Hobbies and interests
Acting And Theater
American Sign Language (ASL)
Artificial Intelligence
Board Games And Puzzles
Combat Sports
Exercise And Fitness
Dog Training
Exercise Science
Krav Maga
Martial Arts
Voice Acting
Video Editing and Production
Travel And Tourism
Tap Dancing
Photography and Photo Editing
Stocks And Investing
Table Tennis
Scuba Diving
Rock Climbing
Joey Nunez
Bold Points1x
Joey Nunez
Bold Points1x
I hope to be a big-time special effects designer for a large corporation like Universal or Warner Bros. I've always wanted to be a part of something big, and being a special effects designer is the one thing that will help me be a part of it in the way I feel the most comfortable with. I'm constantly trying to learn what I can with what little I have, and although I still need some work, I do not doubt that I will reach my goal if given the proper instruction and guidance.
Lawton Chiles High School
High SchoolGPA:
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Graphic Communications
Test scores:
Dream career field:
Motion Pictures and Film
Dream career goals:
My goal is to become a video editor for a very large company, such as Warner Bros.
Front of House Team Member
Chick Fil A2022 – 20231 year
Junior Varsity2020 – 20211 year
Lawton Chiles High School
ActingPeter and the Starcatcher, Kiss Me Kate , A Seussified Christmas Carol, All Shook Up, The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical, Anastasia: The Musical2020 – 2024
Future Interests
Marques D. Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship
Music, singing, TV, theatre, and other art forms have sparked my passion in a way that lets me be myself. I suffer from ADHD, which makes it hard for me to sit still, or pay attention to just about anyone talking to me, but while I doze off, I think. I Think about something adventurous, like a man exploring a cave, where beautiful bug-like creatures glow in the dark, and sparkling crystals line the walls. I think about a tragic story of a man who lost his family to a terrorist attack amid World War III and travels the world to find his family's murderers. I think about the mysteries of the universe, for example, if a black hole is really just gravity pulling everything into a void of nothingness, does that mean time doesn't exist in it? What would happen if an object bigger than the black hole fell in? All of these thoughts excited me and often caused me to be hyper around my peers.
Nobody ever understands the way I act because of these thoughts, which is why I've felt almost like an outcast everywhere I go. Then in middle school, I discovered theatre. It allowed me to display my hyper personality without any subtle backlash from my peers. There were people who thought and acted like me. Fast forward to high school, I found more friends that I could relate to. I was able to find a place where I was welcome, but there was one small issue. Nobody yet understood my thoughts. My worlds and ideas were still trapped in my head. So I thought to myself, "How can I show everyone my creativity?" That's when I found the wonder that is video editing and producing.
I took and am still taking Digital Media in high school. I can remember my freshman year doing my first projects in Adobe Premiere Pro. When I finished it, I received massive positive feedback, and as I did more projects, I got better and better feedback. People were beginning to see the world that was previously enclosed in my head, and they were liking it! So I kept working and working, and I am now the senior editor of my school's news broadcast Wolfcenter Studios; Unfortunately, despite my love for the craft, there is still one small issue. I can't express the large amount of energy I feel in this field. My Solution? Do both theatre and editing.
As of right now, I am taking chorus classes and video editing classes in school. I'm also participating in the school theatre performances for my extracurricular activities and taking singing lessons outside of school. This combination of practices is what makes me the most happy. After high school, I plan to go to Florida State University and earn an Animation major at the School of Motion Picture Arts, an incredibly challenging school to get into. After college, I plan on working for a large movie-producing corporation, such as Warner Bros or Universal Studios. It is my personal belief that anyone can do anything they want if they want it badly enough, and there is nothing I want more than to make my dreams come true.
GojiCenter Animation Scholarship
Science is what awakened my adventurous personality. Once I got into seventh grade, I was studying biology, both on a larger scale, such as how biodiversity can affect an ecosystem, and on a smaller scale, like how the genetics in offspring are selected. This made me realize how much there is to explore and discover, and it was amplified even more in my high school class. There was a segment where we learned about the double slit experiment, an experiment in quantum physics designed to show us how electrons in a molecule function, so we can understand how molecules interact with one another. The results were that the electrons, which were tiny bits of matter, when shot through two slits, give off the same pattern as a wave. The most interesting aspect of this experiment was that when scientists attempted to observe the individual electrons going through the slits, instead of only observing the aftermath, the electrons formed the pattern that tiny bits of matter would form. When I found out that there was no certain conclusion as to how this was possible, this gave me a burning desire to learn about how everything works. One of the first places I started was with movies. I would go home from school, watch movies such as The Avengers, and study how they add effects to their movies. Whether it's explosions, monsters, or even when and why they add blur or zoom in on someone. I would also take a film class in my high school, and that helped me realize I wanted to work in the VFX field. On top of being overly curious, I have also always wanted to make people smile. Entertaining was something I enjoyed because it made me feel good when I made others feel good. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't always very good at it. However, with TV and movie production. I can do some incredible things that can make those in the movie theater laugh, smile, and overall have a great time. Specifically in the VFX field, I've seen some effects that look amazing, and I have always wanted to recreate them for others. I want to give everyone that same feeling I get when I see something fantastic. Overall though, I wouldn't even be here right now writing this if it weren't for science. Without it, the doors would have stayed shut for me, I would not how any desire to branch out and learn about how anything works. I can't imagine where I would be right now if I never paid attention in class, and honestly, I don't want to. And now, I can strive to do what I believe I was born to do.
Windward Spirit Scholarship
This is an inspiring text, but there are a few grammatical errors that weaken the mood. Overall, my desire to stay away from instant gratification has greatly increased just from the message, but the grammatical errors were distracting and took away from the point. I would like others to feel better reading this than I did, so I would like to recommend some changes to what's been said so far. First off, what I believe is supposed to be a quote from Buckminster Fuller (Our children are our elders in-universe time), isn't in quotation marks, which is distracting to the reader. Second, when it says "For Millennials-Gen Z, incomes are very low and underemployment, by some accounts, approaches 25 percent," I believe a comma is missing before "and." Since if I'm correct, and is a coordinating conjunction in this context, and would help the sentence flow a little more smoothly. Next, when it says "They accept a medical insurance system that charges young people much higher rates to the benefit of the older generation," there is an awkward placement of a new paragraph in the middle of the sentence. I would recommend finishing it off after it says "with a capital G." Speaking of which, I feel like that sentence could add a lot more emotion and emphasis if an exclamation point replaced the period after "G." This is supposed to emphasize the overwhelming power of the greed in the modern world, which can be done well by changing up the punctuation. Finally, when you say "My bet is that they will become 'The Greatest Generation 2.0'!" there is no space between the quotation mark and the "become." This makes the writing look sloppy and rushed.
Overall though, this piece of writing was very inspiring to read. It helped me learn how impactful the "Greatest Generation" was and how we are a sort of reincarnation of that. It gave me a new perspective on our generation with writing like "They are a polite and kind generation, at times maybe too kind and polite." This to me implied the situations that rose due to the attempts at equality and kindness in this generation that ended up sparking increased controversy. It also gave me newfound hope for this generation, as I more or less saw it as a dumpster fire, but now I'm starting to think it could, at least partially, be because of the situations we are being faced with that are out of our control. This has made me want to make a difference in the world; I thank you for that and wish you can continue to do this for others.