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Victoria Erdman


Bold Points




Hello! My name is Victoria, I'm an 18-year-old recent high school graduate excited to start my journey at Lynn University this fall, where I'll be pursuing a bachelor’s degree in aviation management with flight. I hail from a vibrant family, including two older twin brothers, a younger brother, and a younger cousin. As a proud biromantic asexual member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma with ASD, I strive to push boundaries and not let labels define me. My ambition is to become a commercial pilot, guiding and inspiring future generations of pilots to reach new heights. Apart from aviation, I have a deep love for cats, enjoy drawing (both traditional and digital), and am an avid gamer, particularly fond of Minecraft and Pokémon. Thank you, future donors, for taking the time to review my profile. I am grateful to have so many opportunities that could financially allow me to reach my goals and pursue my education.


Lynn University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028

Florida Virtual School Full-Time

High School
2022 - 2024

Palmetto High School

High School
2020 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Air Transportation
    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Host

      Ruby Tuesdays
      2022 – 2022



    2017 – 20203 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Upward Sports (Basketball) — Volunteer Basketball Coach
      2020 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      First Baptist Church of Palmetto & Palmetto High School — volunteer
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests



    Billie Eilish Fan Scholarship
    Listening to Billie Eilish feels like she’s been secretly reading my diary, turning all my awkward, emotional moments into chart-topping hits. These three tunes, by Billie evoke a range of emotions for me each song resonating uniquely with my feelings, at the time of listening as though she’s speaking directly to my experiences. ‘When the celebration ends’, the melody is incredibly genuine and filled with emotions; I admire how Billie conveys that sensation of feeling completely spent – it's like when you've reached your limit but can't quite articulate it enough. The sincerity, in her voice and the melody creates a vibe; almost as if she’s sharing her fragile moment with you. I believe everyone has experienced that level of weariness at some juncture in their life. The song 'Everything I Wanted' just hits differently for me. It's, like a portrayal of feeling empty or unseen when you have what you thought you wanted the most. The part where she mentions her brother being there for her always gets to me because it shows how having someone who truly understands you can make all the difference. The melody prompts me to ponder the complexities of life during times and reminds me that my younger brother is always there, for me no matter what happens. I really appreciate the optimism, in the song 'My Future' compared to some of her songs! It talks about embracing what’s coming next and taking some time for yourself – something I'm working on well as I start my year at college and push myself beyond my comfort zone by trying new things! Then dwelling on the past or worrying about the moment too much; it's refreshing to feel enthusiastic, about the possibilities of who you could be. It has a strong empowering vibe to it.
    Beulah C. Parker Memorial Scholarship
    Being an Aviation Student, with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) I am facing a hurdle in obtaining my First-Class Medical Certificate required for flight training purposes due to my ASD diagnosis making the process more challenging than usual. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)s standards and assessment requirements have presented a daunting task that is progressing slower than anticipated. I am currently working closely with the Aeronautics Dean at Lynn University while waiting for approval, from the FAA DC office which is experiencing a backlog of a year. I embarked on this journey before my year. Currently I am a full-time student, at Lynn University. Being, on the autism spectrum has required me to put in effort to show that my condition doesn't hold me back from succeeding— in demanding settings such as aviation circles where pressure runs high. The medical assessments conducted by the FAA seemed tailored for the "23–25-year male applicants and sometimes seemed like they weren't in my favor. Navigating through these evaluations at 18 years old as a woman with life experiences has added an extra layer of difficulty, to this entire process. Sometimes I doubted if achieving my dream of being a pilot was even possible. However, I didn't lose hope. I did some research sought advice, from aviation experts and found professionals who were familiar with ASD and could vouch for my abilities. I also reached out to mentors from Women, in Aviation International and The Ninety Nines—groups that assist women in the aviation field. With their support I successfully advocated for myself throughout the FAAs medical evaluation procedure. As I eagerly await the nod of approval, in this process my commitment to aviation is stronger, than ever fueling my drive to overcome any obstacles in my path. After experiencing this journey, I am now more determined, than ever to pursue my dream of becoming an airline pilot and actively support individuals with neurodiversity in the STEM sector. I aim to demonstrate that people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) such as myself can thrive in challenging industries like aviation, which may seem inaccessible to those, with disabilities. I aim to inspire young individuals facing challenges, like ASD by being a positive example for them to look up to and learn from their unique qualities as sources of strength and power rather than limitations or weaknesses. My intention is to provide guidance and speak up on behalf of students aspiring to pursue STEM fields yet feeling out of place or discouraged in doing so. My ultimate objective involves establishing opportunities and resources that will enable them to thrive and achieve success, in their chosen paths. Diversity, in STEM holds significance as it plays a role in inspiring the younger generation to explore career paths they may not have otherwise considered when they see individuals who resemble them or have similar backgrounds succeed in those fields. As a woman with ASD myself and having seldom encountered individuals like me in the field of aviation the emphasis on fostering diversity and inclusion, within this domain resonates deeply with me. The obstacles I've encountered while following my passion, for aviation have molded me into a more persistent individual. They have also motivated me to work towards promoting inclusivity in STEM fields with a focus on aviation. Having a representation in STEM is crucial for fostering innovation. I am committed to enhancing inclusion especially for individuals with disabilities. My goal is to serve as an inspiration for others to pursue their dreams despite challenges they may encounter. I strive to pave the way, for generations facing similar obstacles.
    Joseph Lipovits Memorial Aviation Scholarship
    My interest, in aviation was sparked by the stories shared by my grandfather, who was a commercial pilot. His adventures captured my imagination as a child. Instilled in me an admiration for the discipline, freedom and responsibility that come with being a pilot. Motivated by his legacy and my own love for flying pursuing a degree in aviation felt like answering a calling than a choice. I am about to embark on my studies in Aviation Management with Flight at Lynn University. My goal is to combine the skills of piloting with the aspects of managing aviation businesses. This holistic approach will prepare me to face the industry’s evolving challenges and open career opportunities from piloting to operations management. My ultimate career aspiration is to become a pilot who does not fly aircraft but also champions initiatives that foster diversity and inclusivity within the aviation sector. Historically individuals, like me, biromantic asexual, Native American and female, have been underrepresented in this field. I view this as a chance to pave the way utilizing my degree and position to advocate for acceptance and create opportunities for individuals, from marginalized communities to enter and succeed in aviation careers. Furthermore, my ambitions extend beyond piloting aircraft. I plan to use my education to improve safety and efficiency in aviation operations by incorporating the advancements into daily procedures. I am particularly intrigued by how sustainable aviation fuels and energy efficient planes can help lessen the impact of air travel aligning with initiatives to address climate change. Community engagement has always been a part of my life shaped by my family’s dedication to service and support. I have been actively volunteering through church service events participating in clean-up projects like at local school’s pressure washing, weeding, painting, and replanting shrubs, and flowers. Additionally, I have assisted the janitorial staff during the summer with cleaning classrooms at Palmetto High School. I’ve also volunteered my time for the Palmetto High School Lady Tigers basketball team to run their concession stands during basketball games. Lastly, I’ve volunteered with Upward Sports (basketball) and was an assistance coach for 3rd and 4th graders. Through teaching them the fundamentals of the game but also emphasizing teamwork, integrity, and perseverance I aimed to instill qualities that're crucial both on the court and, in life. In this position I was able to enhance my leadership abilities and understand the significance of setting an example something I aim to carry in my upcoming career, in aviation. These experiences have instilled in me a sense of duty and dedication to giving back values that I aim to carry into my career in aviation. To sum up pursuing a degree in aviation goes beyond a career choice for me; it's a commitment to honoring the legacy of aviators in my family and paving the way for future generations. Through this education my goal is not to excel in piloting but also to promote sustainable practices and diversity within the aviation industry creating a more inclusive and inviting environment in the skies. My dedication, to community involvement and advocacy will drive me forward ensuring that every flight and every initiative I undertake leaves a mark.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    In the web of my life woven with threads of happiness and sadness the recurring theme of losing one’s has deeply impacted my recent journey. Each goodbye has been a force changing how I see the world and reminding me of life’s nature. The heart wrenching chain of losses began with my grandfather’s passing, a figure, in my life whose wisdom and comforting presence made every moment precious. His absence felt like a piece of myself was lost. As I mourned and grappled with his absence, I found comfort in cherished memories we shared. In his memory I vowed to carry on the lessons he taught and the love he gave freely. After my 98-year-old great grandmother—a storyteller and symbol of strength, transitioned from her tales of old to an unexpected tragedy. While doing her laps with a walker a tragic accident led to her drowning in the pool. The loss highlighted life’s delicate balance, between vigor and unpredictability. However, the memories of her stories, laughter and our treasured puzzle sessions remain as fragments of my heritage inspiring me to approach life with the passion she once did. The cycle of loss continued, reaching its peak in January 2024 with the loss of my aunt, a figure, to a mother known for her love and unwavering support. Confronting the return of cancer her strength and resolve were truly remarkable. Though we knew her departure was inevitable the void left by her absence was profound. Yet finding comfort in her freedom from suffering reflects her enduring spirit. The gap she left serves as a reminder of how she impacted my life. The journey toward healing for my family and me will be lengthy. We are dedicated, to honoring her resilience never give up attitude and the battle she fought until the end. Amidst grief I draw strength from the legacy of those who have passed on. Their memories are not just remnants of days gone by; they are beacons that light up the path I walk on. Drawn by the stories my Great Grandma shared about my grandfather’s experiences as a pilot, for Pan Am and National Airlines and his unfulfilled dream of flying due to health issues I am determined to pay tribute to their legacy by pursuing a career as a pilot. Currently I am diligently working towards obtaining my pilots license as a step towards realizing this shared aspiration. The captivating tales recounted by my Great Grandma about my grandfather’s escapades in the skies have sparked a fascination for aviation in me. Their stories have inspired me to pursue this path as a way of honoring their passion for flying and the dreams they were unable to fulfill. The torch of their ambitions has been passed on to me. I am steadfast in my commitment to pursue this journey with the enthusiasm that drove them. Supported by my aunt’s belief in my abilities I have found strength during moments of uncertainty. To validate her faith in me I am dedicated to achieving any goal that I set out for myself with the aim of becoming a pilot at the forefront of my dreams. In times of sorrow my aspiration is to lead a life that reflects the values and aspirations of those who're no longer present, with me. Becoming a pilot is more, than a personal goal for me; it's a heartfelt homage to the influences that have shaped my journey. The cockpit serves as a canvas where I honor the stories of my ancestors keeping their legacy alive with every flight. As I navigate through the skies I carry within me the resilience of my Great Grandma, the wisdom of my grandpa and the unwavering support of my aunt. Though they are no longer physically present their spirits guide me on my path driving me towards a future where loss fuels inspiration, sorrow fuels determination and each flight's a tribute, to those who once soared high in the sky.
    VNutrition & Wellness’ Annual LGBTQ+ Vitality Scholarship
    As I prepare to soar into the world of aviation, my mission extends beyond navigating aircraft; I am determined to lift the spirits and opportunities of the LGBTQ+ community, ensuring that the sky is no longer the limit but just the beginning. As an LGBTQ+ high school senior committed to social progress, I see my upcoming education in aviation management with flight as a profound opportunity to influence both the aviation industry and broader societal norms positively. My goal is to become not just a commercial pilot but a pivotal advocate for inclusivity, safety, and mental health awareness in a field that is both challenging and traditionally conservative. The aviation sector, like many STEM fields, has historically lacked diversity. As a biromantic asexual and a member of the Native American community, I am acutely aware of the barriers that individuals from underrepresented groups face. My education will equip me with the necessary leadership skills and technical knowledge to advocate for more inclusive hiring practices, training programs, and organizational cultures within aviation companies. I plan to leverage my role as a pilot to promote diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that the cockpit is a welcoming place for everyone, regardless of their background or identity. Mental health is often stigmatized in high-pressure environments, yet it is crucial for safety and well-being. Through my studies, I will delve into the psychological aspects of aviation safety to better understand how mental health impacts pilot performance and decision-making. This knowledge will enable me to advocate for policies that not only recognize the importance of mental health but also provide support systems for aviation professionals. By speaking openly about my own experiences with anxiety and how I've navigated these challenges in high-stress situations, I aim to destigmatize mental health issues within the industry and encourage a culture of openness and support. Aviation is inherently linked to technology and safety. With a degree in aviation management, I will be at the forefront of integrating new technologies that enhance flight safety and efficiency. This includes advocating for the adoption of advanced simulation tools for training, which can prepare pilots for a wide range of scenarios, including emergency situations. By improving training methodologies and adopting cutting-edge technologies, I will contribute to making air travel safer for everyone. I believe passionately in the power of education and mentorship to transform lives. As I advance in my career, I plan to give back by mentoring young LGBTQ+ individuals interested in aviation. By sharing my journey and the lessons I've learned, I hope to inspire the next generation of aviators to pursue their dreams and make a difference. Additionally, I intend to work with educational institutions and non-profits to develop outreach programs that encourage more LGBTQ+ youth to explore careers in STEM fields, particularly aviation. Education is a powerful tool for change, and I am committed to using my degree in aviation management to foster a more inclusive, safe, and supportive aviation industry. By breaking barriers, championing mental health, leveraging technology for safety, and mentoring future generations, I will use my education to make a positive impact on society. Through these efforts, I aim to not only advance my career but also pave the way for those who will follow, creating a legacy of progress and inclusivity in the skies.
    Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
    Anxiety has often been the co-pilot in my life's journey, but as I prepare to embark on a college degree in aviation, it's becoming the fuel that drives my ambitions, not the force that grounds them. My experience with anxiety has been a defining aspect of my life, presenting challenges that have shaped my character and my ambitions. Anxiety is not just a condition; it's a daily battle with invisible barriers, a constant negotiation between doubt and desire. However, it has also been a profound teacher, instilling resilience and empathy in me, traits that fuel my determination to pursue higher education and a career in aviation. Anxiety first became a significant part of my life during middle school, a period when everyone begins to navigate the complex world of social interactions and self-identity. For me, these years were marked by an intense fear of judgement and failure. Group assignments became mountains to climb; presentations, a form of public ordeal. However, these challenges forced me to develop coping strategies, from structured preparation for schoolwork to mindfulness exercises. These tools didn’t just help me manage my anxiety; they enhanced my focus and discipline, qualities that are crucial in both academic and professional settings. The real test came when I decided to pursue my passion for aviation. The field of aviation requires a high level of precision, responsibility, and calm under pressure qualities that might seem unattainable for someone dealing with anxiety. However, I viewed my anxiety not as a barrier but as a unique lens through which I could learn these skills. Each step I took in my flight training was a step toward mastering my fears as much as mastering the aircraft. The cockpit became my classroom, where I learned to channel my anxious energy into meticulous attention to detail and heightened situational awareness. Pursuing a college degree is crucial for me because it represents both a challenge and a promise. It is a challenge to my fears of inadequacy and failure, and a promise to myself that I can achieve my dreams despite those fears. A degree in Aviation Management with Flight from Lynn University is not just about gaining a credential. It’s about building a foundation of knowledge and experience that will support my professional goals. It’s about proving to myself that I can thrive in an environment that demands excellence and resilience. I want to be more than just a pilot; I aspire to be a leader who advocates for mental health awareness within the high-stress field of aviation. By advancing my education, I am equipping myself with the tools necessary to mentor others who might be grappling with similar challenges, promoting a culture of understanding and support rather than stigma. In essence, my journey through anxiety to the pursuit of a college degree is about transformation and empowerment. It’s about transforming personal struggles into sources of strength. It’s about empowering myself with knowledge and skills to not only navigate the complexities of aircraft but also the complexities of human emotions. College is where I will solidify my ability to contribute meaningfully to the aviation field, advocating for safety, precision, and mental health awareness. Through every lecture attended, every exam taken, and every flight logged, I will be doing more than just earning a degree; I will be rewriting my narrative from one of anxiety to one of accomplishment. This is why pursuing a college degree is not just important to me it’s essential. It’s the runway that will launch me into the skies, not just to reach new heights but to pave the way for others.
    Craig Huffman Memorial Scholarship
    As I gripped the controls of my first flight, soaring above the earth, I not only followed in the flight paths of my ancestors but also charted a course toward transforming the aviation industry. From a young age, my life has been a tapestry of diverse interests and pursuits, each thread intertwined with my Native American heritage and a deep-seated passion for aviation. Growing up in a family where storytelling bridged generations, I was captivated by tales of my great-grandfather, a revered pilot for Pan American World Airways and National Airlines. His adventures, vividly recounted by my great-grandmother, instilled in me a fascination with the skies and the freedom they represent. My interest in aviation transformed from a dream into a pursuit when my mother arranged a Discovery flight for me. The moment I took the controls, I felt a profound connection to my great-grandfather's legacy. This experience solidified my desire to fly, propelling me toward a future where I could merge my heritage with my aspirations. I am currently 18 years old and a recent high school graduate, preparing to begin my academic journey at Lynn University, where I will study Aviation Management with Flight. My goal is not just to become a pilot but to break barriers and foster inclusivity within the aviation industry. As a biromantic asexual Native American woman with ASD, I bring a unique perspective to the table—one that challenges conventional norms and advocates for broader representation. Leadership, for me, is less about traditional roles and more about setting an example through actions and dedication. This philosophy has shaped my approach in various aspects of my life, especially in community service and as a team player. Volunteering at local food banks, assisting in church community serve days, and helping at school cleaning events are just a few avenues through which I demonstrate leadership. Each activity is an opportunity to lead by example, encouraging others to contribute positively to our community. In sports and coaching, my leadership style is similarly exemplified. As an assistant coach for Upward basketball, I not only taught young athletes the fundamentals of the game but also integrated lessons on sportsmanship, respect, and integrity. These values are crucial in both sports and life, and teaching them helps foster a supportive and ethical environment. Moreover, my commitment to advocacy is a significant part of my leadership identity. I am actively involved in organizations such as Women in Aviation International and The Ninety-Nines. Through these platforms, I aim to promote diversity and equality in aviation, ensuring that future generations of aviators will experience a more inclusive industry. My leadership in these groups involves not only participating in discussions and events but also initiating projects that enhance visibility and support for underrepresented groups. In every role I undertake, my aim is to inspire and empower. Leadership is about making a difference, big or small, and I strive to instill confidence and ambition in those around me. As I embark on my collegiate and professional aviation journey, I am determined to carry these leadership qualities forward, advocating for change and excellence in every flight plan I chart. In summary, my journey in aviation is not merely about navigating aircraft through the clouds—it's about leading a cultural shift in the industry and beyond. Through my actions, I hope to honor the legacy of past aviators like my great-grandfather while paving a new runway for those who will fly after me.
    Future of Aviation Scholarship
    Most teenagers worry about passing their driver's test, but here I am, plotting to pass my pilot’s exam. Trust me, it's harder to parallel park a Boeing than it is a Buick! My academic and professional goals in aviation are centered around earning my bachelor’s degree in aviation management with flight from Lynn University and becoming a commercial pilot, with a broader vision of mentoring the next generation of aviators and advocating for inclusivity in the industry. My academic journey begins at Lynn University in August 2024, where I will pursue a degree that combines rigorous coursework with hands-on pilot training. This program is ideal for me as it not only provides the theoretical knowledge needed for aviation management but also the practical skills necessary for flying. To maximize my learning, I plan to engage actively in class discussions, partake in group projects, and seek internships with aviation companies. These steps will enhance my understanding of the aviation industry's operational, regulatory, and business aspects. I am particularly interested in courses that focus on aviation safety, aircraft operations, and global aviation regulations. Gaining a deep understanding of these areas is crucial for my development as a pilot and a future leader in aviation. Additionally, Lynn University’s connections with airlines and airports will offer me networking opportunities that are vital for career growth and professional guidance. Upon graduation, my immediate goal is to obtain a position as a first officer with a regional airline, where I can accumulate flight hours and experience needed to qualify for a captain’s position. This practical experience is essential for deepening my understanding of aircraft handling, navigation, and decision-making under pressure. Long-term, I aim to become a captain at a major airline, where I can lead flights globally and influence positive changes within the industry. My ultimate professional aspiration is to mentor young pilots, especially women and minorities, encouraging them to pursue careers in aviation. I intend to do this by being actively involved in organizations such as Women in Aviation International and The Ninety-Nines, where I can provide support, guidance, and encouragement to those entering the field. A significant part of my career will be dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the aviation industry. I plan to advocate for more inclusive policies and practices that encourage the participation of underrepresented groups in aviation. By sharing my journey and challenges, I hope to inspire others who may feel that a career in aviation is out of reach. Additionally, I plan to work towards creating scholarships and training programs for aspiring pilots from diverse backgrounds, making aviation more accessible and equitable. To ensure I am well-prepared for the demands of my career, I will continue to focus on personal development by enhancing my leadership skills, staying updated with industry advancements, and maintaining my physical and mental health. This holistic approach will help me handle the stresses and responsibilities of being a pilot while being an effective role model. Achieving these goals requires dedication, hard work, and a continuous desire to learn and improve. I am committed to each step of this journey, from my academic endeavors at Lynn University to my professional aspirations in the skies and beyond. By integrating the core values of love, faith, and community service into my career, I aim to not only achieve personal success but also contribute to a more inclusive and progressive aviation industry.
    Rev. Ethel K. Grinkley Memorial Scholarship
    From dodging basketballs to navigating flight simulators, my life is a blend of athletic teamwork and precise aerial maneuvers. As an 18-year-old recent high school graduate, my journey is driven by a profound commitment to community service and an intense passion for aviation. As a biromantic asexual Native American female with ASD, I embrace a unique perspective that enriches my interactions and initiatives. The values instilled through my diverse heritage and upbringing—love, faith, and community service—are the cornerstones of my identity. Love has been a guiding principle throughout my life, manifesting in compassion and empathy towards others. This is evident in my engagement in various activities, such as coaching young basketball players and assisting in classroom preparations at Palmetto High School. In these roles, I strive to be a role model, offering guidance and encouragement to help others reach their potential. This dedication extends to my family life as well, where I support my younger siblings and cousin in their endeavors, fostering an environment of kindness and support. Faith significantly shapes my actions and motivations. As an assistant coach for Upward basketball, I not only taught the fundamentals of the game but also infused lessons about faith and sportsmanship. This role allowed me to use sports as a platform to instill values of integrity and respect among young athletes. My faith motivates me to act with purpose and conviction, reinforcing my belief that small acts of kindness can lead to significant positive changes. Community service is another area where I exert a tangible impact. Whether it's participating in church serve days involving cleaning and renovations or volunteering at a local food bank, I am deeply committed to contributing to the betterment of my community. My involvement is not just about participation; it’s about leading by example and inspiring others to give back. This spirit of service is also reflected in my volunteer work during the summer at my former high school and through assisting with community basketball events. As I look to the future, I am eager to integrate these core principles into my aspirations in aviation. As a member of organizations like Women in Aviation International, EAA, and The Ninety-Nines, and as a future student at Lynn University, I plan to leverage my education and networks to promote diversity and inclusion within the aviation industry. My ultimate goal is to become a commercial pilot and a mentor, guiding the next generation of aviators and advocating for an inclusive and equitable space in the skies. Through a blend of love, faith, and dedicated service, I am committed to making a positive impact on the world. I firmly believe that even one person's efforts can lead to profound societal benefits. This belief propels me to continue pushing boundaries, both on the ground and in the air, as I strive to serve as an inspiring example of what is possible when passion meets purpose.
    James Diorato Memorial Scholarship
    From whispered tales of sky-bound adventures to my first discovery flight and other flight lessons, the legacy of my great-grandfather's pioneering spirit has charted the course of my dreams in the vast blue yonder. My passion, for flying has its roots in the captivating stories of my great-grandfather a pilot in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s years of aviation. The vivid tales shared by my great-grandmother about his time with Pan American World Airways and National Airlines sparked a passion within me for soaring through the skies and embracing the freedom of flight. These tales created a strong desire to taste the freedom, excitement and transcendence that can only be experienced high above the clouds. His bold adventures and unwavering passion have become the foundation of my aspirations. Even though I never had the chance to meet him his legacy has had an impact on our family shaping how I view the opportunities in aviation. This connection was further solidified when my mother arranged for me to take a Discovery flight, which was an eye-opening experience that reinforced my dedication to pursuing a career in aviation. I know where I belong and what I want to do for the rest of my life which I feel lucky as not many can say that when they are in high school. I am currently working towards obtaining my private pilot’s license (PPL) and aim to achieve this goal before I enter college this fall. Through involvement with organizations like EAA and Women in Aviation International I have had the privilege of meeting role models who have broken gender stereotypes within the industry. Drawing wisdom from their journeys motivates me to carve out my path and serve as a mentor for young girls interested, in aviation. My personal journey has been influenced by challenges as someone, with autism. Overcoming obstacles to secure my 1st class medical certification was a lengthy process lasting around eighteen months. I can say that I never gave up or lost faith that I’d still be able to achieve my dream of becoming a commercial pilot after college. I’m determine and committed to achieving my dream of becoming a pilot no matter what obstacles or challenges I have to face. The significance of learning to fly goes beyond the confines of the cockpit; it encompasses development, empowerment and pushing boundaries that were once seen as limits. It involves fostering discipline, refining decision-making abilities, and nurturing a mindset that thrives in adversity. Moreover, the role of being a commercial pilot aligns with my desire to motivate others in challenging gender stereotypes within the aviation industry. As a woman entering this male dominated field the journey towards becoming a pilot signifies empowerment, resilience and pursuing one’s passions despite societal expectations. This voyage is not about selecting a career path for me. It also pays tribute to those who paved the way before me like my great-grandfather and the amazing women trail blazing in the air years ago to today. It is a chance to be a part of that history and to become a mentor and share and encourage the love for flight in those that will come after me. If I’m selected for this amazing opportunity to receive the James Diorato Memorial Scholarship, I will do my best to honor his name, legacy, love, and passion for future generations of pilots and aviators.
    Overcoming Adversity - Jack Terry Memorial Scholarship
    Jack Terrys life story is a testament, to the strength of the spirit in overcoming great challenges. He was born in Poland in 1930. Faced hardships during the Holocaust losing his entire family and surviving three Nazi Concentration Camps. Despite starting with little as a 15 year old without family, limited education and no knowledge of English he went on to become an engineer, psychoanalyst and served as a 1st Lieutenant in the US Army. His journey from adversity to success is truly inspiring, showcasing resilience and determination. My own path has been different. Shares similarities in facing and conquering challenges. Diagnosed with Autism at age 2 I have navigated a world that feels unwelcoming to people like me. Autism has affected my skills making communication and understanding verbal cues difficult. However like Jack Terry I have not let my circumstances limit me. Embracing my diagnosis has taught me lessons, in resilience, perseverance and creative problem solving. Through participation, in group activities, clubs and sports I've put in effort to enhance my social skills by adjusting how I communicate to better engage in social situations. By maintaining an performance in AP, AICE and Honors courses I've shown that achieving success is possible with perseverance, encouragement and a readiness to tackle challenges head on. Despite the obstacles my diagnosis may bring my determination to pursue a bachelors degree in aviation management with flight remains unwavering. Just like Jack overcame his hurdles to reach heights I am ready to meet the additional testing and medical flight requirements. My dedication to realizing my dream of becoming a pilot or establishing a career in aviation management reflects my steadfastness in not letting obstacles hinder my ambitions. Inspired by Jack Terrys life story that emphasizes the power of sharing experiences for influence I aim to follow his example by using my journey and future profession to advocate for inclusivity and accessibility, within the aviation sector. My goal is to ensure that everyone has the chance to pursue their dreams within this industry regardless of any challenges they may face. This scholarship is more, than assistance; it symbolizes the belief that challenges can lead to personal growth learning and the fulfillment of ones aspirations. In celebrating the life of Dr. Jack Terry I find echoes of my journey in overcoming obstacles. My past experiences have instilled in me a sense of purpose and resilience. As I pursue my studies, in aviation management I am dedicated to giving back to society by breaking barriers and promoting an world. This scholarship will not support me in reaching my career goals but also empower me to motivate others, inspired by the example set by Jack Terry.
    @ESPdaniella Disabled Degree Scholarship
    In my pursuit of a degree in aviation, my goal is to contribute to making air travel more accessible and accommodating for individuals with disabilities. Aspiring to become a pilot, I aim to advocate for inclusive practices within the aviation industry. Through advancements in technology and awareness, I hope to be at the forefront of initiatives that enhance the travel experience for people with disabilities. Whether it's implementing improved boarding procedures, developing sensory-friendly environments within aircraft, fostering training programs for aviation professionals, or being a mentor to future students with disabilities who aspire to join the aviation field, my dedication to inclusivity will be a guiding force throughout my career. I am committed to championing the rights and comfort of individuals with disabilities within the realm of aviation, ensuring that the joy and freedom of air travel are accessible to everyone.
    Joieful Connections Scholarship
    I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 2 years old, and it has presented challenges throughout my educational journey. Autism has had a significant impact on my social skills and ability to interact with others. However, I have consistently pushed myself outside of my comfort zone in order to participate in various activities and overcome communication barriers with my peers. One of my biggest challenges has been understanding social cues and non-verbal communication, which has made it difficult for me to form meaningful connections and engage in conversations. Despite these difficulties, I have actively sought opportunities to improve my social skills. I have participated in group activities and joined clubs as well as played sports, which have posed challenges but have also provided invaluable growth opportunities. These experiences have helped me navigate social settings and adapt my communication style. In addition to my social challenges, I have always maintained a strong academic record and pushed myself to achieve excellence with AP, AICE, and Honor classes. My experience with Autism has made me resilient, tenacious, and capable of thinking outside the box to solve problems. I believe that sharing this information with the scholarship committee provides context and insight into my journey, highlighting my determination and ability to overcome obstacles. As I prepare to pursue my bachelor’s degree in aviation management with flight, I am confident that my experiences with Autism have prepared me for success in this field. However, I am also aware that I face additional hurdles, such as passing the medical flight requirements, which I am currently facing. Due to my Autism diagnosis, I will need to navigate through extra testing and procedures that others do not have to do like neuro-cognitive evaluation and testing. Despite these challenges, I am committed to fighting and pushing forward in order to achieve my dream of becoming a pilot until all avenues have been exhausted. If, for any reason, I am unable to pass the medical requirements, I will still continue on with my goal of getting my bachelor’s degree in aviation management so I can still be a part of and work in the aviation profession. In conclusion, my journey with Autism has shaped me into a resilient individual who is determined to succeed and overcome obstacles. Despite the challenges I continue to face in social situations, and the additional challenges in pursuing a career as a pilot, I continue to remain confident in my ability to succeed. I am ready to embrace the next chapter of my life and pursue my bachelor’s degree in aviation management with flight and hope that you find me a qualified candidate for your scholarship to assist with meeting my future goals with getting my degree and also assisting with the rising cost of college tuition.
    Spirit of Wenatchee Aviation Scholarship
    Embarking on the journey to pursue an aviation degree at the age of 18, my passion for aviation is deeply rooted in a transformative journey, nurtured by the unwavering support of my remarkable mother. The crystallizing moment occurred when I casually expressed the desire to become a pilot, leading to a Discovery flight orchestrated by my mother—an experience that forever altered my life. Soaring through the clouds during that flight, I experienced an unparalleled sense of freedom and purpose, igniting a profound love affair with the sky. Inspired by my Great Grandpa’s legacy, a pilot for Pan Am and National, I grew up hearing stories about his love for flying. Although I never had the privilege of meeting him personally, my Great Grandma, who lived to 98, had many tales to tell. My goal over the next two months is to decide on which one of the four accepted universities to attend this Fall of 2024 as I embark on my journey to obtain a bachelor's degree in aviation. Simultaneously, I will continue flight lessons to secure my private pilot's license before starting college. Beyond personal aspirations, I aspire to inspire my generation and future ones to cultivate a passion for aviation. This includes fighting for dreams and pursuing a career that aligns with one's passions, much like the trailblazers who came before me, such as Kyle and others who dared to soar through the sky. Engaging with my community extends beyond academics; I actively participate in volunteer work through church initiatives. Serving on designated days, I contribute to community enhancement projects ranging from painting at local high schools to planting trees and shrubs, contributing to environmental betterment. I eagerly became a member of Women in Aviation International, a dynamic organization empowering women in the aviation industry. In the coming months, I am enthusiastic about volunteering at events organized by this remarkable group, aiming to contribute to the community and nurture camaraderie within the aviation sector. The organization's incredible platform facilitates the exchange of valuable knowledge among its members. Having the opportunity to connect with mentors at this early stage of my journey is both reassuring and inspiring. Looking ahead, I aspire to pay this mentorship forward and become a mentor myself, contributing to the growth and development of future aviation enthusiasts. In essence, my pursuit of an aviation degree transcends academia; it is a culmination of passion, resilience, and community engagement. Inspired by a family legacy and supported by my mother's unwavering commitment, I am poised to navigate the skies and inspire others to reach new heights.
    Kyle Rairdan Memorial Aviation Scholarship
    Embarking on the journey to pursue an aviation degree at the age of 18, my passion for aviation is deeply rooted in a transformative journey, nurtured by the unwavering support of my remarkable mother. The crystallizing moment occurred when I casually expressed the desire to become a pilot, leading to a Discovery flight orchestrated by my mother—an experience that forever altered my life. Soaring through the clouds during that flight, I experienced an unparalleled sense of freedom and purpose, igniting a profound love affair with the sky. Inspired by my Great Grandpa’s legacy, a pilot for Pan Am and National, I grew up hearing stories about his love for flying. Although I never had the privilege of meeting him personally, my Great Grandma, who lived to 98, had many tales to tell. My goal over the next two months is to decide on which one of the four accepted universities to attend this Fall of 2024 as I embark on my journey to obtain a bachelor's degree in aviation. Simultaneously, I will continue flight lessons to secure my private pilot's license before starting college. Beyond personal aspirations, I aspire to inspire my generation and future ones to cultivate a passion for aviation. This includes fighting for dreams and pursuing a career that aligns with one's passions, much like the trailblazers who came before me, such as Kyle and others who dared to soar through the sky. Engaging with my community extends beyond academics; I actively participate in volunteer work through church initiatives. Serving on designated days, I contribute to community enhancement projects ranging from painting at local high schools to planting trees and shrubs, contributing to environmental betterment. I eagerly became a member of Women in Aviation International, a dynamic organization empowering women in the aviation industry. In the coming months, I am enthusiastic about volunteering at events organized by this remarkable group, aiming to contribute to the community and nurture camaraderie within the aviation sector. The organization's incredible platform facilitates the exchange of valuable knowledge among its members. Having the opportunity to connect with mentors at this early stage of my journey is both reassuring and inspiring. Looking ahead, I aspire to pay this mentorship forward and become a mentor myself, contributing to the growth and development of future aviation enthusiasts. In essence, my pursuit of an aviation degree transcends academia; it is a culmination of passion, resilience, and community engagement. Inspired by a family legacy and supported by my mother's unwavering commitment, I am poised to navigate the skies and inspire others to reach new heights.
    @GrowingWithGabby National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
    @Carle100 National Scholarship Month Scholarship