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Jason Watkins


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Hello! My name is Jason Watkins and I am a hardworking student that does not allow my hearing disability to limit my educational achievements. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University, summa cum laude, and will be attending Tennessee State University for graduate school to further study speech-language pathology. In elementary school, I struggled to keep up academically due to my hearing loss. However, with help from educators, speech-language pathologists, and audiologists, I improved my listening comprehension, reading comprehension, articulation disorder and overall confidence. My previous life experiences have played a huge role in my decision to become a speech-language pathologist.


Tennessee State University

Master's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services

Middle Tennessee State University

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services
  • Minors:
    • Fine and Studio Arts

Smyrna High School

High School
2016 - 2020


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Higher Education

    • Dream career goals:

      To provide specialized services related to speech, language, cognition, and/or swallowing for children and adults.

    • Student Clinician (speech-language pathology)

      Middle Tennessee State University
      2023 – 2023
    • Cashier

      Food Truck
      2018 – 2018



    Junior Varsity
    2014 – 20173 years


    • N/A

    Track & Field

    Junior Varsity
    2014 – 20206 years


    • Ribbons


    • UTA Artist Space

      Series of paintings
      2021 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Highway 231 South Church of Christ — My role was to provide children with needed school items as well as food and drinks for families.
      2018 – Present
    • Volunteering

      MTSU Special Olympics Swim Meet — My role was to cheer on the competitors, provide the times for each swimmer, and hand their times to the scorekeepers. Afterward, I congratulated the competitors for their hard work and for receiving their awards.
      2022 – 2022

    Future Interests



    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Mental health is of paramount importance as it significantly influences my overall well-being, functionality, and quality of life. It encompasses psychological, emotional, and social factors, all of which play vital roles in shaping my behavior, thoughts, and interactions with others. Having a healthy mental state allows one to navigate life's challenges more effectively, develop and maintain positive relationships, and experience a higher level of satisfaction and contentment. Firstly, mental health profoundly impacts an individual's emotional well-being. It dictates how one copes with stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. A person with good mental health is better equipped to handle life's ups and downs, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity. According to research, poor mental health can lead to a range of emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and mood swings, which can hinder one's ability to function optimally in daily life. Due to my congenital bilateral hearing loss, I am sometimes placed in situations that negatively affect my mental wellness. For instance, when I cannot hear my conversational partner(s), my heart beats faster, and I freeze up by not responding. Through experience, I have learned to respond to conversational partners by asking them to repeat their questions or informing them that I did not hear their comments, thus positively maintaining my mental wellness. Secondly, mental health directly influences cognitive functions and decision-making skills. A well-balanced mental state enhances focus, concentration, and memory, leading to improved productivity and better performance in various tasks. For example, when I noticed my focus and concentration drifting while studying, I occasionally took breaks to exercise outdoors by running. I noticed that after exercising, my mind appeared to be more willing to study the material. I learned from my neurology professor that physical exercise has a positive influence on focus, concentration, and memory. Individuals struggling with these three factors may experience limitations in educational, professional, and personal pursuits. Furthermore, mental health greatly affects social interactions and relationships. Research has shown that good mental health fosters positive communication, empathy, and understanding, leading to more fulfilling and harmonious connections with others. When I experience stress, I can appear uninterested in the topics at hand and may not "listen" to my conversational partner. To maintain my mental wellness, I have learned to resolve any stress-related issues by telling myself that the task is not difficult, thus leading to better social interactions with others. In conclusion, I believe mental health is important because it directly influences my emotional well-being, cognitive functions and decision-making abilities, as well as positive social interactions and the development and maintenance of relationships. Thank you for your consideration,  Jason Watkins
    Will Johnson Scholarship
    Due to my congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, I have experienced several personal and educational challenges. However, my character and determination have allowed me to reflect on and improve everyday life experiences. For instance, elementary school was a challenge because of my inability to fully comprehend the academic material presented in written form and orally by the teacher. With help from educators, audiologists, and speech-language pathologists, I improved my reading comprehension, listening comprehension, as well as my articulation disorder. In contrast, my confidence in wearing my behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids was diminished in elementary school due to the curiosity of my peers. I vividly remember a student asking me loudly, "What are you wearing in your ears?" Although I was not shy, I was embarrassed by my hearing loss and did not enjoy others continuously pointing it out. In middle school, I entered the period of hiding my hearing aids or not wearing them altogether. I periodically received the following question from my peers, "Are you deaf?" By this time, I had learned to respond "no" and not become offended by this innocent question. As I reflect, I believe these individuals were honestly just curious about my physical difference. In regards to my academics, middle school was when I began to excel in my classes and consecutively remained on the honor roll. In high school, I continued to excel in my courses and began to volunteer in various clubs, such as National Beta Club, Beta Epsilon, and National Honor Society. However, an area that I believe I continued to struggle with due to my hearing loss was standardized testing (e.g., the ACT). Despite my disability, I was able to graduate within the top 10% of my graduating class. I continued my education at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology. During my time at MTSU, I was no longer embarrassed by my hearing loss. In several courses (e.g., Phonetics, Hearing & Speech Science, and Audiology), I was able to answer questions from my professors and peers about my personal experience with hearing loss. My hard work and determination allowed me to continuously earn a spot on the Dean's List. Furthermore, I graduated from MTSU, summa cum laude, and immediately enrolled in graduate school at Tennessee State University (TSU) to further my education in speech-language pathology. What do I hope to accomplish after pursuing higher education? My first goal is to represent minorities, as we make up a small percentage of individuals in speech-language pathology. I would also like to provide specialized services related to speech, language, cognition, and/or swallowing for children and adults. Lastly, I would like for my clients to realize that they can achieve whatever goals are set for them. I aim to serve as an example for children with hearing loss to know that any goal is possible and not out of reach. Thank you for your consideration, Jason Watkins
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    The dream version of my future self includes having a successful career in speech-language pathology, being financially stable, and not allowing my hearing disability to limit potential opportunities that I am presented with.
    Healing Self and Community Scholarship
    There is one unique contribution I would offer the world to make mental health care more affordable and accessible to those who need support. As we know, mental health is often a "silent killer". A person may be smiling on the outside but crying for help on the inside. It is important for us not to judge or place individuals in a category based on their mental health condition. To assist people dealing with mental health challenges, I would leverage technology and advocate for systemic changes. For example, I would develop and promote digital platforms, such as face-to-face online counseling services and mental health apps, that provide low-cost or free support to individuals. I believe these tools can positively assist people who are dealing with challenging situations that negatively impact their overall mental health. Individuals need to know that they have a safe place to go and that someone is there to help them, no matter the time of day or the extent of the situation.