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Jonaurie Livings


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First I would like to state how very grateful that I am to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. I am somewhat shy and very reserved. I will however speak up for my classmates when they are not being treated fairly. I am currently actively involved in our Senior Council activities. During these meetings despite my reserve nature, I do speak up as necessary to make sure that we have a good senior year. For as long as I can remember, I have found crime shows to be fascinating. I love trying to solve the crimes. By watching these shows, it has helped me realize that Forensic Science would be an excellent career. My long term goal is to one day become a Forensic Scientist. Sam Houston State University has one of the best Forensic Science programs in Texas. I have toured the school and submitted my college application. My parents are both retired. They rely on fixed incomes for support. They plan to provide as much financial assistance as possible for my education. It is my hope however to be approved for scholarships. If I am successful, this would most definitely lessen any financial burden, that my parents might have. Thanks again for this opportunity.


Stafford High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Forensic Science

    • Dream career goals:


    • Customer Service

      Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Parlor
      2022 – Present2 years



    2012 – 20197 years


    • Team Awards


    • Fort Bend County Fair

      No however, the artwork, that I submitted won a first place ribbon.
      2016 – Present

    Future Interests




    Andre' Burchelle Roach Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I would like to express my sincere gratitude, for being afforded the opportunity to be considered for your scholarship. I am a second year student at Sam Houston State University. At this prestigious university, I have had an opportunity of pursuing my long term goal of being a forensic scientist. For as long as I can remember I have an interest in the field of forensic science. My current major is criminal justice and biology, with a minor in forensic science. Sam Houston State University has a well-known reputation in my career of interest. Upon receipt of my undergraduate degree, It is my plan to continue my studies in forensic science and pursue my masters degree. I am grateful to my parents who adopted me in their late forties. Myself, along with my birth family were forced to evacuate from New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina. We ended up in Houston, Texas. The details of how I was separated from my family and placed in foster care is unknown to me. My life as an adoptee, afforded me the opportunity to have an exceptional life. I grew up in a loving and stable home environment. My parents. I am sure sacrificed a lot to assure that I had a good childhood and education. Despite them both being employed, either one of them, or sometimes both were always actively involved in my school activities. I was exposed to as many non- school related activities as my parents could possibly afford. I can only imagine how my life might have turned out, if wasn't for my loving and supportive parents. Both of my parents are now retired. It has always been important to them that I not have to rely on student loans to pay for my college education. It is for this reason that they have chosen to use their retirement income to send me to college. I am well aware that my parents rely on fixed incomes to live. It is for this reason that I am sure that paying for my college expenses is a great sacrifice. Winning as many scholarships as possible, would mean the world to me. If I am lucky to do so, it would most certainly lessen any financial burden that my parents might be incurring. They have never expressed concern about paying for me to attend college. However I would like to be able to assist them as much as I can.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I would like to express my gratitude for being afforded the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. It is without a doubt my adoptive parents are and always been my biggest supporters. I was eighteen months of age when they adopted me and gave me my forever home. The details regarding what led to my placement in foster care are unknown to me. I am aware however that I along with my biological family were forced to evacuate the city of New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina and arrived in Houston. From that point on, I am not sure what happened to my family. I am so blessed to have been adopted by a loving middle aged couple. They not only provided me with a stable and loving home environment but were always supportive . I can only imagine how my life might have turned out if it wasn’t for my adoptive parents. I was afforded every opportunity and exposed to as many things as they could provide. An emphasis on obtaining an education was a conversation that my parents and I frequently had. Even at the time of my adoption I was enrolled into a well known and highly respected daycare. It was at this facility where my educational foundation began. My parents often volunteered or accompanied us on our many educational trips. After completing my educational start at the daycare, my parents enrolled me in a small school in our community, whose grades went from first through the high school. My parents remained involved and active, in my educational pursuits, throughout my school journey. I was always encouraged to pursue my educational goals. Prior to my graduation in 2023, I was notified of my acceptance into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. This school was chosen due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. It has always been my dream to become a Forensic Scientist. I am now in the process of entering my second year at Sam Houston. I have a dual major criminal justice and biology with a minor in forensic science. Upon completion of my undergraduate degree, it is my goal to continue my studies and pursue my masters degree in forensic science. I am quite confident that with the education provided to me at Sam Houston and my skill set and expertise, that will become a successful Forensic Scientist. My parents are now both retired. Despite their age they make the hour and half drive to see me as often as they can. I can happily say my mom and dad have remained my biggest cheerleaders and always encouraged me pursue my educational goals.
    Sammy Ochoa Memorial Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I would like to start out by stating my sincere gratitude for having the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. I faced an unexpected and unusual trial and tribulation starting out as an infant. As a result of Hurricane Katrina, I along with my biological family were forced to evacuate the city of New Orleans. This led us to Houston. For reasons which are still unknown to me, I was separated from my family and placed in foster care. At the age of eighteen months a loving middle aged couple adopted me and provided me with a forever home. I remain unaware of what happened to my biological family. I grew up in a loving, supportive, caring household. My adoptive parents provided me with every opportunity that they could afford. Though close to retirement, my parents never made mention of any financial struggles that they might have experienced providing me with a good life. Pursuing a good education was a conversation that my parents and I often had. It was important to them that I finish high school and attend the college of my choice. I am proud to reveal that prior to graduating from high school, I was notified regarding my acceptance to Sam Houston State University. This school was my first choice. They were chosen due to their well known reputation in the forensic science field. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to become a forensic scientist. With my acceptance into, Sam Houston, I will be able to pursue my dream. In the fall, I will be entering my second year of college. I am majoring in criminal justice and biology, with a minor in forensic science. Upon receipt of my bachelor’s degree, it is plan to further my education by pursuing my masters degree in forensic science. I have no doubt that with my strong will power and determination I will be able to achieve my dream of pursuing a career in forensic science. I am very confident that after completing my studies at Sam Houston, I will have acquired the knowledge, expertise and skills to become a Forensic Scientist. It would be a great honor to make my parents proud, knowing of all of the sacrifices that they made for me during my childhood. As a Forensic Scientist, it is my intent to utilize my skills to make my community and other communities a safer place for citizens to live. I would also hope to be a role model for those students who also want to pursue a career in the forensic science field.
    Veterans & Family Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I would like to take this opportunity to state how grateful that I am to be able to considered for this scholarship. My father is a proud member of the United States Marine Corps. He was a Private First Class. My dad went into the Marines at the young age of eighteen. It gives him great pride and pleasure, to talk about his experience serving his country. My parents and I relocated shortly after my high school graduation to a small East Texas town. The citizens of our new community are often over heard telling my father thank you for your service. This always puts a large smile on my father’s face. I would also like to say that the town has a VA clinic, which offers great medical care to my father and other veterans, in the area. As an eighteen month old toddler, I am proud to state that I was adopted by my father and his wife. Prior to my adoption I spent time in foster care, after coming to Houston, Texas along with my biological family, from New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina. I am so grateful to my parents who were both middle aged at the time of my adoption. I was given a great life and provided with as many opportunities as they could afford. Who knows how my life might have turned out, had it not been for my loving parents. I grew up as an only child in their home, even though I have older siblings, who lived nearby. I have a great relationship with them. I have biological siblings, but once we relocated to Houston from New Orleans, we were separated. Growing up in my household, my parents always stressed the importance of getting a good education. Multiple sacrifices were made by them to assure that my educational goals were met. I was always encouraged to pursue my career goals at the college of my choice. Prior to my high school graduation in June of 2023, I was accepted into Sam Houston State University. The school has always been my college of choice, because of their well known reputation in the forensic science field. I am proud to state that I am presently pursuing my long time goal of being a forensic scientist. In the fall I will be entering my sophomore year of college. I have a dual major, which is criminal justice and biology, minoring in forensic science. My educational goals also include attending graduate school and obtaining a master’s degree in the Forensic Science field. It is my hope that upon completion of college with the educational experience that I will have acquired my work as a Forensic Scientist will help in making our communities a safer place to live.
    Veterans & Family Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I would like to start out by stating my gratitude for having the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. I am so proud to be the daughter of an outstanding marine corps veteran. My father often boasts of his time well spent in the military, while proudly serving his country. He joined the marines at the age of eighteen, after he graduated from high school. My father remained in the military for four years. I was adopted by my parents in their later years. So I have no firsthand experience of being with my father while he was in the marines. His time served however, is quite well known to me. It would mean so much to my parents, and I to be awarded this scholarship. Not only would it be a great honor to them, but it would also help lessen any financial burden that my retired parents might have to incur. They have sacrificed so much for me. I can only hope to be able to make them proud by obtaining my degree, and graduating with as little debt as possible. For as long as I can remember, the field of forensic science has fascinated me. It always intrigued me watching criminal investigation shows and seeing how they were solved as well as who the culprits were. As a direct result of my fascination with solving crimes, I have made the decision to pursue a career in the forensic science field, as a forensic scientist. I am in my second semester of my first year at Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville, Texas. The university was chosen due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. I am a dual major student. My secondary major is in biology. Upon completion of my undergraduate studies, it is my goal to further my education by obtaining my graduate degree in my chosen field of interest. Crimes amongst young people in my age range is always on the increase. I find it quite disturbing to watch television and hear of stories where unsuspecting people have been targeted by criminals. It is unfortunate that every day citizens are no longer safe in their own communities. While participating in normal activities such as shopping, dining out, or family outings, people are so often concerned about their surroundings and safety, not to mention the safety of their loved ones. I am quite confident that with my tenacity, knowledge base obtained while in college, as well as expertise as a Forensic Scientist, I will be able to have a great impact on crime reduction and making safety a priority in our communities.
    Clevenger Women in Foster Care Award
    I would like to start out by thanking the scholarship committee, for providing me with the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. For as long as I can remember, it has been my goal, to become a forensic scientist. My interest in this field is a direct result of me watching criminal investigation shows. It was always fascinating to me seeing how the crimes were solved and finding out who the culprits were. Also as a student in the forensic science program in my high school, my interest in this area was stimulated. In an effort to assure that I follow my career path, I have enrolled and been accepted into Sam Houston State University’s fall of 2023 class. The school has a well known reputation in my area of interest. However they do not offer a bachelor’s degree in forensic science. So it is my intention to major in criminal justice and biology, with a minor in forensic science. Upon completion of my undergraduate degree, I intend to continue my studies and pursue both my masters and Phd in forensic science. I have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. Therefore it may take a little longer for me achieve my educational and career goals. However I am quite confident that I will eventually become a forensic scientist. I am happy to report that my college of choice has assistance in place to help their students, ( such as my self), who have learning challenges. Learning about this assistance has been a great boost to my self esteem. It is without question, that I will be successful in college. Upon receipt of my degrees, I plan to utilize my skills and expertise to reduce my community’s crime rate. With the crime rate being wide spread and rampant amongst teens and young adults, I would like to target this population, to bring about a change. It is my hope that this particular population can relate to some one closer to their age. To accomplish my goal of reducing crime in my community, it is my plan to redirect the interest of those young people who get involved in crimes. To accomplish this, services such as GED programs. vocational training, job placement would be implemented. For those young people, who have children out of wedlock. parenting services would be put into place. to address their needs as well as the needs of their children.
    Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share a little bit about my challenges and struggles in school. I am also happy to have the chance to be considered for your scholarship. My time in school has for years been an educational challenge. Often times it was difficult for me to get organized, remain on task, as well stay focused. I also found it difficult to turn in my classwork and assignments on time. My challenges puzzled my parents and my teachers as well. I was seen by my physician and was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. My physician also prescribed medication because of my diagnosis. Upon learning that the problems that I was having in school was because of my ADHD, my teachers put an educational plan into place. This plan was meant to help me cope with the challenges that I was experiencing. With the unwavering support from my parents, teachers, and school counselors, the medication prescribed by doctor, and my self determination my grades began to improve. It was a gradual improvement, but it definitely improved my self esteem. When schools were forced to shut down as a result of Covid 19, it was difficult for me to do well away from the classroom structure. Even though we were doing our course work virtually, the lack of my teachers and classmates being in person to help me caused a set back. I once again found it difficult to get organized. stay on task, and get my assignments turned in on time. My parents’ support remained strong however. After our return to the classroom setting, I slowly got back to a routine. With my self determination and interest in eventually going to college I worked hard to improve my grades. The educational plan implemented by my school remained in place. This plan, along with the support from my school played an important role in helping me to achieve one of my goals which was to graduate from high school. I am proud to report that on June third of this year I graduated. As a result of this major accomplishment, plans are now being made for me to move forward to the next chapter in my life. It has been my long time goal to become a forensic scientist. This goal is nowon the road to becoming a reality. I have been approved for acceptance into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. The school was chosen because of their well known reputation in forensic science. I am even more excited to report that Sam Houston has services in place to help students who have been diagnosed with ADHD. It is without a doubt if it hadn't been for my self determination, will power, strong desire to succeed and my support system, I would not be where I am today. I am anxious to see what my future has in store.
    James Gabriel Memorial Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I want to start out by stating my gratitude for having this opportunity to be considered for your scholarship. My adoptive parents have always been my driving force in every aspect of my life. While in foster care at the early age of eighteen months old, they chose to bring me home and make me a part of their lives. I can only imagine how my life might have turned out without my parents. My parents have always wanted the best for me. Shortly after bringing me home, they enrolled me into the best early childhood program that they could afford. It was in this program that my foundation on achieving a good education began. Upon entering pre K until the twelfth grade I again received a good education. Often times in school, I dealt with educational challenges. I have problems focusing, staying organized and not turning in my assignments on time. These issues puzzled my parents. After being seen by my doctor, I was diagnosed with ADHD. My parents immediately informed the school about my diagnosis. An educational plan was put into place which helped me succeed. Without the unwavering support from parents, my educational challenges might have persisted. I am proud to report that I recently graduated from high school Early on, I was exposed to as many opportunities as my parents could afford. They always encouraged me to pursue my interest. These interest included girl scouts, swimming, artwork, culinary artwork and volleyball to just name a few. The importance of pursing my dreams was encouraged by my parents. We also had numerous conversations about the importance of me attending college. Now that one of goals of finishing high school has been accomplished my next step is college. With the encouragement from my parents I applied to the college of my choice, Sam Houston State University. The decision to attend this school. was made after I and my parents made campus visits to the school. Another deciding factor was because of their well known reputation in my career of interest,which is Forensic Science. My parents have known for a long time that it has been my goal to become a Forensic Scientist. They have been behind me every step of the way. It is not only my goal to obtain my bachelor’s degree in my career of interest but graduate degrees as well. Though both my parents are now retired and on fixed incomes. They are willing to help me as much as possible in paying for my college expenses.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    To the scholarship community, I would like to start out by stating my gratitude for having an opportunity to be considered for your scholarship. My parents have always been my biggest supporters. Their involvement in my life started at the early age of eighteen months, when I was in foster care. They were a middle aged couple who chose to adopt me and give me my forever home. Without their decision who knows how my life might have turned out. I have always been exposed to every opportunity that my parents could possibly afford. They enrolled me into an excellent early childhood program shortly after bringing me home. This is where my exposure to a good educational opportunity began. Once it was time for me to begin my formal education, my parents wanted the best education for me. I was enrolled into a well-rounded school district. The entire school district from pre K to grade twelve is located on one campus. So students that I met in preschool, many times I had classes with until I graduated. The importance of obtaining a formal education is a conversation that I and my parents have had on multiple occasions. I knew at an early age, that upon graduating from high school, college would be my next step. My father chose to join the military instead of going to college. My mother is a college graduate. They are both aware of the importance and benefits of obtaining a formal education. It has been my long time goal to become a Forensic Scientist. My mother and father have always been behind me every step of the way ensuring that I got into to the college of my choice to achieve my goal. I am proud to say that I was accepted for admission into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. The college was chosen because of their well known reputation in my career of interest. It is not only my goal to obtain my bachelor’s degree but my graduate degrees as well. Of course to pursue my goal, none of this would be possible without my parents’ support. To assure that I made the right decision about attending Sam Houston, my parents and I made several campus visits to the school. Without their encouragement and unwavering support, this would not have been possible. My parents are now both retired. To assure that I achieve my educational goals they are willing to help as much as possible to assist me in paying for college.
    Dounya Discala Scholarship
    To the scholarship community thanks for affording me this opportunity to be considered for your scholarship. My problems with staying focused, being organized, and turning in my class work on time has always been a challenge for me. My challenges in school puzzled my parents. With their desire to want to see me do well, I was taken to a doctor. It was at that visit, that I was diagnosed with ADHD. Upon my school being informed of my diagnosis, they put an educational plan into place. This plan was meant to help with my challenges and be successful in my classes. My teachers and guidance counselors were always available to assist as needed. With their support, the unwavering support from my parents, and classmates, and my self determination, my grades improved. With the onset of COVID, I once again, started struggling with my classes. Without the classroom structure and presence of my teachers and classmates initially it was difficult. I must admit that I am very strong willed and want to be successful. So it was very important for me to do well while being home and doing my classes online. My parents remained supportive, as well as my teachers. I was glad to return to the classroom setting, when we were allowed to do so. Being back in the classroom and with my classmates, definitely made a difference. Educational challenges continue to remain an issue for me. However with my tenacity and self determination I always face my challenges with a strong desire to succeed. I am proud to report that I recently graduated from high school. My teachers and classmates, will be missed. I am really excited however to see what my future has in store for me. Even though graduating from high school was a great accomplishment. I am even more prouder to report that I was approved for admission into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. The college was chosen because of their well known reputation in my career of interest, which is Forensic Science. Becoming a forensic scientist, has been my long term career goal. Not only is it my intent to obtain my undergraduate degree in my chosen field, but my graduate degrees as well. What makes me even more excited about attending Sam Houston is knowing that they have assistance in place to help students such as myself who have educational challenges. Learning of this assistance has been a boost to myself esteem. I am aware that having a diagnosis of ADHD will be a life long challenge. However with my self determination, tenacity and will power it is no doubt that I will do well.
    David Hinsdale Memorial Scholarship
    I am an eighteen year old recent high school graduate. My path to this year’s graduation has not been without its challenges. I have been diagnosed with ADHD. As a result of my diagnosis, often times, I struggled with getting organized, staying on task, and failed to turn in my class work on time. Thankfully however. due to the support that I received from my parents, guidance counselors, and teachers, an academic plan was put into place which helped me succeed in school. With the onset of the pandemic, while doing my classes online at home, my struggles with ADHD again arose. It was difficult for me to do well without the classroom structure and support from my teachers and classmates. My parents’ support remained consistent. Despite my educational challenges, I am happy to report that I preserved. It has been my long time goal to become a Forensic Scientist. To achieve my goal, I chose and was accepted into my college of choice. Sam Houston State University was chosen due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. The school has services available to assist students such as myself who have educational challenges. Learning of this assistance has been a great boost to my self esteem. While in college, it is my plan to major in Criminal Justice and Biology, with a minor in Forensic Science. Not only do I intend to obtain my bachelor's degree in my chosen field, but my graduate degrees as well. Crimes involving teenagers is such a wide spread and rampant issue in our society. It is unfortunate that daily activities such as dining out, shopping, and banking are no longer safe to participate in. It is my aim to address the crime ridden problems, by putting programs into place that focuses on at risk teens. Such programs have the potential to redirect them in so many positive ways. Programs and/or services geared towards school retention, GED assistance, job training and career placement should be readily available to those interested teens. Offering counseling services to teens and their families should also be available. I am quite confident in myself. It is without a doubt that with my knowledge base, skill set, and expertise that I will acquire during my college career. I will be able to have a direct impact on crime reduction. I also intend to utilize my skills to make our communities safer.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    The early years of my life got off to a sense of turmoil. It was at the age of five months, when I along with my birth family were forced to evacuate from Nee Orleans. We were relocated to Houston. Our relocation was a direct result of Hurricane Katerina. For reasons which remain unknown to me, I ended up in the foster care system after coming to Houston. I was later adopted by a loving and supportive middle aged couple. My parents brought me into a stable home environment. I was showered with so much love. I was also exposed to as many opportunities as they could possibly afford. My parents have always been strong proponents of obtaining a good education. In particular the importance of achieving a college degree was a discussion that we often had. It is with extreme pride, that I am proud to report that I recently graduated from high school.This was a major accomplishment, because of my diagnosis of ADHD. I often found it difficult to get organized, and stay focused. Turning in my assignments on time was always a challenge. After revealing that my learning difficulties, was due to ADHD, a plan was put into place by my teachers. This plan brought about a noticeable change in my study habits. During the pandemic, while studying at home online, my learning challenges were extremely hard to deal with. I missed the class room structure, my supportive teachers and classmates. After a while however. my grades began to improve. Despite the many challenges that I so often faced with my courses, I was determined to graduate. In June of this year I received my high school diploma. It is my second accomplishment that I am even more prouder of. With the unwavering support from my parents I applied to and was approved for admission into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. The school was chosen because of their well known reputation in my chosen career field. It has been my long term goal to become a Forensic Scientist. I became interested in forensic science as a result of my passion for watching criminal investigation shows. It was always interesting seeing how the crimes would be solved and who the culprits were. I feel quite confident that with the skills and knowledge base that I will acquire while in college I will be able to reduce crime and make my community safer. By winning this scholarship, it would offer me the opportunity to be able to pay for my college education. It would also lessen the financial burden that my parents may incur while trying to help with my college expenses. Furthermore this scholarship would assure that the resources needed to obtain my degree and pursue my long time goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist are available.
    Hannah’s Community Foster Care Forward Scholarship
    My stay in foster care was brief. I was a foster child from the age of five months until I was eighteen months old. The details that led to me being a foster child are unclear. I do know however that my birth family and I were forced to leave New Orkeans and evacuate to Houston. Our relocation was a direct result of Hurricane Katrina. It was at the age eighteen months that I was given a forever home. I was adopted by a loving middle aged couple. They provided me with a stable and loving home environment. My parents are strong proponents of receiving a formal education. I have always been encouraged by my mother and father to pursue my career goals. It has been my long time goal, to become a Forensic Scientist. With the support and encouragement from my parents, I applied for and was approved for admission into the fall 2023 class at Sam Houston State University. They were my college of choice due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. I have aspired to become a Forensic Scientist, for several years. I became interested in this field as a result of my keen passion for watching criminal investigation shows. It was always fascinating seeing how each crime was solved and who the culprits were. I am quiet confident that upon completion of my college studies, I will have acquired the knowledge base skill set, and expertise. needed to reduce crime and play a major role in making our communities safer.
    Jose Montanez Memorial Scholarship
    I would first like to start out by stating my gratitude for having the opportunity to apply for and be considered for this scholarship. My life started out in a bit of a turmoil. It was at the age of five months when I along with my birth family were forced to relocate to Houston, Texas from New Orleans, La. As a direct result of Hurricane Katrina we had to evacuate. Shortly afterwards, for reasons that are unknown to me, I ended up in the foster care system. At the age of eighteen months, I was placed as a foster child. in the home of a middle aged couple, who later adopted me. It was in my forever home, that I was showered with love and support and stability. My adoptive parents provided me with every opportunity that they could possibly afford. While in high school I was have diagnosed with ADHD. The support that I received and continue to receive from my parents due to my educational challenges and difficulties has remained unwavering. They made sure that my school put a plan and services into place to ensure that I was able to succeed in school and my classes. Despite my difficulties with ADHD I did well. I am proud to report my graduation from high school in June of this year. The importance of attending college and obtaining a formal education has been a conversation that my parents and I have often had. I’m also happy to note my acceptance into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. The college was chosen because of their well known reputation in the Criminal Justice and Forensic Science fields. These are both fields that I have a keen interest in. Sam Houston has services in place for students like myself who have learning challenges. Becoming aware of the availability of these services has definitely been a boost to my self esteem. It is my hope that upon receipt of my undergraduate and graduate degrees, that I will be able to pursue employment as a Forensic Scientist. This choice of career has been my long time aspiration. I am quite confident that with the skill set that I will acquire while in college and as a Forensic Scientist, I will be able to have a major impact on reducing the crime rate in my community. It is also my hope at making my community a safer place in which to live.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    To the scholarship committee, I would like to start out by stating my gratitude for having the opportunity to apply for and be considered for this scholarship. It has been my long term dream to become a Forensic Scientist. My interest in this field is a direct result of my enjoyment in watching criminal investigation shows. I always found it interesting to see how these crimes were solved and who the culprits were. I’m proud to report that I was recently accepted to my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. They were my college of choice due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. In addition to pursuing my bachelor’s degree in my chosen field it is also my intention to obtain my graduate degrees as well. Several years ago. I was diagnosed with ADHD. This occurred after my difficulties and struggles in school. I experienced difficulties getting my assignments turned in on time, was unable to stay on task, or get organized. When the pandemic started, my ADHD struggles in school got worse. The schools shut down. Classes were conducted online. Without the structure of my classroom setting and support from my teachers and classmates, I really struggled. With the unwavering support of my parents, teachers, and counselors, I preserved. I am happy to report that despite my challenges, I recently graduated from high school. The college that I will be enrolling into in the fall, has services in place to help students with learning disabilities be successful in their classes. Knowing that there is assistance available for me, has been a great boost to my self esteem. I am looking forward to seeing what my future has to hold, as I get ready to start my college career. I feel quite confident that upon receipt of my degrees that I will be able to have a major impact on crime reduction. It is also my intention to utilize my skill set and expertise to make my community a safer place in which to live. If I am fortunate enough to win this scholarship, it will be put to great use to help my parents in paying for my college education. They are both retired and dependent upon on fixed incomes for support. My parents are willing to help as much as they can with my college expenses. By winning this scholarship, it would most definitely lessen any financial burden that my parents may incur.
    Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how grateful that I am to have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. I struggled for many years with difficulties in school and at home. It was always a challenge for me get organized to do tasks. stay focused, turn my assignments in on time. This often caused me to become frustrated and I had failing grades. My parents were perplexed regarding my challenges. After being taken to the doctor, I was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed medication. A plan was put in place by my teachers. to help deal with my challenges. As a result of the ongoing support from my parents and teachers, my life took a turn for the better. There was also a difficult period for me with my classes during the pandemic. It was at this time, that students were at home. Classes were conducted online. I missed the classroom structure, the unwavering support from my teachers, counselors, and my friends. I am happy to state that I preserved despite my challenges with ADHD. On June third of this year, I graduated from high school. It is also with great pride that wish to report about my acceptance into my college of choice, Sam Houston State University. For as long as I can remember, it has been my long time goal to become a Forensic Scientist. Sam Houston was chosen as my college of choice due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. They also have services in place to help students, such as myself who have learning disabilities be successful in their classes. Being aware of the services available has been a great boost to my self esteem. Not only do I intend to obtain my bachelor’s degree in my chosen field but my graduate degrees as well. I am aware that with my diagnosis. I will be faced with life long challenges in school as well as in life. I am determined however to succeed. I know without a doubt that with my determination skill set, and expertise that I will be successful in my career. It is my intent have a major impact on crime reduction as well as make my community a safer place to live.
    Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
    I would first like to start out by stating my gratitude for having the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. My long time difficulties and struggles in my classes led to me being diagnosed by my doctor with ADHD. Often times I had problems focusing on my assignments, failed to turn them in on time. and had no organizational skills. After my parents and teachers became aware of why I was doing poorly in school, an educational plan was put into place. The plan implemented by my teachers was meant to help me succeed, ( which it did). I really found it difficult to do well during the pandemic. It was during this time when the schools shut down and classes were held online. I missed the classroom setting and structure. Not having the daily interaction with my teachers and classmates was hard. After a while, with the ongoing support of my parents, my teachers, andvschool counselors, my grades began to improve. I must admit that I still continue to struggle at times with being organized, getting my assignments in on time and staying on task, but not as much. Since learning about the assistance available that can help me despite of my ADHD, I am looking forward to attending college. My parents have always talked to me about the importance of attending college. They've also been very supportive of me pursuing my long time dream of becoming a Forensic Scientist. I have chosen and proudly been accepted into Sam Houston State University. The school was chosen because of their well known reputation in Forensic Science. Since being approved for admission at Sam Houston, I’ve learned that they have assistance available for their learning disabled students. Being made aware of this assistance has definitely been a boost to my self esteem. It is my intent to not only pursue my bachelor’s degree in my chosen field of interest but my graduate degrees as well. If I were fortunate enough to win this scholarship, it would definitely help lessen any financial burden that my parents might incur. My parents are both retired. They and I, are dependent upon their fixed income for support. I am proud to report that my parents are willing to assist me as much as possible with my college expenses. However because of their income I am concerned that their assistance will probably be limited. It is my opinion that I am a good candidate for this scholarship due to me being without adequate financial assistance to pay for college.
    Linda Fontenot-Williams Memorial Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating my gratitude for having the opportunity to apply and be considered for this scholarship. It has been my long time goal to become a Forensic Scientist. My interest in this field is a direct result of me, watching many episodes of criminal investigation shows. It was always fascinating to me seeing how these crimes were solved and who the culprits were. I am well aware that without the knowledge base and skills needed from a college degree, I will not be able to achieve my goal. My parents and I have had many hours of discussions about the importance of obtaining a formal education. It was without a doubt, that after graduating from high school, my next step would be to attend college. With the staunch support from my parents and their unwavering encouragement, I chose and was proudly accepted into Sam Houston State University’s , fall class of 2023. Sam Houston was my first college of my choice. They have a well known reputation in the forensic science field. My visits to the campus helped me further confirm that I chose the right college to achieve my goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist. I intend to major in criminal justice and biology, with a minor in forensic science. Not only is it my plan to obtain my bachelor’s degree, but my master’s and PHD degrees as well. Crime is always on the increase. Of particular concern to me, are those crimes involving teenagers and young adults. These crimes appear to have a major impact on our communities. Unfortunately every day activities, such as dining out, banking, and shopping are no longer safe activities to participate in. Making a difference in our society, is definitely what I am committed to doing. I am quite confident that with my skill set and expertise in the forensic science field, I will be able to have a major impact on crime reduction. It is also my intention to make our communities a safer place in which to live. Being able to do an internship and becoming employed for either the Federal Bureau of Investigation or CIA would be an ideal setting to obtain the skills needed to reach my goal. Upon completion of college and settling into my career as a Forensic Scientist, being a mentor to young teens, is something I can envision myself doing.
    Vertex Reliability PEAK Engineering Scholarship
    I would like to first start out by stating how much it means to me to have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. As a result of being diagnosed with ADHD, I faced many difficulties in school. How ever with the support of my parents and teachers, I managed to succeed. Often times it was difficult for me to complete and get my assignments turned in on time. I found it hard to get organized and stay focused. My difficulties led me to being placed on a plan at school. I was also medication to help with ADHD. Due to the pandemic, for close to a year, my classes were held at home online. This made it even more challenging for me. I didn’t have the ongoing support of my teachers or classmates. My parents did what they could how ever not being in school was hard at times. Despite it all, I managed to keep up with my courses. Nor did I fail any of my classes. I am so proud to state that I recently graduated from high school. This is accomplishment is major, but even more meaningful is the fact that I got accepted to the college of my choice. Sam Houston State University was my college of choice. They were chosen because of their well known reputation in the field that I plan to pursue. It has been my long term goal to become a Forensic Scientist. In addition to obtaining a bachelor’s degree in forensic science, I also plan to obtain my graduate degrees as well. I know that with my ADHD, that there will be challenges that I will face. I have been informed that Sam Houston has resources available to help students such as myself succeed. It is without a doubt that with my strong willpower, the support of my parents and the help offered to me at college I will do well. I am confident that upon graduation from college, I will have acquired the knowledge, skills, and expertise necessary to become a Forensic Scientist. With the ever increasing rise of crime, I plan to utilize my skills to make our communities a safer place to live.
    Texas Women Empowerment Scholarship
    I would like to first start out by stating the importance of to having the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. It is my belief that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, despite their gender identity. I have never been aware of a time or a situation, when someone was treated differently as a result of their gender. Had I been aware of this issue, I would have most definitely, addressed it respectfully. I being a female, am certain that there will be times, when I or someone of the same gender as myself maybe treated differently. Should this ever be the case, it will be brought in a positive manner to the attention of the person who had an issue with I or my colleague’s gender. I have no problem advocating on my behalf or others whom I feel have been treated unfairly. I am a strong supporter of equal rights for all people. It has always been my long term goal to become a Forensic Scientist. I am unsure of what the ratio of females to males is, that are employed in these positions. It is my opinion that how a person identifies should not a requirement for doing the job. As a Forensic Scientist. one’s gender should have no bearing on who is selected for the the job. My hope is that my prospective employer will take a blind eye, when considering whether I am hired. The company’s job description, should be without bias. How ever it is my expectation to be treated equally and in a manner of respect and professionalism at all times. I expect to be given the opportunity to prove my worth without my gender identity ever being taken into consideration. When doing the work of a Forensic Scientist despite one’s gender, the most important factor should be whether the person has the skills and expertise needed to perform the job. My gender identity should not be a factor, when carrying out my duties. It is my intention to be an outstanding employee and a role model to my colleagues at all times. If ever I believe that my ability to perform my role is of concern because of how I identify, it will be addressed with my superiors. I would be willing to assist in conducting trainings on ways to prevent from dealing with gender disparity and discrimination in the workplace.
    Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
    Hello and thank you for allowing me this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself. More importantly, I am happy to have the opportunity to apply for your scholarship. My life started out in a bit of a turmoil. At the age of five months old my biological family and I were forced to relocate from New Orleans to Houston. Our relocation was a direct result of Hurricane Katrina. After coming to Houston, due to reasons which are unknown to me, I ended up in foster care. I am not sure what happened to my family. Since I was just a young child when all of this happened, I have no knowledge of my family ever reaching out to me. At eighteen months of age, I was adopted by a loving middle aged couple. I was brought into a loving, supportive, and stable home environment. I grew up being exposed to so many opportunities. I forgot to mention that I also had a large and extended family that I was around while growing up. My parents often talked to me about the importance of going to college. As I now get ready to graduate, I am anxiously looking forward to what the next chapter in my life has to offer. For a long time, I have enjoyed watching criminal investigation shows. I always found these shows to be interesting. I was intrigued to see how the crimes were solved and who the culprits were. As a result of my interest in criminal investigation, I have decided to pursue a degree in criminal justice with a minor in forensic science. Upon completion of my degree, it is my plan to become a Forensic Scientist. Obtaining my masters and PhD degrees in my chosen field of study is also a part of my goal. Sam Houston State University has approved me for admission into their fall of 2023 class. The school was chosen because of their well known reputation in criminal justice and forensic science. After I completion of my education, I am sure, that I will have the skills and expertise necessary to reduce the crime rate and make my community safer. My parents are now retired. They are dependent upon limited resources for support. It is my parents plan to provide as much financial assistance as possible towards my college expenses. I concerned that they may be faced with financial hardship by attempting to assist me. It is my hope, that I can win this scholarship along with any others available. By doing so, it will lessen any financial burden that my parents may incur. It will also be a help in paying for any expenses that I will have when I enter college.
    Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
    I would like to first start out by stating how much that it means to me, to have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. For as long as I can remember, watching criminal investigation shows was always fascinating to me. While watching these shows it was interesting seeing how the crimes were solved and who the culprits were. The increase in crimes is regularly reported to us by the news. It is sad that many crimes are so often committed by teens and/or young adults. There are so many opportunities and options available such as college, trade schools, or the military, for criminals to support themselves legally. I find it extremely unfortunate that they choose not to take advantage of these opportunities. No longer it is safe for us to participate in our every day activities, such as eating out, shopping, or going to the bank. While on outings, we have to always be on our guard. It is my hope that I will be able to have a major impact on reducing crimes and making our communities a more safer place to live. As a direct result of my interest in solving, reducing , and eliminating crimes, I have made the decision to pursue a career as a Forensic Scientist. I am very proud to report my approval for admission into the fall 2023 class at Sam Houston State University. They were chosen as my college of choice due to their well known reputation in the forensic science and criminal justice fields. It is my goal to pursue my undergraduate degree in criminal justice , with a minor in forensic science. I also intend to obtain my graduate degrees as well in my chosen field of study. Upon completion of college, I am quite confident that with my knowledge base, skill set, and expertise, I will have what it takes to make a difference in my community. My middle aged parents are both retired and rely on fixed incomes. They are willing to assist me as much as they can afford, with paying for my college education. How ever due to their limited resources I am concerned about the financial burden that they may incur while trying to assist me. It is my hope that I am fortunate enough to win this scholarship, and many others as well. By doing so, I will have the financial resources that I will need for my college expenses.
    Richard P. Mullen Memorial Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how much it means to me to have an opportunity to apply for this scholarship. I along with my biological family were forced to leave New Orleans, La. due to Hurricane Katrina. At the time our relocation I was only five months old. We were relocated to Houston, TX. For reasons which I am unclear about, I ended up in the foster care system. At the age of eighteen months, a loving middle aged couple, chose to make me a part of their family. My adoptive parents provided me with a loving, warm and supportive home environment. In addition to my immediate family, I was embraced by my large and extended family. I have so many memories of the fun times that I shared with my family. I was also exposed to as many opportunities that my parents could possibly afford. As I get ready to graduate from high school this coming June, I wish to thank my parents. They provided me with a sense of permanence. Who knows how my life might have turned if it not for them. I have had no contact with my biological family, since being placed in foster care. If I could send them out a message, I would assure them that I had a good life and I turned out well. The importance of going to college and obtaining my degree, was a conversation that my parents and I regularly had while growing up. I am proud to state that I have been approved for admission into Sam Houston State University’s fall 2023 class. It has been my long term goal to become a Forensic Scientist. Sam Houston was chosen as my college of choice, due to their well known reputation in the forensic science field. In addition to obtaining by bachelor’s degree in my chosen field, it is my plan to pursue my graduate degrees as well. I am quite confident that upon completion of college, I will have attained the knowledge base, expertise, and skills required to make an impact on crime reduction. It is also my intent to make our communities safer. My parents are now both retired. They rely on their fixed income for support. They are willing to assist as much as possible with my college expenses. It is my desire however, to win this scholarship , as well as other scholarships. This would lessen any financial burdens that my parents may incur. In conclusion, I would like to thank the scholarship community, for allowing me to tell my story.
    Donald A. Baker Foundation Scholarship
    I would like to first state how grateful that I am, to have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. Secondary to my parents who without a doubt I wouldn’t be the person that I am, my JROTC instructor whom we refer to as Major, is my next biggest role model. Major is easy to talk to and most definitely approachable. She is the one of the best teachers that I have had. I became a JROTC student in my ninth grade year. I must admit that it didn’t get off to the best start. I am a plus size individual. As a result of my size, it is often difficult to find clothes that fit. The JROTC uniforms were found to not be in my size. When Major became aware of my issue, and without anyone’s knowledge ( including me), she had uniforms specifically made that I could wear. She used her own money, to assure that I would be a part of the JROTC’s program at my school. My parents w upon learning about Major’s thoughtfulness, offered to reimburse her. How ever their offer was declined. I must admit, that my weight remains an issue when it comes to wearing the JROTC’s uniforms. Now as a student in the program’s senior class, instead of wearing their uniforms, tshirts are being worn. These shirts have on them, the JROTC’s symbol. Due to being able to wear the shirts. This has been a big boost to my self esteem. I am not singled out by my classmates. I am almost positive, that the decision for us to wear tshirts was made by Major. I’m sure however that she would never admit that she played a part in allowing us to wear something other the JROTC’s uniforms. If I could be half the person that Major has displayed to me, it would be wonderful. She has an open door policy. I never hesitate when going to her, when I have a problem. I not only look up to Major, but several of my classmates do so as well. For several months we have shared our lunch time with her. During this time, not only do we exchange stories about our day, but our lunches and snacks as well. I look forward to my time spent with Major. I view these visits as a time when I can vent and seek advice as needed. As I get ready to end my senior year, it comes as a bitter sweet moment. I’m eager to see what the future holds. However I’m sad to know that Major will not be a part of my upcoming journey.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    It is my goal to become a Forensic Scientist and have a major impact on reducing our society.s crime rate.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    I would like to first start out by stating how much it means to me to have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. I see myself as being a strong, confident, and determined person. I am very independent and have high self esteem. I believe in facing issues head on. I am also sensitive to the feelings of others. Weight has always been an issue for me. I overlook the negative opinions of others, regarding my weight. I believe in being as healthy as possible. I enjoy preparing meals for myself and my that are flavorful and healthy. I have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. There are times when I tend to struggle with being focused and organized. My school is aware of my challenges. They have put a plan in place to help me be successful. I’m an all or nothing person. By that I mean, once I decide to do something, I believe in being fully committed. Due to getting ready to start my first year of college, I may not have the opportunity to being fully involved in community service. College will be my number one priority. It is important to me that the needs of my community are addressed. Any initiatives that are put in place, I plan to help as much as possible. I am a person that steps up to take charge as necessary. How ever since I will be away at college, my role in community service may be in limited capacity. I believe that everyone deserves to be heard and all opinions are important. I see myself in helping my community by offering solutions for the betterment of its citizens. It is my hope that my community will have several initiatives for their young citizens such as myself. I can see myself in making a difference for people that I can identify with. It has been my long time goal to become a Forensic Scientist. I’m happy to report that I have been accepted for admission into the fall 2023 class at Sam Houston State University. They were chosen because of their well known reputation in forensic science. In addition to obtaining my bachelors degree in my chosen field, I also plan to pursue my masters and PhD in the same field. It is my hope that upon receipt of my degree that I will be able to utilize my skill set and knowledge base by helping to reduce the crime rate in my community.
    David Foster Memorial Scholarship
    I would like to start to start out by stating my gratitude for having this opportunity to apply for this scholarship. It is such an honor to speak on how much my JROTC instructor means to me. Major has been my instructor since ninth grade. She is such a warm and supportive teacher. It is no doubt that she cares about all of her students. The impact that she has had on each of us will be long lasting. Major is the type of teacher, that is stern and firm when needed. She has always had an open door policy. I have never failed to reach out to her when needed. I have always struggled with my weight. Despite my ongoing efforts to have better eating habits , my weight has remained an issue. Upon entering the JROTC class as a ninth grader, I was faced with trying to fit into the program’s uniforms. None of the uniforms were found to be in my size. Knowing that I was unable to wear the JROTC’s uniform, Major spent her own money to have uniforms made for me. Besides myself and my parents, no one else knew about her kindness and generosity. Despite my parent’s offer to reimburse Major, she refused their offer. I was able to wear the uniforms purchased by Major until my senior year. Not wanting to single me out or cause embarrassment which I know she was concerned about, it was decided that our JROTC class would wear tshirts with the program’s design on it. I along with my parents will be forever grateful to Major because of her kindness. She is such an inspiration that she is the first instructor that I reach out to when ever I have a problem. As a matter of fact, Major along with several JROTC students have lunch together every day. We often exchange lunches and snacks as we discuss our day. If it wasn’t for Major, I am not sure whether I would have done well in JROTC or any of my other classes. I failed to mention that I have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. Major is aware of my struggles in my classes. It is because of her and the support I have received from my other teachers that I have been able to face my class room challenges. I have decided to obtain my degree in Forensic Science. However if it wasn’t for my long time interest and passion in my field of study, I would have considered being a teacher. It would be my hope that as a teacher, I would be the example that Major has always to me.
    Will Johnson Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how much it means to me, to have this opportunity to apply for this scholarship. For many years I have struggled with the inability to focus, stay organized, and turn in my assignments on time. My parents and teachers were all puzzled about me and my difficulties. After being diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, my school put a plan into place to help me do better in school. The school’s plan included tutoring, after school time with my teachers, as well extra time to turn in my assignments. They maintained ongoing communication with my parents as well. My doctor also prescribed medication for me as a result of my diagnosis. The plan put into place by my teachers and being on medication for ADD has helped me tremendously. I must admit however, that there are times when I have struggles because of my diagnosis. I have the most supportive parents, teachers, and school support staff, which has helped with making my struggles more manageable. I am so proud to report that I have been approved for admission into Sam Houston State University’s fall 2023 class. It has been my long time goal to become a Forensic Scientist. Sam Houston was chosen because of their well known reputation in my chosen field of study. In addition to pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science, I also plan to continue my studies and obtain both my masters and PHD in the same field. Upon receipt of my degrees, it is my intent to specialize in the ballistics area of Forensic Science. Crime is such a widespread and rampant problem in our society. It is my hope to have a major impact on reducing the crime rate. I am quite confident, that with the knowledge base and skill set that I will acquire in college, I will have the ability to make a difference in making our communities safer. I anticipate because of my ADD, that study challenges will arise. Sam Houston has a plan in place to help students such as myself be successful. Knowing about the university’s plan has greatly boosted my confidence level. Having attention deficit disorder, comes with its daily challenges. I am well aware that it will be a life long issue. I know without a doubt that with the help available, I will be able to deal with any challenges in life, that I may face.
    Hester Richardson Powell Memorial Service Scholarship
    I would first like to start out by stating how much it means to me to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD. After my parents were puzzled about my lack of an ability to keep up with studies, my difficulties focusing , and being organized, counseling was sought. Upon my being diagnosed with ADHD, the school immediately put a plan into place to help me be successful in my classes. It was initially a slow process, however I did start to notice a change in study habits, turning in my assignments on time and staying focused. As a result of the school’s support, I have been able to inspire my classmates to do well in their studies. I was completely unaware that they were using me as a role model. We have group projects which with my encouragement and support we all participate in. My classmates often seek me out for assistance with their assignments. We have worked well this year on several of our Senior Council projects. I must admit however. that I continue to have struggles that I have to actively work on. However my parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and principal have all been supportive. They have remained consistent in helping me to do well It is because of the support of my parents and my school that I have decided to go to college. It inspires me to know that those in my classes see me as a role model despite my struggles, at times with ADHD. I have encouraged many of my classmates to also consider going to college. Many of them have taken my advice off about pursuing an education after high school. I had no idea that they were patterning themselves after me. I am happy to report that I have been approved for the fall 2023 class at Sam Houston State University. I plan to obtain my undergraduate and graduate degrees in Forensic Science. The university has informed me that they have assistance in place for their students with study challenges, such as mine. This information has been helpful for me to know. If I can be of help in any way to my fellow classmates, during my time at Sam Houston, it would most definitely be worthwhile. I feel that who better than myself. can understand what a person with ADHD goes through. Who knows where my assistance may lead me to.
    William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
    I’m excited to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. My life started out in turmoil as an infant. This is the result of I, along with my birth family’s relocation from New Orleans to Houston in 2005. We relocated, due to anticipated damage being caused by Hurricane Katrina. At the time of our relocationI I was only five months old. Due to details which are unknown to me, I ended up in foster care. After my placement, a loving middle aged couple, found it in their hearts to allow me to become a part of their family. I was adopted at age eighteen months old, by my parents. This began my life of stability. Not only was. placed in a loving and stable home environment, but I had the opportunity to be around my large extended family. I grew up being exposed to as many opportunities as my parents could possibly afford. Attending college was a conversation that I had with my parents on many occasions I have known for a long time that I wanted to become a Forensic Scientist. My interest in this field, is a result of my enjoyment in watching criminal investigation shows. It was always fascinating to me to see how the crimes were solved and who the culprits were. My parents made it clear to me, that if I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a Forensic Scientist, that I would be required to go to college and obtain a degree. I am elated to report my acceptance for admission into Sam Houston State University’s fall 2023 freshman class. The university was chosen due to their well known reputation in Forensic Science. Not only do I intend to obtain a bachelor’s degree in my chosen field of interest, but I also aim to pursue both my masters and PHD degrees as well. Upon receipt of my degrees, my goal is to become a ballistics expert. I feel quite confident, that upon completion of college and with knowledge base and skill set I will be able to in some way, contribute to the reduction in our society’s increasing crime rate. My parents are now retired. They both rely on a their fixed income for support. They are willing to contribute as much as they can afford toward my college expenses. It is my hope however to help them with my expenses, by being awarded with multiple scholarships.
    Career Search Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how very grateful that I am to have this opportunity to be able to apply for this scholarship. For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed watching criminal investigation shows. I find it very interesting, as well as fascinating when trying to figure out how the crimes are solved and who should be charged. As a result of my interest, I have made the decision to obtain both my undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Forensic Science field. Upon completion of my field of study, it is my goal is to become a ballistics expert. Sam Houston State University has been chosen as my college of choice. The university was chosen because of their well known reputation in forensic science field. I am happy to report my approval for admission to the university’s fall 2023 class. Crime is such a wide and rampant problem in our society. It is forever on the increase. Quite frequently we are made aware of those crimes that involve our teens and young adults. It is sad and unfortunate that this problem has taken a major impact on our lives in so many ways. No longer are family outings, dining out, banking, and shopping, safe activities to participate in. Even stopping and chatting with someone could place a person at risk for danger. Being forever on guard is so unfortunate. Another issue of concern to me , is knowing that there are citizens who are often incarcerated for crimes and then later found to be innocent of. So frequently these individuals spend several years behind bars before being released. I am quite confident that with my education, knowledge base, and skill set that I will obtain while in college, I will be able to help reduce the crime rate and make our communities a more safer place for citizens to live. Neighborhoods can and should be free of crimes and violence. It is also my aim to assure that those that actually commit crimes are jailed. I intend to work hard to see that innocent people are not charged for crimes that they did not commit. I realize that my plan to address the crime problem in our communities straight out of college, may not occur right away. However I know that my efforts will be put to good use and will most definitely have an impact.
    Strength in Neurodiversity Scholarship
    I appreciate having an opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. Most importantly I am grateful to be able to tell my story. For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with being organized, putting things off concentrating and not turning in my assignments on time. As a result of this, my grades were poor. My parents were at a loss regarding how to assist me. I was taken to multiple counselors. None of whom were able to help me with my problems. My mother discussed her concerns about me with my school. Finally in the ninth grade, I met with the school’s psychologist and with her recommendation, I was seen by my doctor. The visit revealed a diagnosis of ADHD. With the support from my parents, my teachers, the school’s counselor and their psychologist, as well as medication, I noticed a change. ARD meetings were scheduled yearly. It was during the ARD meetings that plans were put into place with my teachers which assured that help was available to me as needed. Included in the school’s plan was seating arrangements close to my teachers. This was done to limit any distractions and so that I could have easy access to my teachers. Tutoring services and after school assistance has also been available to me since my ADHD diagnosis. The medication prescribed by my doctor has helped me to stay focused and organized. My grades also improved. There are times however when I still struggle with these issues. I’m happy to report that the plans put into place by my school to help me succeed has worked. If I hadn’t been diagnosed with ADHD, who knows what my future might have been like. The importance of attending college, has always been a discussion that my parents had with me. As a result of their encouragement , I will be attending Sam Houston State University in the fall. I plan to major in Forensic Science. Conversations that my mother has had with Sam Houston revealed that they can implement a plan which will assure my success . This has most definitely lessen my concerns about going to college. I will definitely miss my support system from school. It’s too bad that I can’t take each of them with me. My JROTC teacher has been extremely supportive of me, and my struggles with ADHD since entering her class as a freshman.
    iMatter Ministry Memorial Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how grateful that I am to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. My life as I have been told, got off to a rocky start as a five month old infant. I along with my birth family were forced to relocate to Houston from New Orleans, Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Details that occurred after our relocation are unknown to me. Also unclear are how and why I was placed in the foster care system. I do know however that I was given a chance at a good life by being blessed to be adopted by two middle aged parents at the age of eighteen months. Not only did I grow up in a loving, and supportive home environment, but I was surrounded by a large and extended family. I was also exposed to as many opportunities as my parents could afford. My parents are now both retired. They are dependent on fixed incomes for support. They are willing to assist me as much as they can possibly afford towards any college expenses that I will have. It is my hope however, to win as many scholarships as possible. By doing so, it would lessen any financial burden that my parents might incur. The importance of going to college has always been instilled in me. It is my intent to pursue a degree in Forensic Science. My interest in this field, came as a result of I, along with my father being fans of criminal investigation shows. I plan to put the skills that I will acquire as a Forensic Scientist, toward being a ballistics expert. Sam Houston State University has been chosen as my college of choice. I sought admission there, due to their well known reputation in the forensic science field. I am proud to state that I have been approved for admission to Sam Houston’s 2023 fall class. In the forensic science field, I aim to help reduce the crime rate that is so rampant in our society. Of particular concern to me is the high rate of crimes committed by teens and young adults. I’m also concerned about those who we often hear about, that are sentenced for crimes that they are later found to be innocent of. I am quite confident that the education, knowledge base and skill set acquired in my chosen profession, will have an impact on the crime rate.
    Chris Ford Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how very grateful that I am, to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. The problem of crime is such a rampant issue, in our society. It is always on the increase. Despite one’s ethnic background, income status, religious affiliation, and educational level, all can be impacted. Criminal activity appears to be a major problem. It is an issue that many young people so often find themselves involved in. The lives of so many people are impacted by crimes. Daily activities such as shopping, banking, and even attending church, are no longer safe to participate in. It is sad and unfortunate that people in many instances, have to find themselves being put on guard and always on the alert. I am extremely passionate about solving crimes. My interest in this area, is a result of my enjoyment in watching criminal investigation shows. The law classes that I have taken in school, has also played a factor in my interest. It has been my long term goal for many years to attend college with the intent of obtaining my bachelors. as well as graduate degrees in the forensic science field. Sam Houston State University has been chosen as my college of choice. The school has a well known reputation in their forensic science program. I am happy to say that I was recently approved for admission to the school. Upon achieving my goal, I plan to become a Forensic Scientist. In my chosen career, it is my plan to be involved in rendering assistance in solving crimes and reducing the high crime rate. I am very committed to identifying ways of bringing the crime rate to a halt and solving crimes. As a result of my commitment, I intend to play a major role in helping our communities to become a more safer place to live. So often we hear about innocent people who are incarcerated for crimes that they did not commit. I am confident regarding the education and training that I will receive in college, I plan to use my skill set and knowledge base acquired in forensic science, to assure that the innocent are not incarcerated and criminal activities will decrease. I realize that my aim and intent may appear to be high. However I believe in myself and my ability to achieve my goals and pursue my passion.
    James Lynn Baker II #BeACoffeeBean Scholarship
    Hello and thank you for allowing me this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. Crime is such a problematic issue in our society. It has had a major impact on the lives of so many people. An individual’s age, race, sexual orientation, ethnic background,, or income level, appears not to be a factor to those who decide to commit crimes. This problem, so many times has led to bodily injury or loss lives. Especially troubling to me, are the crimes that we hear frequently about, that are committed by young people, many of whom are in their teens. We can’t listen to the news, without being informed about crimes that take place against unsuspecting citizens. No longer are family outings, banking, or shopping , considered to be safe activities. It is unfortunate, that criminals do not consider the consequences of their actions or what long term effects that may occur to those who they chose to target to commit crimes against. I find it to be very sad that those who chose to lead a life of crime do not take advantage of the options that are available to them, such as obtaining an education and /or pursuing a career. These opportunities would allow for those who consider committing criminal activities to live a sustainable life. For many years, it has been my long term goal to attend college and pursue a degree in the Forensic Science field. Upon completing my education I plan to become a Forensic Scientist. I am quiet confident that the field that I have chosen as my career, will in some way, allow me the opportunity to make an impact on solving and reducing the crime rates that we hear so many times about. Quite often we are also made aware of incidents involving people who are jailed for crimes that they are later found to be innocent of. It is my intent to use my training and skill set that I will acquire, in my chosen field of interest, to help solve crimes. I also aim to assure that people who are found guilty of committing crimes are incarcerated and those who are innocent receive no jail time. I realize that my goals might seem to be high, however I am very committed to doing my part, in any manner possible. I intend to help make my community a safer place in which I as well as my family can live without fear.
    Norman H. Becker Integrity and Honor Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how very important it is for me to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. Integrity means being comfortable voicing my opinions on issues that are important to me. For example I believe very strongly in respecting those who wish to be themselves. I am a strong proponent for taking up for those who are bullied and/or treated in a disrespectful manner. It is my belief that everyone has a voice and their views have a right to be heard. I have no issue in making my opinion known, always in a respectful manner. It is my thought that’s it not what you say, but how it’s said. My parents have always taught me the importance of speaking up for myself, to those whose thoughts might differ from my own. They have also made it known, that each person has a right to express their views and they should be respected. There have been occasions when my views might have differed from those in charge such as my teachers or principals. However I believe that everyone has an opinion which might be different from others. These opinions and thoughts have a right to be heard no matter how much they might be different. Having the integrity, confidence, and being comfortable speaking out on issues, that some people might not agree on is a characteristic that we each should consider having.
    Holt Scholarship
    I first would like to express my gratitude for allowing me this opportunity to apply for this scholarship. For as along as I can be remember, I have been fascinated with criminal investigation shows. I find them to be quiet interesting. It is also intriguing in trying to solve the crimes . As a result of my passion for solving crimes, it is my intent to obtain a degree in Forensic Science. I hope to later also pursue my masters as well PhD in the same field. I have chosen Sam Houston State University as the college that I would like to attend. I have been told that their Forensic Science program is well known. I am very much aware of the major impact that crimes has taken on our society, in particular those involving young people such as myself. It is unfortunate that people who commit crimes, choose to not take a different direction in their lives such as education or working . I hear way too often about how our lives are often impacted by unwarranted crimes. With crimes being so rampant in our society, activities such as going to the banks or shopping are no longer safe things to do. It is extremely alarming that we find it necessary to be concerned about our safety at all times. Another issue of concern is in regards to those individuals who are incarcerated for crimes that they are later found to be innocent of. It is my goal upon obtaining my degree is to become a Forensic Scientist. I am passionate about making this world a safer place to live. I am sure that my efforts in my chosen field of study would in some way have a major impact on our society. If I am fortunate enough to win this scholarship, it would most definitely be helpful toward my goal of pursuing my dream career and paying for my education. My parents are both retired and rely solely on fixed incomes to make ends meet. They are prepared to assist with paying as much as they can afford to assure that I am able to obtain my degree. It is my hope however to obtain as many scholarships as possible. This would in some way lessen any financial burden that my parents might have to incur. I would like to end by saying thanks for allowing me this opportunity to tell you about myself.
    Jose Montanez Memorial Scholarship
    I would like to begin by stating that I am so very grateful to be be considered for this scholarship. My life in the foster care system, began at the very young age of an infant . This life change took place after my birth family and I had to leave New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Due to me being so young, the details that led to me being placed in foster care, are unknown to me. I must admit that I have never wanted to know my story. I was later placed up for adoption as a toddler. Two middle aged parents chose me. They provided me with a stable and loving home environment. My parents never tried to keep me from knowing that I was adopted. I am aware that they have my adoption records, that I can read at any time. I can remember on one of our family vacations, I was taken to New Orleans, which is my birth place. As a result of my parents, I was exposed to the best opportunities that they could afford. I also have so many memories of being around my large and extended family members. My parents are now both retired and relying on fixed incomes for support. They have always instilled in me the importance of receiving an education and going to college. I can expect to receive some financial assistance from my parents. It is not what I can expect to be enough to pay for my education. For this reason I am hoping that I will be approved for as many scholarships as possible. Any assistance that I will receive will greatly ease the financial burden that my parents might have. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been fascinated with solving crimes. This is because of my many hours of watching criminal investigation shows. It is my long term goal to obtain a Forensic Science degree. My campus visit to Sam Houston State University, helped me to realize that I would like to be approved for admission there. They are well known for their Forensic Science program. If not accepted at Sam Houston, I have found that there are several other colleges that also offer the degree that I am interested in. After completion of my education, it is my plan to work as a Forensic Scientist and assist in solving crimes that affect so many young people such as my self and older people as well.
    @normandiealise #GenWealth Scholarship
    I would first like to state how very grateful that I am to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship opportunity. Generational wealth would be my way of passing on to my legacy, any resources that I may acquire. This might be in the form of savings, land, homes, stocks and bonds. It is my intent to pass on my future resources, by obtaining a formal education in the career field of my choice.
    Betty and Earl Hinson Scholarship
    I would like to begin by stating how very grateful that I am to have this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. My JROTC instructor. who sec refer to as Major, took a keen interest in me, from the first day of meeting her. As a result of my problems with my weight, I was unable to wear the uniforms that the school provided for their JROTC students. Major could have allowed me to wear the ROTC tshirt and slacks. However to prevent me from standing out from the rest of my classmates, she used her own money, to have s uniform made for me. My mother reached out to Major on several occasions in an attempt to reimburse her, but she refused to accept the money. The kindness that Major displayed toward me from day one, I will take with me forever. She not only has been my role model, but most definitely my Shero” as well. If I can be just a small snippet of the person that I know Major to be and help a fellow classmate along the way, I would be forever grateful.
    Jaqaun Webb Scholarship
    I would like to begin by stating how very grateful that I am to have an opportunity to apply for this scholarship. It has been my long time dream of becoming a Forensic Scientist. I am aware of the importance of attending college to achieve my goal. The need to study hard and focus will no doubt help me be successful in college. As a student who has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, on many occasions, it has been necessary for me to reach out to tutors to assist me in doing well in my classes. Special accommodations have also been put into place by my teachers and counselors to help me as needed. This assistance has helped me more than my teachers will ever know.
    David Michael Lopez Memorial Scholarship
    I first?would like to start by stating how very grateful that I am to have this opportunity. to apply for this scholarship. For as long as I can remember I have taken a keen interest in criminal investigation shows. As a result of my fascination with attempting to solve the crimes on the show, I made the decision to pursue a career as a Forensic Scientist. In order to achieve my goal, I am aware of the need to pursue a formal education. My adoptive parents have always instilled in me the importance of obtaining a college degree. They are both retired and on fixed incomes. They have made the decision to provide as much financial assistance as possible to pay for me to attend college. Any assistance that I might receive from scholarships, would most definitely ease any financial burdens that my parents might have. As a strong and independent person, it would mean a great deal to me to help my parents in any possible way pay for my college education.
    Tim Watabe Doing Hard Things Scholarship
    I want to begin by stating how very grateful that I am to be considered for this scholarship. At the age of five months my family and I had to relocate to Houston from New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Due to being so young, I have no memory of what my family faced. I later ended up in foster care. At the age of 18 months I was adopted into a stable and loving home by two middle aged parents. I was provided with as many opportunities that my parents could afford. I have been blessed to form many loving relationships starting with my parents, and extended family members. My “village” is also made up of many of my parents’ friends whom lovingly refer to as aunts and uncles. I have grown up in a small town. It has one school. All the grades are one campus, starting ft Pre K thru grade twelve. Since my enrollment in our school, I have formed many friendships. Not only do I continue to be friends with the students that I have met thru out my time in school but maintain relationships with many of the teachers, counselors, and principals as well. The relationships that I have formed have played an important role in helping me through out my life. The only hardship that has taken place in my life took place at a young age. I am sad to say, that it was a result of me being separated from biological family and placed in foster care. I am happy to say with the loving support of my family and friends, I have done well. I look forward to attending college.
    Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
    I would like to start out by stating how very grateful that I am to be considered for your scholarship. I once submitted my artwork to the local bend county fair and won a first place award. I melted and glued different colored crayons to the edge of a canvas. Inside the canvas I painted an upside down dancer. I was surprised to find out that my artwork caught the attention of the judges. It was something that I did during my summer break to keep from being bored😊
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    I want to start out by saying how very grateful I am for having this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. I have always enjoyed watching crime shows and trying to solve them. Theses shows inspired me to become a Forensic Scientist. I have been interested in this field for as long as I can remember. I was adopted by two loving middle aged parents. They provided me with a stable and loving home environment. My parents also exposed me to many wonderful experiences. They are now both retired and living on fixed incomes. It is my hope to be able to be awarded as many scholarships possible. By doing so my college education would be less of a financial burden on my parents. Thanks again for this opportunity.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Hello thanks for allowing me this opportunity to be considered for your scholarship. Maintaining good mental health is so very important for everyone. By doing so I not only am able to be a productive individual but able to pursue my goals without difficulty. Seeking intervention by way of counseling or medication with mental health issues is extremely important.
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    Hello, thank you for allowing me this opportunity, to share some of my back to school tips. They are noted below in what I believe to be the most important to me. 1. I start a week early by going to bed early 2. Deciding on which outfit to wear 3. I love to cook. So I try to meal prep Again thanks for this opportunity!!
    Learner Higher Education Scholarship
    Hello and thank you for allowing me this opportunity, to be considered for your scholarship. As someone who is extremely keen on improving my community, I am well aware that by pursuing a higher education, it would help with this issue in the forensic science field. A degree as a Forensic Scientist, would offer so many opportunities, in addressing the many problems, that I hear about regularly in my community. It has always been my goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist. Having the opportunity of being awarded a scholarship, would most definitely help in achieving my goal.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    Hello and thank you for allowing me this opportunity the be considered for your scholarship. I have been blessed to not have lost someone close to me. I did however as a baby have to evacuate with my family from New Orleans to Houston, Tx after Hurricane Katrina. This resulted in a number of losses to my family. I was just a baby at the time that this occurred, so I have no memories of how this impacted my family. I later ended up in foster care. This led to my adoption at 18months, by two middle aged parents. My parents are now retired. I feel very fortunate to have been provided with a good upbringing. Due to my parents now being on fixed incomes, attempting to pay for my college education, would create a financial hardship. It is my hope that I will be the recipient of your scholarship to help in my long time goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist. Thanks again for this opportunity.
    Affordable College Prep's First Time Winners Scholarship
    Hello, I am extremely grateful for having this opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. As an adoptive to two middle aged parents, ( who are both retired), any financial assistance that I can receive would extremely beneficial. Since doing my search on scholarships, I have found that donors are very generous. There are so many opportunities to receive financial assistance for paying college. It is my hope and goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist, with a debt free education.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Hello thank you for allowing me the opportunity to tell you about myself. I am very focused and believe in pursuing my goals. For this reason I am not easily persuaded. It has been a long time dream of mine, to address the high crime rate in my surrounding community. In doing so, I hope to attend Sam Houston State University. My goal is to pursue degrees in Forensic Science and Law. I am extremely appreciative for having this opportunity to be considered for your scholarship. As an adoptive to two middle aged parents, any financial assistance, that I can receive would be a blessing.
    DejSlays SlayBabe Scholarship
    Hello and thank you for this wonderful opportunity, of being considered for financial assistance. I reside in an area, which sadly has a high crime rate. It is my belief that by achieving my long time goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist, I can help alleviate the problems in my community. I was blessed to have a good life by two middle aged parents. This lovely couple adopted me at 18 months of age. They are now retired. I hope to help them by alleviating any financial burden that they might incur.
    Jose Montanez Memorial Scholarship
    Hello and thank you for allowing me this opportunity, to tell my story. My parents who are now retired, gave me the opportunity to have a good life. I was adopted at 18 months of age by my wonderful and loving parents. My birth parents who I have no knowledge of, evacuated to Houston, Texas from New Orleans, after Hurricane Katrina. I later ended up in foster care, following the death of my grandfather, who took care of me when we arrived. I am extremely grateful for the life that my adoptive parents provided for me. By achieving my long time goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist, I would make my parents so proud!! Any financial assistance that I can receive would be beneficial. It would definitely help to alleviate any financial burden, that my parents would incur.
    Learner Scholarship for High School Seniors
    Hello and thank you for this opportunity. I hope to be a Forensic Scientist upon obtaining my degree from Sam Houston State University. The crime rate near my community is high. I believe by obtaining my degree, I can play an important role in making the world a more safer place. As an adoptee of two elderly parents( both of whom are now retired), any financial assistance that I might receive would help to alleviate any burden that they might incur.
    Femi Chebaís Scholarship
    I have always been passionate about helping solve crimes. As a teenager residing near one of the largest cities in the country, I am always aware of the high crime rate. It is my goal to pursue a degree in Forensic Science at Sam Houston State University. I believe that by having the knowledge, education and experience I can play a role in helping to make the world a safer place. My parents adopted me at 18 months old. They are now both retired. Any financial assistance that I can receive, would help me to achieve my goal.