Hobbies and interests
Board Games And Puzzles
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Food And Eating
I read books multiple times per week
Jesus Martinez
Bold Points1x
Jesus Martinez
Bold Points1x
Hello, my name is Jesus Martinez! Right now I am a sophomore in high school. In about two years, I'll graduate high school and move on to university. My main future career job is to become a psychiatrist or psychologist. The times go by pretty quickly and I came here to Bold.org so that my goal becomes a reality. The reason why I wanna be a psychiatrist is that I really like to help people. I don't like seeing people all depressed, which is why a psychiatrist makes me want to take it, same with a psychologist. At college, I also wanna take cooking classes so that I can know how to make meals and not eat food from the street very often. The colleges I want to enter are CSU Pomona, CSUDH, CSUF, CSULB, CSULA, CSUN, CSUUB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, USC. Hopefully, I am able to enter one of the campuses I mention. I also wanna enroll in medical school. When I'm at school, I really like to hang out with my friends every breakfast and lunch break. I then arrive home to greet my family. My brother and father have been always there for me. I spend most of my time playing video games, solving puzzles or problems, and watching TV or YouTube. Within the next two or three decades, I want to have my very own house and get two cars. One compact car, and one luxury or exotic vehicle. Right now, I am enjoying the life.
Arroyo High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
High School
Majors of interest:
- Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General
- Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration
- Psychology, General
- Biology, General
- Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
- Medicine
Dream career field:
Mental Health Care
Dream career goals:
Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, or Professional Chef
Arroyo High school
Theatre2020 – 2021
Future Interests
Bold Bravery Scholarship
Most of us have a phobia of something particular. Some of us have contained fear of spiders due to how dangerous they are. Others might include Acrophobia or Trypanophonia. I'm sorry if I scared you by mentioning these phobias. Being nervous isn't going to solve anything. It'll make the situation worse. You won't be advancing in life if these problems don't get erased. When I was in elementary school, I would get scared of presenting my project in front of the class. I contain a fear of showing my work in front because I thought I'll sound stupid to where my classmates would laugh. But then I remember this: going last will make you worried throughout the whole class time. Before going up, I took some deep breaths to calm myself. As I went up, I realized I wasn't feeling nervous. My heart rate was going smooth, my voice was normal. My eyes were looking at the whole class. Once it was over, people applauded loudly because the demonstration was astounding.
That day changed everything about me after presenting my project. I am more talkative now than in the past self. I can speak to my classmates without being terrified. I now have six closest friends to hang out with during lunch. Whenever my teachers assign a project, I always volunteer to go first. For some reason, being the last person to present makes me anxious. Going first is way better because you'll get over with describing your work. To anyone afraid of public speaking, I tell them to do their best. It doesn't matter if you can't pronounce a name correctly, keep ongoing. If you are thinking of eliminating your fears, take a deep breath first and think about how to succeed in the plan.
Bold Success Scholarship
I contain some goals to finish for my future. During my next two years in high school, my grades need to be excellent. I'll also be attending AP classes at the beginning of my Junior year. The amount I am going to take is six classes. Paying attention, asking questions, doing homework, and being joyful will make me graduate high school. After completing high school, I'll attend a four-year university to become a psychiatrist. In those four years, hard work comes into play. Distractions such as parties, on the smartphone, watching TV, and playing video games need to be limited so that I can cover more school material. Studying tests are required to take some extreme actions. Depending on my classmates, I might ask them if we could cover the exam together to make the test easy. It's like high school all over again but tougher. Once I obtain my bachelor's degree, medical school is up next.
At this point, I might be exhausted from the rigorous amount of schoolwork from college. I must face another four more stressful years in medical school. I won't get my doctoral degree unless I overcome and understand the details my medical teacher is offering. Then when I receive my Ph.D. degree, residency comes into play. Even though I am considered a psychiatrist, it's not clarified as a professional psychiatrist. The obstacles that I'll have to face would be college debt, living an adult life, assisting my family with expenses, and tremendous work hours. When residency is finally over, I get to be the happiest person ever. It'll take patience, guts, bravery, and diligence to accomplish my future career job. I have my friends, family members, and teachers on my side to do excellent later in life.
Bold Reflection Scholarship
At the moment, I am a sophomore in high school. Next year, I'll be turning eighteen years old. I can't believe I'll be entering adulthood. I've experienced some hard-hitting events, such as my parents getting a divorce and my grandmother passing away. Those feelings of depression are now gone due to having excellent memories and a great time at home and school. My life has been fantastic throughout my whole seventeen years of living. My school grades are improving well. Interacting with my classmates every weekday is enjoyable. These characteristics are wanting me to have my career job as a psychiatrist. In general, I never like seeing miserable people. Becoming a psychiatrist will take plenty of time to obtain that position. I must do well in school, study carefully, and have positive mental health to keep on growing.
Another magnificent memory I have in the past is traveling to Mexico. At the airport in Tijuana, our plane has finally arrived. Once we got inside and the airplane was already flying, I saw countless cars, buildings, and people. Within the next fifteen minutes, The only viewable object from the window is the clouds. After looking at the clouds, I was thinking: I wonder what it'll look like if I climbed Mount Everest. Imagine being at the very top of Mount Everest and a commercial airliner coming towards you. That'll be awesome but terrifying to overcome. But I imagine the amount of money being used to undergo a breathtaking trip. If I want to come up against the mighty Mount Everest, I must save a tremendous amount of money to pull off my plan. These two goals are important to me. I wish to complete them in my life.
Bold Goals Scholarship
I contain numerous goals to complete later in my life. One of the first goals I'll achieve is finishing a four-year university. I'll apply to Cal State LA once spring comes into spring 2024. After completing college, I'll now move on to medical school. I am entering college and medical school to become a psychiatrist. I want my future career job as a psychiatrist because helping out people with the problems they are facing seems favorable. To receive my bachelor's and doctoral degrees, I must work hard, study successfully, and pay attention in class. The last course of action to carry out before becoming a psychiatrist is a residency for four years. After twelve years of ending school, I am now a certified psychiatrist.
Another goal I want to accomplish is owning a house and several cars. My dream house it'll contain two through three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Just in case my family members come to see me during the holidays. I'll save up large amounts of money to purchase my dream house. However, I don't think I'll obtain my house in my home state since it's so expensive. So, I must leave and find a perfect place to live peacefully. As for the vehicles, I might have two or three cars to drive. One compact vehicle to arrive at work and one luxury or exotic car to cruise around on the weekends. I'll have the same method as my dream house, same up the money for a while. I might not even buy products to satisfy myself. Examples include video games. I'll be spending more money instead of saving, which isn't going to help. Once I receive my vehicles, maybe it's time to relax after working constantly. You know, a vacation to the top of Mount Everest.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
Doing schoolwork during the Covid-19 pandemic is stressful. Additionally, I was beginning to worry about finishing homework, but I also was concerned about the economy and the ongoing Russian invasion against Ukraine. The amount of stress I was obtaining from devasting news is extreme. But thanks to my favorite hobbies, I can move on normally. Whenever something makes me anxious, I frequently play puzzle games to sharpen my mind. Word puzzles, chess, Tetris, Minesweeper, Pac-Man, and Tic-tac-toe keep me entertained and sharp-witted.
Sometimes, I don't enjoy being alone. Extrovert tends to be my top personality, alongside being friendly. At school, I typically hang out with my friends so I wouldn't be bored. At the last five minutes in class, I usually have conversations with the teacher while everyone else is packing up. When arriving at home, I speak to my brother and father daily. Most of these discussions generally talk about how their day was or what's currently happening in our world.
Another method I keep my mental health excellent is by loosening up my body. Taking five through twenty-minute naps makes me energized to be fully awake. Taking a shower calms me down a bit. If it's during the summer, then the water is cold. Wintertime is always hot water. When I can't think of anything or feel like I am about to explode, I meditate for quite some time. Sometimes, I'll add some peaceful music to concentrate on my breathing. These are all the procedures I undertake to live a healthier and more joyful life.
Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
Some activities tend to sharpen my life. One of the first hobbies that boost my entire day is hanging around with friends. At breakfast and lunchtime, I see my six friends at the tables. We mostly have long-never ending conversations that last until the bell rings. Other times, some of us are pulling jokes every minute to the point where it makes us laugh full of joy. On Fridays, one of my friends brings in Uno to play. The game can get chaotic depending on what type of cards we have. Overall, being around my friends has always impacted me positively.
I have several teachers in my school that encourage me to do magnificently. For example, my health teacher enjoys cracking jokes while instructing. I'll be real honest. He's one of the humorous people I've met in a while. However, he does his job right by explaining how to handle our general health. Every time I walk to my classes, I always greet him. It feels so astonishing to talk with people I enjoy seeing. It brightens up my school day even more alongside with friends.
The last people who encourage me to do fantastic in school have to be my brother and father. Seriously, I wouldn't be typing this without them. Even though my mother isn't here with me, my dad knows how to care for me. He works every day to keep the both of us alive. When he opens up the front door, I consistently smile at him. My brother tends to help me with homework if I get stuck. I contain a positive relationship with my brother. We both always have fun by creating jokes or spending time together. My friends, teachers, and family members make my day healthier.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
I contain numerous hobbies I enjoy doing every single day. One of the first activities I perform is reading. Novels, literature books, and textbooks tend to keep me entertained. I like to remember the materials when reading through textbooks. Other times, I might read ahead a couple of chapters. Another hobby I usually love doing is watching YouTube. Off-topic and learning videos are the ones I observe daily. Crash Course and Oversimplified are great educational channels to watch. Crash Course covers history, social science, physical science, life science, math, and business. Meanwhile, Oversimplified only makes history videos but at the same time makes it humorous. I recommend viewing these channels if you have free time.
The third activity I regularly do is playing puzzle games. Chess is mostly my game to choose whenever I feel like relaxing. It doesn't matter what difficulty the robot has. I am only concerned about the chess game being playable. Plus, my match needs to be challenging to compete. 2048 is the second game to sharpen my thinking skills. The game is simple when starting. However, once those numbers keep increasing, the game becomes complicated. These games make me feel relaxed after attending a long day of school. If I can't focus or just experiencing a terrible day, I meditate for ten minutes. Taking in deep breaths is the only way I'll advance. The last hobby I favor is getting outside to get some fresh air. Mondays through Fridays, I walk to school because the wind keeps me awake. The blue sky is perfectly wholesome to see in the mornings. After school, I walk again to arrive at home. It feels magnificent to get my body active. I don't want to become lazy. Consisting on energetic feelings is productive.
Bold Career Goals Scholarship
After completing high school, I want to become a psychiatrist later in life. However, not only do I have to take a four-year university. I am also required to attend medical school for four years. I am a sophomore at the moment. Receiving excellent grades will put me into a great college. And by doing is studying hard on those tests and focusing in class. It's going great. I hope it stays the same for two years. I'll apply to six college applications.
Once I have gone into university, I'll work harder than ever before. The amount of free time is going to decrease. I want to create more friends. Studying with somebody is more fantastic than being alone. Being solo doesn't rock because you are learning more stuff into your brain than chopping up the work. However, pick your friends very wisely. Picking classmates who are more energetic tend to go off-topic a little. After studying, I'll go to sleep early. My smartphone is a distraction before closing my eyes. Instead, my phone will be further away from me since I won't grab it. A healthy breakfast makes me focus more while taking exams.
Finishing college guides me to arrive at medical school. At this school, it'll be more challenging than university. I'll communicate more often for students to think I am great to study. The exams are tough to go doomed. I can receive help from classmates and teachers to better understand the materials. After four years, my medical degree is finally here. In total, I ended up studying for around eight years. My goal as a psychiatrist is to assist many patients before I retire. Looking at someone who's depressed doesn't make me joyful. I'll do whatever it takes to become a professional psychiatrist.
Bold Best Skills Scholarship
One of the best skills I obtain is being smart, doing well at school, writing, and reading. I have been focusing on school since pre-school. I tend to pay attention in class to know what I am doing. I'll also listen for instructions on how to do my homework. Back then, when the bell rang before the teacher explained my homework. I just packed my things while she was describing the work. When I got home, I was confused because I didn't remember what she had said. Today, I improved my problem by not packing up before the bell rings and listening to what the teacher needed to clarify.
The second skill I am good at is writing. Being a young child, I didn't enjoy writing. I didn't have the imagination to create fantastic stories. I tend to focus on leaving the class instead of thinking. So instead, I read books to get inspiration on starting to write. I may also include my childhood friends, brother, and funny memories to get some ideas. When I have free time, I challenge myself by writing a story in twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, I create another tale but in ten minutes. The second tale needs to be different from the first one.
Reading is the last skill I enhanced over the years. Just as writing, I didn't appreciate reading that much. Until one day, my second-grade teacher changed my hate for reading. She told me the advantages reading would offer later in life. She recommended me books to read. I went to the library to check out the books she told me. I was astonished after finishing those books. Today, I read almost daily. If it were for my second-grade teacher, I would still think reading is boring.
Charles R. Ullman & Associates Educational Support Scholarship
People need to help their communities to improve the quality of living there. However, it's not just enhancing conditions. When disaster strikes, we tend to give back by donating food, offering money, reconstructing homes, finding trapped people, giving clothes, or working with organizations. When people don't like what the mayor creates, they will speak up. Citizens can go to the town hall to say about their opinions. Communities aren't just only neighborhoods. Schools, worksites, and churches are also groups people are involved. One of the things I did for my elementary school was setting up the chairs for an assembly until sixth grade. I started my job in third grade. If I weren't available to place chairs, the big event would have started late because fewer students were assisting. I also helped my school with a fundraiser. I donated five dollars to this one fundraiser called the Jog-A-Thon. The Jog-A-Thon was the day when large amounts of kids would run in the field for two hours until 10:30 am. The school used all the money on assemblies, huge events, and water. There were prices for donating money. For instance, a no-homework pass I got for five dollars. The highest award is donating one hundred dollars. People who gave one hundred dollars get to go inside the gaming truck and get to have In-N-Out for lunch.
I'm going to help my community in the future by becoming a professional psychiatrist. After going to college and medical school, I will now be able to do my career job. I'll offer assistance by working with hospitals. Patients who aren't feeling like themselves should talk to me for advice. Without any attention, that sick person is going to do something terrible. These consequences include harming other incident people, committing suicide, or consuming illegal substances. I won't let anyone think there's nothing they can do. Life is beautiful, it won't last long. When catastrophes occur, I must assist those who were affected. I understand it's terrifying to go through a horrible tragedy. Losing someone from disasters isn't great. The death is a family member or friend is something to be serious. You can't see them once they pass away. During my career job, I am going to meet victims of disasters. Then, I will be creating assemblies in high school covering mental health. As you become an adult, you are more likely to experience depression. In these age areas, people tend to be more gloomy. I'll work with schools to cope with students who aren't feeling well. They can talk to me about anything or ask for advice. Nobody shouldn't be left out. My career goal is to help out so many people before I retire. I want to spread the issue of mental health. By doing is going through different schools across the whole world. I'll make sure the world is less depressing. There's someone out there who's feeling unhappy about a situation. Within the next thirty minutes, multiple people have attempted suicide or already did. I want to have my dream job as a psychiatrist to improve the community's mental health.
Bold Passion Scholarship
I contain so much stuff on being impassioned. The first thing I am passionate about is learning new material in school. It doesn't matter what the subject is. I can be very interested in knowing how to do the procedure. However, a couple of lessons can be tricky, so I request help. I had a few critical sessions to be taught. These lessons had me pretending to apply for a job and performing resumes. The second hobby I am passionate about is walking. Going outside to get some fresh air is nice instead of being on the computer with the curtains closed. I get my legs energized for them to be less lazy. I walk on the weekends to school and home. The total amount of miles I step is three. Feeling the wind is enjoyable to experience while walking.
The third activity that makes me feel stronger is enjoying my time with friends. During breakfast and lunch break, I feel joyful every time meeting them at the tables. I wouldn't be an outgoing person without getting to know my friends in the first place. We tend to talk and mess around during our recess. It becomes all chaotic, but I have to say, totally worth it so I won't get bored. The last thing I am passionate about is my two teachers. My English and Math teachers are so excellent. For both of my teachers, they have fantastic personalities. These two are friendly, demonstrative, and supportive. If I haven't received the same two teachers, I might have disliked those subjects. Especially for English since she was the one who's teaching us how to do resumes and apply to college. Huge thanks to them for keeping me focused.
Bold Science Matters Scholarship
The most important scientific discovery in history has to electricity and vaccines. I give thanks to Benjamin Franklin for running the kite experiment. He deserves to be on the one hundred dollar bill. You realize that without electricity, the house will not have any power. At dinner, you won't be able to see your food well. Falling can frequently happen since there isn't any light to watch where you step. The stove can't heat, which means you aren't allowed to warm up the food. Plus, those drinks and meals in the fridge are going to smell horrible. In the winter, it gets cold inside. Without the heater working, you have a higher chance of freezing to death. Meanwhile, during the summer, you'll get heatstroke if the air conditioner doesn't run.
The second scientific discovery that we need in our daily lives is the vaccine. Now, this topic is controversial since some people think they cause autism. This fact is false. Even if vaccines can cause autism, it's better to have autism than be dead. When you get a shot, your arms start to feel weak. But it won't last forever. Vaccines do have the virus. But, its purpose is for the immune system to remember the introducers. When your body encounters real attackers, it can build more defenses to defeat them. Without vaccines, cases would spike up quickly. More people will be entering the hospital. The situation gets worse when hospitals reach capacity. Vaccines lower the spread of a virus. Right now, we are living in a pandemic. Some people haven't gotten the vaccine. They are more likely to pass away. If you haven't received the vaccine, my advice would be to get it. Taking the vaccine will help save people's lives like your friends and family members.
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
What I discovered about myself is being an outgoing, responsible student. One of the ways I am productive is by turning in work on time. It's rare for me to turn in something late. I always meet up the deadline. Plus, I read the directions for the work to get a great score. I get to class on time before the bell rings. Whatever the class is reading, I read first because it's presenting that I am participating. Sometimes, I don't fully understand what the teacher is explaining. So I raise my hand to let the teacher know I need help. Without putting your hand up, you'll never recognize the lesson.
Another thing I learned about myself is how I can communicate with my friends, classmates, and teachers. I tend to be kind of a talkative person in class and outside. Meaning I don't have a fear of public speaking. Back then, I was a kid who was nervous frequently. My attitude made me have fewer friends. Until 5th grade, when I decided to change everything. I now have more friends due to me speaking up. When I walk down the halls, a few of my old classmates greet me. If I didn't openly express myself, I would have been eating lunch alone. Nobody to talk with, just eating and waiting until it's time to go back. I also found out that I am friendly to everyone at school. Nobody makes fun of me because I haven't done anything horrible to them. Honestly, I like my personality. I wouldn't change it at all. What I taught about myself is that I am a student who enjoys interacting with others, is friendly, and is accountable.
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
There are two horrible events in my life I had to go through. The first depressing event I overcame was the passing of my grandmother. It happened on a summer break in 2018. My whole family was in the waiting room, standing by for some updates on my grandma. Sadly, the doctor came in to tell something serious. He told us that my grandma isn't breathing, meaning she's dead. Everyone was crying when we got to see her. She was in bed with her eyes closed. A few days later, my grandma's funeral occurred. My brother, uncle, and I needed to carry her coffin to the church. I had to let my tears out when sitting down with my family. We then arrived at the cemetery where we dropped off my grandma's coffin. I paid my respects to my grandmother and left off still shedding tears.
The second horrific event I went through as a kid was my parent's divorce. I wouldn't be able to see my mother that often. My dad has to take care of my brother and me by cooking food and waking up very early to enter work. Since my mom isn't here, I have to walk to school and home with my brother every weekday, meaning we both walk for 3 miles. I remember the good times when my father and mother got along well. I'll leave the school where my mom will pick me up. As a family, we'll spend time together at home watching TV. On the weekends, the four of us went out to eat and go somewhere fun. Now, the dinner table has three seats. However, I text my mom daily to see if she is doing great. It's heartbreaking to experience these events. Nevertheless, I need to stay strong.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
There are lots of things that make me joyful. One of the first hobbies that'll put a simile on my face is seeing my friends at school. My friends are the reason why I have a positive mood. I would meet up with my six friends during nutrition and lunch break. It goes in two ways. Playing a board game until the bell rings or having never-ending conversations with a couple of jokes. Fridays are spectacular because you get an hour of lunch break instead of forty minutes. Without my friends, my lunch would be boring all the time. I always thanked them for being amazing.
My father and brother are the second reason I am always joyful at home. I'm living perfectly because of how hard my dad works daily. Even though my parents are divorced, my father is so awesome. He cooks the food, takes care of us, and genuinely makes me laugh. While my brother protects me from danger, helps me with homework, and is enjoyable to hang around. I remember the exciting travel destinations with the three of us. We went to four different states in our country and arrived in Mexico to see our other family members.
The rest of my hobbies tend to cheer me up. Video games, chess, watching TV shows, YouTube, and reading books are the activities that brighten my day. I usually do these hobbies to improve my skills and relax after finishing homework. If you are having trouble trying to enjoy life, do something that'll get enjoyment out of it. Learn how to do certain hobbies such as playing the guitar, doing a sport, or drawing. It doesn't matter what you do. The principal part is liking the activity.
Bold Legacy Scholarship
I want my legacy to be a psychiatrist before I die. As a psychiatrist, I want to help people who require serious help. My goal in this career job is to assist as many people as possible. I don't enjoy seeing people who are depressed about some event that's traumatizing for them. Without the assistance, the person could either do something terrible. These consequences include hurting other people or killing themselves. In the world, mental health is becoming an issue. Younger adults are more likely to act miserable due to school, work, family drama, or bullying. Some adolescents consider trying dangerous stuff such as vaping, smoking, or other illegal substances.
When the day of my funeral comes, a lot of people are going to remember me as somebody who took care of many patients. I'll help communities that have higher suicide rates in my state. When natural disasters occur, I will get out there to talk with families who lost a loved one. Plus, I can work with organizations to build houses, offer food, give money to towns impacted by the disaster. During my dream job, I am going to create school assemblies around the country that will be talking about mental health. Not only I'll be making assemblies, but I am also gonna reduce the stress students are having. They can come into my office to talk about anything. If a student feels like somebody is planning to injure them, he/she can inform me so that nothing bad happens. Everyone can enter if they are going through tough times. Nobody should be feeling unhappy about what's going on in their lives. I will do everything to make sure that person goes back to normal. To live a better life, never take illegal drugs.
Bold Loving Others Scholarship
The way I try to make my friends, family members, and classmates feel better is by talking with them every day. In most of the conversations, I always ask the person if they are doing great. If one tells me they are not okay, I tend to listen. It doesn't matter how bad the situation is, I'll show support and attention. I won't get distracted like being on my phone or listening to music because it's rude. Most of the time, I might offer advice to the people I know who are having a difficult time. It's important to check on a person's mental health so nothing terrible happens such as harming other people or suicide.
Another method I do for my folks to be loved is hanging out with them. For my friends, we always meet up during nutrition and lunch. We like to play board games together to have an excellent time. There are some days when we prefer to have long conversations and make each other laugh when we don't have board games. Simply seeing your friends will let everyone in the group be cheerful. If a friend is going through something awful, he/she can inform friends who are trusted the most. With my family, I too, spend time with them daily. I keep telling my father that I love him because he takes care of me, he is a very hard worker who cooks for my brother and me. If my dad wasn't there, I wouldn't be alive right now. Meanwhile, I get along with my brother to feel loved. We don't fight because violence doesn't bring up love, it carries hate. Siblings who get into aggressive arguments all the time won't support each other later on in the future.
Bold Joy Scholarship
Being joyful means having a great time. Without being happy, you are going to think about horrible stuff. We all tend to be delightful simply because to get rid of boredom and step away from problems. There are a lot of ways I like to be joyful. The first activity I always enjoy doing is hanging out with my friends at nutrition and lunch break. It's been a pleasure to see my friends when I leave class. Every single weekday, it's entertaining to sit at the tables since we talk, eat, and crack a ton of jokes. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be cheerful.
Seeing my brother and father every time brings up a smile on my face. Even though my mother is gone when she divorced my dad, he is a very excellent hard worker. When he gets home, I usually have conversations about his day on the job and he'll ask me how was school. My father has been taking care of my brother and I since we were born. Meanwhile, my brother is a amazing person to talk to. He can make me laugh while also protecting me since I am younger than him. These two people are the ones bringing joy to my life. The last thing that offers joy are the teachers I have in high school. My English and Math teacher both have the coolest personalities. They never fail to get me motivated to learn because my teachers use methods to make the subject more enjoyable. I rarely see my classmates acting sleepy in my two favorite classes. If they never went into my school, Math and English would seem boring for many students including me.
Paige's Promise Scholarship
Greetings! My favorite hobbies I enjoy doing are hanging out with my friends, spending time with family, playing chess, video games, watching TV shows, YouTube, and learning new stuff. I am a sophomore in high school trying my hardest to be great at school in order to enter college. I really want to get into Cal State Los Angeles. For my career job, I like to become a psychiatrist to assist people who require serious help. In the next twenty years or so, my two goals are buying a house and owning two cars. For the vehicles. I want one compact car for work and one exotic vehicle to drive on the weekends. When I can take a break from work, I wanna climb to the top of Mount Everest.
After becoming a psychiatrist from finishing residency, I'll be able to help people who suffer from substance use disorder. It doesn't matter what the person is addicted to, as long as they are being honest, wanna change the bad habit, and informing how many days since the last time a substance was being abused. In order for me to successfully recover a patient I have to fully understand what's his/her addiction to get rid of. I also have to speak in a normal calm voice, not a loud furious tone where the patient starts to cry or doesn't want to come into my office. Plus, I need to have patience for the amount of time a person needs to heal. Addiction doesn't go away quickly, it takes guts. To break a bad addiction, you are looking at around weeks to months. But, it all depends on the type of substance somebody is abusing. For example, cigarettes are much harder to quit due to them having nicotine, which is a addictive chemical. I would inform them to not look at somebody smoking because when they see a cigarette being light up, they will start to crave insanely. Also, I will explain the downsides of smoking to the patient who's never heard the terrible side effects. It can be upsetting to not knowing about cigarettes giving you diseases, but everything can go back to normal if you stop smoking.
Addictions on illegal substances are much more harder to cover since they are more deadlier than cigarettes. Within little use, they can kill a person. Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, or Ketamine are drugs you shouldn't be doing at all. Getting caught selling or using these illegal substances lead to serious consequences like being sent to prison for years. After leaving jail, it's much more harder to search for a decent job. Nobody wants to hire a person who's using illegal drugs when representing their company. It's much more harder to stay alive since you are making less money than usual, not having enough cash to pay for resources is frightening. To live in a peaceful energetic life, you don't need to take illegal drugs. That's what I'll say to my patient if he/she is consider or already doing illegal drugs. Doing illegal substances won't make you popular, it'll make your life worse. For some people, they abused the drug so hard to the point where they no longer exist. Find something that makes you joyful, it can be a hobby you enjoy daily. Whatever activities you do, creates a personality. Remember to stay away from illegal drugs!
Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
If you want more people to overcome with mental health, you gotta speak up and ask if they are alright. Asking a person if they need help will show that at least somebody cares for them in their life. There are a ton of consequences if mental health issues don't get reported. When a person who's been bullied doesn't seek assistance, it can go two ways. They end up hurting themselves or harming the bullies. Another problem folks are having is addiction. The bad side of addiction include smoking, eating, being on the phone, gambling, or video games. The more you do something, you are more likely to die depending on the addiction you have. Telling a person to quit smoking is difficult because you won't know how they might react. Some could get furious to the point where the friendship ends. You wanna give them advice in a calm voice. You also gotta check their progress to make sure they are advancing.
Discovering a friend or family member who uses illegal substances such as marijuana, heroin, or cocaine is shocking to look at. When you see illegal substances with them, you need to tell them to stop immediately. Once you try it, you will get highly addicted. Not only that but using or selling these items are gonna put you in jail. After serving in prison, it's much more harder to find a decent job that'll pay good. Not earning enough money puts you at a risk of death. This is why schools, parents, and older adults tell younger people to don't do drugs. It won't never make you look cool, the risks are deadly. In order to live a better life, you never get involve with drugs. Doing favorite hobbies like reading will make a person happy.
Bold Independence Scholarship
Being independent means not letting somebody to control your life. What I mean by that is being able to be yourself. People who want to manage your life tend to think your way of living stinks and the method they live should be the same as everyone else. However, this will never happen because you get to have full power. Having the exact same personality for all humans on earth is going to be boring. For my career job, I wanna become a psychiatrist. Some people think that's a great job. While others might think it's too depressing or lame. Whatever the case, we all have different opinions and that's okay.
When I be a independent person, I like to do the things in my way. For example, when I am wearing clothes, I enjoy putting a t-shirt, having blue pants that is not ripped, and putting on Reebok shoes. There are multiple folks out there who like wearing boots, shorts, or ripped pants. I don't personally like these types of clothing styles but I can't change that person's beliefs. My favorite subject at the moment is English because my teacher makes it enjoyable, the topic(s) to write about are perfect, and the stories she picks us to read are amazing. Tons of people don't have a favorite subject, so they choose lunch as a joke. If I came across a person, telling me that I need to live the life just as them, I wouldn't agree because it could contain something I don't like such as living in the desert. I'm sorry to all the people who enjoy the desert as their homes but I prefer the valleys. So, don't let anybody manage your life. Enjoy what you like! It's your decision!
Bold Equality Scholarship
In order for everyone to be happy with the outcomes, I need to break the situation and figure out how can these people get along. When two people fight over a slice of pizza, one assumes that grabbing the pizza first can have it. However, it can be confusing since the two of them touched the pizza at the same time. My answer would be cutting the pizza in half. This results in two smaller slices, both of these people can receive the pizza instead of one person eating the whole thing and the other getting none.
Sometime in your life, you might see a classmate getting humiliated due to them being "different" than everybody else. They might have a disability, from a foreign country, or not the same skin color. When I see a bully making fun of a student on campus, I don't see equality right there. I view the situation as a threat. I am gonna stand up for the classmate who's being harassed, I'll say to the bully that whatever he/she is doing is not okay. Just because a human being isn't born in the same nation as you, that doesn't mean you get to pick on them. They haven't done anything wrong to you, so why should you go up to them and say something that offends them? After the bully goes away, I'll ask the victim if everything's alright. I can give him/her some advice the next time it happens again. Nobody on this planet shall face discrimination for what they are. These people who are "different" than us should be joyful instead of crying or thinking it's over. They should not be afraid to speak up, and I will be joining them to fight for justice and peace.
HSINTELLIGENCE Minority / Indigenous Nurse Leader Scholarship
What I like to do on a regular basis is hanging out with my friends, learning new stuff, spending time with my family, watching YouTube, and playing chess. My favorite color has to be red because every red shirt I wear looks great on me. Also, I gotta talk about how ketchup is my favorite condiment so it relates to my coolest color. I did had to overcome with some difficult times like my parents getting a divorce and my grandmother passing away. However, I am feeling better now. Within the next years I'll be graduating high school. The university I want to enter is Cal State Los Angeles. I wanna be into medical school to get my future job.
As for my career job, I want to become a psychiatrist. When I turn into a professional psychiatrist, my job is to help people who are experiencing tough situations. I don't care what type of problem some patient is having, I just wanna make sure they get enough support to move along. I want to go city by city assisting citizens, not just from my community but from different parts of my state. When natural disasters occur, I'll offer some money to victims who require to pay damages for their homes. Plus, if they are feeling more gloomy due to a loved one passing away, I can give appointments to family members during the post-natural disaster event.
Visiting survivors aren't the only people I'll be seeing during my career. Adolescents will be entering my office to tell me their issues. I like to support people are who getting bullied or are going through trauma. Whenever you see somebody not being themselves, you gotta ask them if they are feeling good. A person who doesn't receive support in time are gonna do something terrible like suicide or harming people than those who got assistance. People who have learning or physical aren't going to be ignored because they too get harassed by bullies. I will save the lives of depressed patients as many as possible. None of them aren't leaving away earth because life is very beautiful. Time goes very fast, ending it soon is devastating to see. In the future when I am not into residency, I'll travel to lots of high schools to create assemblies mentioning about mental illness and why it's important to learn about this topic. I might be working with high schools to talk with students who require attention. Students can talk to me about anything, I am able to hear some questions about adult life, education, or off-topic. For the bad kids who cause trouble, they will see me into my office and I am gonna present important lectures. A adult is supposed to give students support in order to be joyful. Without help, a student can make his/her grades more poorly. These are the goals I'll be achieving later on in life.
Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
One of the ways I try to make a positive impact on the climate is throwing away my trash. Every single time when I eat snacks while walking, there's normally a wrapper or tiny bag that stores the snack. Most people aren't patient enough to search for a trash can. So, they secretly let go off their trash. On the streets, you'll find plastic bags, empty snack bags, bottles, cans, toys, or wasted food. This is unacceptable because we live on this planet. Having your city to be known as the dirtiest town in the world is embarrassing. So instead of leaving it on the ground, wait until you find a trash can. In fact, there are trash cans almost everywhere. Why aren't people throwing their garbage in the trash can?
Another thing I help the climate to be in good shape is not harming nature itself. What I mean by that is chopping up trees, removing grass, and not using a car that often. The reason why we humans use chainsaws to take away trees is to create new neighborhoods. We remove grass to make roads for vehicles and crosswalks for pedestrians. For cars, it's more faster to travel to destinations. I usually add water to plants and trees so that they can continue to grow. I leave them alone because they are busy generating food. I am over sixteen years old to get a drivers license. However, I'll drive when I enter university. For the next two years, I'll be walking to school and home. Meaning in the weekdays, the amount of miles in total I've walked are gonna be three miles each day. These are the methods I do in a regular basis for the earth to stay alive.
Robert Lee, Sr. and Bernice Williams Memorial Scholarship
There were two events I had to overcome in my life at this moment. One is my grandmother passing away and my parents getting a divorce. These events would make me feel gloomy for some time until I decided to do my favorite hobbies to keep me joyful. For example, after the funeral of my grand-mom, my father took my family to a restaurant to cheer us up. Eventually, this made me happy for a bit. One of my favorite hobbies to do is going out with my friends. Having someone to talk is better rather than just being alone. When the first day of school came, I told my friends what happened during the summer break. However, it happened last month when I arrived at school. So, my friends asked me if I needed time or help to recover. I was feeling a little better so I said yes. Having friends who have your back is truly a wholesome moment.
The second hobby I did when tough times came was playing chess. I usually play chess when I am bored or done with homework. When it comes to level, I consider myself a average player. It doesn't matter if the AI wins or loses, the fun part of the game is where thinking hard comes into play. I tend to make it challenging by putting the difficulty into hard. The third hobby I always do when feeling down is going into YouTube. I'll watch YouTube to be more educated or recall the details I don't remember for school. The two education channels I watch are TED-Ed and Crash Course. However, I might watch other videos to be fascinated.
Without my mother, I gotta walk to school and home every Monday through Friday. My school is around one and a half miles away from home, meaning I walk three miles. Even if it's raining, I gotta take my umbrella. As for my dad, he's working even harder than never before. Because he's the one who's making dinner. He has to wake up in the morning to arrive at work and cook when he arrives home. I love my father very much. Without him, I wouldn't be alive. Meanwhile with my brother, he'll help me with my homework if I don't understand it. He's honestly the best person to be around, so I give him credit for teaching me.
In the future, I want my career job to be a psychiatrist. I'll give back to the community by healing everyone's problems. I like to see people being happy and not having to worry about something tragic. No matter the situation a adult or child is facing, I wanna make sure they are feeling excellent. Without any treatment, the issue will become worse. They either do suicide or harm other people. If I am there for them, the patient is less likely to cause trouble. I'll also be part of organizations who help victims of abuse, natural disasters, or starvation. Offering them money and talking to victims is what I'll be doing in the next two or three decades to come. If you see somebody planning to kill themselves or having the idea to cause a terrible event, ask if they are okay. When you give attention, you are preventing death(s). Asking will let the person know that there's at least one person who cares for them. And that person would be you.
Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
One of the ways I'll have a positive impact on the world is making friends and trying to have a good time with them. For some people, they are living in the most difficult times. These folks tend to think about suicide, feel like they are lonely, or believe nobody cares for them. Well, I can change that. Whenever somebody is hurt, I can ask them what's wrong. I'll let them know that I am listening to their problems. Sometimes, I will be nice by offering them snacks. Before I even leave, I ask that person if he/she can be friends with me and meet up again. It always ends up with a yes.
Not a lot of people tend to speak up or help others who require attention. If it becomes late to provide assistance, the person who was being bullied ends up doing something harmful. They can hurt themselves or other people. My job is to prevent that issue from happening. Just make friends who are feeling in pain. I'll make sure that their pain doesn't exist by being fun to hangout with. Because when you remember the great times with friends or family members, it creates a good memory. When somebody who is depressed, they'll look back into their past and recall this funny moment with a buddy, they'll chuckle a bit to overcome their troubles. If they have more excellent memories, the more likely the sadness goes away.
This is the reason why I wanna become a psychiatrist, to make people simile. I never like to see people who are gloomy, it really doesn't help the situation to cry more. It doesn't matter what's causing a person to be miserable. As long as they are feeling good, they can continue living in a peaceful life.
Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
1.) Getting this scholarship feels like hitting the jackpot. We all know what it feels to win the lottery, feeling joyful! With the money I get, I'll spend it on college fees such as tuition, books, parking lot, and food. If I see that I won, I'll freak out and scream until I die. I might even tell my friends about it.
2.) For my career job, I wanna become a psychiatrist to help people who require serious help. I don't like seeing people crying or being depressed, I want to see folks smiling. My two other goals later in life are getting my own home and two vehicles. One compact car and one luxury or exotic car.
3.) One of the biggest challenges I've overcome are the passing of my grandmother and my parents getting a divorce. I had great times with my grandma and it's terrible to see that she's gone. My mother isn't here anymore. Meaning my dad has to take care of me and my brother. However, My dad is a very hard worker and always has been there for me. Without my father, I wouldn't be typing this.
I hope this scholarship isn't some kind of a joke...
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
One of the most important things I've learned at school that'll change my life is how to do a resume, cover letter, fill in a job application (pretending), getting away from your fears of a interview. My English teacher wanted us to do this activity because later in life, we are gonna get jobs in order to stay alive. A lot of students during high school wanna learn about adult life such as paying taxes or bills, investing in the stock market, and paying a house. However, these opportunities to learn won't get taught. In my resume, I had to be more competitive. By doing that, I gotta show off my skills, education, GPA, and certifications. Companies want somebody who's more superior rather than containing least amount of information about them.
As for doing interviews, I'm more of a sociable person. Somebody who doesn't talk that much or is anxious presenting themselves are more likely to have a difficult time. But, I did have one problem. The questions we answered in the interview, the class had to remember them. Meaning the teacher is gonna interview us by asking those same questions. I sometimes forget what to say, so I am in silence for three seconds or more until I remember the line. Next time, I need to memorize the stuff I am going to say to the teacher. I ended up passing with a eighty percent. I felt like I got hired at some job even though it was inside of a classroom. I recommend taking a few deep breaths to fully calm yourself before doing the big important interview. If my English teacher didn't teach us how to do interviews, I wouldn't know how to apply for a job.
Bold Great Minds Scholarship
One of the most important people that I admire is Martin Luther King Jr and Mohandas Gandhi. These two historical figures would help people on how to protest peacefully, speak out what's wrong, and never afraid to change the issue. In modern times, we tend to protest if the government wants to add rules that the majority of it's citizens don't like. However, this leads to chaos such as fighting with the police, vandalizing, or trespassing private property. Plus, there might be other people that support the government's idea, which means yelling, shoving, and brawls will occur if the group is immature. In fact, the more violent you get, less likely the government is going to agree with the people's correct opinion.
Mohandas Gandhi was a leader who successfully made a campaign for India's independence from British rule. He taught people how to protest in a friendly way without getting hurt. In the 1930's, Gandhi and his seventy eight followers would walk to the sea. He would go through villages and the number of followers would grow up. After being arrested for touching the sea salt, the world's reaction to the situation is shocking to where Britain gave powers to Indians. Decades later, another historical figure would rise up for his nation. Martin Luther King Jr would also go on on the streets and speak out against discrimination against his community. He gave his famous "I have a dream" speech near the Lincoln memorial. This would create the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. Meaning anybody who has a different background are allowed to vote. If King didn't do all of this, then not everyone couldn't have had a chance to vote. These two leaders are able to change without making trouble.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
Every single week, I would always be joyful around those I love, respect, and know. However, there were times in my life so far where I was feeling gloomy. The most shocking event that made everyone in my family cried is when my grandmother passed away a few years ago. It happened during the summer on July inside a hospital. I remember the rest of my family was waiting in the room for some updates on my grandmother. Then, the doctor came in and told us that our grandmother just died in her room. When we came into the room, my grandmother was in bed not moving. She wasn't breathing or smiling. After the doctors removed the body, my family went inside the car without saying anything. When I went to bed, I couldn't sleep for awhile because I was crying.
A few days later, my uncle would end up creating a funeral for my grandmother. First, it took place in a church. Then, everybody had to follow the funeral car to the cemetery in which it contain the coffin of my grandmother inside. I was the one who had to carry the coffin to the crunch alongside with my brother and uncle. After visiting the graveyard, my dad tried to make us happy by eating at a restaurant with some other family members I know. When I was returning back to school, I told my friends what happened during the summer break. All of them knew the terrible situation, so they decided to keep it calm on the first day of school. However, I already said I was feeling great when I entered school but my friends were nice enough to keep me cheerful. As for my dad and brother, they too was in tears at the hospital and funeral.
Overcoming with loss isn't the only issue I've suffer the most in my life. As a young child, my parents made the decision to be divorce. This event would end up more stressful for my father. My brother and I ended up living with my dad. He has to go to work and cook meals for us. It's not easy doing two important tasks in order for your kids to be healthy and have a place to stay. Since my mother isn't here to drop us to school and pick us up after school, my brother and I have to arrive school and home by walking every weekday. This is a total of three and a half miles every Monday through Friday. When we eat dinner, my mom isn't there at the table. It's just the three of us living together peacefully and getting along. However, I text my mom often to see if she's doing excellent. At the moment, she is feeling great and still cares for me.
When it comes to being jolly, I like to do my favorite hobbies so that I can forget the bad stuff happening to me. For example, I enjoy spending time with my friends at lunch and nutrition break. At the tables, we'll always have funny moments when eating lunch. If my personality wasn't outgoing, I wouldn't have my old friends. I probably would eat lunch by myself. Without my friends, my lunch break isn't going to be fun. The second hobby I have is hanging around with my dad and brother. Even though my mother isn't here, my two other family members are here to make me simile. I am so proud that my father is a hard-working man taking care of me. As for my brother, he helps me with homework I don't understand and is awesome to be around. The third activity I do everyday is going through YouTube to be entertained or surprised. Sometimes, I would pick videos like TED or CrashCourse to learn something new or refresh details I kinda don't remember. The last pastime before bedtime is playing chess. It doesn't matter if I win or lose, as long as the game gets competitive to the point where it's exciting to make a move or wait for the bot's response.
Right now, I am a sophomore in high school during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am not experiencing any thoughts of suicide or feel depressed. I am feeling cool all the time when I enter school and meet with my father and brother at home. Life is good, Life is wonderful.
Learner.com Algebra Scholarship
Math is one of the most important subjects you'll ever learn in school. Without understanding basic math like addition or subtraction, you won't be able to know how much you owe rent, figure out the cost of your market, and realize the amount of money you spend each time you go out. In fact, all around us is math. The amount of items you brought, how much you will be paying for that parking ticket, how many hours you can park your car at a certain area, what time is it, and the speed limit you have to follow are examples of basic math. Without learning math, you won't be ready for life. It's impossible to do stuff if basic math isn't taught yet.
Math can be very easy to learn but sometimes complicated when you get to higher level. However, there are some lessons that can be fun if you understand it. But when it comes to difficult problems, you might wanna challenge to show you can take rigorous questions. The more you complete and succeed on tough, the more likely you can be at the top. If you take Calculus and actually pass, universities and colleges will see your report card and see you took Calculus. Meaning you can handle exhausting problems. You don't have to take Calculus to impress colleges, as long as you did Algebra then you are good to go.
To me, Math is like a puzzle game. It's where you get to solve real world problems. Not like one of those stories where a guy buys 300 oranges, eats 125 oranges, and then try to find how many are there in total. I am talking about trying to solve the volume or searching what's the height of a pole. Because one day, you are gonna have to use your math skills later in life. And if you are in a situation where math is necessary, you'll remember this one method you've used and then figure out the answer. Bar graphs or charts are also gonna appear later in your life. Whether it's paying your gas bill or finding out how much are the sales in your business. Bar graphs show how much you've used up gas for this month and last month. It'll let you know if the previous month you were using too much, less than, or equal amount of gas compare to the current month.
I really enjoy doing math because it's enjoyable when you are solving the questions and getting them right. It feels like I did something right or cracked a code. But, I really like to quiz myself to see if I can do the hardest problems without the teacher's help. And when I do get the difficult questions right, I always smile.
Andrew Perez Mental Illness/Suicidal Awareness Education Scholarship
I don't usually get sad or stressed all the time. But when I do feel down, there are a lot of techniques I do in order to feel good. The first thing I might perform is breathing very calmly. This is more like to just relax and take a step back. Playing chess with a computer bot is the second procedure I do when I am not happy. It doesn't matter if I win or lose, as long as I don't remember the bad stuff happening to me then I'll be alright. When I am not feeling the vibe for chess, then I open up Pac-Man and play the arcade game.
Every single day on the weekdays, I really enjoy hanging out with my friends during nutrition and lunch. At the tables, we would always laugh and have a great time. If I didn't had any friends, I could have end up having nobody and be eating with the teacher. But I am glad that I changed my personality to an outgoing person because that's what made me get friends in the first place. At home, I also spend my time with my dad and brother. My dad is always there to take care of me. He goes to work and cooks for us. As for my brother, he helps me with my homework if I don't get it and is fun to be around. It's refreshing to go outside and walk to get some air.
What I want to be when I grow up is to become a psychiatrist or psychologist. I wanna have a job as a psychiatrist because I like to help others by making them feel joyful. I don't like seeing people crying or feeling gloomy. Instead, I want to view people smiling, laughing, and overall enjoying their life. But, I am still in high school as a sophomore. Next year, I'll be taking AP Psychology. For senior year, I will be joining AP Biology but I'll take some notes for the subject during summer because I don't fully remember that class in freshmen year. After high school, a four year university or college is where I am going. Next, four years of medical school. Then, four years of residency at a hospital. Last, I am now a professional psychiatrist working excellent. My goal is to assist a lot of patient's problems or difficulties until I retire. Because after I pass away, a ton of people will remember me as somebody who helped them during hard times.
Of course, being a psychiatrist isn't the only goal I contain. Later in life, I wanna have my own house and purchase two cars. One for work like a compact car, and one to drive around on the weekends or going out such as a luxury or exotic vehicle. For my vacation, I really want to travel between Nepal and China to climb Mount Everest and be at the very top of 29,000 feet. But to be in vacation, you gotta save up large amounts of money in which I'll do in my lifetime. These are the goals I'll achieve before I leave earth.
Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
Before I leave the world, I wanna do a ton of stuff that requires hard work. One of the first things I want to accomplish before I pass away is to become a psychiatrist or psychologist. The reason why I wanna have one of these two jobs is because I want to help people who need attention badly and make sure they are joyful. Seeing people depressed for some reason actually puts me in a bad mood. A person should never have a frown face.
By becoming a psychiatrist or psychologist, I first need to attend AP psychology and AP Biology in high school. After doing my very best and getting good grades on these subjects, I'll enter a university and attend medical school. Then, it's time to apply for residency where I get to practice more to become professional. Once after residency is officially over, I will now be able to assist on patients who require medical help. I wanna take care of a lot of people to the point where I am consider a leader to the community. I want to achieve for the highest amount of people healed as a psychiatrist. And by doing that, I gotta work early and spend some extra hours to get to that achievement. After when I die, folks will remember me as somebody who was there for them during difficult times.
Bold Be You Scholarship
The way I stay true to myself is knowing what are the benefits and consequences. For example, when I was a young child, I was always quiet all the time at school. But now, I am an outgoing person. The reason for that is because without being active, you won't make any friends. So I stayed true to myself and openly express myself to other classmates. This results in creating friends. Right now, I have around six friends and sometimes students from my past grades will greet me in class. Also, being quiet won't get you anything so you gotta speak up to receive it.
Another characteristic I remain true to myself is being honest. It doesn't matter what the situation is, I tell the truth. If I break something, I always tell my parents it was my fault. If I am sick during school days, I'll inform my teachers if I can't do it or I'll try depending on how I am feeling. If I don't agree with an opinion from my friend, I'll explain why I don't like it calmly. When my friend asks me how does his appearance look like, I will tell him he's either cool or awful without trying to hurt his feelings. Honesty and being sociable is how I remain myself for a long time. I really like myself and I won't change it forever.
Hobbies Matter
I have multiple hobbies I like to do for fun. The very first hobby I enjoy is hanging around with my friends at nutrition and lunch time. Every single day, we would sit at the tables playing uno or some other board game while eating. Sometimes, one of us would crack jokes that'll make us laugh at the bottom of our hearts. But, most of the time we just chill out and have long conversations.
The second hobby I normally do all the time is to watch YouTube videos after finishing my homework. I usually go to that website just to learn or be amazed. One of the channels I watch quite often is Crash Course a lot. The reason for that is because I wanna be into AP Psychology and Biology so that I can be more prepared when I enter those classes. Also, it's to refresh my mind when I am watching Biology due to taking it in 9th grade and forgetting some stuff. When I don't see Crash Course, I watch random animation videos from TED to learn something new.
The third hobby I do at home is reading anything. I have six textbooks from my class and I really like to read parts of the book. The Health textbook is the one I read the most out of those six textbooks where it tells you how to be healthy and what not to do in your lifetime such as smoking or drugs. The World History book would be in second place because I do enjoy reading what people did in the past. You see, I really wonder how did people managed to live when technology back then wasn't so great and the amount of wars they had to worry about.
The fourth hobby I consider to adore is spending time with my family. My brother always makes me smile because he is so awesome. He never makes you bored and helps you if you are having trouble with homework. Also, He is very friendly towards his friends and me. My dad on the other hand is a lifesaver. Without him, I wouldn't have been there with my classmates. He is excellent at cooking food and likes to be around with my brother and I. My dad is a very hard worker, which is why I always help him in the kitchen so that he doesn't have to do extra steps. Those are the four hobbies I love to do on a regular basis.
Bold Memories Scholarship
Having memories are the best things to have in your brain. Without them, you won't be able to remember the good old days. If you are going through difficult times, recalling your past funny times with your friends or just having a good time with people you know will make you forget about tough situations. Memories are created to help you better up on sad feelings.
Back when I was a young kid, I didn't have a ton of friends because I was usually the quiet kid. But now I've changed. Right now as a sophomore, I spend my time at lunch and nutrition with my six friends that I made. At some of my classes, a lot of students recognized me for being outgoing in elementary and middle school. During English class, if the teacher tells a student to pick someone, they will most likely pick me.
Also, memories don't have to be with friends. It can be family members such as your dad, mom, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, or aunt. Maybe when you were little, mom and dad took you to the festival alongside with your brother/sister and all of you had a fantastic time. It can also be a road trip where the whole family is having fun after arriving to the destination.
Teachers can also create memories. If they helped you be successful, handle on your hard life, or just made the class more interesting, then memories will start to appear. It doesn't matter what type of memories you have, as long as if it's joyful or relaxing to remember.
Bold Driven Scholarship
I have a ton of goals in my life I wanna accomplish. The first goal I want to complete is I wanna take six AP classes and pass them so that I can receive college credits when entering university. I want to challenge myself and want to know what it's like doing college level work.
The second goal I contain is becoming a Psychiatrist or Psychologist. I don't like seeing people in a bad mood or having troubles in life. When I get a job as a Psychiatrist or Psychologist, I'll be able to help people who need the help they need. I won't let anyone to take away their life, I want to see them be happy with a flexible job, great living conditions, and maybe make their own family.
The third goal I need to finish after getting a job is to search for a brand new house and get multiple vehicles. I don't wanna live in the same state as a child, so I'm moving out into a different state where it's more comfortable to stay. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms is acceptable for me. As for the cars, I want to get a normal compact car for work and a luxury or exotic vehicle when going out on the weekends.
The last goal to finish off is climbing to the top of Mount Everest. I've always wonder what the view will look like on the tallest mountain in the world. Plus, seeing Mount Everest from a far away place is gorgeous. When you are viewing it from miles away, it looks like a painting. The journey however, will be difficult to overcome. But, I don't mind risking it at all.
Bold Listening Scholarship
If you are a person who always pays attention to other people's ideas, thoughts, problems, or opinions, then your more likely to become a excellent person who cares about it. If you are on your phone, not looking at the person's eyes, or just seeing something else, then you are not a productive person.
When I'm listening to people that are talking to me, I never have my phone out with me. I don't pull my eyes off to them. I always have my eyes looking at them. Also, You can't have your headphones on when you are listening to someone. Why? Because you are hearing music instead of the talker's voice. Instead, take them off before you speak to somebody. Don't daydream about something, you'll not hear the important details.
Sometimes, we are at a place that's really loud. You might not hear what your partner just said. It's okay to ask the person to repeat what they said. If you have headphones, it's a different story, you are being disrespectful. However, there are some people who have a hearing problem. When the person asks for you to repeat what you said, don't be rude by yelling it out as a joke. On the second time, be a little more louder. But, don't sound as a microphone to the person who contains a hearing problem. If you follow what I just said, you'll be a respectful listener.
Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
One of the things that makes me joyful the most is seeing my friends in the morning before entering school. The reason for that is because without them, my life would be boring. At nutrition and lunch break, we would always talk and hangout. All the time, I always have a smile on my face.
Another thing I like to do that gives me happiness is taking a shower. When I was little, I didn't like taking a bath. But when I got in, I enjoyed it and didn't want to get out. When winter hits, warm baths are awesome. But when summer comes in, I switch it to cold to feel cool. At times when I feel like I'm down, I let the waters hit me.
The third hobby I do everyday that makes me cheerful is spending time with my family. My dad takes care of me and my brother has fun with me. If my dad wasn't there, I wouldn't have been here typing this. And as without my brother, I would be lonely in the house. Both of these people I know are excellent to me.
The last thing that brightens my day is food. When I eat a little snack before going to school, I feel more energized which makes focusing more clear and detailed. Plus, I feel more positive instead of being tired. These are all the simple pleasures I do to be more jolly.
Bold Longevity Scholarship
One of the best ways of living a long healthy life is being on your best behavior. What I mean by that is don't ever do drugs, smoke cigarettes, or do something that'll put you in jail. When you have a criminal record on your profile, it'll be impossible to get a decent job. Without a job, you can't not make any money in order to survive.
You gotta stay clean to live more longer. Brushing your teeth two through three times a day, taking baths everyday, brushing your hair, putting on deodorant so you don't smell, cleaning your ears so that you can hear well, wearing different clothes when hanging out, and washing your clothes makes your life more refreshing.
Food is delicious! However, you gotta pick the right choices before eating. For example, knowing how many calories is in that juicy cheeseburger combo can turn your decision around. Also, know the size size portions for meals. You don't have to eat the whole cake. Just cut a small piece and save it for later. Limit the amount of soft drinks and instead drink water to be hydrated.
We all know that everyone is busy with work or school. But, Saturdays and Sundays are free days for some of us. If you don't have anything to do on the weekend, then get out there to exercise. Staying active for at least one hour will make you more energetic and feel more joyful. If you do all of these steps, then a long lasting life is possible.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
Being patient is one of the most important characteristics that a person could have. If you are in a rush, you'll most likely crash. For instance, if you wanna pass a test but don't bother reading the questions and answers, you won't answer them correctly. If you are in a hurry in your car, you are more likely to have a collision and hurt people. When you are running down the halls, you have a higher chance in falling down or bumping into people.
Doing some of these actions that I mention will make people believe you are impatient. If you let a car pass by, you'll make less traffic. Actually reading the questions and answers might give you a perfect score. Listening to other people's thoughts, ideas, or problems instead of ignoring shows you care for others. Waiting in line to do something is way better than cutting in line. Getting caught with cutting will make waiters in the line to laugh and you'll be all the way in the back. Even worse, your first offensive might be a permanent ban on being in that line.
Overall, being patient for something shows you can handle the waiting process. There are some people who are so impatient that when they are waiting for a website to load, they can literally get furious. Flipping the chair happens and even breaking their computers could occur. So, it's always best to have patience.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
One of the most biggest problems that the world is experiencing is Covid-19 mixed with stupidity. Why then I mention stupidity? Well, because people don't follow the rules. Back when Covid hit, people were worried about some items in the market disappearing, so what they did was basically panic shopping. This made the situation worse, other people couldn't get the items they wanted because some shoppers would grab more than one. Not to mention that transportation workers are running low. Which means less items would come into the store.
Another dumb complaint during the epidemic was the face masks. Now, not everyone likes to wear masks because of how uncomfortable they are. However, there are doctors and nurses in hospitals who have to wear masks all the day and they don't mind. Meanwhile, some guy in a store can't handle wearing a mask for five minutes. When you speak, sometimes we spit a little. Without a mask, you are spreading more of the virus. This would spike in more cases because the infected person who gave Covid to a healthy person will meet up with more people.
The last thing I wanna mention is those big parties. Again, you don't know if somebody in that house is infected or not. And if they are, then the whole house is in trouble. Once you get the virus, you might not know if you got it until testing occurs. You might put your family members, friends, or strangers to the hospital.
In order to stop the spread of Covid-19, We gotta make more PSAs to convince people to put on their masks and get the vaccine. Let's show them how scary the situation is at hospitals around the world.
Bold Influence Scholarship
If I was a highly influential figure, I would talk about how education is important and bullying other people is wrong. First, let me explain on the bullying part. Nobody should be made fun of because of their skin color, race, background, gender, or how they look. You should never harass a person if they are poor, their lives are much more worse and you are making them more bad. In fact, you can get caught if you are doing behavior like that. It'll decrease your chances in getting a high-paying job. People will remember as that person who made negative comments.
Another subject I would like to talk about to other folks is school. I know that school can be a little boring sometimes but if you try to stay focus, you'll be more successful. You gotta always try your best or else it'll look bad when your parents see the report card. Find a subject that you are good at and then have your dream job that involves with your favorite subject. It's going to be easy when you know what to do. Why would you pick a job that you don't know what to do? You are going to get fired easily if you didn't do well on a subject. One last thing, always be a productive and good student. If not, you won't get the job.
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
How do I practice self-care? I usually take one or two baths every single day. I brush my teeth two through three times all the time. My armpits would smell like onions if I don't put deodorant and cologne so I put that also. For my hair, I add mousse so it doesn't look dry. In order to stay focus for the first two periods, I always eat something. Nutrition is where they offer free breakfast at around 10:30 am.
For my mental health, If I am feeling sad or not doing anything, I'll tell my teachers and family members. That way, they know how I am feeling and might make my day a little better. I always hangout out with my friends at lunch to relax and take a break from school. When I am feeling stressed out or about to explode when doing homework, I do deep breaths for some time just to not be in a cranky mood.
When eating foods, I pick fruits instead of those unhealthy chips. I only get chips, gummy bears, or cookies on Fridays. Monday through Thursday is where I eat apples or oranges. As for the drinks, I get an apple juice or have my own water bottle. I walk around three miles everyday since I walk to school and home. I constantly move around on campus so I am getting my legs in shape.
Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
Keeping a growth mindset is planning on what to do and working hard to achieve a thing you wanna complete. First, you gotta pay attention to what you are doing. If you don't know what's going on or what you are trying to accomplish, then it's not going to work out. Second, start creating plans to finish your goals. Know how you are going to ace your plan.
If you are trying to get a perfect score on a test, then you gotta use your time to know what to answer in the test. Even if it's your free time, you gotta sacrifice it. Try remembering the answers and then quiz yourself. If you didn't do good, then refresh your brain and practice. Keep on practicing until you get a good sorce. After getting a great result, keep remembering the answers. Just because you did excellent once, it does not mean you'll do fine again.
Always have a positive attitude when trying to complete goals. If you are in a bad mood, you'll feel like not trying and maybe quit on the first five minutes. Take deep breaths before doing anything because you'll feel more relaxed and do much more better. Don't let anyone tell you that it's impossible or you can't do it. People who at least tried, are the ones who aren't afraid to do challenges.
Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
Friendship means having somebody to hangout. However, those friends can help you anything. Whether it's trying to solve a math problem or find a definition of a word, or trying to seek help from a terrible situation you are at. Friends will stop what they are doing and pay attention to you because they care what you are facing.
Having a couple of friends will help create memories, it can be fun or emotional. Without friends, school and life would be boring very quickly. Being alone isn't great. Nobody thinks about you, how you feel, or even how the day is going. You don't have to contain similar interests to be friends, as long as you know how to communicate, you'll create some.
Speaking of fun memories, if you are having a rough time or feel like a bad person, just remember the times you had with your friends. It'll make you more happy and chuckle. Also, If you support or give back to one of your friends, they'll repay you back with a gift or be on your side when things fall apart. Having friends or somebody you know will lower your chances in committing suicide. They'll ask if you are feeling alright or need help.
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
Before a upcoming test starts, I use my notes, textbook, and flashcards to help me ace the test. Here's what I'll do. When I arrive at home, I do all my homework first so that I don't have to worry about doing it. Once after the homework is finished, I perform deep breaths for around two through five minutes just do that I can feel calm before studying.
Now, its time to study! I create flashcards to know the definitions of a word. It all depends on a subject, it might take longer or shorter. Next, I read my notes just to fully understand. Then, I take out my textbook for some subject and start to read all the lessons in a chapter I'm studying. If I am missing something really important, then I'll add it into my notebook.
Sometimes, I might find a YouTube video explaining what the topic is. It's to restate what I learn and draw out what I missed. After studying for one through two hours, It's time to go to bed early. After getting ready for school, I eat something while I walk to school. Depending what test I'm taking for a period, if it's period six then I'll review my notes and flashcards during lunch. If it's at period one, then I study for a little bit before school starts when I arrive.
Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
The meaning of life is making your decisions based on how you wanna live. If you want to become a person who has a normal life making decent money, then go to school and do well. If you decide to not try your best or be on bad behavior, then you'll have a hard life trying to pay expenses. Every single person has a life personality. Some people are good looking and take care of themselves. Others are just lazy and look awful in the mirror.
A couple of people wanna be married, others don't want to and that's okay. People want bigger houses, while some like to have tiny houses or live in apartments. It all depends on the person's personality and choices. People like to have their houses cleaned, so refreshing that they literally clean the house almost everyday. Others don't take the time to wash the floor, organize their garage, or even clean the dishes.
Multiple people in this world missed their families so what they end up doing is invite them to their house. But, some people just buy another house for their moms and dads to live perfectly fine during retirement. Then, there's few people who don't care about their moms and dads. Maybe its because of the way they treated them back then. Whatever the case, a lot of us have different types of conditions living in the world.
Bold Success Scholarship
One of my main goals is to be a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, or a Professional Chef for my dream job. Before getting a job that I want, I need to go to college first. In order to be at a university, I gotta take AP classes to show I can handle college level classes. So, I must take around four through six classes to be accepted at most big universities.
After learning and studying those AP classes, it's time to enroll into college. I'll apply seven colleges, seven is better than one since you never know if that "one" college will not accept you. Once I got into a university and finished school, I'll now look for a job based on my dream career. My next goals in life is to have my own vehicles, a house with 2-3 restrooms and 2 restrooms. However, the house will not be in my state so I have to save a ton of money, enter many applications near my dream house, and get there with a car.
After working for awhile near my new hometown, I might travel to different countries such as Mexico, Italy, Japan, France, and more. But, I have to save money once again so that I can move to new places I have never been to.
Bold Goals Scholarship
I have some goals I wanna complete during high school, college, and in life. The first goal I want to accomplish is to take 4-6 AP classes in total throughout high school and get good grades on them. The AP classes I am going to get are US Government, Spanish Language, Spanish Literature, Psychology, Biology, and English Language. The reason why I'm taking AP classes is so that I can get into college.
In college, I do know what future jobs I want later in life. The four jobs I want are Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, or a Professional Chef. I at least have seven colleges to apply in case one doesn't want me and the other does. Once after I graduate, I am going to work and save a bunch of money. With those savings, I'll be moving into a different town and have two cars. One car can be your average car like a Corolla or Civic. The second car can be a super car or luxury vehicle.
I might save up for around five through ten years in order to receive a brand new house and vehicles. Also, I forgot to mention about traveling. Sure, I am going to work hard and almost everyday but a nice vacation sure is relaxing. When I have enough money, I want to go to Cancun in Mexico to see the nice clear ocean. I have never been to a ocean that has warm water, my beaches have cold water. Those are the goals I want to achieve when I grow up.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
I have a lot of hobbies I do nearly every single day. During school days at lunch, I talk to my friends at the tables near the cafeteria or inside the library. When I am not at school, I usually read books or textbooks from my class. I like to read ahead so that when my class covers it, I already know about it.
Another thing I like to do at home is to go on YouTube. On that website, I like to watch some educational videos to be amazed or refresh if I forgot something. A channel I recommend seeing is Crash Course. They teach Math, Life Science, Physical Science, Social Science, and History. Sometimes, my teachers would use this channel in the class.
The third hobby I enjoy is watching TV whether it's local or on Netflix. After doing my homework, I usually sit on the conch and enjoy seeing stuff on the TV. My fourth hobby is being on my phone. I mostly play games and chat with my friends on my phone. I like to play this one game called Antiyoy where it's like chess. However, the point of the game is to conquer other people's land and be number one. If your country takes all of the territory, you win the game. Those are all the hobbies I do on a regular basis.
New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
Good afternoon, My name is Jesus Martinez. I am currently in high school as a Sophomore. I like to hangout with my friends during lunch and read books. I am 5 feet and 10 inches tall. My shoe size is around ten so sometimes it's hard trying to find my size when buying new shoes. I walk to home to school and school to home. Meaning I walk nearly four miles Monday through Friday. I always stay on task and do my work. I make sure to do my chores neatly. When I grow up, I wanna be a professional chef or a pharmacist.
Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
There are a lot of things that I like about myself. The first reason has to be making people smile. Every single time when I am around with my friends, they always laugh meaning it's a fun time. Being able to make people happy is what I am good at. Another thing that I love to myself is being a excellent student at my school. My grades are somewhat decent, Seeing a A+ on one of my subjects is just fantastic.
The third thing I enjoy is turning in assignments and never finishing late. When you turn in late work, it's so embarrassing. You are suppose to be a responsible person but decided to not meet the deadline. Most of the time, the teacher will just give you a zero. So, turning in assignments on time is what I like.
The last thing I love about myself is going to school without being late. There is no reason to be late for school other than entering after a doctor's appointment or something important. When I get to school, my History teacher is always glad I get into his class without entering pass 8:30 am. Showing up at a specific time shows you are always productive.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
There are a lot of things that make me joyful. First, every time when I see my friends at school, I put a smile on my face. We would always have a wonderful time during lunch. They are the reason why I laugh and feel like I'm part of something. The second thing that makes me happy is my dad and brother. My dad takes care of me every single day. He's the person who has been there for me in my life. My brother in the other hand, He helps me with my homework and we both get along. He always makes me giggle and never gets boring.
Third would have to be my school, all of my teachers have give me respect. I too gave them respect. My English teacher would make the class fun, it's why third period is my favorite class. Our English would give us a daily opener which is like a warm-up question. But, she would have a platypus plush where if a student got it, he/she needs to answer how they are feeling.
The fourth thing that puts me in a good mood is either video games or puzzles like word scrambler or chess. These forms of entertainment puts me into thinking, I want to test myself on trying to win fast. YouTube is the last thing that makes me happy because there's some stuff that I don't know or chuckle at comedic videos in order to get away from stress. Anyways, those are the five things that I do in order to keep myself satisfied.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
The way I relax during high school goes in multiple ways. First, I'm going to tell what I do in-person. So, at my school during lunch break, I always go out with my friends. For around forty minutes, we tend to play uno and have a good laugh while playing. Also, there are some classes where we get to talk and I tend to enjoy them as well. At home, I talk with my dad and brother after school to see what they are up to. Or other times, I might take a deep breath for a couple of seconds before doing stuff. Or I might take a refreshing bath to feel good.
Now let's talk about online. My friends and I chat everyday to see if we are okay and have a blast. I can text with my mom if she's doing great. Sometimes I like to play some games to challenge my brain like chess. I might watch a couple of interesting Youtube videos to keep me entertained or amazed. I could browse Google Doodle to not be bored. If I don't do all of those things online, then I take a five through ten minute nap to feel rested. That's everything that I can do to make me feel joyful.
Bold Equality Scholarship
Usually in my school or community, there's hardly any discrimination against people who are different. In fact, everyone in my town isn't the same. However, if somebody in my school would make fun of someone because of their looks, I have to tell them to stop. One, it's hurting our school appearance. Two, you are hurting the person. And three, it looks awful and you are making yourself look bad.
I would give them a lesson for the person who's judging the other one to tell them you look terrible. Just because somebody has different backgrounds, it doesn't mean trying to force that person to change their image. You should be proud for who you are and what you came from.
As for the person who got offended, I will talk and support them. I'll tell that person that it's okay to be yourself and don't listen to anyone who's being rude to you. There are hundreds of people who have the same personalities or backgrounds, so I must tell them they aren't the only ones with it. Last, I'll make sure that I am friends with that same person who got made fun of. If I don't, they might believe they are useless or shouldn't be on this planet in which they belong here. If you see someone being rude to a person who's different from others, don't be afraid and tell them to stop.
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
Right now, I am currently in high school as a sophomore. For me, life is getting scary because time passes very quickly. However, I do imagine what I would look like in the next 5-15 years. After graduating high school, I'll enter at UCLA, UC Irvine, or USC and major into pharmacy. I might be stressed out during a four year course but I am sure I can make it. I'll make new friends in those campuses and get a driver's license to arrive home and school.
Once after I graduate college, I'll look for companies needing a new pharmacist. After getting the job, I'll work very hard and early to earn more money. I'll stay home for a couple of years to help support my dad in expenses such as rent, bills, and other stuff he needs. Not only that, I'll have a safe box when I receive the job to start saving money for a new home and vehicle. Years later when I saved up, I'll start looking for a new out-of-state home and a new company to work with on the internet.
Once after I purchase a new car and have plenty of money, It's time to say goodbye to my family and go on a road trip to arrive at my new home. Next, I'll start packing my things to my new house and begin to start working like never before. Don't worry, I can still help my dad by giving him money. I might have another car just for the weekends when I go out. Anyways, It's going to be 35-60+ years of working as a pharmacist and I'll retire.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
There are two things in my life that have impacted me very rough. The Covid-19 pandemic and my parents getting a divorce was very hard on me. Covid-19 made everyone worried including me. Everyone was working less so that means running low on cash. However, there would be times where the internet was choppy, leading to getting out of the classroom. Plus, homework during virtual learning wasn't easy but I had to go through it. How I stayed cheerful was by taking deep breaths to clam myself, I even did them before entering classroom.
A divorce for me has to be one of the hardest things I had to experience. Mainly because my mom isn't with me anymore. I have to do extra things like walking to school and home, which is far away. But at least I'm getting physical activity from that. My dad needs to cook after when he arrives from work. I sometimes help him depending on how much homework I have. Overall, I text with my mom to see if she is doing excellent and hanging around with my friends are two methods I do in order to not be depressed. Even though my mom is not here, I have no choice but to move on. That's how I go through hard-hitting events.
Bold Bucket List Scholarship
Good Afternoon, My name is Jesus Martinez! There are several things in my bucket list I wanna accomplish. The first thing I wanna do is to get my dream job as a pharmacist or professional chef. Being a chef that cooks really awesome meals is something I want. For a pharmacist, I wanna help people by handling medications and improving lives.
Before I turn very old, Skydiving seems fun to do. On the ground, there's nothing really you can do. But on the air, you can do almost anything. Doing multiple back-flips, donuts, or creating a huge circle with friends looks intense but at the same time fabulous.
I usually like to eat spicy stuff, I'm the type of person to test my strength. When I have the free time as an adult, I wanna try the world's hottest chicken wings ever. To be honest, I wanna know how it feels to be very spicy. I'm assuming it'll be painful.
Before I die, I want to be at the top of Mount Everest. The mountain is around 29,000 feet or the average airplane altitude. Being on top would feel like I'm the king of the world. A fantastic view would be nice to see. Plus, making up your way to the top instead of a airplane dropping you off might push yourself to the limits.
The last thing in my bucket list is to own a brand new compact car. Without owning a car, you are stick between walking or getting a bus for work. With a vehicle it's much more easier because you get to arrive work faster. Also, you can get into a drive thru in case if the fast food place is closed inside.
Well, that's what I want to do for my bucket list!
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
How's it going? My name is Jesus Martinez. One of the most hardest times that I had to face was my parents getting a divorce. I was still a kid at the time, It was so much fun when my dad and mom got along with each other. We would spent time together as a family, along with my older brother. As a small child who was experiencing this, I contain good grades. To some other people, it would be the opposite.
Without a mom, it sucks. My mom used to take me to school, cook meals, and was a great person to talk when you are bored. But now, I need to walk to school. My school is around 1.5 miles away from my house! Not only that but make it double because I walk school to home. So in total, it's 3 miles I walk Monday through Friday.
Speaking of food, my dad now has to prepare the food after a long day of work. I sometimes help him cook depending on how much homework I have. But on the weekends, I have to help him. Without my mom eating dinner, I wish she was there. My dad in the other hand, has it more rough than me because he is an adult.
Today, I can still communicate with my mom through text. I text with her everyday to make sure she is doing good. Even though I have to walk to school and home, there's no other choice but to just deal with it. Everything is going all perfect for me in case if you were wondering!
Bold Career Goals Scholarship
Greetings, My name is Jesus Martinez! I have two future careers. The first dream job I want is to be a professional chef that works at a excellent restaurant. For me, making foods is the best way to avoid bad days. I really want to be a chef because I enjoy foods in general. Whether it's desserts, snacks, or meals, they are delicious no matter what. Plus, I want to test my skills. Meaning I want to create foods that take time to process. I've seen videos of people producing cakes in a bakery. The cakes some chefs make are so creative on another level, it blows my mind!
The second dream job would be a pharmacist. I believe being a pharmacist can help save the lives of people. Think about it, how would you know if the prescription drug is safe to consume or how many you'll need in a day? Without them, people would constantly pass away by overdosing. When you are a pharmacist, you are making people more healthy by giving them helpful advice. Not only that, pharmacists can offer vaccines to humans who need it. They know how to put vaccines than normal people, they would be confused on trying to put it. Anyways, these are the two future careers I want later in life. I am working hard to make that happen!