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Jordan Sorensen


Bold Points




Hello! I’m a senior in high school in my beloved home state of Virginia. I’m a passionate writer and participate frequently in my high school’s state nationally successful forensics team, personally advancing as far as the states competition my first year on the team! I'm delighted to have been accepted into a Career and Technical Center near me to study with their criminal justice program for my senior year! I am dedicated to the study of human communications and plan to study to become an investigative journalist. I'm excited for all the world has to offer, and I hope to one day aid law enforcement with criminal investigations and write about injustices. I believe it is a citizen's duty to work towards a more honest world. In my free time, I enjoy improving my French skills and listening to true crime podcasts!


Cosby High

High School
2021 - 2025
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Journalism
    • Criminology
    • Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1200
    • 26
    • 1190


    • Dream career field:

      Broadcast Media

    • Dream career goals:

      Investigative journalist

    • Employee

      2023 – Present1 year


    • Cosby High School

      Sponge Bob Squarepants the Musical, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
      2021 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Cosby High School Cosby Sea volunteering club — Member
      2021 – 2021

    Future Interests




    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    Studying journalism opens up the gateway for me and women like me to create a better world. One where truth isn't just a concept but a guiding principle. It's a journey where one delves deep into the realms of investigation, uncovering layers of reality that often remain concealed. At its core, journalism isn't merely about reporting events; it's about unraveling the intricate tapestry of society, understanding its nuances, and ultimately, empowering the public with knowledge. By embarking on this path, one becomes a guardian of truth, a beacon of light in an era often shrouded in misinformation and ambiguity. The essence of journalism lies in its commitment to unearthing the truth. It's about peeling back the layers of deception and revealing the raw, unfiltered reality beneath. Through rigorous coursework and hands-on experience, they cultivate a keen eye for detail and an insatiable curiosity that drives them to dig deeper, to ask the tough questions that need to be asked. Journalism isn't just about uncovering the truth; it's also about giving voice to the voiceless. It's about shining a spotlight on injustices and atrocities that often go unnoticed, amplifying the stories of those who are marginalized and oppressed. As future journalists, we have a moral obligation to stand up for the underprivileged, to be their advocates in a world that often turns a blind eye to their suffering. Whether it's exposing corruption in government, shedding light on human rights abuses, or championing environmental causes, journalism serves as a powerful tool for social change. Studying journalism equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world. In an age dominated by social media and sensationalism, the ability to sift through the noise and discern credible sources has never been more crucial. By learning the principles of ethical reporting and fact-checking, aspiring journalists develop a strong foundation upon which to build their careers. They understand the importance of objectivity and impartiality, striving to present information in a fair and just way. Journalism fosters empathy and compassion, qualities that are essential for engaging with diverse communities and understanding the human experience. As future leaders in truth and justice, we must cultivate a deep sense of empathy for those whose stories we tell, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. Through our words and actions, we have the power to uplift and inspire, to spark conversations that lead to meaningful change. Through my purists as a journalist, I can make an impact and and help create a more honest world.
    Snap EmpowHER Scholarship
    In today's world, where the voices of women are often marginalized and their achievements downplayed, the pursuit of justice studies and journalism by aspiring female professionals holds profound significance. As I embark on the journey towards becoming a prominent female journalist, I will not only pave their own path but also empower women everywhere by breaking barriers, challenging stereotypes, and amplifying diverse perspectives. It is an undeniable reality that the field of journalism has long been dominated by men, with women often finding themselves relegated to the sidelines or confined to certain roles within the profession. However, by choosing to study justice studies and pursue a career in journalism, young women like me can not only defy these conventions but also actively contribute to the broader movement towards gender equality. At its core, justice studies provide a comprehensive understanding of social, political, and legal systems, empowering individuals to critically analyze and challenge existing power structures. By delving into issues of inequality, discrimination, and social justice, students of justice studies are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for change and promote equity in society. This foundation serves as a powerful catalyst for aspiring female journalists, enabling them to navigate complex issues with nuance and sensitivity while amplifying the voices of marginalized communities. Moreover, the decision to pursue journalism as a means of effecting change is inherently empowering. Journalism serves as a vital conduit for information, shaping public discourse and influencing perceptions on a wide range of issues. As such, the presence of more female journalists not only diversifies newsrooms but also ensures that a broader spectrum of experiences and perspectives are represented in media coverage. By bringing attention to underreported stories, challenging entrenched biases, and holding power to account, female journalists play a pivotal role in shaping narratives and driving social change. The significance of female representation in journalism extends beyond professional achievement to serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment for future generations. Aspiring female journalists who defy the odds and rise to prominence become living embodiments of possibility, proving that gender need not be a barrier to success in any field. By serving as role models and mentors, they inspire others to pursue their passions, defy expectations, and strive for excellence in their chosen endeavors. For many young women, the journey towards realizing their full potential begins with a sense of empowerment derived from seeing individuals who look like them succeeding in fields traditionally dominated by men. By aspiring to become a prominent female journalist, one not only honors their own aspirations but also becomes a beacon of hope for countless others who dare to dream beyond societal constraints. The pursuit of justice studies and journalism by aspiring female professionals represents a powerful force for empowerment and change. By challenging conventions, amplifying diverse perspectives, and serving as role models for future generations, they contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society where the voices of all individuals are valued and heard. In choosing this profession, I will embody the true spirit of empowerment, inspiring women everywhere to embrace their potential and strive for greatness.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is indeed a literary masterpiece that beautifully explores the theme of death and the profound lessons it teaches about life. Albom's poignant narrative, based on his real-life relationship with his former college professor, Morrie Schwartz, captivates readers with its inspirational essence and the genuine bond shared between Morrie and Mitch. At its core, the book serves as a profound meditation on mortality and the human condition. Through Morrie's terminal illness and his subsequent discussions with Mitch, readers are invited to confront their own mortality and contemplate the meaning of life. Morrie's perspective on death is both enlightening and comforting, as he approaches his impending end with grace, wisdom, and acceptance. His teachings serve as a guiding light for Mitch and readers alike, reminding us to cherish each moment, prioritize meaningful connections, and embrace the inevitability of death as an integral part of the human experience. What truly elevates Tuesdays with Morrie to a literary masterpiece is the authenticity and depth of the relationship between Morrie and Mitch. Their conversations are not just exchanges of words but exchanges of souls, marked by vulnerability, honesty, and profound mutual respect. Morrie's role as a mentor and spiritual guide to Mitch transcends the boundaries of teacher-student dynamics, evolving into a profound friendship rooted in empathy and understanding. The sweetness of their relationship lies in its simplicity and sincerity. Morrie's unwavering love and wisdom inspire Mitch to reevaluate his own priorities and live a more fulfilling life. Their Tuesday meetings become a ritual of love and enlightenment, where profound truths about life and death are imparted with tenderness and warmth. In essence, Tuesdays with Morrie is not just a book about death; it is a celebration of life, love, and the human spirit. Through Morrie's profound insights and the genuine connection between him and Mitch, readers are reminded of the beauty and fragility of existence. Albom's poignant storytelling and the timeless wisdom of Morrie's teachings continue to resonate with readers, making Tuesdays with Morrie a literary masterpiece that transcends time and inspires generations to live more authentically and compassionately in the face of mortality. Every person will eventually die, and every person should read this wonderful and insightful book.
    Patrick B. Moore Memorial Scholarship
    Studying journalism in college opens a gateway to a world where truth isn't just a concept but a guiding principle. It's a journey where one delves deep into the realms of investigation, uncovering layers of reality that often remain concealed. At its core, journalism isn't merely about reporting events; it's about unraveling the intricate tapestry of society, understanding its nuances, and ultimately, empowering the public with knowledge. By embarking on this path, one becomes a guardian of truth, a beacon of light in an era often shrouded in misinformation and ambiguity. The essence of journalism lies in its commitment to unearthing the truth. It's about peeling back the layers of deception and revealing the raw, unfiltered reality beneath. In the classroom, aspiring journalists learn the art of critical thinking, honing their skills to analyze information, discern facts from fiction, and question the status quo. Through rigorous coursework and hands-on experience, they cultivate a keen eye for detail and an insatiable curiosity that drives them to dig deeper, to ask the tough questions that need to be asked. But journalism isn't just about uncovering the truth; it's also about giving voice to the voiceless. It's about shining a spotlight on injustices and atrocities that often go unnoticed, amplifying the stories of those who are marginalized and oppressed. As future journalists, we have a moral obligation to stand up for the underprivileged, to be their advocates in a world that often turns a blind eye to their suffering. Whether it's exposing corruption in government, shedding light on human rights abuses, or championing environmental causes, journalism serves as a powerful tool for social change. Studying journalism equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world. In an age dominated by social media and sensationalism, the ability to sift through the noise and discern credible sources has never been more crucial. By learning the principles of ethical reporting and fact-checking, aspiring journalists develop a strong foundation upon which to build their careers. They understand the importance of objectivity and impartiality, striving to present information in a fair and just way. Journalism fosters empathy and compassion, qualities that are essential for engaging with diverse communities and understanding the human experience. As future leaders in truth and justice, we must cultivate a deep sense of empathy for those whose stories we tell, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. Through our words and actions, we have the power to uplift and inspire, to spark conversations that lead to meaningful change. In conclusion, studying journalism in college is more than just a career choice; it's a calling, a noble pursuit of truth and justice. By dedicating ourselves to this craft, we become agents of change, catalysts for progress in an ever-changing world. As we embark on this journey, let us never lose sight of our purpose—to seek the truth, to give voice to the voiceless, and to be champions of justice for all.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Navigating the labyrinth of adolescence and young adulthood is daunting enough without the additional weight of panic disorder and generalized anxiety. For some, school hallways transform into minefields of overwhelming noise and blinding brightness, while relationships become tangled webs of fear and uncertainty. I know this struggle intimately, as I battled these formidable foes during my formative years. From the earliest days of my schooling, I found myself at odds with the cacophony of the classroom and the glaring fluorescent lights of the hallways. What seemed like ordinary stimuli to others became overwhelming triggers for my anxiety. The thrum of conversation, the fluorescent glare, the sudden movement of classmates—all conspired to send my heart racing and my mind spiraling into panic. Fear became my constant companion, a shadow that loomed over every step I took outside the safety of my home. The pressure to excel academically only compounded my anxiety. The fear of failure, of not living up to expectations, weighed heavily on my shoulders. Each assignment, each test, felt like a battle for survival, a test of my worthiness. The thought of disappointing my teachers, my parents, and myself was paralyzing. It seemed easier to retreat into the safety of my home, where the world was quiet and dim, than to face the daunting challenges of the outside world. In the realm of relationships, my anxiety cast a long shadow over every interaction. The fear of rejection, of being misunderstood or judged, made forging meaningful connections a daunting prospect. I longed for companionship and acceptance, yet the thought of opening up to others filled me with dread. Social gatherings became minefields of anxiety, each conversation a tightrope walk between saying too much or too little, between fitting in or standing out. But amidst the darkness of my struggles, there flickered a beacon of hope: therapy and the unwavering support of my parents. Therapy became my sanctuary, a space where I could confront my fears and unravel the tangled knots of my anxiety. With the guidance of a compassionate therapist, I learned coping mechanisms to manage my panic attacks and navigate the stormy seas of generalized anxiety. Slowly but steadily, I began to reclaim control over my life.Equally instrumental in my journey were my parents, whose love and support never wavered. They became my pillars of strength, offering a safe harbor in the midst of life's tempests. Their unwavering belief in my abilities, even when I doubted myself, helped me find the courage to confront my fears and pursue my dreams. They taught me that vulnerability is not a weakness but a source of strength, and that true resilience lies in embracing our struggles rather than shying away from them. Through therapy and the steadfast support of my parents, I began to emerge from the shadows of anxiety, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I discovered that the journey to resilience is not a solitary one; it is paved with the kindness and compassion of others. As I navigated the tumultuous waters of adolescence and young adulthood, I found solace in connecting with others who shared similar struggles. In their stories, I found echoes of my own journey, and in their triumphs, I found inspiration to persevere. Today, as I look back on my journey, I realize that my struggles with panic and generalized anxiety have shaped me in profound ways. They have taught me empathy, compassion, and resilience—qualities that I now carry with me as I navigate the complexities of adulthood. I am no longer defined by my fears but empowered by them, for they have shown me the depth of my strength and the breadth of my humanity. Struggling with panic disorders and generalized anxiety made schooling and maintaining relationships a daunting challenge, but through therapy and the unwavering support of my parents, I found the path to resilience and strength. I’ve overcome my fears, and even joined my high school’s Forensics team to help with social anxiety and a desperate fear of public speaking. Through the kindness of my peers and my unwavering dedication to improvement, I can now confidently give a presentation and express my thoughts proudly. My plans to become an investigative journalist and write about the truth and justice are now possible because of resilience and my loving family. My journey is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, kindness, and self-discovery. Nobody is ever truly lost, and hope endures through all. If I could go back, I would give younger me the biggest hug and tell her she was loved and it would be ok. I dream to be the woman I needed when I was younger, so other young women do not have to struggle like I did. Justice will be served, and kindness given freely.
    Big Picture Scholarship
    From the charm and many schemes of Charles Ponzi to the lucrative crimes of Bernie Madoff, con-men have been present and thrive in America. But few find as much success and riches from jumping into another’s shoes and blending seamlessly into any situation as Frank William Abagnale Jr. Posing as everything from a Pan Am pilot to a doctor and a lawyer, Abagnale led a life of crime filled with fraudulent checks and a multitude of false identities. Catching the interest of the FBI at quite a young age because of his impressive crimes and obvious high intelligence, Abagnale evaded consequences for his crimes during his late teenage years. He is eventually apprehended at the age of twenty-one, having stolen more than two and a half million dollars. The life and criminal pursuits of Abagnale led him to write a semi-autobiographical book that was later turned into a 2002 movie by the same name, directed by the wonderful Steven Spielberg. Starring well-known actors, Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale and Tom Hanks as the FBI agent, Carl Hanratty, pursuing him. The film offers a compelling view into a world of deception and thrilling chase. With its dynamic storytelling, amazing cast, and artistic cinematography, "Catch Me If You Can" remains a timeless classic that entertains and intrigues audiences to this day. At its core, "Catch Me If You Can" is a character-driven narrative that explores themes of identity, family, and redemption. Leonardo DiCaprio effortlessly captured Abagnale’s charisma, vulnerability, and inner struggle as the lies and crimes become bigger. Through DiCaprio's portrayal, the audience is invited to empathize with Frank's motivations, despite his criminal deeds. Tom Hanks shines as Carl Hanratty, bringing depth to the role of the determined FBI agent who sees past Frank's outside to the troubled young boy beneath. During my own viewing of the film, I found the jazzy soundtrack and colorful New York City to be the perfect backdrop to showcase the characters and highlight themes of both love and self-identity. Spielberg’s directing that he has grown so acclaimed for did not disappoint in this film, and he was able to perfect the complicated story so any audience could remain invested for the entire film. One of the film's most compelling aspects is its exploration of the complex relationship between Frank and Hanratty. Despite being on opposite sides of the law, the two men share a mutual respect and understanding that is beyond simple cop and criminal. As Hanratty looks deeper into Frank's past, he begins to see him not just as a criminal, but as a lost boy in need of guidance and affection. The film ultimately suggests that true fulfillment can only be found through honesty and genuine human connection, rather than through wealth or social status. No matter how much money and status Abagnale had, all he ever really wanted was a real family connection he had never felt before. Viewers are left to ponder their own family relationships, and encouraged to consider what true success in life looks like to them, highlighting the depth and significance of this film. "Catch Me If You Can" is a masterfully crafted film that combines thrilling suspense with heartfelt drama to tell a compelling story of deception and redemption. Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks deliver standout performances, bringing depth and humanity to their respective roles. Steven Spielberg's direction infuses the film with style, energy, and captivating cinematography. With its timeless themes and engaging storytelling, "Catch Me If You Can" continues to captivate audiences and inspire reflection on the nature of identity, morality, and the pursuit of happiness and success.
    Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
    A goldfish, a boy, a few sandwiches, and many bowls of magic ramen. Saturday mornings were filled with wishing to be a goldfish princess and begging my mother to show me how to make ramen and perform the trick with a bowl that magically gave toppings. All of this nostalgia and wonder is due to an artistic and whimsical film named "Ponyo", despite being in a language I did not speak. While I am still not fluent, I still refuse to watch "Ponyo" in any language except its original Japanese. The lesson and heart of the film transcend language, and I will forever understand every word in my heart. "Ponyo", a mesmerizing masterpiece by renowned filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki, transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling to impart profound lessons about friendship and the spirit of adventure. As a pivotal part of my childhood, this enchanting anime movie not only captivated my imagination but also instilled in me valuable insights that continue to resonate with me to this day. At its core, "Ponyo" is a heartwarming tale of an unlikely friendship between a young boy named Sosuke and a magical goldfish princess named Ponyo. Their bond defies the barriers between their worlds, as Ponyo yearns to become human and experience life on land. Through their journey together, filled with whimsical adventures and heartfelt moments, Ponyo teaches Sosuke the importance of cherishing the connections we forge with others, regardless of our differences. One of the most striking aspects of "Ponyo" is its timeless screenplay, which seamlessly weaves together themes of friendship, love, and the wonders of the natural world. Miyazaki's masterful storytelling transports viewers into a realm where imagination knows no bounds, inviting us to embrace the child-like wonder that resides within each of us. Through Sosuke and Ponyo's adventures, we are reminded of the joy that comes from exploring the world with an open heart and a sense of curiosity. This darling and heartfelt film showcases the unparalleled beauty of traditional hand-drawn animation, a hallmark of Studio Ghibli's distinctive style. The meticulously crafted visuals, coupled with Joe Hisaishi's enchanting musical score, create a cinematic experience that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant. The animation breathes life into every frame, capturing the essence of childhood innocence and the magic of discovery. Anime, with its ability to evoke a sense of childlike wonder, serves as a vessel for capturing and preserving the essence of youthful imagination. Through movies like "Ponyo", audiences of all ages are transported to worlds where anything is possible, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and where the bonds of friendship transcend the boundaries of reality. "Ponyo" stands as a timeless testament to the power of friendship and the enduring spirit of adventure. Its captivating screenplay and breathtaking animation style serve as a source of inspiration for viewers of all ages, reminding us to embrace the magic of life's journey and cherish the connections we make along the way. As I reflect on the lessons I've learned from "Ponyo", I am filled with gratitude for the joy and wonder it has brought into my life, shaping my understanding of friendship and instilling in me a spirit of adventure that I promise to hold with me for the rest of my life.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    Mathematics, often dubbed as the language of the universe, serves as the underlying framework behind the breathtaking architecture that adorns our world. From the intricate patterns of Gothic cathedrals to the sleek lines of modern skyscrapers, math has been an indispensable tool in shaping these marvels of human ingenuity. One of the fundamental ways in which math contributes to architecture is through geometry. The precise angles and proportions employed in architectural design are manifestations of geometric principles. Whether it's the symmetry of a classical Greek temple or the radial symmetry of Islamic tile patterns, geometry lays the groundwork for architectural beauty. The Golden Ratio, a mathematical concept revered for its aesthetic appeal, has been utilized by architects throughout history to achieve harmonious proportions in their structures. Perhaps the math with the worst reputation is calculus. Hated by both high school and college students alike, and considered the worst and most useless subject. But calculus is simply misunderstood. Calculus plays a pivotal role in the structural integrity of buildings. Engineers rely on calculus to analyze the forces acting on a structure and determine the most efficient way to distribute weight and support loads. This ensures that buildings can withstand the forces of nature, be it gravity, wind, or seismic activity, while maintaining their structural integrity. In addition to its practical applications, math also inspires architects to push the boundaries of creativity. Fractal geometry, a branch of mathematics that deals with infinitely complex shapes, has inspired architects to design structures that mimic the intricate patterns found in nature. These fractal-inspired designs not only showcase the beauty of mathematics but also challenge our perception of what is possible in architecture. Advancements in computational design have revolutionized the architectural landscape, allowing architects to explore complex mathematical concepts in their designs. Parametric design, for instance, enables architects to create fluid, organic forms by manipulating mathematical parameters. This fusion of math and architecture has given rise to iconic structures that captivate the imagination and redefine the limits of architectural expression. Math is not merely a tool for architects; it is an integral part of the creative process that underpins the beauty and functionality of architecture. By harnessing the power of mathematical principles, architects are able to transform abstract concepts into tangible works of art that inspire awe and admiration. Indeed, math is not just a subject—it is the very essence of beauty and understanding.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to have grown up listening to Taylor Swift. Her catchy songs and relatable lyrics resonate with me, and I was thrilled to learn that Taylor Swift would finally be able to take back her songs and release her own albums that we longed to only her. The 1989 TV album is an album that speaks to the times and hearts of those who understand the joy of independence and freedom. Though all the songs are beautiful pieces and stories of a wonderfully independent woman, one song in particular speaks to me the most. Taylor Swift’s song "I Know Places" is a powerful anthem that resonates deeply with individuals navigating the complexities of love in a world often marked by scrutiny and judgment. The song’s message of finding solace and strength in love despite external pressures has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on many listeners, including myself. Through its lyrics and melodies, "I Know Places" conveys a profound message of courage, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of love, regardless of societal constraints. Personally, this song has been a guiding light, teaching me invaluable lessons about embracing love authentically. Its narrative of escaping societal confines and finding refuge in the freedom of love has empowered me to cherish and embrace my own affections without fear of external judgment. In a society where norms and expectations often dictate whom we should love, "I Know Places" serves as a reminder that genuine love knows no boundaries and should never be confined by societal standards. The lyrics vividly illustrate the struggles and challenges faced by those in unconventional relationships, where love exists beyond the bounds of societal approval. Taylor Swift's emotive storytelling captures the essence of secrecy, vulnerability, and the exhilaration of a forbidden romance, creating a sense of solidarity for those who might relate to such experiences. It instills the idea that love should not be hidden or suppressed but cherished and celebrated for its authenticity and depth. Furthermore, the song's empowering chorus, with its resounding declaration of finding refuge in secret places away from prying eyes, serves as a metaphorical sanctuary for love to flourish without the fear of scrutiny. It conveys the importance of safeguarding and protecting love, fostering an environment where it can thrive unencumbered by external judgments. "I Know Places" has taught me the significance of embracing love unapologetically, irrespective of societal norms or expectations. It has encouraged me to cherish and honor the authenticity of my emotions and relationships, emphasizing that the opinions of others should not dictate whom I choose to love. Beyond just its narrative, the song's captivating melody and Taylor Swift's emotive delivery evoke a sense of empowerment and resilience, inspiring me to face societal prejudices with confidence and courage. It has taught me to love boldly, to stand unwavering in the face of adversity, and to prioritize the authenticity of my emotions over societal approval. In conclusion, Taylor Swift's "I Know Places" stands as a testament to the transformative power of music in advocating for love that transcends societal boundaries. Its poignant message of embracing love unreservedly has imparted valuable lessons, instilling in me the courage to love fearlessly and unapologetically. This song continues to serve as a beacon of empowerment, reminding me to love who I love without hesitation, celebrating the beauty of genuine affection regardless of societal constraints.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    #BookTok has been instrumental in introducing diverse literary works to a wide audience, including Suzanne Collins' prequel to the Hunger Games series, "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes." This particular book, amidst its narrative intricacies and rich storytelling, has not only captivated readers but also imparted valuable life lessons on resilience, independence, and the significance of maintaining an unwavering spirit. Primarily, the protagonist, Coriolanus Snow, portrays an unparalleled resilience throughout the story. Despite facing adversities and grappling with an unstable world, he exhibits an unyielding determination to overcome obstacles. Snow's resilience in the face of daunting challenges serves as a beacon of inspiration, highlighting the importance of perseverance in our own lives. His character embodies the essence of resilience, urging us to confront life's trials with courage and fortitude. The narrative of "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" intricately weaves themes of independence. As the protagonist navigates a society marked by inequality and manipulation, the story emphasizes the significance of asserting one's autonomy and making independent choices. Coriolanus Snow's journey reflects the essence of forging one's path despite societal pressures, thereby reminding us of the vitality of independent thinking and action in shaping our destinies. Additionally, the symbolic representation of keeping a song in one's heart resonates profoundly throughout the book. The significance of this metaphor lies in embracing hope, resilience, and the power of emotions, even in the bleakest of circumstances. Just as a song can uplift spirits and evoke emotions, maintaining a positive outlook amidst challenges is crucial. The notion of keeping a song in one's heart serves as a poignant reminder to always nurture optimism and maintain a sense of inner strength and joy. The influence of #BookTok in popularizing "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" has gone beyond just promoting a literary work. It has sparked discussions and reflections on the themes of resilience, independence, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook. The community's engagement with the book has fostered a collective appreciation for its themes, encouraging readers to apply these lessons in their lives. In conclusion, the convergence of #BookTok and the profound narrative of "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" has contributed significantly to my understanding of resilience, independence, and the importance of keeping a song in my heart. The journey of Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Grey Baird, and the themes woven intricately throughout the storyline, have served as a catalyst for introspection. They inspire a deeper appreciation for the qualities that empower us to confront challenges, make independent choices, and maintain a resilient spirit in the symphony of life.
    Youth Civic Engagement Scholarship
    Civic engagement serves as the lifeblood of a vibrant and functioning society; It encompasses the active participation of individuals in their communities, advocating for social change, and contributing to the betterment of society as a whole. From volunteering and voting to advocating for policy changes, civic engagement plays an integral role in shaping the fabric of our communities and upholding justice and equality. One of the key factors of civic engagement involves addressing societal issues, including crime and justice. Criminology, as a field of study, explores the complexities of criminal behavior, the criminal justice system, and the societal factors influencing crime. Pursuing a PhD in Criminology signifies a commitment to uncovering truths, seeking justice, and contributing to the advancement of a fair and equitable legal system. In today's world, where criminal activities often evolve and become more sophisticated, the need for experts in Criminology is more critical than ever. A PhD in Criminology equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and analytical tools necessary to comprehend criminal behavior patterns, develop strategies for crime prevention, and aid in the pursuit of justice. By pursuing a doctoral degree in Criminology, I aim to contribute meaningfully to the field by conducting in-depth research, analyzing data, and unveiling insights that could assist law enforcement agencies in apprehending criminals. This commitment to scholarly inquiry is essential not only for catching offenders but also for shedding light on systemic issues within the criminal justice system. Furthermore, the role of a Criminology scholar extends beyond academic pursuits. It involves active engagement with communities, policymakers, and law enforcement agencies to implement evidence-based practices and policies that address the root causes of crime. Through collaboration and advocacy, I aspire to bridge the gap between research findings and practical applications, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and fairness of the criminal justice system. The pursuit of truth and justice is a fundamental aspect of civic engagement. As a prospective PhD candidate in Criminology, my goal is to uncover truths hidden within the intricate web of criminal activities. This pursuit aligns with the essence of civic responsibility, as it seeks to uphold the values of fairness, accountability, and integrity within society. I want to create a platform to educate and empower future generations. By disseminating knowledge and critical thinking skills, I hope to inspire young minds to engage actively in addressing societal issues, promoting a culture of civic responsibility and ethical engagement. In conclusion, civic engagement is an indispensable component of a well-functioning society. It requires active participation, a commitment to social justice, and a dedication to upholding the values of truth and fairness. Pursuing a PhD in Criminology represents a significant step toward contributing meaningfully to society by leveraging knowledge, research, and advocacy to catch criminals, illuminate truths, and enhance the fairness and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Through the lens of academic inquiry and civic responsibility, I aim to make a lasting impact on society by working towards a safer, more just, and more equitable world for all.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    The transition into fall brings about a shift in atmosphere, and for many, it marks the return of comforting rituals, cozy sweaters, and warming beverages. Among these seasonal delights, the Starbucks cinnamon dolce latte stands out as a soothing elixir that not only warms the senses but also brings a sense of comfort during the autumn months. With its rich blend of espresso, steamed milk, cinnamon dolce syrup, whipped cream, and a sprinkle of cinnamon, this beloved drink embodies the essence of fall in a single cup. Its aroma alone evokes memories of crackling fires, crisp leaves, and the gentle embrace of cooler weather. For me, the cinnamon dolce latte has become more than just a beverage; it's a symbol of comfort and warmth. Its sweet and spicy notes offer solace during chilly mornings or afternoons spent raking leaves. The combination of the frothy milk and the aromatic cinnamon syrup creates a comforting sensation, akin to wrapping oneself in a soft blanket on a brisk day. Beyond its taste and aroma, cinnamon, an essential ingredient in this latte, holds cultural significance as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Across various cultures, cinnamon has been revered for its believed ability to bring positive energy and fortune. Its sweet fragrance is often associated with inviting good spirits and luck into one's life. In many traditions, cinnamon is used in rituals and ceremonies to attract good luck and prosperity. Its warm, inviting scent is thought to create a welcoming environment, encouraging positivity and success. Thus, enjoying a cinnamon-infused beverage like the cinnamon dolce latte during the fall months can be seen as inviting these positive energies and good fortune into one's life. Moreover, the act of savoring this delightful beverage during the fall months creates a sense of coziness and contentment. There's a certain nostalgia associated with sipping on a cinnamon-infused drink, reminiscing about past autumnal experiences, and embracing the present moment. Whether enjoyed alone, in the company of loved ones, or while walking through vibrant fall foliage, the cinnamon dolce latte acts as a companion, offering warmth and comfort during the seasonal transition. In essence, the cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks serves as more than a simple coffee beverage; it embodies the essence of fall, providing warmth, comfort, and a touch of good luck through the inclusion of cinnamon. Its sweet and spicy flavors offer a delightful respite during the cooler months, while the cultural symbolism of cinnamon adds an extra layer of significance to the experience. This beloved Starbucks beverage has warmed my heart and comforted me during the fall season, not only through its delightful taste but also by invoking the positive connotations associated with cinnamon. Its ability to bring solace and the cultural belief in cinnamon's good luck charm makes each sip of the cinnamon dolce latte a moment of blissful indulgence and a harbinger of seasonal delight.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Exploring the intricate landscape of human psychology has always been a guiding light in my quest to understand both myself and the world around me. From the complexities of our thoughts to the depths of our emotions, the study of human behavior has endlessly fascinated me and many curious minds before my existence in this universe. Moreover, the enriching conversations with my family have played an instrumental role in fueling my curiosity and desire to comprehend the vast expanse of the human mind. Growing up, my family provided an environment where discussions about emotions, motivations, and behaviors were not only encouraged but celebrated. These dialogues served as windows into the diverse perspectives and unique experiences each family member brought to the table. I found myself enraptured by the way individuals perceive and interpret the world, each with their own lens shaped by personal encounters, cultural backgrounds, and societal influences. These conversations acted as seeds, planting a profound interest in human psychology within me. As I delved deeper into the realms of psychology, I discovered the profound interconnectedness between our inner workings and the universe at large. Understanding human behavior became my compass in navigating the intricate web of relationships, emotions, and societal structures. The more I learned, the more I felt a profound sense of belonging and purpose, recognizing the impact of psychology in deciphering our roles in this vast universe. My existence and my essence was once as undefined and chaotic as the stars, but I still found peace and order among the other celestial beings. I've felt the bond of my former star-mates, the ones who share the same celestial matter as me. The reconnection of a soul I knew before my creation is a bond that cannot be broken, no matter the time. Time is as slippery as the thought that eludes my mind while I drift to sleep and dream of myself before my creation. Studying human psychology is peeling back the layers of an intricately woven tapestry, revealing the complexities that shape our thoughts, actions, and identities. It has not only provided me with theoretical knowledge but also empowered me with a profound sense of empathy and understanding towards others. Each theory, each case study, and each psychological concept unveiled new dimensions, offering insights into the marvels of the human mind. Moreover, the discussions with my family members have been invaluable in shaping my perspective. The diversity of viewpoints, the sharing of personal experiences, and the intergenerational exchange of wisdom have been pivotal in broadening my understanding of human behavior. These conversations have instilled in me the importance of listening, empathy, and the recognition that every individual possesses a unique narrative that deserves acknowledgment and respect. My aspiration to educate others about the wonders of the human mind stems from a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of knowledge. I am driven by the desire to unravel the complexities of the psyche and to share this knowledge to foster understanding and compassion within society. Through education and advocacy, I aim to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to explore the depths of human psychology, fostering a more empathetic and cohesive world. Everyone has some infinitely important purpose in this moment called life, though usually difficult for us to find and understand. But that’s the point, to be a tantalizing mystery. Personal purpose and identity is such that it is ever changing. Knowledge craves to be forever as elusive and playful as the galaxies and stars, forever to be swirling and dancing around the universe. But it is also designed to be fully satisfied once discovered and contained, so we should also learn to become satisfied with both uncertainty and identity. Humans are not meant to understand everything, just to be understood, and to forever be understanding. Knowledge is ever-expansive, it seeks to challenge us and our limits. Well, I accept this game of cat and mouse, the chase forever set into the universe. I vow to forever seek after truth, no matter how elusive and dark she claims to be. All will be revealed once content and respected. Challenge accepted.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya, the artist known for her talent, poise, and grace, extends her influence far beyond the entertainment industry. Her impactful presence in the world of fashion and activism stands as an inspirational beacon for young women worldwide. Through her distinctive style choices and unwavering dedication to meaningful causes, Zendaya has become a trailblazer, empowering and inspiring countless individuals. Zendaya's fashion sense is an embodiment of versatility, elegance, and daring experimentation. Her red carpet appearances constantly redefine fashion norms, effortlessly transitioning from bold, avant-garde looks to classic, timeless elegance. What makes Zendaya's fashion choices particularly influential is her fearlessness in embracing individuality. She fearlessly challenges stereotypes, setting new standards and inspiring young women to express themselves authentically through fashion. Moreover, Zendaya's commitment to diversity and inclusivity in fashion has sparked crucial conversations within the industry. Her collaboration with designers and brands that prioritize representation has been instrumental in advocating for more inclusive fashion spaces. By using her platform to amplify underrepresented voices and celebrate diverse perspectives, Zendaya encourages young women to embrace their uniqueness and fosters a more inclusive fashion landscape. Beyond her contributions to the world of fashion, Zendaya's activism further solidifies her status as a role model for young women. She uses her voice to advocate for social justice causes, promoting equality and equity across various societal realms. Her involvement in initiatives addressing racial inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, and mental health awareness demonstrates a commitment to fostering a more just and compassionate world. Zendaya's activism extends beyond vocal support; she actively engages in initiatives that promote positive change. Whether through fundraising efforts, advocating for policy changes, or using her influence to shine a light on important issues, Zendaya exemplifies the importance of using one's platform for meaningful activism. Her dedication to social causes serves as a powerful inspiration for young women, encouraging them to find their voices and contribute to causes that resonate with their values.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    "Stranger Things" not only entertains with its supernatural plot but also imparts valuable lessons about friendship, independence, and bravery, as portrayed by its diverse characters. Firstly, the show beautifully illustrates the significance of friendship in overcoming challenges. The bond shared between characters like Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Eleven, and Will showcases unwavering support, loyalty, and the willingness to go to great lengths to protect one another. Their unity during tumultuous times symbolizes the strength derived from true friendships, teaching viewers the importance of standing by friends in both good and trying times. Bravery and independence are central themes in "Stranger Things," with numerous characters displaying acts of courage in the face of danger. Three characters, in particular, stand out as embodiments of bravery: Eleven, Chief Jim Hopper, and Joyce Byers. Eleven, with her supernatural abilities, demonstrates immense bravery throughout the series. Despite her traumatic past and the dangers she faces, she consistently puts herself in harm's way to protect her friends, showcasing unwavering courage and selflessness. Chief Jim Hopper, despite his flaws, exhibits tremendous bravery in protecting the citizens of Hawkins. His willingness to confront dangerous situations, his protective nature towards Eleven, and his determination to uncover the truth make him a symbol of bravery in the show. Joyce Byers, as a mother, exemplifies incredible courage. Her relentless pursuit to find her son, even when faced with supernatural occurrences, demonstrates a mother's unwavering bravery and love. Her refusal to give up, despite the odds stacked against her, makes her an embodiment of bravery and determination. In conclusion, "Stranger Things" beautifully weaves together themes of friendship, independence, and bravery through its multifaceted characters. The unwavering support among friends, the portrayal of individual strength in overcoming challenges independently, and the display of immense bravery in characters like Eleven, Chief Hopper, and Joyce Byers teach valuable lessons about resilience, unity, and the unwavering human spirit in the face of adversity.
    Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
    Out of all of the wonderful games Nintendo offers, the racing game "Mario Kart" is definitely my favorite. "Mario Kart" isn't just a racing game; it's a game that often imparts significant life lessons. Amidst the exhilarating races and power-ups, it subtly teaches players about the value of connection and friendship. We also learn how every character, including my favorite, Toad, holds the potential for success in everything they do. At first glance, Toad might seem like an unassuming character, often overlooked among the game's other players. Yet, Toad embodies the very spirit of resilience and the power of the underdog. His small stature doesn't limit his capabilities; instead, it accentuates the idea that even the smallest individuals can make a significant impact. In many ways, playing as Toad in "Mario Kart" parallels real-life experiences. It's a reflection of how individuals who may appear small or unassuming possess unique strengths and abilities. Toad might lack the physical stature of other characters, but his agility, speed, and determination make him a formidable opponent on the race track. This mirrors the strength that lies within seemingly unremarkable people in reality – their determination, skills, and perseverance often lead to remarkable achievements. Also, "Mario Kart" isn't just about racing; it's about forging connections. Playing "Mario Kart" with my little brother is one of my most fond memories. Though he’s younger than me, he is far more experienced than me. Though he usually wins first place while stuck in I'm sixth or seventh, the connections I’m forging with my brother are lifelong, and I couldn’t be happier to lose. Driving and laughing with my brother is worth more to me than any virtual gold trophy. Through these interactions, it becomes evident that success isn't solely about individual prowess but also about the alliances and connections formed along the way. In essence, playing "Mario Kart" with Toad as a character serves as a constant reminder of the strength that comes from within, the potential for greatness in unexpected places, and the importance of forming connections. Through its gameplay and character dynamics, the game imparts valuable lessons about embracing individual strengths, fostering connections, and acknowledging the significance of even the seemingly small players in the grand scheme of life. As players navigate the tracks with Toad, they are subtly encouraged to acknowledge their unique abilities and the potential impact they can have, much like Toad, the little character with an immense spirit, embodies in the game. In conclusion, "Mario Kart" and the character of Toad exemplify the profound lessons about connection and the power that seemingly little guys can possess, both in the gaming world and in our lives. Video games are not just about playing, they are also about the connections we form.
    Future Is Female Inc. Scholarship
    Feminism is actively working towards the advancement of women’s rights to create social equality for all genders because feminism is not feminism if you don’t treat our transgender sisters and brothers as equals. Feminism is the mindset that everyone should be equal and should be treated fairly. Feminism is not the mindset that women are superior to men. We want equality, not supremacy. As Gloria Steinem once proudly said, “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men”. Women have been oppressed and silenced for centuries, and it is time that everyone steps up to help the problem, or steps aside as we leave them in the past. Feminism is the only option, any other mindset is sexist and oppressive. The future is ever-evolving and we decide where we will be in history. Once women spoke up and showed the world our power, we gained the right to vote, the right to divorce, and the right to be independent and not rely on a man for our living. The world evolved and now women can finally be independent and not have to answer to a man to be strong. One of my best friends, Ruby, is an inspirational person to me because she believes in herself and her worth. She knows how important words and actions are and always tries to be the best version of herself. She always supports me when I stand up for inequality and would never leave her friends in their struggles. Ruby is brave, strong, and assertive, but not aggressive, about her opinions. We are educating our school about the injustice and ignorance of our peers through our thoughts and actions. We make friends with those of the same opinions and speak out against hate. We stand strong together as one voice, never to be silenced by hate or ignorance. “Pens do not do battle, nor swords poetry. Mighty is the HAND that knows when to pick up the pen, or pick up the sword"(Wiegraf Folles). Feminism does not always need to be loud and violent to be impactful. Quiet but powerful revolutions and reforms through words are sometimes the ones that achieve the most. Sometimes silence is also needed to show the power of women. Women refuse to take back their words and they stand firm and silent to highlight how impactful we are. But however we fight, whether in public or just in our hearts, we are a revolutionary part of history that will never stop fighting for justice and love.
    @Carle100 National Scholarship Month Scholarship
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    This is the tale of a lad Who saw a fair maiden alone And oh what gladness he had He thought, I must bring her home Her beauty is sweeter than the flowers Her song is one of much rejoice Before I have spent the hours I shall gift her with my voice A song of love her sings for her His music fills her heart They sing so sweet that who but birds Could tell these lovers apart Into the night they fly away Their love will never die This tale that I have told you today Is of my lover and I My love for her is still so strong I’ll love her as she loves me I love her everyday through song We sing in harmony A song of love we sing tonight The sound heard high above We sing together in pure delight The birds sing back our love
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    My best back-to-school tip is to make sure you have plenty of highlighters and flat pens so you can take colorful and fun notes to keep you engaged, and to practice your best penmanship so you can write attractive and literate notes! The number rule is to make sure you have fun at school and make friends!