021 – 20232 years



    1998 – 201315 years


    • Education, General

      WVDOE — Researcher
      2022 – Present
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

      Crisis Lifeline — Research the prevalence of mental disorders in children and how they impact their lives.
      2016 – Present


    • Penny Music Dance Company

      1998 – 2013

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Crisis Lifeline — Create a dialogue with texters and callers who are looking for help, de-escalating the crisis at hand and providing compassionate, non-judgmental support using active listening, collaborative problem-solving, and safety planning.
      2016 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Humane society — Volunteer
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      YMCA — Volunteer Tutor
      2018 – 2020

    Future Interests




    Robert Lawyer Memorial Scholarship
    Being a non-traditional college student has profoundly shaped my educational experience and future aspirations. Unlike traditional students who often transition directly from high school to college, I embarked on this academic journey after gaining significant life and work experience. This background has given me a unique perspective that enriches both my learning process and interactions with peers and professors. My approach to education is markedly different from when I was younger. Having spent years in the workforce, I am more disciplined and focused. My time management skills are honed, allowing me to balance coursework with external responsibilities such as family and part-time employment. This balance, though challenging, has taught me invaluable skills in prioritization and efficiency that younger students may still be developing. Additionally, the decision to return to education was driven by clear career objectives. Unlike traditional students who might still be exploring their interests, I have a definite sense of purpose. This clarity allows me to select courses and extracurricular activities that align closely with my career goals. For example, I deliberately choose projects and internships that provide practical, hands-on experience in my field of interest, thereby enhancing my employability. Interactions with younger peers also bring a refreshing dynamic to my educational experience. Their energy and fresh perspectives contrast with my pragmatic approach, fostering a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. Such interactions not only broaden my worldview but also improve my adaptability and collaborative skills, crucial traits in today’s diverse working environments. However, returning to school after a hiatus is not without its difficulties. The rapid advancement of technology in educational settings means a steep learning curve for me. While younger students are often digital natives, I’ve had to invest extra effort into mastering new tools and platforms. Despite this, overcoming these challenges has boosted my confidence and prepared me to tackle future technological shifts with resilience. Looking ahead, being a non-traditional student has solidified my future goals with greater certainty. The practical experiences and theoretical knowledge I gain are directly applicable to my career, making my education highly relevant. My broader life experience allows me to approach problem-solving with a maturity and depth of understanding that sets me apart in the job market. I am also drawn to leadership roles where my experience can guide and inspire others, fostering environments where diverse perspectives are valued. In summary, my journey as a non-traditional college student has been a transformative experience. It has refined my academic focus, enhanced my practical skills, and clarified my career objectives. Far from being a disadvantage, my non-traditional status has equipped me with a unique set of tools and perspectives that enrich my educational journey and fortify my professional aspirations.
    Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my educational journey, I have confronted several adversities that have shaped my character and resilience. Growing up in a low-income family, financial instability was a constant challenge. My parents, despite their hard work, often struggled to make ends meet. This taught me the value of perseverance and the importance of education as a pathway to a better future. Additionally, I faced a significant health issue during high school, which resulted in numerous hospital visits and missed classes. This experience instilled in me a determination to succeed despite obstacles and a deeper empathy for others facing similar challenges. My passion for pursuing a degree in STEM, particularly with the goal of becoming an elementary teacher, is deeply rooted in my personal experiences and aspirations. As a child, I was fortunate to have teachers who not only educated me but also inspired me to dream big. They made science and mathematics come alive, fostering a curiosity and love for these subjects. I aim to replicate that inspiration for the next generation, especially in underserved communities where resources are limited and exposure to STEM can significantly alter a child's trajectory. I believe that by incorporating STEM into elementary education, I can spark an early interest in these fields, thereby opening doors for future opportunities for my students. Financially, my circumstances are still challenging as I pursue higher education. My family continues to face economic hardships, and part-time jobs have been necessary to support myself and contribute to household expenses. Balancing work and study has been demanding but has also reinforced my time management skills and work ethic. This scholarship would alleviate a substantial part of my financial burden, allowing me to focus more on my studies and less on financial stress. It would provide essential support for tuition, books, and necessary supplies, enabling me to fully immerse myself in my academic and professional development. Overall, overcoming adversity has made me more resilient and determined to pursue my goals. My passion for STEM and commitment to becoming an elementary teacher are driving forces in my life. With the support of this scholarship, I will be able to concentrate on my education and ultimately give back to my community, empowering the next generation through the wonders of STEM.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    My journey with mental health has been a multifaceted experience that has left an indelible mark on my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. Mental health, often cloaked in silence and stigma, became a focal point of my life after several personal battles that began in my teenage years. These experiences have shaped my worldview, opened my eyes to the complexities of human existence, and charted a course for my future. Beliefs serve as the foundational pillars upon which our perceptions of the world are built. My struggles with mental health have profoundly reshaped these pillars. Initially, I clung to the belief that mental health issues were a sign of weakness, something to be ashamed of and concealed. This misconception was widespread in my cultural and social milieu, where mental health was rarely, if ever, discussed openly. However, as I confronted my struggles—ranging from anxiety to periods of deep depression—I was compelled to seek help. Therapy and counseling became my refuge, offering not only relief but also a new perspective. Here, I learned that mental illness is neither a personal failing nor a void of character but a genuine health concern that warrants attention and care. This realization dismantled my previous beliefs and replaced them with a firm understanding that mental health is as crucial as physical health. In light of this new understanding, my relationships have undergone a significant transformation. The stigma I once internalized made it difficult to discuss my feelings openly, thereby creating barriers between myself and those I loved. However, as I started to embrace my vulnerability, I found that my openness encouraged others to share their struggles. Conversations about mental health became more frequent and less daunting within my circle. Friends who once viewed me as withdrawn began to appreciate the raw honesty I brought to our interactions. This openness not only deepened my existing relationships but also cultivated new ones based on authenticity and mutual understanding. My family, initially baffled by my transparency regarding mental health, eventually became more accepting and supportive. These changes underscore an essential truth: vulnerability fosters connection and breeds empathy. These personal transformations catalyzed a change in my career aspirations. Before grappling with mental health issues, I envisioned a conventional career path defined by financial stability and societal approval. However, my experiences propelled me toward a different trajectory—one rooted in advocacy and empathy. Witnessing firsthand the transformative power of mental health services, I developed a burgeoning desire to extend similar support to others. Pursuing studies in Education and Psychology became more than just academic pursuits; they became a mission. I aim to become a public school teacher and counselor, working to dismantle beginning mental health issues within children and ensuring that others have access to the resources and support they need. This career path is not without its challenges. The education field often requires a degree of emotional resilience that I sometimes fear I may lack. Yet, the very struggles that I have faced also serve as a source of strength and inspiration. Through my journey, I have accumulated a reservoir of lived experiences and empathy that textbooks cannot teach. I understand the isolating weight of depression, the paralyzing grip of anxiety, and the convoluted path toward healing. These insights position me uniquely to assist others, guiding them not from a place of clinical detachment but from a place of genuine understanding and learning. Furthermore, my commitment to mental health advocacy is not limited to individual counseling alone. I am keenly aware of the systemic issues that exacerbate mental health problems, such as socioeconomic disparities, lack of access to quality healthcare, and pervasive stigmatization. Therefore, my aspirations include working at the macro level—engaging in policy advocacy, public awareness campaigns, and community-based initiatives to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those grappling with mental health issues. I envision a society where mental health is treated with the same urgency and legitimacy as physical health, where people are no longer afraid to seek help, and where comprehensive support systems are readily available. Overall, my experiences with mental health have had a profound impact on my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. They have dismantled old misconceptions and replaced them with deeper understanding and empathy. They have transformed my relationships, allowing for more open and honest communication. Most importantly, they have charted a new career path—one dedicated to education and mental health advocacy and support. In navigating my mental health journey, I have found purpose and direction, and I am committed to using my experiences to foster understanding and support for others.
    Bob Deats Memorial Scholarship for Education
    Giving back to the community is more than an act of kindness for me; it is a responsibility that binds us and strengthens societal bonds. My contribution spans various activities, but most notably, I volunteer at a local community center where I tutor children from underserved neighborhoods in mathematics and science. The joy of watching them grasp concepts that initially seemed challenging is immeasurable. Moreover, I organize weekend workshops in which we explore scientific phenomena through engaging experiments, aiming to spark curiosity and a love for learning. One mentor who has profoundly impacted my life is my high school science teacher, Mrs. Thompson. Her unwavering dedication and passion for teaching did more than ignite my interest in science; it taught me the value of persistence and empathy. Mrs. Thompson never gave up on any student; she adapted her teaching methods to meet our needs and always encouraged us to ask questions and think critically. Her approachability and genuine care for our success created an environment where learning was both enjoyable and meaningful. It is her legacy that I wish to carry forward. Inspired by Mrs. Thompson, I have embraced the role of a mentor in various capacities. I plan to extend my tutoring sessions and workshops to incorporate life skills and critical thinking exercises, preparing students not just academically but holistically. By offering personalized attention and fostering a supportive learning atmosphere, I aim to empower students to overcome their educational challenges confidently. My goal for the next generation goes beyond academic excellence. I strive to instill a lifelong zest for learning and exploration. I plan to achieve this by developing a curriculum that is both dynamic and relevant to our rapidly changing world, integrating technology and real-world applications. Additionally, I will emphasize mentorship, encouraging students to support their peers, thereby nurturing a community of learners who inspire and uplift each other. By sharing my journey and experiences, I hope to demonstrate that learning is a continuous process that goes beyond the classroom. I believe that when students see the practical applications of their studies, their enthusiasm and engagement naturally increase. Hence, I will incorporate project-based learning and community service projects that allow students to solve real problems, fostering a sense of contribution and responsibility. In essence, my plan to give back is rooted in creating an inclusive, stimulating, and encouraging learning environment. By emulating the qualities of my mentor and adapting them to modern educational needs, I aim to inspire and equip the next generation with the tools and mindset necessary for lifelong success and fulfillment. I am committed to making learning an accessible, enjoyable, and transformative experience for all.
    Dr. Norma P. McPherson Early Childhood Education Scholarship
    Growing up in a low-income household with separated parents and being the youngest sibling of three has profoundly shaped my resilience and determination. The continuous challenges I faced in my formative years, the necessity to grow up quickly, and the realization that education was my path to a better future significantly inspired me to overcome adversity. My parents' separation, while emotionally taxing, also introduced me to the harsh realities of life early on. We moved from one small apartment to another, never quite able to settle in a place we could truly call home. This instability served as a constant reminder of our financial struggles, but it also instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility and independence. Unlike many children my age, I had to contribute to the household, whether by taking care of chores or helping to manage my siblings. Balancing these duties with schoolwork seemed daunting, but the experience taught me valuable time management and organizational skills. Being the youngest sibling had its unique set of challenges. I often felt overshadowed by my older siblings, who were also grappling with their own sets of responsibilities and issues. However, this positioning also granted me a vantage point to learn from their experiences. I saw their struggles and triumphs as lessons on what to do and what to avoid. I grew to appreciate the importance of education through their endeavors and shortcomings, recognizing it as a potential escape from the cycle of poverty we were trapped in. Our financial limitations made simple things, like school supplies and extracurricular activities, luxurious dreams rather than standard parts of childhood. There were times when I felt embarrassed because I couldn’t afford the latest gadgets or stylish clothes. However, those moments of discomfort turned into powerful motivators. I became deeply committed to my studies, finding solace in books and knowledge. Unlike material possessions that were out of my reach, education was something that, despite the costs, remained within the realm of possibility and could not be taken away from me. In school, I faced peer pressure and the subtle but ever-present judgment from classmates who came from more affluent backgrounds. Instead of letting these social dynamics erode my self-esteem, I used them as fuel to push myself harder. I actively sought out scholarships, participated in volunteer work, and took on part-time jobs to contribute to my family’s income and to save for my future education. One of the most significant challenges was dealing with the emotional strain of divided parental attention. Navigating relationships with both parents separately often left me feeling torn and unstoppably yearning for a sense of unified family support. But, through this hardship, I learned empathy and adaptability. These traits became my shield and sword as I maneuvered through life's obstacles, providing emotional support to my siblings and myself. In retrospect, my upbringing in a low-income household with separated parents has endowed me with a rich tapestry of experiences that molded my character. It inspired me to confront challenges head-on, equipped me with resilience, taught me the value of hard work and education, and reinforced the importance of emotional intelligence. Every obstacle I encountered reinforced my resolve not just to survive but to thrive, breaking the chains of our circumstances and paving the way for a brighter future.
    Dr. C.L. Gupta Young Scholars Award
    Growing up in a single-parent household with limited financial resources, I have always been acutely aware of the challenges that come from economic hardship. My mother, who worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, instilled in me the core values of resilience, hard work, and compassion. These values have been cornerstones in my academic journey and determination to succeed. Despite the financial stress, our household was rich in love and support, which motivated me to strive for academic excellence. However, financial constraints meant that I often had to forego extracurricular activities and academic programs that required additional expenses. This created a sense of urgency in me to maximize the opportunities available within my reach. Despite the adversity, I have managed to excel academically. I have consistently maintained a high GPA throughout high school and college. My performance in standardized tests bears testament to my dedication and hard work. On the SAT, I scored in the top percentile, and my ACT scores were equally impressive, reflecting my strong aptitude and determination. Furthermore, I've undertaken Advanced Placement courses to challenge myself academically. These accomplishments are not just a reflection of my intellectual capabilities, but also of my ability to overcome obstacles and stay focused on my goals. My career aspirations are deeply rooted in my personal experiences and core values. I aspire to become an elementary and special education teacher. Having faced numerous challenges in my academic life, I am passionate about providing a supportive and enriching environment for children, especially those with special needs. I believe that every child deserves a quality education and the chance to succeed, irrespective of their background or circumstances. This scholarship would enable me to pursue advanced studies in education, equipping me with the skills and knowledge necessary to make a meaningful impact in my students' lives. The financial need for this scholarship cannot be overstated. My family's financial situation has always been a significant barrier to educational opportunities. While I have worked part-time jobs to contribute to my tuition fees, the cost of college education is still overwhelming. Receiving this scholarship would alleviate much of the financial burden, allowing me to focus more on my studies and personal growth. It would also enable me to take part in more educational and professional development activities that I might otherwise have to forego due to financial constraints. I plan to give back to my community and the field of education by becoming an advocate for inclusive and accessible education for all children. My goal is to work in underprivileged areas where students often lack the resources and support they need to thrive. By creating an inclusive classroom environment, I hope to make a significant difference in the lives of my students, providing them with the tools and encouragement they need to overcome their own challenges. This scholarship would be a critical stepping stone in my journey to becoming a highly qualified educator who can effect positive change in the community. In conclusion, my personal and financial challenges have shaped me into a resilient and determined individual. My academic achievements demonstrate my ability to excel despite adversity, and my career aspirations reflect my commitment to making a positive impact in the field of education. The financial need for this scholarship is critical, and receiving it would not only alleviate my financial burden but also enable me to focus on my goals. With this support, I am confident that I can contribute significantly to my community and the lives of future generations of students.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    Since I was young, I have felt a strong desire to help others. I believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to be their best self, and I have made it my mission to inspire and empower people to achieve their full potential. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone to support me in my journey of self-improvement. This has motivated me to seek out opportunities to learn and grow, and to share my knowledge and skills with others. As a tutor, I have developed my ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely, which resonates with students from diverse backgrounds. I have also learned to adapt my teaching style to suit the unique learning needs of each student, as everyone has a different learning style. By doing so, I have helped many students achieve academic success and reach their full potential. In addition to tutoring, I am also passionate about mental health advocacy. My personal experiences have taught me the importance of empathy, active listening, and creating a safe space for individuals to share their struggles. I have worked with people from all walks of life and with a range of mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, and trauma. By providing support and resources to those in need, I have been able to help individuals overcome their challenges and achieve emotional well-being. My commitment to helping others has led me to pursue a career in teaching. I am presently studying to become a teacher so that I can continue to develop my skills and better serve those who rely on me for support. I believe that every student deserves a chance to succeed, and I am committed to helping each one of them achieve their goals, both academically and emotionally. My ultimate goal is to create a positive and nurturing environment where students feel empowered to learn, grow, and thrive. Education is not only about teaching facts and figures but also about instilling confidence, resilience, and a love for learning. By fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance in my classroom, I hope to inspire my students to reach for their dreams and become the best versions of themselves. Likewise to my work as a tutor and mental health advocate, I have volunteered with various community organizations to support underserved populations. Whether it is organizing food drives, tutoring at-risk youth, or providing emotional support to those in crisis, I am committed to making a difference in the lives of others. I believe that small acts of kindness can have a big impact on individuals and communities alike. As I continue on my journey to make a difference in the world, I am constantly reminded of the power of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Every person faces their unique struggles and challenges, and it is through genuine connection and support that we can help each other overcome them. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to learn from others and to share my knowledge and skills with those in need. In conclusion, my passion for helping others stems from a deep desire to make the world a better place. Through tutoring, mental health advocacy, teaching, and volunteering, I strive to empower individuals to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. I believe that by lifting each other and standing together as a community, we can create a brighter future for all.
    Sandy Jenkins Excellence in Early Childhood Education Scholarship
    Education and career goals are two things that have always been at the forefront of my mind. Growing up, I have always had a passion for working with young children and helping them develop into confident and successful individuals. This is why I am currently enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program at the University of Phoenix, with the ultimate goal of becoming a kindergarten teacher. My interest in early childhood education began when I started volunteering at a local preschool during high school. I loved seeing how much growth and development could happen in such a short amount of time, and it inspired me to pursue a career in this field. After researching various programs, I chose the University of Phoenix because of its flexible online format, which allows me to continue gaining practical experience while also furthering my education. One of the main reasons why I am pursuing a degree in early childhood education is because I believe that a strong foundation in these formative years can set children up for success later in life. As a kindergarten teacher, I hope to create a nurturing and supportive environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By fostering their curiosity and love for learning, I aim to instill a lifelong passion for education. However, pursuing this dream comes with its own set of challenges. Balancing work, school, and other responsibilities can be overwhelming at times, especially when factoring in the cost of tuition and materials. This is where scholarships can make all the difference. Receiving a scholarship would not only alleviate some of the financial burden but also provide me with the encouragement and support needed to continue pursuing my goals. It would allow me to focus more on my studies and gain valuable experience through internships and professional development opportunities. Additionally, being recognized for my hard work and dedication would boost my confidence and motivation to excel in my chosen field. In conclusion, my education and career goals revolve around making a positive impact on young children's lives as an early childhood educator. Enrolling at the University of Phoenix has provided me with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve this dream. With the help of scholarships, I am confident that I will be able to reach new heights in my academic journey and ultimately fulfill my aspiration of becoming a kindergarten teacher who inspires future generations to succeed.