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Joanna Chimalilo


Bold Points




South Plains College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Computer Science


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      data science

    • Dream career goals:

      Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
      As a young girl alone in the USA, I found myself on a journey of self-discovery, much like Malgorzata Kwiecien when she moved to this country. While leaving behind the comforting embrace of my home in Tanzania, I was both thrilled and daunted by the prospect of forging my path in a foreign land. Like Maggie, I faced the absence of a support system, but it was precisely this challenge that fostered my determination and courage. Maggie's spirit of fearlessness and embracing physical challenges resonates deeply with me. In my homeland, I witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by women due to limited access to education and entrenched gender biases. Determined to defy these limitations, I chose to pursue Computer Science, a field symbolizing empowerment and boundless possibilities in the digital age. Like Maggie, I believe that women can excel in any discipline they choose, and I am committed to being a role model for future generations of young girls, showing them that they, too, can overcome societal expectations. Just as Maggie was intellectually bold and eager to debate, I, too, share a passion for learning and engaging in meaningful discussions. The pursuit of knowledge and the desire to become an expert in my chosen field have been my driving forces. Like Maggie, I am relentless in my pursuit of education, seeking to constantly grow and expand my horizons. I am eager to take on any intellectual challenge that comes my way. While Maggie faced physical and intellectual challenges, I, too, have experienced my share of obstacles. Growing up in a toxic and abusive environment at home, my self-esteem and academic performance were severely affected. Yet, I refused to be defined by these circumstances. Recognizing that education was my path to liberation, I immersed myself in the world of computers and coding, finding solace and refuge in the endless possibilities they offered. It was through my perseverance and determination that I overcame what once seemed like insurmountable hurdles. My journey in Computer Science is not merely about personal success; it is about paving the way for others who have been silenced and told they cannot achieve their dreams. Just as Maggie embraced challenges fearlessly, I am ready to face any obstacle that comes my way. I aspire to leverage my skills and knowledge in Computer Science to address pressing global issues and contribute to meaningful advancements in technology, much like Maggie did in her engineering career. Maggie's legacy inspires me to be a beacon of hope and an advocate for breaking free from societal expectations. Through my achievements and determination, I aim to empower young girls to embrace their full potential, irrespective of the barriers they may encounter. I want to show the world that women can excel in any field they choose and that anything is possible when you believe in yourself. In conclusion, Malgorzata Kwiecien's indomitable spirit, determination, and fearlessness continue to live on, not only through her legacy but also through the lives, like mine, of those she inspires. Like Maggie, I am committed to embracing challenges, defying expectations, and striving to make a difference in the world. I am honored to apply for this scholarship, which bears her name, and I promise to carry her legacy forward by fearlessly pursuing my dreams and empowering other young women to do the same.
      Mohamed Magdi Taha Memorial Scholarship
      In life, we often encounter challenges that test our resilience and determination. It is during these moments of adversity that our true character is revealed. Throughout my journey, I have faced numerous obstacles, but I have learned to embrace them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Growing up as the only girl in my family, I assumed significant responsibilities after my mother moved away to provide for us. Being thrust into the role of a second mother was initially daunting, and my voice was often silenced in the process. However, I refused to let this circumstance define me. Instead, I saw it as a chance to rise above societal expectations and create a positive impact on my family's life. Embracing this adversity, I gained skills, empathy, and a sense of responsibility that have become my pillars of strength. As I approached the critical juncture of pursuing higher education, financial constraints threatened to limit my dreams. My brother, who had been in university, was forced to discontinue his studies due to our economic hardships. However, I knew that education was the key to shaping my future and breaking free from the cycle of struggle. Fueled by determination, I delved into the world of computer algorithms, finding solace and empowerment in the realm of technology. With unwavering perseverance, I honed my coding skills and used my voice as a coder to advocate for my aspirations. The realm of computer algorithms became my sanctuary—a place where I could break free from the constraints that society had placed on me. Armed with this newfound passion, I sought to create a ripple effect of change within my community. I collaborate with organizations to provide coding sessions for underprivileged children, believing that technology could be the great equalizer. By introducing them to coding and digital literacy, I aim to empower young minds to find their own voices and inspire positive change. As I continued my journey, I realized that perseverance and advocacy are more powerful when shared. I worked tirelessly to build a supportive community where individuals, irrespective of gender or background, could embrace their passions and advocate for their dreams. Through collaboration and unity, I fostered an environment that celebrated diversity and inclusivity. This community not only uplifted me but also allowed others to discover their strengths and voice their aspirations confidently. In the face of adversity, I have learned that perseverance is a formidable force that can propel us beyond our limitations. My journey, marked by personal challenges and academic struggles, has taught me the importance of embracing hardships as opportunities for growth. By refusing to let circumstances define me, I found my voice in the quiet world, where I became an advocate for change and empowerment. As I move forward on my journey, inspired by the example of Mohamed Magdi Taha, I recognize the transformative significance of both small acts and big ones, and I aim to continue using my voice to create a positive impact in my community and beyond. I carry with me the lessons of resilience and determination. I remain committed to being an 'up-stander' and empowering others to overcome adversity, embrace their passions, and build a better world together. With perseverance as my guide, I am confident that I will continue to achieve success, make a difference, and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.