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Julia Gower


Bold Points




While attending a four-year university, in addition to maintaining a high gpa and making Dean’s list, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. In order to help me pursue and achieve my goals, I aim to have learned more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more in university. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. Starting with my college studies, I will be able to explore, analyze, and experiment thanks to my choice to focus in chemistry. I intend to continue conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college in the hopes of finding a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide.


Pleasant Valley High School

High School
2018 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:



      2010 – Present15 years


      • ribbons

      Field Hockey

      2018 – 20235 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        mini thon — committee member
        2018 – Present
      • 4H — Assist and animal care
        2018 – 2019
      • Volunteering

        Girlscouts — volunteer
        2010 – 2023

      Future Interests



      Career Search Scholarship
      I am currently exploring and planning to explore careers in the field of chemistry. Earning a degree in chemistry provides opportunities for a wide variety of careers in many different fields, including science, research, business and health care. With a chemistry degree, you can find a position that suits your particular interests while also earning a high salary. There are so many different fields of study I want to explore while I am in college. I can become a Pharmacologist and perform studies on new and existing drugs for their effects on humans and animals. Ensuring the drugs are safe and that they adhere to the rules and regulations. I can become an Oceanographer and study marine ecosystems. I can also analyze and collect evidence from crime scenes by becoming a forensic scientist. Each of these areas of study intrigues me to want to further study chemistry. When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit the entire world probably is when I was pushed outside of my comfort zone. The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly and unexpectedly turned everyone’s lives upside down. As a ninth grader just entering high school, I did not truly understand the changes to my everyday life that would soon occur all due to an unknown disease. The little known about the virus that was spreading rapidly around the world, shutting down schools, and businesses, and quarantining everyone, fascinated me and sparked a curiosity within me. How can there be so little known about such a dangerous disease? How could such a physically small disease lead to a global pandemic? What made the Coronavirus so complex that it was extremely difficult to treat? I had to learn as fast as the Covid-19 virus was spreading how to change my lifestyle and adapt to fit this world we are now living in. Going to school from home being taught by a teacher while sitting in front of a computer, watching my fellow students doing the same thing. How to work and do school from home and learn how are we going to adapt to these changes? We all helped each other and learned how to adapt to these changes. We learned to do study groups via social media. With all the technology the world has to offer now, we had to focus on using it. By conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college I hope to find a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide. The fascinating thing about choosing a chemistry degree is that there are so many career opportunities for me to research. The hardest thing will be choosing which one I will enjoy doing more.
      Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
      I am everlastingly grateful to my seventh-grade Reading teacher Ms. Deborah Butchkoski. As my mom and I were sitting at a desk at a parent-teacher conference, I noticed my mom starting to tear up when Ms. Butchkoski was telling her that I was a smart, great kid and that if I kept up my learning process I could succeed in anything I wanted to do. This is when the flame was lit inside me to challenge and push myself striving to do my best and succeed in whatever I do. That same flame came ablaze deep within me as I entered the doors to high school for the very first time. I have taken many honors and AP classes throughout my high school career, pushing myself to achieve excellence. I have even taken multiple AP tests earning me an AP Scholar with Distinction award, and I am second in my class. My enthusiasm to learn helped me grow my desire to help others. Whenever I see someone struggling with something I understand, I try to teach them and help them. From friends to strangers, everyone needs a helping hand every once in a while. I always have an extra hand available. Standing in front of many strangers, while being inducted into the National Honor Society, holding a burning candle, and vowing to help others, sparked an enlarged strive to be a worthy leader. I am secretary of the National Honor Society and secretary of Student Government. My high values increased me to continue helping others. This led me to become an Executive chair for Mini-THON. I helped plan my school’s first twelve-hour overnight Mini-THON for the first time in two years. Before the actual event, I spent many hours after school, helping make posters and planning events. On the actual might of Mini-THON, I tried my hardest to make sure everyone was having fun. Through the laughs, lip sync battles, volleyball tournaments, and rave hour, I saw the importance of being a good leader. Although every single student was very tired, and I know their bodies were aching, they still managed to continue persevering until seven in the morning. I felt proud to be their leader. Being a leader is not about helping yourself, but about helping others, and I learned the high importance of helping people and helping my community with service. Life is not easy, as I have lost several family members over the past years myself. However, I have learned that everyone is struggling with something, and if you are in the position to help them in any way possible, then you should. I spread my service to many more people in need, struggling, or just in need of a helping hand. I learned that in the big world we live in, no one should have to go through something alone without even a little help. The spark ignited by my seventh-grade Reading teacher Ms. Butchkoski grew the flame of service, leadership, and scholarship that all flow into the character traits of who I am today. I am very kind, generous, and caring of others, and again, I believe that when you can help others, you should. My generosity and care towards other people and my determination to always strive to encourage not only myself but it encourages everyone else to have motivation, determination, and generosity
      Ruth Hazel Scruggs King Scholarship
      I have been involved in numerous activities from a very young age. I have been dancing since I was three years old. I have also been a member of Girl Scouts in the Heart of P.A. since I was five years old, allowing me to help my community a lot. My major achievement in Girl Scouts was earning my Silver Award. My troop worked with St. Luke’s NICU, in Bethlehem, and made and donated baskets for needy mothers, who had premature babies. We also put together two waiting room entertainment carts for siblings to use while they are at the hospital. In high school, my extracurricular activities and community involvement continued. I am secretary of the student council where I have helped plan homecoming for two years including choosing a theme, budgeting and ordering decorations, photo booths, and choosing a DJ. I also plan and host a Senior Tailgate where we allow the seniors to relax in the parking lot while enjoying a breakfast that we fund. I am also secretary of the National Honor Society where I am specifically responsible for keeping track of attendance of everyone at every meeting and keeping track of their community service hours. As an officer, I also collaborate with the other officers to help plan numerous community service opportunities like the school’s annual Talent Show and Valentines Night, to bring the community together for fun opportunities. I also help plan service activities for people in need such as donating to and helping the West End Food Pantry. Additionally, as an Overall Chair of Mini-THON, I have helped plan and host a Mini-THON at my school for two years, including discussing social media marketing techniques to encourage students to come to Mini-THON and encouraging other people to donate. I am also a member of the Math Honor Society due to completing numerous higher-level math courses and a member of the World Language Honor Society due to completing four years of Spanish. Additionally, I have been a field hockey player at my high school for four years playing the position of defense. I would like to continue to be involved and further help out the community in college. I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. To help me pursue and achieve my goals, I aim to have learned more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more in university. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. Starting with my college studies, I will be able to explore, analyze, and experiment thanks to my choice to focus on chemistry. I intend to continue conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college in the hopes of finding a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide.
      Coleman for Patriots Scholarship
      I have been involved in numerous activities from a very young age. I have been dancing at the West End Academy of Dance since I was three years old. I have also been a member of Girl Scouts in the Heart of P.A. since I was five years old, allowing me to help my community a lot. My major achievement in Girl Scouts was earning my Silver Award. My troop worked with St. Luke’s NICU, in Bethlehem, and made and donated baskets for needy mothers, who had premature babies. We also put together two waiting room entertainment carts for siblings to use while they are at the hospital. In high school, my extracurricular activities and community involvement continued. I am secretary of the student council where I have helped plan homecoming for two years including choosing a theme, budgeting and ordering decorations, photo booths, and choosing a DJ. I also plan and host a Senior Tailgate where we allow the seniors to relax in the parking lot while enjoying a breakfast that we fund. I am also secretary of the National Honor Society where I am specifically responsible for keeping track of attendance of everyone at every meeting and keeping track of their community service hours. As an officer, I also collaborate with the other officers to help plan numerous community service opportunities like the school’s annual Talent Show and Valentines Night, to bring the community together for fun opportunities. I also help plan service activities for people in need such as donating to and helping the West End Food Pantry. Additionally, as an Overall Chair of Mini-THON, I have helped plan and host a Mini-THON at my school for two years, including discussing social media marketing techniques to encourage students to come to Mini-THON and encouraging other people to donate. I am also a member of the Math Honor Society due to completing numerous higher-level math courses and a member of the World Language Honor Society due to completing four years of Spanish. Additionally, I have been a field hockey player at my high school for four years playing the position of defense. I would like to continue to be involved and further help out the community in college. While attending a four-year university, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. Starting with my college studies, I will be able to explore, analyze, and experiment thanks to my choice to focus on chemistry. I intend to continue conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college in the hopes of finding a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide. I hope to continue to help serve my community not only through becoming a research analyst finding cures and new treatments but also by volunteering as I have done my entire life thus far.
      McClendon Leadership Award
      I have been involved in numerous activities from a very young age. I have been dancing since I was three years old. I have also been a member of Girl Scouts in the Heart of P.A. since I was five years old, allowing me to help my community a lot. My major achievement in Girl Scouts was earning my Silver Award. My troop worked with St. Luke’s NICU, in Bethlehem, and made and donated baskets for needy mothers, who had premature babies. We also put together two waiting room entertainment carts for siblings to use while they are at the hospital. In high school, my extracurricular activities and community involvement continued. I am secretary of the student council where I have helped plan homecoming for two years including choosing a theme, budgeting and ordering decorations, photo booths, and choosing a DJ. I also plan and host a Senior Tailgate where we allow the seniors to relax in the parking lot while enjoying a breakfast that we fund. I am also secretary of the National Honor Society where I am specifically responsible for keeping track of attendance of everyone at every meeting and keeping track of their community service hours. As an officer, I also collaborate with the other officers to help plan numerous community service opportunities like the school’s annual Talent Show and Valentines Night, to bring the community together for fun opportunities. I also help plan service activities for people in need such as donating to and helping the West End Food Pantry. Additionally, as an Overall Chair of Mini-THON, I have helped plan and host a Mini-THON at my school for two years, including discussing social media marketing techniques to encourage students to come to Mini-THON and encouraging other people to donate. I am also a member of the Math Honor Society due to completing numerous higher-level math courses and a member of the World Language Honor Society due to completing four years of Spanish. Additionally, I have been a field hockey player at my high school for four years playing the position of defense. I would like to continue to be involved and further help out the community in college. Leadership to me taking action on what is important to you and of interest to you and helping others achieve their goals and interests as well. For if you aren't told or shown of the possibilities of what the world has to offer you will never know there are so many different options in life.
      William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
      I have been involved in numerous activities from a very young age. I have been dancing since I was three years old. I have also been a member of Girl Scouts in the Heart of P.A. since I was five years old, allowing me to help my community a lot. My major achievement in Girl Scouts was earning my Silver Award. My troop worked with St. Luke’s NICU, in Bethlehem, and made and donated baskets for needy mothers, who had premature babies. We also put together two waiting room entertainment carts for siblings to use while they are at the hospital. In high school, my extracurricular activities and community involvement continued. I am secretary of the student council where I have helped plan homecoming for two years including choosing a theme, budgeting and ordering decorations, photo booths, and choosing a DJ. I also plan and host a Senior Tailgate where we allow the seniors to relax in the parking lot while enjoying a breakfast that we fund. I am also secretary of the National Honor Society where I am specifically responsible for keeping track of attendance of everyone at every meeting and keeping track of their community service hours. As an officer, I also collaborate with the other officers to help plan numerous community service opportunities like the school’s annual Talent Show and Valentines Night, to bring the community together for fun opportunities. I also help plan service activities for people in need such as donating to and helping the West End Food Pantry. Additionally, as an Overall Chair of Mini-THON, I have helped plan and host a Mini-THON at my school for two years, including discussing social media marketing techniques to encourage students to come to Mini-THON and encouraging other people to donate. I am also a member of the Math Honor Society due to completing numerous higher-level math courses and a member of the World Language Honor Society due to completing four years of Spanish. Additionally, I have been a field hockey player at my high school for four years playing the position of defense. I would like to continue to be involved and further help out the community in college. By my third year of college, in addition to maintaining a high GPA and making Dean’s list, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. I hope to have learned more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more. I hope college will specifically provide me with, “instruction and research opportunities in the biological, mathematical, physical and interdisciplinary sciences,” to help me pursue and reach my goals through intense research and collaboration opportunities. Furthermore, college can specifically help me reach my future goals of working towards discovering new cures and medications for diseases and illnesses through its Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease. The CIDD can offer me guidance on how to lessen or prevent infections and also deals with drug development. The CMIID offers studies in the areas of immunology and infectious illnesses specifically engaging in expertise including autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial diseases, and cancers for which I especially wish to help discover cures and treatments.
      Johnna's Legacy Memorial Scholarship
      I have lost several family members in the past 5 years. I watched each of my family members struggle with issues before their death and I watched how their death impacted multiple people including myself. I didn't understand why these things were happening to me because I was only 13 years old at the time. My grandfather passed of a chronic disease in 2020. I couldn't understand how my grandfather could go from calling me "pops girl" to not knowing who I am at all. Why don't the doctors have a cure, a pill, anything to make my pop remember me, I asked my parents. My godmother passed last year in 2022 right before her 85th birthday. She wasn't my grandmother but I have known her since I was born. So she felt like a grandmother more than a godmother to me. We always went shopping and talked often. She was a strong determined woman and would not let her chronic condition impact her life, at least while she was around me. My mother struggles with multiple chronic illnesses. I watched each of my family members struggle with different chronic medical conditions and how each of them didn't let it bring them down. They fought their condition for as long as they could. I hope that by attending a four-year university, in addition to maintaining a high GPA and making Dean’s list, I will be working towards making advancements in scientific research. In order to help me pursue and achieve my goals, I aim to learn more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more in university. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. Starting with my college studies, I will be able to explore, analyze, and experiment thanks to my choice to focus on chemistry. I also intend to get my Ph.D. or Doctrite and I intend to continue conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college in the hopes of finding a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from incurable sicknesses and diseases worldwide. By doing this, I hope to help ease the pain of others having to experience loss in the ways I have had to.
      Camryn Dwyer Foster Youth Scholarship
      I have not been in foster care myself. My mom was in and out of foster homes for most of her childhood. I never thought of why I had so many grandparents when I was younger until one of my friends said you have a lot of grandparents. At that point, I asked my mom why I had so many grandparents and she explained to me why I had so many grandparents. She explained to me how her father (my pap pap) used to hit her and my Nana and that he sometimes hurt them badly. Hurting someone is never ok she said to me. My mom told me my grandparents whom I call Grandpa Butch and Grandma Darlene were foster parents. They raised her until the judge felt it was safe for her and my uncles to go home to her real parents. I learned my foster grandparents raised 52 foster children in their lifetime. Which I think is amazing! My mom would speak at Children and Youth seminars talking about her experience not only as a foster child but as a survivor of being abused. I learned that it only takes one person to make or break you. I am so grateful that I have my foster grandparents in my life and they love me just as my parents parents do. If someone is pushing me, it is because they want me to become the best version of myself. They do not expect me to be perfect or that every goal is conquerable and it is ok not to be perfect. In college, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. I aim to have learned more about chemistry by studying math, physics, and the structure of matter. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. I intend to continue conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college in the hopes of finding a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide. Although I have never been in a foster home I am truly honored to be loved by my foster grandparents. It doesn't matter who loves you but how they affect your life. My foster parents taught me unconditional love and have always been part of my life. I don't know what or who I would be if I didn't have them in my life.
      Students Impacted by Incarceration Scholarship
      I have not personally been incarcerated but many of my family members have. From my brother to uncles and cousins. At a young age, I learned what incarcerated was. There I was six years old sitting in a prison waiting room waiting for my family members' name to be called so my mom and I could talk to one of my uncles, cousins or brother on a phone looking through a glass window. It was from that moment on that I decided I wanted so much more out of my life than to be on either side of that piece of glass. I vowed that I would never put my mother or any other family member through that experience. I learned that it's okay not to be perfect and if my parents push me it is because they want me to become the best version of myself. Although not all days will be easy and not every challenge is conquerable, I will take it one step at a time. In college, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. Attending college will help me reach my future goals of working toward discovering new cures and medications for diseases and illnesses. The Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease can offer me guidance on how to lessen or prevent infections and also deals with drug development. The CMIID offers studies in the areas of immunology and infectious illnesses specifically engaging in expertise including autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial diseases, and cancers for which I especially wish to help discover cures and treatments. Although I have not experienced incarceration myself nor do I ever anticipate to I feel that experiencing seeing many people in my family incarcerated helped me want to pursue a better lifestyle for myself and focus on helping people live better lives as well.
      Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
      On March 16, 2018, we received a phone call saying my grandmother was murdered by my 17-year-old cousin. He stabbed her in the back and then slit her throat while she was sleeping. This wasn't the only time I had experience with someone who died tragically. My brother also was murdered at the age of 31 due to sudden death. My mom thinks the neighbor laced something he drank or ate with fentanyl. I have lost 4 family members in the last 5 years and grieved differently for each one of them. The trauma in my life made me want to succeed even more. Everyone deals with life events differently and everyone handles situations differently. I learned that even if something seems to be terrible or tragic that it will be ok in the end. I learned that it is ok not to be perfect and even when my parents seem to push me a little it does not at all mean they don't love me. It means they are pushing me to be the best version of myself and while every day is not easy and not every challenge is conquerable. I take it one step at a time and thus far those steps are leading me in the right direction. I am currently second in my class and I plan on attending a four-year university majoring in chemistry. I want to work towards making advancements in scientific research. I aim to learn more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and more in college. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. By my third year of college, in addition to maintaining a high GPA and making Dean’s list, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. I hope to have learned more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more. This scholarship will specifically provide me with, “instruction and research opportunities in the biological, mathematical, physical and interdisciplinary sciences,” to help me pursue and reach my goals through intense research and collaboration opportunities. Furthermore, this scholarship can specifically help me reach my future goals of working towards discovering new cures and medications for diseases and illnesses through its Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease. The CIDD can offer me guidance on how to lessen or prevent infections and also deals with drug development. The CMIID offers studies in the areas of immunology and infectious illnesses specifically engaging in expertise including autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial diseases, and cancers for which I especially wish to help discover cures and treatments. I will be able to collaborate, have access to research possibilities, and receive the education I need through the help of this scholarship.
      Another Way Scholarship
      On March 16, 2018, my mom received a phone call from my cousin saying my grandmother was murdered by my 17-year-old cousin. He stabbed her in the back and then slit her throat while she was sleeping. This is when I learned about mental illnesses. Most mental illnesses often go unrecognized as it did in my cousins' situation. My cousin had behavior issues since he was little. He was in and out of Kids Peace but once he left Kids Peace he didn't go anywhere else for additional help. His mom was on drugs and was proven guilty as a petofilist. The courts left his mom see her underage children even though she was found guilty. This wasn't the first time I had experience with someone I know and love handling mental illness. My brother also had struggles with mental illness. Some of his mental illness was brought on by drug addiction and some from being abused by his father. He would often say he was a loser and wanted to die. My mom would always tell him to stop saying that and that she wished he would see himself the way we saw him. She would say she loved him no matter what. She would say I always will love you but I won't always agree with the choices you make. My mom and my brothers' dad are divorced and she and my dad have been married for 21 years. I have lost 4 family members in the last 5 years and grieved differently for each one of them. Throughout my high school years, I lost a few friends and had a few friends call me about wanting to commit suicide. I couldn't always understand why they would want to do something to themselves as their lives didn't seem half as bad as the trauma I had been through. However, I always listened and answered their calls and let them talk to me about what was wrong. Listening seems to help a lot of my friends feel better. If I felt that I couldn't talk to them and felt very scared they would hurt themselves, I would tell my parents and they would handle the situation. Although the trauma in my life made me want to succeed even more this doesn't happen in everyone's situation. Everyone deals with life events differently and everyone handles situations differently. I learned that even if something seems to be terrible or tragic that it will be ok in the end. I learned that it is ok not to be perfect and even when my parents seem to push me a little it does not at all mean they don't love me. It means they are pushing me to be the best version of myself and while every day is not easy and not every challenge is conquerable. I take it one step at a time and thus far those steps are leading me in the right direction. I am currently second in my class and I plan on attending a four-year university majoring in chemistry. I want to work towards making advancements in scientific research. I aim to learn more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and more in college. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. After college, I want to continue research to find a cure for all individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide.
      Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
      The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly and unexpectedly turned everyone’s lives upside down. As a ninth grader just entering high school, I did not truly understand the changes to my everyday life that would soon occur all due to an unknown disease. The little known about the virus that was spreading rapidly around the world, shutting down schools, and businesses, and quarantining everyone, fascinated me and sparked a curiosity within me. How can there be so little known about such a dangerous disease? How could such a physically small disease lead to a global pandemic? What made the Coronavirus so complex that it was extremely difficult to treat? After the scientists were able to discover a vaccine so quickly, I was intrigued by how they were able to study and analyze the complexities of the coronavirus to create a treatment for it. The curiosity inspired by the coronavirus was a major aspect that led me to pursue a chemistry major. By pursuing a chemistry major, studying at university will provide me with research opportunities and education in chemistry. After graduation, I wish to use my chemistry major to become a research analyst. I can work towards researching and finding new medications to strive towards ridding the world of other diseases and illnesses. By my third year of college, in addition to maintaining a high GPA and making Dean’s list, I hope to be working towards making advancements in scientific research. I hope to have learned more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more. Math will specifically provide me with, “instruction and research opportunities in the biological, mathematical, physical and interdisciplinary sciences,” to help me pursue and reach my goals through intense research and collaboration opportunities. Furthermore, math courses can specifically help me reach my future goals of working towards discovering new cures and medications for diseases and illnesses through its Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease. The CIDD can offer me guidance on how to lessen or prevent infections and also deals with drug development. The CMIID offers studies in the areas of immunology and infectious illnesses specifically engaging in expertise including autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial diseases, and cancers for which I especially wish to help discover cures and treatments. I will be able to collaborate, have access to research possibilities, and receive the education I need through learning the many math classes.
      Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
      On March 16, 2018, my mom received a phone call from my cousin saying my grandmother was murdered by my 17-year-old cousin. He stabbed her in the back and then slit her throat while she was sleeping. This is when I learned about mental illnesses. Most mental illnesses often go unrecognized as it did in my cousins' situation. My cousin had behavior issues since he was little. He was in and out of Kids Peace but once he left Kids Peace he didn't go anywhere else for additional help. His mom was on drugs and was proven guilty as a petofilist. The courts left his mom see her underage children even though she was found guilty. This wasn't the first time I had experience with someone I know and love handling mental illness. My brother also had struggles with mental illness. Some of his mental illness was brought on by drug addiction and some from being abused by his father. He would often say he was a loser and wanted to die. My mom would always tell him to stop saying that and that she wished he would see himself the way we saw him. She would say she loved him no matter what. She would say I always will love you but I won't always agree with the choices you make. My mom and my brothers' dad are divorced and she and my dad have been married for 21 years. I have lost 4 family members in the last 5 years and grieved differently for each one of them. Throughout my high school years, I lost a few friends and had a few friends call me about wanting to commit suicide. I couldn't always understand why they would want to do something to themselves as their lives didn't seem half as bad as the trauma I had been through. However, I always listened and answered their calls and let them talk to me about what was wrong. Listening seems to help a lot of my friends feel better. If I felt that I couldn't talk to them and felt very scared they would hurt themselves, I would tell my parents and they would handle the situation. Although the trauma in my life made me want to succeed even more this doesn't happen in everyone's situation. Everyone deals with life events differently and everyone handles situations differently. I learned that even if something seems to be terrible or tragic that it will be ok in the end. I learned that it is ok not to be perfect and even when my parents seem to push me a little it does not at all mean they don't love me. It means they are pushing me to be the best version of myself and while every day is not easy and not every challenge is conquerable. I take it one step at a time and thus far those steps are leading me in the right direction. I am currently second in my class and I plan on attending a four-year university majoring in chemistry. I want to work towards making advancements in scientific research. I aim to learn more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and more in college. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. After college, I want to continue research to find a cure for all individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide.
      Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
      On March 16, 2018, my mom received a phone call from my cousin saying my grandmother was murdered by my 17-year-old cousin. He stabbed her in the back and then slit her throat while she was sleeping. This is when I learned about mental illnesses. Most mental illnesses often go unrecognized as it did in my cousins' situation. My cousin had behavior issues since he was little. He was in and out of Kids Peace but once he left Kids Peace he didn't go anywhere else for additional help. His mom was on drugs and was proven guilty as a petofilist. The courts left his mom see her underage children even though she was found guilty. This wasn't the first time I had experience with someone I know and love handling mental illness. My brother also had struggles with mental illness. Some of his mental illness was brought on by drug addiction and some from being abused by his father. He would often say he was a loser and wanted to die. My mom would always tell him to stop saying that and that she wished he would see himself the way we saw him. She would say she loved him no matter what. She would say I always will love you but I won't always agree with the choices you make. My mom and my brothers' dad are divorced and she and my dad have been married for 21 years. I have lost 4 family members in the last 5 years and grieved differently for each one of them. Throughout my high school years, I lost a few friends and had a few friends call me about wanting to commit suicide. I couldn't always understand why they would want to do something to themselves as their lives didn't seem half as bad as the trauma I had been through. However, I always listened and answered their calls and let them talk to me about what was wrong. Listening seems to help a lot of my friends feel better. If I felt that I couldn't talk to them and felt very scared they would hurt themselves, I would tell my parents and they would handle the situation. Although the trauma in my life made me want to succeed even more this doesn't happen in everyone's situation. Everyone deals with life events differently and everyone handles situations differently. I learned that even if something seems to be terrible or tragic that it will be ok in the end. I learned that it is ok not to be perfect and even when my parents seem to push me a little it does not at all mean they don't love me. It means they are pushing me to be the best version of myself and while every day is not easy and not every challenge is conquerable. I take it one step at a time and thus far those steps are leading me in the right direction. I am currently second in my class and I plan on attending a four-year university majoring in chemistry. I want to work towards making advancements in scientific research. I aim to learn more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and more in college. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. After college, I want to continue research to find a cure for all individuals suffering from an incurable sickness worldwide.
      DV Awareness Scholarship in Memory of Teresa Cox, Rhonda Cox and Jimmie Neal
      On March 16, 2018, my mom received a phone call from my cousin saying my grandmother was murdered by my 17-year-old cousin. He stabbed her in the back and then slit her throat while she was sleeping. My mom told me that my grandfather used to abuse my Nana, my mom and my uncles. I never knew too much about the abuse as my grandfather passed when I was only 4 yrs old. After my Nana's death, and as I was now older my family talked more about domestic abuse to me. The school counselors called me into their office to talk to me about my feelings on the situation and my mom and I attended counseling at the Victim's Resource Center. I had many questions about why someone would hurt someone they loved and someone who loved them. This is when I learned more about domestic abuse. Physical abuse is not the only type of domestic violence. I found out that behavior issues often lead to domestic violence as well. Often domestic abuse is not taken seriously until it is too late because the individual who is being abused is often scared, or afraid their children or home will be taken away from them or that the abused person will hurt them even more. Until something bad happens to someone. I heard my mom telling the police and the courts that my cousin fell through the system. I learned what that meant. He had behavior issues since he was little. The system didn't help him she said often. The police told her he was offered help but refused it. He was in and out of Kids Peace but once he left Kids Peace he didn't go anywhere else for additional help. His mom was on drugs and was proven guilty as a petofilist. The courts left his mom see her underage children even though she was found guilty. I want people to feel more comfortable reaching out to someone by not just calling 911 or the hotline. People don't often have phones, cars, money, support or a place to go to. I want to provide more awareness to people and provide more safe places for people to go to and to help the abuser get help too. Awareness has to start somewhere and it needs to be handled more strictly by our law enforcement and judicial system. I want to provide more ways for people who are being abused to be able to communicate with others they need help and make society notice the signs of being abused.
      Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
      I have lost several family members in the past 5 years. My grandmother, my grandfather, my brother and my godmother. I lost two family members due to the aging process and the other two by murder. I watched each of my family members struggle with issues before their death and I watched how their death impacted multiple people including myself. I didn't understand why these things were happening to me because I was only 13 years old at the time. My grandfather passed of Alzheimer's disease in 2020. I couldn't understand how my grandfather could go from calling me "pops girl" to not knowing who I am at all. Why don't the doctors have a cure, a pill, anything to make my pop remember me, I asked my parents. My godmother passed recently from heart complications. She passed last year in 2022 right before her 85th birthday. She wasn't my grandmother but I have known her since I was born. So she felt like a grandmother more than a godmother to me. We always went shopping and talked often. She had a stroke prior to her passing in which she never fully recovered. She was a strong determined woman not to let the stroke impact her, at least while she was around me. I hope that by attending a four-year university, in addition to maintaining a high GPA and making Dean’s list, I will be working towards making advancements in scientific research. In order to help me pursue and achieve my goals, I aim to learn more about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter, and much more in university. I specifically hope to be pursuing my long-term objectives of finding new treatments and remedies for diseases and ailments. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. Starting with my college studies, I will be able to explore, analyze, and experiment thanks to my choice to focus on chemistry. I also intend to get my Ph.D. or Doctrite and I intend to continue conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college in the hopes of finding a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from incurable sicknesses and diseases worldwide. By doing this, I hope to help ease the pain of others having to experience loss in the ways I have had to.
      I Can Do Anything Scholarship
      I hope to work towards making advancements in scientific research. I aim to have learned about chemistry through studying math, physics, the structure of matter in college. Through cooperation and intensive research, I wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to assist in the development of new treatments. Starting with my college studies, I will be able to explore, analyze, and experiment thanks to my choice to focus in chemistry. By conducting research as a research analyst once I finish college I hope to find a medication or a cure for the numerous individuals suffering from incurable sickness worldwide.
      @normandiealise #GenWealth Scholarship
      Generational wealth to me is not being the person who can buy anything no matter what the cost is as some celebrities such as athletes, actors, royalty and mofia people do. I do not want to be the person who has to have 10k gold plating on my teeth. I do not need to have 20 assorted foreign vehicles in my garage or do I have to own my personal plane, cook, gardener or other grounds person. Some people do terrible things to obtain wealth such as making and selling drugs, sex or human trafficking, prostitution, stealing or even murder. I never understood why people would rather spend an abundant amount of money on material things. Why people would do anything at any cost to themselves or want to harm anyone else to obtain these items? There are so many other things people could do with their money. Why not donate to a charity or to help a third world country evolve? Why not feed the homeless or offer medical help to someone less fortunate? I think society has us all believing that we need to have the biggest and best things in order to fit in. If we do not have the same cars, houses, clothes etc.. or better, bigger, more things than our neighbors, friends or family members we are not good enough. We tend to want to classify ourselves as being separate classes. We are all human beings in the end of schemes. Generational wealth to me is being able to live life above normal society standards. I want to be able to afford to eat, travel and afford health care. I want to be able to do things in life and enjoy them but I do not need to have the best of the best just to say I have it. I plan on attending Penn State University College in the fall and majoring in Chemistry. I picked a major that is of interest to me and that not only will I make a comfortable amount of money after I graduate but I will also be able to help people by doing my job. I want to find cures and prevent diseases. I want to help people and not have to watch them suffer. I want to eventually get my PHD and Doctorate. By working on obtaining these degrees, I will be able to achieve what generation wealth is to me.
      Julia Gower Student Profile |