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Jessica Vester


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As a military child of immigrants who grew up in a small town, I’ve had to overcome many challenges. From adjusting to new countries and states to trying new sports while striving for academic excellence, I have learned many lessons and grown from each one of them. My name is Jessica, and I am determined to make a positive impact on animals, the planet, and people. I am driven to serve and create a better world. I have always been captivated by the beauty and wonders of animals. This fascination has fueled my desire to work with all types of animals, ranging from majestic creatures to the tiniest of beings. My goal is to ensure their well-being, nurture their health, and contribute to their preservation. Graduating with two undergraduate degrees demonstrates my determination and ability to excel academically. Combined with my extracurriculars, these achievements have set the stage for my next step: veterinary school. I am resolute in my pursuit of becoming a compassionate and skilled veterinarian, equipped with the knowledge and expertise to provide the best care possible. What sets me apart is my unwavering drive to make a difference. I am not content with simply observing the world's challenges—I am committed to actively addressing them. This drive fuels my determination to overcome obstacles and push boundaries, as I am acutely aware of the immense impact a single individual can make when guided by passion and purpose. With your support, I am ready to embark on this extraordinary journey of compassion, knowledge, and service.


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences

Seattle Pacific University

Bachelor's degree program
2019 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences
    • Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Travel abroad to help wildlife and work in neighborhoods with low access to veterinary care.

    • Teacher’s Assistant

      Seattle Pacific University
      2021 – 20232 years
    • Veterinary Assistant

      Ballard Animal Hospital
      2021 – Present3 years
    • Assistant Manager

      Oak Harbor Cinemas
      2016 – 20193 years
    • Freshmen Counseling Intern

      Seattle Pacific University
      2020 – 20233 years


    Track & Field

    2016 – 20193 years


    2021 – 20221 year


    2007 – 201912 years


    • Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other

      Seattle Pacific University — Lead Researcher
      2022 – 2023
    • Zoology/Animal Biology

      Seattle Pacific University — Research assistant
      2021 – 2022


    • Oak Harbor High School

      2017 – 2018

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Seattle Pacific University — Early Connections Leader
      2020 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Ballard Animal Hospital — Student Volunteer
      2021 – 2023

    Future Interests





    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the disparities and obstacles faced by underrepresented women in my community. As a woman of color, I am driven by the desire to set a precedent for future generations and inspire young women to pursue their passions fearlessly. My pursuit of veterinary medicine is rooted in the belief that animals are an integral part of our lives, and I am passionate about advocating for their welfare and improving the bond between humans and animals. The medical field, especially veterinary medicine, offers an incredible opportunity to create a positive impact. By providing essential care and advocating for responsible pet ownership, I hope to contribute to healthier and happier lives for both animals and their human companions. Additionally, according to a 2021 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 1.2 percent of veterinarians in the United States are Black. Moreover, I am dedicated to addressing the lack of diversity in veterinary medicine and promoting inclusivity within the profession, ensuring that all communities have access to quality veterinary care. With this scholarship, I can alleviate the financial burden of graduate school, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and professional growth. It would enable me to immerse myself in invaluable learning experiences, research opportunities, and internships that will further refine my skills as a compassionate and competent veterinarian. Additionally, the scholarship would provide me with the flexibility to engage in community outreach programs, volunteering initiatives, and mentorship opportunities, creating a positive ripple effect in underserved communities. I envision using this scholarship to pave the way for innovative research and initiatives that directly impact animal health and welfare. Through my studies and advocacy work, I hope to raise awareness about the significance of veterinary medicine and the vital role it plays in safeguarding animal populations and public health. Moreover, I aspire to mentor and support aspiring women in the field, fostering an inclusive and diverse community that thrives on shared knowledge and compassion. By choosing me as a recipient of the Barbara J. DeVaney Scholarship, you are investing in a passionate and determined individual who is committed to making a difference. Your support would not only enable me to pursue my dreams but also empower me to empower others. My journey in veterinary medicine is not just about creating a better life for myself; it is about breaking down barriers, fostering equity, and leaving a lasting impact on my community and beyond. Thank you for considering my application.
    Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
    What excites me the most about college is the opportunity to delve deep into subjects that I am truly passionate about. The prospect of learning from experienced professors, engaging in stimulating discussions, and exploring diverse perspectives fills me with enthusiasm. Whether it's diving into the intricacies of psychology, analyzing the complexities of literature, or understanding the intricacies of biological systems, I am eager to expand my knowledge and broaden my horizons. This excitement propels me to embrace the challenges that come with higher education and fuels my desire to make the most of every academic opportunity. While the pursuit of knowledge is exhilarating, I am well aware of the potential toll it can take on one's mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. To maintain a healthy mind, body, and soul amidst the challenges of college, I have developed a comprehensive approach that encompasses self-care, balance, and connection. First and foremost, I prioritize self-care practices to nurture my mental health. I believe in the power of mindfulness and regularly engage in activities such as meditation, journaling, and reflection. These practices allow me to cultivate self-awareness, manage stress, and maintain a positive mindset. Additionally, I actively seek out support systems, whether it's through counseling services on campus or connecting with like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of college life. Building meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging contribute significantly to my mental well-being. To nourish my physical health, I prioritize regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, and sufficient sleep. I carve out time in my schedule for physical activity, whether it's going for a run, attending fitness classes, or practicing yoga. I strive to fuel my body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that provide energy and support overall well-being. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of restorative sleep, I prioritize establishing a consistent sleep routine, allowing me to rejuvenate and maintain optimal physical health. Finally, caring for my soul involves engaging in activities that bring me joy, purpose, and a sense of connection to something greater than myself. I find solace in nature and make time to appreciate its beauty through hikes, walks, or simply spending time outdoors. Engaging in creative outlets such as painting, writing, or playing music allows me to express myself authentically and tap into a deeper sense of fulfillment. Moreover, I actively seek opportunities for community involvement, whether it's volunteering, participating in campus clubs, or connecting with individuals who share my values and passions. These connections foster a sense of purpose and contribute to the nourishment of my soul. In conclusion, college excites me the most because it offers a platform for intellectual growth and exploration of my passions. To maintain a healthy mind, body, and soul amidst the challenges of school, I prioritize self-care, seek support systems, nurture physical well-being, and engage in activities that bring me joy and purpose. By integrating these practices into my college experience, I am confident in my ability to navigate the demands of higher education while prioritizing my holistic well-being.
    Carole H. Beveridge Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my life, my passion for animals has guided my path and shaped my aspirations for the future. Inspired by their beauty, resilience, and the unconditional love they offer, I am driven to pursue a career as a veterinarian. This desire stems from a deep-rooted connection and an innate sense of responsibility to care for and protect the well-being of animals. From a young age, I have been captivated by the fascinating world of animals. Whether it was rescuing injured birds, fostering kittens, or spending hours observing wildlife documentaries, my love for animals has been an integral part of my identity. As I grew older, my experiences volunteering at local animal shelters and participating in veterinary clinics solidified my passion and deepened my understanding of the importance of animal welfare. The desire to become a veterinarian goes beyond my fascination with animals. It stems from a strong belief that every creature deserves compassionate care and a chance to live a healthy and fulfilling life. I am inspired by the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of animals and their human companions, alleviate suffering, and promote responsible pet ownership. Becoming a veterinarian will allow me to combine my love for animals with my dedication to providing exceptional medical care and advocating for their well-being. In addition to my passion for animals, I possess a unique set of talents and interests that contribute to my individuality. One of these distinctive qualities is my ability to play the piano with my toes. It started as a childhood curiosity and evolved into a passion that brings me joy and a sense of accomplishment. Through dedication and practice, I have developed the skill to create beautiful music using an unconventional approach. Beyond my musical talents, I have a keen interest in fashion and event planning. I see fashion as a form of self-expression, an opportunity to showcase one's creativity and unique personality. I enjoy exploring different styles, experimenting with fashion trends, and creating visually appealing ensembles. Additionally, my love for event planning allows me to combine my organizational skills, attention to detail, and creativity to bring people together and create memorable experiences. Another distinctive aspect of my character is my ability to immerse myself in the world of books. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an immense love for literature. I can start and finish multiple books within the same day, effortlessly diving into different genres and exploring diverse perspectives. This voracious reading habit has broadened my horizons, nurtured my imagination, and honed my critical thinking skills. When reflecting on those who have impacted my life the most, one person stands out: my grandmother. She has been my guiding light, instilling in me the values of compassion, resilience, and the importance of pursuing my dreams. Her unwavering support and belief in my abilities have fueled my determination to overcome challenges and strive for excellence. Through her actions, she taught me the power of kindness and the transformative impact it can have on others' lives. Her love and encouragement have been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today. Inspired by the resilience and unconditional love animals offer, I am dedicated to providing compassionate care, advocating for animal welfare, and promoting responsible pet ownership. With Carole's scholarship, I will be one step closer to achieving my goals and continuing her legacy of compassion and kindness towards animals. Thank you for the opportunity to apply.
    Your Health Journey Scholarship
    Embarking on a journey toward a healthy lifestyle has been a transformative experience for me, encompassing both physical and mental well-being. In the face of personal challenges, such as battling depression, I made a conscious decision to prioritize my health and embrace positive changes. This essay explores the changes I have made in my lifestyle, including engaging in physical activities, adopting healthier eating habits, and nurturing my mental health. To combat the darkness of depression, I sought solace in physical activities. Recognizing the positive impact of exercise on mental health, I embarked on a journey of fitness and joined a rowing team within my community. Rowing provided a sense of belonging and a supportive environment that nurtured both my physical and emotional well-being. The camaraderie and teamwork fostered on the team offered a powerful antidote to the isolation I felt during depressive episodes. Through rowing, I discovered the joy of pushing my limits, gaining strength, and developing a resilient mindset. In addition to engaging in physical activities, I made a conscious effort to overhaul my eating habits, prioritizing nourishing foods that fuel my body and mind. Recognizing the direct correlation between nutrition and energy levels, I began incorporating whole, unprocessed foods into my diet. Embracing a balanced approach, I incorporated ample fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while reducing my intake of sugary and processed foods. The positive impact was remarkable, as I experienced a surge in energy levels and a newfound vitality that empowered me to seize the opportunities presented by each day. However, my health journey extends beyond the physical realm. Understanding the intricate connection between physical and mental well-being, I place great importance on practicing mental health care. To nurture my mental well-being, I have incorporated various practices into my daily routine. Mindfulness and meditation have become essential tools, allowing me to cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness, manage stress, and foster emotional resilience. Journaling has provided an outlet for self-reflection, helping me navigate the depths of my emotions and gain clarity during challenging times. Additionally, I actively seek out supportive relationships and engage in open conversations about mental health, destigmatizing the topic and fostering a sense of community. Through my health journey, I have witnessed a profound transformation in all aspects of my life. Physical activity has not only improved my physical strength and endurance but has also served as a powerful catalyst for mental and emotional growth. Joining the rowing team has not only granted me a supportive community but has instilled in me a sense of discipline, perseverance, and self-belief. As I grow, I am reminded of my resilience, pushing through obstacles and emerging stronger on the other side. Embracing healthier eating habits has nourished not only my body but also my mind. The nutrient-dense foods I consume have enhanced my overall well-being, providing sustained energy and vitality. This newfound energy propels me forward, enabling me to take on academic challenges with vigor and embrace a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Moreover, prioritizing mental health has been a crucial component of my journey. By practicing mindfulness, journaling, and seeking support, I have developed a solid foundation for emotional well-being. As a result, I have gained a greater sense of self-compassion, improved my resilience in the face of adversity, and discovered the transformative power of self-care. Overall, my health journey has been a multidimensional endeavor encompassing physical, nutritional, and mental well-being. Through this holistic approach to health, I have experienced a profound transformation, not only in my physical well-being but also in my overall outlook on life.
    Disney Super Fan Scholarship
    "Oh look, I've been impaled!"- Olaf Disney has always been a significant part of my life, enchanting me with its captivating stories, memorable characters, and magical experiences. As a passionate Disney fan, my favorite thing about Disney lies in its ability to transport me to a realm where dreams come true and positivity reigns supreme. Moreover, one character who embodies this spirit of optimism is Olaf from the movie Frozen, whose positivity has taught me valuable life lessons. Disney's allure goes beyond age and time, creating an everlasting connection between generations. From the timeless animated classics to the awe-inspiring theme parks, Disney crafts experiences ignite the imagination and rekindle the childlike wonder within us all. It symbolizes a world where dreams take flight and where age is no barrier to finding joy and happiness. For me, Disney represents inspiration and serves as a testament to the power of positivity. Olaf, the lovable snowman from Frozen, stands out as an embodiment of unwavering optimism. Through his cheerful demeanor and his ability to find the silver lining in every situation, Olaf teaches us that even in the face of adversity, a positive outlook can make all the difference. His infectious happiness reminds me that life's challenges can be overcome with a hopeful attitude and a warm smile. Moreover, Olaf exemplifies the power of unwavering belief and the pursuit of seemingly impossible dreams. Despite his icy nature, Olaf never allowed the limitations of his physical existence to hinder his ambitions. One such example is his desire to experience the warmth of summer, a dream that defied the very essence of his being. Despite the rationality and "reality" that suggested otherwise, Olaf held steadfast to his goal without a hint of doubt. His indomitable spirit serves as a reminder that our dreams should never be limited by what may seem possible in the eyes of others. Olaf's determination encourages us to embrace our aspirations, no matter how audacious they may appear, and to never lose sight of the magic that can be found in chasing our dreams. As a Disney super fan, I am captivated by the remarkable storytelling and meticulous attention to detail that Disney pours into each creation. Whether it's the breathtaking animation, the unforgettable melodies, or the well-developed characters, Disney movies have an uncanny ability to touch hearts and kindle imagination. These movies impart essential life lessons on love, friendship, courage, and perseverance, inspiring me to strive for greatness and embrace my unique journey. Disney serves as a constant reminder of the significance of dreams and aspirations. Walt Disney once famously said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." This statement resonates with me, as Disney has instilled in me the belief that no dream is too big and no obstacle is insurmountable. It has shown me that with dedication, perseverance, and a sprinkle of magic, we can turn our dreams into reality. With the magic of Disney fueling my journey, I am determined to pursue my higher education and strive for greatness, spreading the joy and positivity that Disney has bestowed upon me. Algebra Scholarship
    Imagine a world where precision fades, puzzles remain unsolved, and the intricate web of knowledge begins to unravel. In the realm of veterinary medicine, where lives are at stake and the welfare of our beloved animal companions hangs in the balance, one force reigns supreme—mathematics, the silent hero that underpins the pursuit of healing and compassion. Mathematics, often overlooked as a mere tool of calculation, possesses a transformative power. It is not merely a subject to be studied but a language that unlocks the wonders of the universe, intertwining seamlessly with the pursuit of veterinary medicine. From its foundational elements to its intricate complexities, math plays a vital role in shaping my understanding, passion, and commitment to the field. Firstly, I love learning math because it serves as the foundation where the science of veterinary medicine is built. Whether it's calculating proper medication dosages, interpreting diagnostic tests, or analyzing complex data sets, a solid understanding of algebra provides the framework for accurate and precise decision-making. Beyond its practical applications, math fosters a mindset of logical reasoning and problem-solving—an invaluable skill set for any aspiring veterinarian. From deciphering complex medical case studies to developing treatment plans, math equips me with the analytical prowess needed to tackle multifaceted challenges. It sharpens my ability to recognize patterns, make connections, and approach each clinical puzzle with a keen eye for detail. Moreover, math nurtures a love for intellectual exploration and sparks my curiosity to unravel the intricate workings of the animal body. The language of mathematics is embedded within the structure and function of every living being, and by understanding this language, I gain a deeper appreciation for the marvels of physiology and anatomy. Concepts such as algebraic modeling and statistical analysis enable me to uncover hidden insights, unveiling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface and allowing me to provide the best care possible. As I delve into the realm of veterinary medicine, I realize that math extends beyond its application within the clinic walls. It serves as a bridge to research and innovation, fueling advancements in animal health and well-being. By utilizing mathematical modeling, I can contribute to the development of more effective treatment protocols, improved disease surveillance systems, and innovative preventive measures. Math empowers me to become an agent of change, driving the field of veterinary medicine forward and improving the lives of animals on a broader scale. Furthermore, the beauty of math lies in its universal nature, transcending the boundaries of any single discipline. From genetics to pharmacology, epidemiology to bioinformatics, math creates a tapestry of knowledge that enriches the fabric of veterinary medicine. It fosters a holistic understanding, enabling me to approach complex problems from multiple angles and contribute to the broader scientific community. Algebra is the cornerstone upon which my journey into the field of veterinary medicine is built. It provides me with the tools to navigate the complexities of diagnostics, treatment, and research, empowering me to make a lasting impact on the lives of animals. I am captivated by the logical reasoning and problem-solving nature of mathematics, as it sharpens my intellect and hones my ability to provide compassionate care. By embracing the relationship between math and veterinary science, I aspire to push the boundaries of knowledge, improve animal welfare, and fulfill my lifelong dedication to serving as an advocate for our beloved animal companions. This scholarship offers me the opportunity to further my educational journey, equipping me with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the field of veterinary medicine and make a meaningful difference in the lives of animals.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Imagine a world without modern technology, towering skyscrapers, or life-saving medical advancements. It's a bleak and unimaginable scenario. Yet, hidden beneath the surface of these remarkable achievements lies a mathematical marvel that has played a pivotal role in shaping our technological landscape and propelling innovation forward. This marvel is none other than calculus—the unsung hero of the STEM field. Calculus is not merely a daunting subject that haunts students' nightmares; it is a transformative discipline that equips individuals with invaluable tools for conquering complex problems and pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Its significance in the STEM field cannot be overstated, as it provides the building blocks upon which scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements are built. First and foremost, calculus serves as the language of change and motion, enabling scientists and engineers to understand and predict the behavior of natural phenomena. Through differential calculus, the rate at which quantities change can be quantified opens doors to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Whether it's deciphering the intricate movements of celestial bodies, modeling fluid dynamics, or analyzing the behavior of electrical circuits, calculus provides the framework for unraveling these complex dynamics. Moreover, integral calculus, the counterpart to differential calculus, plays a vital role in calculating accumulated quantities, such as area, volume, and mass. In fields like civil engineering, architects and builders rely on integral calculus to design structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound. By determining precise areas and volumes, calculus enables engineers to construct safe bridges, durable buildings, and efficient transportation systems that shape our cities. The fusion of calculus with computer science has given birth to the revolutionary field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Through concepts like optimization and numerical methods rooted in calculus, computers can learn, adapt, and make decisions based on vast amounts of data. This has led to groundbreaking developments in areas such as autonomous vehicles, natural language processing, and medical diagnostics, transforming the way we live, work, and interact with technology. Calculus is not merely a theoretical framework; it empowers individuals to solve real-world problems and make tangible contributions. By mastering calculus, STEM professionals gain the ability to analyze complex systems, optimize processes, and make informed decisions. Whether it's predicting the spread of diseases, designing efficient supply chains, or optimizing energy consumption, calculus provides the tools to tackle these multifaceted challenges head-on. Furthermore, calculus serves as a stepping stone to higher-level mathematics and advanced scientific research. Fields such as theoretical physics, astronomy, and quantum mechanics rely heavily on differential equations—a branch of calculus. These mathematical tools unlock the secrets of the universe, allowing scientists to explore the fundamental laws of nature and unlock the mysteries of the cosmos. Calculus stands as a cornerstone of the STEM field, offering an unparalleled set of tools for understanding, exploring, and transforming our world. From modeling complex systems to powering technological breakthroughs, calculus underpins the advancements that shape our lives. By taking on the challenge of studying calculus, students embark on a journey that not only develops their analytical skills but also equips them with the ability to tackle real-world problems and drive innovation forward.
    Johnna's Legacy Memorial Scholarship
    Living with a chronic medical condition has been a significant aspect of my life, shaping my journey in ways I never anticipated. The daily challenges and uncertainties that come with managing this condition have instilled resilience, determination, and an unwavering drive to excel. Although it has presented limitations, I refuse to let this chronic condition hold me back from pursuing my passions and making a positive impact on the world. The impact of this chronic medical condition has been both physical and emotional. The constant need to manage symptoms, seek medical attention, and adapt to changes has tested my strength and endurance. There have been moments of frustration and disappointment when I had to step back from activities or adjust my plans due to health concerns. However, I have learned to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. One of the most profound ways this chronic condition has influenced my life is by reshaping my perspective on success and personal fulfillment. I have come to understand that success is not solely defined by achievements but by the ability to adapt, overcome obstacles, and find joy in the journey. Despite the limitations, I remain determined to excel in all areas of my life, academically and personally. The passion and drive to excel come from the unwavering belief that my dreams and aspirations are worth pursuing, regardless of the challenges I face. The experience of living with this chronic condition has taught me the value of resilience and perseverance. I am inspired by the countless individuals who have triumphed over adversity, proving that with determination and a positive mindset, it is possible to achieve greatness. I find inspiration in the support and encouragement of my loved ones, who have stood by my side throughout this journey. Their belief in my abilities has motivated me to push beyond my comfort zone and embrace new opportunities. Their unwavering faith in my potential has been a driving force in my pursuit of higher education and personal growth. Despite the obstacles posed by my chronic condition, I am determined to impact the world positively and empower others facing similar challenges. Living with a chronic medical condition has been a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and determination. While it has presented limitations, I am unwavering in my pursuit of excellence and personal growth. I find inspiration in the belief that success is not defined by limitations but by the ability to overcome them. My goal is to make a positive impact on the world by advocating for individuals with chronic illnesses and contributing to healthcare initiatives that empower and support them. The Johnna’s Legacy Memorial Scholarship represents an invaluable opportunity to continue my educational journey and amplify my impact, and I am deeply grateful for the chance to be considered for this scholarship.
    Wellness Warriors Scholarship
    College life, with its academic demands and newfound responsibilities, can often be overwhelming. Recognizing the importance of personal wellness, I have embraced various strategies to maintain balance amidst the hectic college environment. Drawing from my transformative journey, I have come to understand the profound impact that taking care of my mental and physical well-being has on my academic success. This essay delves into my personal experience and explores how prioritizing personal wellness has not only helped me overcome challenges but also propelled me toward academic achievements. During my second year of college, I found myself grappling with the weight of mental health challenges. Feelings of anxiety and uncertainty loomed over me, making it difficult to focus on my studies and maintain a positive outlook on life. It was during this difficult period, however, that I discovered the transformative influence of physical activity on mental well-being. One day, feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of college, I decided to step away from my textbooks and immerse myself in nature. I embarked on a hiking expedition, allowing the fresh air and serene surroundings to envelop me. As I navigated the winding trails and reached the summit, I felt a sense of liberation. The physical exertion and connection with nature acted as a balm for my troubled mind, offering a much-needed respite from the stressors of college life. Maintaining my wellness through regular physical activity, mindfulness, and self-care has had a profound impact on my academic journey. By allocating time for exercise, such as jogging or attending fitness classes, I not only improve my physical health but also release endorphins that boost my mood and alleviate stress. Engaging in these activities enables me to approach my studies with a clearer and more focused mindset, enhancing my ability to absorb information, solve problems, and retain knowledge. Moreover, prioritizing personal wellness allows me to recharge and rejuvenate my mind. Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, helps me cultivate a sense of inner calm and resilience. This, in turn, equips me with the mental fortitude to navigate the inevitable challenges of college life with a more positive and solution-oriented mindset. By making personal wellness a priority, I am better equipped to manage my time effectively. Engaging in regular physical activity and practicing self-care instills discipline and helps me establish healthy routines. This translates into improved time management skills, allowing me to allocate dedicated study periods and balance my academic commitments with other aspects of my life. My wellness journey has been instrumental in my college experience, enabling me to thrive both academically and personally. Through my struggles with mental health, I discovered the transformative power of physical activity, mindfulness, and self-care. By incorporating these practices into my routine, I have found clarity, resilience, and improved focus, which have propelled my academic success. Recognizing the vital link between personal wellness and academic achievements, I continue to prioritize self-care amidst the demands of college life. By nurturing my mental and physical well-being, I foster a foundation of balance and resilience that allows me to excel in my studies, navigate challenges, and maintain a positive outlook on life. Ultimately, personal wellness catalyzes academic success, providing the necessary tools and mindset to face the rigors of college life with vigor and determination. By honoring my wellness, I not only enhance my well-being but also contribute to a vibrant and thriving academic community.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Life's tapestry weaves together various threads, each one contributing to our unique experiences and shaping our perspectives. As a black female, my journey with mental health has highlighted the intersectionality of identity and the unique struggles faced by marginalized communities. The societal taboos surrounding mental health are often exacerbated within minority populations, resulting in increased stigma and barriers to seeking support. Witnessing firsthand the disproportionate impact of mental health challenges on individuals from marginalized backgrounds, I have come to believe that addressing mental health must encompass an intersectional lens. It is crucial to recognize the multifaceted nature of identity and the systemic factors that contribute to the mental health disparities faced within marginalized communities. Through education and advocacy, I am committed to challenging the societal norms that perpetuate the stigma surrounding mental health within these communities. One of the biggest personal struggles I faced within the last years was the loss of my last three grandparents within two months of each other. This life-altering event thrust me into an emotional whirlwind, challenging the foundations of my relationships and highlighting the significance of support networks in navigating mental health struggles. The grief that enveloped me following these devastating losses acted as a catalyst for deeper introspection and vulnerability. It was during this time that I realized the transformative power of authentic connections and the profound impact that they can have on mental well-being. The unwavering support and understanding I received from loved ones, particularly from individuals who shared similar experiences, provided a lifeline amid despair. These relationships served as beacons of hope, reminding me that I was not alone in my struggles. I now, more than ever, value the importance of cultivating safe spaces and nurturing relationships that uplift and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and resilience in the face of mental health challenges. Furthermore, my journey as a black woman with mental health challenges has ignited a fervent desire to effect positive change within both my community and society at large. I aspire to become a mental health advocate, leveraging my experiences to break down barriers and destigmatize mental health in marginalized communities. Through continued education, research, and community engagement, I aim to promote culturally sensitive and inclusive mental health practices. I envision creating platforms for open dialogue, dismantling the myths and misconceptions surrounding mental health within minority populations, and advocating for accessible mental health resources tailored to the unique needs of these communities. By amplifying marginalized voices and challenging systemic inequalities, I aspire to contribute to a society that recognizes and embraces the mental well-being of all individuals, irrespective of their race, gender, or background. I am acutely aware, as a woman of color, of the intersectionality of mental health and identity, and the urgent need to address the unique struggles faced by marginalized communities. My relationships have taught me the transformative power of genuine connections and the importance of fostering a supportive environment for mental well-being. Furthermore, my aspirations are rooted in advocacy and the promotion of culturally sensitive mental health practices. By embracing the complexity of mental health journeys within marginalized communities, we can foster a society that nurtures open and honest dialogue, destigmatizes mental health challenges, and ensures equitable access to support and resources. The Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging individuals to share their stories, challenge societal norms, and contribute to a future where mental well-being is embraced and supported by all. Together, we can build a world that celebrates the resilience and strength of diverse mental health narratives, ultimately creating a society that uplifts and empowers every individual on their journey toward healing.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    Throughout my life, I have encountered various mental health experiences that have profoundly shaped my personal growth, academic pursuits, and career aspirations. These experiences have provided me with resilience, empathy, and a deep understanding of the importance of mental well-being. One of the most significant mental health challenges I faced was during the Covid-19 quarantine. As the world grappled with the pandemic, I found myself feeling isolated and lonely. Pursuing my bachelor's degree online added a layer of complexity to this experience. The lack of in-person interaction and the sudden shift to virtual learning left me craving connection and struggling to adapt. However, this experience taught me the importance of reaching out for support and prioritizing my mental health. I sought virtual communities and connected with classmates to create a sense of belonging and combat my feelings of loneliness. Through these actions, I discovered the power of human connection, even in a virtual space. Another impactful experience that tested my mental resilience was the loss of my grandparents. Their passing created a void in my life, and grief became a constant companion. However, amidst the pain, I learned the importance of embracing my emotions and seeking healthy outlets for healing. Engaging in therapy and counseling sessions provided me with a safe space to process my grief and gain valuable tools for self-care. It was through this journey that I discovered the power of vulnerability, self-compassion, and the strength that lies within acknowledging and embracing our emotions. In my educational journey at Seattle Pacific University, I have pursued a Bachelor of Science in Physiology Major and a Bachelor of Arts in Honors Liberal Arts. Despite the challenges posed by my mental health experiences, I have maintained a GPA of 3.45 and earned a place on the Dean's List. This achievement is a testament to my resilience, determination, and the support I received from mentors, professors, and peers. Pursuing my educational goals has not only provided me with a sense of purpose and direction but has also fostered personal growth and strengthened my mental well-being. Furthermore, my involvement as a Veterinary Assistant at Ballard Animal Hospital and my participation in the SPU Mentorship Program provided me with opportunities to explore my interest in veterinary medicine. These experiences nurtured my passion for animal care and deepened my understanding of the human-animal bond, reinforcing the significance of mental well-being in both humans and animals. Throughout my journey, I have actively sought opportunities to contribute to my community. Whether it was through my involvement in the African Student Association, Black Student Union, or my volunteer work collecting food for the homeless, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of serving others. Engaging in these activities has not only brought me a sense of fulfillment but has also highlighted the importance of mental health support and compassion in fostering a stronger, more resilient society. In conclusion, my mental health experiences have profoundly impacted my personal growth and academic journey. These experiences have taught me resilience, empathy, and the value of seeking support and prioritizing mental well-being. As I continue my pursuit of a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, I am committed to integrating my knowledge of mental health into my future career. I aspire to provide comprehensive care for both animals and their owners, recognizing the interconnectedness of their well-being. With gratitude for the lessons I have learned and the support I have received, I am eager to make a meaningful difference in the field of veterinary medicine and advocate for mental health awareness within my community.
    Eduardo Uvaldo Memorial Scholarship
    Chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorites. I had a craving one night and decided to make some. Excitement and anticipation began to build as I awaited the oven timer to go off. I just knew they were going to taste amazing. Suddenly, my usually joyous mom came into the kitchen with a melancholy look on her face. "Your grandma is in the hospital. She had a heart attack." The blood drained from my face. My mom informed me that my dad, uncle, and auntie were trying to decide if the doctors should resuscitate her. They tried twice already. Is it worth it to try a third time? It was too late. She was gone. My heart broke. How would I go on? The loss of my grandma was a profound turning point in my life, forever changing the way I perceive the world and inspiring me to embrace resilience in the face of adversity. Her passing deeply impacted me, but it also ignited a fire within me to honor her memory by pursuing my dreams and making a positive impact on the world. Managing grief while juggling my school workload has been a challenging journey, but I have learned valuable lessons along the way. I knew that I had to find healthy ways to process my emotions and maintain my academic responsibilities. Seeking support from close friends, family members, and counselors played a pivotal role in my healing process. Their compassion and understanding provided me with a safe space to express my feelings and gain valuable perspective. Time management and self-care became crucial aspects of managing my grief while balancing my education. I learned to prioritize my mental and emotional well-being, understanding that taking care of myself was vital for maintaining academic success. Creating a structured schedule helped me stay organized and focused on my school responsibilities, while also allocating dedicated time for self-reflection and engaging in activities that brought me joy and peace. These practices allowed me to process my grief healthily and build resilience to overcome challenges. Despite the emotional turmoil caused by my grandma's loss, I remained committed to my education, understanding that it was a powerful tool to honor her memory and create a brighter future for myself. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively engaged in extracurricular activities and gained practical experience to enrich my educational journey. My experience as a Veterinary Assistant at Ballard Animal Hospital further solidified my passion for animal care and solidified my career aspirations. Assisting veterinarians with general medicine duties, organizing materials, and preparing animals for appointments provided me with valuable hands-on experience and reinforced my commitment to pursuing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Beyond my academic and professional endeavors, I have actively participated in various extracurricular activities and volunteer work, allowing me to cultivate leadership skills, embrace diversity, and contribute meaningfully to my community. In conclusion, the loss of my grandma has undoubtedly transformed my life, teaching me valuable lessons about resilience, self-care, and the power of pursuing my dreams. Through effective grief management strategies, support from loved ones, and a strong dedication to my education, I have learned to navigate the complexities of grief while successfully juggling my school workload. My experiences have shaped me into a compassionate, determined individual prepared to make a positive impact in the field of veterinary medicine and beyond. With gratitude for the support I have received and the resilience I have cultivated, I am confident in my ability to face future challenges and contribute meaningfully to society.
    Headbang For Science
    Growing up, I often accompanied my parents to the veterinary clinic or the doctor’s office for various appointments. Though I was highly interested in what the doctor was doing, I never saw a doctor of color that looked like me. This pushed me to pursue a career in health sciences so that I can be an inspiration for others who lacked representation in health-related fields. As I learned more about science and nature, I became interested in nature studies and took an even greater interest in animals. Animals play an integral role in our lives and communities, and by serving them, I can contribute to creating a healthier and happier society. I believe that a degree in Veterinary Medicine will equip me with the necessary knowledge and skills to make a meaningful impact on the well-being of individuals in my community. By combining my passion for veterinary medicine with my academic background, I aspire to provide comprehensive and compassionate care to animals, ensuring their health and well-being. Receiving this scholarship would provide me with the necessary financial support to pursue my academic and professional aspirations without the financial burden. It would enable me to focus on my studies and actively engage in experiences that will further enhance my knowledge and skills. By investing in my education, this scholarship would not only benefit me personally but also empower me to serve my community more effectively as a future veterinary professional. Moreover, I am determined to pave my path to higher education through a multi-faceted approach that combines resourcefulness, dedication, and a commitment to academic excellence. As I transition from undergraduate to professional studies, I plan to rely on a range of strategies to finance my education. First and foremost, I will diligently seek out scholarships, like the one I am applying for, to supplement my financial needs. Additionally, I am pursuing part-time employment opportunities and intend to save diligently from my earnings. I will also explore grants, student loans, and financial aid programs to ensure I can fully immerse myself in my studies without financial burden. With a resilient spirit and a steadfast determination, I am poised to overcome any obstacles and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, forging a promising future built on my unwavering pursuit of knowledge. At this point in my studies and research, I have learned that how animals communicate can be misunderstood. However, animals are necessary for maintaining the stability of ecosystems and environments. Something else that holds profound significance in today's diverse musical landscape is another often misunderstood phenomenon, Heavy Metal music. Beyond its thunderous riffs and aggressive beats lies a realm of emotional catharsis, artistic expression, and a tight-knit community. Furthermore, Heavy Metal gave me a sanctuary when I was seeking solace and connection. It gave me community when I felt lonely. It empowered me to confront adversity head-on, fostering resilience and individuality. Heavy Metal embodies rebellion against societal norms, encouraging self-acceptance and authenticity. Heavy Metal resonates within my soul, providing an outlet for my deepest emotions and reminding me that even in darkness, there is profound beauty. It is a genre that speaks to so many people while embracing each of our unique identities and I wouldn't be where I am today without it.
    Team Crosby Forever Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
    Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be a veterinarian. I enjoy helping animals as much as I enjoy being around them. I believe that veterinary medicine fully encompasses my appreciation of the sciences, my passion for helping people, and my endless love for animals. Animals are capable of impacting our lives positively. Studying Veterinary medicine will allow me to aid in their preservation. As a long-time pet owner, combined with my experience with animals, I’ve only touched the surface of assisting in maintaining their well-being. Despite my contribution, I have gained and learned much more than just book knowledge. From gaining nonjudgmental companions who love unconditionally to learning better communication skills with people and animals, I have expanded my network, had the opportunity to learn more about animals, and developed a deeper level of gratitude for the beautiful creatures all around us. A veterinarian must learn to listen to something that speaks a different language. I want to learn and help others learn how to listen to those who cannot advocate for themselves. I see that as a great challenge and a great reward. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet what I love about it is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animals’ health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. Growing up, I often accompanied my parents to the veterinary clinic for my dog’s appointments. My early experience with animals, combined with my volunteer and work experience in various settings developed my interest in veterinary medicine. Though I was highly interested in the animals I saw and in what the doctor was doing, I never saw a human doctor or a doctor of veterinary medicine that looked like me. As I got older, I realized that there was a lack of representation in higher levels of study and careers. According to a 2021 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 1.2 percent of veterinarians in the United States are Black. Years from now, a career in veterinary medicine would allow me to continue to pursue my passion and love for animals while engaging intellectually with medical advancements. In this role, I will be able to care for animals and further aid in the cultivation and continuation of a healthy environment for all beings, thus giving back a tiny part of everything animals give to us. I hope to leverage my career to offer more representation in my community. As a result, I can help expand the minds of those in my community by showing minorities that they can be more than what society has portrayed and laid out for them. Additionally, I can give opportunities to expand the educational goals of others by funding scholarships and offering internship opportunities. Lastly, I want to run a veterinary clinic one day. As a future business owner, I will leverage my knowledge to teach the future generation how to merge business and science into a career of their dreams.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    I dream that my future self is financially well, working with wildlife and small animals in communities with low access to animal care, and in a happy relationship with my husband while making a positive impact in the community around me.
    Si Se Puede Scholarship
    Growing up in a military family instilled an appreciation for family, discipline, and structure. Having two parents who retired from the Navy, they both taught me about the importance of hard work. They also taught me that life presents challenges and that it is important to have perseverance, especially when responsibilities and goals are involved. What perseverance means to me is having the urge to "bounce back" after facing hardship and challenges to reach your goals. Life has its ups and downs, with the latter often remaining unwanted and unexpected. In times such as these, it is especially important to persevere and get back up even when it seems impossible. Resiliency in such times makes one raise their head even when the burden feels unbearable. It helped me to get back up and push through my hardship when life hit me hard. In 2020, when isolation was the new norm and airlines were barely up and running, my grandma passed away due to cancer. This incident brought me emotionally lower than I ever thought I could go. I interacted with family like normal, but I was struggling with my mental and emotional health like never before. I continued to participate in school and partially used it as an excuse not to grieve. I worked and attended club meetings and athletic events, but I was not happy. I was going through the motions. For months I was full of sorrow. Two months later, on my birthday, my grandpa then passed away. He was stressed and sad and ultimately suffered from a stroke. Without my grandma, he was even more miserable. Many challenges and changes occurred when the lockdown law took place. Academically I did my best, but school challenged me in a way I had never experienced before. Emotionally, I had to learn to deal with loss and isolation when I had never known how it felt. For starters, my faith in God kept me going. Just knowing that God loved me unconditionally and he has a plan for me made me get up every morning and keep going. Secondly, my relationships kept me going. For the most part, my support system was experiencing the same loss and change. Their love and encouraging words helped me to realize that I am not alone. Though we were in "isolation," we were together. Lastly, my grandparents knew my potential and always told me I would go far. This desire to help others and help animals was too important to me to give up. I learned how to grieve and move forward. Life kept happening, so I decided that I, too, must continue moving forward despite life's unexpected blows. Finally, I learned that attitude is one of the only and most important things you can control. A good attitude, a positive outlook, and perseverance will take you far.
    Athletics Scholarship
    “Go, go, go!” The cheering comes from the shore as I row down the lake toward the finish line, eight ladies in perfect synchronization, racing for the gold. I have participated in various forms of athletic competitions from a young age. Some of my earliest athletic endeavors included ballet and karate. As I got older, I became more interested in soccer and track and field, then I eventually participated in rowing. Athletics has positively impacted me by allowing me to form a sense of community, get physically strong, and channel my inherited competitiveness. I always enjoyed working hard toward a common goal with my teammates. As someone who enjoys being competitive with a spirit of teamwork, I often found that I would learn something new about life by participating in athletics. Sports has a way of teaching discipline, time management, hard work, and so many other attributes that I can take into everyday life. The characteristics I’ve learned and gained on the field and in training have allowed me to grow in confidence and gain community with other driven athletes. Athletics has allowed me to expand my network and push myself to higher levels. Additionally, participating in sports since I was young has taught me how to be a team player on and off the field. I can communicate well with my teammates, but I can also communicate well with my classmates and coworkers because of the skills I learned. Moreover, I learned to become a better public speaker because when I lead my boat through a race, I had to exude confidence, know my game plan, and speak loud enough so everyone could hear me. Sports helped me go from being a soft-spoken, shy individual to a more confident, outgoing woman. Playing sports gave me an outlet when life got tough. It allowed me to take a mental break and focus on something else besides the difficult things that sometimes took place in my life. When I felt lonely, it gave me friends. When I struggled with my asthma, sports helped me to build endurance and helped me manage it better. Lastly, when my grandparents passed, it gave me a reason to keep going and not give up, not on the field or in the classroom. I love how sports help me to feel strong and confident while constantly teaching me how to be a better person for myself and others. Participating in athletics positively impacted me and will forever inspire me to become my best self.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    The things you are passionate about are not random; they are your calling. I believe it is my calling to be a doctor of veterinary medicine. I enjoy educating my family on the value of animals and the environment. I am blessed to be a part of a family with a military and Christian background because it has encouraged me to pursue a profession where I can help others. For as long as I can remember, part of me always wanted to be a veterinarian. I enjoy helping animals as much as I enjoy being around them. I believe that veterinary medicine fully encompasses my appreciation of the sciences, my passion for environmental care, and my love for animals. Growing up, I often accompanied my parents to the veterinary clinic for my dog's appointments. Though I was highly interested in the animals I saw, I found more interest in what the doctor was doing. However, I never saw a doctor of veterinary medicine that looked like me. One day when I am a veterinarian, I hope to leverage my career to offer more representation in my community due to the lack of female, African-American veterinarians or veterinarians of Caribbean descent. As a result, I can help expand the minds of those within my community by showing them that they can be more than what society has portrayed and laid out for them. Additionally, I can give opportunities to expand educational goals by funding scholarships and offering internship and shadowing opportunities. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet, what I love about it, is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animal health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. Animals are capable of impacting people's lives positively. Studying Veterinary medicine will allow me to preserve this positive impact. As a long-time pet owner, combined with my experience with animals, I've only touched the surface of aiding in maintaining their well-being. Despite my contribution, I have gained and learned much more than just book knowledge. From gaining nonjudgmental companions who love unconditionally to learning better communication skills with people and animals, I have expanded my network, had the opportunity to learn more about the ways of animals, and developed a deeper level of humility. Whether managing diabetes or cancer, the vocation of a veterinarian is unique. They must learn to listen to something that speaks a different language, a language that extends beyond realms of mere education; a language that requires experience to understand. I want to learn and help others in the process to know how to listen to those who cannot advocate for themselves in a way that is easily understood. I see that as a great challenge and a great reward. My experiences of training and supporting families and friends as they set their pets up for success, combined with my clinical experience as a veterinary assistant have ignited my desire to practice veterinary medicine. Years from now, a career in veterinary medicine would allow me to continue to pursue my passion and love for animals while engaging intellectually with medical advancements. In this role, I can care for animals and help work towards cultivating a healthy environment for all beings, thus giving back a tiny part of everything animals give us. As a veterinarian, I can educate people to better coexist with animals and inspire them to follow their dreams, ultimately improving our world.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    Hard work and dedication are two things I strive towards every day. While in school, I work hard to maintain a good GPA and do well in classes because I care about my education. In addition, I recognize that I have been blessed just by being able to attend university and get an education. During my time here at school, I have participated as an Early Connections leader to welcome incoming, minority students to the school, I have participated on the women’s rowing team as a varsity athlete, and I've pursued scientific research in multiple capacities. In addition, I also enjoy volunteering at my church and playing the piano with the youth choir. I am currently working on a research project to accomplish my honors degree. Many experiences at school have taught me the value of hard work and dedication, and as I plan to pursue higher education, scholarships can help me afford to continue my education so that I can reach my career goals and ultimately make a positive impact on others. Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be a veterinarian. I enjoy helping animals as much as I enjoy being around them. I believe that veterinary medicine fully encompasses my appreciation of the sciences, my passion for helping people, and my incessant love for animals. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet what I love about it is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animals’ health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. When I was growing up, I often accompanied my parents to the veterinary clinic for my dog’s appointments. Though I was highly interested in the animals I saw and in what the doctor was doing, I never saw a doctor of veterinary medicine that looked like me. When I am a veterinarian one day, I hope to leverage my career to give back to my community by establishing more representation in my community due to their not being many African American, female veterinarians of Caribbean descent in general. As a result, I can help expand the minds of those in your community by showing them that they can be more than what society has portrayed and laid out for them. Additionally, I can give opportunities to expand educational goals by funding scholarships and offering internship and shadowing opportunities. Lastly, I hope that I can run a veterinary clinic one day, allowing me to leverage my knowledge to teach the future generation about how to merge business and science into a career of your dreams.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    In my short life, I've witnessed immense technological growth. I watched the iPhone rapidly upgrade and the Apple Watch launch while simultaneously experiencing teachers' transition from rolling projectors into the room to writing on SMART boards. As someone interested in the healthcare field, I take notice of the tremendous impact technology has on the health of people and animals. From access to health information via search databases to machines that can literally sustain life, healthcare would not be where it is without technological advances. One technology that inspires me and has made a difference in my life is the cellphone. The ability to connect with people from all over the world or stay in touch with family promotes positive feelings and decreases a sense of loneliness or homesickness. Additionally, the cell phone can create awareness of local and global issues, allowing people to learn about the various ways of the world and come up with manners to help, even though they may be miles or continents apart. Another way the cellphone inspires me while bettering our world is that it gives access to many kinds of information. From simple things such as how to cook chicken fettuccine Alfredo to what a specific symptom signifies from a health perspective, the cell phone changes the game and can educate people in various forms. Moreover, by allowing access to information concerning health issues, people can learn how to live healthy lifestyles, thus taking preventative measures to avoid common sicknesses and diseases. Additionally, if suffering from something requiring a doctor, the cell phone, post-research, can be used to find and contact medical professionals. My experience with using a cell phone in this manner occurred when my puppy had itchy skin. For canines, many different health issues can cause itchy skin. After researching and comparing my puppy's symptoms with possible diagnoses, I learned that he was probably experiencing an allergic reaction to something. With this newfound infomration, I then used my cell phone to contact my veterinarian, make an appointment, and work with her to discover what my dog was allergic to and whether or not it was serious. Cell phones can give access to a plethora of information and connections. The creation of cell phones has already changed the world for the better in many ways, and I can only hope that it continues to improve itself for everyone everywhere.
    Francis E. Moore Prime Time Ministries Scholarship
    Growing up in a military family instilled an appreciation for family, discipline, and structure. Having two parents who retired from the navy also taught me about the importance of hard work. They taught me that there are always ways to improve and better yourself and the environment around you. I have strived to do my best in any environment that I am in. In school, I work hard to maintain a good GPA and participate in my community. I have also worked hard as a volunteer at veterinary clinics and as a veterinary assistant with the hopes of becoming a veterinarian and owning a small-animal clinic one day. Life has its ups and its downs, with the latter often remaining unwanted and unexpected. It is crucial in life to pursue these moments, learn something, and get back up even when it seems impossible. Resiliency in such times makes one raise their head even when the burden feels unbearable. It helped me to get back up and push through my hardship when life hit me hard. In 2020, when isolation was the new norm and airlines were barely up and running, my grandma passed away due to cancer. This incident brought me emotionally lower than I ever thought I could go. I interacted with family, but it felt like I was constantly praying that the Lord keep me afloat. I was still participating in school and trying to get good grades. I worked and attended club meetings and athletic events but was not happy. I was going through the motions. For months I was full of sorrow. Two months later, my grandpa then passed away. His body was constantly weakening, then he had a stroke. Without my grandma, he was even more miserable. Many challenges and changes occurred when the lockdown law took place. Academically I did my best, but organic chemistry challenged me in a way I had never experienced before. Emotionally, I had to learn to deal with loss and isolation when I had never known how it felt. For starters, my faith in God kept me going. Just knowing that God loved me unconditionally and he has a plan for me made me get up every morning and keep going. Secondly, my relationships kept me going. For the most part, my support system was experiencing the same loss and change. Their love and encouraging words helped me to realize that I am not alone. Though we were in "isolation," we were together. Lastly, I knew my potential. I knew what I had to offer the world, my vision, and my dream for life. This desire to help people and spread joy was too important to me to give up. I learned how to grieve and move forward. Life kept happening, so I decided that I must get up and continue pushing through life's unexpected blows. Finally, I learned that attitude is one of the only and most important things you can control. A good attitude and positive outlook will take you far (so will brownies). Life has its challenges, but with a sound support system, perseverance, and resiliency, I learned that I can reach my goals and come out better in the end.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    Growing up in a military family instilled an appreciation for family, discipline, and structure. Having two parents who retired from the navy also taught me about the importance of hard work. They taught me that there are always ways to improve and better yourself and the environment around you. I have strived to do my best in any environment that I am in. In school, I work hard to maintain a good GPA and participate in my community. I have also worked hard as a volunteer at veterinary clinics and as a veterinary assistant with the hopes of becoming a veterinarian and owning a clinic one day. Life has its ups and its downs, with the latter often remaining unwanted and unexpected. It is crucial in life to pursue these moments, learn something, and get back up even when it seems impossible. Resiliency in such times makes one raise their head even when the burden feels unbearable. It helped me to get back up and push through my hardship when life hit me hard. In 2020, when isolation was the new norm and airlines were barely up and running, my grandma passed away due to cancer. This incident brought me emotionally lower than I ever thought I could go. I interacted with family, but it felt like I was constantly praying that the Lord keep me afloat. I was still participating in school and trying to get good grades. I worked and attended club meetings and athletic events but was not happy. I was going through the motions. For months I was full of sorrow. Two months later, my grandpa then passed away. His body was constantly weakening, then he had a stroke. Without my grandma, he was even more miserable. Many challenges and changes occurred when the lockdown law took place. Academically I did my best, but organic chemistry challenged me in a way I had never experienced before. Emotionally, I had to learn to deal with loss and isolation when I had never known how it felt. For starters, my faith in God kept me going. Just knowing that God loved me unconditionally and he has a plan for me made me get up every morning and keep going. Secondly, my relationships kept me going. For the most part, my support system was experiencing the same loss and change. Their love and encouraging words helped me to realize that I am not alone. Though we were in "isolation," we were together. Lastly, I knew my potential. I knew what I had to offer the world, my vision, and my dream for life. This desire to help people and spread joy was too important to me to give up. I learned how to grieve and move forward. Life kept happening, so I decided that I must get up and continue pushing through life's unexpected blows. Finally, I learned that attitude is one of the only and most important things you can control. A good attitude and positive outlook will take you far (so will brownies). Life has its challenges, but with a sound support system, perseverance, and resiliency, I learned that I can reach my goals and come out better in the end.
    Coleman for Patriots Scholarship
    I have had the opportunity to give back to the community in many ways. I volunteered at my church playing the piano on Sundays, I’ve gone to the nursing home every month to talk to the residents and fellowship with them, and I’ve tutored many students and helped first-year minority students integrate into the college. In addition, I have volunteered in numerous capacities with animals. From my first year of college to the present day, I’ve volunteered over 7,000 hours to organizations catering to animal care and within various churches and my school to serve my community. These volunteering experiences have opened my eyes to the difference that small acts of kindness can make in someone’s life. Engaging in community service and volunteer work has affected my outlook on life for the better because it has taught me how to practice humility and gratefulness. Over the years, I’ve learned that volunteering should not always be about getting the hours. It should represent an opportunity to show love and kindness to those who feel overlooked and those who have a need that I can fill. Additionally, volunteering has also shown me that what I do matters and I can make a difference in someone’s life just by helping out a little. Small acts of kindness encourage more acts of kindness. I don’t have to go out and do something grand to be a blessing because no act of kindness is ever wasted. Moreover, community service has taught me all kinds of skills and has helped me grow in confidence. I have learned how to use teamwork to be more efficient. Additionally, my social skills have improved because I had more practice communicating with people who I wasn't familiar with. Overall, volunteering has encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone to put a smile on someone’s face. Community service generates a positive impact throughout communities because people reap the benefits both of giving and receiving. For example, volunteering for the non-profit food drive has not only made me more grateful and appreciative, but it has also granted others the opportunity to receive the items they need. In conclusion, volunteering in my community encourages a better future because it creates a ripple effect by encouraging others to do the same, and it can leave an impact on everyone involved. There is something about having the opportunity to serve others and see positive results that changes one’s perspective on life- it has definitely changed mine.
    Szilak Family Honorary Scholarship
    Life has its ups and its downs, with the latter often remaining unwanted and unexpected. It is crucial in life to pursue these moments, learn something, and get back up even when it seems impossible. Resiliency in such times makes one raise their head even when the burden feels unbearable. It motivates one to get back up and push through the hardship. When isolation was the new norm and airlines were barely up and running, my grandma passed away due to cancer. This incident brought me emotionally lower than I ever thought I could go. I interacted with family, but it felt like I was constantly praying that the Lord keep me afloat. I was still participating in school and trying to get good grades. I worked and attended club meetings and athletic events but was not happy. I was going through the motions. For months I was full of sorrow. Two months later, my grandpa then passed away. His body was constantly weakening, then he had a stroke. Without my grandma, he was even more miserable. Many challenges and changes occurred when the lockdown law took place. Academically I did my best, but organic chemistry challenged me in a way I had never experienced before. Emotionally, I had to learn to deal with loss and isolation when I had never known how it felt. So what kept me going? Why didn't I give up on school, on my dream of being a veterinarian? Why didn't I let myself be sad until my grandparents somehow returned? For starters, my faith in God kept me going. Just knowing that God loved me unconditionally and he has a plan for me made me get up every morning and keep going. Secondly, my relationships kept me going. For the most part, my support system was experiencing the same loss and change. Their love and encouraging words helped me to realize that I am not alone. Though we were in "isolation," we were together. Lastly, I knew my potential. I knew what I had to offer the world, my vision, and my dream for life. This desire to help people and animals was too important to me to give up. I learned how to grieve and move forward. Life kept happening, so I decided that I must get up and continue pushing through life's unexpected blows. Finally, I learned that attitude is one of the only and most important things you can control. A good attitude, resiliency and positive outlook will take you far. Veterinary school and life have challenges, but with a sound support system, perseverance and resiliency, students can reach their goals and come out better than they entered.
    Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
    Hard work and dedication are two things I strive towards every day. While in school, I work hard to maintain a good GPA and do well in classes because I care about my education. In addition, I recognize that I have been blessed just by being able to attend university and get an education. During my time here at school, I have participated as an Early Connections leader to welcome incoming, minority students to the school, I have participated on the women’s rowing team as a varsity athlete, and I've pursued scientific research in multiple capacities. In addition, I also enjoy volunteering at my church and playing the piano with the youth choir. I believe it is my calling to be a doctor of veterinary medicine. I enjoy educating my family on the value of animals and what they offer. I am blessed to be a part of a family with a military and Christian background. It has encouraged me to pursue a profession where I can help others. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet what I love about it is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animals’ health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. My volunteer and work experience with animals in the lab and clinical settings have developed my interest in veterinary medicine’s clinical and academic aspects. Though at times, my roles were physically and emotionally demanding and often led me straight to my bed once it was over for the day, it instilled in me a desire to pursue veterinary behavioral medicine. Animals are capable of impacting people’s lives positively. Studying Veterinary medicine will allow me to preserve that. As a long-time pet owner, combined with my experience with animals, I’ve only touched the surface of aiding in maintaining their well-being. Despite what I have contributed, I have gained and learned much more than just book knowledge. From gaining nonjudgmental companions who love unconditionally to learning better communication skills with people and animals, I have expanded my network, had the opportunity to learn more about the ways of animals, and developed a deeper level of humility. My experiences of training and supporting families and friends with the process of setting their pets up for success and my clinical experience as a veterinary assistant have ignited my desire to practice veterinary medicine. Years from now, a career in veterinary medicine would allow me to continue to pursue my passion and love for animals while engaging intellectually with medical advancements. In this role, I will be able to care for animals and further aid in the cultivation and continuation of a healthy environment for all beings, thus giving back a tiny part of everything animals give to us. With the skills attained in veterinary school and clinical, behavioral and fieldwork capacities, I can educate people on how to better coexist with our animal friends, ultimately improving our world. I can work independently and as a team player. I am a leader, innovative, creative, and an encourager. I appreciate your consideration, and I’m looking forward to dedicating myself to all that veterinary medicine has to offer.
    Career Search Scholarship
    Career searching is a common activity encouraged by high school counselors. Often when taking the career test, the result would be nursing or doctor. When starting college, I knew that I was interested in a career in the science field, however, I didn't know the direction I would go. I believe it is my calling to be a doctor of veterinary medicine because I enjoy educating my family on the value of animals and what they offer. I am blessed to be a part of a family with a military and Christian background. It has encouraged me to pursue a profession where I can help others. Since I was young, I always wanted to be a veterinarian. I enjoy helping animals as much as I enjoy being around them. I believe that veterinary medicine fully encompasses my appreciation of the sciences, my passion for understanding behavior, and my incessant love for animals. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet what I love about it is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animals’ health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. My volunteer and work experience with animals in the lab and clinical settings have developed my interest in veterinary medicine’s clinical and academic aspects. Animals are capable of impacting people’s lives positively. Studying Veterinary medicine will allow me to preserve their positive impact. As a long-time pet owner, combined with my experience with animals, I’ve only touched the surface of aiding in maintaining their well-being. Despite what I have contributed, I have gained and learned much more than just book knowledge. From gaining nonjudgmental companions who love unconditionally to learning better communication skills with people and animals, I have expanded my network, had the opportunity to learn more about the ways of animals, and developed a deeper level of humility. I can't wait to continue learning and see all of the opportunities and experiences that being a veterinarian will bring. Whether managing diabetes or cancer, a veterinarian’s vocation is unique. They must learn to listen to something that speaks a different language, a language going beyond schooling, requiring experience to truly understand. I want to learn and help others in the process to know how to listen to those who cannot advocate for themselves in a way that is easily understood. I see that as a great challenge and a great reward. My experiences of training and supporting families and friends with the process of setting their pets up for success and my clinical experience as a veterinary assistant have ignited my desire to practice veterinary medicine. Years from now, a career in veterinary medicine would allow me to continue to pursue my passion and love for animals while engaging intellectually with medical advancements. In this role, I will be able to care for animals and further aid in the cultivation and continuation of a healthy environment for all beings, thus giving back a tiny part of everything animals give to us. With the skills attained in veterinary school and clinical, behavioral, and fieldwork capacities, I can educate people on how to better coexist with our animal friends, ultimately improving our world.
    Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
    During my time in school, I have participated as an Early Connections leader to welcome incoming minority students to the school, I have participated on the women’s rowing team as a varsity athlete, and I've pursued scientific research in multiple capacities. In addition, I also enjoy volunteering at my church and playing the piano with the youth choir. STEAM fields of knowledge interest me because they allow people to question why nature works the way it does. It also allows us to expand our understanding of the ways of the world by engaging with animals and environments we typically wouldn't familiarize ourselves with. Additionally, STEAM industries allow us to interact with others who may indulge in a different field of expertise. The collaboration that stems from STEAM experts usually results in life-changing technology that can better our world. I currently engage in STEAM fields with my love of biology and animals. When I was younger, I was obsessed with animals. That love inspired me to pursue a career in veterinary medicine because I enjoy educating others about animals as much as I enjoy working with them. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet what I love about it is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animals’ health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. My volunteer and work experience with animals in the lab and clinical settings have developed my interest in veterinary medicine’s clinical and academic aspects. Though at times, my roles were physically and emotionally demanding and often led me straight to my bed once it was over for the day, it instilled in me a desire to pursue veterinary behavioral medicine. Animals are capable of impacting people’s lives positively. Studying Veterinary medicine will allow me to preserve that. As a long-time pet owner, combined with my experience with animals, I’ve only touched the surface of aiding in maintaining their well-being. Despite my contribution, I have gained and learned much more than just book knowledge. From gaining nonjudgmental companions who love unconditionally to learning better communication skills with people and animals, I have expanded my network, had the opportunity to learn more about the ways of animals, and developed a deeper level of humility. A veterinarian must learn to listen to something that speaks a different language, a language extending beyond schooling, requiring experience to truly understand. I want to learn and help others in the process to know how to listen to those who cannot advocate for themselves in a way that is easily understood. I see that as a great challenge and a great reward. My experiences of training and supporting families and friends with the process of setting their pets up for success and my clinical experience as a veterinary assistant have ignited my desire to practice veterinary medicine. Years from now, a career in veterinary medicine would allow me to continue to pursue my passion and love for animals while engaging intellectually with medical advancements. In this role, I will be able to care for animals and further aid in the cultivation and continuation of a healthy environment for all beings, thus giving back a tiny part of everything animals give to us. Additionally, I can educate and collaborate with others to better coexist with animals, ultimately improving our world.
    Betsy V Brown Veterinary Scholarship
    The first dog I ever owned was an answer to my prayers. For the longest time, I remember asking my dad for a dog. His response would be something like, “If you can find a dog for free, then sure.” I knew it was hard to find a dog for free it was nearly impossible. I prayed, and I prayed hard for a dog. One day, I stayed at a friend’s house and they were trying to rehome a 1-year-old Jack Russell Terrier because they were moving. The following morning when my parents came, I told them how my friend was trying to find a new home for the dog. It was when my dad agreed to keep the dog and we were able to take him home that I recognized how God hears me and cares, even if it’s just about a little girl who wants a dog. My dog is now 13 and I didn't know I could love something so much. His name is Russell and he is the cutest, most stubborn Jack Russell Terrier I’ve ever been blessed with. The things you are passionate about are not random; they are your calling. I believe it is my calling to be a doctor of veterinary medicine. I enjoy educating my family on the value of animals and what they offer. I am blessed to be a part of a family with a military and Christian background. It has encouraged me to pursue a profession where I can help others. I’ve always wanted to be a vet. It’s been a dream of mine since the early days. I enjoy helping animals as much as I enjoy being around them. I believe that veterinary medicine fully encompasses my appreciation of the sciences, my passion for understanding behavior, and my incessant love for animals. In three years, I intend to be a third-year veterinary student at Virginia Maryland Polytechnic Institute and State University while simultaneously pursuing a Master of Public Health degree. The dual degree opportunity will allow me to integrate my growing knowledge of veterinary medicine with my recognition of the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health. Veterinary medicine provides a purposeful job with measurable security and versatility, yet what I love about it is the endless learning opportunities due to medical advances and the ability to promote animals’ health and welfare with a philanthropic heart. My volunteer and work experience with animals in the lab and clinical settings have developed my interest in veterinary medicine’s clinical and academic aspects. Animals are capable of impacting people’s lives positively. Studying Veterinary medicine will allow me to preserve their positive impact. As a long-time pet owner, combined with my experience with animals, I’ve only touched the surface of aiding in maintaining their well-being. Despite what I have contributed, I have gained and learned much more than just book knowledge. From gaining nonjudgmental companions who love unconditionally to learning better communication skills with people and animals, I have expanded my network, had the opportunity to learn more about the ways of animals, and developed a deeper level of humility. I can't wait to continue learning and see all of the opportunities and experiences that being a veterinary student will bring.