Adult Fiction
I read books multiple times per week
Johan Ramos
Bold Points2x
Johan Ramos
Bold Points2x
My life goals is to make the future a better place by improving our technology that way people’s lives can be easier for them by helping us in our performance, mobility, time, and communication.
Science And Technology Magnet School Of Southeastern Connec
High SchoolGPA:
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Dream career goals:
Senior Engineer
LT Construction2015 – Present10 years
Future Interests
Bold Optimist Scholarship
I stayed optimistic many times in the past when I was going through tough times and it has taught me that I should not allow myself to be pessimistic otherwise I would allow myself to be a negative person focusing on the bad things in life instead of the good things in life. Being an optimist helps us be better people in life since by keeping us be more happier, successful, and healthier. It also helps us with our depression.
During my high school years from 2017 to 2021, I was going through a rough time in trying to be friends with many students since I did not want to be alone. Many students didn't bother trying to interact with me since I was different. I did not stop trying to make friends until I found the people accepting me for who I am. They did not judge me for being different. Another thing I went through while struggling through high school, I was having a hard time with classes that I was failing in. Instead of allowing my failures to get the best of me, I started studying more in hopes of getting my grades back up. In response, my grades improved and I learned something from that experience.
Another rough situation that went through in my life was when I took sailing boat lessons during summer camp in 2013. Around that time I was struggling on how to sail a boat.I kept failing in trying to sail a boat. I kept failing in each of my other attempts, I didn't let my failures stop me, I instead let them motivate me. I observed how the other students sailed. The next attempt was more successful than the other. I improved in the other sailing lessons with good results.
Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
There are many ways that I have done in the past to help the elderly people in my community. I have helped my grandfather with many things in the past by helping him translate the words from English to Spanish when we go out in public when we are doing errands since he does not understand English as much as I do. I often help him carry the food he has bought from the supermarkets since many of the bags are too heavy for him. I provided my grandfather some company whenever my parents are not in the apartment we used to live in.
When my grandma came to New London, CT, I would help her in cooking food since I did not want her to do too much stuff for my family. I would help her in getting adjusted to living with us so she won't feel uncomfortable. I would help her in explaining how to use the remote control to control the television in our house.
During 2018 to 2020, when I was doing community service by participating in the soup kitchen's, I would try to serve the elderly people food since they had a couple of disabilities that prevent them from getting the food all by themselves. I often start conversations with them so they won't feel alone when they are all by themselves at the table. I volunteered to pick up the food and desserts so they would not have to stress themselves out. After the elderly people were done eating I would take their plates and ask them if they wanted more food or if they were done.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
I have many hobbies in my life that help me lower my own fears, lower my stress level, and help cope with depression. Hobbies help me in forming a life outside of college. I am just relaxing and doing something that I love without any of the pressures of the outside world. I don't have to do something as structured when I work with my father or at college.
Most of the time I enjoy listening to music when I am bored and have nothing else to do. I listen to some songs that relate to my life and how I feel about life in general and how I feel about myself.
I play basketball during the afternoon, it helps me release the stress and anxiety that I go through whenever I am stressed about something that is happening to me in my life and it helps me not to worry too much about something personal in my life.
I enjoy taking a walk in the neighborhood so I cannot be bored about my life, it helps in letting me do something. I enjoy riding my bike so I can actively do something while enjoy the breeze of the wind flowing through my hair and my face.
I enjoy reading stories on Fan Fiction on my phone so I can use my imagination and think of the adventures that are taking in place within the stories. I also enjoy using my imagination to think of ideas when it comes to writing down the stories on the website.
I play with my RC car and drone so I can have fun with myself since I get bored of doing nothing. I also play with my beyblades since it's so fun seeing spin tops clashing against each other for victory in battle.
Bold Persistence Scholarship
This year in February 2022, I had a test for my learner's permit. I was nervous to take the test that day, I allowed my nervousness to get the best of me. I failed in earning my learner's permit since I got 6 questions wrong. I did not allow my failures to pull me down. Instead I used my failures to motivate me to improve and become better for my future.
After failing the knowledge test, I started studying everyday trying to improve myself so I cannot fail again in the future. I kept studying everyday and night trying to memorize the information that I gained from reading the DMV's Driver's Manual. I kept doing this routine while I was in college.
After studying for my learners permit for months, I managed to pass and earn it. After earning my learners permit, I started to take driving lessons with my father. He kept correcting every error that I made each time while driving. I kept improving myself each weekend to become a better driver.
I am practicing all by myself each day so I can improve on driving my car. I drive myself from home to UConn so I can gain more experience in driving all by myself. I took classes on Next Street so I can learn what I should or shouldn't do when it comes to driving a car. I learned how to park a car forward, I learned how to use the signals of the car, I learned how to use the wipers, and how to turn on the lights of the car.
Bold Motivation Scholarship
What motivates me on a daily basis is money, recognition, and friends and family. The reason these things motivate me because I want to find a purpose for myself, a place in the world, and people to acknowledge me for my feats and accomplishments to prove that I am one of them and not be treated as an outcast by others.
Money motivates me since I want to earn money to buy things that I will need for the future for myself. From 2017 to 2021, I worked alongside my father in LT Construction to earn more money for my family. I was willing to handle the pain that came along with the job and the sacrifice of my own personal time and summer vacations so I can earn the money for me and my family.
Recognition is another thing that motivates me since I wanted people to acknowledge me for the accomplishments that I have done in the past. During high school from 2017 to 2021, I would put in a ton of work, effort, and time in all of my assignments and projects so I can show to people that I am a student who has earned a place in the school.
My friends and family also help motivate me everyday since they are the only people that I care about and what gives me a purpose to live. The love and good memories that I made with them help me in being happy and satisfied with my life otherwise my life would have been sad and meaningless.
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
What I have learned about myself that I found valuable is that I am loyal and willing to help others and that I am willing to do anything I can to get the job done. I am willing to sacrifice some of my personal time to help others. I am willing to sacrifice my own needs and put others before myself along with my own personal needs. During my high school years from 2017 to 2021, I would spare some of my time to listen to my friends with their problems and try to help them find a solution to their problems.
I also learn that I am a hard worker when it comes to doing something productive for my family and myself. During my high school years from 2017 to 2021, I would sacrifice some of my free time to do projects and put in a lot of effort so I can prove to my teachers that I have done my part in doing the projects and that I am always putting my time into working and learning during classes.
A third thing about myself that I found valuable is that I do not disrespect other people for who they are. I always treat the people with respect and try to get along with them even if they are different from me. I would try to get along with others so I would not fight with them over something big or small. I would compliment them for the accomplishments and deeds that they have done in the past. I would not insult people based on their race and gender and I would not be envious of them for possessing things I do not and cannot have.
Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
I encourage those around me by helping motivate themselves by using words to bring themselves up and to help them build up their self-esteem. I help them try to overcome their flaws by helping them find ways to conquer their flaws.
Another way I can encourage those around me is by helping them build their bravery to overcome the obstacles or roadblocks that are holding them back from their goals. I can encourage the person to try harder by using the failures they had to endure in the past to help motivate them to do better and help them realize that not everyone is perfect or good at something and that it is okay to fail since everyone fails at some points in their lifetime.
I can help encourage other people to get things done faster by working with others. I would try to act as a leader and give orders to the people to do something productive. I would try to assign some people to work with others based on their skills so they can work fluently and get to know each other so they can feel comfortable in trusting one another so they can reach out to each other.
Some people have trouble with what's going on in their lives. I would encourage them to speak to me if they needed help with something. I would say to them that I will not judge them for the problem they are and that I will try to help them find a solution. I would pay attention to them speaking of their problems so they can release whatever is making them feel bad.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
There are many ways where I can help others. I helped other people in the past on tasks they have difficulty with. I helped others by assisting them or supporting them with stuff they need help with.
I often sacrifice some of my personal time to help people.
In 2018, I helped my dad's boss to clean the garage of LT, Construction. I helped in reorganizing all of the equipment the workers use. Then I helped in mowing the lawn of my dad's boss. I helped with cutting some of the plants with a machete. The reason I've done this was because my dad's boss wanted to spend time with his family so my dad asked me and I agreed to help.
In 2019 during the fall, I helped my cousins in getting adjusted to living in New London, CT. I helped my cousins find the resources they needed for high school, I helped in translating some of the stuff my aunt said from Spanish to English when she is at an appointment.
During high school, I would help some of my friends in problems that they have during classes. I would help them solve problems on math since I had a talent for it. I would help in cleaning the classes when classes are over so teachers would not have to do things all by themselves.
Right now, I am helping my mother in cleaning the house since she is pregnant. I would help in taking out the trash, taking out the recycling bag, cleaning the furniture, cleaning the windows and glass, and help her carry the food so she won't stress herself out.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
The wisest thing that I ever heard is "Get up again. Never Stop Moving Forward."
During my years through elementary school, middle school, and high school, I would often get into situations that would be too difficult for me to handle. I would sometimes walk away from the situation or give up trying. During high school, I would always be alone after a failed attempt trying to make new friends. I gave up on interacting with others until I helped two people named Emilia Skrabacz and Carlos Silva. I helped them out during NJROTC. When I helped them we got to know more about each other until we considered each other as friends.
During high school I would give on trying to solve the solution to a difficult problem during science and math. I would get bad grades on my work during my math and science classes. Many of my teachers encouraged me to keep going until I got it right. I kept studying and practicing on these two subjects. I managed to improve myself during those hard times and I was able to pass those classes.
When I was studying for my learners permit, I was too nervous to take it and if I were to fail then I would have to pay $40 to reschedule for another test. When I took the test, I failed. I only got 6 out of 25 answers wrong. When my mom heard that I failed, she said it was okay to fail since I can learn from my mistakes to help me bounce back and I shouldn't allow my failures to hold me back. She said she failed the first test but she passed the second test. When I took the second test, I no longer felt afraid anymore and I passed.
Bold Goals Scholarship
My future goal is to become a mechanical engineer in the future. The reason why I am interested in becoming a mechanical engineer is so I can help improve our technology in the future so people can complete their tasks easier.
I want to help improve our method in transportation in the world by electrifying public transportation such as replacing gas powered cars with electric cars. If we were to do this then it can help reduce the amount of drunk driving, provide people with extra protection, and reduce the burning of fossil fuels that is harming the environment.
I plan to improve our security so we can protect our data from being hacked by hackers since many people have been hacked by other people over the years and lost their money to the hackers.I want to help in designing technology to help with the police, emergency teams, rescue teams, doctors, firefighters, and military so the amount of crime can be reduced, more lives can be saved, the amount of deaths can be reduced, and the military can do their missions easier and faster.
The one thing I am mostly interested in doing to help our society is to design robots. I want to design robots so the robots can eliminate dangerous jobs for humans since robots are more capable of working in dangerous environments such as handling heavy objects, dangerous substances, and monotonous tasks. This can help us all to prevent deaths and accidents from happening.
These are the reasons why I want to become a mechanical engineer. I want to help improve our world so it helps us humans deal with tasks easier , make our lives be more convenient, and to help us in fields in transportation, education, and medicine.
Bold Gratitude Scholarship
I live with gratitude in my life by accepting what I have in my life and I accept the people for being in my life without complaining about things that I don't have and to not ask for something in return from the other person as well.
Another way I live with gratitude in my life is by spending more time with my friends and family whenever I am not busy with something important. During high school, I would volunteer to help my friends with problems that they have in some classes. At home, I volunteer to help my family around the house by doing chores, help my mother cook lunch and dinner, and help my father, who works as a carpenter, install new additions to the house.
I embrace humility so I can become humble, be a better person, and to avoid being a selfish person in the future. I accept the challenges in my life since the challenges help me to improve myself and to become better than ever.
I appreciate everything I have by accepting the people that I have in my life. I look back at the accomplishments that I have made in the past and celebrate for the hard work that I have done to earn these accomplishments. I enjoy every second that I have in my life and I accept it as a gift and not waste that time doing nothing by doing something meaningful with my life and by living in the moment.
I thank the people for helping me in my life and I help them back whenever they need help with something. I spend less time on social media and spend more time in the real world. I stop comparing myself to others and I accept myself for who I am.
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
The time I had to persevere through a difficult situation was when I had to go on crutches for a week years ago in 2015 when I twisted my ankle while playing soccer ball with my friend and I. We had to go to a hospital since I felt way too much pain in my left ankle.
I was lucky that my leg was okay and that the injury was not too serious. Although I slowly recovered from the injury that was holding me back. I had to rely on crutches to help me while my leg recovered. Each time I try to walk straight without the pain affecting me, I would always feel it.
During middle school, the injury kept on holding me back every time when I tried to go to each of my classes. Each time when I get to classes, my teachers, would sometimes mark me late, I was always behind in my lessons during classes, I would have to ask for my classmates to help me. Sometimes I turned in my work late on different days and it affected my grades.
I felt hopeless, until a teacher noticed my pain one day. I told her the accident that caused me to get the accident on my left ankle. I told her how much the pain was affecting my grades. She told a couple of friends of mine, to help me get to classes faster and to catch up with my class work. I would ask one of my friends to carry my materials that way I won't have to support too much weight. I managed to overcome the pain that was on my left ankle thanks to my friends supporting me each time I failed. By the end of the month the pain went away.
Bold Legacy Scholarship
I want my legacy to be about me being a selfless person in the world who is willing to help others even though I get nothing in return for helping other people. I want my legacy to be filled with accomplishments that I have done in the past over the years along with the good deeds that I have done as well.
I want all of this to be my legacy because I want to inspire other people to do better and improve themselves to better people for their own futures so they can achieve their own hopes and dreams with none of their fears holding them back.
I want people to know of my accomplishments so they can know that the impossible is possible so they can motivate themselves and not give up on themselves that way they can tackle hard challenges in the future.
I want people to know of the good deeds that I have done in the past as well so I can motivate people to help other in our community as well. The reason I want to do this is so people can become kind and selfless people instead of selfish people with personal interests of their own.
I want my legacy to make an impact for the world in a positive way for others. The reason I want to this I want to help people to change and to be part of something bigger or greater of themselves. I want to be known as someone who truly wanted to make a difference, to leave a mark on this world and to have my legacy to make the future brighter and better for everyone in the world.
Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
I am committed to being selfless to others because I want to help people since there are many people all over the world who can't do things all by themselves and there are also other people who also have disabilities to do certain tasks. I want to help others since they are struggling with things that they can't do all by themselves and some are hesitant to get help from others.
What I have done in the past to help others is by going into the churches in New London volunteering in the soup kitchen to help with workers on the food. I helped set up the tables, utensils, and help prepare the drinks and food for the guesses that come to church for food. Later after everyone is done eating their food I helped with cleaning the dishes, picking up the trash, and I helped in putting the tables away.
I help people by donating some of my clothes, toys, books and other belongings to the people and children that need them more than I do. I sacrifice some of my personal time to help others when they need help on task that is either big or small. I volunteered to help with my fellow peers during middle school, high school, and college in the past years in my life.
I would lend a shoulder for someone to cry in that way I can help them when they are going through rough times. I would give people my attention and listen to them as they talk about the problems that are happening to them in their lives. Then I would try to give that person advice on how they should handle that problem and how they can move forward without going experiencing that painful moment again.
Bold Joy Scholarship
When I think about joy, I think of joy as the most important part of our lives. Joy helps bring out happiness for all of us. Joy helps people be happy and thrilling, it also gives us all that warm feeling. Joy makes us sparkle and give us energy to chase after our own hopes and dreams.
I seek out joy in my life by speaking to my friends on the weekends while they are at college. We would speak to each other about our own lives at college and talk about the fun experiences we went through. During high school I would usually hang out with them during lunch and we would play with each other on some games.
My family brings me joy since they are the most important people in my life and they helped me overcome my sadness during my years in elementary school. They would help me overcome obstacles by supporting me and having faith in me.
I enjoy doing outdoor activities to bring joy to my life. Riding on my bike brings me joy in my life since I get to enjoy the feeling of going from one place to another while feeling the wind passing through my hair. Playing basketball helps me to relax after being bored of doing nothing. Going on a sailboat brings joy to my life since I get to go on a boat into the ocean.
Listening to music brings joy to my life since the music helps motivate me to do something productive. Helping the people in our community brings me joy since I am helping with their lives. Going on road trips brings me joy since I get to travel to new places that I have never went to before while meeting new people
Bold Success Scholarship
I have many goals for the future, some of them are personal goals that will help me in the future. I have done necessary things to help me prepare for the future and some of those things have costed me a lot but I was willing to take the risk to complete my objects to gain a step further for my future.
My first goal is to earn my learners permit. To achieve this I am studying each day and night memorizing the DMV Driver's Manual and testing myself with CT DMV app so I can prepare myself when I am about to take the quiz to earn my learners permit.
My second goals is to earn my drivers license. To achieve this I am driving my car to go to college each day so I can earn more experience to drive a car all by myself. I am going to parking lots in the morning by the Crystall Mall with my car so I can learn to park in forward or in reverse.
My third goal is to earn a degree in Mechanical Engineering to design robots. I am doing this by studying each day. I am paying attention to the teacher during classes while I write down notes. I go to the teachers asking for advice when I have a problem with a certain subject in college. I also plan take Computer Science Engineering that way I can design certain commands for the robots.
My fourth goal is move out of my parents house to find a place for myself to live in. I am going to achieve this by searching for jobs that meet my skills. Then I plan to save my money that way I can afford to buy furniture for my apartment.
Bold Reflection Scholarship
My life so far has been great, so far I have managed to graduate elementary school, middle school, and high school. Right now I am enrolled into the University of Connecticut, Avery Point. I learned on how to drive my own car and so far I have not gotten myself into trouble.
During the past few years I learned on how to more interactive with others without making a fool out of myself. I learned on how to set up my own appointments for community health center and for the DMV.
I managed to learn on how to use tools for construction with the help of my dad. I learned on how to record my own presentation all by myself.
For the past few years during high school, I participated in community services to help the people in our community. This helped me to get out of my personal space to interact more with others.
I learned on how to work well with others when I worked alongside my peers during elementary school, middle school, and high school. This helped me in college and I did not argue with any of my classmates.
This has shaped my hopes for the future by my accomplishment since they helped me get into college without any problems stopping me on my journey. It also gave the confidence to do things all by myself without relying on other people to help me and to take on challenges.
My accomplishments have motivated me to do more in the future and to study more for the future when I am going to college for the next three years. My accomplishments helped me in getting over my fears and to improve my skills and to gain more knowledge for certain subjects in college.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
I have a variety of things that bring me joy and happiness in my life. I have people that bring happiness to my life. Me possessing items that are valuable to me helps bring in happiness.
My friends make me happy since they the kindest people that I have met in high school and they don't judge me for who I am. My friends help whenever I asked them for their help when I am trouble with something.
My family are also the people that make me happy since they raised from my birth to now. My family helps me in stuff that I have yet to learn when I become a full grown adult. My father taught me on how to drive a car and I managed to do well while driving a car.
Watching movies makes me happy because I get to see my favorite movie stars in action. Watching movies brings me joy by showing awesome scenes with the actors doing various stunts in the movies.
I like to watch some movies where there is a bit of romance and scenes that are humorous for me since they make me laugh.
Going on a road trip makes me happy. Going to different places is fun since I get experience new things while traveling. I also get to take pictures while visiting famous landmarks.
Playing basketball makes me happy since I get to relax and not think about my problems for once. I play basketball to help me exercise and be more active.
Listening to music makes me happy since the lyrics help motivate me to do more in my life. It also helps me replace my negative emotions with positive emotions. Reading makes me happy since it helps send my mind from reality to an imaginary world.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
I relax by taking long naps whenever I am tired from doing homework or when I am done helping my father after helping him in his work. Taking a nap has helped me recover my energy and it helps in losing the headaches that I get for overworking myself.
I play basketball outside of my house that way I can take my mind off of distractions that are bothering me. Basketball helps me clear my mind and diminish the stress that I have experience each day when it comes to college.
I listen to music to help me relax. Music helps me get rid of bad thoughts and to sleep better at night. The lyrics of each song also helps me keep going in life whenever I am sad. Listening to music has helped me get motivated to something and helps me fuel my mind with positive words.
I relax by reading books or reading stories online that way I can use my imagination to think of what is happening in the story. Reading helps me clear my mind and it takes the tension off me. Reading helps to not think of the problems or troubles that I am thinking of in my mind.
I take care of my mental health by speaking to my friends on phone or online gaming. I usually speak to them on what I have done in my week or what I plan to do in the future.
I take care of my mental health my doing some meditation that my teacher at UConn - Avery Point has recommended to me to use when I am stressing over something. The meditation that she has provided for me and my other classmates has helped me relax my mind and body..
Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
There are many things that help fuel our lives or at least give us a purpose for living. Our own personal goals or life changing goals motivate us all to change into better people and develop new skills to improve ourselves for the better.
My friends having confidence in me and supporting me help me in motivating myself to do more in my own life. My friends help me out with things while I am at school and they give me advice when I am going through something personal. Spending time with my friends helps make my life worth living for.
My hobbies is something that I enjoy doing since it makes me be happy. My hobbies is something that I enjoy doing and it can be my passion to help me clear mind off of things.
My greatest achievements help fuel my life since they help motivate me to do better and have confidence in my own skills. They help me be secure of myself and not let me fear of my own weaknesses. It helps me know that I can do more in the future.
My goals motivate me to try out new things, develop new skills necessary to achieve my goals, and to improvise as well. My goals help me try to do something productive with my life instead of standing here and doing nothing.
Love is also part of what fuels my life. Love helps me know that I have people that care about me. Love helps me live my life longer. Love keeps me from doing something that I will regret in my life.
My family fuels my life since they are always helping me when I am sad or depressed. They always support on the choices that I made in the past.
Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
I love nature because it provides us with the resources for humanity to survive. Nature provides animals habitats to live in instead of having animals to live in dangerous environments in the cities or out in the streets. Nature provides us with fruits and vegetables to eat, serenity, beauty, and calm.
Nature helps us get out of our heads and into our bodies. Not only does nature bring out new sensory experiences, but it also helps us find peace in our minds so we can make sense in our lives. Nature helps us to get away from our worries, lose stress, and to revert back to our senses for a while.
Nature brings me inner peace to my mind. This helps me with my mind by letting me stay in one place in a peaceful atmosphere, the sun providing a fiery morning sunshine, the soft sounds of animal calls, and the scent of rain.
I appreciate nature by using less water while taking a shower, doing laundry, and washing the dishes. I use less electricity in the house. I recycle aluminum and steel cans, newspapers and magazines, paper, glass bottles and jars, plastic cups bottles and plastic cups, card board, and envelopes along with mail.
I pick up the trash that is in my house and throw it down the trash bin. Buy less plastic bags and use reusable shopping bags. Plant plants to provide us oxygen, clean the air, and combat climate change. Use long lasting light bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
I use a bike so I won't have to use a car to burn more fossil fuels which can pollute the air. After I am done using chemicals during classes I would dispose of them in a proper way without sending chemicals into our waterways.
Bold Equality Scholarship
What I do to support equality and diversity is by treating people with respect even if they are from the opposite gender or their race is different. When I am working on an assignment I would help other students if they need help even if they are different.
While I was working during middle school and high school, while working with others we would come up with ideas to find a solution to a problem or working on a project.
When I worked with other students in the past during high school and middle school we would come up with ideas and find errors in our own ideas to make the idea function when we worked to together in science projects. While I worked with other students we would give each other an opportunity to fully participate in the learning process. We would make sure not to discriminate each other while we worked together.
While I worked with other students, I would acknowledge our personal biases and seek to understand others with different work experiences. While working in groups, we all communicate with each other that way neither of us would be left behind.
I would acknowledge others for their strengths and weaknesses since not everyone is perfect, including me. I would try to make sure that my pride or ego does not get the better of me and I would make sure to ask my peers questions related to the lesson if what I was doing was right or wrong.
I would ask my peers about their cultures, races, religions, and backgrounds that way they will feel comfortable while I am working with them. I would encourage my peers to participate and to do something creative since I wanted to help them take part in the working process.
Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
Confidence means a lot to me because it's vital to humans and it helps people to accept and trust ourselves and have a sense of control of our own lives. This helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses and to have a positive view of ourselves. It helps us to feel secure than being insecure.
I am working on being more confident in myself by not listening to our own limiting beliefs. I try to take on an uncomfortable situation and if I were to succeed then I can permanently be able to loose my self-limiting beliefs.
I try to talk myself out of my negative self-talk and motivate myself by using positive self-talk or about myself to build my self-esteem. I talk myself out of fear, self-doubt, and obsession with past mistakes by reminding myself with good deeds, accomplishments, and capabilities.
The pep talks helped me work through a challenge by reflecting what skills I have used to complete tasks in the past and which skill or capabilities can help me work through a challenge or at least help me find a solution to a problem.
I make myself curious in the past to try out new things. This helped motivate me to get out of my own shell and to be open to fresh perspectives and new ideas. Going through this helps me boost my confidence. Being curious helps me to focus on something and to be busy on positive things. This helps me go in new directions that I did not think was possible. By doing this I can change my life for the better.
Facing what scares us helps in being more brave since it helps us eliminate the threat and fear. By doing this we feel more confident since we feel more capable.
Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
I think the meaning of life is to find happiness in our lives. I think we achieve it by spending quality time with the people we love and care about before our time on Earth is up. We have to live our lives with the people we love and care about otherwise our time on Earth has been all for nothing.
We achieve the meaning of life by looking for people who would accept us for who we are and we spend time with them. Then people will try to find significant others that they want to be with for the rest of their life and to start families of their own.
Some people will want to try to use their skills to aim for goals for themselves that will impact the world in a positive way. Most want to do this since most of them think that their skills help them find a purpose for themselves.
Most people will try to help others as a way to help their community since they want to do it out of kindness. Most do it since they think they motivate others to do better encourage them to help others as well.
People doing things that they want to do is part of finding the meaning of life. Most people do this since they want to remember all the fun things that they have done in their life not just by themselves but with others as well.
Following our gifts and talents is a way of finding the meaning of life. This helps people to encouraging others who have talents that are different or similar to others to find goals for themselves based on their gifts and talents.
Bold Bucket List Scholarship
I have a ton of things to do on my bucket list from the very beginning in elementary school, so far I have accomplished a majority from my bucket list in the past decade.
I managed to past elementary school, middle school, and high school with no problem. Those years were very difficulty since I had to study a lot and I had trouble in several subjects during those school years but I managed to pull through.
I learned on how to drive thanks to my father teaching me on how to drive in his truck. Later I started driving in my card, so far I had no problem driving all by myself. I ever had any problems or accidents when it came to driving.
I managed to get into the University of Connecticut in Avery Point, everything went well. I have a couple of problems in my classes but so far I am doing okay.
I managed to go on a boat during my years in elementary school, I went past the abandoned lighthouse that is in Groton, Connecticut on the Thames River.
I learned on how to go sailing on a mini sailboat with a friend of mine and it was exciting, then I learned on how to kayak.
What I have next for my bucket list is to earn my learner's permit. I am doing this by studying the driver's manual that way I will have enough knowledge when I am about to take the exam.
I am plan to take skydiving lessons that way I can actually go skydiving when I jump off from an actual plane. Next I planned to go traveling to different states in the U.S. I planned to go horseback riding to feel the sense a freedom when I'm riding a horse.
Bold Bravery Scholarship
I practice my bravery by tackling challenges without fear and without looking back. During high school, I would not hesitate to ask friend or teacher to help me something at school such as asking for help on an assignment from a subject that I am having trouble on.
When it comes to working on a power point, I would try to practice on explaining and demonstrating my presentation and pretend that there is an audience right in front of me. I do this to help me get rid of my nervousness that is holding me back from succeeding during my presentation.
When it comes to my fears, I would ignore my fears or at least embrace them to keep those fears from distracting my mind. I tried this before during the Drop In Learning Center in 2013, other kids and I went sailing on boats and I was afraid of drowning but I got over my fears by going into the water while wearing a life jacket.
I live boldly by ignoring the stares or judgmental words that people use against me. I try new things once and a while that way I can get out more and have more fun for myself. I try out new hobbies that can make me relax and make me happy.
I put more faith in myself to be bold enough to go through things in life. I also try on not to be a completely different person and continued to being myself that way people can accept me for who I am.
I accept myself for who I am as a way of being bold. This helps me to build my self-esteem and not let negative things hold me down. Accepting myself helps me gain more confidence and be less vulnerable to criticism.
Bold Empathy Scholarship
I treat others with empathy by caring about their feelings and trying to help them feel better. During high school, some kids would be all by themselves away from others due to bullies bothering them. I would sit next to them and ask them whats wrong. I would listen to that person's story and look at the person in the eye and try to find a solution to their problem that way they won't be sad. I would try to help them feel important.
During middle school, I would try to acknowledge their pain or put myself in their position to try to understand the crisis they are going through and to connect with them before giving them pieces of advice. If a student were to be bullied by another student then I would go to the teacher to explain to the other student's problem that way the student won't feel sad and depressed thanks to the bully harassing them.
I would not judge others about what they are doing to show empathy towards them. This allows me to get a deeper level of understanding to develop empathy towards them. I open my heart to others that way I can both me and the other person can share our vulnerabilities and emotions together to build a connection with each other.
I offer physical affection to the people to show empathy towards that way they will feel safe, that everything is going to be okay, and to make them feel better that way we can create a connection between the two of us.
I would offer people my services to help them that way I can show to everyone that I am willing to sacrifice some of my time to do something for someone else and not expect something in return.
Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
What I think the meaning of life is to experience reality to rid of ourselves from the hate and suffering by try to find ways to make ourselves happy with our lives, to find a purpose for ourselves to keep us going, and to find love and affection.
We try to achieve happiness by being with other people such as our friends, families, and significant others to bring happiness and joy not just ourselves but in other people as well. The people we love and care about give us all a reason to live. Without the people in our lives life would have no meaning, we would all have no purpose for ourselves in our lives and we would not be happy. We also gain happiness by going to places we haven't visited before and doing things that we love doing.
We achieve our own purpose by using skills help the people find a purpose for themselves and to improve our world. Most people are inspired by other people who became doctors, engineers, and politicians and it motivates others to work hard. Most of these people have managed to change many peoples lives by improving our technology, developing cures to diseases, and creating laws and orders that promotes equality to people that are different in races, nationalities, and genders.
We achieve love and affection by being with the people that we love and care about. Love and affection helps us all feel secure and wanted by other people. Parents help children mold them into adults by helping them, offering them advice, and giving them a roof over their heads. Love and affection helps us know we are compatible with other human beings and it creates a sense of harmony even if the relationship is in a friendship and familial level.
Bold Memories Scholarship
The one experience that has shaped me today is the death of the people that died from the COVID-19 pandemic. Its and experience that was difficult for everyone all over the world. Many people all over the world are grieving for the death of their loved ones. Many people who were positive for the COVID-19 ended up dying from the virus while some survived by taking the vaccine.
When the COVID-19 pandemic first came out, most of the schools have to shut down to prevent the virus from spreading even further. Most of the students were concerned about failing or passing classes since this pandemic has changed everyone's routine. Everyone was not sure what to do since this event was unexpected for everyone outdoor.
On March 2020, schools all over the world had to take distance learning class on computers that way we can continue our studies. This experience has been difficult for me since this was completely different then taking lessons in person at school. I was struggling in classes all the time and it overwhelmed me.
As time went on, I continued to thrive and I didn't let those obstacles put me down. As people tried to adapt to handling the pandemic situation, I tried to help my parents out more since the pandemic has made them worried sick. This experience has helped me matured by a lot. I helped my father when it comes to his job since most of his colleagues don't come to work sometimes, and I helped my mother around the house since she is pregnant and I tried to keep her from harming herself or stressing herself out.
Bold Success Scholarship
My first goal for the future is to graduate from the University of Connecticut to earn a degree at becoming a Mechanical Engineer. I plan to achieve this by studying hard in the required classes that way I can earn grades that are good enough for me. I plan to take summer classes in the University of Connecticut. I plan to participate more in classes and communicate more with my colleagues when I am working together with them.
My second goal is to buy an apartment for myself that way I can live alone. I plan to do this by searching for a job that fits okay to my skills and work in a good environment where I won't fight with the customers or the other workers. I going to search for an apartment that suits my needs and then save enough money to buy furniture for apartment that I am going to live in.
My third goal is to earn my drivers license. I am doing this by studying the Drivers Manual given to me by the DMV and taking practice quizzes on a DMV app to test my knowledge. My father is also helping me by letting me use his truck and practice driving at the Crystal Mall. I am practicing on how take turns, how to drive forward and backwards, and how to park in a parking lot.
My final goal was to earn a acting role for a movie, animation, or hilarious sitcom. I plan to work on my physique to become slimmer and earn muscles. I plan to take martial arts to work on my skills that way I can become more agile. I plan to work on deepening or lightning my voice and personality for my acting role based on the settings.
Bold Bravery Scholarship
I practice bravery by ignoring the dangers that will appear in my life. When it comes to talking to an audience I practice everyday on how I should speak to a crowd without being nervous in front of everyone. I encourage myself that I should not let my fears get the best of me.
To get over my fears I identify what scares me or what is holding me back. Fear is good for us since it keeps us from danger and from making mistakes. By listing down and describing my fears, I can find out which are healthy and which are holding me back from fully participating in my life. By doing this I am helping myself to be brave to face my worst fears.
Another way I tried to be brave its to change my routine. I started out small before making big changes in my life. Starting with small changes in my life help in encouraging me to make big changes in my life. Doing these changes helped in making me experience discomfort, without taking any real risks.
There were some things that I wanted to do in my life but I was too afraid to do it. I needed to identify my strengths and skills since it helped me in my personal and career development. When I acknowledged my strengths and skills, I became more confident in my ability to succeed, I become more willing to do big acts of courage, I started to move past my fears, and to reinforce my motivation.
Bold Influence Scholarship
If I were a highly influential figure, the main thing that I would stand for being supportive. I would stand for being supportive, loyal, honest, and brave because I want to help people who have different backgrounds from being criticized by other people.
I would influence people into accepting other people and helping others despite them having different backgrounds such as races, nationalities, sex or gender. We should all treat each other equal, not treat others lower than trash or as animals, and we have to accept the fact that everyone is not perfect and that we all have flaws.
When we have flaws, we can all try to improve ourselves that way we can overcome our flaws that way we can get pass those obstacles and conquer ourselves. I would influence other people into embracing those flaws helps us become better people and it helps us interact more with other people who also have flaws of their own as well.
We have to accept people that have different backgrounds and we have to accept that they are also humans as well. I would at least try to motivate others to help these people who are being criticized by others. We should at least empathize with them and think of ourselves in their places and think of how they are feeling. I would try to influence others to gather other people to stand up for themselves and that they should prove to people that despite them being different from others they are also humans as well.
Bold Goals Scholarship
My first goal for the future are to graduate from the University of Connecticut to become a mechanical engineer. I am trying to complete these goals by studying during my time in the University and writing down necessary notes from each of the required classes for my future career. I am debating whether or not I should take summer classes that way I can advance earlier and be ahead of everyone else and I can earn my degree earlier than expected.
My second goal for the future is to earn my drivers license. I am doing this by studying the Driver's Manual to learn on what I should or shouldn't do while driving a car on the streets. With help from my father, he is teaching me on how to drive when driving on the streets or highway. He is teaching me on how to park a car as well.
My third goal is to buy an apartment for myself. I am looking for jobs that is best suited for me. I am searching to work in a place where the environment is safe for me to work in and where I can work with others without having to argue with them. I plan to save enough money for myself that way I can move my items to the new apartment that I will live in.
My final goal is to find a find a acting role. The role that I want to take part in has to be part of a hilarious sitcom or pg-13 movie since it sounds like something that I do want to participate in. My voice being part of a TV animation or movie animation seems okay with me.I plan to work on my skills that way I can audtion for these parts.
Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
One way you can try to have a positive impact on the world its by helping other people who need help even if they don't want help or need help. Helping people leaves a positive impact on the world since it can influence and motivate other people to become better versions of themselves.
I help people by doing community service. I helped people by participating in the soup kitchens at churches in New London. When I helped the people at soup kitchens I helped in preparing the tables, washing the dishes, and serving food to the homeless people that go to the soup kitchens.
I empathize and listen to others. When some of my friends have hard days and they are going through something I listen to their problems and give them advice on how they should handle their problems. Empathy and listening helped in amplifying and improving my relationships with my friends.
I acknowledge and inspire my colleague's to do their best. When I worked alongside my colleagues, I let them know I see their efforts, talents, or resilience that way they feel valuable and appreciated. As I uphold what I admired about my trusted colleagues and confirm that we function well as a team, then this can inspire them to take action on something that will make a difference for us or the world.
I share my knowledge, skills, strengths, and weakness to others that way we can build our trust, to help each other, and to grow. When I share something with them, I am teaching them something special about me and our journey. This allows us to create new ideas and opportunities along with deepening our knowledge and skill set during our contribution with each other.
Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
The one thing that I love about myself is my personality. I love my personality because I am always calm, mature, kind, funny, and responsible. I do not discriminate others from their gender or race, I just accept others for who they are when there is nothing that I can do to change them when I can just help them improve themselves if they want to.
During my school years I am the mature one. I always follow the rules that are always set at school and I always pay attention to the teachers. I never bullied anyone before I often teased them without having to offend them or hurt their feelings.
I am always kind to my friends. I help my friends if they have personal problems or problems that relate to school work. I accept others for their flaws since not everyone is perfect and I help them improve themselves. I compliment others that way they can accept themselves and feel great about themselves.
I can be funny when I chose to be. I sometimes indirectly have funny moments during my school years where anyone would laugh at something that I did or something that I have said. My humor can help take the tension off from any place that I am in with my friends.
I am always a responsible person. During sophomore and junior in high school, I had to be a leader with my colleagues when it came to doing community service during the soup kitchens at the church. I always explained to what the others had to do in order to earn community service hours since I had experience in working the soup kitchens and I lead them in working together as a team to get the job done in time.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
The wisest thing that I have ever heard in my life is this: "Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can And have the wisdom to know the difference." These words explain that it is too late for someone to change the past but its not too late for someone to change the future in order to make a difference in the world.
The quote explains that despite it being too late for someone to change their past, they should not let their mistakes pull them down and let it consume their lives. What has happened in the past is done, no amount of thinking, energy, or emotions invested in it can change the past. The people should learn from their mistakes or experience to help them improve themselves that way they will be able to change their futures and move on with their lives.
People who focused more on the past instead of the future will never learned to move forward with their lives and will bring more harm to themselves. People who think too much on the past will lose their mind in the process and will detach themselves from reality. People need to learn from their mistakes that way they can shape themselves and become a better person
Our past it's part of our history and it's part of who we are but its not us. Our experiences reflect on us. Most of these things happen in their own unique way to each person individually. We place our own mark on the way events happened. Our identity is part of our tomorrow as our pass. If we keep our minds too much on the past then we are preventing ourselves from living in the present and living into our tomorrow.
Bold Gratitude Scholarship
I live with gratitude and appreciate everything I have by accepting what I have instead of complaining abut things that I don't have. I learned to appreciate at the fact that my friends and family members are alive instead of being dead which makes me happier, less depressed, and less stressed. I learned to accept the resources that I have in my possession when it comes to school work. I feel more in control of my life, I have higher self-esteem, and I managed things better than before.
I try on not to be picky on the things that I have when I should accept them. I spend time with my parents during the weekends. I always thank my parents for helping me when I need them. I try to find joy in the smallest of things. When someone does something nice for me I say thank you and I return the favor to them by helping them back with my services.
I call some of my friends to say thank you for helping me. I let my friends know that if they need anything from me then they are happy to call me to help them as my way of saying thank you. I call my friends on the weekends to chat with them to hear how their lives are and hear out what problems they have and to help them find a solution to their problems.
I stop comparing myself to others based on their skills, appearance, and possessions. I learned to accept myself and be grateful for what I have and who I am as a person in general. I learned to be present in important events and that I should live the moments with my family instead of being alone all by myself and doing nothing.
Bold Bucket List Scholarship
My bucket list involves me doing things that I have yet to do or go to places that I have never went to in my life. After I am done with college I want to spend some quality time with my family to have a fun time with them. I planned to spend some time with my friends when they are done with college as well.
What I have achieved so far was that I was able to go to Niagara Falls during summer. I also went kayaking once during the summer years ago in Ocean Beach. I also went sailing on a sailboat with my friends during a summer camp program for a month. Then I went on a boat during my trip to Niagara falls in the process.
I learned on how to drive a car during the winter season last year and this year as well. I went to New York to visit my cousins house to spend quality time with them. I learned on how to do some scuba diving during the summer a few years ago.
What I want to do next on my bucket list so far its to go skydiving from a plane or from a tall building. I want to go bull riding. I want to go horseback riding. I want to go snowboarding. I want to ride a jet ski into the ocean. I want to go on a hot air balloon to see the view of the cities and the land.
Somethings that I want to do on my bucket list can be a bit dangerous such as flying a helicopter. I want to drive a boat. I want to go on an airplane in one of my travels. I want to take a acting role in a movie.
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
What my dream life looks like is that I am working in a corporation where I have a career in mechanical engineering. I am working alongside my colleagues on projects that can help us improve our technology for the future. I am also earning money from the job that I have taken to provide for my ideal family.
In the future, I am married to my ideal girlfriend and I have children with her and we are living in a house. The woman that I married to is a colleague of mine that I have worked with in high school. She treats with kindness and respect. She doesn't judge me from my appearance but she judges only on my actions and decisions. She also does not ridicule me or criticize me during high school.
In my dream life I am rich since I have a good career and thanks to the job that I have taken and it fits well with my career as a mechanical engineer. With the money that I have earned thanks to my job I can afford a house or an apartment that will be suitable enough for my future family. I can also afford a car that I am interested in buying.
For my friends, I still keep in touch with all of them. My friends have good futures for themselves and they have families they have started with other people.
While with the rest of my family, I have a good relationship with them. With my sister she is either engaged or not engaged to someone while having a good career. My mom and dad are old and have a peaceful life together while my sister and I have good families. My little brother is in school busy preparing himself for the future.
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
The time the pandemic first shut down all schools during 2020 and I had to take online distance learning classes was a time I had to persevere since it was a situation that was difficult for me and the other students all over the globe.
I had to learn through a screen instead learning at school in person. I had to do things all by myself since I only interacted with the teachers through the screen she only managed to help me a little bit, the rest I had to do all by myself. It was a difficult situation at first but I managed to get the hang of it.
There were times I couldn't understand a question and I had to send an email for a teacher to help me. Sometimes the teachers would take a long time to respond back to me either due them being busy or them being sick to respond back to me. The lessons that I had to take during that year was way different compared to the lessons I was suppose to take that year.
Another situation that I had to go through in 2020-2021, it was identical to the first situation. During that year it was my senior year. Most of the subjects were very difficult since I had to take distance learning classes.
The difficult subjects that I had a problem with was my math classes. During my math classes I had to take pre-calculus and statistics. There equations that I had trouble soul and I didn't know what to do. I managed to persevere all by myself by following the steps that my teacher taught me. For my senior project, it was very difficult since I had to speak to an judges but I manged to pull through my fears.
Bold Legacy Scholarship
I want to be remembered as a hard working, dedicated, patient, honest, and kind person after I pass away. I want to that to be my legacy because I want to be remembered for doing things that not only benefited me in the past but for a person that has helped other people as well. I don't want to go down having people remembering or thinking of me as a bad person.
I want to be remembered as a selfless person that chose to help others with their needs before mine. I had helped other people in the community before to not only community service hours but to help other people that also need help and cannot do things all by themselves.
I want to be remembered as a hard working person. During school, I put a ton of effort into my work that way I can pass my all of my classes. When I fail at something, I used that failure to motivate me and to bounce right back that way I can improve myself for the future.
I want to be remembered for the achievements that I have made in the past. I want my achievements to be involved in my legacy since it can help motivate other people that doing the impossible is possible since it can help others motivate themselves and raise their confidence long with their self-esteem to put the effort into their work for their own goals.
I want the people that I love and care about to be part of my legacy since they are the reason that I am the person that I am who I am right and the person that I will continue to be before I pass away. The people that I love helped me when I needed them.
Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
I am committed to being selfless because there are people that need our help who and they cannot always do things all by themselves. If a person was willing to sacrifice their time to help me then I should try to help that person back by sacrificing my time to help them. Selflessness is the ultimate form of kindness. We have to put some part of our personal lives to suffer in order to help others with their needs before our own.
Being selfless allows me to do something good to help not only other people but to do some good for our community. Being selfless helps me become a better version of myself. When I am selfless, my confidence starts to increase along with my self-esteem. My selflessness helps me in blocking out my negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that I have about myself.
When I am selfless, I start to understand other people who are different from me. My heart and mind start to become more open to others when I am selfless. I start to embrace and care for others when I am selfless. If I allow myself to care for others then I start to understand more about myself and I start to appreciate myself.
During high school, I stood back to help my teachers clean their classrooms even though I lost time for classes or I was marked late for my classes. I participated in community services by helping people at the soup kitchen by preparing the tables, preparing the deserts, serving the food to the people that come to the church, and then cleaning the church after everyone has been served of their food. When I was part of NJROTC, I helped in picking up trash with them to clean up my high school.
Bold Joy Scholarship
What joy means to me is that it is something that brings us happiness and pleasure. I consider joy to be an important element for our mental health. Joy keeps us all from being depressed or sad. Joy is one of the things that makes life worth living and it helps us bond with other people.
Having joy in our lives keeps us moving forward with our lives and it helps us be better versions of ourselves. Having joy in our lives helps affect our mood in a positive way. Joy helps us maintain better relationships with the people we love and care about. Having joy in our lives helps improve our personalities and bring out positive emotions instead of negative emotions.
Joy helps us have less stress. People become more creative when they have joy and it helps clear their minds from negative thoughts. People become more generous when they have joy, they help more people, and they help on doing good for the community.
I find joy by listening to my favorite music which helps sooth my mind off of things. I speak to my friends during the weekend while they are not working during the summer. I read fanfics about my favorite characters helps bring joy to me. Watching movies that have my favorite actors bring joy to me. Watching my favorite sitcoms and TV shows bring joy to me.
Laughter helps in bringing joy to me, watching funny moments in TV shows, sitcoms, and movies. Reading a book fills me joy since I think of he adventures that takes in place while reading the book. Going to Six Flags helps bring me joy and excitement since I get to go on the rides, water park, and the water slides.
Bold Reflection Scholarship
My life so far has been great so far. At first during elementary school, it was rough for me since I tried to fit in, I was so good at math during my Jennings Elementary School I was the first student to pass a math program before anyone else. This got me motivated to other math topics that were a bit advanced for other elementary students.
By the time I went to Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School, it got me excited to take in other math topics that were challenging for me and to also get excited about science since I was interested in developing and advancing new technology for the future. When I made my projects for science class I got a high grade and I passed for putting all my effort into it.
When I got high grades in middle school during my math classes and science this got me motivated to do more in math and science. In high school things were way different for me since it was on another level even for me. I was barely able to pass to pass the math and science classes.
During my school years my teachers were able to help me solve problems on school subjects that were too much for me to handle. I have learned from the mistakes that I have made in the past to improve for the future. I never allowed myself for my mistakes to take advantage of me.
After I passed high school, I looked at the achievements that I have earned in the past. I decided that I can use my skills to become a mechanical engineer since I was very interested in science. The achievements that I have earned in the past built my hopes for a good future for myself.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
The first thing that makes me happy are beyblades. I played with beyblades ever since I was eight years old. Playing with beyblades helps me take my minds off of things. Playing with beyblades helps me lose stress and eeing the beyblade battles helps get me excited.
Reading fanfic stories from FanFiction.Net makes me happy since I can read stories that people wrote from their own imagination. I also get to write my own stories from my own imagination and people get to enjoy reading them.
I watch movies to make myself happy. Watching movies that have my favorite actors bring a smile to my face. Most of the movies that I watch are filled with action, can sometimes be hilarious, and have romance to make me be happy.
Talking to my friends makes me happy. I would talk to my friends abut what we have done over the week and what we will be doing in the future. I would talk to them about some jokes that we would laugh at. My friends and I talk about our problems and what we could do to solve them. We would also talk about what we would like to do for fun. I am speaking to my crush while she is at a college which is far from New London.
My family makes me happy. My family and spend tie with each other during the weekends and during holiday breaks. We go outside of the US to have field trips that way we can have fun with each other. I speak to my other family members through WhatsApp since my other family members live in Honduras and WhatsApp is the only way we can communicate with other. I used WhatsApp to talk to my family members on what I have accomplished.
Bold Empathy Scholarship
I make sure to treat others with empathy by listening to other people without interrupting them. I pay attention to another person's body language and other types of nonverbal communication. I try to understand other people, even if I don't agree with them. I ask those people questions that way I can learn more about them and their lives. I imagine myself in that person's shoes.
Recognizing another person's emotions is a way to solve a problem. Reading another person's emotions help us know if we are on the right track. They help us know if there is danger ahead and when to proceed that person with caution.
Accepting another person's interpretation of an event or situation isn't the same as agreeing with them but it helps in viewing the situation from outside our own view and make a better observation of that person's situation. This will helps us to come up with a solution for that person's situation.
Giving another person time to explain and communicate their frustrations or concerns before letting someone else help them correct their problem can help them feel accepted and turn their problems into an opportunity to build a bond along with their trust.
Restating the person's problem shows that I have been listen to the other person while he or she has been talking shows that I respect and care about their needs. It also make sure that I understand what the other person has said to me.
I would ask the other person to move forward. It shows whether me and the other person are in the same place in communication. If the other person wants to or still needs to talk about their problem then they should go back and do it again or they can move forward to discuss solutions.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
I relax myself by finding things to do that help ease the stress from my mind. I do some exercises on the elliptical to help get rid of the stress that I have built up within me. I take a nap to help me recover my energy from my exhaustion. I take a walk around the neighborhood that way I can take my mind off from things that are distracting me.
I play video games to help me relax. I watch TV to distract myself from things that are stressing me. I go outside and ride on my bike around the neighborhood to help take the tension off from my shoulders. I play basketball to help me relax or when I'm bored or when I have nothing else to do.
To take care of my mental health I listen to soothing music get rid of my stress. I talk about my feelings with my friends when there are times I feel troubled. I eat well that it can help me with not only my physical health but my mental health as well. I speak to my friends that way I can keep myself mentally okay, the lines of communication is okay and healthy for me.
Accepting who I am helps me in boosting my confidence, helps me learn new skills, and it helps me with my self-esteem when my life takes a bad turn. I read a book to help me with my mental health or when I have nothing else to do. Writing fanfiction helps me be happy and it helps me to stop thinking of th problems that I am having in the real world that are causing me to lose my mind or stress my mind.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
I stayed optimistic through tough times by not giving up or letting myself down when the odds are against me. I keep myself optimistic by ignoring negative emotions. I keep myself hopeful about my own future even if the present seems bad.
Interrupting cycles of negative inner dialogue helps me remain optimistic. Being a positive thinker helps me calm down and be optimistic. Learning on how to identify negative thoughts and replace those thoughts with positive thoughts helps on being optimistic.
Avoid thinking of negative thoughts that way your self-esteem won't suffer. Pay attention to the way you talk is a good way to think more positively. If you find yourself thinking negatively then you need to think of ways to to change your thought patterns and to change your own behavior.
Humor or lightheartedness can help people in their lives to stay optimistic. When facing challenges all by yourself, it's important to allow yourself to laugh and have fun. Recognizing humor during a situation can lower your stress and lighten your outlook. Searching for sources of humor such as watching hilarious sitcoms, reading jokes, watching funny internet videos, or viewing memes can allow people think of positive thoughts.
Learning to think more positively is similar to strengthening a muscle, the more the person thinks positively, the more optimistic the person will become. To think positively, you need to nurture yourself. Putting in your own energy in things you enjoy doing and surrounding yourself with optimistic people can encourage you think positively and become optimistic.
Being optimistic has taught me that it has a certain amount of health benefits. People who have a more optimistic outlook have less chances of dying from serious illness. Being optimists helps in being both physically and mentally healthier than their pessimists counterparts.
Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
One thing we can do to help improve the lives of the elderly people in our community it's to help them do things that they cannot do all by themselves. Elderly people will always need our help since they are always struggling due to them being way past their prime.
If there is a elderly person struggling to take their groceries to their home, then a person should help that elderly take their groceries to their house. If elderly people have trouble doing their chores then a volunteer should help them with mowing their lawn, watering their plants, washing their car, and make their meals for them.
Elderly's that live in senior care facilities have very few visitors. This causes elderly people who live such residences feel lonely or out of place which can effect their mental and physical health. This is where volunteers can help the elderly people by spending time with them and finding ways to fill them with joy and happiness.
We can bring animals to seniors that way they can reduce their stress levels. Stroking the fur of an animal can help the elderly people feel better. This can help elderly people feel more connected since they might have a hard time interacting with other people to experience an important bond.
Another way we can do to improve the lives of elderly people in our community is to listen them and give them our attention. Elderly people despite them being old worry about the same things young people worry about such as money, friendships, and stressful days. Elderly people interacting with volunteers about their concerns are their only social interaction, the service the volunteers provide to the elderly people is invaluable.
Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
The things that help fuel my life are my goals, friends, families, and the achievements that others have made in the past since they help motivate me to do my best and to help me to try to reach my full potential. These things help build my confidence and it makes me feel secure about myself along with my skills.
My friends fuel my life by being there for me when I am at school. I speak to them that way I won't have to be alone and they help with classes. We trust each other to never go behind our backs or to never lie to each about something that can impact us.
I have hobbies that keep my mind off about things that can prevent me from being bored and it helps relax my mind and to ease the tension that is going through my mind. I sometimes hang out with them that way I won't be bored when I go to school.
My family helps me understand that I shouldn't let other people's opinion to lower my confidence and that I should try my best when I am doing something. They help me heal from emotional pain. My family helps me school things such as on how to improve in my classes.
My goals fuel my life by motivating me to do everything I can to achieve that goal. My goals inspired me to reach to my full potential and to put in the effort while I am forking on a task.
The achievements that my colleagues have made in the past help fuel my life. This helps since they have things that I used to considered to be impossible and it helps motivate me that nothing is impossible if I put my mind into it.
Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
I love nature because it provides serenity, beauty, and calmness to our world. Nature gives us life that way we can breathe the oxygen to live on Earth. Nature provides us humans and animals with natural environments that can help stimulate our senses, provide new and fresh smell, beautiful colors for all of us to see, an amount of textures to touch and to listen calming sounds.
Nature is part of forests, rivers, oceans and soils which provide us with food for us to eat, water for all of us to drink and to use for our crops, medicine to heal and cure us, materials for shelter and survival, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients.
The ways that we can appreciate nature is by doing things that are not harming nature and doing things that can prevent other people from harming or damaging nature even further.
Here are ways we can show on how we can appreciate nature. We can ride on our bikes more instead of driving vehicles or motorcycles. Help others understand the value of natural resources that nature provides us. Volunteer in cleanups in our community. We can reduce, reuse, and recycle to conserve natural resources.
Use less water that way the water won't end up into the ocean. Buy less plastic bags and use reusable bags instead while shopping in stores or markets. Choose nontoxic chemicals while at home and office instead of using chemicals that can effect our waterways. Flip the light switch off when you leave the room that way people can conserve enough energy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
The biggest problem that the world is facing with is the COVID-19 outbreak affecting everyone's life all over the world. COVID-19 has effected people all over the world by closing down schools, devastating industries, millions of people losing their jobs, people dying from the COVID-19 virus, widen inequalities everywhere, undermine progress on global need, clean energy, and more.
To keep the virus from spreading from students to families, the schools from all over the world were closed. For over a year, most of the students from all over the world were effected from the schools being shutdown.
Business from all over the globe was shutdown as well, this caused many people all over the world to lose some of their working hours in the process. Young men and women were impacted the worst from the crisis. The chances of an economic recovery are low which will lead to a greater inequality in the future.
Women have been effected from the COVID-19 crisis since there is a large proportion of female workers in sectors that are effected from COVID-19 such as food services, and in front-line occupations, such as health and social care sectors. The pandemic threaten to undo the years of progress on gender inequality.
COVID-19 was delaying the progress on clean energy as well though temporarily at least by limiting investments and delaying the increase in clean energy technologies.
The solution to work on this problem from increasing the damage it's by having people test themselves for COVID-19, get treatments and COVID-19 vaccines for themselves. It will cost at least a fraction on the economy which it's being effected every week.
Bold Equality Scholarship
To support equality and diversity I worked with other people that come from different countries, that are part from different nationalities, and that are part from the same or different gender. During my years in elementary school, middle school, and high school I worked alongside with my colleagues that come from different countries and I always accepted them from what they are and I only judge them from their actions.
I treat my colleague's that come from different backgrounds fairly and I never discriminate them while working them. My classmates and I ensure each other equal access to opportunities so they can have a part in participating in the learning process and with our projects. My colleagues and I support each other that way we can come up with new ideas and to develop our full potential.
Another way I have done to support equality and diversity is to be aware of my unconscious bias relating accept to the nine protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender, race, religion, gender reassignment, marriage, pregnancy, and sexual orientation. I managed my bias by remaining curious and humble about cultural differences, and respecting other people's experiences and realities.
While working with my colleagues, we create an environment that is okay for all of us. Most of the discussions and conversations should be based on a variety of views, and we try to feel comfortable with each other as we express ourselves.
Lastly, I communicate with my colleagues by starting conversations with my colleagues as we work. We make conversations with each other to understand ourselves based on our strengths and weaknesses that way we can build relationships and improve on our teamwork and to thrive during classes.
Bold Independence Scholarship
To be independent it means to not be under a person's control or influenced by other people's own opinions, thoughts or actions. Being independent means to not subject under another person's authority or jurisdiction. Being independent means to not be dependent on something or someone else for existence or for help. To be independent means to be free from someone or something. It allows us to work all by ourselves with no one or nothing holding us back. It helps us to make decisions for ourselves.
Being independent impacts us by being a prime motivator for self-determination. Being independent helps us increase with our self-confidence and self-esteem. It also means that we trust ourselves to be competent in situations that we have to deal with, believe in the knowledge and skills that we possess to handle a challenge, and it also gives us a positive view of ourselves.
Being independent helps independent people to be an ally to help other people with the knowledge and skills they possess. This gets other people to trust the independent people as a beneficial resource and to ask help help from the independent people.
Being independent helps us on being capable on meeting our own needs with the help of our own resources and technology, then we don't have to rely on others for help. It helps us take away the load from other people instead of being a burden to other people.
Being independent helps us become more mobile instead of being confined or looked down upon from others in our community. It allows us to act freely, move, and operate as we see fit for us. We are not tethered by things that hold us back which means we can control our own future for the better.
Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
What confidence means to me is that I see it being part of a person's feeling or a gear or a tool that helps people in their lives. Confidence helps me to feel secure about myself along with my skills. To me, confidence helps me to do well during elementary school, middle school, high school, and when I'm working with my father on a job assignment. I am working on ways to make myself become more confident.
First, I am complimenting myself on my skills and my personality. A compliment makes me feel better at myself and it can help me change how I view myself and feel more secure of who I am.
Second, if I'm struggling with something, I speak with someone that way they can help me understand how I am feeling and what is bothering me. I talk to my friends about my issues that way I can work through them. Most of the conversations are a judgement free zone so my friends can feel safe when we are communicating with each other that way we can I can let go of my problems from my chest.
Third, being a leader helps me with my confidence since it allows me to feel positive and motivated. I get to accept tasks coming my way with a positive attitude.
Fourth, I won't speak badly about myself that way I can be the best version of myself and not let myself down. I counteract it by thinking of something about myself.
Finally, I try to accept criticism from other people that way I cannot let people distract me from achieving my goals since most people only criticize me to get into my head out of jealousy or to make feel good about themselves.
Pro-Life Advocates Scholarship
The experiences that I went through that shaped my pro-life position are the deaths of people that were taken away from accidents, storms, and school shootings that were reported through the news. These events helped realized that I should be relieved that I was not the one to be dead in one of those events or that one of my friends and family members were not caught in either of those events. When I was just an infant, my family used to own a dog until the dog got run over by a car. From that day on, I learn that we should value life before our lives are taken away from death.
When I was kid in fourth grade Jennings Elementary School of New London, CT I we had a dangerous person lurking in the halls. The teachers had us hiding by a wall at the side of the door that way the dangerous person cannot see us. We had to hide there for at least half an hour that way the dangerous person can leave the school. Many of the students were too scared from the experience.
During my fifth year in elementary school, we lost a teacher or vice principal after he passed away. This event impacted everyone deeply. Mostly everyone in the school was sad and depressed every since that day, things were very different for everyone in school. Most of the students wrote letters on how much we missed our teacher and how we are trying to move on without him.
When I was at least 13 years old, my dad lost his friend, he passed away from cancer. My family along with my dad's friends went to my dad's friends funeral. We went to pay our respects to my dad's friend. My dad was heartbroken that he died from cancer. I have seen that he was upset and he shed a couple of tears crying for best friend. My mom, sister and I were there to support him when he was sad from his friend passing away.
During my first year in high school, there was a school shooting happening at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. 17 students died from the massacre. This got the school staff and students at my school alongside the families of the students to get worried if someone were to go insane and start taking the lives of other students and school staff.
Another event that shaped my pro-life position is that people are dying from the COVID-19 pandemic. There were too many people that got infected with the virus. Most of the people that had the COVID-19 virus were able to get the COVID-19 vaccine while the people who were unable to get the vaccine died from the virus. My grandma got the vaccine after she got the virus. My family is praying that she gets well and that she does not die from the virus.
During high school, I helped people at the church to prepare for the soup kitchen by serving food to the homeless who were poor to afford food. I helped my mother at home by cleaning the house and preparing the food since my mother was pregnant and she is expecting to have the baby by June next year.