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Jeremy Hall


Bold Points




Hello, I’m Jeremy Hall. I play soccer and baseball and I have a growing love for them both. I do my best in school and also have lots of other hobbies. In the future I plan on going to a four year college and pursuing my career in architecture.


Haldane High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Architecture and Related Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Architecture & Planning

    • Dream career goals:

      I plan to attend college studying both Architecutre and Economics and come out of college with a strong job that can help me get started. I want to work for some type of firm.



      2020 – Present4 years


      • All League


      2011 – Present13 years


      • State Champion


      • Haldane

        2021 – 2022

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Haldane — Counselor
        2023 – 2023

      Future Interests






      Derk Golden Memorial Scholarship
      Baseball is the sport that holds a special place in my heart, igniting a passion that has shaped my life in profound ways. From the crack of the bat to the smell of freshly cut grass, baseball embodies more than just a sport; it creates tradition, perseverance, and the spirit of teamwork. For me, baseball is not merely a game played on a field; it is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Growing up I was drawn to baseball's intricate strategies and its unique blend of individual skill and collective effort. From the moment I stepped onto the diamond, I felt a sense of belonging, a connection to something greater than myself. As I earned my skills and learned the little parts of the game, baseball became more than just a hobby—it became a way of life. One of the biggest aspects of baseball is its ability to teach invaluable life lessons. Through countless hours of practice and competition, I have learned the importance of discipline, resilience, and perseverance. Baseball has taught me that success is not measured solely by victories on the scoreboard, but by the dedication and effort invested in pursuit of a common goal. Baseball has drilled in me a deep sense of humility and sportsmanship. In the face of adversity, whether it be striking out with the game on the line or committing an error in the field, I have learned to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth. Baseball has taught me that true strength lies not in the absence of weakness, but in the courage to face challenges head-on and emerge stronger on the other side. As Sylvester Stallone said, “But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”. Perhaps most importantly, baseball has taught me the value of teamwork and camaraderie. In a sport where individual performance is inseparable from collective success, I have learned to trust in my teammates and to rely on their support in times of need. Through shared victories and defeats, I have forged lifelong friendships and memories that will endure long after my playing days are over. Beyond the confines of the baseball diamond, the lessons I have learned from the game have permeated every aspect of my life. Whether in the classroom, the workplace, or personal relationships, the principles of hard work, determination, and integrity that I have gleaned from baseball continue to guide me on my journey, Moreover, baseball has provided me with a sense of purpose and belonging, anchoring me to a community bound by a shared love for the game. Whether cheering on my favorite team from the stands or playing catch with friends on a lazy summer afternoon, baseball has a unique ability to bring people together and transcend barriers of age, race, and background. Baseball, which I can consider life, truly holds a special place in my heart, not only as a source of joy and excitement but also as a profound teacher of life's most valuable lessons. Through its timeless traditions and enduring appeal, baseball has shaped my identity and instilled in me a passion for excellence and a commitment to teamwork. As I continue on my journey next year playing my first year of college baseball, I am grateful for the countless ways in which baseball has enriched my life and inspired me to strive for greatness both on and off the field.
      John F. Rowe, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
      Life has a funny way of throwing obstacles in our paths, testing our determination and resilience. My journey towards achieving my educational goals has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, marked by challenges that seemed insurmountable at times. However, through sheer perseverance and a deep sense of purpose, I've not only managed to overcome these hurdles but have also discovered a profound calling to serve my community. Growing up my family was never considered a wealthy or even middle class family. This often made it difficult to imagine pursuing higher education. Despite the odds stacked against us, my parents instilled in me the belief that education was the key to unlocking a brighter future. Their unwavering support fueled my determination to defy the odds and pursue my dreams, no matter the obstacles in my way. Despite the challenges, I remained steadfast in my pursuit of academic excellence. I worked tirelessly, pushing myself to overcome every obstacle that came my way. And when I finally achieved honors, it was a showing to the power of perseverance and resilience. But my journey didn't end there. Recently I got into a school that I loved and have been given the opportunity to play baseball there. Alongside my academic pursuits, I felt a growing desire to help the world around me. In today's world there are too many problems in society that have caused too many problems in past years. There's so much that needs to change but the hardest thing about trying to change something is finding where to start. Through helping others, I found a way to channel my passion for helping others into meaningful action. Whether it was coaching little kids in baseball and soccer or shoveling snow for my neighbors, I discovered the immense satisfaction that comes from making a positive impact on the lives of others. Moreover, my passion for helping others found a natural home in the world of academics. I saw education not just as a means to personal success, but as a powerful tool for social change. I wanted to break down barriers and create opportunities for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. In conclusion, my journey towards achieving my educational goals and embracing public service has been a testament to the power of determination and purpose. Despite the challenges I've faced along the way, I've never lost sight of my dreams or my commitment to making a difference in the world. As I look towards the future, I am excited to continue pursuing my passions and serving my community in whatever way I can. Next semester I will be going into my freshman year of college and playing college baseball. Because ultimately, it's through service to others that we find true fulfillment and leave a lasting impact on the world.
      Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
      The Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship emerges as a huge piece in my pursuit of academic excellence and societal impact, offering a huge financial aid package as I take on the dual majors of Architecture and Economics. In the vast landscape of higher education, where financial considerations often cast a looming shadow, this scholarship stands as a tool to me, building a path free from the constraints of financial strain. Financially speaking, the costs associated with college extend far beyond tuition fees, encompassing textbooks, materials, and the essential sustenance required for the academic journey. The scholarship's substantial financial support provides a foundation, alleviating the burden of these practical concerns. This financial reprieve not only ensures the accessibility of educational resources but also affords me the liberty to concentrate wholeheartedly on my academic pursuits without the constant thinking of financial worries. However, the scholarship's impact extends beyond the realm of finances; it is a key that unlocks doors to experiential learning. The funds given facilitates my active engagement in internships, workshops, and potentially transformative study abroad programs. The prospect of studying historical architecture or gaining firsthand insights of economic systems in dynamic markets transcends the boundaries of conventional classroom learning. These experiences promise to enrich my educational journey, providing a global perspective that goes beyond the confines of textbooks. It is not merely a financial transaction; it is a commitment to fostering an understanding of the relationship between education and societal betterment. The financial backing provided by the scholarship empowers me to actively participate in events aimed at making a difference within communities. Whether contributing to the design of spaces that foster connectivity or alling initiatives to bolster local economies, the scholarship amplifies the impact of my academic pursuits on the community. Moreover, as I embark on the demanding journey of pursuing dual majors in Architecture and Economics, the scholarship assumes a pivotal role as a buffer against the challenges of balancing academics and employment. By slowing the financial pressures associated with the cost of living and educational expenses, it allows for a more focused and immersive approach to coursework. This financial support creates a conducive environment that fosters intellectual exploration, creativity, and the pursuit of innovative ideas without the constant juggling of multiple part-time jobs. In addition to its immediate benefits, the scholarship provides a shield against the harmful problem of student loans. The burden of significant debt often casts a long shadow over post-graduation plans, limiting opportunities and constraining choices. The financial assistance offered by the scholarship is not merely an investment in the present; it is a move that paves the way for a post-graduation trajectory the is covered by the weight of substantial loans. In essence, the Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship transcends its role as a provider of financial aid; it symbolizes a pathway to academic dreams, useful learning, and societal impact. Beyond the scholarships value, it represents a commitment to fostering an environment where financial constraints do not get in the way of educational and community aspirations. To win this would give me more opportunities, experiences, and transformative potential that this scholarship embodies.
      Bruce Tucker Scholarship
      A life full of service is like playing on multiple teams where the victories aren't measured in points but in the positive impact left behind. In my journey, my family, community, and baseball teammates have been my teammates in this game of life. I've worn the number 4 because it represents the four members of my family. By wearing this number I always have them on my back. It's not about flashy plays but the consistent support that keeps the family spirit alive. From helping with chores to being a patient listener during tough times, my help isn't grand gestures but the small, everyday efforts that contribute to a happy home. Whether it's a comforting word or a shared laugh, these moments build the foundation of a structured family. In the community, I've embraced the role of a community player. Just like a baseball team needs every player to contribute, a community thrives when its members actively participate. For example volunteering at local events – these actions create a sense of belonging. It's not about seeking recognition but about belonging in a community where everyone feels valued. On the baseball field, I've been more than just a teammate; I've been a team player in the truest sense. Baseball is more than a game; it's a shared experience that builds character. And to me it is life. Whether it's cheering on a struggling teammate, celebrating victories together, or offering a supportive word during defeats, I've aimed to be the kind of teammate who contributes not just to the score but to the team's spirit. This exemplifies the reason I will be playing baseball in college next year. Off the field, I've extended this team mentality to everyday life. Life, much like baseball, has its curveballs. Being there for my teammates in moments of personal struggle or celebrating their successes off the field is an extension of the teamwork created on the diamond. It's a recognition that life isn't a solo sport, and we all need someone cheering us on from the sidelines. In a world that sometimes glorifies individual achievements, the beauty of helping lies in its selfless nature. It's not about the spotlight but about illuminating the lives of those around you. Whether it's sacrificing personal time to help a family member, dedicating weekends to friends, or being a helpful presence in the lives of teammates – these actions might not make headlines, but they certainly make a difference. Helping others is not a one-time event; it's a series of consistent, intentional acts that collectively shape a life. It's the steady rhythm of kindness, the harmony of empathy, and the melody of support that creates a symphony of positive influence. And just like any great performance, it's not about the individual notes but the harmonious composition they create together. Taking the lead, sometimes following, but always moving in step with the idea of compassion is a good way to live life. It's not about keeping score of the good deeds done but about savoring the joy that comes from making a positive impact on others. In the end, it's not about the length of the essay or the scheme of the words; it's about the authenticity of the actions. A life of service isn't a story written on paper; it's a narrative woven through the fabric of everyday living. And in this narrative, my family, community, and baseball teammates aren't just supporting characters – they are the co-authors, each contributing to the beautiful story of a life well-lived in helping others.
      Devante Lane Scholarship
      College is more than just classes and grades; it's a transformative journey that shapes who we become. For me, it's about using this journey to give back to my community, focusing on the urgent issue of gun violence in New York. My coursework will be like a toolbox, mixing sociology, psychology, and public policy. Sociology helps me understand why things are the way they are. Psychology dives into what's going on in people's minds, especially when it comes to violence. Public policy? That's the roadmap for making real change. I'm not just interested in surface-level fixes. I want to dig deep into the root causes of gun violence. That means advocating for policies that get to the heart of the problem, not just putting Band-Aids on it. Psychology is a big part of the puzzle. Understanding the psychological side of violence means looking at trauma, poverty, and mental health. It's not just about punishment; it's about preventing violence by understanding what makes people tick. But I'm not planning to be stuck in a lecture hall all the time. Community outreach is where the rubber meets the road. Working with local groups, law enforcement, and mental health professionals, I want to create programs that focus on education, conflict resolution, and supporting mental health. Internships and research? They're like the real-world training ground. They'll help me apply what I've learned to actual situations and understand the complexity of the issue. Teaming up with students from different fields will bring fresh perspectives, maybe even some innovative solutions. Beyond that, I want to roll up my sleeves and get involved in the community. Workshops on conflict resolution, anger management, and youth mentorship can create a space for personal growth. Partnering with schools, community centers, and law enforcement for long-term educational programs is how you build a foundation for change. After graduation, it doesn't stop. I see myself as part of the advocacy efforts. Using my voice through public speaking, writing, and social media, I want to spread awareness and push for policy changes. In the end, college is just the beginning of this journey. By blending what I learn in class with hands-on experiences, working with different fields, and staying connected with the community, I'm committed to making a real impact on the issue of gun violence in New York. It's not just about talking; it's about doing, creating a safer and more resilient community for everyone.