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Javin Francis


Bold Points




I am Javin, a first-generation college student driven by a profound commitment to healthcare excellence. My personal experience and ongoing treatment with leukemia has fueled my ambition to pursue nursing and specialize in oncology, determined to alleviate the suffering of others confronting similar adversities. During my tenure in Jamaica, I balanced rigorous academics with active participation in various extracurricular pursuits, including table tennis, Key Club, environmental club, science club, journalism and debate society. Achieving recognition on the principal's honor roll underscored my dedication to academic and extracurricular excellence. Now established in the United States, my resolve and dedication to my academic pursuits have intensified but due to my illness my grades have plummeted significantly but i continue to work hard and maintain excellence. I am eager to immerse myself in the study of nursing and contribute meaningfully to the medical field. Beyond academia, I find solace and fulfillment in the realm of poetry, where I explore creative expression through the crafting of poems, skits, and narratives.I also enjoy jamming to my favorite artist Beres Hammond and traveling outside of the academic sphere.


Mainland High School

High School
2022 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Gain expertise in pediatric oncology and hematology

    • Cashier

      Family Business
      2019 – 20212 years


    Table Tennis

    2018 – 20224 years


    2018 – 20191 year


    2018 – 20224 years


    • Tennis Sportsmanship Award


    • Medicine

      COG — researcher/patient
      2022 – 2024


    • Club

      2015 – 2018

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Environmental Club — Ensuring safety of beachgoers, raising awareness about the importance of reducing waste and adapting sustainable practices
      2018 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      Key Club — Organize and Distribute products and ensuring they felt supported during this essential aspect of their life.
      2021 – 2022

    Future Interests




    Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
    The news hit me like a sledgehammer, but I was still at peace. How could this be happening to me, a young teenager with dreams and aspirations for the future? As I grappled with the reality of my diagnosis, another harsh reality soon set in – the challenge of navigating the complex and often overwhelming healthcare system in a foreign country, without the safety net of health insurance. For months, I found myself confined to a hospital bed, my days blending into a blur of medical procedures, treatments, and endless paperwork. It was a time marked by uncertainty and a sense of helplessness as I struggled to come to terms with the gravity of my situation. As a minor without legal status in the United States, I faced yet another obstacle in my path to recovery – the inability to access the necessary resources and support systems available to others. It was a reminder of the inherent challenges and inequalities faced by immigrants like my parents, my two brothers, and myself, particularly those without the proper documentation or legal status. With each passing day, I was more worried about my baby brother than myself. I couldn’t sleep for nights because I was thinking, “What if?” He is still so young, and while being strong for him, I think about the fact that cancer has no respect for persons, and if he ended up with this disease, then he would have to go through these hard days and nights. He wouldn’t be able to have access to these resources, whether medical or not. Now, because of these thoughts, I have worked harder than ever. Education has always been my main priority. I maintained excellent grades throughout each year. I volunteered at my past school in Jamaica twice, and I was a part of my High School’s 4H, debate and society, environmental, Key Club, and Science Club. After being enrolled in High School in the US, there were days where I was so sick to the point I couldn’t lift my pinky, but I remained steadfast with the mindset that education is the key to success. As I celebrated my acceptance to college as a first-generation student, the specter of financial uncertainty loomed large. Without access to financial aid or scholarships due to my legal status, the prospect of financing my education continues to be frustrating. But once again, I refused to let this hold me back. With determination and a steadfast resolve, I went on a mission to secure the resources and support necessary to pursue my dreams. My experience has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit. It has instilled within me a profound sense of empathy for others who face similar struggles and a deep-seated commitment to effecting positive change in the world. Now, my paramount goal is to become an oncologist while advocating for patients and families, especially immigrants like myself. As my mother often reminds us, "make hay while the sun shines," urging me to seize every opportunity and make the most of my time here, despite the difficulties and setbacks. I may not always be the brightest star in the sky . I may not be the most technologically savvy individual, but what I lack in accolades, I make up for in heart. My heart is my greatest asset—a vessel overflowing with love and a burning desire to make a meaningful impact in this world. I, Javin Francis, will make a difference in the pursuit of excellence.
    Hester Richardson Powell Memorial Service Scholarship
    My journey toward becoming a role model began with a heartfelt declaration from my younger brother: "Vina mi put you fi mi role model." In Jamaican Creole, these words convey his sentiment: "Vina, you were the person I wrote about for my role model." I felt immense pride that day, knowing that my closest companion had chosen me as his inspiration in his English class assignment. Growing up as a first-generation student in a family facing financial challenges, I learned the value of perseverance and sacrifice from a young age. There were days when my parents struggled to provide even the most basic necessities, such as lunch money, for my siblings and me. Despite our circumstances, I took it upon myself to ensure that my younger brother did not bear the brunt of our family's struggles. With selflessness in my heart, I saved every penny I could spare to ensure he had what he needed for school. In Jamaica, where access to resources like WiFi was limited, assisting him with his assignments posed a unique challenge. Despite the absence of technological amenities, I took it upon myself to ensure he received the support necessary to excel academically. Whether guiding him through his homework, clarifying complex concepts, or seeking out alternative methods to access educational materials offline, I remained steadfast in my commitment to his educational success. Together, we navigated the obstacles imposed by our circumstances, refusing to let the lack of technological access impede his academic progress. In my journey to support my brother, I didn't just stop at academic assistance; I made sure he was thriving in every aspect of his life. Whether it was offering a listening ear during tough times, providing emotional support, or simply being there to share in his joys and triumphs, I made it my mission to ensure his well-being was a top priority. From navigating personal challenges to celebrating his successes, I was by his side every step of the way, offering guidance, encouragement, and support. Through my actions, I aimed to empower him to face life's challenges with confidence, knowing he always had someone in his corner, no matter what. My Jamaican family now often says, “One thing Vina is going to do even if she isn't feeling well is making sure Samuel is okay and that he eat and did his school work.” My bond with my younger brother extends far beyond familial ties. From our earliest childhood adventures to the present day, he has been a constant source of support and encouragement. Together, we have navigated life's twists and turns, strengthening our bond through shared experiences and mutual respect. His belief in me has fueled my journey toward personal growth and self-discovery. As I stand on the threshold of a new chapter in my life, I am filled with gratitude for the profound impact my brother has had on shaping the person I am today. His admiration and respect serve as a reminder of the responsibility I carry—to lead by example, to inspire others, and to embody the values of compassion, integrity, and resilience that define my character. My journey has been a testament to the transformative power of resilience and the profound impact of inspiration in the face of adversity. Whether overcoming financial struggles, excelling academically, or battling cancer, I have learned that true strength lies in perseverance and belief in a brighter tomorrow. As I continue on my path, I remain committed to serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others, embodying the spirit of resilience that defines the human experience.
    Hicks Scholarship Award
    Robert Nesta Marley, a Jamaican legend, once said, "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice." For 628 days now, I've embodied those words: being strong, fierce, courageous, and, above all, hopeful. My journey began innocently enough with visits to Grandma on weekends in Jamaica. Our simple pleasures included watching Nickelodeon or the Food Network Channel, where we'd often see ads for St. Jude Children's Hospital. We’d often converse about how sorry we felt for them and how grateful we should be for the health we have been granted. Little did I know that I, too, would become one of those children. On May 13th, 2022, my world changed when excruciating pain in my right gum led to a medical emergency. Despite dental visits and antibiotics, my condition worsened, culminating in a forty-seven-day ordeal of no solid food and the inability to speak. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I found peace and resolve. On June 18th, 2022, I received the devastating news: high-risk acute myeloid leukemia with monoblastic differentiation. Admitted to the intensive care unit, my CT scan revealed extensive bilateral tonsillitis and a possible developing abscess. Despite the shock, I found a sense of peace. Throughout nine rounds of chemotherapy, cancer took its toll on me—mentally, socially, physically, academically, emotionally, and financially. Despite a relapse and a stem cell transplant, I face another round of chemotherapy and a second stem cell transplant, I've encountered unimaginable challenges. Yet, amidst the turmoil, I've discovered profound gratitude for every moment. Cancer has reshaped my aspirations, instilling a newfound sense of purpose and appreciation for life's simple pleasures. As I prepare for a second stem cell transplant in March 2024, I am determined to pursue my dreams with unwavering resolve. Despite the hardships, I find strength in vulnerability and hope in the face of adversity. As I embark on the upcoming school year, my goals are multifaceted and deeply meaningful to me. Despite facing this disease during my senior year, I managed to get accepted into College and Now I am determined to excel academically and aim to achieve a higher GPA seeing that during this time my grades had plummeted significantly. Furthermore, I recognize the importance of prioritizing my physical and mental health. I intend to adopt healthy habits and utilize campus resources to ensure my well-being remains a top priority throughout the academic year. Beyond academics and personal health, and especially after enduring forty-seven days of silence due to swollen gums from cancer symptoms, I now cherish the opportunity to use my voice as a powerful advocate for those facing similar challenges. Additionally, I am eager to begin my career and become an Oncologist. I may not always be the top of my class or the next person to create the best cancer treatment or machine in the future, I also may not be the most technologically advanced individual but what I lack in accolades, I make up for in heart.My heart is my greatest asset, a vessel overflowing with a burning desire to make a meaningful impact in this world. My goals for the upcoming school year encompass academic excellence, personal well-being, advocacy, and career exploration. With determination, resilience, and the support of this scholarship, I am confident in my ability to achieve these aspirations and make a positive impact. Cancer may have altered my path, but it has not dimmed my spirit.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    The news hit me like a sledgehammer, but I was still at peace. How could this be happening to me, a young teenager with dreams and aspirations for the future? As I grappled with the reality of my diagnosis, another harsh reality soon set in – the challenge of navigating the complex and often overwhelming healthcare system in a foreign country, without the safety net of health insurance. For months, I found myself confined to a hospital bed, my days blending into a blur of medical procedures, treatments, and endless paperwork. It was a time marked by uncertainty and a sense of helplessness as I struggled to come to terms with the gravity of my situation. As a minor without legal status in the United States, I faced yet another obstacle in my path to recovery – the inability to access the necessary resources and support systems available to others. It was a reminder of the inherent challenges and inequalities faced by immigrants like my parents, my brothers, and myself, particularly those without the proper documentation or legal status. With each passing day, I was more worried about my baby brother than myself. I couldn’t sleep for nights because I was thinking, “What if?” He is still so young, and while being strong for him, I think about the fact that cancer has no respect for persons, and if he ended up with this disease, then he would have to go through these hard days and nights. He wouldn’t be able to have access to these resources, whether medical or not, because of where he is from. Now, because of these thoughts, I have worked harder than ever. Education has always been my main priority. I maintained excellent grades throughout each year. I volunteered at my past school in Jamaica twice, and I was a part of my High School’s 4H, debate and society, environmental, Key Club, and Science Club. After being enrolled in High School in the US, there were days where I was so sick to the point I couldn’t lift my pinky, but I remained steadfast with the mindset that education is the key to success. As I celebrated my acceptance to college, the specter of financial uncertainty loomed large. Without access to financial aid or scholarships due to my legal status, the prospect of financing my education continues to be frustrating. But once again, I refused to let this hold me back. With determination and a steadfast resolve, I went on a mission to secure the resources and support necessary to pursue my dreams. My experience has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit. It has instilled within me a profound sense of empathy for others who face similar struggles and a deep-seated commitment to effecting positive change in the world. Now, my paramount goal is to become an oncologist while advocating for patients and families, especially immigrants like myself. As my mother often reminds us, "make hay while the sun shines," urging me to seize every opportunity and make the most of my time here, despite the difficulties and setbacks. I may not always be the brightest star in the sky or the next person to create the next best cancer treatment. I may not be the most technologically savvy individual, but what I lack in accolades, I make up for in heart. My heart is my greatest asset—a vessel overflowing with love and a burning desire to make a meaningful impact in this world. I, Javin Francis, will make a difference in the pursuit of excellence.
    New Beginnings Immigrant Scholarship
    As a young woman from Jamaica, my journey to the United States began innocently enough – a vacation to visit Disneyland in June 2022 turned into an unexpected and prolonged stay due to unforeseen medical circumstances. Little did I know that this detour would lead me on a path filled with challenges, resilience, and ultimately, newfound determination. On June 18th, 2022, I received the devastating news: acute myeloid leukemia with monoblastic differentiation. Admitted to the intensive care unit, my CT scan revealed extensive bilateral tonsillitis and a possible developing abscess. Despite the shock, I found a sense of peace. Throughout nine rounds of chemotherapy, cancer took its toll on me—mentally, socially, physically, academically, emotionally, and financially. Despite a relapse and a stem cell transplant, I face another round of chemo and a second stem cell transplant starting on February 12th, 2024, hoping for remission. Life as an immigrant in the United States has been anything but easy. From navigating language barriers to grappling with the complexities of paperwork and documentation, every step of the way has presented its own set of obstacles. As an undocumented immigrant, the challenges have been particularly daunting. I've often found myself burning the midnight oil, scouring the internet for resources and financial aid opportunities, determined to carve out a path for myself despite the limitations imposed by my immigration status. Being accepted into college as a first-generation student was a momentous achievement, one that I never thought possible given my immigration status. It was a validation of my resilience and determination, a testament to the unwavering belief that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. Through this journey, I've discovered a newfound sense of independence and ambition within myself. Despite the uncertainty and challenges that come with being an immigrant, I've learned to adapt, to thrive, and to embrace the opportunities that come my way. I've realized that my dreams and aspirations know no bounds, and that I am capable of achieving greatness, regardless of the obstacles in my path. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of life in the United States, I find myself yearning for the familiar comforts of home. I miss Jamaica dearly – its warm, vibrant culture, the rhythm of life, and the sense of community that permeates every corner of the island. My experiences in the US have deepened my appreciation for my roots and instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude for the lessons learned from my homeland. At the same time, my journey as an immigrant has opened my eyes to the opportunities and possibilities that abound in the United States. I've been inspired by the resilience and tenacity of immigrant communities, and I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education in unlocking doors and creating pathways to success. I am passionate about becoming an oncologist, driven by my desire to make a meaningful impact in the lives of cancer patients through treatment and research. Alongside this aspiration, I also envision myself contributing to healthcare policy development to ensure equitable access to quality care for all individuals. Additionally, I harbor an interest in medical education, aspiring to mentor and inspire future generations of healthcare professionals. In the words of Maya Angelou, "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." These words resonate deeply with me, serving as a reminder of the strength that lies within each of us.
    American Dream Scholarship
    As a young woman of Jamaican descent navigating the complexities of life in the United States, my understanding of the American Dream has evolved beyond the traditional narrative of material prosperity and individual success. To me, the American Dream embodies the ideals of inclusivity, opportunity, and social justice, transcending borders and embracing the diversity that defines our nation. Growing up in Jamaica, I was imbued with a strong sense of community and resilience, values that have shaped my perspective on what it means to pursue a better life in America. When I first set foot in the United States, it was with the hope of experiencing the opportunities and freedoms that have long been associated with the American Dream. However, my journey took an unexpected turn when I found myself facing a life-threatening illness and grappling with the challenges of being an undocumented immigrant. Despite the setbacks and obstacles I've encountered along the way, my definition of the American Dream has only grown richer and more nuanced. It is no longer just about achieving personal success, but about creating a society where everyone has the chance to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. For me, the American Dream is about breaking down barriers and leveling the playing field so that all individuals have access to quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. It's about fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity where everyone's voices are heard and valued. My journey as an immigrant and a first-generation college student has taught me the importance of resilience, determination, and empathy. It has shown me that success is not measured solely by material wealth or prestige, but by the impact we make in the lives of others and the contributions we make to our communities. As I pursue my dreams of higher education and a career in healthcare, I am committed to redefining the American Dream to be more inclusive and equitable for all. I believe that by embracing our differences and working together towards common goals, we can create a brighter and more promising future for generations to come. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'" It is this vision of equality and justice that guides my pursuit of the American Dream and inspires me to make a positive difference in the world. With determination, resilience, and a commitment to social change, I am confident that I can contribute to the realization of a more inclusive and equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential. In conclusion, my journey towards redefining the American Dream is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of collective action. By embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and working towards common goals, we can create a future where the American Dream is accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance. Together, we can build a brighter and more equitable society that reflects the true values of freedom, opportunity, and justice for all.
    Rose Ifebigh Memorial Scholarship
    As a young woman from Jamaica, my journey to the United States began innocently enough – a vacation to visit Disneyland in June 2022 turned into an unexpected and prolonged stay due to unforeseen medical circumstances. Little did I know that this detour would lead me on a path filled with challenges, resilience, and ultimately, newfound determination. On June 18th, 2022, I received the devastating news: acute myeloid leukemia with monoblastic differentiation. Admitted to the intensive care unit, my CT scan revealed extensive bilateral tonsillitis and a possible developing abscess. Despite the shock, I found a sense of peace. Throughout nine rounds of chemotherapy, cancer took its toll on me—mentally, socially, physically, academically, emotionally, and financially. Despite a relapse and a stem cell transplant, I face another round of chemo and a second stem cell transplant starting on February 12th, 2024, hoping for remission. Life as an immigrant in the United States has been anything but easy. From navigating language barriers to grappling with the complexities of paperwork and documentation, every step of the way has presented its own set of obstacles. As an undocumented immigrant, the challenges have been particularly daunting. I've often found myself burning the midnight oil, scouring the internet for resources and financial aid opportunities, determined to carve out a path for myself despite the limitations imposed by my immigration status. Being accepted into college as a first-generation student was a momentous achievement, one that I never thought possible given my immigration status. It was a validation of my resilience and determination, a testament to the unwavering belief that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. Through this journey, I've discovered a newfound sense of independence and ambition within myself. Despite the uncertainty and challenges that come with being an immigrant, I've learned to adapt, to thrive, and to embrace the opportunities that come my way. I've realized that my dreams and aspirations know no bounds, and that I am capable of achieving greatness, regardless of the obstacles in my path. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of life in the United States, I find myself yearning for the familiar comforts of home. I miss Jamaica dearly – its warm, vibrant culture, the rhythm of life, and the sense of community that permeates every corner of the island. My experiences in the US have deepened my appreciation for my roots and instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude for the lessons learned from my homeland. At the same time, my journey as an immigrant has opened my eyes to the opportunities and possibilities that abound in the United States. I've been inspired by the resilience and tenacity of immigrant communities, and I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education in unlocking doors and creating pathways to success. As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead and a renewed sense of purpose in pursuing my dreams. My experiences as an immigrant have shaped my life in profound ways, influencing my career choice of becoming an Oncologist and instilling in me a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others. In the words of Maya Angelou, "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." These words resonate deeply with me, serving as a reminder of the strength that lies within each of us, especially in the face of adversity.
    Eleven Scholarship
    The pursuit of knowledge and innovation within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has always been a driving force in my life. This scholarship not only aligns perfectly with my academic and career aspirations but also offers a beacon of hope amidst the financial hardships and personal challenges I've faced especially as an undocumented student in the US. Growing up in a low-income household as a first-generation student, financial constraints have been a constant reality. The burden of tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses often weighs heavily on my family, leaving little room for extra-curricular activities or enrichment opportunities. Despite these challenges, I remain unwavering in my commitment to pursuing a higher education and carving out a brighter future for myself. However, the journey has not been without its trials. At sixteen, I received the devastating diagnosis of high risk acute myeloid leukemia, plunging me into a world of uncertainty, fear, and countless medical appointments. The news shook me to my core, but even then I was at peace, even though it began challenging me in ways I never thought possible. Yet, even in the face of adversity, I refused to surrender to despair. Instead, I summoned every ounce of strength and resilience within me to confront the disease head-on. The road to recovery has been arduous, marked by grueling chemotherapy sessions, hospital stays, and moments of profound weakness. Despite the physical and emotional toll of treatment, I remained steadfast in my determination to persevere. My battle with cancer has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, courage, and the indomitable human spirit. One of the most significant challenges I faced during my journey was maintaining my academic pursuits while undergoing treatment. Balancing the demands of schoolwork with the rigors of chemotherapy was no easy feat, but I refused to let cancer derail my dreams. Instead, I "turned it up to 11" by doubling down on my studies, seeking out additional support, and refusing to let setbacks define me. Through sheer determination and unwavering perseverance, I not only maintained my academic standing but excelled in my coursework despite the obstacles in my path. The experience instilled in me a profound sense of resilience and tenacity, reminding me of the power of the human spirit to triumph over adversity. As a first-generation college student, I am incredibly proud of my heritage and the opportunities that lie ahead. My ambition knows no bounds, and I am determined to blaze a trail for future generations of my family. I am driven by a desire to succeed, not only for myself but also for those who have supported me along the way. As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the words of Helen Keller: "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it." These words resonate deeply with me, serving as a testament to the resilience and strength that lies within each of us. In conclusion, the Eleven Scholarship represents more than just a financial opportunity; it is a symbol of hope. My Paramount goal is to become a pediatric oncologist and to continue being that jovial young lady who radiates love, healing and light. Despite the challenges I've faced, I remain steadfast in my commitment to achieving my goals and making a positive impact in the world. I, Javin Francis, will make a difference in the pursuit of Excellence.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    I'm Javin, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my journey with you. As a high school senior on the cusp of embarking on my college education, my story is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering ambition in the face of adversity. At the tender age of sixteen, my life was irrevocably altered when I received the diagnosis of leukemia. It was a diagnosis that shook me to my core and plunged me into a whirlwind of fear, uncertainty, and countless challenges. Overnight, my world shifted from one of teenage aspirations and dreams to a daunting battle against a formidable adversary. Yet, in the midst of the darkness, I discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed. With the constant support of my loved ones and the guidance of my medical team, I embarked on a journey of treatment and recovery. It was a journey marked by countless hospital visits, grueling chemotherapy sessions, and moments of profound despair. But through it all, I refused to succumb to despair or lose sight of my dreams. Unfortunately, my battle with leukemia did not end with the completion of my initial treatment. I experienced a relapse, plunging me back into the throes of uncertainty and fear. Yet, even in the face of this setback, I refused to lose hope. Instead, I doubled down on my determination to overcome adversity and emerge stronger than ever. Navigating the financial burdens associated with cancer treatment has been one of my greatest challenges. As a member of a low-income family with my immediate family residing in Jamaica, I rely on the support of my legal guardian here in the United States. The financial strain has been significant, but it has only fueled my determination to succeed and overcome the obstacles in my path. As a first-generation college student, I am incredibly proud of my heritage and the opportunities that lie ahead. My ambition knows no bounds, and I am determined to blaze a trail for future generations of my family. I am driven by a desire to succeed, not only for myself but also for those who have supported me along the way. My ultimate goal is to become an oncologist, a dream that has been shaped and reinforced by my battle with cancer. I am passionate about providing compassionate care to individuals facing similar challenges, and I am committed to treating each and every patient with love, respect, and dignity. Cancer has taught me the importance of empathy, resilience, and the power of human connection, and it has fueled my determination to make a difference in the lives of others. There’s a song lyric from Rachel Platten that I have transformed into a motto that I deem the driving force behind my current diagnosis: "I might only have one match, but I can make a big explosion". Even though my life looked hopeless, there was still room for positivity. Saying this might sound cliche, but I'm at peace that this has happened. I didn't always want to become an oncologist, as a child I despised the sight of blood, but experiencing being in the confines of a hospital and sterile environments, my passion has been redirected . I now see my purpose. And so, as I embark on this next chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned from my journey. I carry with me the unwavering belief that each day is an opportunity to make a difference, to spread love, and to leave a lasting legacy of kindness in my wake.
    Nicholas Hamlin Tennis Memorial Scholarship
    Tennis has been more than just a sport to me; it's been a way of life. From as far back as I can remember, tennis has been intricately woven into the fabric of my family's traditions and values. In Jamaica, where I grew up, weekends were synonymous with tennis matches, and our family gatherings often revolved around the tennis court. It wasn't just about hitting a ball back and forth; it was about camaraderie, competition, and a shared love for the game that brought us closer together. For years, tennis was my refuge, my sanctuary amidst the chaos of life. It was where I felt most alive, most myself. I poured my heart and soul into every practice, every match, pushing myself to new heights and striving for excellence. But then, life threw me a curveball – a cancer diagnosis that brought my world to a screeching halt. Suddenly, the tennis court that had once been my sanctuary became a distant memory as I grappled with the harsh realities of chemotherapy, hospital visits, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. It was a dark and challenging time, marked by fear, pain, and moments of profound despair. And to make matters worse, just as I was beginning to come to terms with my diagnosis, tragedy struck again with the untimely death of my beloved coach, Desmond Brown. Losing Coach Brown was like losing a piece of myself.He had been more than just a coach; he had been a mentor, a role model, and a source of unwavering support and encouragement. His belief in my potential had fueled my passion for the sport and inspired me to push beyond my limits. In the midst of my grief and uncertainty, I made the difficult decision to put tennis on hold. It was a painful choice, but one that I knew was necessary as I focused on my health and recovery. And yet, even as I stepped away from the court, the lessons I had learned from tennis continued to resonate within me, shaping my outlook on life and guiding me through the darkest of days. Tennis taught me resilience – the ability to bounce back from adversity and find strength in the face of challenges. Just as I had faced tough opponents on the court, I approached my battle with cancer with the same determination and tenacity, refusing to let it define me or dictate my future. I learned to embrace each setback as an opportunity for growth, trusting in my inner resilience to carry me through even the toughest of times. Moreover, it is instilled in me a sense of discipline and perseverance. It taught me the value of hard work and commitment – qualities that have served me well both on and off the court. Whether it was practicing for hours on end or pushing myself to new limits in competition, I learned the importance of setting goals, staying focused, and never giving up. Now, as I stand at a crossroads in my life, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. I may have taken a detour from the tennis court, but the lessons I've learned from the sport – resilience, discipline, and the power of community – continue to guide me as I embark on the next chapter of my journey. Tennis may have shaped my past, but it is my unwavering belief that it will continue to shape my future, guiding me as I strive to make a positive impact in the world and making it a point of duty to make my coach proud.
    Etherine Tansimore Scholarship
    Maya Angelou, a woman of resilience and integrity once said “but still, like dust I rise”. I am Javin, a compassionate and resilient individual with a heart full of kindness and a strong desire to make a positive impact in the world. Despite facing personal challenges, such as battling leukemia, my spirit remains unwavering, and I am determined to spread love and support to those around me. I am empathetic, with a natural inclination to help others, and my experiences have ignited a passion for nursing and providing compassionate care to those in need. I am a dreamer who finds joy in the little things and is always eager to explore new adventures. On June 18th, 2022, I received the devastating news: acute myeloid leukemia with monoblastic differentiation. Admitted to the intensive care unit, my CT scan revealed extensive bilateral tonsillitis and a possible developing abscess. Despite the shock, I found a sense of peace. Throughout nine rounds of chemotherapy, cancer took its toll on me—mentally, socially, physically, academically, emotionally, and financially. Despite a relapse and a stem cell transplant, I face another round of chemo and a second stem cell transplant starting on February 12th, 2024, hoping for remission. At 16, I weighed only 75 pounds, inserted my own NG tube three times, and endured numerous complications and surgeries—but through it all one thing has remained constant and that is my unwavering commitment to make a difference both in my life and the life of others. Poetry has always been my refuge, my sanctuary amidst the chaos of life. With each word penned, I find solace in the power of expression—in the ability to weave tales of resilience, to share glimpses of hope, and to evoke empathy in the hearts of others.I may not always be the top of my class, I may not be the person to create the next best cancer treatment or i may not be the most technologically savvy individual, but what I lack in accolades, I make up for in heart. My heart, you see, is my greatest asset—a vessel overflowing with love, compassion, and a burning desire to make a meaningful impact in this world. Beyond academia, cancer has deepened my empathy and compassion, fueling a desire to be a beacon of strength to others. As I embark on this next chapter of my life, my goals have evolved. Prioritizing my health and well-being, pursuing fulfilling career opportunities, advocating for cancer awareness, nurturing meaningful relationships, and living a purposeful life have become my guiding principles. There’s a song lyric from Rachel Platten that I have transformed into a motto that I deem the driving force behind my current cancer diagnosis: "I might only have one match, but I can make a big explosion". Even though my life looked hopeless, there was still room for positivity. Saying this might sound cliche, but I'm at peace that this has happened. I didn't always want to become a nurse, as a child I despised the sight and smell of blood, teaching was always my passion but experiencing being in the confines of a hospital and sterile environments, my passion has changed. I now see my purpose. So as I embark on this next chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned from my journey with cancer. I carry with me the unwavering belief that each day is an opportunity to make a difference, to spread love, and to leave a lasting legacy of kindness in my wake.
    Eunice Richardson Scholarship for Girls
    Robert Nesta Marley, a Jamaican legend, once said, "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice." So that is what I have been doing for 627 days now: being strong, fierce, courageous, and, above all, hopeful. Visiting Grandma on the weekends was always something I looked forward to while residing in Jamaica. My home didn't have wifi or cable to watch new series or keep up with the next big thing, so on Friday evenings after school, my brothers and I would make our way to stay with Grams. Whenever we were watching Nickelodeon or the Food Network Channel, we’d often stumble upon the "because of St. Jude ad" for children who were ill and battling cancer, blood disorders, and life-threatening diseases. We’d often converse about how sorry we felt for them and how grateful we should be for the health we have been granted. Thing is, I would never have imagined that my 16-year-old self would ever be one of those children. My journey begins with my own battle against leukemia. Through countless hospital visits, chemotherapy sessions, and moments of uncertainty, I witnessed firsthand the immense impact that nurses have on patients' lives. Their compassion, dedication, and unwavering support inspired me in ways I cannot fully articulate. It was during those challenging moments that I realized my calling – to become a nurse and provide the same level of care and comfort to others as I had received. As I envision my future as a nurse, I am driven by a sense of purpose that transcends the boundaries of illness and adversity. I am fueled by the belief that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion. I may not always be the top of my class or the most technologically advanced student, I may not be the one to create the next big cancer treatment or the next life saving machine believe me when I say whatever I lack in accolade, I make up for in heart. My heart is my greatest asset and I continue to be a beacon of hope and strength. I understand that behind every illness is a person with hopes, dreams, and fears. By cultivating genuine connections with everyone around me, I aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment where healing can truly begin. Whether it's holding a patient's hand during a difficult procedure or listening attentively to their concerns, I strive to make a meaningful difference in their lives. Beyond the bedside, I am passionate about advocating for healthcare equity and accessibility. I believe that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right, not a privilege reserved for a select few. I am committed to using my voice and platform to advocate for policies and initiatives that address healthcare disparities and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, have access to the care they need and deserve because as an African American, I have experienced this firsthand. In conclusion, my journey towards becoming a nurse is not just about pursuing a career – it's about answering a calling and fulfilling a purpose. It's about using my experiences, my skills, and my passion to make a positive impact in the lives of others. As I embark on this transformative journey, I carry with me the lessons learned from my own battle with leukemia, the values instilled in me by compassionate caregivers, and the unwavering belief that together, we can make the world a better place for people.