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Josephine Falode


Bold Points






My dream is to be a part of the dental field and become an oral surgeon. I want a career in healthcare because I want to find solutions to global health problems and community issues. I believe in the curiosity of science such as surgery, biology, physics, and more as well others to explore my interest. I want to help make the world a place in which a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve.


The University of Texas at San Antonio

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Public Health

Foster H S

High School
2017 - 2021
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Public Health
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Dentist , Endodontist, Oral Surgeon

    • Student Assistant

      2021 – Present3 years
    • Intern/Volunteer

      More like an internship program I did during 8th grade
      2016 – 20171 year


    Track & Field

    Junior Varsity
    2018 – Present6 years


    • 9


    Junior Varsity
    2016 – 20171 year


    • 2


    • Medicine

      HOSA — Member/ Signed up to be Vice President
      2018 – Present


    • JV/V Theatre

      2018 – 2020

    Public services

    • Public Service (Politics)

      Solider's Angels
      2021 – Present
    • Advocacy

      San Antonio State Hospital
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Haven for Hope Soup Kitchen
      2021 – Present
    • Advocacy

      San Antonio Food Bank
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Habitat for Humanity — Construction volunteer
      2021 – Present
    • Public Service (Politics)

      GoodWill — volunteer
      2019 – 2020

    Future Interests




    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    When I was a young child, about five or six, I always wanted to be a medical doctor because they're problem solvers who found solutions to global health and community issues. I also found their scrubs very appealing. They cured the sick and surprise everyone on a daily. They seemed like cool, innovative geniuses who want to help others reach their full potential. As I grew older, I gained experience that shaped the ideas of my high school career. In the beginning, I was afraid that my anxiety and insecurity would be the downfall of my surgical dreams, but I was so wrong. I never felt more motivated in my life because I knew that if this was the path that I was going down, then I had to take it more seriously. However, everything didn't go as planned because the first few months I was at UTSA I was more lost than ever. Everyday I was questioning whether or not this career path was for me, but what I did know was that any job in the healthcare service would be a great fit for me. In September 2021, I joined the Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Health Society) Club and new speakers came every week to talk about different types of health professions I didn't even know existed. This truly left me intrigued and excited to become apart of their program because it gave me a better perspective of what I wanted to do with my career. They thought me that it was ok to change my major or choose to not be conflicted with one career path. At the end of the day it's really up to me to decide because it's my future and also my responsibility. I have decided to major in public health because I want to find solutions to global health problems and community issues. People should depend on someone who they can trust. I want to help make the world a place that a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve and I want a career that will benefit this agenda. I believe the most creative ideas come from one's discipline and faith because it builds an innovative network. I believe I'm the best candidate to receive this scholarship because I take my education seriously, but this is not the only reason. One of the most debated topics in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the masses. While many focuses on accessible health insurance, I believe the answer lies within accessible health providers like doctors and physical therapists. With this scholarship, I could continue my training to become a surgeon or PT and after a few years I could open up a clinic. I hope this dream of mine turns out to be a great success and changes the way we provide health care since I value the ability to control my work experiences.
    Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship
    When I was a young child, about five or six, I always wanted to be a medical doctor because they're problem solvers who found solutions to global health and community issues. I also found their scrubs very appealing. They cured the sick and surprise everyone on a daily. They seemed like cool, innovative geniuses who want to help others reach their full potential. As I grew older, I gained experience that shaped the ideas of my high school career. In the beginning, I was afraid that my anxiety and insecurity would be the downfall of my surgical dreams, but I was so wrong. I never felt more motivated in my life because I knew that if this was the path that I was going down, then I had to take it more seriously. However, everything didn't go as planned because the first few months I was at UTSA I was more lost than ever. Everyday I was questioning whether or not this career path was for me, but what I did know was that any job in the healthcare service would be a great fit for me. In September 2021, I joined the Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Health Society) Club and new speakers came every week to talk about different types of health professions I didn't even know existed. This truly left me intrigued and excited to become apart of their program because it gave me a better perspective of what I wanted to do with my career. They thought me that it was ok to change my major or choose to not be conflicted with one career path. At the end of the day it's really up to me to decide because it's my future and also my responsibility. I have decided to major in public health because I want to find solutions to global health problems and community issues. People should depend on someone who they can trust. I want to help make the world a place that a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve and I want a career that will benefit this agenda. I believe the most creative ideas come from one's discipline and faith because it builds an innovative network. I believe I'm the best candidate to receive this scholarship because I take my education seriously, but this is not the only reason. One of the most debated topics in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the masses. While many focuses on accessible health insurance, I believe the answer lies within accessible health providers like doctors and physical therapists. With this scholarship, I could continue my training to become a surgeon or PT and after a few years I could open up a clinic. I hope this dream of mine turns out to be a great success and changes the way we provide health care since I value the ability to control my work experiences.
    "A State of Mind" Texas Scholarship
    I truly don't know since I only lived in Texas for a few years but I do love the state. I love the way they speak, the atmosphere, and the culture they bring. However, moving to Texas was a big adjustment from where I was from. I was born in Worcester, Massachusetts and the environment there was absolutely different from Texas. In Texas, it was always sunny and crowded, while in Mass the weather was mostly cloudy and you would walk off the sidewalk. Texas and Massachusetts were both very populated states but I believe Massachusetts was a much more calmer environment unlike Texas. I believe a Texan is someone who is bold and has a great sense of confidence and compassion towards themselves. We have events like the Rodeo and the county fairs where we live to party and have fun with our family and friends because we all have high spirited desires to enjoy these memories we cherish forever.
    Bold Activism Scholarship
    Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanctions. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory or in practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. Currently, our country is going through a crisis right now because of the racial tensions and sickly pandemic, but I think many of these problems can be resolved peacefully. I believe police reform can help make our communities better, but some people's opinions make others look like they are a part of the oppressed side. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm part of a free country where I can speak my mind and be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. As a matter of fact, we tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we are subconsciously begin to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgement, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth.
    Simple Studies Scholarship
    I have decided to major in public health because I want to find solutions to global health problems and community issues. People should depend on someone who they can trust. It is hard-fulfilling work, but I believe a quick-witted, determined person like myself is up for it since I took an abundance of science classes in high school as well to explore my interest. I want to help make the world a place in a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve. I ardently want health to improve in developing countries since it is very beneficial to the poor and provide more knowledge to prevent diseases from spreading rapidly. Access to broad, standard healthcare contributes to a significant part of a country's economy, development, and industrialization. It's an industry that grows on creativity, but at the same time, seen as expensive or archaic. We shouldn't pay far more capita than other rich democracies because we still receive less healthcare, fewer doctors, and poorer health outcomes. As health providers, they must provide feel obliged to think about the abstract of health, not just health care only. I'm aware that none of the ideas is an easy fix, but not enough paid attention to improving overall health care. As future physicians, I think we can adapt to better change because of the evolving needs of patients. Due to illnesses becoming more and more common every day, the healthcare system must evolve as well to treat them. In other words, I know we should have faith while the health care system improves over time.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    While I volunteered at a local food charity at Second Baptist Church, I met two beautiful autistic girls named Jane and Rachel. At first, they were too timid to say more than five words to me, but as soon as we connected more, neither of us could stop talking. Even though I only talked to them for that one night, I felt as if I knew them my whole life. After a few hours, we raised enough money for the toy drive and the food provided for Jane, Rachel, and the rest of the families who are in need.
    African-American Entrepreneurs Grant — Female Award
    I want to help make the world a place in a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status and I believe I can bring that to my future hospital. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve. I ardently want health to improve in developing countries since it is very beneficial to the poor and provide more knowledge to prevent diseases from spreading rapidly. I was aspired to build an hospital because access to broad, standard healthcare contributes to a significant part of a country's economy, development, and industrialization. It's an industry that grows on creativity, but at the same time, seen as expensive or archaic. We shouldn't pay far more capita than other rich democracies because we still receive less healthcare, fewer doctors, and poorer health outcomes. As health providers, they must provide feel obliged to think about the abstract of health, not just health care only. I'm aware that none of the ideas is an easy fix, but not enough paid attention to improving overall health care. As future physicians, I think we can adapt to better change because of the evolving needs of patients.
    Mental Health Movement Scholarship
    As I grew older, I gained experience that shaped the ideas of my high school career. In the beginning, I was afraid that my anxiety and insecurity would be the downfall of my surgical dreams, but I was so wrong. I never felt more motivated in my life because I knew that if this was the path that I was going down, then I had to take it more seriously. But don't get me wrong, high school was pretty dramatizing because of the stress and paranoia that your friends bring you into for no reason or the unhealthy depression that waves by your junior year. However, I will cherish the friends I made throughout the high school experience. I believe the most difficult challenge I faced was the competitions at HOSA because I would never really get far in any of them. Eventually, it bruised the little confidence I had left, and for a while, I thought I was never good at anything. Later on, my grades started to drop a little bit in my sophomore year, but I tried to pick it up the next year. Anyway, I think you know what happens next. After the pandemic, I made a promise to myself to stop carrying the blame everywhere I go because not everything is in my control. I was thankful that I put my health first for once because it was a dark road I never want to go back to. If my friends and family left, I would have consumed myself with hate and depression, but they never gave up on me unlike myself. They saw I was able to overcome my fears and interpretations of failure. In conclusion, I realize that a few mistakes don't dictate your life and mental health should be taken more seriously because within any minute it can be compromised.
    Charles R. Ullman & Associates Educational Support Scholarship
    Leadership is more than the power or ability to lead other people since the definition of the word is wrongly interrupted sometimes. In other words, we tend to worship certain people that are not good role models at all because we emphasize some based on their fame or appearance. However, I believe a true leader is someone well-rounded and sedulous but a respectful individual who wants to help others reach their full potential. As a student, I represent the virtuous persona of leadership. While I volunteered at a local food charity at Second Baptist Church, I realized I was a part of something bigger than myself. I met two beautiful autistic girls named Jane and Rachel that created unbelievable scenes of jubilation that night. At first, they were too timid to say more than five words to me, but as soon as we connected more, neither of us could stop talking. Jane loves to sing the Christmas songs that I performed with my dance team, while Rachel draws different puppets on her paper with some Chick-fil-a sauce. Even though I only talked to them for that one night, I felt as if I knew them my whole life and could tell they're pretty bright for their age, too. After hours of Christmas shows and dances, we were able to raise enough money for the toy drive and the food provided for Jane, Rachel, and the rest of the families who are in need. I showed leadership by boosting others with hope, which an innovative leader does to unify what's left of society. I have decided to major in public health because I want to find solutions to global health problems and community issues. I want to help make the world a place in a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve. I ardently want health to improve in developing countries since it is very beneficial to the poor and provide more knowledge to prevent diseases from spreading rapidly. Access to broad, standard healthcare contributes to a significant part of a country's economy, development, and industrialization. It's an industry that grows on creativity, but at the same time, seen as expensive or archaic. We shouldn't pay far more capita than other rich democracies because we still receive less healthcare, fewer doctors, and poorer health outcomes. As health providers, they must provide feel obliged to think about the abstract of health, not just health care only. I'm aware that none of the ideas is an easy fix, but not enough paid attention to improving overall health care. As future physicians, I think we can adapt to better change because of the evolving needs of patients. Due to illnesses becoming more and more common every day, the healthcare system must evolve as well to treat them. In other words, I know we should have faith while the health care system improves over time.
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    I have decided to major in public health because I want to find solutions to global health problems and community issues. People should depend on someone who they can trust. It is hard-fulfilling work, but I believe a quick-witted, determined person like myself is up for it since I took an abundance of science classes in high school as well to explore my interest. I want to help make the world a place in a child's status can't afflict due to his or her socioeconomic status. I believe health is a human right that we all deserve. I ardently want health to improve in developing countries since it is very beneficial to the poor and provide more knowledge to prevent diseases from spreading rapidly. Access to broad, standard healthcare contributes to a significant part of a country's economy, development, and industrialization. It's an industry that grows on creativity, but at the same time, seen as expensive or archaic. we shouldn't pay far more capita than other rich democracies because we still receive less healthcare, fewer doctors, and poorer health outcomes. As health providers, they must provide feel obliged to think about the abstract of health, not just health care only. I'm aware that none of the ideas is an easy fix, but not enough paid attention to improving overall health care. As future physicians, I think we can adapt to better change because of the evolving needs of patients.vHowever, I believe a true leader is someone well-rounded and sedulous but a respectful individual who wants to help others reach their full potential. As a student, I represent the virtuous persona of leadership. While I volunteered at a local food charity at Second Baptist Church, I realized I was a part of something bigger than myself. I met two beautiful autistic girls named Jane and Rachel that created unbelievable scenes of jubilation that night. At first, they were too timid to say more than five words to me, but as soon as we connected more, neither of us could stop talking. Jane loves to sing the Christmas songs that I performed with my dance team, while Rachel draws different puppets on her paper with some Chick-fil-a sauce. Even though I only talked to them for that one night, I felt as if I knew them my whole life and could tell they're pretty bright for their age, too. After hours of Christmas shows and dances, we were able to raise enough money for the toy drive and the food provided for Jane, Rachel, and the rest of the families who are in need. I showed leadership by boosting others with hope, which an innovative leader does to unify what's left of society.
    Impact Scholarship for Black Students
    Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanctions. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory, or practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. Currently, our country is going through a crisis right now because of the racial tensions and sickly pandemic, but I think many of these problems can be resolved peacefully. I believe police reform can help make our communities better, but some people's opinions make others look like they are a part of the oppressed side. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm part of a free country where I can speak my mind and be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. We tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we are subconsciously beginning to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgment, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth. I believe all Americans should the right to speak their truth because that is just the foundation of America and people shouldn't hold that against them as long as it's not disrespecting anyone's religion, sex, or race. Our thoughts are more personal than knowledge. We should be kind and listen to each other because you don't know what you can learn from one another. Doing simple things like that brings more peace in the world and can end the violence that is going on in people's streets and neighborhoods. Peace is freedom from disturbance or a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. Why is it so hard for humanity to expect that? Is it your pride? Is pride worth a war? No, because it closes our minds to learning, makes us selfish, and jeopardizes our roles as leaders and successful business owners. But putting pride aside can help us in our endeavors to be better and more successful. As Ezra T. Benson said, " Pride is concerned with who is right, but humility is concerned with what is right". In the end, it's your decision about who you want to be.
    Share Your Dream Job No-Essay Scholarship
    WiseGeek Life Isn’t Easy Scholarship
    Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanctions. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory, or practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. Currently, our country is going through a crisis right now because of the racial tensions and sickly pandemic, but I think many of these problems can be resolved peacefully. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm part of a free country where I can speak my mind and be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. We tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we are subconsciously beginning to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgment, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth. I believe all Americans should the right to speak their truth because that is just the foundation of America and people shouldn't hold that against them as long as it's not disrespecting anyone's religion, sex, or race. Our thoughts are more personal than knowledge. We should be kind and listen to each other because you don't know what you can learn from one another. Doing simple things like that brings more peace in the world and can end the violence that is going on in people's streets and neighborhoods. Peace is freedom from disturbance or a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. Why is it so hard for humanity to expect that? Is it your pride? Is pride worth a war? No, because it closes our minds to learning, makes us selfish, and jeopardizes our roles as leaders and successful business owners. But putting pride aside can help us in our endeavors to be better and more successful. As Ezra T. Benson said, " Pride is concerned with who is right, but humility is concerned with what is right". In the end, it's your decision about who you want to be. I believe I have should have the same opprtunities as everyone else because I work hard to earn it and my appearance shouldnt have anything to do with my success.
    Opportunity for Black Women Scholarship
    When I grow up, I want to be a doctor and I think my race shouldn't stop me from achieving my dreams. Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanctions. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory, or practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. Currently, our country is going through a crisis right now because of the racial tensions and sickly pandemic, but I think many of these problems can be resolved peacefully. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm part of a free country where I can speak my mind and be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. We tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we are subconsciously beginning to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgment, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth. I believe all Americans should the right to speak their truth because that is just the foundation of America and people shouldn't hold that against them as long as it's not disrespecting anyone's religion, sex, or race. Our thoughts are more personal than knowledge. We should be kind and listen to each other because you don't know what you can learn from one another. Doing simple things like that brings more peace in the world and can end the violence that is going on in people's streets and neighborhoods. Peace is freedom from disturbance or a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. Why is it so hard for humanity to expect that? Is it your pride? Is pride worth a war? No, because it closes our minds to learning, makes us selfish, and jeopardizes our roles as leaders and successful business owners. But putting pride aside can help us in our endeavors to be better and more successful. As Ezra T. Benson said, " Pride is concerned with who is right, but humility is concerned with what is right". In the end, it's your decision about who you want to be.
    Nikhil Desai "Perspective" Scholarship
    Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanctions. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory, or practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. Currently, our country is going through a crisis right now because of the racial tensions and sickly pandemic, but I think many of these problems can be resolved peacefully. I believe police reform can help make our communities better, but some people's opinions make others look like they are a part of the oppressed side. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm part of a free country where I can speak my mind and be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. We tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we are subconsciously beginning to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgment, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth. I believe all Americans should the right to speak their truth because that is just the foundation of America and people shouldn't hold that against them as long as it's not disrespecting anyone's religion, sex, or race. Our thoughts are more personal than knowledge. We should be kind and listen to each other because you don't know what you can learn from one another. Doing simple things like that brings more peace in the world and can end the violence that is going on in people's streets and neighborhoods. Peace is freedom from disturbance or a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. Why is it so hard for humanity to expect that? Is it your pride? Is pride worth a war? No, because it closes our minds to learning, makes us selfish, and jeopardizes our roles as leaders and successful business owners. But putting pride aside can help us in our endeavors to be better and more successful. As Ezra T. Benson said, " Pride is concerned with who is right, but humility is concerned with what is right". In the end, it's your decision about who you want to be.
    Scholarcash Role Model Scholarship
    To be honest, I don't know who my favorite role model is because there is just so much in this world. If I had to choose it will be my parents and not any of the celebrities because the extreme of their lives makes even the best celebrities into bad role models. It's their behavior often does not fit into the context of a "normal" life. Emulating celebrity behavior in everyday life can disrupt normal social functioning because it is outside of a celebrity's social context. Don't get me wrong because I do love some of them and listen to their music and watch their movies all the time, but I'm just looking into reality. The youth of today look to the parents to be strong role models in their lives. This "role model" is a father who constantly encourages you to attend school because he loves you enough to motivate you to strive in the pursuit of excellence. Also, the mother because she has good traits of character and wants you to succeed as well. A good role model is someone who is always positive, calm, and confident in themselves. You don't want someone who is down or tries to bring you down. Everyone likes a person who is happy with their achievements but continues to strive to be unique. Choose a role model you know to help you become the best version of yourself, someone who has a sense of purpose, who interacts well with others, who are different to you, and learn about success and failures. The first thing my father is knowledgeable. He is a real estate in Texas who sells expensive homes and plans on renovating old homes as well. If it wasn't for him I would still be in Nigeria possibly struggling more than ever. My parents are immigrants who came from Nigeria and it was my dad's idea to move to America because he wanted my family to have better opportunities than he had as a child. In Nigeria, their government and financial costs were corrupt which lead to poverty and starvation. For my dad, the was able to manage through it and plans on creating a business of his dreams. He tried to do it in Nigeria, but it has its complications. However, my dad did not give up and his business is still running today. He thought he has a business in Nigeria he plans on creating on in America as well, so he can have a good advantage. I loved his confidence and sometimes his character. In many ways, I saw myself in him. My mom chased her dreams by becoming a nurse, which is funny because my mom and I are both interested in the medical field. However, I plan to achieve bigger dreams because I want to become a doctor and run my hospitals around the world. A great business of medicine where I'm in charge. I still go after it no matter how hard I try because I know I have the discipline and heart for it.
    WiseGeek Lifelong Learners No-Essay Grant
    Undiscovered Brilliance Scholarship for African-Americans
    Hello, my name is Josephine Falode and I'm going to talk about World Peace. I believe that freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory or in practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. I am dreaming big by letting my voice be heard because I want people to know that I have the freedom of speech like everyone else in this country. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. I believe police reform can help make our communities better, but some people's opinion make others seem like they are a part of the oppressed side. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm a human being who can be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. As a matter of fact, we tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we subconsciously begin to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgment, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth.
    Art of Protest Grant for Black Students
    Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without the fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanctions. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory or in practice, be prevented by other forces. Today, this right is being challenged because everything is seen in a controversial view and people make things harder than it needs to be. The thing that makes America distinct from all countries is the rights that an American citizen has in America. Currently, our country is going through a crisis right now because of the racial tensions and sickly pandemic, but I think many of these problems can be resolved peacefully. I believe police reform can help make our communities better, but some people's opinions make others look like they are a part of the oppressed side. As a result, people are threatened and abused for having their own opinion, which is absurd. It shouldn't matter what color my skin is because I'm part of a free country where I can speak my mind and be anything I want to be. People shouldn't ignore one point of view because if we all work together many of these issues could be solved more quickly and peacefully. As a matter of fact, we tend to like people who think like us and we're more likely to be friends with them. While this makes sense, it means that we are subconsciously begin to ignore or dismiss anything that threatens our world views, since we surround ourselves with people and information that confirm what we already think. In conclusion, we shouldn't pay more attention to stereotypes than what we think because it will always cloud our judgement, cause more conflict, and would not give the right for people to speak their truth.