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Jocelyn Amon


Bold Points






Hello! I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in marketing at Cairn University. I am planning to get an MBA through my school's dual level program. I love marketing, and have many ideas for my career. I want to take on independent marketing projects, work on my own entrepreneurial ideas, and assist small businesses. Outside of classes, I participate in drama, I am a member of the local Enactus chapter, and I volunteer. I help with the children at my church, I help with campus events with Student Program Association, and represent my fellow students at the Pioneer Catering Discussion Group. I am in the honors college, which I have loved so far. I get to have amazing discussions with my fellow honors students and expand my education in a smaller environment. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, playing guitar, and polishing my photography and editing skills. I have struggled with generalized anxiety disorder, so I am passionate about destigmatizing mental health. I want to pay forward the support I have received and help others who have struggled with anxiety, especially in the church. My anxiety has made it hard for me to enjoy things in the past, so I want to live every day grateful for what I have and trying new things. I come from a low-income family. Completing my degree and getting a higher education will allow me to build a better life for myself and my family. My goal is to graduate without debt, because I have seen the devastating effects it has had on those around me.


Cairn University-Langhorne

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations
    • Marketing
  • Minors:
    • Bible/Biblical Studies

Wor-Wic Community College

Associate's degree program
2020 - 2022

Churchville Christian School

High School
2016 - 2020


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Marketing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

      Become a self-employed entrepreneur

    • Shift leader/Manager

      2018 – Present6 years



    2022 – Present2 years


    2016 – 20182 years

    Rhythmic Gymnastics

    2019 – 20201 year


    • Sociology

      Wor-Wic Honors Program — Data analyst
      2021 – 2021


    • Music
      2016 – Present
    • Photography
      2022 – Present
    • Choir

      Semester performances, community events, and weekly church services
      2016 – 2020

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Student Program Association (Cairn University) — Club Member
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Enactus — Team member
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Local church — Children's church leader
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Cairn University — Notetaker
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    Long-term investment is better than instant gratification. Instant gratification can manifest in many ways. Maybe you want the security of letting all your money sit in a savings account so you don't lose it. Maybe you're a fan of retail therapy, and buy things that you don't need but give you a serotonin boost. Maybe you jump on the internet's latest get-rich-quick scheme. I have definitely fallen prey to this thinking. I've wasted my money on things that really weren't useful. I delayed investing because I didn't want to lose money or make the wrong choices. Once I became more educated about finance, I realized that my addiction to instant gratification was going to put me in a bad spot financially in the future. Instead of spending my money recklessly, I could be using it to help pay for college expenses and take on less debt. Instead of letting my money sit in a savings account, I could have been putting it in CDs and bonds and made a profit on money I wasn't using. Time is valuable, and money is time. Realizing this and making time work for you will pay off in the end. I plan to use this strategy to help me pay for college and prepare myself for my post-grad life.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    When I was in middle school, reading was my activity of choice. The library was my favorite place to be. I was familiar with the Dewey Decimal System, where each genre could be found, and how to request books online. One day, my mom gave me the first three books in the Series of Unfortunate Events. I read them all in one night. I devoured the series. I would wait for the next book to come in from the library for weeks only to finish it the day it came in. The book has a clever and engaging mystery filled with charm and wit, but there's more to why it stood out from all my other books. Lemony Snicket, the author, never talks down to the readers. Kids are often treated as if they are not competent enough to understand complicated situations. Most of the adults in the series don't see the villain hiding in plain sight, but the young protagonists, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, always outwit him. Snicket says to the reader, "I know you're smarter than adults think." The series also made me feel validated. As a child with anxiety, I was always imagining the worst-case scenarios, and no one understood. The Baudelaires had the worst-case scenarios every time: their parents died, their house and all their possessions burned to the ground; they are never given a break from bad things. They kept happening and none of the adults in their lives understood--exactly what my anxiety felt like. Yet, through all of these terrifying things happening, the Baudelaires make it to The End. The unrelenting hope that the Baudelaires have, the courage to get back up after every low point, and their unconditional love for each other are what make this my favorite book series still today.
    Superfood Lover Scholarship
    When I was a kid, summer was my favorite season. One of my favorite parts of summer was the little plot in my backyard that made up my family's vegetable garden. We weren't the best farmers, and our soil wasn't the best, but we could always grow tomatoes. I would pluck tomatoes to eat to fuel me as I played outside. One summer, my uncle started an herb garden with cilantro. That caused him and I to start our summer tradition of making homemade salsa. Our salsa was full of healthy vegetables, and 13-year-old me thought it was the most delicious food I'd ever made. Food helps to make life enjoyable. Food holds memories, it passes down culture, and it fuels our bodies to help us do what we need to do. The rise in relying on fast food, microwave meals, and pre-packaged snacks as our main source of nutrition is detrimental to our health in many ways. When I was in middle school, I struggled with disordered eating. I've had to go through a journey of learning to eat healthily without triggering unhealthy habits or mindsets. I took a nutrition class my freshman year, and one of the biggest things I learned was that the best way to eat healthily is to have variety. I completed a project where I tracked my eating through a nutrition analysis program. The days when I quickly threw together meals and just ate something like a sandwich or a hot dog were the least healthy. The days where I planned meals and took the time to add sides, protein, vegetables, fruits, and sauces, I was more likely to meet my daily nutritional requirements. This is why I like to throw superfoods into my meals regularly. For example, I work at Chick-fil-A, and on my breaks, I'll get breaded nuggets, a snack, and a side of kale salad and fruit. This meal allows me to get the nutrition I need to get through the day and indulge in food I like. Plus, it leaves my body feeling good afterward. Overeating greasy, carb-loaded food leaves my stomach in pain, but not eating anything with substance will leave me hungry. That's why balance is important! Adding superfoods into a meal is a great way to boost the health and nutrition of a meal to enable my body to work its best. I feel mentally better when I include superfoods in my meals too. I am proud of myself for taking care of myself, and that enables me to make better decisions throughout the day. Some of my favorite superfoods are berries, tomatoes, kale, and broccoli (with ranch!). I love drinking green smoothies that mix many superfoods together to help me recover after a workout. And, of course, I love homemade salsa, with fresh vegetables from the garden. As a college student, mental health advocate, and a human being, I love superfoods and what they can do for my body.
    Shawn’s Mental Health Resources Scholarship
    I started mental health treatment in October of 2021. Before that, I didn't really know how to handle my anxiety. When I had a panic attack, I just tried to wait it out. Whenever I opened up about my struggles, people would tell me "stress is normal" or "just stop worrying so much. I ended up holding it all in until I couldn't take it anymore. I went to a new doctor and told her about my struggles. I started therapy and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. My diagnosis gave validity to my struggles which allowed me to reach out for help. Since I started healing from my anxiety, I have learned many different coping mechanisms. I love to journal about the thoughts I have to help me understand myself. One of my favorite journaling activities is to write out everything I feel anxious about. I allow myself to write messily and incoherently since no one else will read it. Many times, I find that I didn't even realize half of what I was worried about until I stopped to think about it. This helps me to get it out from running around my brain and onto paper, where I can think more critically. Slowing down and taking time to listen to my thoughts allows me to start working on them. Taking care of my body is also important to my mental health. I often don't realize what my anxiety does to my body until I stop to think about it. I am currently reading a book called Intuitive Eating. In the book, the authors talk about different patterns of disordered eating. I resonated with the chaotic unconscious eating pattern. This eating pattern is when you unintentionally go long periods of time without eating because you're so busy and distracted that you don't eat until you're ravenously hungry. I realized that I often am not in tune with my body's hunger because I'm so stressed about the next thing I have to do. However, running on low fuel is worse for my anxiety. Slowing down to listen to my body helps me to keep my anxiety levels low. Finally, I try to pray Bible verses that reflect God's promises to me. For example, sometimes my anxiety makes me so paranoid that I can't fall asleep out of fear that I would be in danger. A couple of years ago, this got to be so bad I basically wasn't sleeping. I began to read and pray Psalms 3:3-6: "You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side." This gave me comfort and helped me to relax enough to start sleeping well again. I also like the verse Isaiah 26:3: "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Just like with our physical health, we need good mental health habits to stay healthy. Slowing down and listening to what my mind and body need is the best thing I can do to help clear my mind and prevent anxiety.
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    No one can study the same way. Everyone's brains work differently and people learn best in different ways. I am usually a kinesthetic learner. In order to study well, I have to do more than just listen to the lecture or read the textbook. The best strategy I use is taking notes during class. This may seem obvious. However, I don't take notes to re-read them. The actual act of taking notes makes the classroom feel like a kinesthetic learning environment (even if it really isn't). Processing concepts and turning them into my own words helps me to actively learn during class. Plus, having something to do keeps my brain focused on the topic and not wandering off. Most of my tests are now open-book. While this might sound easy, the answers aren't usually directly in the textbook. For open-book tests, I need to familiarize myself with the overall concept of the unit. I have to ask myself: what is the book teaching and how do I apply it to real-life situations? Thinking about concepts in real-world scenarios helps me to understand the underlying concepts in my classes. Finally, I use association to help me remember terminology, phrases, and formulas. I come up with a silly statement to get something to stick in my brain. For example, in my accounting class, I have to remember the formula "assets equal liabilities plus equity." To remember this, I shorten it to "A = L + E," then to "ALE," which I can remember as "ginger ALE." This triggers my brain toward the right answer. What gets one student A's might not help me. I believe that studying well is ultimately a result of knowing yourself and how you learn best, and knowing the best places to direct your time and energy.
    JoLynn Blanton Memorial Scholarship
    I was homeschooled from pre-k to graduation. My mom was a former teacher who ended up homeschooling me and my three siblings. With my mom's help, I quickly learned how to read and ended up skipping kindergarten. By the time I was in elementary school, I was always getting lost in books. I read whenever and whatever I could. The library was my favorite place to be; walking down the aisles to pick out the next world for me to travel to. I would write my own stories for the books I couldn't find. I'm grateful for my love of reading which has now helped me write research papers, college admissions essays, and work presentations. In middle school, I visited College Park, the largest university in Maryland, for their annual community event called Maryland Day. I was amazed by the college campus. Each department in the university was showing off its best work for the community to see. There were virtual reality headsets from the computer science group and fire tornado demonstrations from the STEM majors. I participated in an improv skit in the theater and tried out everything in an instrument zoo from the music department. It was like the world opened up in front of me. I wanted desperately to go to college. Everything seemed so amazing. There were unlimited possibilities. In high school, my struggle with mental health got worse. I always had anxiety, but it was starting to seriously affect my life. I had a hard time finding the motivation to do school because everything was stressful. I wasn't sure if I would go to college. I got behind in classes and had to retake some once my mental health was better. In December of 2019, I suddenly found out I had enough credits to graduate that May. I had done no serious research on college, and I didn't know how I could afford a four-year university. Community college was the best decision for me after graduating. I was 16 with no idea what to do. As a 2020 graduate, my first classes were over Zoom. Still, I was excited for college to start. In spring of 2021, classes began to look more normal (only with masks). I was invited to my school's honors program, and took a special honors class called Critical Thinking and Writing. It was the start of the education I had dreamed of as a kid. I got to lead a class debate, analyze movie scenes, and discuss documentaries. Even though due to the pandemic, college wasn't what I expected, I've learned a lot. I got to experience a classroom setting and get feedback from a variety of professors. I learned about many different topics. My mental health has drastically improved. I've been able to get accommodations at my school and I am always learning new coping mechanisms to help me stay on track. I am so grateful for the opportunities community college has provided me. This fall, I will be transferring to Cairn University in Philadelphia to complete my bachelor's degree in marketing. I am so excited to continue my education. For the 8-year-old me who read everything she could, I want to make her proud and do my best in all my classes. For the 12-year-old me who dreamt of a thrilling and diverse college education, I want to participate in everything I can and get a well-rounded education. For the 15-year-old me who thought college was out of reach, I hope to never give up on my dreams, no matter how hard the obstacles in front of me.
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's a seemingly harmless question adults frequently ask children. In elementary school, I wanted to be a writer. In middle school, I decided I was going to be a marine biologist, then a writer (again), then a doctor. In high school, I decided to be a nurse. In my sophomore year of college, I switched my major to marketing. Society taught me I had to pick one area of interest. The older I got, the more pressure I felt to stick to one thing. As a kid, I participated in a variety of activities. I sang in choir and played guitar. I was in a Lego robotics club, home arts club, archery club, and book club. I did gymnastics, Taekwondo, cheerleading, softball, and soccer. Slowly, I began to drop these things. During my first semester of college, I did nothing but study. It was stressful and lonely. I always felt behind in my career that hadn't even started yet. After a year of constant stress, I realized nursing wasn't for me. In retrospect, I realized this was no way to live. Everything I did had to be a tool to get ahead. I would only do activities that helped my grades or resume. Now, I know I can do some things with no expectation of productivity; just hobbies that make me happy! Lately, I have been reading books on a variety of topics that interest me. I dusted off my old camera and I'm learning how to edit photos. I'm writing poetry and playing my guitar again. These hobbies bring me joy. Instead of rushing to fill my time with things I deem "productive," I can look forward to the free time I have to do the things I love.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    I think we need to stop saying "patience is a virtue." This is not because it isn't true. It's not specific enough. We shouldn't be patient just because it's a virtue. We should be patient because it is kind, it pays off, and it helps us reach our goals. Patience is first an act of kindness. I know I'm not always feeling my best. Sometimes I realize that in anger, I have done something unkind or hurtful. Sometimes I'm not as productive or helpful when I'm having a bad day. Others have had patience towards me during these times even if I didn't deserve it. I try to pay that forward because I never know what someone is going through. Being patient toward others when they are not doing their best is a way to be kind. Patience pays off. Instant gratification is the cause of many bad habits. For me, this looks like sleeping in when I need to get up early or drinking soda instead of water because it tastes good. Having patience and denying immediate satisfaction helps me build good habits for my health and productivity. Patience is required to work towards long-term goals. For example, investing your money or starting a retirement fund. These cause you to lose spending money now and gain money in the long run. Working towards my goals can be frustrating when it feels like I'm not making much progress, but consistency will help me to achieve the big milestones. Yes, patience is hard sometimes (if not most times). However, practicing patience is important to help make myself a kinder person and follow my dreams and goals.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    Making progress is harder than it sounds. I've been applying for scholarships for a while, and many of them give me the opportunity to share about the hardships I've faced. I often talk about how I have struggled with generalized anxiety disorder, and the progress I have made so far. I love to share about my passion for mental health. After a while of writing essays, I started to get angry. I was angry that any of this happened to me in the first place. I became so caught up in the feeling of reliving everything that happened in the past that I forgot where I am right now. Yes, bad things happen. It's an inevitable part of life. I realized that every day my life has been getting better. I can say now that I am enjoying my life, something I could not have said a few months ago. That is huge progress! Instead being angry about the past, I learned to focus on the growth that I experienced and the good that came out of a bad situation. You can't move forward while you're looking back. I try to think about goals that I have for myself, and the progress that I can continue to make. This motivates me to make better choices in my daily life, because I'm focused on the end goal, not the starting point. I also can't get so focus on what's ahead that I miss what's right in front of me. The only way to meet your goals is step by step; you can't expect yourself to be perfect right away. The real progress (and the joy) is in the process. Focusing on the present while keeping your mind on the future is how I would describe a successful growth mindset.
    Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
    There are two answers to this question: the fun answer and the responsible answer. My fun side would invest in my hobbies. I would buy decorations for my dorm and a new desk chair. I'm always more motivated when my space looks nicer, and I love putting together an aesthetic. I love coffee, so I would upgrade my current set-up. I would get a pour-over, a burr grinder, and new coffee beans. I am a marketing major and have recently been interested in photography to help me with social media. I would buy a nicer lens, a camera bag, and a reflector. If I had anything left over, I would probably get a Switch (because, of course). My responsible side would budget the money. I would allot 10% tithe to my church or a charity I care about. I would put 20% in my savings and use 30% to work on building my investment portfolio. I would spend 20% on things that I have been needing for a while, but haven't been able to buy yet. Finally, I would allow the remaining 20% to be spending money. When I budget for the fun and little things, I am less likely to waste the money I was supposed to use for something else. Or, you know, use it to help pay for my college tuition. Thank you for your consideration!
    Matthews Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    I have generalized anxiety disorder. It is something I have struggled with for my whole life, but I was only recently diagnosed. My pediatrician told me it was normal stress, and gave me papers on breathing exercises. I didn't have any stable friendships growing up, and I was bullied in middle school by people I thought were friends. They told me that I was too sensitive. I felt so alone and ignored; I was struggling alone. I would begin to undermine myself. I would think that maybe I was just making it all up, which caused me even more anxiety. The fall 2021 semester was the worst my anxiety had ever been. I had panic attacks in class and during tests. I would sometimes get overwhelmed and miss assignments for days on end. I wouldn't be able to sleep because of paranoia. This caused me to be distanced from my family, which would leave me feeling guilty. Everyday life was too stressful for me to handle. At this point, I knew I had a problem, and I didn't know what to do. I hit a breaking point in October, and I decided to start getting help. I started seeing a new doctor. She listened to me and helped me make a plan for treatment. I began to see a therapist, who started teaching me coping mechanisms. I remember her telling me, "I'm sorry you've had to live with this." Her acknowledgement of my struggles was like a weight lifting off my chest. She later diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder. Getting the diagnosis was such a relief that I wasn't just overreacting or making it all up. I went to a professor that I trusted and she helped me to catch up on the schoolwork that I missed. Her care and concern for me meant so much. I was proud to get straight A's that semester, thanks to the support I received. I couldn't have done it without all of them. Around this time, I started hanging out with a few people that I worked with. I opened up to them about my anxiety, and even though they didn't completely understand, they listened. My now best friend also has anxiety, and we can understand each other. Having friends to encourage me and provide me support when my anxiety was high made a huge difference in my life. Next semester I am transferring from my community college to a four-year university in Philedelphia, three hours away from my hometown. Leaving the support system that I have here is terrifying, but I am excited for the journey ahead. I hope to get involved in clubs and a local church, and prioritize going to student life activities. My anxiety sometimes causes me to withdraw socially. However, I have found that having a good support system and positive relationships is vital to surviving with anxiety. We weren't designed to live this life alone. Instead, we carry each other's burdens and help each other when we need it.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    I am grateful for the time I spent laughing with my friends today. I am grateful for the car that I have, which enables me to be independent, and even go on adventures sometimes. I am grateful for my working laptop, which allows me to easily do my schoolwork, research new hobbies, and play games when I feel stressed. I am grateful for a lot of things. I think it's easy to only practice gratitude for the big things in life. Life milestones, like graduating high school, getting into college, and moving out on your own are exciting. It's exciting to travel, receive awards, and achieve career success. However, I have realized that if I live only grateful for the "big stuff," I live my life waiting for the next big thing to happen instead of enjoying the daily life that I'm living. I'm not popular, but if I spent all my time wishing I was popular, I would miss out on the friends in front of me. I have an old car, but if I loathed my car for not being the latest model, I would be miserable every time I drove. I can't afford all the nicest products, but if I lived my life wishing for more, it would never be enough. Instead of taking for granted the good things I have or comparing myself to what others have, I have learned to slow down and be happy with what life throws at me, no matter how small. Once I started to live this way, I began to truly enjoy my everyday life. When I can recognize all the little, good things I receive on a daily basis, what room is there for comparison and misery?
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Comprehensive mental health education is extremely important. Mental illness thrives in silence and stigma. More than talking about mental illness, learning and educating more on the specific (and sometimes ugly) ways mental health can affect someone's life. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an example of a mental illness that is massively misunderstood, partly because people view it as purely being "organized." Bipolar disorder is seen as just mood swings, not the intense lows and manic highs it causes. I discovered the importance of education in mental health when I learned more about others who also had anxiety. No, I never thought I was the only person in the world with an anxiety disorder. However, I thought the strange and specific anxieties I had were unique to me, and it was isolating. For example, when I was younger, I used to have intrusive thoughts. I didn't know what they were, and that made me terrified to share about them and I pretended like they didn't exist. This made them pretty hard to heal from. Learning what intrusive thoughts were (and that other people had them too!) helped to learn how to cope with them and realize that having intrusive thoughts doesn't make me a bad person. Opening up about my anxiety to others and realizing they have felt the same thing is the most relieving feeling in the world. Healing from mental illness relies on communication and collaboration. Comprehensive mental health education in schools and increased quality resources are great solutions. However, there are simple ways that everyone can contribute to the destigmatization of mental health and build a safe community. Talking about your experience can help others to feel less alone, and be more willing to reach out for help. Listening to someone else's experience without judgment could change somebody's world.